Minecraft but you can Craft Endermen...

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minecraft but you can craft enderman from dirt to diamonds we will be crafting endermen that when killed drop useful new ender pearls we will use these pearls to craft crazy new items and gadgets such as the redstone enderman sword and lapis enderman war all while fending off the dangerous endermites and our goal today is our work our way up to the diamond enderman cannon i wonder what that could do all right let's get to craft and cement these new trees how am i supposed to craft with cactus okay now we got some supplies let's see how do i craft look at these enderman yes baby okay wow we got a lot of options here what is it lapis emerald diamond enderman cannon diamond ender pearls it come again gold enderman drill oh dude and it's glitching we got some stuff to do we got to start with the dirt enderman that should be the easiest one to get together luckily check it out we got the boy right here hey friend don't be teleporting oh boy oh boy he is mad no get no bat please give me a pearl well this is awkward he's still hanging out right over there bad bad now give me the did i get a pearl please yes yes we got one oh thrilled now i need one more piece of dirt conveniently now ready okay let's make this thing huh what are we a dirt a dirt enderman come again okay i'm a little nervous to spawn it i don't know what's spawn oh hi hi there are you gonna no no he's he's cool with me he doesn't even care if i look at him that's good baby okay now he's a little well he's a little slower than normal look at this guy he can't even make up his mind if he wants to attack me or not come on come on there we go whoa what is this dirt dirt ender pearl oh my gosh this thing would suck dropped a lot of dirt too we got 60 dirt okay can we use this thing [Music] it doesn't it don't work maybe i can use it for something in a crafting recipe instead let me see dirt hey we can dirt enderman picket hey we can make that okay hold on a second let me don't mind if i real quick get some sticks we're gonna make a dirt enderman pickaxe i wonder what this thing does okay let me see we got a dirt enderman okay how does it work wait oh ooh oh love yo it breaks blocks nearby oh sweet deal does it work on like any type of block let me oh it's still something what about if i whoa love love if only one made dirt oh it works on stone too very very useful okay hold on it even breaks the coal for me happy day okay i want to see what we can do with the stone enderman how do we make that stone enderman okay so we need regular stone okay and then well we have a dirt ender pearl so that should be no problem we're actually just going to need to boog up some booger bobble stone and done and now we i believe can just make a stone enderman let me yes yes baby look at it oh it is getting night you know we probably i don't really find a village boy finally okay fresh new day found some bread let's spawn in this stone enderman friend yes hi look at you you're friendly looking okay never mind does he move fast nope nope he moves slower than ever okay well shouldn't be a problem these guys don't seem to be much struggle i mean the dirt enderman uh oh wow he was like not interested in being attacked by me come on down come meet your fate it's all good let me help you buddy seriously there we go ah playing games with me and this guy's got a lot of health it's like he's made of stone or something how dare you almost destroy my entire stone sword he is play okay well it's a good thing he's like moves at the speed of sound and by that i mean the exact opposite thank you okay let's see stone ender pearls all right let's see what can we do with a stone stone end of pearls let's see stone hey look at that a stone enderman sword dude what is this about hold on a second can we just wow okay so it's just as strong as my plain stone sword but yo it looks way cooler i'll see what it does let me hey actually i've learned my lesson attacking beast how about something more innocent hi oh whoa did he go up he went up okay hold on hey you oh well okay he was too weak to be able to hey quit running i got experiments to do awesome okay so teleports them up yo that is that is very useful curious though how do i make myself a coal endemin whoa coal lighter hold on a second coal energy so we need eight coal and a stone under pearl okay well we need to get our hands on some coal sounds cold to me sorry don't mind if i do okay let me see whoa hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i knew i should not have put a crafting table down in a dark forest what are you those are huge they look like endermites but they are clearly bad stop stop stop stop stop i'm not even taking ball damage come on let's talk about this a little bit huh please dude bro oh my gosh run bad bad bad bad bad dude how many are there i don't like i don't like okay killed one i think there's only two left come on come on yes yes got him oh thank goodness what was that about i should not be in this forest to be honest but i gotta be very quick let's just make this ah coral enderman and i don't know leave okay it's getting dark out let's just spawn this in and take him out okay stone enderman stone sword okay well he looks like a regular enderman so hopefully it acts about the same too oh okay well he don't move slow whoa no so glad i spawned by the village oh happy day look at him over menacing give me baby trying to play or what yeah i know gosh oh no bad stop stop stop yes okay we got him so happy for this sword right now bro you're a nasty guy that enderman and that zombie