Minecraft, But you can grow Diamonds...

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okay get this minecraft but you can grow diamonds that's right and once they've grown you can use a hoe to collect those diamonds and get even more diamond seeds now hold on there are a lot of steps involved in getting the seeds getting the right tools even getting the initial diamonds and there are some nefarious new mobs known as the villagers who will do anything they can to keep you from growing plus there have been rumors of a mysterious diamond sapling what does it grow well let's find out okay so if we want to grow diamonds we first need to get our hands on some diamonds we're going to need to get ourselves a diamond pickaxe and uh what are you looking at hungry don't mind me while i go ahead and just get ready through the early stages of resource gathering okay nice and geared up we got some supplies we got some goodies we're ready to go now we just need to find a nice entrance into ah a cave system because we need to get our hands wow this goes far down on some diamonds so we can get those diamond crops growing i think i see water down there i think if i just drop down beautiful man this goes down this goes down really far that was like a straight drop oh my gosh okay hold on a second oh gosh speaking of all right well this is a good sign so far we're already down by lava level insane what's the y level at 11 we're in prime diamond territory baby love okay but we're gonna wanna watch out for those villagers because they mean business okay guys i found a cool area we're gonna make a bucket so that we can collect some of the water we've been getting our hands on right over here something very exciting okay so check this out there's a whole area over here just begging to be watered down yeah son okay now we can legit just keep on walking through and we are literally at the perfect y level to find some diamonds so with any luck oh yeah oh i love when that happens hold on i hear some monsters nearby actually i think we're good i think they're on the other side so before we can get the special first step towards getting our diamond crops we need regular diamond first so we've got our pickaxe here get to mine it now you can't just mine diamond ore with an iron pickaxe and expect to get the first special item known as a diamond shard you can actually only get it with a diamond pickaxe so with any luck nah not that one we need to find more diamonds there might be some more we missed back where we came from i didn't fully oh my gosh hey the villagers dude easy easy does it man oh good i think they do massive damage and there's a couple of them over there too oh my gosh hey maybe he'll give me a diamond did you smack me with your diamond dude easy does it oh my gosh wow he's actually very strong okay well we got a diamond from him but it didn't really do us any favors oh he's got an axe oh my oh come on okay hopefully my stuff is like still down there that would not be good if it all despawned and hopefully that villager is gone cause that was a nasty experience dude if he's still there i'm gonna be in so much trouble okay fingers crossed okay good he despawned okay well that bought us just a little bit of time but we might need to watch out they are hunting okay we're just gonna carry on same here we were before got an upgrade got a diamond sword got my hands on a shield so that we don't have to deal with that vindicator again that was a nightmare and i mean our best bet is just to keep mining in this general area until something good happens get me some nice time i mean hopefully hopefully at least just yeah look at that yo oh big room okay okay okay okay okay okay let me see yes yes okay good okay make sure none of it falls on in now we need luck on our side here because it's only a very small chance that we get a diamond shard from mining these six of them seven oh we got one look a diamond shard what are the odds of that we got two can we get another please oh we just got two wow and those villagers are already nearby okay but it's fine we can actually do something about this right now if we place our diamond shard in with our diamond pickaxe we can get a reinforced diamond pickaxe check out this puppy right here we can take the rest of these diamonds and make a diamond chest plate to keep us nice and protected but now that we've got this pickaxe we can actually use it against even more diamond ore so the hunt continues because we're gonna need to use this reinforced diamond pickaxe in order to get a cracked diamond so that we can finally grow some diamond crops meanwhile maybe these guys will drop something for our trouble all right guys i'm ready for you this time don't mind if i do oh that one's got a sword whoa whoa whoa well thanks for the sword not too useful oh there's a couple more of these guys hey hey hey maybe you can give me your diamond crossbow or something let me see okay not that time dude how many of these villagers are there oh he's got axe come on oh my gosh finish them off for me nasty nasty nasty okay cool