Minecraft Mobs when you log off...

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how do mobs act when you log off of minecraft well in today's video we check out what they get up to when they think no one is watching there's some wacky behavior here and by the end of the video we're gonna figure out how to sneak our way into game to wreak some havoc without them noticing it all starts with this super invisibility potion this will turn you so invisible that mobs will think you logged on let's go ahead and drink it and just like that log.zip has apparently left the game so even though we can see me they can't now usually creepers have to act afraid of cats but in all actuality they really like each other they get together when you're not around and play sweet music blame off keyboard cat alright so these guys are spawned in but we need to drink this potion once again and just like that they think i'm gone look at what's going on best of friends and listen to this symphony ah lovely music to my ears if i had any that were showing now we need to be careful to not interrupt the cat symphony because then we gotta deal with the creeper so let's go ahead and sneak our way in and uh see what happens to this maestro here if we take out the kitty cat first all right sorry cat you've got eight more lives that's not a problem so with any luck well he didn't seem to have noticed too much actually he's looking around he seems to be a little bit confused hey buddy how you oh well and that's all that was left of him that day so we got a band ticket for our trouble but why don't we see what happens if we take out the creeper first so let's drink this super invisibility potion again and uh go back to our devices yes yes yes it's a lovely orchestra i'm sure the philharmonic is pleased to see your contribution let's take out the creeper instead away with you oh and we got something there a green wart interesting i don't know what it's for but this poor cat has no more audience and i've heard enough of this song it's a little much so why don't we get two band tickets for our trouble and figure out what this is all about so the bantic will make mobs that usually fight chill out and become friends using your main hand to make them friendly to each other then in the off hand to play music different mobs play different instruments that sound better together so normally sworn enemies piglen and wither skeleton let's see what happens instead no no you no don't okay how about stop fighting oh well it's a little too late for that you made me do it placement of this button is impeccable why don't we try this again huh close it up and stop fighting lovely they're friends and now apparently we can get it to make music of some sort uh huh oh and they're dropping something oh my gosh emptying the pockets hello oh they're dropping all sorts of stuff all up in here oh yeah guys we've got the comfiest hoodie of all time now available at ldz.store it is our first hoodie that we have ever sold and i want you to get one right now these pockets i'm just waiting for your hands we don't even need to barter with homie anymore we can just beautiful sorry about the fire though i didn't make the music stop somehow the next log off oddity is the endermen who are notoriously hydrophobic afraid of water for all of you uh normal human beings out there but when no one's watching they really just need a good soak some endermen even use their ability to build in order to get a relaxing hot tub but they do still need to wear a protective cape since the hot water is still dangerous when splashed so we're going to summon in our friend roman here and uh quote unquote log off away oh boy oh i don't know if i should be watching this right now okay let's see what's going on here hello there enderman casually enjoying a little dunk are we bubbles popping floating oh boy the enderman unknowingly splash hot water on you ain't bad that's rude there's no time for this tom pooler right now i'd like to join you but i don't know if it's gonna yeah okay don't work well let's interrupt the soak shall we you've got work to do enderman giving me pearls and things of that nature so sorry man take that bath cap though no no we literally get the bath cap interesting stuff let's see what do we have in a black wart i don't know if i love collecting warts but i know at the end of the day's video we've got something very exciting for their use meanwhile though this bath cap oh my gosh they call me mr hot head and here's where this swimming cap is going to come in handy first and foremost it's dangerous swimming above magma blocks with bubble columns pulling you down but while you're wearing the swimming cap you can safely swim in dangerous waters we're gonna try and get the chest at the bottom of this tank and swimming up to ring the belt top put me in coach i'm ready so stand on the stairs and pull the lever up to enter the tank don't mind if i do so check this out oh boy i am still get oh i'm not look my hearts they don't go down at all beautiful wow it feels really nice in here not really oh boy okay let's find this chest huh i need the loot ski doodle seriously there we go lovely the heart of the sea perfect c how about a c plus maybe a b minus if