Minecraft Manhunt, But Crafts Are Random...

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these subscribers are gonna be hunting me down whilst i try to beat minecraft and on top of that crafting is completely random this is gonna make things interesting and the game has begun okay we need to try and find some good stuff i guess i should still start by punching a tree although crafting logs it makes planks i can make a crafting table no problem but if i try to make sticks i mean we get carpet we don't really want that oh okay but we have already got a gold pickaxe okay not ideal but i can use that let's try some birch planks instead if i do that we get a brewing stand that could be useful later on that gives us that um not too useful just gonna try a bunch of shapes of different things so that's not really what i want what about slab that's a lantern don't want that either and i don't want that either okay all in all we've discovered that there's nothing good right here maybe instead i should test out the flowers the corn flour that gives me end rods very useless and end stone bricks to be honest they could be kind of useful as blocks because when you've got people hunting you down you need blocks to get away i think the main things i need to begin with are probably some food which the only way i'm going to get that is by taking out these guys and i probably need a better weapon as well see what this rose bush does a bookshelf it could be useful later on down the line perhaps i'm gonna grab my oat logs as well because i feel like pickaxes are gonna be very useful they just sadly break extremely fast the hunters are already released and i i have got nothing to be quite honest with you at least i have got food if nothing else i've found some lava but i can't use it cuz i don't have a bucket yes we have found a village now i must go and pillage their resources let's go see if papers anything good alexa is probably not that useful to me cornflowers again puppies woodland mansion loot chest that could be useful let's chuck these chests down see if we get anything oh my goodness the loot is actually insane in these that tells me one thing that tells me that puppies are the new meta and we now have a bucket of water which is just gonna be so useful i able to pick up this yes i can pick up the blast furnace that's gonna be good because i have no idea how to make furnaces and i'm gonna grab a bed as well because it's a white one i can dye it which is another crafting recipe which could be useful later on let's also see what hay bales are they are quartz slabs that's no use to me it's hoping for chess with some looting but we haven't really got any here problem is that other people are gonna quickly realize that poppies are very useful so i'm not gonna be the only person with nice op loot and sadly at the moment my best weapon is a gold pick feel like in order to progress now i could do some sticks and i can try making different tools okay we've got some sticks there that's good i'm gonna break a little bit more he's going dark as well so got to be careful wolves i'm i'm going with the dog meta this time okay come on dog don't be like this that's it we got one dog we've got two dogs three dogs come on you as well that's four dogs okay is there any more if anybody dares attack me they are gonna be in big trouble okay that's red wait a second that could be useful hold on a second hold on we can dye this red okay that's a big upgrade in an ideal world i'd find a desert and i'd find loads of sticks there but sadly we're not in an ideal world so i just have to chop more trees at least if somebody comes to attack me i've got about 17 dogs that can attack them there's a guy over there do we go for him pickaxing he's definitely looking for me i just need these sticks come on we don't want saplings sticks that okay i'm gonna grab those i don't know if i want to chill in the tree although if he's there there's gonna be more people there let's let's just try and be a little bit more careful with our sticks this might be where i say goodbye to my dogs if i go swimming they don't really follow him water okay they're all full of me welcome guys to my little island with these sticks we can so we try to pick out let's try an axe that's not much good a hoe is a block of redstone we can craft then something else if we want to the most ho is probably the best option i've got let's see what that does oh shield okay now i mean pickaxe shield combo nobody stands a chance and you know what if i find an abandoned ruin which i have done down there this gives me a chance to find a stone axe let's see what we got okay we didn't really get anything too useful let's just not drown now okay only two dogs seem to have made it but hey that's better than nothing right what we're gonna do now is we're going to oh it's three dogs now we're just gonna keep grabbing things from here i'm building a massive tower of these that's my plan and just grabbing something useful if i see it sharpness three book if i make an envelope okay there's a guy down there all right we're all right there's no way he gets up here is that hopefully my dogs attack him if he does anything okay this guy's building up all right interesting strategy mate um okay i've used all those uh nothing too useful right now what's what's my game plan here okay does this guy actually have a weapon what do we reckon okay what's going on that guy's getting attacked by polar bears all right dogs what are we doing up here we just do we just go through i think he's gonna go home he's going for some summer sneak he's used ice for a reason now you know all right let's let's let's get