just found some more diamonds down here looking good let's take this reinforced diamond pickaxe which actually mines faster than a regular diamond pick by the way and with any luck we can get our hands on some cracked diamond fingers crossed uh yeah we did i saw it appeared okay okay check it out cracked diamond this is the key to growing the crops that we need in order to get diamond plants before that though we're gonna need to find believe it or not a village for our very next step okay the nearby desert had a village we are in luck well i mean i hope we're in luck we still need to find a stone cutter specifically i mean i suppose we could make a stone cutter but you know it's more fun to go adventuring anyways right so i'm gonna keep checking buildings gathering supplies breaking sand hold on this is just the most fun look at that yeah okay that one wasn't as inside how about this right here get it yeah love in here jackpot okay so check this out guys this is the key we can put a cracked diamond inside of a stone cutter to get diamond dust lovely this is used as part of the fuel the bone meal if you will in order to make the diamond crops grow but we're not going to be able to grow them in a desert all right freshly out of the desert now guys it took a lot of trading but i also managed to get my hands on some bottles of enchanting we can combine these bottles of enchanting with some diamond shards to get our hands on some diamond seeds the other thing we can use these diamond shards for lovely and now all we need to do we're going to get rid of this water right down here go ahead and we're going to drop our diamond dust inside the water and just like that we can see a flicker of diamond particles right by this water that means it's working now the tail does not end right there in order to be able to plant and effectively gather the seeds from these diamond crops we're gonna need a diamond hoe but more importantly we're gonna need a reinforced diamond hoe we combine that with the diamond shard we are good to go serious dedication indeed man you can see if we grab this water we actually have diamond water look at that the diamond water love okay hold on a second i don't want to contaminate it i'm going to put it separately right over here diamond water looking good now we can use the reinforced diamond hoe put down some of these diamond seeds excellent and with that oh i think we're ready all we have to oh no i forgot i used my diamond dust to get the diamond water we don't have anything to grow these seats oh my gosh whoa when did the villagers get here dude they do not miss a beat holy moly okay oh and there's a bunch of them wow they're all over the place right now guys guys guys work with me please or maybe don't work with me just kind of stay away that'd probably be a good idea too huh all right we're gonna have to go back into the caves and get our hands on even more cracked diamonds so that we can eventually get some more diamond dust oh sword easy easy easy oh man i don't think you can hide from me dude i don't think so well thankfully there seems to be a cave system right by where we planted our seeds hopefully fingers crossed it goes down real far okay so good news it did bad news we haven't found any more diamond yet i went ahead and gave myself night vision so you guys could see a little bit easier torches this is overrated okay so good news got way more crack diamonds bad news left my crafting table back up at the surface here but also good news guess what i figured out we could just make a stone cutter and i have everything i need to make it we just need to go get our crafting tape what a pro way to climb up hill you know what i mean with oh speaking of pro was not fully ready for that one okay well with any luck did that water just that whoa what just happened to my that's weird um i don't know what happened there but maybe it's just uh oh oh no oh gosh okay guys we have company oh bro no no come on they're all just coming down oh easy easy easy easy how many are there bro no bad are there more oh my gosh i'm gonna shield myself off no way i was just tied okay okay okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal are there more oh gosh how many villagers are there dude stay back oh man and they've all got crossbows and axes and everything else under the sun dude they mean business they're all over okay they're not noticing me and i'm glad because there's a bunch of them let's just try and plant these things huh okay okay wait my stone cutter i forgot okay stone cutter okay good stone cutter looking good place you down okay don't mind if i do go ahead grab some diamond dust thank you so much okay place and with any luck yes oh yeah look at them they're coming out of the ground no way oh love love oh these ones are fully grown hot diggity okay now we've grown our diamonds guys but that is not where it ends okay we could just collect them just like this and we would get back our seeds but if we want the diamonds we need to use our reinforced diamond hoe and in addition we're gonna get a new item it's