Minecraft, But Every Drop Is Custom...

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welcome to minecraft by every drop is custom in today's video every time we break any block in the world we're going to be immediately getting literally any of thousands of possible custom items in the game these items can range from custom swords to cut some armor to even things like an infinity gauntlet and craziest of all a literal helicopter can i be the dragon what custom items do i get in the end stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in three two one there we go welcome to the team and for today let's try and remind ourselves what the animation looks like for when you click the like button ready go ahead and try it anyways guys enjoy the video and special thanks to karma for sponsoring this video alright so as soon as i break this block we should be getting any random item in the game and it's gonna be oh my gosh what is that and our first item is gonna be an iron greatsword which is a bunch of word enchantments and with that being said guys welcome to minecraft but literally every single thing we break is gonna be giving us a custom item literally ranging from any mod in the game we got an obsidian helmet we got a sunstone glass chest plate i don't even know what this stuff is guys and as you guys can see we have a ton of things going on today literally some random dragon area over there some donuts in the sky and then a village that just doesn't look right so with all that being said guys we are about to be wait oh my gosh there is so much stuff on my screen this is overwhelming we just got an m4 carbide enhanced golden steel helmet why not i guess i'll take it the naruto shippuden opening and vegeta cosplay armor what gets this video right now i just got strength resistance three what oh my gosh okay this is the greatest video ever guys the hard part is gonna be getting to the stronghold and hopefully not dying to like a dragon or something cause like usual we only have one life we just got a sewn stone lamp inverted leggings whatever that is valhalla sword oh my gosh a soulforge steel plated shield cannot be crafted max protection thousand block and left click to shield bash huh oh that's so cool i can hit with this thing okay guys this video is really overwhelming right now we still don't have a pickaxe i'm pretty sure i added mods i can give you a full-on helicopter and tank so literally guys we can get any item in the game literally in the item rate the fake guys right of it honestly we look beautiful right now like about knockers oh wait do you guys see that oh it's a word from our sponsors so with that being said say hello to your new online shopping assistant with karma it's actually pretty easy to get set up all you have to do is download their chrome extension on your computer and then after that you can go to any of your favorite stores and save whatever item you want once saved you can get notified when that item goes on sale and you can even save multiple items into wishlist my favorite part about karma is that when at checkout karma automatically scans the web for coupon codes and applies them potentially saving you a ton of money and this is a special feature only available on computers and a views paypal you can even earn cashback so with all that being said you can get karma's free chrome extension today through my link in the description down below huge thank you again to karma for sponsoring today's video but besides that guys let's get back into getting op items okay what i really need right now is like a pickaxe or something i'm just gonna break a bunch of stuff guys like literally everything drops a random item oh my gosh what the heck is that okay so we have an m4 carbine a long barrel jade boots plus two armor why not frost troll leather with leggings okay minus 20 projectile damage i love to see that nice blue bull chess plate and a c4 remote oh my gosh oh look it's a table oh 12.75 damage two-handed two yes that's our new weapon right there we also have the valhalla sword which is kind of cool okay so i'm pretty sure dragon spawn here so as long as we don't get attacked by a dragon we should be fine if we do get attacked by a dragon then uh there is most likely gonna be death also we got iron ingots i can craft some stuff so that'd be good oh gosh there's some tnt what is this tunneling tnt okay we're going to pull that up sooner or real challenge is later be getting to the end because i'm pretty sure i can't get blaze rods and ender pearls is gonna be really difficult to get so on the bright side we did just find a crafting table in this room but now i need sticks and for one oh my gosh plus 10 armor toughness okay yeah did i just get a tank oh my gosh we literally just got a tank wait can i get inside i'm in a tank guys we need fuel we literally have a tank right now oh my gosh oh that's a pickaxe obsidian pickaxe yes i i honestly yes i am obsidian pickaxe oh my gosh a blue rose sword 25 attack damage oh my gosh a glock can i shoot this oh okay we're keeping that for later uh we just have to tank through the regular x-story video what happens we get cropped is that another tank oh my gosh wait we just got something cool so right by our tank we're adding to our collection literally an artillery gun wait wait no what is this oh my gosh i'm just trying to get some sticks so i can craft what is that over there and i also want to get to that donut i'm pretty sure we can get like jet packs and stuff but we're gonna get there we gotta pick our own helmet not really something we need right now oh we got