I Survived Minecraft's Hardest Mod...

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minecraft is a game that's well it's just too easy so instead i installed the hardest mod pack that exists and that is rl craft where even punching a tree can be dangerous and so i've decided to try it in hardcore mode which is probably a bad idea considering i've never played it before but i've read the wiki watched a few videos and i know that you can pick up rocks off the ground and craft them together to make cobblestone and that breaking leaves still gives you sticks but to pick up items you have to actually right click them or you can crouch by them and we need flint so we're going to break gravel we finally got some flint let's pick that up and then i think we have to like throw it yeah and then it becomes a flint shard and with that we can craft a little flint knife which we can use to break grass i mean i could break grass from my face but i don't drop anything but if you use a flint knife yeah look at that you get these little plant fiber things and then these plant fibers can be turned into string if i do something like that look at that we can make a flint hatchet because if i try and punch a tree as you can see it takes forever and nothing will happen but if i use the flint hatchet now i've got to make sure the tree doesn't fall on me we can mine the bottom of it and look at that it falls down and then we get the whole thing look at that loads of wood and of course crafting planks would just be too easy so he said you've got to place it and then you've got to like yeah you got to kind of do that i don't know why it's like you're scraping the planks off you don't get as many from it but then i think we can craft a crafting tip look at that beautiful we've got a crafting table with that i can make a pickaxe and i believe if i go over here i can mine up the stone and it drops loads of rocks on the ground which if i go and crouch and pick them up we can then craft those together look at this beautiful and now we have an axe and a shovel i'm pretty sure it's in my best interest to make a bed and can i just get food from these guys does that i don't know i kind of passed the wiki now i also know i need to drink so if you like crouch you can no i don't want to eat do sugar king well i can't break this block i need yeah you see it there's a lot of limitations i'm just gonna use this shovel try and get more flint look at that we've got two pieces that's perfect bang them on the rocks and then we can collect loads and loads of grass you know look at me playing now you think i'm an rl craft veteran but my basic strategy is if i see something dangerous i just avoid it so what we're gonna do here is we can make some walls so let's get three of those you know what's happening next we're gonna make a bed there we go when it becomes night we should be safe i don't even know i don't mean requirement to break that but i can break whoa what on earth is that i'm just gonna block myself in i should be pretty safe if i press hate it tells him the health and everything is is not looking well at all i think it's night time yeah i'm just going to go to sleep and that actually healed me i just need to sort out my right arm now do furnaces work like normal that is the big question put my food in put my planks in it's working we have some steak now can i eat this i can look at that we're back up to full hunger let's finish smelting let's line that up and if we craft a wall and then we go like this look at that we can get ourselves a nice little bandage and then i can apply it to my right arm we just hold it down and look at that it's healing up let's also apply one to my body look at me good as new as much as i'd like to stay in a cave for the rest of my life i feel like i'm gonna have to go outside also guys we're on a quest for three million subscribers so please if you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe and before i go any further i'd like to say thank you to today's sponsor honey honey is a super useful shopping tool i use 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shield alrighty we kind of got a little bit of protection take a risk and mine a little bit more coal it's going dark so i'm gonna try and get some sleep hopefully everything goes fine it's daytime again perfect right i need to find some shelter i need a good place to live this village is okay but i think i can do better i don't even know what those guys are i don't want to find out oh this is the waypoint i think i can set my spawn here right yes perfect gonna keep chopping these trees there we go all you gotta do just never stand beneath it apparently if i mine a birch tree okay that one nearly fell on top of me so i gotta be careful birchwood can then be turned into paper which can be combined with string to make plasters which it's got to be useful at some point doesn't it well it's going to be useful as well but i have no other way to get it than take these guys out because i can't get iron i have discovered the mountains things are a little colder up here and i have to be careful about my temperature in fact i don't know if it should be up here i think i can craft wool armor aha now then i don't know if this actually like protects me much but it keeps me warm oh my goodness i don't know what just spawned there but we're getting out of there it's like any time we do anything something can go wrong right this iron okay i need level four okay is that like a specific pickaxe i'm not starting to get cold so i'm gonna come back into into this place apparently i come here i can mine i can do that wait can i level up to level three level four hold on a second we can mine iron just look at me go guys i'm managing our aircraft like it's nothing let's now smelt the iron create more string i'm also going to make some nice wool boots look at that we're starting to get kitted up made some shears with the iron because i want to get more wool i'm also going to go ahead and get some sleep oh no that spawned a reaper okay i gotta run now feel like right about now is a good time to panic there's nothing around we can sleep let's just break the bed and get out of here now the hunt for sheep continues look at the size of that tree there's one thing i've learned about this mud pack is if you see something cool like that you you don't go near it let's get this piece everything went fine and it's starting to get dark down here but we'll just keep grabbing stuff i feel like blocks one of the best things to get you out of trouble so i'm gonna just mine up loads of dirt just want a nice peaceful life where i can mine up iron this is the best place for iron isn't it look at this there's going to be loads down i think i don't know how this game works but i'm guessing i can create full iron armor whether i have the skill level needed to wear it is another story because you never know what's just going to spawn out of nowhere i'm going to create an escape route look at this efficiency four furnaces all on the go smelting different stuff let's find out iron armor can we wear it that is the big question will it no what do we need we need level eight so i can do some leveling