Minecraft but Armor beats the Game for you

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minecraft but armor beats the game for me i'll be recruiting suits of armor and upgrading them with crazy abilities to take on the ender dragon we will start with the recipe i know which is leather armor which will summon it 10 armor recruits oh yeah hi guys you all my new friends you gonna help me beat the game thank you oh wow even i've got armor nice yo i'm part of the club now oh and check this out if i right click with my sword it will actually cause them to shoot arrows look at this it's arrow heaven right now oh my gosh get the betsy yes free beef okay what other upgrades can we get here if we type in upgrade oh gold armor diamond rainbow armor when fighting you summon a ring of flaming armor uh come again we gotta get busy but first if i want him to beat the game for me we're gonna need the mining uh what is stone blacksmith i haven't seen that before but i assume we can get it from well you know mining so with any luck we can find what we need lo what say you we got the hammer didn't take that much mining at all and now as far as i am aware we can go ahead and get the mining upgrade just like that gives your armies pickaxes to mine with well y'all gonna get to mine you know what let me see you go ahead yup yup yup yuppie up yo they goin in on it hey and they've even got some swords too before we go too deep in though i think i want to maybe get some more leather and some more sheepy skins so we can get more recruits oh and actually i forgot to show you look at this life dust brings armor stands to life so we need some emeralds and some flowers and seeds we get eight of those dust sorry sheepy i need you for my own purposes betsy don't move time to die oh gosh now's our chance get a boys hit the [Laughter] they did more damage to me than the bad guys did come on oh he's gonna kill me well at least we were just right over there not having the greatest day oh i see light over there oh yes it's a village all right now if you guys could just worry about getting your arrows to aim a little bit more at the bad guys and a little bit less of me that would be amazing you could hit the skeleton dude that'd be quite helpful in fact okay while we're here we're looking for some emeralds so that we can get some of that life does wait up you got any emeralds oh how embarrassing would you go tell his friend hey you guys got any emeralds emeralds zombies okay i gotta be very careful holding the sword they always shoot arrows whenever i right click with it yes here we go emeralds now we need some seeds and some poppies and some dandelions and we happen to have all those things right here and now we can make ourselves some interesting what life dust i don't know if armor stands and armor are considered different things i don't want to use all this just yet but we got 16 life dust here and meanwhile we're gonna go ahead and secure ourselves some iron wait why is he coming for me hey what did i do they're the ones attacking you not me get them boys yeah that's good the other one's like ah don't get the ideas boys it's too late i already got the idea well it's bad idea take two okay before we do anything else i want to see what this life dust is about so we're gonna make some armor stands we need a bunch of stone to do it okay so i think we just turned these into smooth stone slabs and then if i'm not mistaken we just kind of what draw an armor stand yes literally good well then what i just put one of you down and then hey new recruits don't even need the leather and wool any longer though i will miss killing animals it's time my pretties ah even more recruits looking fresh though you could look a little fresher i'm thinking it might be time for an upgrade hey turns out we can actually already make it this will give your army iron armor yes indeed i'll take that thank you very much whoa it covered it hot now plus what did it say hold shield and off hand to create an armor wall what hold on a second oh dude whoa well those ones are suffocating so they're not having as much fun as i am but this is amazing can we literally keep mobs at bay using this whoa it forms is that an r for armor i i don't know i wants to try it out okay go ahead make my day homie yeah well well it did keep me from taking any explosion damage there this is so useful oh this could be perfect against the dragon actually i want to try it with a sword too bro whoa whoa i think it's shooting from the shield they're shooting from the shield oh dude i've got like an arrow in front of me a little dangerous but we like that well since we already got iron armor from getting the armor upgrade we are actually now all fully equipped with iron armor ourselves and tools but even though they've got swords i haven't really seen them fight with them yet so i'm wondering i think i actually saw yes give your army soldiers to fight with the iron blacksmith hammer and we need rotten flesh well we already have some rotten flesh and we can make the swords right now we're just gonna need these guys to mine a little bit more iron and i hear oh my god whoa i need backup there's a lot of mobs in here hold up a second get the shield on oh i can't see nothing oh the shield is very useful in fact it can't do anything holy moly that was incredible okay you guys get to finding some iron because we can seriously use a nice upgrade all right i i'm feeling a little bit nervous about what's going on best day ever by the way i can use the shield yes to mine here we are thank you very i don't want that yes good now we got everything we need i'm pretty