Minecraft, But Your Health Multiplies Every Time You Eat

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after doing a lot of eating i have a lot of hearts and i'm gonna find out if i can survive this and this and who knows with a billion hearts maybe even this but to start off with we only have one heart and i'm gonna need some food if i want to double that you know what i'm just going to punch this chicken until i get food now i've just realized i need to get hungry before i can eat it okay we can let's eat the chicken and we're on two hearts i don't think punching animals is going to be the best way for me to get more health though there's some stone here so we should mine that up perfect now i can get a better pickaxe i should get 12 cobblestone here then i can make an axe a shovel and a furnace i'm going to need a lot of coal as well because we're going to be doing a lot of cooking and then i can mine four more logs and craft this smoker perfect you'll see here from a balanced diet that there are 39 different foods to eat my goal is to eat every single one but raw pork chop is gonna count as another one but if i then eat another raw pork chop my health doesn't go up because i've already eaten that i have already eaten a chicken but if i cook the chicken and eat that that will count as a brand new food that i haven't yet eaten and now i'm in pursuit of more pigs let's get you and then i can get cooking feel like getting more wood is going to be a good idea because the last thing i want to do is not have enough to keep smelting i feel like using coal to smelt one item just isn't worth it let's see this and there we go we're on 16 hearts there's a rabbit over there it's one of the foods guys i'm so sorry let's get you he's a speedy little fellow i can't get him oh my god hey i didn't do whoa hey he jumped off that cliff by himself that was never in my intention to see him die i was just going to pet him well raw rabbit counts as one thing oh my goodness i already have 32 hearts and then this cooked rabbit is going to give me 64 hearts don't ask where i got the rabbit from if you like to make more progress now i should try and find a village and already we've eaten six different foods i haven't found a village but i have found iron i feel like i've got to take it some more over here as well i think i'm going to need more cobblestone because i'm going to need to make another furnace and now i can smell some iron i can't eat that as well the iron has finally smelted let's mine that up the sun is starting to set i definitely need to find a way to sleep oh but look at all this iron all these look i can't say no to all of this i just remembered fish they count how could i forget about fish let's eat this 128 hearts and i've got some shears so i can quickly get the wall then make a bed and go to sleep what wait what why did my health just go to my i woke up and my health went to full well that's not bad a good night's sleep really gets your health back is that a feature of minecraft i'm guessing it's a feature of the data pack which is pretty handy i'd have never healed all that way now we can eat some raw mutton 256 hearts i can set this salmon cooking as well i will smell i am while i'm at it too sorry sheep but i'm hungry and now when i do a bit of munching this is going to get me to 1 000 health you can't even see me now a cow has been spotted in fact three you'll see now that my health still goes up it does actually go up but visually it will not go past 512 hearts and since it's taken up so much of the screen i'm gonna make my gui slightly smaller so i can still get to millions of health but they're not gonna show that's just the way minecraft works a raw beef is cooked let's eat this steak four thousand hearts and i hear a zombie i'm looking for him here he is let's take him out about these two of them nothing like a bit of rotten flesh not the tastiest thing in the world but i now have eight thousand and up ahead there's a village and some lava right by it that's gonna be very useful and a dark oak forest for free mushrooms i'm gonna get a lot of health guys first i must steal their wheat let's make some bread we're now on sixteen thousand hearts and i can steal the rest of the hey is that a room portal in the distance imagine if it has a notch apple cause that's gonna be the hardest one to get i think that's the lust of it wonder what crops this guy's growing beetroot oh i do need beetroot actually perfect this guy's willing to train me some wheat then his upgrade will give me apples let's munch on that 32 000 hearts i'm going to upgrade him a little bit more actually and now he's going to give me some cookies this is basically the eating show with sb we're doing that we got 65 000 i want to see what's at the room portal first of all i want to grab this gold and this one right here as well oh okay that was very close and what do we got no food are you kidding me although the mending boots are pretty nice and i don't need a clock to tell me that it's night time although before i sleep i'd like to find a spider spider eyes might not taste very good but in eating one of these i'll get over a hundred thousand health let's give