Modeling a Cadillac Bicycle Live in SketchUp

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Hey how's everybody doing welcome back we're getting up getting running give you everybody just a couple more minutes and we will get started hope everybody had a great holiday and a happy new year Mario's wants to know if we can make baby Yoda they'll put that on the list hey alejandro where's everybody from Rome Christchurch we're playing a part of Saturday morning cartoons for me too in Christchurch New Zealand damn Borg Titus Titus wants more volume oh let me I can give you a little all right that's about that's about where I can get to right now hey Dave Dennis and Milan Alison Poland Mario and Cyprus Quebec Nigeria always fun that's it's pretty cool to see where everybody comes from it's pretty that's pretty awesome Quebec or I believe as it's pronounced the proper pronunciation is more long lines of Quebec I think awesome oh yeah I I saw the update on our forum of the Porsche build I like the Christmas paint job we got that was that was pretty sweet looked pretty cool Texas the country the country of Texas and Germany awesome well welcome back guys we are back here Friday afternoons getting ready to do some sketch upping you can verb that that is it that is verbal as is the word verb apparently so I'm here with Casey Casey on the air so that monitor hello nice to be back so yeah we're gonna hop right back into it I don't know how everybody's break went I call the break we take a break we don't don't come in for a little while and I gotta say that it was very relaxing for me I got a lot a lot of downtime that was kind of nice Casey you have are you are you refreshed and relaxed not your back oh very much it was fantastic to have some time off it's just really nice it is good it's good it's good to be back here though this is I missed this my Fridays were all boring it like sitting around and not talking to people through a camera was weird I did I just had to throw this out because I was just talking to Casey about this and I just got to mention it I guess I started watching the TV show the expanse I'm a few guys I've ever seen it before it's pretty cool it's it's a fun sci-fi TV show if you're in that sort of thing it's it's worth checking out Casey I have both agreed we liked it there's a lot of good things about but the thing that I had to mention because it may as well as things that I was watching a show and I stopped and rewound and pause and went frame by frame because I caught this in this seats they sit in in spaceships like where they drive their spaceships from the left hand sits over what and I verify because I paused it is a 3d mouse so there's actually it's not this one it's not the enterprise but I believe it's a 3d connection space mouse whatever the one that it's it's it's big like this but it only has one set of buttons they have little symbols over the buttons but I'm I'm 90% sure it's a 3d connection Mouse pretty cool and in case you pointed out what did you say about having a 3d mouth on spaceship well it makes perfect sense space is a very big 3d environment so having the way to control that many axes of your spaceship would make perfect sense yeah transferring the real world now of three navigating and fake space to navigating in real space so that's what we have to look forward to you guys keep an eye out because it's only a matter of time but you get good with the 3d mouse now because it'll be a seamless transition into driving spaceships in a few years alright so sorry had to I just had I don't know why I had to come in on it but I did so we're gonna hop in today we are I don't have anything else to show I think getting a chance to really spend any time with the tablet the helmet is still in the midst of a sanding fury so nothing fun there nothing to bring in 2020 we're just starting fresh right now this is it new new everything so with that let's want to look at some stuff alright first thing I'm gonna do oh alright so I got to point this out because this is pretty cool this is not mine at all but right about the time I finished the model and posted it somebody who I follow on Instagram got the enormous box of the Lego Millennium Falcon and started building it so I've been living vicariously through his Instagram and watching him build and it's pretty cool cuz I'm like ooh I remember that piece going together I remember those but yeah unfortunately that's still not my house so got you for a second or didn't I alright alright let's hop in so we are I did start a forum post of course so if you want to send any information models pictures whatever I'll have this up so I can grab those files you can just post them here we are going to be looking at the Cadillac bicycle this was in case you are not aware this was a file that Dave Richards who I saw him here he's here it's all Dave's fault this was a picture that Dave posted on Facebook and called out as being our next live model there's a couple as a few weeks ago maybe a month or so ago everybody kind of went hahaha and then walked away from it but now we're back and no one's laughing now so I thought this would be kind it is it is it's cool I mean the side the side what we will do to get this geometry is really not that far for what you do to make an actual car it'll be smaller of course thinner so I did get I don't have amazing amazing set of pictures I was able to find a total of three pictures but they were a good picture so this this is the front end and the front half the back half you can see real clearly but this is another view of the front there you can see the console and steering wheel and then I got this one which is a shot which is what's missing from this big picture is a shot of the front so you can actually see there that the bumper of the grille the headlights it's so it's so weird it's just such a weird thing it's cool it's cool though so yeah so let's I'm gonna hop in and we're just gonna start modeling this I don't so I did I did slip and accidentally think about how I would model this you know I try to do try to launch into it fresh every time we start modeling so I did think about a little bit there's a couple ways we could go on this so I wanted to throw this out to you guys and see if anybody had any strong opinions or any opinions at all so one thing is there is no real clean the side view so I think what'll end up happening is a lot of this will get just kind of will sculpt it by hand and just verify the proportions are okay I don't really have a picture where I can really match I could try to mess with lining up a photo match but it'd be a whole lot of work and I don't know I get much benefit from it so I'm just gonna kind of sculpt with this as an inspirational picture and just work from there the real question I wanted to ask you guys was how do we want to go do we want to stick to like native tools and just try to draw this with with normal curves or should the body be done by modeling for subdivision so I want to throw that out to you guys let me know right now what you think would be best because I could see ways to do either one this could be totally doable with native tools and just some some rounding I mean it'd be a little bit of work but if this is also a good candidate for some light subdivision so tell me what you think but wrote or vote we don't have a voting mechanism so vote by writing native or sub D so go for it and I'll just sit here and wait for you to vote no I'm tired of always waiting okay we got so far we got one sub D Dave richard says he wants the subdivide and Dave gets two votes since it's his idea so I I know it's not I don't make the rules I just that's how it works oh we got two natives and then we got to either got another sub D oh we got several sub jeez it is you know it's funny somebody it's called people comment that while votes are coming in somebody did say it's a weird-looking bike and I wonder how rides and I can't emit I mean I know there's room for the bite for the front wheel to turn in here but I'm just looking at it going man I can't like it's got to be a cruiser or you mostly go and take big what like a Cadillac right you take nice big wide slow arcing curves whoo man oh you know I thought subdue you is gonna have it locked down but looks like we're gonna be going with Nick native that's okay because if we come back and do baby Yoda in a couple weeks he'll be sub D for sure because he's so smooth all right in case he has to watch man Lauren before that happened so oh yeah it's actually on my next thing to watch words are difficult right now it's my first week back where's at speaking of things that are difficult I got a stand up a little bit I had to show this this shirt I got for Christmas five out of four people struggle with math I was given this by my amazing wife after the last stream somebody commented on how math was my nemesis which is true not real good at spelling either though so and you know technology's just making it worse for me because autocorrect takes care of everything so I don't even hardly try anymore all right so I'm gonna come in here and I'm going to import one of those images on my desktop I'm gonna bring in the the original image actually I'm not gonna import it I'm going to go to styles and make a watermark so I'm go to styles hit edit and I'll click on this last button the second flash button and I'm gonna say add from the desktop my bike JPEG and I'll make watermark one that's fine I'm put in the background I'm going to I'm gonna leave it full that's fine and I'm gonna position it in the upper left corner and make a little bit smaller try get so you guys can mostly see it too so if I just stick you late too much and I cover not much more in the wheel all right that's we're gonna go with right now actually I wonder if we could do this I'm not going to have a whole lot let's I want to put it up here no I'm not hold on while we discussed this now I'm gonna leave you here and yeah we'll just put right there finish alright so we're gonna try to do this with native tools so I'm going to start by drawing a rectangle and I'm going to draw in just some initial lines just to kind of maybe kind of get the shape of this thing and the idea here really is just to give me something to start from I'm gonna put the fin on afterwards so I'm actually just going to make this sans fin something like that and it looks like that comes along and then looks like we have this isn't quite long enough drag this out it's actually looking like a kind of a cool shape all its own right now so something good is going to come out of this I don't know what exactly but I'm gonna go over here imma make a circle all right so this is a shape that I can at least start with and I'm going to accept up front that probably all of this geometry will be moving at some point all right so there is actually looks like there's a step maybe right about where the seat is for the back back tire sticks out there and I'm just going to go ahead I'll keep them as separate faces but I'm gonna add these this geometry on here because having a hard time visualizing what's supposed to happen without it I do like drawing onto surfaces wherever I can rather than trying to draw in empty space so that's why I'm drawing this big oversized piece I can come back in and all right so something like that I still I think I got to go even even more what I need here I need I need to have these pictures open so I can check them out at any time there's a couple ways to go I'm like I said I do you guys have seen before I am a fan of bringing those images in as watermarks this is really where multiple monitors shine makes it a lot easier to just have build turn yourself and look at those this does man this is just I have to accept it it's like awkwardly long so I'm gonna come down like this and then I'm going to come out almost straight yeah and you guys can pretty much see where to go from there so we're too hard on them first day back alright something I keep poking around a little bit yeah somebody commented that it does look a little bit like a recumbent bike it does kind of where that says but it's that seats up high you're not really dropping down and pedaling I'm guessing that this is not something that was put into mass production probably why I can only find three pictures of it and I'm guessing there's a reason for that all right so what so what I have here by the way is just I'm just going for the body here this console will actually sit inside here the seats gonna sit up on top of this yeah so it looks like up towards the top here about is where that grille comes along that looks like kind of the grille space that's this thing right here and then this kind of has three pieces where it comes out goes back and then drop straight down so I'm gonna do I'm just gonna get those three levels horizontally something like that something like that and then it does look like that cuts back so I'll get that in there - ouch - take this point and bring it out a little bit and then I'll grab that point pull it back actually think yeah it's okay I think when you're doing fold these two back there we go we just got a comment suggesting we saver model you know it's kind of funny because yes short answer you are right when I was alt-tab and I went to window and I went to open it I was about to comment on the fact that it said untitled which means it's never a good sign that's all right let's save this thing and I'm gonna call it the Caddy bike all right so there that's that's kind of so here's my thought I only want to model half of this because both sides are going to be the same same as if you go to bottle a car it's not really worth doing the profiles the outside edge of the car twice do it once you can either split a car right down the middle and just model the whole thing one half or what you do is just cut like from the where the flat of the hood and the windshield stops and model from there out separate does have to be a clean line either you could cut geometry you could be this thing it does you can actually see right here has looks like it has a seam pretty much going the whole way through so I'm just gonna model the whole thing in half and then let me get a component and copy it to the other side so as I look at it right here what I really want to do to get this thing as far along before I go into 3d is to to maximize the number of 2d details I can put in here so this is going to mean stuff like this is a straight line I want to put an arc on that same thing here this legs a little bit of an arc up kind of rounds off comes down that actually looks pretty straight but this has an arc here so I'm gonna do all that arc work in and soften edges as much as possible in the 2d profile that's going to make us sort of when I go into 3d I can just pull it out and then the only thing I have to worry about softening then is like this right here so I'm going to put round that corner either with an extension or by doing a push pull something like that so I'm gonna start into that I think this piece right here I'll model is separate because it looks like it's an extra piece on there same thing here this will be separate so basically what I want to start by is everything that's teal in this picture so I'll start there all right so I'm going to come in just with a standard arc go from here to here and just put just a touch just like that and actually that makes it look like maybe this should go down a teeny bit same thing here arc from here to here and this it's very shallow you can see it's not it's not like a big but it does have a little bit of an arc there on these pieces right here this is actually I'm pretty happy with this profile I might pull this point up ever so slightly the only thing I'm going to do right here is soften these corners so