Milad Native Tools Challenge

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[Music] hey guys Darren so I came across this guy on Instagram named Malad Pierre Davari I think I'm saying that right but he's a Sketchup enthusiast and he issued this challenge he wanted to challenge his followers his Sketch up using followers to try to make something in Sketchup but there was a catch he wanted to make it only using native tools so I thought this was awesome I thought was super cool I want to look at what he challenged and a couple ways that I thought about actually doing it so we're gonna hop right in right now I actually before we do that we'll link to his account down below and he should check it out and if you haven't done this yet I would recommend trying it first pause right now run over Sketchup give this a shot see if you can figure out a way to do it and then come on back and see the way that that I ended up doing it so what that will hop back in alright so this is the shape that Malad challenged us all with so you have basically had to hit a little video of a piece of paper to strip a paper and you know fold it over itself and turned its 90 degrees so this is one surface that swoops up and comes over here my initial idea when I view this would be something like fredo scale and do some bending and turning and that kind of thing and I don't think would be too terribly difficult to do with that but again the challenge here is to do this with native tools so I actually came up with two different ways I ended up doing it the first one was not very much fun it was basically these two shapes basically like a chopped off rectangle this angle cut two of them and then I ended up making a couple occurs and hand-stitching the whole thing together it I'm not going to show you that method because it worked but it was a whole lot of just drawing lines back and forth to close up the curves instead what I want to show you was a different method of doing that actually touches on a solid half dozen skills that you should really have in your in your skill box I don't know wherever you keep your skills you should have these there so here's the way this works to start off with we're just going to start making a long rectangle I'm not gonna do exact dimensions around like that but we're gonna get the same shape so I draw a long rectangle this is our strip now first thing I need to do is I need to take this rectangle I need to break it with a 45 degree line the quickest and easiest way for me to do this this is what I end up doing is drawing a line off to the side selecting it rotating clicking right here and then just swing it around - in this case it'll be 135 degrees that's going to be 90 degrees - straight up plus another 45 is going to put me right at 135 all right look at this a little extra line there I'm going to take that now and I'm going to copy it straight up alright so there you go put that put that about in the middle that's we got we got the break this is what we want so far now I have to take this and I have to rotate it so this piece will end up going vertical this piece will be the one laying at 90 degrees horizontal to this first piece to do this we're going to use the rotate command and I don't want to rotate along any of the standard axes here I don't want to look rotate along red green or blue on rotate along this line right here some news I'm going to click on the end and hold down and drag my mouse over here that sets this as the center so I want to do is I'm a select these two faces I'm going to rotate click drag and I'm going to click anywhere on this first surface I'm gonna click on this line right here and just rotate that to 90 degrees that gives me that you can see one of the things that we're definitely touching on here is how to use tools off axes because nothing is going to end up on axis once we're done when I grab this piece right here same thing rotate click I'm going to click on this point and bring it down 90 degrees also so at that point you can see what we've got you've got kind of like the the low poly version of this folded over piece of paper that's good what we need to do now is calculate or figure out where that curves going to go I ended up doing this I grabbed all of this and made it a group to isolate this geometry because as I work on this curve I don't want anything to join together with this geometry so I'm gonna do that first make it a group and now what I want is basically I want to start with looking at directly from the side like this on a half-circle curve right here it's a perfect half circle now that gets to be tricky because if I click on circle I could again align to one of these surfaces or align to this face but I don't have a surface that is perpendicular to this line so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use my inferencing engine to create a plane that ever uses reference I'm gonna find the midpoint of this line I'm gonna hover over this line right here and then drop down this way until I get that if I saw I saw it flickered it was there that pink line there we go that's line I'm looking for perpendicular to that face then I'm gonna drop a line down vertical I'm gonna come back over on that same pink line and close it up so what I've created there is basically just a little tiny square directly perpendicular to this surface right here now I'll grab my circle I'm going to use that same I'm going to inference this surface but use that same midpoint I'm gonna pull a circle straight up to this point right here all right that's what I want I don't need that reference plane anymore in fact I don't need half this circle I only need the outside half so I'm just gonna draw a line like this to bisect the circle and delete that piece all right we're getting there now to make this work to figure out that the most complex part of this is really going to be this curve coming up the way that this angle this is not a simple curve this is actually curves one way than the other it's a compound curve again using extensions we could think about using Bezier curves for that but no extensions that's the rules so what I have to do is take this half circle and I'll have to move it over because I'll want the outside of this circle this point right here right on the inside so I'm just going to go ahead and select it I'm gonna hit move come grab this point and it's gonna slide over I have to really worry about inferencing effects I can just go right I know that I'm going to go right to the middle point of that line so I do is just come over here and find got so weird inferencing efening right now I want to put that right at the middle point of line I'm not sure why it's over there I'm not sure what you're doing alright so with that now I can take this and push-pull it both directions that's I want I don't need these lines here now this is the trickiest part what I want to do is I want to curve that comes from here to where it touches here and then a second curve from there down to here so I'm gonna do is I'm going to create a plane that intersects this half circle and that will create that curve for me so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to click right here is the intersection of the half circle hits our art plane in the group and now I want to come to where hits in the middle I'm going to turn my hidden geometry on so you can see it's that's this point right here I'm gonna draw another line up to here and then over to here that's give me a triangle that's going to show me that curve I'll do the same thing I'm gonna start down here at the bottom click here click here click to that midpoint and then back to here now I'm going to turn in geometry off I'm gonna select three planes this plane this plane and this plane they kind of look like they're the same plane right now if I temporary delete this you can see they actually go to different directions so I want to select the curve the lower plane and the top plane all three of them then right click and intersect faces with selection that's going to give me those two curves I can I just come over here and to leave this geometry and this geometry and see what that gave me that's the same curve we have right here and get rid of this surface and this surface at this point this is this is a great shape because I end up having to practice things so let's do it one more time I'm gonna click right up here at this intersection come over here and I'll need to come down the midpoints again I'm going to turn my hidden geometry on click to here and back up to here on the bottom same thing click here to intersection point the bottom remember this geometry is not closing automatically because this is all grouped in geometry off select shift select select right-click intersect face with selection there's my curve I can get rid of all this geometry I can erase these two lines insides of my triangles by triangle faces and I'm almost there last thing to do is select my grouped geometry right click and explode it and I can delete these corners off knock those off there don't need them and the very last thing is going to be to modify our key option on Mac I believe it's alt on Windows to get rid of those two lines and there we go I think Malad posted one or two videos showing different ways to do it there's a couple different ways to do it like I said I definitiely did it with a couple of curves and some hand stitching which was all native tools but this was pretty cool because there's a lot of good inferencing and just great skills to be learned there so hopefully you like that if there is other challenges like that you guys see out there Instagram Facebook YouTube let me know about it because I love not only working through with my process showing you guys a couple skills on the way how to do it but I also love calling attention to people out there who are doing something like that with Sketchup it's good to give them recognition so this one's forward a lot thank you very much thanks for showing it to us and thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed that go ahead and hit like down below and if you want to see more videos like this when they come out we release one or two videos a week go ahead and hit the subscribe button that will be notified next time a skill builder comes out most importantly though as always leave us a comment let me know if you've seen other challenges like this that we could spotlight or if you have your own ideas for a skill builder let me know like making these videos but we like them a lot more when they're showing something you want to see thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 34,273
Rating: 4.9728999 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Native, Rectangle, Circle, Intersect, Group
Id: Imbzu-3ifw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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