teamed up okay i need to make it daytime no bedding got a loved one's birthday coming up i'm excited to say hey and whatever else you'd like me to say book me on cameo cameo dot zip where i will send you a custom video message links in the description look at this thing yo this thing looks bomb.com wow how does it work oh whoa dude wherever i right click i think it places torches down no way oh amazing i can just go nuts and light up oh yeah baby well i'm like trying to kill another coal enderman and it started setting fire wherever it landed i don't know if i've yeah i've seen that before stop stop stop stop stop bad where'd he go where'd he go where is he finally look what he did to the forest everything's on fire okay to get an iron enderman we well need a lot of iron but we get an iron enderman block cannon oh okay i like the sound of that you know thinking about it every single time we've killed an enderman it drops a whole bunch of itself so i think probably actually better off making an iron enderman instead uh-huh and look we can actually trap him right here hey stupid hey ugh ugly they call him mr ugly i okay she's strong strong boy i'll handle this thank you so much guys have you subscribed to comments crafting yet isn't this just riveting content man this guy got a lot of health okay thank you yes look at that's what i'm talking about big money and we just got 43 iron i can make a yes play with me bro huh bad no no no no you stay back holy there's a lot of them down there and look there's some different colored ones hold on maybe we can do something with the iron hold on what was it what is it called iron enderman block cannon yeah maybe this can come in handy huh what is that what that isn't how does that help hey stop bad bad bad bad thank you block cannon does it can i what like suffocate them perhaps is that is that the game we're playing right now i guess i can't suffocate them in theory huh did i in fact i think i just killed them i think i just killed them all what oh hi how can i shoot this oh bro it goes for a minute wow oh wow big big fan i can't use it really to climb but hey can i just dude that's actually i can use it to get out of yes here's some targets like like like okay how about maybe from a distance can we let me see it does deal damage oh excellent oh wow that's cool okay no it is useful i thought i was like okay i guess i'm a farmer now okay well let's see what's next if i'm not mistaken it's probably let's see gold gold enderman yup yup yup yup okay we need gold and then we get a gold enderman drill okay well deeper down we go so happy i have this lighter this is so useful oh and this goes down super far oh it's well oh yes yes indeed with any luck please oh we might oh my gosh we might yes we got enough we got eight oh happy day yo we can make this thing instantly i'm thrilled wait wait am i minding this i have infinite line thank you very much uh don't mind if i do ah yes the golden enderman now what is this thing going to do to me that's what i want to know well he looks real nice uh don't don't kill me please please don't kill me okay no wow he's wow i think he just ate a gold nap he's eating golden apples you must be joking me he's healing himself ah not on my watch son hold on nice we got gold ender pearls we got so much gold ingot and we got a gold block hey that should be enough to make the gold drill okay so how does it work exactly it's pretty cool looking if you ask me dude okay let's give her a test huh bang yes oh nice save me some trouble maybe we can get our hands on some diamonds real fast come on honey what you got huh oh ready to do a ravine this is exactly what i've die uh well there's redstone i guess it's a start hey i'll collect you thank you so much is it not oh there it is well there's the let's just mind it the normal way huh it gets some more this way so hey i'm pretty sure there's actually a redstone enderman and we definitely have enough redstone dust at this point but i don't know i'm in close quarters i'd prefer that we take on any more endermen like that i don't know what they do right surface level so we're back near the surface and now we can take on oh gosh whatever this enderman does hopefully it's not completely useless like redstone shouts out to all the redstone people out there hi mumbo i know it's not useless please don't survive okay redstone enderman [Music] whoa very fast uh oh don't i don't love maybe we can mess with them silly guy come on come on back oh boy dude okay oh i don't love i st bad bad bad bad stop stop bad stop no okay i don't like this game i don't like oh no stop stop please can you get me here i don't know if you can get in here i think we're safe i need to like eat food right now bro i'm so nervous right now oh no a creeper just blew up part of the oh stop stop no my gosh where is he coming from this is so bad again hey go play me like that homie dude oh my god why is there whoa whoa what the heck is he spawning he's he's spawning in lightning whenever he teleports are you serious can we what dude i'm trying to get hey hey let's let me launch maybe we can deal damage come on i know he sees yep yeah oh yeah yeah he sure does oh no i don't have a sword ready stop oh he died well that's one way to go okay annie's what can we make with it a redstone enderman sword hey okay hey pig what's good oh oh it lightning struck it what cool oh wow loving on that okay hold on a second that means okay we need to get the next one no doubt i want that enderman diamond cannon whatever that thing is all right where's that cave no problem found a new one ain't no thing oh the boys are out to