Minecraft but you can Craft Creepers...

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minecraft but you can craft creepers seriously from dirt to diamond you can make creepers of all different sorts and each of them give their own special items torch guns powerful mining drills and best of all a diamond creeper cannon and that's what we're after in today's video all right let's craft some creepers and look at that right off the bat we're gonna get some chest goodies right over there oh boy okay so it's essentially middle of the day i imagine we're gonna need gun powder if we're gonna craft creepers so we can't get any creepers in the day but i know that gunpowder can sometimes spawn inside these chests located at the bottom so we must be careful make sure there's no nasties around i think the coast is clear so why don't we just go ahead and perfect okay let's see what we've yes i mean it's not gun powder but i'll take emeralds yes there we go okay gun powder looking oh mother lode okay hold on maybe we can make like skeleton creepers or something i'ma grab a couple we got a diamond too and some glod oh love okay now that that's handled let's see how we craft these things let me see creeper hey whoa yo we got some goodies okay the easiest one yeah probably a dirt creeper oh we just need dirt and gun powder for that that ain't a thing baby dirt dirt perfect we've got enough let's make this thing hold on a second looking forward to our new friend dirt creeper okay i don't know what it's gonna do it's gonna explode well that makes enough sense okay i don't know if he's gonna like damage me is he like a low quality creeper or something cool effects whoa what are those dirt creeper crystals interesting can we make something with these hold on let me see creeper oh we can look dirt creeper pickaxe hey we can make that right now okay so we need three dirt creeper crystals for that and we got two sticks hey okay yo getting off to a good start all right so how does this thing work oh yeah oh yeah love oh boy and can we just yup oh oh boy okay yo i'm gonna like this hungry okay anyways though dirt creeper may as well get a couple extras i don't know if we're gonna need more dirt creeper crystals or not okay so i assume if we just no okay well then how do i make a cobblestone creeper let me see oh stone creeper oh we need more of those crystals okay well we've got one right now and we need regular stone as well okay well please do not mind if i do we got it all eight stone just like that okay so now oh boy it's getting nighttime we should probably find shelter before we begin blowing things up consistently but i gotta see this stone creeper hold on a second okay big boy y'all ready to blow let's see okay all right all right all right okay okay okay so don't uh interesting so check it out the dirt creeper doesn't seem to break any blocks stone creeper very much does oh and we got five stone creeper crystals for that love okay okay okay easy does it dude yeah we're just measuring the explosion right now and on top of that i just realized they also drop us a bunch of cobblestone so i want to see what can we make with that crystal we got from it let me see stone creeper sword okay okay dude look at these diamond creeper cannon i want that okay that's gotta be what we're what we're after today okay hold on a second okay but to get to the next creeper we need okay we need some coal let's hit those caves actually first let me sorry betsy except i'm not sorry at all and it doesn't damage me either yo that poor cow just went sky high boom boom boom one more i missed one more measure all right the caves buddy there we go oh yo we got nasties not today sucker oh oh i love it hey easy does it dude yeah i don't think so handle they don't even present a problem anymore oh this is great and i think we can just can we just yes yes love this love this so so much okay so in a hot segue we'll be able to make ourselves a lovely coal creeper hopefully we got enough here hopefully this pickaxe isn't blowing up the coal oh we got just enough okay how about it all right put that down stone creeper for a coal creeper and this thing looks sick i gotta be honest yo look at this coal creeper blaster oh yeah okay well that means we're gonna have to blow this puppy up right now and hopefully gives us enough crystals easy can we just kill them maybe oh oh it didn't work well i got more coal apparently they won't drop crystals if they don't blow up okay wow that's a cool explosion a coal explosion sorry anyways let's see what do we have here wow that just dropped a mess of coal oh and we got him yes the coal creeper crystal but did we get enough for an iron creeper and for the coal blaster let me see well i want to make the coal blaster no matter what we need to co okay so we're just missing a torch but i can legit just make that right now and then we can