we study long enough now let's ring that bell okay that would be swell get on up out of here no damage ahoy big fan ring the bell i'm still getting sucked down at least it doesn't hurt just my dignity get up get up bring it bring it there we go that was painful except not really no damage hey i gotta bring this thing with me to the nether now piglens prefer the warmth of the nether however when they come here they turn into zombies but really they just don't like the sun yeah i get it i stay inside and play video games all day now when you're gone they just grab a parasol put on a comfy dress and smell the flowers uh sure let's uh let's get to the bottom of this so he's angry but i'm gonna drink this potion and away we go i've locked oh boy uh uh-huh interesting hi what what um is that what you wear underneath of your armor hello no don't be embarrassed come on back it's okay and you've got a lovely parasol too this is uh not what i was expecting i don't want to give off that i'm here take out the swimming cap huh yeah little piggy um i don't i don't i don't know what to make of this to be honest so uh you know when i don't know what to make of things i usually just kill destroy murder perfect we got the parasol too lovely that's the purple warts for our truffle now this piglet's parasol isn't just a cute accessory when you use it in your main hand you'll spin it to fly up high let's see if that's the case hello oh wow mary poppins alert nice nurse it was the ice spike fine i oh well that was quite a landing huh don't worry about falling you'll come crashing down to hurt any nearby mobs and you can also use it in your offhand slat to blow them off with a gust personally i prefer keeping it above my head keeps me from getting a nice sunburn right hey betsy come here i want to show you something cool eat yay [Music] lovely where'd she go hello betsy how did you uh now the mean old pillagers always try to hurt and pillage villagers say that five times faster but when they aren't putting on rage to throw you off these two people just like to sit down and play some video games like the super popular emerald dash dm however they do hog it so let's see what this is all about let's go ahead and go invisible see what happens here we've left the game you must be joking oh they're laughing about it too whoa emerald dash whoa you guys got it look at this whoa yo thrilled making horn noises look he's heavily into it that's a serious gamer right there if i've ever seen one he's even got the hat on to keep him from getting 210 evidence that he's a true gamer oh the villagers in the lead get him get him just kidding i'm gonna kill both of you die die die die lovely got i don't know if it's lovely but we got some more warts warps and all right and we're gonna put you out of your misery as well huh goodbye whoa gamer check this thing out huh we got an emerald dash console love it and uh we got some light gray carpet too but i want to try and play emerald dash ooh emerald tm oh hey nice i'm in the video game wow what is this ultimate metal love it collecting bro oh there's a close one let's um let's behave ourselves a little bit shall we just barely made it break me i'll do it you win yo i'm the best at video games nice this is awesome i should log off more often and you should subscribe meanwhile did you know that cows are from space it's true they migrated here to get jobs as dumb farm animals but they are an advanced civilization okay who wrote this caleb however when they're off the clock they hop back into their ufos and fly around until you log back on their tech is pretty cool too well we're going to keep these on us just in case some some of them ufos come around i'll show them what for oh wait now let's drink our invisibility potion see what happens here huh we've left the well looks like we're not the only one that's leaving are you serious oh my gosh hey don't destroy my planet oh gosh oh bad oh the ufo device is detecting where i'm at but the cows are none the wiser why don't we go ahead and uh take this puppy out huh get it betsy or i guess get betsy specifically wow that was quick okay well it's probably better we just saved the planet without realizing it who drinks milk these days anyway so we got a tractor beam and some brown warts but i'm more concerned with the track to be you can be used in the main hand to pull items on the ground closer to you and if you use an offhand it'll even pull items out of other mobs pockets what amazing but first let's use it in the main hand bring closer love oh love oh love come to papa enemies of diamonds yes good delicious haha i actually already had plenty but you know meanwhile let's steal from an innocent witch in a cage which i've placed there through the power of magic although she seems to be enjoying herself based on that laugh hey there witch i'll be taking your goods thank you oh whoa the ultimate way to steal call me the artful dodger delicious i love taking things from people that don't deserve to have things taken from them wow how big are your pockets speaking of mary poppins gee whiz making potions for a village or something holy moly it's a lot of goods so how do the pigs act when we log off huh well normally we'd assume them to be