Minecraft Hardcore, But It Has Realistic Physics

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minecraft hardcore but it has realistic physics minecraft is great but let's be honest it isn't the most realistic game in the world for one thing gravity is nearly non-existent when you mine a block where do all the fragments go and shouldn't explosions cause a little bit more chaos well today the physics of minecraft have completely changed blocks crumble when broken entire caves can collapse and explosions well let's just say they look amazing so today i'm gonna beat minecraft on hardcore mode with these awesome new physics also i'm trying to hit 2 million subscribers this year so if you enjoy my videos please consider subscribing here we are in the world everything looks pretty normal doesn't it and as usual the first thing you must do in minecraft is punch a tree although that's not going to be quite so normal so once we punch this oh my goodness the entire tree i guess that's something that makes sense i get all the logs as well the days of randomly floating trees are behind us in minecraft what if i just break a leaf oh look at that he takes out all that as well i have to say it makes a bit of a mess on the ground doesn't it i think i should start by making some tools and see what else breaks the crafting table pretty standard what comes with the grass okay that's just very very weird is the flower the same is that a bit strange yeah it just kind of falls on the floor it also does affect mobs so we need to take some of those out look at this the stone everything's oh we've got more than one i really like that so will the entire cave collapse above okay i didn't think it actually would i have so much good stuff it's amazing i can make a bunch of tools [Music] okay i almost died there and i should get some food what was with these fellas oh they just completely collapsed into a million pieces i'm sorry good sir watch out mate there's a treat it's it's gonna collapse on top of you he's completely fine for now and look at that up ahead is a pillager outpost well good sir prepare to be turned into a million pieces look at me this is gonna be you in a second mate i don't know i feel like it just never gets old just watch them collapse into a bit look at him you're just queueing up for it any good loot instead of checking the loot i feel like what happens if you mind the chest oh my goodness the whole place is collapsing oh that's lots of easy wood anyway so if i destroy this oh this is too cool i guess it makes sense though if you break one block all the blocks around it would naturally fall well i have slightly destroyed that area i'm getting out of it what better way to spend my time than a bit of caving i would say the coolest thing in this mod is using tnt although it might be a while before i get some tnt but that is going to be something i'm working towards just because it sends a million blocks flying in every direction and mining is just so easy i think crafting a bit of armor now as well which is a good thing all right let's see what happens when an enderman gets taken out he just collapses as you would expect and doesn't drop an ender pearl get ready for a big cave collapse so could it just go i also like the sound of grabbing gold when i find it and okay there's a lot of gold here oh my goodness i did not expect to reveal you guys anyway the plan is to start getting some gold and then i can create the golden carrots oh my goodness there's diamonds i was looking at this gold and i looked up and then there's a diamond oh we can see what happens when we mine diamonds now with this i shall first grab all of the gold and get this iron quickly and that will just nicely let me get myself full armor oh my god wait the diamond's already collapsed i think i collapsed on my mind i didn't get to see what happened now my big theory for this is i can strategically use this realistic physics to find loads and loads of diamonds so notice how mining one block just shows me loads and loads of blocks so sooner or later it's going to reveal diamonds a bucket of water might just come in handy for this because i'm slightly worried about falling in the lava so yeah just going into areas like this and breaking all of it is surely going to reveal some diamonds not if i fall in first oh it did reveal sometimes the plan worked perfectly now then i've got [Music] i've got to be careful my diamonds don't burn i didn't burn okay it's good news i think i got them both i think yeah i got i got three more diamonds now here's a thought can i use this to break bedrock here we go solid bedrock i break the block below it and nothing happens although despite that this is still going to make finding diamonds much easier okay we got diamonds there i just realized it's going all the way to the surface i'm creating a massive ravine it looks like at least two more diamonds in fact it was four more that's really nice yes doing this might break my pc but i don't care okay we found more diamonds created a bit of a flood at the same time nothing a few blocks can't fix and i've sure got plenty of blocks i feel like he's just going to make another flood but we need the diamonds that's another load of diamonds i'm on 15 now ah we've got some more diamonds let's see what we're dealing with okay thank goodness i realize what's behind it this is lava i've got to be careful about that let me pick these up and i found a few more diamonds around this corner sadly i i just burnt one this one's okay oh my goodness are you kidding me after careful consideration i've decided that 18 diamonds will be enough and i should probably get some more food thankfully it's also very easy to get apples using this mod this is going dark i think a bed may be a good idea and some nice diamond armor with a diamond axe as well and a gold helmet to stop the piglens i can break on my face it never gets old seeing all the particles on the ground in order to solve all my food problems let's get some dandelions i'm looking forward to test this mud out on a mushroom it just it pretty much collapses the whole yeah look at that i guess the same is true for this mushroom yeah one hitting mushrooms it's beautiful let me get this one as well now i can create plenty of suspicious stew and i think it is time