make our lovely coal blaster creeper but then for yes yes yes yes okay check this out oh baby so how does wow what am i packing heat or something maybe let's see what this thing fires off did it just look oh my gosh i want to wait till night time make my day let's see did it just oh i'm oops okay let's aim further down yes oh that's the best legit it explodes just torches all over the place oh new favorite thing oh my gosh this is gonna be so useful in the caves there it is how about it some iron okay now the the explosion pickaxe it mines a little bit slower although in fairness we can explode multiple blocks at once with it oh wow okay that mine's a lot you know okay you had your moment out of the sun we're just going to get this melted and done nice and crafted and looking good oh oh gosh oh oh i didn't know there was oh i thought there was a step behind me i am glad this cave is nearby our spawn point man for all the ultimate log.zip fans out there we present some brand new log.zip merchandise show your support for the channel and for yours truly by picking up one of these amazingly high quality t-shirts today check out the link in the description below looking mighty fine i'm just gonna light this puppy up okay these explosions get a little bit bigger so i'm gonna get my hands on some more wait oh that's right we're gonna have a bunch higher oh wait i just realized we might need the iron for whatever the fun iron creeper item is let's see iron creeper drill oh boy uh i don't think we oh wait no we do have enough we can make an iron creeper drill right now okay guys look at this thing oh boy how does this one work all right baby yes whoa whoa whoa oh dude and it we can then just light it up right after it just did a drill explosion oh love and then legit right as we just keep going light it up as it explodes it is gonna be so easy to make the rest of these creepers with this and then we can get our hands on that diamond creeper cannon yes okay the next thing we need for gold creepers is gold we just got to get down deeper oh and we got a friend excuse me son would you happen to spam some gold love that okay we can also use the drill to go straight down and guys if you haven't subscribed to comments to crafting yet what are you waiting for we've got awesome content like this all the time this was pretty cool though oh perfect look right into a mine shaft plenty of gold here here we go we don't actually need that much this because we found some gold from the desert temple earlier oh oh oh please please oh yes yes yes okay yes okay perfect check it out check it out check it out you're gonna have to check it out you're gonna have to get out oh boy oh you smelt it here we go mama the golden creeper what is this one gonna i bet you this one's got an enormous explosion in fact why didn't i think of this one sooner okay now we can actually approach reasonably all right oh wow oh gosh oh gosh i'm suffocating not what i wanted to do not how i enjoy my tuesdays did it hey okay check it out oh we got everything we needed yes yes gold that's a lot of gold all right guys and check this out gold creeper cannon is this gonna be a sneak preview of the big boy at the end the diamond creeper cannon i don't feel comfortable launching this inside here i don't know how big the explosion is we gotta go back to the surface ah fresh air lovely planes beautiful flowers all over the place let's blow it up yes it literally launches golden creepers let's go find a village and definitely not blow it up perfect you know why we're here and it wasn't for the bread let's go nuts on this village oh this'll teach you to trade me poorly oh wow does it they ricochet off okay well no survivors ah i'm not gonna lie guys this is a really good idea okay next up is redstone creeper but we need a gold creeper crystal and we don't have any more of those to make a gold creeper for that we need an iron creeper but for that we need a coal creeper so we gotta work our way boom and boom and boom and look at that unleashed some redstone for our troubles as well we got everything we need baby redstone creeper hey kind of excited not gonna light it whoa whoa okay something happened on the surface and i want to see what it was oh okay i'm so upset i saw what it was that almost killed me but hey on the plus side we got a bunch of crystals for that so what is the redstone redstone creeper drill oh wow we need a mess a redstone for that one okay well we can make that i think right now yes yes yes yes redstone creeper drill okay so how powerful exactly is this one it's got to be better than the other one we've got let me see oh a lot faster a lot faster oh this is a good idea okay this one's the next i hey hey hey bad i blew up my table okay so there's a lapis creeper pickaxe and a lapis creeper that's what's next and i remember seeing some lapis inside the mine shaft i