up let's just keep going but we can't okay we need a little bit more but hey we get experience from smelting which is gonna help so i'm gonna grab as much iron as i can and then ask questions later so weird playing this because like i know like one little i don't know what's gonna happen and i know one wrong move and it's it's game over so it basically means i'm constantly terrified my pickaxe is broken the real question is can i use an iron pickaxe do i have the the necessary no i need level 8 mining as well at least we're getting loads of good stuff for later [Music] i don't know what just happened there but that was terrifying if i sleep i can heal myself a bit i'm starting to feel like this mob pack just just isn't for me would definitely like to craft a bucket and then no matter where i am i'll be able to drink apparently to share a sheep i need to upgrade my gathering which means i need another xp level it looks like taking out turkeys is going to be the way to do it now when i'm thirsty i just go like that and then i can just drink easily look at this we found some sort of shelter now then anything anything useful it's got some stairs seems to be a very empty place but i think if i if i go get rid of this and then it only turns out that i have to place a log for me to do that but this is a nice place to spend the night if you ask me i can get my defense up to level six now two more levels and i'll be able to wear iron armor i'm also getting quite cold in this biome so i should probably leave sooner rather than later i can upgrade again i'm never gonna need to mine coal again after this okay some giant guy just spawned so i'm just gonna run for my life i think i lost him he's stuck behind me somewhere there's no way i get very far in this mod pack without dying it's like there's just so many things to go wrong it's actually a lot closer than i thought because my head is in serious danger hey now i can go back to collecting xp and carefully mining coal eight levels of experience means we can upgrade the defense and i can finally wear iron armor let's also craft the other pieces let's get out of here it's a little bit cold there seems to be a ship over there could be worth exploring we've got another one down there as well and i don't know they're like sea horses over there might be a smart move to make a boat i'm going check this place out seems to have been pulled over here by a singing siren do i have to try and take it out i got it okay i didn't think i was surviving there got someone nibbling at my feet as well just got a boat away i think water is a place to stay away from if you ask me what i said i'd visit this boat and i'm not going to stop until i do oh captain hey fred hey i didn't know you were into the boat in uh business not much of a ship have you got anything i can still all right why are you two here what what are you guys blooding you have an iron sword maybe could come in handy and fish well uh you guys keep the fish i mean i do i really need anything i can't even use that one i'm nothing too important for me guys probably put my iron chest foot on this wool armor yeah you guys can keep that and i'm sleeping on the boat tonight i'm going to avoid these wrecks because they look dangerous and that's a giant pirate ship that that is probably like guaranteed danger which is why i'm going aboard we can break the spawners i'm hoping there's only four of them and i can actually do loads of upgrades because they give you loads of experience pretty sure that's the last spawner and then if i sail away that will let any mobs despawn and we can go and check the place out and do another upgrade to my mining and look at this place no danger at all now and that ladies and gentlemen is how you defeat a pirate ship i'm pretty sure i can now use this iron sort no we're nearly there for that but the iron pickaxe is something that i now can use and now that i can use nine pickaxe that means only one thing that we're going to head underground and start searching for diamonds we've come to a cave now i don't know do i want to be near a cave look why is the fire coming out of the cave i feel like strip mining is probably the safest place to go but hey redstone gives you free xp look at this i don't know what block this is okay i don't actually meet the requirements i don't make the requirements to do anything nowadays got mine gold either right let's do some upgrading i think we now yeah look at that we can now man gold no problem lapis as well whatever this is apparently it's silver i'll i'll take some of that now i will continue strip mining oh look at that we got some diamonds beautiful okay and we can mine them up perfect let's let's pick up these damn no we've got not enough space let's crouch there we go we've got diamonds i don't know how many we've got it looks like it's at least six turns out i can't count but it is five i'm not gonna waste any time i'm gonna see what i need to wear this helmet defense level 16 all right we've got a lot of upgrading to do then okay that guy just spawned but we're pretty safe through here let's just mine in a different direction what is this is it ruby it's a heart crystal shard which apparently if you put nine of these together you can actually get an extra heart which could be very useful indeed in my opinion oh my look at that more diamonds what level i'd need for a diamond pickaxe level 16. might test out a silver pickaxe is it going to be better than iron a little bit faster come to another cave i can't quite tell there's something around there we just want to block it all up really there we go that's pretty safe we can now go back to mine in redstone i have to say our all craft is one of those things as long as you're careful it's it's not really that hard oh my goodness see what i'd say more diamonds just hidden below here [Music] this could be how i die one more block there we go we should be safe he ruined all my diamonds i've discovered quite a few of these healing shards now i think i have enough to put them together yeah i've got nine so if we go like that a heart container and then okay i need a little bit more xp i've now upgraded enough that i can use this heart content look at that it gave me an extra heart discovery cave i don't know why there's smoke like where the obsidian's being created supposed steam would be a better way to describe it and creepers well they're a mob that i can deal with well i could deal with them until my axe broke okay we're still all right i'm not sure what's happened but i'm now way too hot i think i might have tunneled into a desert and i died i don't know what just happened but there you go that was the fun that was rl craft we survived for quite a long time i didn't do too bad thanks so much for watching and make sure to subscribe if you enjoyed
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,615,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, op items, op, minecraft op items, hardcore challenge, i survived, rlcraft, hardcore rlcraft, rlcraft hardcore, rlcraft 100 days, 100 days, rlcraft lets play
Id: bIZ1zP7bf6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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