to go to the nether i wonder if the physics work underwater it knows the room poorly by the way it's quite convenient yeah look at that only all float to the surface i'm also going to look for shipwrecks to get some tnt we'll be looking and get some no we won't although this one has a treasure map which points to this very spot up ahead so if i dig down right about here there we have the treasure and still no tnt oh i can't really complain i've got diamonds and fish finally i've got some gunpowder i can grab a couple of pieces of sand craft a flint and steel craft a tnt i think i'm gonna use this in there because that's where it's gonna look the craziest oh my goodness i just found diamonds in this ravine how cool is that oh okay i just found him i just i'm looking for lava i wasn't looking for this but i'll take it now i can build a portal which is always a very fun thing to do and using a bucket doesn't seem to create any strange effects now let's see just how broken the nether is gonna be okay i just come straight to a bastion oh i can i can destroy this entire place it definitely doesn't help me to destroy this but it's going to be funny but the nether i want to know what happens when i mine something like this does it just yeah it just kind of takes out the whole cave area around it yeah look at that let's now look at something cool let's see tnt in action it looks so so good guys you also might want to stand well back fellas yeah trust me this is gonna get a bit messy so i've lit the tnt he's gone right next to it look at all the particles oh my goodness now he's angry at me that that is so his fault unfortunately since i only have one tnt i only got to watch that once but i want to see what i was going to do with creepers and ghasts i think they'll both be very cool but the first priority is to try and steal their gold i did not mean to do that i'm sorry fellas basically mining anything just leads to a disaster however if i mine the block underneath the gold they don't get angry now let's throw all this down here i see pearls it's getting very messy but i see pearls can also loot their chests without them getting angry this is very very handy indeed let's steal these chests as well i'm very pleased to say i successfully stole all their gold without any of them getting angry at me nice opportunity to make some diamond boots i've now definitely got everything that i need so i'm now going to begin my hunt for some gusts so just breaking this yeah it just causes massive destruction to sleep i have to say you get like a million magma cubes from one magma cube and there dead ahead is the fortress in fact i can just get into it by mining okay everybody completely destroying it i only have given myself one rule when i find the blaze spawner and that is that i cannot mine anything otherwise something will go wrong now i can put you into a million pieces and watch your blaze go into a million pieces by means of an experiment i just want to try and mine out the but you know what it's completely safe and now that i've got all the blazers i need i can break this and see what it looks like it just goes into a million tiny pieces let's build ourselves a nether portal okay i did not mean to do that oh my god that's my only obsidian as well you know i'm not gonna let it stop me i've got fire resistance let's place these three along here and if i mine out all of this and light it yeah we're in a uh a very secret portal should probably not burn to death let's just jump in water and since it's night i can enjoy watching the creeper oh look at it it's amazing that's all i'm doing tonight i'm just gonna watch it completely yeah you got in there but it's so so cool which direction do we need to be heading okay that way it's a shame i never found a ghast i feel like watching that would have been really cool but i can still have a lot of fun spending the night igniting creepers i know this is a mod that they'll probably never add to the game but even if they just added explosions like this like an option to turn it on it would just be such a cool thing i might never get to do this again tonight a lot okay i'm going to thank if i'm not careful but i've got to let these creepers blow up apparently i have just gone past where the stronghold will not just but at some point i've gone past the stronghold pretty sure it's about here yeah yeah we're going straight down here when you're digging down things get a uh a little bit messy but we have indeed found this stronghold now i feel like i could just mine things and it might okay yeah i forgot silverfish will come out i know you know that's a bad idea although i went straight to the portal room anyway whoa okay not like this guys let's mine that nothing goes wrong like these two on fire that's them taken out look at these little little things everywhere and let's make our way to the end what's this i'm trapped in a box don't you worry i just mind the roof and go straight out of here you may be wondering how i intend to break the crystals only one way to do that by mining the bottom of these pillars which apparently is completely useless because obsidian doesn't collapse looks like that means i definitely need to hit the one cycle here i can crack plenty of wool make loads of beds filled up before i get hurt and now i simply wait up here for him to perch or hurt i think the end of dragon is technically a girl but i always call it i always get told off in the comments here we go it's coming in let's get these beds down and let's do it nicely done this is so far going very very well indeed yeah a little a nice little five better i'll take that now does the dragon go into a million pieces not really i'll tell you what does the egg look you can crack open the egg well the egg itself doesn't break but yeah it creates loads of particles everywhere but thanks for watching that was beating minecraft hardcore with ultra realistic physics
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,360,692
Rating: 4.9383955 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, realistic, realistic minecraft, realistic physics, minecraft realistic physics, mod, minecraft mod, mods, realistic minecraft mod
Id: KLKYl1zM1c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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