him first okay he survived get him dogs like i've already put myself in a bit of an awkward position hi guys that guy's hurting i don't know whether the other guy's jumped let's grab his loop you're going down now mate one hit come on he can't get away two hits this guy's running get him dogs that's another hit he's gotta be weak now i am taking a risk by pursuing him but i don't want him to get away he's now swimming down okay we're gonna let him go i know i know just two seconds ago said i don't want to get away but a big chase like that is only going to hinder my progress let's grab some dark oak wood we might be able to make something useful out of this i think if i grab four pieces i'm not gonna need more i just don't know if i'm ever gonna come to a place like this again grab these peonies as well um can we quickly just see i've got so much stuff in inventory iron bars no use how about these are these lily of the valleys of the valley spruce love i have so much stuff now i don't need because i took out that guy there's just so much ocean but i think i need to carry on and still find this ocean ruin got more birch here we should grab as well there's a guy there what's he got he's got a gold axe as well oh no i need to eat this i'm just going to build up okay oh that person's stacked what the heck i swear if they start killing my dogs i will get him boys get him what alrighty i do that for a brilliant move bro okay okay you know what i i i because i clutched the mlg i'm i'm happy what the heck you've got a boat already okay i i'm severely in trouble unless i get to that boat unless i get to that no hiding in the kelp that's it hit the kelp don't hit me wish i knew how to make a boat okay so they've got a boat that's um that's not good at all look at that boat each you know what let's just jump in that's it you can't hit me okay let's not try that then this place to my left how did you hit me though what oh it's the boat straps there's honestly players coming from all angles i i don't see how i get out of this one look at them all see what i do is i get me and i have to dip back down while they jump in the boat yeah that's got to be the only way it can be done i'm gonna go down this ravine it's gonna be my only my only way out right okay here we go where are we going where we going where are we going we're digging down here okay we're going up all right no need to panic okay they're drowning they're drowning come on come on come on come on they're all they're all drowning come on somebody died somebody died that's massive i don't know how i'm doing this but i'm getting out of here i hear tnt going off they're trying to blow it up gold pickaxe is even faster as well okay we found a ravine do we dip into this ravine i think we've got to make our way along here we can at least get a bit of distance going i don't know if this plays up there if it's just spiders i don't know what point a ravine is a healthy place to be but let's just block that up i'm gonna try some different crafting recipes okay that's useless to me what about that that is a ruined pot okay that is good that could be useful that could actually be my big get out of jail free card here food armor okay this is massive i need more birch logs that's what i need now anything good in this woodland mansion chest there is more gold but nothing too important on another cave okay another woodland mansion chest sweeping edge another one here okay that's empty that's obviously not a useful one as much as i want to go to the surface i do kind of feel like it's going to be a deathtrap cause i'm kind of in a hole i could try some crafting the different recipes um what about helmet oh okay that's useful alrighty i like that uh what about boots not so useful oh my god what's that wreck loot listen let's get people there you can see me okay uh it has good stuff but is any of it useful i don't know i don't think so but this axe is actually very useful for me now what about bones do they do anything birch dolls oh they're going to be useless well i can use those underwater sometimes it's just about using the resources you have we can see lots of players all in the area my coordinates are constantly updated okay here we go there's no way they don't see me i'm gonna try and stick down here stick to this area let's let's place a door here can they see me i have no idea if they do or not let's carry on swimming there's players over there as well we just got to try and not get spotted i suppose there's another player up there is this in this land do i just grab a load if i grab loads of birch and i can get ruined portal loot which has got to be useful to me right how much do i have i have 13 let's grab three more and get out of it one two three skeleton get lost if anything i did get loads of cobblestone as well which is good and a ruined portal okay nice may have room for loot but we can also get yes a flint and steel okay that's huge uh i don't think i need anything else from there really just keep harvesting this birch wood while we can i think we have a little bit of breathing room let's go and take these craft those and just search these chests see if we can get anything useful okay already yeah we're getting good stuff i'm gonna do one chest at a time for now so i don't get overwhelmed obsidian that's gonna be massive as well we got it oh we got an enchanted gold knuckle that is absolutely massive and some axes um let's grab that axe because the other one's a bit broken we need a couple of axes since those my only weapons that guy was so close to actually taking me out okay let's get him i can get him right we've got four dogs he's gotta be he's gotta