a sledgehammer oh oh we swinging swinging all right all right so on the bright side we did get a pickaxe so i'm gonna see if we can find some stuff i just gotta get some food and be careful the dragons oh wait did we just move from there oh we got an onion yes okay if you made this for another video comment onion because the onions are saving us i literally had no food before this wait what is that is that a soccer player okay we're just guys this video is going to be all over the place um i i have no comment obsidian steel on mac 10. what the heck is going on in this video right now we might be getting a lot of really good items right away but the difficult part of this challenge is that we're not really getting useful items like we don't really have much food and the only pickaxe i have is an obsidian pickaxe i do have a winter sword though and a blue rose sword which is 25 attack damage what the heck guys we just got one of the best boots in the world unobtanium boots which is definitely better than our current boots and it's like rainbow boots man you can't go wrong with rainbow boots all right well at least we have water booking now but we definitely need to either go caving or figure out what these structures are or just keep getting custom items there are way too many custom items right now wait a second blade spotter okay we're actually getting closer to getting to the strong well at least with the blade spider this challenge is probably gonna take me a long time and i feel like something i'm gonna get is probably gonna end up killing me so i gotta be careful i really don't wanna lose this also we got some ice dragging flush uh not really something i want i also need some blocks what is this that is some hd stuff divine stone of returning soul what oh we actually do need that why not a nice simple bow you know what we were missing the simplicity again uh suppressor for our pistols uh and there it goes opposite he's gone again you know if you have an alternate title for this video i'd appreciate it i always like having alternate titles also what the heck is this mezzo mewn cosplay head oh i got water breathing that's kind of cool oh hello how's it going buddy oh okay sorry about that okay i'll let you be bro i don't know what he is but you know what there's a cave down here there's donuts up there and there is so many new oars weapons if i get this i get pants and infinity gauntlet would be amazing oh my gosh wait that's another tank no no no no no why are there so many mobs i love guys look i have a really good sword and you guys are probably the easier mobs about this mod and i'm really just trying to get some good stuff so we got literally another tank and there it is i don't know why i put it there but it's right there okay do we get anything from cool anything cool all right so right now our pants are frost troller 5 armor 6 armor this is shoto todoroki cosplay pants doesn't really give me anything but i kind of do look nicer i don't know what i'm becoming right now guys i kind of want just my rainbow armor let's go i want my rainbow stuff that's some dirt leggings that's a really cool looking sword what the heck an armadillo godsword okay we gotta hit something with this we gotta start hitting stuff i really have so many swords i want to test out oh my gosh what is this or what the heck is going on right now guys everything in this game is a literally custom this is just a maelstrom one so that's a magic staff supercharged oval chess play a wavering blade what does the staff do can't do anything with this oh okay yes we're keeping that let me know in the comments did i add too many things i feel like i may have added too many things oh wait new spot in the cave okay that looks like uh what is this a loophead bonus drops from mobs nice what does the steel thing do okay one hits you what about the wither sword oh oh my gosh okay give some water 100 that's actually sick oh my gosh that's actually really good in the hints unobtanium leggings i'm so sorry cosplay leggings but we are now half rainbow armor and we literally just started we still need our eyes of ender and also some way to get to the nether i really hope we can get an infinity gauntlet or something oh my gosh that's a big sword that is our gargantuan diamond sword and that is the best sword we've gotten so far all right guys we got our diamond sword we we have our diamond stuff forwards there are games to another right sword we need the big neither right sword minigun we got a minigun i i want mini gun ammo right now i i do we need to figure it out we got to get mini gun amber right now we're calling the maker of minecraft it doesn't stop guys what is that thing oh what is that thing i'm literally trying to break block slowly but surely but it's just non-stop chaos oh and a dragon skull just play increased protection from dragon breath attacks okay the vegeta cosplay armor actually is pretty good it's plus a armor it gives us some good effects but i'm not kidding guys when we see a dragon our game might end really quickly so i'm gonna probably just end up putting this because i mean we can't ignore it and also i need a new helmet we're kind of ugly right now under men's heart oh cats all poor oh wait what wait hold up guys do we go to the donut thing i might regret this we're doing it oh my gosh wait no this is the best item ever i missed oh my gosh no the video could have just ended like that okay there's a church over there and actually lower donut we're gonna go for the higher donut okay i don't even know what to expect in the end guys stay tuned for that because i