this corner right here this corner right here they're not they don't look like they have they're not sharp like that so I'm just going to grab an arc at tangent there we go so just enough to smooth that arc out not not a lot him a safe because I can't all right all right so up here what I actually think I think I wanna do something more like this and maybe my other pictures will show this better nope I'm kind of wondering this almost looks like it comes back in like that or I forget I got to forget I gotta do the weatherman thing because I'm backwards on there I gotta almost come like this with that curve so maybe I will do something let's start by throwing a curve across here no I'm not all right so I'll go from here to here input [Music] it's a good thing nobody here has one of these and can go verify anything because I pretty much do whatever I want it would be too easy if we could just go out that's right I don't know for sure it's hard to tell because of the orientation but it looks like it's got a little bit of a tilt here it doesn't look like it's straight up and down which makes sense so I'm gonna bring that forward just a little bit let's see right here it actually looks like this is one big Kurt where I put these two brakes it looks like that's actually one big curve so I'm gonna grab both of them actually this is not this is not a straight forward curve so I'm gonna go to bed curves and click here and here this top one will pull off it's like a little lower like that this one comes out a little more like that I think that'll work all right so if you ever get in this situation it didn't close things curves we'll do this sometimes where they get kind of weird what I generally try to do now is I'm gonna go box out the geometry that the curve is in then I can get rid of this and I want to do is worry about closing this face right here rather than deleting the whole surface a lot of times we get rid of a big complex surface it can get harder to close because it's big and complex so anytime you can simplify your own life by making that small it's going to be a good idea all right so now this looks like it kind of curves the other direction so you comes this way and comes back around like that friend you just a standard arc there and pick up so we've got a question in chat all right why don't we use a perspective photo match to a little more precise so yeah actually that was where I wanted to I wanted to come in and use photo match so with photo match what you need is some absolute parallel lines so I need two lines going one direction and ninety degrees of that I need two lines going the other direction and I have to have those in the photo that's what's saying I could probably fake it because I could say here's a line here and then maybe I could use this line right here and then coming this way I could use this line and then I don't know what else I'd use maybe back here but they're not they're not very well spread apart so the ideal image for a photo match is like a building looking at the corner or a room looking into a corner where I have those lines that go towards vanishing points anything where I have perfectly parallel lines is not going to give me a vanishing point so it's not gonna give me perspective in the model so I was thinking about messing with in trying it but I just don't see good enough geometry here to make that work I don't know I could try it but hey you know what we got like three hours here and I'm almost done so maybe we'll come back to it I just I'm worried that for one thing I don't know how much stuff has actually parallel on here so I could get horizontal here horizontal here this way on this one guess I'm saying that this is parallel of this well and the other thing is is the only thing that I'm going to get out of that is my initial roughed in lines I'm not going to be able to trace the curve so I'll come back to it I won't I won't blow that off I promise yeah we'll get there Casey will hold me accountable he'll make me come back and do it most definitely I'm curious to see how that would turn out yeah unless we run out of time no I'm just kidding I'm not scared all right so that's gonna come in give me a curve there comes down to the hood and then it actually cuts back in to where the grille in the headlight are so I'm gonna do that like cut in here cut out here create an arc we've got another question is this the free or the pro version and this is the pro version you can tell because we use extensions from time to time which are a pro only feature got it in one that's right they have nothing to add well I suppose you could use the 2017 version of make which also supports extensions but at that point you're using a sub piece of software that's several years old so you're bound to run into some complications getting it to run on a modern operating system so there's technically a way to do extensions but it's not exactly supported these days all right so I'm just doing a little more sculpting here just kind of working my way around here like so I'm not trying to worry too much about details so much as just this is kind of the equivalent of a massing model in architecture where I'd go through and just start putting pieces on there I know I suppose gonna do this separate but I'm gonna again just in the interest of massing this out I'm gonna come in here and say here's where the metal part of my taillights pop out and then I will go parallel to this piece run that long down here so I would go like that like that and I'm just I'm just using that that inferencing line the end of the arc is all I'm using to run that line long so that's gonna look something like that stability really depends on what drivers you're using an operating system that you're using if you're using an older version of an operating system then 2017 probably is a little bit more stable for that particular OS and driver configuration but if you're using something that didn't exist at the time when 2017 came out then you're gonna run into some problems so it really depends on what version you need as to what is gonna give you the most stability and there are some extensions that only work with certain versions you are correct but it really depends on what extensions you need there are some times where you won't need all your extensions to finish a model and if you're on a certain os's then it's gonna really depend on what you need am I making sense I don't feel like I'm making sense yeah it's all relative right it depends there is no flat answer to that all right so I'm gonna mock just real quick I'm gonna mock both where this console is steering column and the seat it looks like this is is the same vertically horizontally so I put one part of it I'm gonna copy that I'm gonna make that a group I'm going to use scale to scale to negative one because I'm still not very good at using flip along I'm gonna put it right here this is why I made a groups because I didn't want this geometry to merge because I can just drop it right on top and say bring this line down to this line and then I can explode that thank you read these lines yeah yeah that's getting there all right so then right over here got something where I come across like this and then actually let me I actually had this is a fairly good picture of this console so it does come off it kind of a curve here pretty much dies right back all the way back into the the curve of the body looks like there so it actually doesn't have a point there but I'm gonna come right here and pull this back like that and I'm going to draw a couple curves from here something like that I don't see what happens veggie juice with the arc tool doesn't quite look right it looks like it's I'm gonna have to use a Bezier to get probably both these so when I go in to create a compound curve like this a curve that goes one way and then goes back the other way what I generally try to do is set a point where I want that transition so looking at this it looks like I got kind of a it's arc a little bit and then it kind of goes sharp and then almost flattens out so I'm thinking that that's gonna be something like it's gonna come up about this far it's gonna curve over and come across so I'm gonna put a line right there just to give me that point I don't know if other people do this it might be able to snap into place but I'm just using that as a point of reference once I have that and I'll go grab Bezier curves point one click point two right here like I said is going to go parallel to this line right here so I'm bring up like that my next one's going to go almost parallel to horizontal it gives me that first curve then I can take this point in this point again grab my first one and have it come across here that consoles kind of flat and then I have my next line actually have that die up into there so let's see how that looks still doesn't look perfect looks too big looks like this curve actually kind of dropped down actually it's not that far off I don't think this is where I gotta say I love 3d software and I'm not obviously I got a I got a fondness for Sketchup but it is so nice to be able to visualize things like this in actual 3d space rather than trying to draw this in 2d sections or just get really imaginative maybe something more like that I don't know alright I'm ok with that for now let that sit I think what is going on is I think I have this is too steep a curve I'm kind of actually thinking that this whole thing needs to go back like this it's just such a long Hawk word shape man this is all right so with that there now I can come back this way continue that line this way all right I think that's a little closer to what I want yeah that looks a little better that's so weird all right I do the same thing real quick just make this a group I'm gonna flip it along I want to say green so close yeah I can only be so close on a 50-50 so many times though all right there we go grab the wrong part good bring this line down parallel this line it slowed it all all right all right that looks better yeah that seat looked a little too steep as well so and then from there we'll have I'll put the seat on there and build stuff in the console but profile wise I think this is a bulk of what I need bike can go Dexter is asking about this piece right here this is we do we do a call out to these every hour on the half hour this is the 3d connections space Mouse Enterprise it is a tool that hooks up to Sketchup via extension and allows me to move in 3d space just by moving this little puck in the middle not a requirement by any means to run Sketchup most people run Sketchup without it I just find it's nice because presentational when I show this to you it's much easier to see this nice smooth moves like this then is to deal with my scrolling in and out and doing this kind of jumpy animation which is fine I find out that it's it's fine if you're doing it yourself but if other people are watching just just a little bit easier on the eyes to go through and have have these pieces go with that alright I think what I'm gonna do now I think I'm gonna make a whole bunch of components because I think I'm gonna take each of these faces and make them into a component some call it the body I'm gonna call this an upper fin call this the lower fin and actually I'm starting to think that maybe what this land of being is a combination of both native modeling and sub D because I there's a couple things in here that I think of a couple ways to do it it might be fun to do a little subdivision and I will call this the I don't know what this thing is called I'm just call this the the tail pretty sure that's what it is make this component make it a seat so what all I'm doing with each of these is I'm double clicking on the surface when you double-click the surface it grabs the surface and all the edges that create that surface face I'm sorry I use the term surface a lot but I've been told it reminded that is a face making the lines of one of these pieces into a part of the group actually recreates those lines on the existing face so I don't have to worry about like stranding geometry and then make this a component console make this one headlight I call this the grill and then these three pieces I will group together and call them the bumper all right there we go so that is a bunch of pieces so the first thing I'm going to do because I don't know if you guys ever do this but I do this all the time where I'll get into making some geometry and wish I had my original jumped I started with so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to use move with the option command the modify command to make a copy and just slide it over here to sit I may never go back to it I'll probably forget it's even there but since its components you might want to explode it - that is a good point code Casey just saved me save the entire point of what I was showing by reminding that it is a component so as soon as I start modeling it's just gonna happen so I'm gonna come over here right click on these and I'm going to make them unique so that made each of these if we look at one of these I grab this one right here this is currently a body this one right here is body hashtag one so all of these are going to be hashtag one or number one but I can always come back to these later on if I need them alright so having said that now I do whatever I want with this so I'm gonna grab this piece right here and again remembering I'm only coming out half way so where this line is right now this is the center of the bike so I'm gonna pull this out I'm use push/pull to just grab this whole surface and I'll pull it out this far so if I look at what's I mean what's a what's a kid's bike tire width two inches three inches two inches I'm gonna pull it out like I'm gonna pull this out two inches well I'm not to scale so I'm gonna pull it out this far this is gonna be one of the things that because I'm not to scale I could actually probably get a kid's bike tire in there and work the scale from that maybe that's what I should have done I'm gonna grab all this triple-click and smooth those edges out all right so that's the first piece I'm not gonna worry about pulling out any of these other pieces yet because I want to spend time just on the body first and then let these other pieces merge in with that all right so let's talk about rounding these pieces off I really created some challenges for myself here so some of these pieces aren't going around we're not going to round out much this piece in this piece are pretty much close to square the wheel well I won't worry about rounding out this piece right here here here I won't but this I'm gonna have a nice long rounded spot right here so I'm gonna start with that one what I want to do is I want to actually create so here's here's my impulse this is what I would think to do initially is to do something like this oops I exited my group would be to do something like this maybe from the middle there give me magenta and now grab this whole line let's say before I do do this grab that and I say follow me and click what's going on - I've hidden oops I had inline there I don't know why all right so I'm gonna grab to this whole path right here and say follow me with this and look what's gonna happen so a lot of it looks okay but there's definitely some weird things namely both ends so right here I got some weird geometry hanging off in a reverse face and I'd have to do some cleanup here up here whoops that arc didn't go far enough it didn't cut through into this piece up here so all of this is fixable it really wouldn't be painful to go back and fix that but a little teeny bit of extra work right now is going to make it so that is so much easier so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab this surface I just made and I'm going to copy it