it a much all right creeper just stand back yes we have 131 000 shame i can't eat some horse meat i could also do his string for a fishing rod and bones for bone meal look at these guys thinking you can take me out i have so much health you have no idea although to be fair i do need to do a lot of rejoining get together once i get five bones i will call it a day or should i say i'll call it a night and now that i've slept it re-gendered me right up i may be peppa with arrows but i'm sitting here with 130 000 hearts i truly feel indestructible but we're not stopping there i'm pretty sure it's possible to get over a billion which sounds like a good plan to me so if we eat this mushroom stew 260 000 now does suspicious stew work different 520 000 and over there is a swamp and i'm going to show you a very cool trick to get diamonds very easily first of all we need to turn on trunk borders this next bit can sometimes depend on the c but if i go to the center of this clay and this works for any clay patch and build across seven blocks and then dig down right about here i should dig straight to diamonds oh my goodness i know i just dug straight into lava there that would have been not what i was going for gone through a mine shop we're just gonna uh patch that up there i'm at level 14 and i'm starting to get a bit worried that it didn't work oh wait it did work it's the first time i've ever tried that guys and it worked look at all these diamonds as you can imagine this is a pretty ob strap i will link the video that i saw this on down in the description it's by a guy called matthew boland he is incredibly talented super smart guy but i am extremely extremely impressed you know that was so fun i'm gonna do it again this is the right spot it's alright i've got loads of health i don't need to be able to mlg i don't go all the way down it didn't work guys the shape of the clay determines how high up the diamonds are gonna be that one's quite big this one's the perfect size let's do it with this one instead this one didn't work either but it's because it's near a trunk border it probably went to the other side of the chunk there we go it wasn't the other side of the chunk so i'm still learning this guys i've still got a bit of research to do into it but i do kind of understand how it works whoa okay that barely did a dent to my health but i've got to be more careful i was about to say if i find diamonds down here i'll have enough for full up oh we need new pickaxe might as well make a diamond one and there we go we were literally right on the diamonds pretty easy i also see gold right there probably worth grabbing the clay can be used to find all the oils by the way but obviously the maid diamond is the one that i want the most and right here are the final diamonds that i'm gonna get make a chestplate some leggings and a helmet looking very nice i'll keep the gold boots because they're gonna be useful if i go to a bastion let's also get some sleep so we can get full health who'da thought that swamps were going to be this opaque it also works in rivers but the amount of blocks you build across is slightly different this beehive is full of honey let's smelt some sand i just realized i was mining gold at least i have blocks of gold with that i can make a golden apple some glass bottles let's first eat the gap my health has gone up to one million we did it like i should also make a campfire so i don't upset the bees with these glass bottles i can get a bottle of honey and with that i can drink it and we're on two million now let's also make a fishing rod this next bit's very exciting and we gotta oh we actually got a rare fish tropical fish are hard to come by perfect a cod and finally a puffer fish wait does milk count as another food let's have a look now it doesn't useless also i've pretty much just showed you how to x-ray for diamonds in vanilla minecraft you should definitely subscribe to me for that let's bone mail this beetroot turns out you can eat beetroot we're on four million hearts i think it's about time i went to the netherlands out there i'm trying to think is there any food in the nether that i can get as i'll eat this puffer fish while i can get it out of the way i don't really like all these effects it gives you this tropical fish will be on 16 million the raw cod 32 million and finally the cooked cod for 64 million that is pretty insane 64 million health and there i am wearing full diamond armor might as well take this golem out with me bear ants not many people can take it from gollums and survive there we go defeated just needed that for a flint and steel to the nether we go well i can tell there are no new foods in the nether that i haven't already eaten but instead the quest is to find a fortress or a bastion and get out of here and a fortress has been spotted let's get in get the blazes and get out here we are i'm not even worried about taking damage because i've got all the health in the world and i now have all the blaze rubs now i could try and find a bastion i could just trade with this guy you've got 16 gold please give me the pearls look at that some ender pearls in fact more it might be enough you know it's all