be weak he's gotta be hurting let's keep going there's more guys here now i've gotta move just keep going now if i really want to go into a swamp if people have got boats wolf was slack whoa he took out one of me wolves oh my goodness wolf number two guys wolves you need to leave him come come back i'll remember that name mario twist all my wolves are now dead how dare he take out all my wolves all right give me some amazing loot game come on efficiency four i'll i'll take that two minutes we're absolutely out of space here and a sweeping edge sword i i'll take that as well what's that that's four attack damage i mean i guess it could be useful who's this rex cheese you were one of the reasons why i had to back off you can run now but running is futile it's gotta be weak yes okay oh he's got he's got stuff anything i want i don't think so i'm gonna burn it up there we go there's mario twist all right i'm getting you for what you did to my dog i said creepers get him you killed all of my dogs for that you will perish oh somebody's come to backstab me do you know what he did to my dogs oh no there's now a 3v1 this is this is getting a little bit messy only got one chance of this if i miss a block i am going to die without a doubt all right well there's no point dying i've got loads of players on me it'd be great if i could lure them into there but i don't think i'm going to be able to i think the only way out of this is to eat an enchanted gold apple there we go here we go the axe is now broken there's a player there let's just keep going we've got loads of health this is what happens when i stopped about one player you end up with three attacking you there we go we're good we're good we got a bit of a bit of respite let's keep building up now because what they don't realize is i have way way way more blocks than them we can get our golden apples onto the hotbar that would help a lot oh my goodness i gotta kill he's gonna be dead right now he lands in the water are you kidding me oh my goodness they're they're really getting up here these guys are pros okay we gotta go we gotta go gotta land this nice we landed it okay let's go come on all right we're good we're good okay i'm gonna grab an axe okay there we go there's one down do you see someone behind me i'm i'm half debating going back underground yeah there's person shy okay they're swimming along i mean there's only one of them do i take them oh they have a boat oh so the water is of absolutely no benefit to me it just allows them to catch me up the mountain on the other hand or they're at the top of the mountain as well oh no i landed in water jump down here another room portal if i can can i finish that what is this some random stuff somebody's definitely here i only have one obsidian okay there's no point messing with that i think we only have one option that is to grab my shovel and just start start going down i don't need the shovel let's just get our way down into a cave and then start digging down hope for the best that we don't come across anything i do hear lava that could be useful i'm gonna dive mine under here try and find some lava at this level and then just get to the nether there is lava here okay let's let's do a portal okay already i've kind of messed this up but we'll uh we'll make it work i hope i haven't done anything wrong here look at this it's all working perfectly we do have a diamond picks if we needed more obsidian i suppose we could mine it up but i don't want to hang about here and do anything let's just try and get out okay i don't know where my coordinates they didn't update too recently so hopefully nobody finds this but now we're in the nether we do have a bit of respite i've also got to be careful because if they've run out then i'm in trouble i'm trying to save anything useful but tomorrow i don't see anything views i don't really know if i can get anything from the leather i just i'm just doing it for respite i'm just doing it to try and get away from players if i really want to get some a move on we can use this gold pickaxe i've got a few of these so i might as well use them all whoa oh no okay we're all right we're all right there's one danger of mining extremely fast through here did hear a gas die no i don't know i don't know what that means if it means somebody's here or something else i'll mess around with what do i say that as i was saying i'm gonna mess around with quartz see if that crafts anything useful i mean warp slabs i don't think that's that's much use although maybe warped slabs like the crafting for warp slabs could be useful let's have a look uh it really makes no difference this is the worst nether i could have possibly gone this is the last of my golden pickaxes now thing is all the hunters know exactly where i am but i have no idea how many are in the nether found a new area it's a crimson forest let's keep searching it so as you can mine up this gold ore let's see what it makes it makes stairs okay that's kind of useless what about if i go like this okay that's also useless i'm gonna take a risk here and do some trading with this guy is that fire resistance okay that is already he's been worth it see what nether brick does it makes a jukebox okay we don't really want that did you really go through all 27 gold that i think it despawned didn't it i think the server made it despawn at least we are now at a nice open area of the nether doesn't think it's a good idea to try and get enderman as well we can just we can just take him out from down here yeah there we go we got him and we didn't get a pill you feel kind of indestructible in the nether at least since if someone attacks me all i