left it in here earlier i figured you guys wouldn't mind hey yeah okay anyways there we go oh and there's a lot too perfect love don't mind if i do okay now i don't know how this one's gonna work oh oh gosh no no don't i'm trying to like live oh there's another creeper yee please go easy on me oh that did damage through my shield well anna gave me a bunch of experience and look yes that's why i'm here dude that was insane explosion and we got some crystals for our trouble but only gave us three so we need to make another one of these blow up and also i like explosions you know so it's not a big deal so let me make that pickaxe i remember this is how you do it yes very very good but i'm nervous what does it do lots of experience lots lots so many so many of the xp oh yeah hold on and i think i could just i could just use it on torches oh this is dangerous yo we're gonna be able to enchant all our stuff no problem it's legit just free experience it's free real estate get it oh gosh i should be a little bit more careful with this hey spider hi friend oh messed it up die yeah i gotta be really careful all right guys a little bit of an update for y'all we got a bunch of levels we got our hands on some obsidian maroon nether portal and we are on our final stretch of the sugar cane farm i set up so that we can make an enchanting table and just start going nuts on getting our gear nice and ready to go i figured with how big the explosions have been getting it would probably make sense for us to i don't know try and get like blast resistance on some of our gear or something so okay we're hoping for blast resistance on anything anything unbreaking regular protection that's okay prop for ain't bad but we need blast protection another prop okay last chance let's see yes yes yes oh happy day yo we are loaded a little bonus on top too okay okay guys we're almost to the diamond creeper and this diamond creeper cannon we actually have to make an emerald creeper first and now i'm a little upset that i blew up that village well believe it or not guys there is a snowy biome very close by to the desert we were in and just like that wait oh monster potatoes will have to do tables will have to all right here it is big boy big big boy we're gonna go far away for this one i don't want to blow up into my bookshelves and i don't know how big of an explosion this is gonna be okay easy does it easy does it easy does it easy does it homie oh that one did no damage and the lapis one did damage and we just got so many emeralds for our trouble but only one creeper crystal what do you mean what move along nothing to see here actually we have for trade nah garbage wait don't spit on me oh gosh i'm gonna take care of the evidence okay take two ah more crystals this time hopefully let's see how many four okay third time's a charm this should do it and here's what we're here for the emerald drill now i would not be surprised if this guy works right real well we're gonna find diamonds in no time okay well we are at proper diamond level so assuming i don't kill myself using this thing we should be able to find diamonds fairly easily wait oh in fact look right here oh stop oh gosh now he's nasty too get away get away say hi to your friends oh so good and we got fortune too this is amazing yes we oh okay we know we still haven't got enough let's see did we get it we got nine oh worst enchantment ever but hey you'll know what that means it's time my friends the diamond creeper i'm excited okay my only hope is that it's explosion is so big that it doesn't just wreck me and like the goodies fall inside of hey that wasn't that bad actually hey not only do we get four crystals for that but we got a stack of diamond for it too and i know we need one block of diamond to make the moment you've all been waiting for guys the diamond creeper cannon yes miss we're gonna head back to the surface and try this thing okay remember that desert temple from the start let's see what it looks like now wow boy oh i missed the explosion because the sand whoa hey oh bro look oh no way it spawns in diamond oars wherever it explodes so then let me see something dude dude dude wherever it launches this is the coolest oh my gosh best reward ever guys you gotta subscribe to comments to crafting for more
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 2,650,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, c2c, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, creepers, new creepers, diamonds, creeper update, weapons, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, finding diamonds, coal, tnt, diamond creeper, gunpowder, creeper remake, rocket launcher, bazooka, drill, mining, quickest way to mine, gold, emeralds, crafting creepers, redstone, comments
Id: _q2RCY0NfX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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