Minecraft Hardcore, But It's on a Broken Seed

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broken seeds in minecraft these are very rare seeds that cause caves to be absolutely broken the reason for this is a bit technical but basically it makes the same cave repeat over and over again now you think that this would be a bad thing but this actually causes some of the best case in the game to be generated allowing you to find lots and lots of diamonds but does it affect other things in the game like strongholds mine shafts or fortresses does it make beating the game easier or does it make it harder well today that's what we're going to find out and make sure to subscribe if you thought that this was a good video i'm going to create a hardcore world and enter the seed here i will also link it down below in the description this is it the broken minecraft seed it doesn't look very broken does it looks pretty normal to me well before we can get to the broken stuff we must first collect some wood make some tools and grab some food i've now got plenty of items plenty of food i may have to just sleep this bit oh you survived not for long you know what you're a survivor pig i'm going to let you live i guess where we are right now is a pretty good example of how caves are very broken on this scene notice how that cave just keeps going and go excuse me i'm trying to make a video here yeah notice how it just keeps on going and going forever and it keeps repeating like we have this shape here and then the shape repeats again there and again here it just keeps on going forever and ever which means it's great for finding massive caves and lots of ores this is going to make it so easy for me to get full iron armor and now we can set that all off smelting and begin crafting and now we can get suited and booted look at me i'm ready to go caving now my current plan now is to try and find a cave that goes down to bedrock and then i plan to use that to find lots and lots of diamonds now this area here looks very pro oh look at this it is perfect i'm gonna give you an overhead view of where i am as well just so you can see the kind of cave that i'm in unfortunately i can't see it right now but i have a pretty good idea of how it looks because i know how broken seeds look they just keep repeating it's absolutely crazy it's like a free strip mine speaking of three strip mines look what we've got up ahead we've got some diamonds let's go build our way up here and see how many we've got only one yeah are you kidding me the good thing about these is whilst the cave repeats the oars the underside dirt anything like that is all random so you know it would be even crazier i guess if like diamonds kept repeating so if you found a diamond here it would repeat the next game unfortunately that's not the case i found some more diamonds and a creeper and a skeleton okay the welcoming part are you guys here to guard it or something here we go watch that all right let's get rid of you let's eat he blew up me diamonds okay we got one i don't know if we lost any diamonds there let's grab these before any more creepers turn up we've got a grand total of six extra diamonds there we've got plenty it's even cooler when ravines connect onto this cave system since the way they generate is different to the caves they could just connect onto it and look at that diamonds up ahead looks pretty promising so yeah if you want an easy caving experience this is the seed for you i can now start my upgrade to diamond armor goodbye iron we don't need you anymore found more diamonds as usual there's a creeper by it every single time i don't know why there's so many creepers it's even a good way to find extra mob spawners as well excuse me guys i'm breaking straight in i said this isn't going too well let me build a little thing here now i can check the chest golden apple i'm breaking too probably not that useful but some iron and in this chest just another bucket got plenty of them now and we're gonna block you guys oh you've escaped never mind there's something about finding diamonds that just never gets old i'm definitely gonna keep going until i have the max diamonds that i need to be honest i think after mining these i probably won't need any more i could get max diamond tools max armor it's it's perfect like a helmet and some boots full diamond tools and once i put these on i've pretty much got everything we need look at that we were sorted there's no doubt about it that this is the best way to find diamonds however caves aren't the only thing that are completely broken on this seed we're gonna go and try and find something else that is very broken and to do that i'm gonna need to strip mine or even better i could dive mine oh look at that we've found sometimes i've been mining a long way i feel like i'm gonna have to steal mine a long long way but it's always nice to find diamonds on the way i have come to a cave i don't know if it's a glitched one or not oh my goodness i cannot stop finding diamonds everywhere i go there is just diamonds waiting for me oh my god what is this seed this is actually the world's best seed i just mine a block and these diamonds wait for me i cannot tell if this is a repeating one or not i think it might be yeah i think it is but it's not as like good for repeating another one because the cave don't connect it is indeed a glitch cave look it keeps going but that's not what we're looking for we're gonna carry on mining okay perfect i found the very thing that i was looking for yes caves aren't effect just affected i'm getting ambushed hold on it also completely affects mine shafts as well it goes on forever and ever i'm gonna show you an aerial view as i explore this this makes mine shafts go on and on for thousands and thousands of blocks it's absolutely crazy so it's another extremely easy way to find loot i mean look at this we've got golden apples can we find a notch apple that is the gold after searching many many chests i finally found one perfect we just appreciate for a moment how epic these mine shafts look like it keeps repeating and there's always lava here so you'd have to say you get what is an epic looking mine shaft that is burning up and to be honest because of the level we're on it makes it even better for finding diamonds i'm never going to get bored of mining these what on earth just happened whoa now that is thanks to my diamond armor it's burning up this is too dangerous this area i've got to get out of here i guess my best bet is to build another portal and check out the nether because this very broken cave generation doesn't just affect the overworld it also affects the nether i don't know how but my portal is right by a fortress i don't want to look at that right now we're looking for some nether caves oh well whilst i'm here i might as well grab the blaze rods that's that sorted now i can get back to cave hunting this here looks like a cave up ahead and at first glance it kind of has a broken look okay wait does that yeah i think it is pretty broken so once again these caves just keep repeating over and over until it gets to the basalt delta no it still does it just yeah it kind of still repeats look at that hot tourist destinations ladies and gentlemen and then the cave ends but how cool is this unfortunately it can't really be used for an easy way to find netherites because netherright blocks cannot spawn exposed to air they always have to be hidden behind a block so there's no use in that department and so my next mission is to try and find a bastion found another fortress it's not what i'm looking for you think things looking pretty bad for me but don't worry i have a plan okay i like that a little closer than i would have liked but don't worry we're fine i just realized i went across the top of a bastion i'm going to get shot off by this skeleton it was completely hidden under this roof i turned around and there it was so this is my ticket to the gold what we got in this chest bit of obsidian i suppose and here i have what i want some golden boots my plan is to mine up this gold here and then trade it all back to these guys there we go i have 63 goals i'll be back now these are some good chess even better soul speed if all has gone to plan these guys should have all the stuff i need yep i am well and truly sorry three stacks of pearl loads of obsidian loads of strings so i can make wool it's time to make a bottle and warn you guys if any of you followed me through it won't end well for you i would i would stay in the nether not the overworld and here we are ready to visit the stronghold so i'm curious to see when i find the stronghold if it is surrounded by glitch caves it's the strongholds bro can you imagine if there's just tons of end portals all in a row it would be crazy i've narrowed it down to be right about here there is a village over there but i'm not gonna go there i'm gonna see if there's any caves here that would then be completely glitched and allow me to go to the stronghold that way i don't see any so i'm just gonna dig down here and here we are now then how broken is this stronghold it seems that the answer is not very broken at all i found the portal room i'm gonna put in my eyes of ender and now we can battle the dragon it seems that caves around the stronghold may have been glitched but i couldn't find any but the stronghold itself was completely fine all that's left to do now is defeat the dragon i did check the end islands in testing but there doesn't seem to be any weird generation there with the scene that guy here he comes all that's left to do is for me to now not screw up and here we go let's do it so far very nice indeed we're gonna do it in five beds beautiful minecraft beaten on a very broken sea
Channel: SB737
Views: 3,132,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, broken seed, broken, minecraft broken, seed, best seed, amazing sees
Id: Z0ryM894SUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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