have to do is drink my fires and jump in the lava and definitely believe ender pearls are going to be very useful okay we got one perfect i was going to see what happens if i craft like that red carpet okay so really that's that's kind of useless and i i don't have space for all that string i think right now my best bet is to find a bastion and then i can use that to get the obsidian to get out of here and certainly be a lot braver when i fire resistance bridging over lava my biggest worry is that sooner or later my resources are going to run okay we've no need to worry anymore we have found a bastion now i have a choice here do i use my fire resistance i think i've got to let's grab a bucket okay i didn't want that to go in the lava take two let's grab a bucket of lava put it there i'm gonna splash myself because if somebody's near me i don't want to be able to like use my bridge i want them to have to come across just to slow them down now to me this either looks like housing or stables housing is probably the most likely there's a chest there and if i'm correct the goal should be right around here that's correct it is indeed housing okay we've got this guy here uh we don't use water on him let's make sure we use lava to get him okay he's here there we go we got rid of him now we can get to this chest what do we have in here a gold block okay let's see what the gold block does and the obsidian that's going to be the biggest thing a new shovel that's better we might as well see what bone blocks do cyan die i i don't really see any use for that so let's get rid of all that gold eyes of ender okay and we're in a bastion where there's gold blocks all right we can make this work so like i said guys this is housing i know these bastions inside out i know where to find everything an iron sword that's got to be better as well and more food i was getting worried about that do we have any we still don't have boots but let's just go and get their gold so i won't be trading this back to these guys instead i will be turning them into eyes of ender so far i've got eight i'm gonna go and make all those into eyes of ender for now but there is a lot more to be had at this bastion so i'm just going to build up to the top somewhere on the inside there's more gold blocks i could find them i know exactly how to get to them i don't think it's worth the risk with piggling brutes running around there are their chests i need to get rid of those guys first though there should be one down and the other guy's in lava there we go he should be dead now perfect i think if i drop down there is a piglet over there we need to we need to get into these triple chests okay that's that's slightly better i guess and loads of golden carrots now what's this sweeping edge that's not much better i want to see okay that's nothing useful arrows on the other hand will be useful get rid of this guy in there this guy can he get across to me i don't have my bucket a lava i'm gonna need that okay it's there let's grab it somewhere down there i don't think he can get back up you know another gold block that's perfect that's another event because we're still gonna need more of these let's craft that and a bit of extra pork chops all useful stuff i hear a guy i hear a guy eating okay he's he's bracing himself for a fight okay got the first hit got a second hit no he's got it he's got not chapel okay that changes the complexion of this fight completely i am uh i'm in serious trouble now but thankfully it's a plan b gonna eat my golden apple i've got to stay crouched now i'm gonna eat two you know what can't take too many okay he's gonna know where i am yep he's landing that okay okay he's not gonna know where i am if i keep digging down though let's just keep moving foundation debris what are the what are the flipping chances of fighting ancient debris if i can dig back up and swim out he's gonna have no idea i don't know where he is i don't really want to uncrouch if i unless i have to oh he's there i don't know if he can see me i'm gonna go back down or you can probably see it again this is now a very interesting battle i've got 54 seconds left of fire resistance okay which means i have to get out of this lava before that runs out i'm not gonna panic i have a pearl that is my only chance of doing this check now how long do i have 14 seconds okay now i need to plan it's gonna have to pearl and i'm gonna have to eat loads of gapples but otherwise i'm gonna die from the fire here we go we need to get out of here we have to get out of this lava that's it place a block that's it we're out okay let's now eat this we should be fine hopefully the fire does not last for too long now i have the fun of trying to get through a basalt delta well i've got hot tourist destinations if nothing else the biggest thing about this basalt delta is i don't need to rush there's a fortress over there like is it useful to me the only reason for going there is i'm kind of at a dead end and it should allow me to move a lot further and no i'm not speed bridging i can't do the stress of falling in lava and this does make traveling way way easier things these guys can oh my just be careful let's be as i was saying oh my god i can't get down there i'm at a dead end i've been trying to say these guys can find a good recipe and then just keep making it over and over again for a loop chest and and then get the you know the nut chapels and all that good stuff really don't know where i go from here it's a guy i i don't know i mean he's not stacked at all but if he gets a good hit on me he could easily knock me into lava probably still need another bastion to get out of here just because