straight down just right down the blue axes and I'm gonna draw a line from here straight down to there and get rid of that arc off of there so I created this I'm basically putting extension on the arc a vertical line extension that's going to start my Jump Street here and then run up into that same thing up here I'm going to grab this last line so I click right here and just continue along the magenta until it's well beyond the edge of the geometry then when I go to select my path I just want to make sure I select not just these three pieces that make up the body but also my extended geometry before and after and actually after having done that and looking at this I think I want to make one more change before I do that I'm gonna grab this piece right here hit scale and make it not quite symmetrical it does look like it kind of swoops down a little bit more it's not a perfect curve so I'm gonna do that also and now I'll grab one two three four and five and now if I hit follow me when I do that I do have extra geometry I know this stuff shoots out past but this is much easier to clean up than what I had going on before so with this I can just come in here do a sweep select like this right click intersect face with selection and then I could just grab this delete it off grab this tool eat it off and I'm I'm done so just do that on both ends it has both ends that's the word I was looking for the issue there is that I mean just so you know the issue is that I'm starting non perpendicular with the follow me the follow me starts at a totally flat face then it's it eliminates the need to do this quick easy we have a question from someone on twitch asking if there's way to get objects in Sketchup to export onto a single texture sheet that sounds a lot like what they're talking about texture unwrapping is that what you mean that does that I would guess that that is they're talking about some UV stuff and yeah that's what I figured there are a couple extensions that you can use to start doing it that I know of but yeah they say they're talking about unwrapping you do need to start using the other programs at some point to get it all onto a single sheet and that's not exactly the best answer or that I would like to give because I don't know enough about it to give a informed answer I've only just started looking into that sort of thing but it is the rightest answer though it is to my knowledge the most correct answer I can give yes yes Sketchup doesn't actually get into you V's at all but there are a handful sketch UV wrapper there's a couple that's one so it's out there it's just not native functionality yeah wrapper has some really good integration with substance painter and substance designer if you've ever looked into those hope that answers your question yeah that's all I got sorry all right I'm gonna do the same thing here because I don't have a surface that's parallel to start from I'm gonna make one just come in here and draw a quick rectangle that I can put my arc on try to see how far I want to where I want to put this arc exactly oops took my eyes off the pride off the screen for sitting there I'm gonna go like this I'm gonna I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do the same thing I did before because I'm gonna take that and I could have one of things I could have done I could have grabbed that Ark on the front I could have saved it but I didn't that's that's that whole story I didn't do that all right so now the same thing as before then grab oops I drew it all Oh control you've ever done this before it's my first time doing ever training instruction I left context I left my components are drawing out in nothing if you ever do that just select what you drew cut it not copy but cut go back in context into the group and then edit paste in place and now it's in the exact same XYZ coordinates it's in the same location but it's in context so I can come in here and now oh no my line broke I've got to fix that too the patience to be selecting all that line there we go select all of it and weld that all right so I'm having some issues with my 3d mouse it's getting funky is I because of this extra geometry back here so I'm gonna grab all this geometry I'm gonna put it on a safety layer it's there for my own safety well was I saying about spelling earlier oh man all right turn it off there we go so now there we go now I have good ER and control all right I'm gonna take this one same thing X come in here and I actually have that as a shortcut key on my mouse so I can paste in place shows to go how often I have that problem all right so I'm gonna grab all these lines same thing you did before follow me there that goes post real quick and chat link to the rapper website about a minute ago go for UV mapping and then we have a question from christopher ryan asking what weld are you using I believe I am using weld from smothered that's a good one most mustard extensions are pretty good just in general I think I mentioned before but it was a long time between when I first heard mustard and I understood the joke that's I can work all right this is I was trying to pre clean this but I'm gonna have to have to go for it grab all this intersect face the selection it's gonna give me my seam and now I just have to go in here weed out this ugliness oops so what I do now is get rid of the surfaces without accidentally getting the lines that cause the brakes in the in the geometry sometimes I'll do this with hidden geometry turned on that way can actually see where the brakes are but I think most of this is going to be simple enough that I don't have to go in and do that and now what the point where I might have to go do that oh there we go there's the surface I'm looking for is that white on white was making it hard for hard to see so I deleted too much here what's going on here oh that break right there why are we just using rounded corner I that was absolutely what my plan was I want to see how much I could do without it that's why how'd that plan work out for you Dietzen we're getting there something is happening no if we call this a win or what but all right yeah I'm gonna agree with chat that there is no shortage of complex geometry in this one oh man I don't even know what happened here oh yeah I do so way those two arcs met it got it got funky I'm like I spend too much time cleaning this up you guys want to uh sit and watch me erase geometry I just got to really address this right here so if you get to this point this is this is reality if you're going in stitching stuff up and you get to a point where you have something that won't close this is when you want to turn on hidden geometry and here's the thing that's going to happen a lot this right here geometry is all coming in to a point it's ugly it doesn't need to be so this is where it would be totally possible to be very easy to come in and start making a big crazy mess of stitching pieces together but when this happens right here you have this corner here's what I like to what I'm gonna say is the best thing to do I'm gonna go in here and get rid of not all of it actually want to keep some point I want to keep this point get rid of all that little mess there and then I'm gonna go in and just basically run everything back I didn't get it it seemed close it's just off playing too so it's pulling my mouse so from there I'm just gonna come in and redraw that corner I was it's a very good technique yeah eventually I've spent too much time trying to stitch together garbage when I realized off I just redrawn that problem is you don't always know when it's worth redrawing versus you know jumping in and actually making the commitment like that all right that looks better so I'm just gonna select all that Reiss often that we've got he says since we're going to be done pretty quickly I just want to say I admire your faith in us right there all right I'll show I'll show everybody in case you're not already on our forum stream you're not watching this here's what day of things we should do with this second half good call where's that band from for buttons yeah that's a consideration that's a thing that someone somewhere could do all right I'm gonna do the same thing down here I'm gonna go a little more aggressive I think with see okay I'm already second-guessing everything I just did but I'm gonna leave it it's always a good sometimes you know all right I'm gonna I'm gonna start a conversation and I would honestly love to hear input on this first time I tell you what I'm doing and then I'll bring up the topic of conversation I'd set my lines to extend so my follow me we'll go past again my issue right here by the way was just that tight curve I had a curve here that was much smaller than the actual curve I was pulling down so that's what caused that that issue there this one is gonna be I'm gonna pull it up long I want to create a flat surface now to something of surface perpendicular to this one I did a video on this there's a three different ways I can think of to do this I'm gonna do the quickest one which is to temporarily align my axes to that line and then from there I can draw a line on axes green blue green blue and then from there I can just put my putting my arc on there and then I'm going to yeah let's scale that then a little smaller this way a little bigger this way just like you did before and once I'm done with that then I can just say right click and reset my axes I'll put it back at the origin where it was before so I don't know I'm sure there's other people out there that's that's what I want to check who I don't I don't consider myself a perfectionist but there are times like that where I go oh man I really want to go back and just redo that does anybody else run into that how often is that an issue for you where you find like instead of being productive you redo your own work just to make it good enough for you you guys hit that is that am I am i speaking truth to anyone right there oh definitely all right happens to me all the time I it's it's been this has been a missed a face that I was trying to intersect with I miss both the faces right it's been an experience for me on this channel specifically because obviously we're working out with a window I don't want to do this for you know days I want to finish this but man there's definitely times where I didn't take it far enough like that short but yeah I really find that there's lots of times where I want to keep keep going and redo my own work maybe to the point that it becomes not so good yeah knowing we were to draw the line no pun intended is important Titus says he feels that all the time they made it comment about saving I didn't read the rest the comment I just saw save and that's when my brain clicked in to go save mode Dave Dave hits it I think it's I mean it's probably good right it's it's for me I try to tell myself it is part of my striving for perfection like like to do the best work possible I really at the end of the day anything I do whatever it is whether it's you know recording a video doing with his live streams our podcast whatever it is I want to be done at the end of the day and go you know that was the best that was the best I could do that was I'm proud of the effort I put into that I think that's where I want to walk away with any given effort that I have so I try think it comes from a good spot but man sometimes is just a pain in the butt never thinking you good enough so I don't know reminds me of a quote just because perfection is unachievable it's not an excuse to stop striving towards it I like that that's that is that's good I can never remember who said it but I like it that's a good one all right it looks like I've got another arc going up here pull that back like that and then that of course is going to cause an issue right here and I'm going to make a design to take that back and now I'm gonna run into an issue that's okay show hidden I'm gonna retrace these lines right here I don't I was gonna work out but I'm gonna try it I'm a safe and then try it and I'm gonna grab all of this Plus this say follow me with this no that was not a solution all right then instead what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab this and if you ever get to the end right here I can't go anymore if you hit the modifier key to create a new face it'll let you pull it through so everything overlaps and then I'll just intersect face with selection I am going as far as I can without using round corner I admit that's the whole point of today's stream apparently as far as we can with Sketchup in general that's often the way it is right and I can cool all right so once I soften it it really kind of it all ties together anyhow so that's that's good enough for me all right speaking of good enough I think whoops turn it off and then forgot to turn back on again I think that's gonna work for my initial pass of the body there details to be did there's other pieces but right now I'm gonna say that's what I want that's good that's you know Dave I hit that all the time what what Dave just called out on YouTube is going in doing it once and during do while you're doing it finding a better way to do it and then you're stuck with well I got the thing done do I go back and do it because I can do it faster now or do I just put that in the bank for next time that is a big thing that I run into because I love when I look at what I pursue as a maker or a creative I like to pick out stuff that I don't know how to do I don't want to sit around redoing the same thing so I generally pick out stuff that I don't know the solution to and then then I go in and figure out how to do it and by the time I'm like I know how to do this now I've lost the creative excitement of doing that thing and I throw it aside and go grab something else it's nice and satisfying for me because I get to always be learning new stuff but I never really get to the point where I'm really good at anything so yeah I guess it's a double-edged sword right there all right let's let's continue on with the teal nope actually before we go I wanted to do these fins because I'm excited about that that profile but before I do that I do want to come in and I'm gonna have to figure out how wide these taillights are so I can get this shape in right here so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to come to I'm actually I'll do it in in context here I come this way out to the face don't think they know if I have a better look at the back end I'm going to say these taillights come out to the same size as where the space is so I'm gonna put a circle right here because that looks like what's going on there and it looks like it's ribbed or something so I'm gonna do what am I gonna do I don't know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna come in like that and then I'm gonna draw a line parallel to this grab that and rotate it like that all right and that's going to tell me oops you know what that's probably cuz I rotated not off the center when I did that because this line stopped being centered as soon as I drew that piece so I'm trying to do is just figure out where would this this geometry just created overlap with itself I'm here makes a little bit easier to see there's lots of ways to do this kind of geometry where it's like but I'm uh I'm trying something new something I haven't done before so I'm gonna go do this 2x what I don't want to do is spend a ton of time cleaning all this geometry up I really just want to get that that is all I'm looking for right there so if I grab these lines right now you can take that option copy from here option I said and do that 11 more times 11x that's going to give me that now I just run around here delete these pieces off and then you can pull those in a 3d space we've got a question in chat and you'll have