just stupid delicious mobs but in this case they're actually green thumbs and they love spending time in villages helping villagers plant let's see how this behavior manifests when we leave the game oh oh ick um really they just start getting up on their hind legs and going nuts huh can you um not look at me like that yes while he's going nuts planting carrots these two are playing in the compost machine you dirty boys oh they're talking smack about the pig oh the pig's talking smack on me you escape i don't like you stick to your carrots okay do not bite me in fact i want what you got okay mr i can plant things anywhere hey pink warts and a carrot hoe nice apparently we can use it to tilt carrots from any block whoa very nice oh my gosh i can see clearly now the rain is gone seriously where did it go that was for the parents out there but check this out if we try and do it on a villager or any mob in general this is what happens i don't want to trade it turns it into a block a block of carrots delicious wow it's kind of messed up mean bugs bunny we would be best friends what's up luck now normally foxes attack chickens on site but few know that chickens are trained in the ways of the sword while you were logged into minecraft i was busy studying the blade so we're going to see this in action right now get it attack hopefully oh yeah oh my goodness drumstick would be so proud getting busy with it chicken oh my gosh look at that the regular warrior right there well i'll need to relieve you of your duty first of all thanks for helping me get that orange wart and second of all i want my hands on that blade it's a special one it's known as clexcaliber it's been passed down through the chicken lineage for generations and actually believe it or not has a chance to turn any nasty nearby mobs into a chicken so why don't we give that a shot huh get it get it get it get it get it amazing and when enough chickens have begun to appear we can right click to send out a flurry of feathers oh boy beautiful oh my gosh i am never not gonna be hungry again i'm keeping the sword though and our final mob before wreaking havoc if there's two things wolves love it's playing catch and chasing bones even if they're skeleton bones that's only when you see them when you're gone and logged off wolves still play catch but they're the ones doing the throwing and since skeletons don't need to worry about getting chased they're happy to catch balls so let's see this in action huh stop fighting we're all friends here amazing so this wolf is throwing to the skeleton ain't well they st apparently they still don't like me catch the ball oh well you missed that one that was kind of embarrassing to be honest there it is look at that look at you oh i love i'm gonna turn you into a chicken you better be careful mister uh not as effective oh painful get you nasty pup i'm sorry i want what you got oh which is the slobbery baseball oh and it turns out we got the white wart as well if we were to throw this baseball at mobs it would cause them to be covered in saliva which will slow them down heavily and also make them smell disgusting now if this is in our offhand we can use it to cover itself in slobber i don't know about that but hey it lets me move around and makes me hungry [Applause] sure not now that all the homies are stuck in place i actually want to see this parasol in action don't move a muscle this will only hurt a lot that's fine second time's a charm yes lovely like my personal now warts in hand we're ready to craft the potion of observation what's it do well as you can tell holding it alone gives us invisibility but we can also use it to wreak havoc as i said unbeknownst to all of these silly little mobs when we sneak we can change our power from bees to volcano to dragon and all we got to do is right click to send out the masses the bees they're flying south for the winter but if we were to happen across some villagers it would start attacking them and take them away you must be joking me legit carrying them about lovely let's try the power of the volcano right clicking with the volcano power activated will cause a volcano to appear which wow that that's actually pretty incredible to be honest thomas and another one of these puppies oh that's a little too close to me do not love do not love actually i do love that's sick looking and of course we've got the power of the dragon for summoning an ender dragon for a limited time reap the ultimate havoc imagine if this is what was going on in your world when you were locked off i'd be all for it to be honest i hope maybe not step away hey thanks for subscribing and let us know in the comment section what you do when you log off minecraft
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 3,377,928
Rating: 4.8494873 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob, new mobs, villager, new weapons, new items, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft update, mob update, hilarious, funny mobs, custom mobs, custom, meme, memes, minecraft memes, creeper, minecraft meme, enderman, squid, skeleton, zombie, wolf, new minecraft mobs
Id: c-X9C4k9wAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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