of my lack of obsidian and only 10 eyes of ender is not gonna be enough another bastion okay i did not expect to see this here this is probably i hope it's gonna have everything that i need okay isovender check we've got all the ones we need i want to spend time trading with these piglens if i can get more fire resistance it's going to be huge traders them all sadly no joy with the trades we have to go into the main place where the brutes live this could be useful it's filled with lava which you'd think would be would be a bad thing but hopefully that means all the piglins have been taken out and i can just get free roam at this place okay so these are the chests that count this is where we need to find obsidian thankfully i am a bit of an expert with these bastions okay this is there's gonna be gold blocks on this side but it sounds like this pickling bruise i don't think it's worth it just need obsidian if i can get out of here we'll be all right although boots that's gonna be very handy to have we're gonna try and check these areas and hopefully not get too lost although it's very easy to get lost here okay this is probably prime no we're good right oh still nope there's a brute there thankfully there is an easy chest to get this way which you get by digging to the top oh this this is my savior chest i'm one obsidian away now and here piglet okay i'm at this this is a bad place to be maybe i can just get rid of him that's it drop in there mate don't pull yourself i'm so stupid hopefully we have got triple chest up here and i don't know what my best bet is can i i just sneak underneath here that's a pretty good way all righty any good shot sharpness five okay that's the game changer that we needed i'm just gonna check out what four magma does okay that's nothing useful i have no idea if i've made these guys angry or not okay i don't think i have that's good all right let's just oh this stupid right this is going to make him angry but we just got to accept it still no gold blocks no obsidian we're still just slightly short and now all these guys are angry at me and i see a player that's not good he's over there don't you crouch at me sonny jim this is the guy from before okay you please have some stuff that i need shipwrecked loot chests okay they could be useful i suppose um although i i don't know i feel like i don't need half this stuff you gave me 12 obsidian you know what i don't need any more than that i don't plan to use it just yet when i need to escape it's going to be perfect and grab these gold blocks make ourselves 17 eyes of ender you know what what do i need what do i need from the nether now there's nothing let's just get back to the old world and let's try and get to this stronghold asap a bow i need a bow i don't have a bow i am how am i going to get a bow this could be very very annoying for me but i'm i just i've got no time we spotted a new place miles away from everyone else and i've got an idea if if there's a black there's a blacksmith we could trade we need we need we need a villager on this guy iron armor okay uh do i need bread i've got loads of food we don't need that but now the armor is getting an upgrade i've no idea why there is zero villagers here a new diamond chest plate i'm gonna take that i guess if i use the grindstone at least like if i find a villager i can get him to trade we've got one over here all right sir you have a new job grab these emeralds seriously man you can't go to sleep accept the job come on that's it you got oh my goodness people are on the way as we speak and you guys are sleeping on the job get out of bed somebody just killed i guess it was a golem actually we should be all right okay i'm still gonna wait a bit till it comes day i think i just i don't know what to do i need to get this iron axe i have to do it maybe one of you guys will take on the job come on good sir be a hero i'm gonna hope i'm gonna hope that i run into another one right now the plan is to get as many puppies as possible let's also work out which way we're gonna be going we're gonna be going okay directly this way need to remember to get water come out the spruce area but here we have birch wood which we know how useful this is gonna be my big plan was to get an iron axe but i do have a sharpness five iron sword i mean the attack damage on that is nine that's pretty good turn these into room portal chest see if we get anything good okay we're always happy to get more golden apples and the obsidian you never know did i hear something i think it was just my imagination to be honest or a stick falling from a tree all right more golden apples yeah that's all good uh i do actually need new leggings so that's i'm very happy with that as well the three what what are these mending let's get thorns on that i mean it won't last forever let's keep the other one just in case throw another eye okay we're still on track look at this this is just basically three golden apples and i've got a plan since i'm not sure if i can use a bow and arrow to break the crystals i'm gonna grab a bunch of snowballs in this time i started crafting these puppies into what i what i got him for and then we're just going to keep doing him if we yeah if we see a gaffer we're grabbing it we're not grabbing anything else though the goal is to get an enchanted golden apple but obviously they are extremely extremely rare sadly no joy in getting an enchanted one but we have now got 25 gapples but don't worry i've got another 29 here okay we got one finally and we are now fairly close to the stronghold hopefully it is over water why are there 70 000 fish here i have no idea if i had to guess i'd say it's likely