speed three i'm taking that and 12 pearls we're going with that i think there's a warped forest on the way back that was a bad idea good job i've got loads of health i was about to say that i can use that to take out enderman to get extra ender pearls i never did come across the walt forest could have found my portal i guess 12 pearls will just have to do and it's night time so let's get some sleep and now i need to chop down a lot of trees then i can get a load of planks grab a bit of flint and then i can make a fletching table trade sticks with this guy buy cookies to upgrade this farmer and all he sells was suspicious too i was hoping for cake i guess now i have to upgrade him again let's just buy the suspicious tube this better not be a troll please be good stuff it was the good stuff if i place down these three beds then ring this bell and punch these three villagers they should then summon in a golem i don't think it worked instead i'm gonna have to mine for it like a peasant there we go smelt that in here reason i'm doing that is because this axe is practically broken this new axe on the other hand is much better and it's back to tree chopping and i can craft more planks and more sticks and get trading buy a couple more suspicious stew and he has upgraded to give me golden carrots that's good enough for me another type of food and when i'm hungry i will eat it i'll see which way we're going to the stronghold that way having these beds might be a good idea too but when i eat this carrot how much health is going to give me now is that a billion no it was 134 million pretty big number but not big enough i'm on a body of water i'm looking for an ocean now when i see clear in a swamp i don't just see clay i see a lot of diamonds but now's not the time looks like it is an ocean up ahead i've spotted a shipwreck and some ruins we got here nothing much what about this one still useless this one any better i want potatoes and carrots and this wreck isn't much better because it doesn't have the chest but there's another one over there this one looks better we've got carrots we've got potatoes this is what we need so if we eat a carrot now we have 200 million hearts let's set one potato cooking and eat this raw one that will give me 500 million this is for a billion hearts okay one in fact it reached infinity the game cannot track health higher than that the number's just too big i think now we can stop eating and hunt down the ender dragon look at this exposed ocean stronghold now that's the dream i'm just going to nip into here and now i want to try and track down the library okay creeper kill me if it blows even at point blank range the creepers can't defeat me another ender pearl could be handy and another pearl and finally the bookcase room i can use these cobwebs to get string turns out this suspicious shoe was poisonous that farm has dumped me dirty they can use that string to make wool and then make more beds from that oh man an entire oh my good okay we're all right we have loads of help why am i scared i was gonna say an entire ravine has spawned in between the stronghold because i've got beds everywhere i messed up my hotkeys and here is the portal room let's chuck in the eyes i'd wait i threw the last one am i gonna do a stupid silverfish i think it dropped but i'm gonna have to go up here now there we go just a minor setback now let's head to the end i've got a sneaker suspicion there's a bit of a bug with this data pack as well whilst it says i have a lot more health it says i have billions of help if i jump down here i lose a heart so unless it's a visual bug in minecraft or i actually only have 512 hearts i'm not entirely sure but let's just get this dragon defeated well i just fell but i survived here he's perching right let's not mess this up i'm going to mess it up already where i speak you got this that's it that's it come on one more i messed that up i i pre-pre-blew it up now i have to manually break the towers other one down just gonna pearl to that tower i shouldn't stand right next to that and blow it up should i well where's my water gun no water no blocks what's happening what a time for the water bucket glitch really i'm using every bit of health i've got here old tower's gone using only a water bucket now i'm just gonna stand in fire and see how long i lost i'm to breath too well will i survive this armor almost for casuals okay now my health is going down so so fast probably can't risk it too much the dragon's here it's covered in dragon's breath i'm just gonna have to take the risk here and go for it whoa he hit me in the air what's what's going on here now let's get rid of some of his health how to deal with an enderman that you accidentally looked at just keep looking at him he can't move then he's completely frozen if you hit him while you look at him he still can't move and there we go mission accomplished you
Channel: SB737
Views: 4,268,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, health multiplies, multiplying health, Minecraft But Your Health Multiplies Every Time You Eat
Id: 6SnCFIxwB0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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