to forgive me my Spanish is not very good but it seems like if I'm translating this correctly and again that's a big if they're asking where they can download Sketchup I'm gonna go ahead and post a link to our download page in the chat perfect Casey's got yeah all right I'm gonna push this in ever so slightly and I have a dome it's not a perfect circle it's kind of a elongated dome egg shape is that a is that an official shape egg egg ish so what I'm gonna do is go from the middle and draw a line up to where I think I want that to come I'll go ahead and again I like drawing on surfaces wherever possible I'll come in with not a standard arc but again I will draw bezzie a curve from here to here come up a little bit that maybe there we go then grab this circle follow me with that shape and get that that shape okay cool so that is what I want yeah so that's gonna work for right now I'll come back and continue to work on fleshing out the rest of this but just to do the thin I wanted that geometry so with the fin this is where I was debating what I want to do something of a couple ways to do it one way to do this fin would be to subdivide it so the subdivide first thing I do is I'd come in here get my approximate width something like that actually it's too late to subdivide because I already softened everything I got these if I had left those hard cores in there I could subdivide pretty pretty easy so what I'm gonna do hyperboloid whoo that's my new word for today thank you Titus that's quite a word can I use that in reference to an actual egg can I refer to my breakfast is being very hyperboloid all right so I've got a question what version of Sketchup are you using it's the pro version because we're running several extensions that is where you can tell because it says SketchUp Pro right in the middle at the top of the window specifically we're running the 2019 version I believe it's the latest update it should be I always install my updates mm-hmm maybe I think it is I don't know yes pretty sure pretty sure it is all right I'm gonna do the same thing here I'm gonna get because I want to take kind of a real curved and just swipe it down this whole face to make this this piece right here I'm gonna do that by again same thing I did before I want to get something parallel let's say how far do I want to go is why does that I want to go vertically down to not that far maybe half way down there we go all right and I'm gonna draw he's busy a curve to draw this to gives me something like this and I want to blend pretty smooth into that shape there all right and now see those goes one two I have several curves here three actually what's this I'm just gonna double click this shape now I got some stuff there I can't unclick nevermind all right care of all that follow me awesome then grab all of it right click intersect face with selection just wipe out this looks pretty good I'm happy with that all right so one of the things that didn't happen no actually this met flat so we're good oh yeah look at that that's me easy to clean up I'll just triple click and soft and coplanar to get rid of that Ridge nice alright getting some really good aesthetics going now something is totally happening alright so the other thing the real the more complex geometry on here is this right here this this tube disappearing back on the fin the reason it's complex is I don't think I built this fin quite as wide as was initially intended so I'm gonna have to actually kind of bring this out is gonna be weird everybody just bear with me because it's going to get weird right now alright so I'm I'm out of context right now I'm out intentionally not in the fin because I'm gonna draw some geometry right now draw a circle like this and then I'm gonna draw a line over like that I grab the bottom point here draw a line over whoops like that I'm gonna connect those two together with a vertical line [Music] alright so let me hide some things that's what I just created I want to take that shape and extend it out like this I'm going to soften and smooth that because I want to get rid of my brakes there anytime you have geometry that you're going to merge with other geometry or you're gonna push pull later soften smooth or weld first will prevent you from having to do additional cleanup later on alright so with that on there I'm going to unhide everything I know and there's some things to be said about hiding and know everybody doesn't love how often I use hide I'm sorry alright so this comes to about here so what I'm gonna do now is with this end selected I'm gonna hit scale and I'm a scale about the middle and bring that down smaller we've got another question and again my Spanish is not very good but it's about the joystick you're using this would be the there we go there you go just buried that geometry right back into the thin this is a space mouse enterprise it's from a company called 3d connection it allows me to move in very smooth 3d space not a requirement for Sketchup by any means you don't have to have it at all but it is nice for presentations because it looks really good when we move around in 3d and smoothness like this Oh didn't words words kind of fizzled right there at the end alright so I'm gonna go ahead and post a link in chat in case you want to check out their website perfect alright so this piece I had the fin I made before I did an extrusion and a follow me to make the soft geometry so that stayed as a solid you can see right there components solid this right here my raw geometry on a triple click and then make that a group and now it tells me I have a solid group so what I could do now is I could use solid tools to merge the two together now there's a thing that's going to happen that thing is that this which is now a named component and this group which is not a named anything because it's just a group we're going to merge together and it's going to create a new group called merged group I think something along those lines that's a bummer when that happens so the way to get around and I'm only bring this up because this has come up a couple different times the way to get around it is to take this geometry this group right here I'm going to command X and I'm gonna hop in context so now I'm inside this group and I'm gonna the same thing I did a couple times before I'm just gonna paste in place put that right there now I have a solid group in with this raw geometry I'm a triple click the raw geometry that's in here make that into a new group so now I have a solid group and a solid group inside my named component so inside of my thin upper fin component I have two groups so now I can run solid tools to merge these two geometries inside the component without losing the component enos of my component let's do that I'm gonna go turn on my solid tools and I'm gonna say merge that with this so close something happen alright I was a little concerned this was going to happen I'm gonna come in here let's see I'm gonna grab this face and I'm gonna scale down just a little bit alright I think that's enough so now I'll grab this merge that with this no still broke the geometry hmm I have no idea why huh I wonder why that happen because I wasn't even connected to it by the time I got guys hey I'm not I was talking to another person earlier this week about the soothing process of hand stitching like that he was on board with me that was that was one of our product managers and there's something nice about just going in the stitching like that when you have to do it 7,000 times it becomes less soothing but yeah nice a couple couple quick stitches and I'm feeling just relaxed all right from there that fin looks that fit looks sick that looks that's pretty cool all right so I'm gonna come in here now and I'm gonna work on this piece right here so this piece is going to it's going to come out it's the whole thing's going to be like rounded up here this right here it's gonna come out and then taper try anything the best way to do this there's so many pieces coming together I think what I might do is this might be where I use round rounded corner to bring everything together let's see how it works so I'm going to break this here I don't want this tail piece I'm gonna have run past that I'm just going to take this is more hinge geometry I do I'm gonna bring that out the distance of the fin to make sure I make this fin the same depth there and then I come into this group I'm going to grab this face right here copy it come back in here edit paste in place and then pull actually I'm gonna grab that nope make that a group I throw to hide the rest of I had to remap some of my shortcut keys so I'm trying to remember which one I have that's hide rest of model nope all right do it by clicking view component edit hydrous model because I want to take this it was it was grabbing other stuff on a double-click it said two surfaces in the same spot but now I'm separate again I'm gonna grab this make that into a group because I won't go into that group and now I want to not be hiding they're small this is why it's so important to have a shortcut on here I grab that pull it out to here I grab this face use scale to pull it top down there and the bottom up to there so I can see at this point one of the things that I don't have the same curve above and below cuz I actually did separate curves here so this is how the air indecent signature model differs from the original design just pass that off as totally intentional gotta be original man alright so I'm going to take this now explode to get it out of the group I'm gonna just do a quick erase right like that this kind of goes along with hand stitching I have a bunch of geometry like that I love doing that swipe to clean it up it's it's so satisfying all right and then take this up yeah that's okay it's not perfect but this looks like it does come in undercuts a little bit there whereas this one comes out to the face all right pull this in and run these lines over oops i off axes no I'm just drawing totally the wrong direction all right wrong axes that's all alright I'm just going to push that in just a touch every soph of it alright so there's a thing I got so now let's save that now what I want to do is try to use soften or not soft and smooth the edge tool we're going on here something's not something didn't break here oh there John what you needed here okay so I do have some extra geometry in here that will need to be cleaned up if I ever want to a solid out of this and try a print or anything like that which I may never do again I'm tired of 3d printing after this last thing I've been sanding I'm ok with that actually I got that question for your you 3d print aficionados out there I was reminded in this last project I worked on how much easier abs is to sand than PLA anybody else to have experience with that because I'm thinking I might have to go buy some ABS in case I ever have to print anything ever again because I've not been enjoying this PLA sanding at all melting so you can use some more power tools without getting that melt factor going that's a piece I didn't even thought about but it's not great it's still plastic at the end of the day so you got to be kind of careful yeah I guess that's a given alright so now weld those pieces together we do have a question though how's the sketch pad from doing from a few weeks ago and got an update on that the Kickstarter was unsuccessful so it looks like it's gonna stay a rare piece of sketchup equipment for now which is rather unfortunate excited backticks yeah it is it is about right I did talk to him about it and yeah just didn't didn't get the the following but he's he's a cool guy he's not giving up on it he's gonna he has a different idea in mind I don't know if I'm supposed to share it or not so I won't but something else he's gonna try to see if he can can make work so might see something about it in the future have you tried I tried a sharpened card scraper I don't even know what that is but now I'm totally intrigued what is a card scraper sounds it sounds like something you could hurt yourself with like I could hurt my state probably wouldn't I could hurt myself with should see how many cuts to have I mean just from taking down a Christmas tree last week dangerous business being me all right Fredo what am I looking for Fredo corner alright so I want to round the corners that I have selected welcome to extensions with Aaron this is where you watch me reinstall stuff that I've let expire right I'm just gonna hop into the warehouse real quick I think I actually have to go to I think it's my education had to go education yeah she was have to login all right I'm going to go grab a Fredo corner real quick yeah I didn't it was it wasn't an issue of my biggest so I had two issues that I ran into with sanding the helmet one to doubt what he did awesome I need to get the first thing I ran into with it was that just the regular print lines that was part of it I did coat the whole thing in XTC which is a thin self settling resin that fills the gaps and it does an okay job it takes away some details you got to go in and file details back in that was alright the bigger thing that I have is I talked about in the very beginning I'm like should I subdivide this or just I went for native tools again and that ended up with kind of a mesh pattern of triangles that was visible once I painted it so it's been a matter of going back and actually sanding the surface down to get a nice smooth dome so in hindsight that's the one thing I would have done with that is subdivided to a very high subdivision to get smoothness the liens are okay I'm kind of used to lines but I had another piece an older piece that was a BS that I went through and sanded as well and I'm just like I was like it's like wood it was so it was so nice - so nice to get to sand as opposed to ABS which feels like you're sanding I don't know glass something very hard that doesn't and well on the plus side I get to use some of that aggressive sandpaper that I don't use very often so yes that's that's the upside alright so I just downloaded both those extensions and I'm using stench manager to update them so I can use round corner or a Fredo corner I don't know if that just installed or not yeah I don't think that that's Row one right button no I think I'd have to should have waited to have all that that talking I just did should have done that now because I think I might have to restart Sketch up to get Fredo corner to work I'm gonna try I'm gonna try not restarting Sketch up and just go back in and reinstall it but yeah Titus is pointing out I'm gonna need to Restall I think that's true I wonderful - let me install it right now though let's see no nothing's happening okay save exit oh hey I forgot you were here all right I did I did I did I saved I feel comfortable leaving because it prompts you to say before you leave Sketch up alright there we are alright okay let's try that one more time grab this this this oops this this and this just those pieces hit ya Prussia so I'm coming I don't know why that didn't hit that didn't like that but it did not like that Australian I wonder if sometimes there's issues with line breaks like this yeah thanks for let me know I caught that alright round corner there we go what do I have my round corner is set to 9 inches right now what does 9 inches do I'm not to scale again so Oh 9 inches is way past when I are going on here so let's try like 1 inch what does that look like okay you know what I want to round the inside of this too so maybe we'll go for more like 0.5 it's not quite aggressive enough 0.7 then pull it back even a little bit more because I want space to round this inside corner as well so I'm going to go ahead and do that I had a feeling this is was gonna something was going to happen here the way that