to be somewhere around here let's throw another one yeah he's definitely over here somewhere i mean it wasn't exactly i guess it was kind of educated because i knew where the other eyes had gone let's see what this okay it's actually like way further this way i've gotta be quick because people are gonna be hunting me down and triangulation is difficult the best of times never mind when you've got players after you okay where did that go okay it's back that way okay hopefully this is the last battle i'm absolutely useless at this today and there's a player over there as well right um this design needs to tell me where it is okay it's down here all right we need to go eight in this chunk i don't mean eight i mean four four and i am mining with my fist what am i doing okay let's um just swim oh no come on all right let's just get a shovel up watch us be panic in a in a situation to try and get to the stronghold okay we're straight in it it's quite a high up one which is good right let's um let's try and find this there's not many ways that you can go here which is i guess a pretty good sign where it's dead wise oh there is a chester iron chest but no i'd have a diamond at least the bookcase room i don't think i need to be there found it okay okay this is huge this is huge okay let's just um not do anything stupid let's just place that like that let's fill in the portal alrighty guys we have made it to the end i'm pretty sure that the coordinates oh my goodness don't fall in uh we'll go into we'll go into the chat for everyone else so they they should be able to find their way here whether there's enough in the area i have no idea it's gonna be difficult since i don't have any bow it would be a lot quicker but i'm just gonna have to try and get in the pearls honest okay this is one end of it left on me i didn't realize if i died to an enderman i'm just gonna live off golden apple snowballs can go here now hopefully snowballs do work please tell me you work snowballs they work oh my goodness dragon don't fly into me like that i don't need that at this time there we go we got another tower perfect let's just and i'll do that so i don't see any players in the end i'm just going to keep going as quick as i can oh my goodness okay i don't know what just happened there but i i clutched it somehow this is where it gets risky if the dragon flies into me i've got to act fast thankfully we can do things like that we can hit that one over there perfect i think okay we're getting most of them um i think i'm gonna purl over there there we go nice let's take out that that's another one down we're gonna gracefully drop down here i don't think i need to rush this i think i can take my time if a player comes through i mean it's probably not gonna be more than one i can probably take them there's another tower down very worryingly the dragon is perched i'm just gonna move he's gonna try and fly into me i don't have that many blocks to keep building up so hopefully let's just there we go we got more blocks let's just get up almost at the top of this tower break another one break that one please tell me i can't read someone kind of right let's just no way what am i doing what am i doing okay what am i doing i don't see that that happened bridge has not been finished i don't think dragon is perched once again let's keep building up let's hit that okay all towers are down now do i go down i think i place that i think i think i'm good i'm gonna end a pearl to the ground imagine if i hit the dragon when i end up hold that would be a disaster now let's try and get another ender pearl just in case we need it there we go and now the dragon is perching whilst i'm waiting i might as well see what we can get in this chest anything good oh another golden apple get the dragon imagine if i died to the dragon what a way to go that would be wish i had a boat to shoot it i've just got to keep keep vigilant perch number two let's get some more damage hopefully my sword does not break i'm gonna use my axe a little bit because the sword is is looking a bit weak whoa okay let's uh we land those baby we land those at that end of pearl was miles behind here it comes again i hope that doesn't happen again i can't take it i can do the damage oh no you know what i don't know what to do here guys snowballs do something i cannot afford to get hit up in the air again but i need to do the damage okay it flies away okay we're all right oh my goodness someone has oh my goodness i missed the dragon purge but someone has entered the end the only person who can stop me and the worst part is my sword has broken because i was killing an enderman okay is my arm in good shape the dragon oh no dragon go away from me just just get you know what you want to do is i'll finish off right now i really don't know what my plan is okay um i got it i got to eat this let's just do it they're the same okay my axe is now also broken there's no way there's no way i win this if if i win this it's all shield work my only chance is if i can yes yes come on come on come on come on get under there all right we've got we got all sorts of venom number i don't think they can get in here if i can finish off come on no he's so weak can i get in here let's go i don't know what that person's doing come on come on come on we did it yes we actually managed to do it
Channel: SB737
Views: 4,277,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft manhunt, manhunt, speedrun, speedrunner vs hunter, speedrunner, dream, random crafts, op, op manhunt, minecraft manhunt but
Id: 2z6cnslISVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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