did add a bunch of end custom items too so you know it's gonna be a mess we got a crossbow right now we got some milk and love me some milk and uh can we maybe get some eye vendor no guns okay no no eyes of ender we're getting guns nice nice science uh got another bow it looks like we have some chests here so maybe we can get something good i'm kind of addicted to doing this guys we can just get more and more good items and it just gets better and better all right what's in here oh wait a second i know how we're gonna get inter pools of blaze modern now i did not know these came in here okay okay okay okay okay we can actually do this guys bleed sprouter ender pearl eye vendor there we go we're gonna beat the dragon somehow who's in here oh wait you guys don't look nice oh are you guys like some anime characters because uh how's it going you guys mad at me oh they look nice wait is it because of my helmet oh okay i blended it they're not happy they're not okay okay this is bad okay you guys actually do good damage what the heck okay we're i guess we're fighting fighting no no no no hello hello hello okay okay okay what the heck break you there's a dragon outside it feels like and you guys don't stop following me okay what's in these chests are there anything good i i need to oh i'm gonna die i can't die okay we're good oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh okay we're at one heart oh okay nope nope nope nope nope and we are not gonna be staying there anymore all right so i definitely don't have good enough armor to be up there we got a little bit of blaze powder and one eye vendor but that is definitely not enough to fight the dragon so with that being said we just got a nerf stampede okay all right so i need some better armor or a rocket launcher okay yes yes big rocket launcher guy i was raised by rocket launchers actually guided missile launcher i am definitely gonna be sending one of those in as soon as i go in and this is actually perfect oh my gosh unobtainium block nine unobtanian ingots and with those ingots i i'm pretty sure there should be a crafting table somewhere inside of here oh man this place doesn't have a crafting table we might have to get one once we're up there and then we can grab another obtaining chest plate oh and just like that 18 unobtainium he gets that is actually insane guys like what the heck also this is a really cool pickaxe oh my gosh 48 attack damage what all right fluorescent down pickaxe is the the new pickaxe i'm a fluorescent guy what are you oh my gosh hello what happens if i hit you oh huh what if i do with this i just committed murder i'm so sorry looks like we got a new chess play please be good enhance pro plus 11 i mean it's plus 11 we need something there we go until we can get an obtaining of an s1 we got no ammo don't really need that and oh my goodness we got a soul stone which is not really what we're looking for we are looking for an infinity gauntlet if we can somehow you can't get that but for now i'm trying to get you know maybe a crab table or something like we have really good items but we're missing the great things you know all right give me a cool item maybe a helicopter i'm pretty sure you can get helicopters stuff oh gosh what is that helmet okay plus four armor a tied guardian helmet what the heck bronze provides water breathing provides strength when wet increasing levels with a full set and a holy eye looks sick what the heck look at that okay i'm keeping this one oh wait no way we just got black panther suit also i'm pretty sure there's a dragon spawn over there and what are you okay i'm not even questioning it okay before we put on black panther sue is there anything over here it looks like a dragon what's here because there's a lot of items on the floor if there's a dragon i'm just a friendly visitor uh is there any ender pearls enterprise oh my gosh okay that is definitely a dragon it doesn't look like a fully aged dragon oh my gosh okay i don't know where the dragon went and that's probably a good thing what is this a crimson what what i just placed this thing wait can i just ride this wait is this like a mob or is it what am i doing all right uh well we we just got a we we just got a car or a horse i'm not sure what this thing is but you know what i i welcome it happily all right let's uh let's get a little bit serious though and ashley uses black panther suit so in the corner it says if i press x i'm gonna activate it so let's go ahead and press x and see what happens oh and just like that guys we are black panther and i'm pretty sure we can't do much we kind of dropped our armor there uh but i guess we're just fighting did we get anything special kinetic energy absorption knock by resistance fall resistance and fall damage all right since we are black panther guys i think it might be time to go into another one of these donuts and see if we can get some more ender poles and blaze rods because there's no way we're gonna get to the nether with random custom drops there's just so many jobs we can get like i'm barely scratching the surface right now and i still want my infinity gauntlet oh my gosh wait what is that pudge hook launcher can i hook on to mobs or something okay oh oh that works that's sick all right these look a little bit easier to get to i'm pretty sure already did that one so we might as well do this one hopefully nothing bad happened something that's probably gonna happen okay we're on the top now we just gotta go inside nothing kill me please okay we're breaking that right away gave me some blaze rods dead starter three fluorescents arrows