sure anyways upgrade what what oh i dropped the zombie flesh somewhere oh i dropped right here it's time to fight my pretties oh and fight they do they don't even need to be prompted they just go with nuts on the baddies also can i just show you guys the number we did on this cave so it wasn't even a game system we just dug into the side of a mountain damage is incredible all right let's see what this next upgrade is get him boys i want to see what we go for gold with yes so we need another iron blacksmith hammer for that one but your army can convert raw gold into diamond that one sounds amazing and we haven't even touched on the rainbow armor yet wait there's one right here oh wow what look is that okay so now we just need gold big news boys and women we've found the gold required well hopefully i think we need eight pieces of gold to make it happen so so far oh this is looking promising do we have it oh we do how about it on the first go right yes we have just enough oh beautiful all right get this puppy smelting keep watch or you know or just you know why are they all collecting i they're making me a little uncomfortable can this cook a little faster oh they're all what's happening yeah better we don't ask questions we have what we need eight gold ingots and one eye and blacksmith to give ourselves gold armor minions and our army can convert raw gold into diamonds yo and i'm looking fresh although i suppose i technically just got a downgrade gold armor's not as good as iron so we're gonna have to be a little bit more vigilant boys and women it's time to find even more gold can you all mine fast or anything oh they sure look like they can't wow well i'ma use my shield armor trick again and just start going nuts on everything around us look at how much that just mined away instantly what's this what is he looking at oh cole that's pretty cool there we go the jackpot believe it or not that's actually the first gold we managed to find so i'm not complaining but uh i'll take it so apparently we can turn this into diamonds wow we got a lot right there that's a mess of gold all right here oh oh it works right oh wow best friend also how are you doing that doesn't matter got dime and now if we could just boom that is cool okay well just like that we can make our next upgrade upgrade diamond chest that's just the plain old how do what's the there we go diamond oh oh that's a lot more than i thought and we need blaze powder but a rip that means we're gonna have to find even more gold to get the gold hammer too but hey if you need any caves doug by the way i'm your guy look at what we've done here think of beauty check it out come on down well see now i'm confused if they turn it into diamonds how do i get the gold hammer maybe i have to mine it tell my way i'm trying to talk to you not you the audi mine mine mine anything i'll take a hammer please guys for the month of november only grab yourself a never dig straight down t-shirt camo edition very exciting you're gonna want to get one before they disappear because camo does that make sense 30 diamonds just like that i help you with something sir get em boys jackpot here's the lava i've been looking for love it love it love it i just love it guys can you mine obsidian oh they can oh i actually very much love all of it burned i'm burning what is going on it's like dancing oh and there's diamonds i don't care about them get out oh goodness just grab the diamonds be on your merry way big fan of not having to mine obsidian not as big a fan of all of my armors about to die in lava okay guys you ready now we make portal boom to the nether with us we need some blaze powder hopefully they can uh join with that be very convenient oh i probably have to push them in keep a close eye out guys we're looking for a nether fortress of some sort you know tacky pigs this could be actually a fun little challenge because of the normal sugar aye that's not as fun when you're attacking me doing it stop they have the worst aim what are you gonna have eyes yeah yes yes give me the nuggets i'd stop that looks promising i see a fortress oh my gosh that is a lot of gas shield shield does it work it blocks the fireballs but hey we can yes yes good take out the nasty gas these gas and nest they just had a chance bro look at this this is amazing i got a machine gun where the arrows going hot everywhere is there any more gas that would like some trouble or what oh okay it doesn't look like they are i see someone who does want some trouble excuse me fine so i'm gonna need you to place your rod into my hand thank you yes i see the rod on the ground evil get them yes another yes i think we have everything we need to get the upgrade now baby okay y'all can rest for now thank you for your services now if we could upgrade i'm gonna hide behind this big old bone now let me see that's not the right one there we are i see you oh yeah blaze powder first there we are i see oh we got the dub you know make diamond blocks first ah yes there we are we've got it give your army diamond armor sneak right click sword to create armor platforms what is that about well let's see huh sneak right click to create armor platform is that can i walk on can i i think i can walk on it hold on a second i like the idea of it but i don't know if it's can we really let me oh my gosh we can what what the heck bro this is incredible yo we're just climbing up our own armor amazing what else is amazing is that you guys subscribed to comments to crafting thanks for the favor by the way i really appreciate it we still need a couple more blaze rods and honestly we're probably going to get hands