this corner was set up it left me a little bonus geometry here so I can just erase that actually I don't know what it did look at my hidden geometry and see okay so I just want to take this across like that no what did it what did it do I honestly alright but we can clean it up that's again let it go just make it look nice for the people all right there we go I'm not quite sure what it did at that core I'd like I said I had a feeling it was gonna do something less than perfect there but that that's it's clean now that's the important part alright so I'm gonna do the same thing here I need to weld this too because this is no longer welded what's that have you ever done this you're allowed to admit it because I'm admitting it first have you ever tried to erase something that's actually stuck to the face of your monitor yes I feel like if if rich O'Brien ever wants to make another dough book that will be my contribution how I spent two solid 30 seconds trying to erase geometry only to find that it was actually something stuck to my screen well I tell it's been a while since I'd molix I keep looking at my shortcut keys to figure out what button I'm trying to push all right let's get this welded and then I'll grab got some geometry inside here I want to clean up - I don't know what's going on there I'm gonna grab these lines real quick and might have to be I might have to be a little different with my curve here because I have such a weird sharp transition I might not be able to do that same point six let's say it might be okay we'll try it hey like a champ that a boy cool yeah so something's going on here I'm gonna just go inside and see okay yeah so I got some surfaces one surface that I don't need there something's going on here as well try orient faces so don't need this to be broken there we go cleanest model possible all right that was lookin pretty slick I'm gonna leave this because this is gonna be a weird transition anyhow I'm happy with that I can accept that this down here I'm gonna actually I'm gonna let Fredo curb do its thing here too cuz I'm gonna grab all three of these and I'm gonna try to round it to a full inch because a full inch we'll take this all the way out to here I think or close to let's see what happens face it wasn't a little more than an inch how why do they make this thing oh yeah arbitrary design let's see if I get 1.5 let's go for it I'm happy with that I know I don't have the it's not the perfect I said this is the Aaron Dietzen model so I got a little bit of a difference here but I'm okay with it that's close enough it's gonna work for me no actually I did I say before I did that last follow me so it hasn't been terribly long all right so look I'm gonna hold on let me allow me to check something real quick because I don't know why my shortcut is not working here but I want it to be working so I'm gonna go go to my preferences I'm going to go to my shortcut and I'm gonna look for rest hide rest of model is mapped to shift Q there it is okay found it I knew it mapped that somewhere but I just didn't did not have it all right so this one I'm going to turn bring this out to this distance here beauty I'm gonna pull this line out back this way run it long this way and again my fins just off axes so I'm going to realign my axes temporarily right he whips right here all right and then again I'll create try to create there was it was red there we go rectangle like that don't want this to be I want it to line up with what's here so actually so it'll be right about hope that's right that's about where that curve should be let's see what that does all right so now I grab this line this line and this line they're broken by the interconnecting geometry and follow me actually I could have done a push-pull on that one that would have worked just as well all right so my my arcs not quite working out which I did think it was gonna I did not think that was going to work it's not quite matching up there which i think is is what I was expecting because I changed my axes to match this line right here though kind of cool thing that I can do is I could actually just come trace this arc right here and push pull this no because the face is not the same orientation no you can't do that but I could take that now on the borderline of having to do math all right let's see how much I want try something that I don't know is gonna work I'm gonna push pull that this may need a disclaimer did not try this at home I'm gonna push pull that all the way through to here turn on x-ray hide the rest of my model no run button hi there's no model grab that geometry right there pull it down here I'll just pull that curve no I didn't because it melded wreck your date all right let's try this push pull like this now grab that curve not option just move move that to the end of the curve hey it worked I mean yeah that worked of course obviously I didn't know if doesn't work or not so because I couldn't push pull because this is not perpendicular to the line but I push pulled in a little bit and then just grab the face and dropped it down now I'm going to same thing to before or to grab all this intersect face with selection something didn't quite break I can also come in here didn't something didn't quite intersect there we go all right and then I can just smooth that out and that should all done correctly when I exit this group that should look like it nests right into that chrome piece on the back I was about 60% on that working right all right let's smooth that - okay so our back fins done the hole back in really we're looking good on let's model command s with you yeah all right so I don't have a good view of what these headlights look like I can tell that they they kind of their cuts they come up I'm assuming they're circles but I can't tell if the two pieces merge or if the circles are separate so I'm gonna have to make my own detail here let's see if I can fit a circle in this space what are the odds of that almost almost a perfect circle all right I'm gonna I'm gonna move my geometry a little around a little bit so it is a perfect circle because I'm gonna come to this point and break it and then I'm going to draw a square out to here okay actually do that line a little too - perfect I'm going to draw a rectangle here to here and we'll let it snap to where my square is there we go and I'm gonna draw a circle from that point straight up and this is the line where I actually now want to break that you can see it's just off of where this is how close was I to be in square a sixteenth inch hang in my head and shame no I'm just kidding you feel pretty good about that alright so I'm going to scoop that line down then come in here and do the same thing just grab those lines and move them vertically okay so this is the headlight I want to put in here I'm gonna take it and I'm just gonna run it out here like this while it's here again I'm just gonna smooth that and come in here take this geometry and push it through okay yeah I'm trying what else I want to do before I do intersect this the other thing going to do is I'm going to make this basically into a pipe and then I can say take these two pieces intersect face with model and that'll break them right there and delete that Oh something didn't oh I was separate I didn't smooth on the inside I did that on the outside and do it on the inside all right take these two pieces intersect face with the model that should break it like that there we go come back in here push this I should I don't even need that anymore this is going to become a headlight group if you ever have it's easy to get frustrated with this this situation right here if you have a post like a pipe cross section like that the easiest way to fill it is to connect two segments like that two sets of segments and then that will fill it it just needs to know it doesn't know where the positive and negative are of that space basically all right I'm gonna bring this up a little bit and I'm gonna go the extra mile right here I'm gonna put a little just a touch of a dome for a headlight inside this go from here to here for that grab this follow me and we can soften that and they can also get rid of my extra lines of all that making to a component and that's going to be my new headlight I already had a component named headlight so when I create that oh I must have misspelled one of them normally would prompt me and say you already have this component do you want to replace it and I would say yes but since I obviously misspelled something it didn't so inability to spell right saves the day again okay let's do this grille I'm gonna come in here let's start by there's not a lot it this deep this grille is kind of hard to make details out because it's a bunch of shiny stuff can somebody do me a favor can somebody out there find an old-school Cadillac like this and just find the front end so we can just look at a standard grille and then post it up on the forum if you please that would be a great help let's let's do that and then because I have a feeling this is matching something off of something we could probably get a better picture for so for the time being I'm gonna leave that like that so you guys come out and and help me save me pull this out to here pull this out to here this should be fairly straightforward I think because I can take this line right here pull that out horizontally and then this one might go in just a touch this way yeah we'll save sorry I didn't mean for that camellia had attitude about it but you're right I should save alright man again hard to see exactly but I'm kind of thinking this is this looks like it might be rounded over and it definitely comes out to a point here so I'm gonna take this point right here and bring it back or do I take the whole thing back which I think I take this point right here yeah that's what I'm talking about JC Ryan got me a good looking picture right there race these so I'm really just again I'm sculpting stuff right now moving geometry around and give me the shapes that I think I want because I think that looks good and then I can take this point back because if you look at edit on this picture you see it does come to a point like that so I think that is more closer to what I'm looking for it's not quite parallel with this though so I'll bring this line forward a bit all right I like that all right and day no JC Ryan just pointed or posted all right so this is kind of what we're looking at right there yeah it's still hard to see it looks like just a bunch of rectangles pushed in or mesh pulled out so all right let's leave that picture one more time actually just kind of a silvery blob so fire up the old silvery blob button so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna move for aesthetic purposes for my own perfectionist stuff I'm going to move that up to parallel there I'm going to looks like it's rounded there but I'm gonna lay out an initial geometry for for a mesh so I'm thinking this is kind of how my mesh is going to lay out it kind of looks like on this drawing that it's rounded but it's really hard to tell I'm gonna keep it a little simpler than that I think there's another pic in the forums now and I can guarantee that they are indeed rectangular awesome that's way better got enough round going on all right they're coming together yeah ah there we go that's the stuff oh yeah that's what we're gonna make okeydoke got scary for a little bit there thanks guys alright alright so I think something like that would be my wish nailed it all right I've got that yeah so I've got that I think what I would do I'm trying the best way to do this I think it's a little bit of extra work but I think what my inclination be would be to do something like this so when you do a offset you just got to do it the one time and then you can double-click on the rest of surfaces to get the same geometry you know there there are extensions out there my whole belief in myself to be able to grab an extension I've never used before and just use it live has of course been tainted by the fact that I can't do that but there are extensions out there that will take a mesh and offset I think there's one called offset mesh that will do exactly what I'm doing now in one click where you grab you grab one mesh and you say offset it and it just goes whoops it goes and does it prevents you from doing stupid stuff like what I just did again but like I said one of our first this is going way back one of our first ones first models like this we did that where I played with extensions live and it was a lot of time of learning how to use an extension so I don't do that anymore for everybody's benefit we all win that way and then let's see then I won just how far did I actually offset that 316 so I'm just gonna grab it push it in I do have a shortcut for the cleanup that I'll have to do afterwards though yeah offsets can be done the same way offset at once double click or are you saying that there's a multiple offset extension as well because that could be we know if he's pressed alright so I don't know if this can be perfect representation but this will give us something to look at it'll actually be cool when you not that I'm going to render this but it'll end up on the warehouse so if somebody else won't surrender it will be there when you go to render things so in Sketchup we see lines right we see these edges so we see breaks and things but when you go to render or even if you're just doing something like a you know occlusion ambient occlusion and can't do math can't spell can't talk I don't got a lot going on right now all right one of these I could do right now to clean this up I do want to get rid of all these extra lines so one things I can do is I can do a big big old sweeping Select like this and use the extension cleanup to merge faces so that'll take those faces and just put them all together because that's all they were a bunch of coincident plate faces it does a good job but it ends up leaving sometimes these extra lines around here so I can go back to extension again clean up and say you race straight edges and there we go so now there's there's our our killer grille has a suggestion that may be of interest to you yeah they suggest you save excellent suggestion and done cool yeah so that's okay I don't love that but I have a feeling that push come to shove could probably spend like a couple of hours just modeling that grille so I'm gonna say that's good for now alright that's a lot of our geometry done nice we got to get all right let's get this console and seat modeled in here and then I don't and then something else will happen okay I'm gonna do this console so the console if you look at it it's it looks like it's maybe black plastic in for you know a little bit of a lip and then lay it on top of that it looks like it has metal maybe like a sheet of aluminum or something that follows the curve so I want to do something I want to I want to emulate that and I'm gonna do it by I'm gonna come into this and pull it all the way out I'm gonna so like I said before get rid of that now I'm gonna take this surface actually not even the surface I just want the edges so I turn the line off take the edges and copy them in to represent that black lip right there again if this if all I'm gonna do now is just go in and paint this like I'm just gonna put colors on it render whatever I could be done at that point but I want to actually show the division between the two so I'm going to use an extension joint push pull to give this metal piece just a slight step up from this plastic actually you know it could go down let's let me look at the images real quick and see if see this makes it look like the metal goes over the edge but I don't think that's the case no it is black right there so I could actually push it in and that would