known as diamond roots and believe it or not we can use it to grow a diamond tree but we're gonna need to get our hands on an oak sapling first may as well plant more of these in the meantime i think yep right over there another one oh my gosh and the villagers are already expecting me dude why are they trying to keep me from planning these crops so bad okay with any luck we'll get a sapling by breaking these leaves down there we go lovely that didn't take long at all okay so check this out diamond roots oak sapling diamond sapling a diamond sapling dude and this is going to grow us a diamond tree hey but i'm going to set my spawn before anything goes wrong because i've heard terrible things about trying to grow these things it's what the villagers have been trying to prevent us from doing okay before we plant it though i wanna upgrade my sword get a reinforced diamond sword okay i have a feeling we're gonna need it all right plant it down and uh i i didn't see anything that's oh oh my gosh what is that thing whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey whoa dude the village your golem i gotta get my stuff oh no oh my gosh dude he's protecting the sapling we need to lure him away we need to oh my gosh i don't know if i can i'm so happy i set my spawn oh no no come on dude he just jumped into the he just jumped into the air and exploded whoa whoa come on dude how am i supposed to no stop going for me come on bro oh no oh no how am i supposed to kill him what am i supposed to do okay i gotta get my stuff while he's while he can't see me oh my gosh that is insane we're gonna have to take him on like above the trees or something dude that is insane apparently this sapling won't grow until we've taken out the golem he's right good luck look at him over there menacingly between the trees dude this is not good okay well i have so much diamond now i may as well get the rest of my diamond gear in place yes thank you so much okay let's try and get above ground oh my gosh oh my gosh i feel like he's gonna get me where is he where did he go is he nearby still he's right over there no way okay okay okay we have the high ground i think we can do this i don't think he can reach me from here oh my gosh whoa where is he okay all right that's how you handle this guy i guess holy holy oh my god no oh no if he what if he's gonna blow my stuff we gotta get him over here come here get over here yikes is he coming for me i need to collect dirt i need to collect her i need to collect dirt i need to get back over there where he doesn't get me where is he i'm like so nervous oh gosh i think he sees me i don't blame those villagers for not wanting this thing to spawn in we're gonna go around as best we can so he doesn't see he's almost dead and then we can get our stuff okay here's the hole in the ground okay here oh my gosh oh my gosh please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me i'm gonna like sneak around okay i think i got everything oh my gosh he's like right there aye aye aye no oh we're just gonna i'm i'm just gonna leave the rest i don't even care okay so how do i do this how do we how do we die just die fast die no why okay we're still good we're good still oh i need meat meat eat i left my cobblestone on the ground somewhere i feel like i need it in order to be able to protect against this guy okay okay okay oh maybe we can just get him on the oh my black stop stop stop stop oh my gosh i think i'm getting right here yes yes yo die please die die thank you so much yes yes yes oh what are those what the diamond iron shears diamond iron shears what a night whoa it grew look the sapling grew right as we defeated the golem and the crops grew too amazing look at this dude it's got like it's growing fruit hold on maybe that's can we oh oh no way diamond apples oh no way hold on a second look at this and they grow back so fast oh wow oh this is cool this is cool oh i'm just going to go to town on this check it out check it out dude we just got diamond apples check this out okay so so what does it do when i eat it let me see okay whoa look at my health regen 3 absorption x speed 3 strength 3 resistance 5 and fire resistance so i can like one hit anything i think i think i can survive anything okay let me see if i can survive this i've got resistance five can we dude no way i cannot best reward ever what a good suggestion guys now that is some serious diamond crop planting don't forget to let us know in the comment section what update we should craft next out of your comments
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 3,183,810
Rating: 4.7064314 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, nether update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, diamonds, minecraft diamonds, diamonds in minecraft, farming diamonds, how to farm diamonds, mining diamonds, mining diamonds in minecraft, how to find diamonds, quickest way to find diamonds, how to diamonds, getting diamonds
Id: O8F-_7uHS00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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