really don't need any of this stuff wait can i light stuff on fire what the heck okay this pickaxe is insane what the heck where are the ender pearls though hey hello hello i'm not gonna hit you please don't attack me please don't talk me oh no he's coming for me oh i won't hit him okay oh wait there's a crafting table right here actually since we're up here right now might as well go ahead and make the unobtainium just play and uh final undertaking piece good ol unobtanian helmet i think we should be good there with our full set of rainbow armor which might even be better than this black panther armor so you know what it's selfie keeper yeah you gotta stay on that side all right i'm gonna stay over here and uh i'm gonna see if i can oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh big ass do your thing go go pick x go go go go they're actually doing good damage i'm gonna have so many levels after this i could technically do a level 30 enchantment but i should probably break these first okay is there anything good nothing good nothing good oh no guys we're literally getting nothing right now from these shots we got a boat and that's it oh that looks good all right we're going straight down to that thing oh gosh what was that okay this is gonna be a sonic rifle i guess i'll take it okay and the mobs have guns dude we're getting out of here let's run another donut or somehow try to get into the nether i think the nether might be our best option right now oh oh no no hello hello hello hello hello a dragon dragon show dragon show dragon no please please please dismount i don't know what's going on literally i was just minding my own business so this is definitely a problem all of a sudden we are now fighting a dragon and we're barely doing any damage to it oh we killed it okay all right um did you do you know what just happened i was just minding my own business trying to find another donut to get some more loot and all of a sudden this dragon just decides to attack me what the heck was that well dragon you had a good run we might have just watched the black panther armor to finally our full rainbow unobtanium set which is actually so sick that we got this like what the heck literally the best custom armor set now we just need some better swords some better ender pearls and i'll be very happy all right so my plan is now guys i'm gonna keep grinding these donuts out try to get some blaze powders ender pearls get as many as avengers as we can and what the heck is that thing okay we're going there after we get this donut also about what okay okay okay that was actually perfect i can i get a light for that one please all right don't mind me just gonna steal all your stuff all i need is some ender pearls and blaze powder wait a second lava bucket low-key if i find a lava pool i could make another portal that way and get the blaze powder and eyes avenger that way i might be onto something hold on if we can't get eyes of under this way we might have to go to the nether real quick we'll mainly need a way of making fire but my pickaxe makes fire so that kind of works out easily okay these guys are actually gonna kill me is there anything worth getting right here there's literally nothing i need right now okay there we go all right new gold guys we need to find a lava pool make a nether portal get in the nether get some blaze rods and maybe some enterprise and then kill the dragon and win the game and if we can't do it that way we'll just find some more donuts in the sky and do whatever we can i think this might be perfect guys okay we got lovable how fast can i mind this actually oh we got pants for that okay so we got the lava bucket we got the water so we're gonna do this the old fashioned way all right final obsidian piece and just like that we finally got a portal and i think this should work right huh that's cursed man all right i guess we gotta let it spread and with our portal guys i think it's finally time to go into the nether here we go wait did we just spawn on another fortress oh my gosh we legit just spawned at another fortress what are the chances of that also what is this platform wait is this a mini nether fortress wait what is going on here wait what the heck wait what what is hitting me oh wait where was he invisible what okay i don't know where the wither skeletons are but we gotta get out of here oh please it that was perfect all right i need you all right first blaze rods we only need a few more oh wow that's actually really convenient these two blaze waters ride by each other um so i think that might be enough actually right away okay we're done there and i am not gonna come back here anytime soon holy that was a little bit too tough i don't think we're gonna get ender pearls here but on the bright side we did get all the blaze butter we need all we need now is just get some other poles and then we can find the stronghold i think we definitely have a lot of good custom items but we can't forget about the goal which is to get out of here right away we're getting we're getting out holy that was stressful yeah also that kind of scared me right there okay so on the bright side we figured that out now what we gotta figure out is getting a lot of ender pearls like i mean a lot you already know what time it is guys it's donut time we're gonna be going from place to place i'm checking if we can get infinity gauntlet and then it'll make everything much easier oh an n crystal sword can i do anything cool with this i'm gonna guess it explodes when i hit people also a really cool bow a light bow okay yeah love me a light though why