work just as well either way I'm going to use joint push pull to do that so I'm gonna grab the surface maybe let's see let's see if that's running we'll go to view tool palettes and check joint push pull hey so far so good native push pull I'm just gonna pull it out not I don't even want to come out 5 16 even less than that boom just like that so just enough to get me that lip so again if I was to take this in and render or something like that I would have that separate even that looks like too much I'm not going here again there we go I just want enough that I have that that break there so there are some details on here there's like a shifter knob and then I don't those are like supposed to emulate radio so there's stuff going in here but it cuts across the whole thing so I'm not going to do that now I'm going to do it after I make both halves and then I'll merge them together and and put the details onto the merged piece thinks similarly with the seat I'm going to take this piece across like this actually no I'm not going to do that I'm going to take this and move it over here push pull that in a quarter inch and then I'm going to grab these two lines right here or I guess these three lines I'm going to offset those that same quarter inch actually get rid of this geometry here I don't need it and I can pull this face across here it looks like what we got is like a metal pan there that the seats then sit inside of so that's going to be half of that pan shape and now inside that I'll have kind of a what I'll just do one shape that's going to represent the bow of the seats that could seat cushion I'm going to take all of this make it a group and now I'm going to do this over just past alright so I have that shape right there because I want to come in and now I want to draw the bulges that are going to represent those seats I'm going to do that same as I did before this this makes a lot of sense to use Bezier curve on as well so I'm going to do the same thing to draw Bezier curves and I got a look at this so I want this this curve there's a little bit of just breakdown of how to do this I can't so I want this curve to come up from here to come up kind of curve over like that come down and I want to tie in right here at the edge so that means I might have one curve that's going to come up kind of like this and then I think I'm gonna have to have a second curve to go here I don't think I can do all of that with two curves so I'm gonna go from here to here with the first one this first piece is going to kind of come up almost vertical with my second one to end starting to go down like that when I click here to here my first line I want to go tangent to that edge I started to create like that and this one right here I want to bring it out so it bulges more at the bottom so something more kind of like that perfect nailed it in one all right let's try that again so the problem the problem was at that end one I came off my plane there's no reason for me to have this job like this this is actually there's no problem alright second try is always better so yeah I mean I'm improving my technique like Dave was saying alright so I'm gonna go tangent to pull it out a little bit like this and then right here gonna come out - there we go something like that we'll do the same thing down here I've one go here to here come out almost on that line start to go the direction I want that bulge to go [Music] tangent here and then get a little bit of more of a cushion there all right okay so now I gotta get that to close up here's what I'll do I'll trace this seat which should give me no actually I don't want trace that undo undo undo just get rid of all of this what I want to do now I want to use those lines to create geometry slides into here like this or if I made something out of plane let's see draw a line like this and see what happens we're happy they're right here happy there something is not it's thinking it's off I think something to do with this little corner right down here yeah I don't know what's going on here Oh that'll do it yeah it's amazing how often I said nine out of nine times planes won't close when they have gaps on them all right and I'll pull it over to here and I'm a triple click and Oh awesome okay all right I would like to that's a little too hard of a corner there so gosh I'm gonna hide that again I'm going to do you select those eyes I'm gonna take those round edges right there now I guess I can take these two edges - it doesn't matter I'm gonna save yeah that was my Herman Munster impersonation we're generally groaning at myself all right let's take this way down because it's more like maybe 0.5 you might actually I might not be able to this this corner here might cause issues for me point five oh yeah see how hard that cuts back gonna have to go pretty small like all right that's gonna work it's just such a sharp corner that it's not going to make it easy to clean that up go wonder what did I do wrong there you go cool alright so it's pretty good that's gonna work that's gonna be half our seat all right so I feel pretty good about we're just about done with the half of this let's go in and lay down it's a little detail right here showing my hidden geometry because all right and I don't know exactly what this looks like either kind of a recurring theme if you guys are holding on to pay attention there I'm gonna just kind of make like a little triangular shape and I'm just gonna push pull that down the whole body looks looks well but I'm gonna come in here and just go the extra mile and take this point and shift it back the same thing here this one's gonna be a little weird because I'm gonna I am gonna come in and scoot this point back here like this scoop this one back - cuz it's just off there all right and that's there's my good my trim I don't know what that trim something like that I think that's right yeah pull by that can I put a 3d Cadillac logo well as this is my version I will put something on there we're using 3d text let's see what happens we're gonna call it a caddy do I have any I don't think I have handwritten fonts in here no no Emily Nova oh here we go that's it dad is so it oh my gosh that's beautiful beautiful all right there we I don't want to upset the actual make I want to upset Robert Iger by associating us with his beautiful work so we're just gonna put this thing on here boom caddy okay alright so that's what we got for this I'm gonna take all of this right now oops I accidentally hollowed out our fender somehow or our bumper all right so I'm gonna grab all of this gonna copy it over here right clip click and flip along green and then I'll grab it all right I did I'm totally fessing up I did make this a little bit too long but I don't care I'm gonna come back here and oops I'm gonna take this shape right here - this and this I'm gonna offset just these lines like that and then push that up to create a wheel well alright and I actually think that same thing kind of carries through I think this is actually cut and open along the bottom which makes a lot of sense we didn't do a very good job of making that doable with this but I'm gonna do this I'll come in here and drop this straight down push this up I have a feeling that's pretty little probably a little closer to what's actually going on there that's something funky happen here oh I say I did I'm just gonna what am I going to do here push this through most of the way I'm going to option push pull the last bit grab all of it intersect face with my selection and I can just clean house after that awesome cool okay uh-huh all right so now we made a spot for the bike to go which is actually occurring to me that well it depends let's see how see how quick this the rest this finish goes and just just how many corners we have to cut on actually putting the bike part in erase this all right so it's decision time of course and this is where anytime you model something in halves like this sooner or later you gotta side is it going to go together and if so when I'm making the call that I'm gonna make it go together now it is this is that point of no return where everything could go horribly wrong I'm also seeing some flickering inside my console so I think I didn't have my settings right and I think I didn't just push pull but I think I made a copy of that surface so if I peek inside yep right there let's leave that surface all right so I'm gonna do it I'm gonna go in and merge these pieces one time I'm gonna grab both of these make group and go into that group grab these two pieces and explode them if I wanted to and I'm not gonna do a whole bunch of this because this is boring to watch on but I could actually come through and get rid of my seam line on pieces that make sense some of that's going to be easier than others but all right make group come in here explode I decided and started doing that very quickly so if you came in and said no don't do it because it hasn't shown up on my comments yet all the time with the saving all right so these two I'm just gonna group together there's no intersecting geometry there so the two halves of course me the big ones come in here explode these so I had a look and see I think I had flat most the way up so I can't actually just erase that line I could actually let's try this let's grab all this and go to extensions and run merge phases look at that done in one good alright let's let's do that some more I'll grab these two again group go in explode triple click I wonder if this could be didn't no one didn't seem to work now there's three edges now yeah now I can go in three straight edges kind of that was hot yeah again one of those times where I could sit and try to figure out why the extension didn't do what I want or just get it done I had you guys enjoy this because I've used a term on here without thinking about it just kind of threw something out there and I heard someone else use the same term that's the term brute force modeling which I have used a couple times which is where I stopped searching for the elegant solution and just go into get er done mode and I heard someone else actually use that term I thought that was so interesting because that was being original turns out I was just copying Mike Tadros all right so I'm gonna grab all of that and all of that I should just grab everything except for these two groups and that one group now and try same thing I'm gonna go in here clean up and say merge faces huh must be something about the curve let's see if I if I go to clean up and I say erase stray edges that's that is that's very strange it is I explode these two let's actually know maybe it's happening because it's saving me cuz I didn't do something I need to do let me show you Sketchup smarter than means like ah you want those lines still hold on watch because because there's a thing that I want to do all right so if I look at this geometry got this line right here but take that line I'm gonna scoot it over this way I'm gonna copy it over this way and then I'm gonna grab my Paint Bucket I'm gonna go grab because that's how the seed actually looks oh yeah thank you cleanup all right so you do the same thing I'll just come in here while I'm in here since this is too deep and we'll use this as our metal all right I like it all right I won't last piece back here all right and we're gonna go all right extension makers these steps that I'm going through taking two halves putting another group going in and exploding them maybe even erasing the scene between the two you think that's automatable because I'm kind of feeling like that's something that could be done without too much pain let me know because it's not it's not an uncommon thing to do either this is a not a ridiculous workflow that I'm showing here this is something that does get done why do I feel like this is something off of like the Batmobile or something it does look like one I may have exaggerated mine just a touch yeah that's true I could probably have just used Dave's pointing out that I probably should have looked toward something like outer Union or shell or something like that that probably now that I'm done with them all would have been the way to go home at this is looking pretty sweet I'm I'm feeling kind of happy about this I'm liking it too what is this that's just straight geometry all right my to-do list I gotta get the console drawn in real quick get our steering wheel on here got a sideview mirror right here I got a little don't do this now undo a little hood ornament kind of feel like it should be done last cuz it feels like icing on the cake but it also looks like fun it's how do we get that being is that I am just such a creature of discipline all right so this time again like I've kind of like I've been doing rough in geometry and then I can use things like my move tool to just kind of get more of what that shape actually looks like I'm gonna point it out because it bears pointing out but surprising me some people have no idea that when you use the Move tool nothing is selected you can grab a point and move it wherever you want just throwing that out for anybody who did not realize that not judging it's just it's but it is there all right I'm gonna grab this give it a little bit of width one way forward the other way hit option hold on come this way eighth of an inch come this way option eighth of an inch because this is not just it I want to give it a little bit of a depth I don't want to go through too much work but I'm gonna go in here and like boy grab these two edges I'm just going to move them vertically something like that go grab this point here bring it back by a quarter-inch probably could have done this one in halves yeah but that wouldn't be as interesting I like that that's a positive spin it'll take these this point and this point and I'll scoot them forward now to move these points back a little bit I like that one snap back that's going to work all right and I'll grab this one in this one vertically all right then pull these two up right here all right and then I can grab all of that and smooth it good I think I do have I think I have a surface inside there though getting rid of that line on the bottom should get rid of that all right whoo that scary until you realize it's a bicycle like coming at you all right I'm gonna come on here I'm gonna get just some just some rough shapes in here so this is a group right now I could come because this is all curved but look at the hidden geometry everything's a curve so I don't want to go in and I could use something like I could go in and use something like what is it 2d on our tools on curve something like that to go in and draw my shapes I don't have that installed waters I can't do it the other reason I just want to make I'm not gonna put a lot of detail into these so I'm gonna come here do a center point I'm gonna pull out this cup holder and then I'm going to did I go into context I did just did the thing I just just say and I was not gonna do first day back first day back it's okay first day back all right I'm gonna draw a flat one so I'm going to constrain to the blue axes find a midpoint pull that out I covered my reference image say Parrish pull that up and I'm going to pull that down the other thing I want to do here is I want to get a lip on this cup holder so I'm going to actually do this pull that through and I'm gonna make that to a group in fact actually make this even easier on myself don't do often model what the actual cup holder looks like oops something like that and then maybe I'll you know bring this down to like this is where I'm having a no I won't I won't do the thing that I'm not thinking about doing but not going to do so I do have to bring that back up no that'll work fine okay so I'm just going to grab I'm going to come into this one I'm going to grab