on a little bit more gold as well they can't even get us they're not even that bright honestly oh okay with the one behind me so you know doing some pretty decent damage i ain't gonna lie about that all right seek shelter excuse me i could need some more rods please spare a couple that'll do it thank you now we just need to get our hands on a bastion of some sort and i think i saw one on the way over well i was wrong but i just realized i didn't even see what the next armor upgrade requires let me see it's this rainbow armor oh boy netherriding get we're going to need to uh the rest is simple enough but the netherride eager that's going to take about a bajillion years unless we get real fortunate i mean the bastion could have one and what did that get there hey i ain't complaining mine away boys we're headed on in oh yeah now i have to be very careful to make sure i don't accidentally everything by mining it all away okay well we've got a very powerful shield that should keep us safe really from any piglets john we should be able to just waltz on down to be perfectly okay well that one is not working as well oh my gosh i'm gonna die oh no no no okay that myself into a corner that was so close oh okay now how do we do this very very carefully i have to be very very careful okay let's just jump now that one ain't taking no damage from the there we go much better can we make this jump all right please something good for me is there a chest some let me see yes oh my gosh okay and we got some better arm i'll take thorns on that uh yessiree probably grab a couple of these guys too you know i give a uh up upgrade and you know i'ma just collect the rest while we're here look no one's messing with me because i've got an army of diamond soldiers nearby they're all just watching like you just take your time sir okay well we're looking pretty stacked now i just need to safely get out of here and the safest way i could think of doing that is they're just mining it away hey that that uh worked a lot better than expected all right misty in my weight i gotta say guys there's nothing quite like selling piglets gold right back to them i'll take my pearls now okay we don't have that much gold left we have a good amount of pearls it should be enough but if we get unlucky with finding the stronghold it's all we got it'll have to do bad news still need to find diamond to get the final upgrade good news i used all of my life dust and we now have 42 diamond armor minions bad news it made the game lag terribly large and now they're all invisible for some reason well good news get out my way we found the hammer oh yes and also good news we've got the final upgrade the rainbow arm when fighting you summoned a ring of flaming armor look at you guys what a disgusting eyesore and now we surface oh i got it on too hideous let's use this army against the next victim we see okay well flaming armored i don't think he had a chance i'll tell you what on the way to the stronghold we'll probably happen across a nasty or two away well it's not time and i'm already under the minimum pearl count i might need but hey oh there's an enderman too oh there's a couple hello hey i'm gonna need you yes whoa very cool oh my gosh the ender dragon has no chance whatsoever oh my goodness yes get them boys oh yeah i forgot they don't work on henry we're just gonna stay focused on the uh the path once again oh of all the places for it to be it's literally in the middle of a tundra i need that pro thank you goodness gracious that could have been bad all right boys you know what to do well that's not what i guess i gotta do a little bit of work oh and we're in please don't accidentally the portal i need that working that would be very convenient speaking of so is this nice effect oh gosh i keep sending this thing off by mistake oh no did it break something i need oh there it is it's right there okay um okay please don't i don't hold the pick oh i need to hold the pick out i gotta break the thing okay we're good now we'll put this thing away we have enough oh i don't know if we have enough oh goodness gracious get out of the way mr armour sets oh oh are we oh yes i always this is why i always leave extra i am thrilled all right armor um are you ready hey it's just lagging the thumbnail and the dragon your time is now or should i say armored dragon uh i'm not sure what we are about to deal with here let me use you guys to get a better look at things oh no this ain't going to end where all the endermen will be after me because it's just constant arrow shooting all over the place armored dragon meanwhile has on the rainbow armor too oh gee whiz oh gosh well let's um oh yeah did he keep me i think he can't be alive well while the dragon is doing his thing why don't we go ahead and just take out all these crystals oh my gosh the crystals they stand literally no chance neither is this dragon honestly the moment it takes off from its nest yeah check this out well we're just gonna go to nuts on the dragon right now we don't even need the crystals to be honest hey my friend it was nice knowing you defeated hey we did it again thanks for subscribing to comments crafting
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 668,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, armor, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, villagers beat minecraft, minecraft but, armor beat minecraft, armor beats minecraft, armor beats the game for you, minecraft but armor, armor update, minecraft but armor beats the game for you
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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