not oh wait what is this a nuclear death right oh my god this is actually one of the best items ever oh and it is a nuclear death right okay wait what is this okay i kind of got to get around quicker and this kind of looks cool a kinetic bike oh my gosh oh that's quite quick oh look at this go and there we go okay we got donut up there let's see if we can get some ender pearls and then uh i guess i'll go back on my bike we somehow got a random bike it's kind of cool please work oh gosh oh gosh yes okay we made it in and they are definitely inside all right let's do this all right kill you oh and april yes enter one please water okay that was one enterprise can we get any more three okay this is so good so far okay nothing in there okay some chests are still bad but i'm gonna guess some of them are like another related also these guys do so much damage i do not want to die again two more ender pools two more blaze rods too don't mind that at all two more intervals again okay anything good in here please um nothing good one blaze rod nothing there oh gosh i mean i could risk going into one of these again but never mind okay with that we have 11 intervals another blazer on which we really don't need oh gosh okay this is the big boy room anything good in here okay nothing good in here okay i think we might just get out of here guys right now there's no point in staying i don't want to get attacked by a dragon again yeah i definitely think we're good there so all we gotta do now guys is i think i'm just gonna go ahead and make 12 eyes of ender and here's to hoping that we don't need all 12 that way okay we just gotta go that way and the really convenient thing is guys did it really break oh my gosh really on the bright side i do have a nuclear death ray which i'm definitely going to be using daddy's gonna have under there oh my gosh the game just listened to me and gave me an eye vendor okay i'm not complaining at all i literally got i avenger from the custom drops we have to revise the vendor again i really don't want to go in the water so oh wait it went back wait where'd it go wait did it go under me wait so the iphone just went under me and i kind of need that eye back because i only have 12 exactly so let's try to find the eigen or the stronghold okay i'm gonna see if i can get to the stronghold without 12 eyes of ender we just found it literally right away where did the high vendor go though what the heck if i need 12 eyes avenger for the portal i'm going to be so upset because i have no idea where the eye is oh okay we found the portal room please please don't be oh my gosh we are so lucky we only had 11 eyes remaining but with that final eye guys we are ready to go into the end and i think this should be an easy one we're full and obtainium we have a sonic rifle and to top it off a nuclear death ray and an as50 sniper rifle so with all that being said guys let's go ahead and break a couple more blocks and then go inside for our final battle with the dragon and put our custom items to the test which i think they're definitely going to pass this test because these custom items are insane let me know in the comments down below what your favorite custom item was because these items are really just never stopped getting better and better full rainbow armor let's do this all right let's do this guys wait how am i supposed to get up if i don't have any blocks i guess i'll do this the old-fashioned way all right mr dragon i am so sorry but we're gonna start this off with a mac 10 just like that all right that's one crystal what is the quickest way to break all these crystals i guess we'll use the ghost rifle one oh my gosh this is insane there's also some like end slimes right there what the heck all right another one do i get any items for pulling these up that'd be kind of cool oh wait i can ender pool oh that works legs oh my gosh we're almost dead okay let's not do that again all right this door doesn't look that good but you know what we can break this real quick boom that should be the last one nope not the last one okay this might be a bad idea but i only have one opportunity with this i'm gonna teleport all the way to the top oh that was a bad idea we're doing it anyways oh that could have been bad okay all right with that final crystal all that's left now is to kill the dragon guys and you're about to see me use pretty much every single gun in the game so with that being said let's go at it i miss every shot already oh gosh oh that could have been bad all right what about the sniper rifle we have so many things to use against this guy wait is he going back down oh my gosh this dragon is crazy oh go on sniper rifle oh my gosh we're doing so much damage go on vector do your thing oh no we're out of ammo sonic rifle oh my gosh that there's so much holy that's so cool guys this might be a very soon ways it stuck actually i think this might be the last one nuclear death ray do your thing and with that being done guys that is gonna be it for minecraft but every drop is gonna be custom what is the dragon doing it's just spitting what the heck okay anyways so guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's the video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 3,692,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft random, minecraft random and multiplied, minecraft multiplied, minecraft super random, minecraft mod, minecraft mod randomizer, minecraft every drop is custom, minecraft custom, custom drops
Id: kxCFhjp91kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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