just this surface right here and intersect face with model so I should just get two concentric circles right there and now I can do something like grab this one right here use joint push-pull to just pull that straight up just a bit to get that and then this piece for that piece actually it's going to be a lot easier to come out to this one and grab these two pieces copy them come over here edit paste in place and then I can just get rid of that care of that and get rid of that nope because that wasn't intersected still in work in fact not only that not work that got straight-up ugly oh it's not quite wonder why that doesn't match up if it's an intersection of that geometry see how it's not lining up there that's weird all right then that's fine can be like that I'm gonna use a vector push-pull I'm gonna pull this straight down I don't know how deep is a child's cupholder have to be good answer Casey all right and soften that oh it's okay there's our cup holder three more pieces I gave her this group three more pieces on this piece there is like a stick shift sticking out right there like a knobby thing there these are all technical car terms in case you guys aren't car aficionados so I'm gonna come in I'm going to turn my hidden geometry on again out of context I'm going to draw a circle in plane right here pull that up like that and then I'm gonna also pull it through a little bit like that and then I'm just going to do some I'm going to do some detailing here take that and I think it's a kids cigarette lighter I'm not a percent sure but I'm fairly certain when I look at the geometry and I model kind of what I'm seeing here I pretty sure that as a kid cigarette lighter hey I'm like a judge it looks like it's from the 50s the different times different place all right now I'm going to turn on my hitting again I'm gonna get this stick shift looking thing in here again I'm gonna just try to this is this this kind of stuff is the stuff that is a whole lot easier when you're just making it up as you go instead of trying to follow someone else's thing alright so this is the rectangle that the stick sits inside of I'm going to offset that like that and I'm gonna pull that in there push pull this in that draw so reason the push-pull tool is not being modified to do a joint pulled joint push pull does I guess it's because you we have joint push pull I don't know that's a good question and this actually does look like it follows the curve so this will have to get modified as well all right you can take that I'm going to make a quick circle all right so this and this neither of these are solid groups right now let's check out why internal phase fix let's go right here sixty-five internal phases fix fix got hit the button or for work alright and now I will use as suggested just merge these two together and this one I think I actually want to come in here it's like this intersect face with model and get these out of this take this and delete it I'm gonna take this and joint push pull up to create that lip and then from this I want to take not all of it but none of this exterior stuff just this box take that and oh I didn't cut that in quite the right spot that's gonna be easy enough to change though show me the rest of my model so I can just grab that and pull that up to here and here pull that up to there and now I can take these three surfaces intersect it with model that doesn't quite work did it so what am I looking at right now I'm gonna grab all of this I'm gonna take I'm gonna I'm gonna cut it I'm gonna go in context here I'm going to paste that into context and explode it let the geometry merge and then just come and delete the extra stuff off that I don't need that's a simpler solution delete any of these the texture quite sure what's going on they're cool it's easy to be afraid of curved surfaces but you don't have to be all right whoops help I totally made that too big and I'm gonna have to shrink down my whatever that other thing was because I don't understand it I'm not giving it the attention it deserves go here come across to here guess I'm just gonna make a small row of buttons yeah that's exactly how this is gonna turn out cuz I don't know what it is all right push pull that in push pull it out a little bit like that something like that and I'm just I'm just using midpoints taking the easy way out right now and I'm going to do is I'm going to come into each of these do a slight a slight offset and I'm going to grab this and this and this and this and this and not that this and this and this and I move it we got to turn off where was my command use Auto fold to bring those buttons up like that if I just push pull them up then surface it would have all been connected together and it would have just been a bar in the middle by making those offsets and actually get those 3d button shapes all right so that is my new console see if that's still I got a couple it's use my invested right now so again if this was on the quest to 3d print I would have to go address those but not necessarily where I'm going all right let's get this steering column in I guess mm-hmm what am i working with here all right so I go right here I'm gonna start by drawing this vertical and then I'm going to tip it into place it looks like it fills up most of that space so I come out like this and I don't have a good detailed drawing there so make things up it's kind of just when all else fails that's where I go you it's something like that there's an internal face in here okay so now I'm gonna take that and I need to this is a fun trick no I want to be in line with this take this line straight out draw a little circle right here that's a little too little of a circle scale it up a little bit from the center there we go now I'm gonna grab I don't need that I just put in a group to grab that circle right there do a follow me and click on this yeah we got a steering wheel that's like that'll work it's good enough yep it's a it's good good enough to good that works all right so I'm going to do something similar to what I did before I'm gonna offset this so I can push pull this out and get out here I'm going to take this I'm going to scale about the middle to make it skinny and that's when I have I'm gonna have that extend I'm off axes right now so this makes everything a lot more work so I'm gonna grab all of this and I'm going to rotate it by the middle of the steering wheel so that the center of this point is vertical because now I can do things like grab that geometry oops grab that geometry and just move it up the blue axes until it intersects the steering wheel and then I come down here and grab this line and this line and scale it so they come out like that that's the detail I'm putting on this steering wheel I'm going to take it and rotate it option 120 degrees 2x gives me my three sides of my steering wheel it's a steering wheel that's yeah I would I would challenge you to say that is not a steering wheel all right now I want to grab this geometry and this geometry and this geometry I don't work I'm going to intersect face with the model that's so it breaks that because then I want to grab this right here and I want to scoot it forward like it's actually that's by something like that my extra geometry on the inside is hanging around but I want to delete that anyhow looking good it's looking all right all right now I'm gonna triple click that Oh nope hold up I'm not because I do have a couple of knobs coming off that steering column all right go back in the show hidden geometry and I'm gonna draw a circle I'll actually go like this draw a line right here so I get the midpoint draw that circle to full size there pull it out like that and then I'm gonna say the other one is here you know I should just do this once why do twice what I could do just whoa how would I do instead of that all right grab this scale that option shrink it down now let's get a knob on the end come up this way and then scale that back up push pull pull it out and I'll do it just one more just one more time offset that and then grab that move it with Auto fold to get a knobby look all right it will take chance we save just all the time with your good advice you guys all right I don't know really where I want to put this but I do want to put it onto a segment so as long as I grab one of these points on the arc and I snap to a second point on the arc then I'll know that that should be on a face solidly all right now I can triple click to grab all that connected geometry make it a group and now I can come in and I don't have a specific about their looks good you know it kind of looks like something you'd see on like the Jetsons or some like totally retro sci-fi thing it's awesome oh it's awesome and terrible at the same time I love and hate my creation it's so weird it's so unique that's that's the word I should be using this is a unique thing where this is how dr. Frankenstein felt all right I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna put a mirror on I'm gonna draw this mirror on the ground though I'm not gonna try to draw this in plain I'm just gonna draw a rectangle about the size I think I want I'm going to use arc to come in and knock one corner off all right I'll pull that up I'm going to offset that and push that down in and then I'm going to grab the bottom here scale that actually going to do that same thing you did before that's not my work cuz the left lost my corners it was cool though it looked it was a neat looking thing I'm gonna grab that whole thing it's just cool kind of bring it back like that alright that's I'm going to call that my mirror and then I'm gonna while I got you here on the ground I'm gonna draw a circle from midpoint there midpoint there all right stick with ninety-degree as long as I can because eventually I know this is going to end up at an odd spot something like that moving arbitrarily is not too hard if you're willing to move one axes at a time so something like that looks like it's going to be good this actually reminds me of older 3d modeling programs I don't know how much of classic 3d mom Pro is you've had but where you had the three viewports and you had a snap from one to another to go in and make changes it's really hard to tell what this thing is it looks like it's a piece that comes out and then it goes into a stem at the back so I'm going to kind of try to make that it's definitely lower to maybe that's a lot closer than it looks all right I don't know I don't know what I don't know I just don't know so I'm just gonna get weird take that and I'm going to go to this point and rotate it 45 degrees maybe scale it out a little bit blind modeling all right there we go pull up this way a little bit pull the back this way a little bit all right that's okay but I think this is where I got to go get that more in line not my favorite thing I drew but it's along the lines of that say I couldn't see some thickness there maybe that was a little too exaggerated but I was getting that I was getting a feel for the aesthetic more than anything there and couldn't it couldn't stop couldn't stop myself all right nope that was not the right handle all right I'm gonna take that and I'm gonna come in here I'm just gonna grab this say intersect this face with model that's gonna cut it all the way around right there and I can just go get rid of that chunk there's my mirror all right so so it's so cool and weird I don't know it's so weird all right I'm gonna put some tires in here I I'm going back and forth on the pedals I know the pedals are a central part of the bicycle but I kind of want to like put some kind of hover mechanism in here instead of I don't know all right I want to find the center of this wheel well I just going back to my original geometry drawing a couple lines okay that's the middle and then I'm gonna make this simple it's definitely an issue with my geometry because I got a lowrider she's gonna bottom out so you probably take that down a little bit I could drop this down just a touch but if I drop it down more than a little bit it's gonna look awkward with this wheel being too big but them's the breaks all right so that's where I put that one wheel I'm going to take this and I'm going to rotate it so that I have a flat section on the ground take that rotate - like that and I'm going to draw a super quick profile right here of the wheel itself for the tiger I guess and draw something like this and then this will come like this maybe actually I want more of it now just just just be cool alright alright something like that I don't want there and then up here I got to put something in for the hub as well so this is the middle so I have something like it's coming across like this and that's going to come out with I'm not a bike guy so I say that I'm not a fill-in-the-blank guy at least once per show I have noticed but it's because I don't want anybody to be insulted by making them think that I'm trying to know something about a thing I don't know about alright then take that and I got to take this one and go take that over here alright now I can take this circle I can say follow me with this piece right here that's going to give me the middle of my tire there's the outside oops outside same thing oh it's because I broke the arc and grabbed the surface instead of the edge I'll give me the full thing oh and I only made one of those flip along you think red this time think so Oh last time I take advice oh man you think 5050 just it would it would turn out occasionally right but it just doesn't seem to work that way all right yeah it's weird right it is all right that doesn't quite look big enough so I'm gonna scale it vertically first around the middle to - all right looks pretty good spokes up 3d models heading out it's it's bedtime I don't blame you I don't really understand how spokes work I'll be totally honest I get so confused every time I try to figure them out I know they cross over each other one side to the next so I'm gonna do something like that I know this it's actually really pretty simple geometry I think but I don't get how it works I go that way it'll cross over if they go here and here maybe that actually cross itself a to date so close that's not right either then oh then this must go to here maybe all right what's he and we're just gonna have to see what happens because I don't know I'm gonna take it grab that go from one point option to the next X 23 times I know that's wrong but I like it I'm not making excuses I really yeah that's that optical illusion you got going right the hub that was incorrect all right so we'll try one more time I'm gonna cross over a little bit further and take this one to here and now they're just right there even now so take this one too oh that's totally all right man I don't know all right I'm I'm gonna give up on this one cuz I'm just gonna make something that looks closer all right rotate that from one point what we're doing is wrong but it's good wrong oh thanks guys you're failing but you're feeling well hey yeah that's not too bad I would say I would say you would look at that and know it's a bicycle tire yes and it's all connected so you know what's gonna happen that's gonna become a component and then a copy of that it's getting stuck right back here and then I'm gonna a couple of pipes up into here and this thing's gonna be really close to being done clock Hey all right so Anita I need something to connect to that pick back up here making good time today all right that's straight look straight even all right one more time I'm gonna come in here I'm gonna actually and up one more time I'm gonna align my axes to this so I can draw a quick circle right here something like that just passed up bury it in the geometry I notice on how it connects either but there we go look that looks right