play look they're like anticipating me okay well i got a new weapon to use on them come on try me seriously you think you got something uh uh get some it's like it's like kind of strong they can't even reach me poor souls just take a damn it's getting struck by lightning yes yes yes and oh did a zombie just accidentally try and fall to its death and then die perfect okay well that wasn't much of a threat you guys ain't no thang huh oh there's one more oh okay you want some too huh b boom yeah nice i think i hear slime okay details details details hey is this right where we were nice hey this might be oh lapis that's useful i know there's a lapis enderman well that just saved us like a mess of time to be honest mine way boom yes sir love that and this drill is gonna make it like a dream to find diamonds hey glow squid do you like my torch device are you gonna answer me rude dude seriously this is the best look at me i'm just going nuts all over the place just getting so oh that is a run oh there we go yes baby wow a lot there's still diamonds here okay please please be enough please be enough i think we'll probably need eight eight yes you gotta be kidding me we got exactly how many we did i'm so thrilled okay lapis enderman hello there my friend or man you a time to die i'm just saying get it yes yes oh that's not you're not doing much to me huh okay buddy okay buddy uh-huh yay is he can he even deal damage to me he can't deal damage she's the worst guy wow sucks well so much for his powers i don't know if he did anything special but that mattered whoa look at my experience my experience just went way up killing that thing at least i think i did i'm gonna i'm gonna make one more let me see hey buddy buddy hi whoa whoa what was that that's new where did the enderman go oh he's over there he got fired somehow hi dude when he teleports he drops experience all over the place uh yes okay well i think he died somewhere but i don't really care we got what we need to make the the diamond yes diamond ended oh i forgot what is this lapis enderman teleporter what does this thing do oh oh oh it teleports me wherever i look bro i want to head to the mushroom yes back to the house oh my gosh wow pig this is amazing get away from me bro this is the coolest thing ever whoa whoa hi wait how did that happen no get back to the house back the house dude is there like a chance that they spawn in when i nah i ain't playing like that hey well we got a village right here let's find the rest of the hay blocks and then we can get some easy emeralds hey baby you got what i need yep that's what i like to see yessiree give me the wheat i mean i guess the uh oh i'm just short come on we might have enough raise the day the fletcher came in clutch okay we got to be very careful because we are on our last piece of bread emerald enderman i'm a little worried about this guy okay we got a shield ain't nothing actually really liking the redstone sword that was helpful what just happened whoa they're like oh gosh did he just summon it they're after me i think yes they're after me hey bad okay i think they're wait they don't know how to swim come on no no no it's good come on come on come on yes oh perfect well they go just do their do their thing okay i'm gonna avoid oh there it is okay he died good good good and they're not after me anymore yes yes yes so i think we we we could probably make what we need yes well let me see there's there's only one more to make but what is this emerald enderman warper okay okay okay and look we got just enough yes yes queen yes queen the diamond look at that in a second i want to see what this emerald enderman warper does look at this we use it to whoa [Music] whoa does that what is it what is it even what is it even whoa it teleported him it does it wait whoa it teleports the mobs to whatever dir i want to test something really quick actually can we possess golem yeah you stay away it actually it teleports them whatever that's cool that's cool but that is not as cool as whatever this diamond enderman does no more food after this i'm nervous okay got some food big open area let's see what this puppy can do yes yes did he just oh he just what what he tell what when he tell you when he teleports it bro when he teleports it turns it into diamonds hey hey stop stop bat get away get away you stay back over there okay sir thank you very much you can yes yes yes yes did he just die i think we just killed him i think i think he just died wait did the stuff get buried into the ground let me use the drill hold on oh it did i've never seen that before yo that's wild yo we have so many diamonds now i think we can make the new tool i mean look wherever look at that we got we diamond blocks for our trouble dude so many diamonds okay moment of truth diamond enderman cannon big what does it do oh oh my gosh there is just diamonds wherever we look oh my gosh i am rich guys you gotta subscribe to comments to crafting for more this is awesome
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 1,884,084
Rating: 4.8163662 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, enderman, new enderman, rainbow enderman, ender, the end, enderman update, crafting enderman, enderman crafting, new items in minecraft, new weapons, c2c, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, diamonds, weapons, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, finding diamonds, tnt, gunpowder, mining, quickest way to mine, gold, emeralds, diamond, diamond enderman, enderman remake
Id: jKJGKfSSs7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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