it's the same all right carry these extra lines oh that is something Oh baby this is a death trap right there look at that front end hanging out like twice it with the bicycle oh man this is great you know when we were drawing our original profile like this I went a little exaggerated because I'm like ah this just doesn't seem big enough and now that I put some actual material they're like oh my gosh that's gonna kill somebody but it's not it doesn't really like this so I feel safe in that that's true it okay this doesn't exist it's so what this exists this doesn't just which is good oh oh the lawsuits all right I am gonna throw I am gonna throw petals on because it does it is begging for petals but this will be really simple I think all right so pull that back like that and I'm going to take this and just pull that out to make a petal and I'm going to get to wherever I want that to be I'm going to draw another circle in plane right there and just push pull at the other side there we go all right and I'm gonna draw a rectangle on this circle same spot when I go to the middle of the circle someone just posted a picture of how to do spokes all right all right so I'm gonna grab all of that make it a group I don'ts not the most beautiful pedal but there was a reason I did everything I just did I'm gonna come up here find the middle point of my - great one of my mirror flags and I'm ever to my character shortcut did you get rid of cure that's weird no you never really know what I do on my computer it's it's totally possible I did exactly that where's curing there it is all right mirror that along that flag I just created scan put one on the other side forgot it option one more time grab that mirror along here gonna hit hold on option click there so I have to and I'm gonna take this one I'm going to rotate from the center of this point 180 degrees yeah we got pedals all right uh-oh I should also be rid of this or just make it face the right way at least there she bees alright since what time it it's only 301 I feel I got it I gotta paint it real quick quick quick paint job sure while I do this always soliciting but we're here in the New Year you guys so what's what's the thing we should consider modeling I asked you guys a lot cuz I like knowing what you want to see Oh party all right I didn't explode these well I do this let me know what do you guys think which we be modeling what's what's up next I really don't I don't have anything for next week right now nothing on the board so someone from twitch suggests the cyber truck from Tesla okay you know actually I was I made a joke about that because it came up once and I'm like what are we gonna model the rest the other two hours and 50 minutes but it does have some details you have to look for them but they're there they're they're very subtle yeah there's there's not a lot to it but yeah that's I mean I've not opposed to that that could be fun we get a chance we'll show some sub D stuff just in the last minutes cuz they promised we would that's right I did I did not subdivide a promise as soon as we get some of these colors on here I don't get to color stuff very often I've you guys to probably notice that everything that I upload to warehouse ends up as pretty much just white part of that's because I like the look I like that nice clean single color you know I like the way that looks but yeah and then drop black in where we're getting some good suggestions from chat we've got the burro from Harry Potter ooh that would be search Cathedral a motorcycle your 3d mouse that's a good one that is not a bad one at all yeah that would be a challenge something I just wanna point out generally I may have said this before but it bears saying again when I do come in and add black I almost never add black black is the color of my outlines most the time so black on black the only time you can see the difference between the face and the colors if you catch catch at the right angle so I do generally use a a few percentages less than actual black suggesting something with interactive components I think they might mean dynamic components a little bit on that one so assuming we are talking dynamic components I've actually just started a series of videos on dynamic components like literally yesterday started recording that so yeah that will that will happen it's not live which honestly I'm kind of ok with because when I do dynamic components there's a lot of back-and-forth and there's there's math in there guys so I don't know that it's something that anybody wants to watch me do live anyhow it's that's the decimal those topics where it's better that I get a chance to think a little bit and then come at you with one more prepared answers for things fair enough I totally get that I know there's a lot of clicking but it has to be done otherwise this grill looks I feel like now that I'm done I should combine every other one of these because it's gross so very very very long but it definitely adds to that whole this is ridiculously long aesthetic that I have created so I like the idea of the Tesla truck males will throw that on there somebody mentioned something else topical all that because it's not topical anymore to do it before it big forgets but the Burroughs would be a fun one too the cool thing about the Burroughs is I've actually seen like they're hand drawn but I would say plans for that that house which is kind of cool because we could potentially work off of something in you know fairly real dimension that'd be kind of a fun one something with landscape modeling is another suggestion it's a good fun too I make this a component my have to do this twice remember I think you did all right it's ridiculous and silly oh man all right let's get the same same shall we all right here uh-huh not bad that front end though man oh it's because mine's got an extra couple cylinders in there fourteenth cylinder engine oh man that is that is so something oh good call Dave good call that was a lot of fun yeah we all thank Dave Richards for this no dang it I still can't get right this so don't have that quote don't have the weatherman ability to gesture using the green screen properly seems I think I got it down I go the wrong direction again that was awesome Oh what happened I don't know all right I could do it again oh just the blot I must've hit undo all right super sweet I love this thing oh man I'm gonna save it good all right I really don't have much more to do on this thing so I will probably upload this even tonight so if anybody's looking for a thing to put some shininess on and render over the weekend I got I got a thing for you yeah I'm gonna go in here and get rid of my watermark cuz I need it no more and I like the back end but true with that thing coming at you I meant that's probably my thumbnail right there let's see it in 3d sure yes we did witness is there a thing we could stick on here that we could subdivide I'm just trying to think of a way to incorporate I got it show some I'm gonna do something right here I'm gonna I'm gonna come down here this isn't actually on here I know but I'm gonna do it anyway all right this is this is a this is a light sub D but it's it's a valuable lesson I want to make some fuzzy dice to hang from the mirror right here so I'm gonna come in with a rectangle and I want to I don't really care the size because I'll scale them but I do want them to be square so I'm just gonna draw a square on the ground actually I'm gonna draw a square of a specific size we can push pull the same amount I'm just gonna make six inches six comma six gets me a square of six inches and then I'll do a push pull of six as well and I'm gonna make this a group now here's the thing to think about if I grab this as it is and just subdivide it oops wrong button I get that I would imagine not so as I increase that subdivision it's gonna get more and more like a ball so not fuzzy dice so much as tennis balls what we're looking at right there so there's a couple things I can do about this if all I'm trying to do is kind of just soften the corners a little bit I have a solution so I'm going to take this a copy of it stick it over there unsub divide that and unsub divide that so the way subdivision works is it breaks up your geometry based on connecting geometry so it takes two pizzas like this and based on how long these pieces are softens them so when I have just one piece going across the whole thing it basically creates an arc from where this connects to where this connects pulls it the whole way across so if I wanted to do something like we were just looking at where I want to just kind of soften part of it what I'd want to do is create a break in this plane I would do this by doing something like that I'm gonna do that real quick on all the sides whoops make it the same on each side something like that so now when it goes in subdivides it's only going to pull an arc basically from here to here so it's going to round over the corner instead of rounding it from all the way across now this isn't going to work right now because I don't actually have subdivided geometry one of the things I need to do in this case is I got to actually come in and either do this on all the corners so I have you know it'll be rectangle rectangle rectangle or do this on the corners either way that's a time-consuming process so there is an extension for that right up here I have this thing called split Donuts so if I select a geometry like this and click this button it just breaks it real quick for me it is an awesome tool super helpful especially since this geometry where you take a rectangle and offset it in that's something that I do a lot of in my subdivision models so once I've done that if I hit you and subdivide that right now there we go so it just hold that over ice like right so if I grab this and just look at it yeah that could pass for fuzzy dice right there all right there's other options of course so again if I grab this whole thing and I just subdivide it I get the ball but if I grab all the edges and I go in and crease them so crease says so a hundred percent crease would keep it at a ninety degree angle so if I if I grab that right now and I drag them all up and say make it 11.0 and I hit subdivide it's going to stay a cube because that's what a hundred percent crease is zero percent crease is when it goes all the way to smooth so if I grab all those again and I take it down to like maybe 50 percent I can get something very similar to what I see over here with that same geometry and creasing so kind of cool options you can see I got some almost the same in fact I think if I crease this a little less I got to turn my lines back on to crease my lines that make sense all right so let's take it to let's go a little bit past this oh you can almost match what's over here Oh too far 25 yeah something like that and so you almost get the same geometry if I do turn off now there is differences there are differences you can see the corners here and that's kind of because the way that I did those corners if I turn on my hidden geometry oh and I had to have turn those lines back on again you can see because this is subdivide as a full mesh I have a very nicely ordered mesh whereas over here because they're different pieces I get this kind of spider webbing stretching effect across the mesh where it gets dense right here in the middle and then spreads out towards the corners so there are differences but you can see that's one of the things an example of crease increasing is kind of one of those obscure things to really nail it takes a little bit of practice but that's a pretty good example and this was a good opportunity to show that all right having done that I'm going to take both of these dice and I'm going to unsub divide because what I want to do is I want to get them pointing so that there's a corner face now no one just I will just do that I'm just gonna take it right like this to find the middle point here and I'm going to connect that to one of these strings I made yeah that's a little big all right let's scale to about 50% just stay right there grab this one go by the middle ish stick it right oh I forgot skill that mean you didn't just know that I wanted that scaled all right obviously that's an issue so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna rotate this one from this point on the red axis I'm gonna kick it over a little bit like that I grabbed this one right here rotate it it on the red axes kick it over like that like just touch and there we go there's my two dice actually I'll bring it back a little bit because as soon as I subdivide it my corners are gonna disappear so I'll actually take this one again red right here and bring it back down till it just touches that one if you want to see more subdividing I would recommend checking out the Olaf frozen video that we did a few weeks ago that was a lot of subdividing was a lot of fun too yeah fun I think fuzzy die challenge it goes it goes with the teal I am gonna come in here and I'm gonna do something so one of the things that you generally run do with subdivision tools is keep your your control mesh intact as long as possible so you're ready to be done done and you know I'm just gonna leave it because this is this is a Sketchup model and I want to see my line so I'm gonna leave it just like that ha Titus making a sweet word pun of you're all love Olaf all of we modeled Olaf the annoying snowman from frozen - I still didn't see frozen - yet I don't know that I will name just maybe if it goes on Netflix or something I'll take a look yes actually I have heard several I you know everybody has their own kind of movies they like and that's absolutely cool it was it was not my favorite I like a lot of Disney and Pixar movies and some I've watched several times it didn't catch me yes I know some people love it mostly females between the age of five and ten but my daughter wasn't sought with friends she's much older she's 14 now but she sought with friends and she said she liked it way better than the original so yes it's good you know maybe maybe it's the thing maybe you can still see it you can see it Titus you can do whatever you want you are your own human being all right I think I'm gonna call that we're at 3:20 and we have a Cadillac bicycle up on the screen so yeah I'm gonna save it one more time and this will end up on 3d warehouse I would love to see if you guys do anything with these models of course they're free to do whatever you want their warehouse well so you can do whatever you want absolutely but if you do to something do me a favor and just throw a copy of whatever it is up onto the forum in that link because it's a lot of fun to see where these models go once they get posted so that's it for now thank you so much thank you everybody for coming thank you for spending time with us Thank You Casey for hanging out with us happy to be here it's always a great time hanging out with everyone and thank you guys for watching you know who it was good I'm glad we had so many people come back I was worried we had a long break there maybe not everybody would remember or maybe they're in the same boat I am where I'm like oh this has been a long week it is not a quick and easy transition to go from hardcore doing nothing to protectively modeling so I'm glad we got to the point we did so anyhow thank you so so much you guys have an awesome weekend and hopefully we'll see all of you back here next Friday so thank you thanks for coming you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 11,112
Rating: 4.8703704 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model
Id: SAhcMCjbfRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 6sec (12486 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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