Minecraft but there's Custom Boats

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minecraft but there are custom boats i can make awesome boats out of all sorts of materials can i beat the game with a bunch of boats i better or else ah guys i made a big mistake i was taking a nap on a sailboat as one does that i washed up on this shore how the heck am i supposed to get out of here dude oh that just might help whoa look at all these boats i guess i could start with a fishing boat to get myself some food we'll need some logs come here fishy fishy yeah oh my gosh what are you oh what is what are you doing dude get out eh what is this plastic straws trash drowned hey get out of my ocean dude oh you let out trash everywhere gross you're gonna kill these fish before i get to go how disgusting well let's make our fishing boat here there we are now this should make getting food much easier what ocean two polluted trash collector required hey i got an ocean pollution meter at the top it's at 100 oh gosh i will save you fish okay well we can make a trash grabber here i guess that'll help us pick up a little bit of trash from the bad guy over here whoa look at this guy grab the trash whoa okay it's grabbing some trash some vacuums we got some oil drums we're making a pretty sizable dent but the uh the boss bar hasn't moved a whole lot hey look at that we can make some upgrades already actually we can use our net that we found to get a trash net boat this might help us all right let's try this bad boy out what we got oh nice come on pick up some trash oh there we go there we go it's working it's working yeah all right we're making some progress we're saving some turtles boys this is satisfying dude i also found a nice pair of kicks what else can we craft here what the heck oh it's a fisherman villager a team seas fisherman hey man i'm just here to help collect some trash what do you have he trade stuff water bottles and plastic straws give me a hauling blade okay let's trade let's get some of those before i drown here i assume a hauling blade i'll need for some more of my cool boats ooh guys i can make a trash hauler if you need trash holler at your boy hey look at this whoa i think i got a motorboat on it and everything give me all the trash i'm the trashman no you horrible trash demons no no no hey stop it stop it why are you polluting the ocean where are you ah take this you monsters yeah look at all this ah man take this you trash monsters let's pick up all this trash here whoa we got a lot of it look we got 42 oil drums man ooh trash vacuum boat i can use some of these vacuum tubes i found let's try this monster shall we boom whoa it's like a spider this is sick let's go vacuum oh my gosh oh that's that's going fast go boys oh shoot there's more of these guys down here did i tell you to back off ah yeah take this we're certainly making progress but these trash rounds just keep coming back we need the ocean to stay clean so we might be able to craft and automate it yeah automatic trash collector obtained from a team seized piglet i guess i've gotta grab my other boats too to combine them and you this is gonna be awesome and oh goodness hello oh it must be uh you must be team sees piglet i've heard so much about can i help you ow oh okay it wasn't me that did the trash thing man do you want stuff can i give you trash he said yes oh he's trading he's bartering for the trash i mean we'll take that i got it the ai chip oh sick thanks dude there you go buddy and now we've got what we need we've got the automatic trash collector okay well let's place this uh trash collector here and what the heck just happened the king hey hey hey hey oh my gosh he is so terrifying i'll just follow his trash there he is yeah yeah oh gosh he does a lot of damage i'll munch on this fish come on fight me oh my goodness i gotta hop in there please miss yeah yeah come on yeah we've got him don't drown we got him he polluted the ocean but no longer my friends and boom yeah go buddy our automatic collector now don't run me over i'm not trash okay look at it go look at the ocean pollution going down we did a good deed today boys and oh my goodness yo mr c's what the heck was that all that meaning must have angered the trash dragon a trash dragon looks like our job won't really be finished until that trash dragon is taken out the nice thing is i think i can actually use my fisher boat now because i i was able to use this before yeah look i'm fishing i'm fishing nice yeah this fisherman boat works great let's get some stone here so we can cook up some of our fresh fish oh that's more like it it looks like the sun's setting though i might want to get underground i did find a new boat called the mining boat that might be useful for us to get some resources to help kill this trash dragon and i've got plenty of iron right here so we're gonna grab this oops i broke my staircase and we'll make some smooth stone here hurry hurry hurry and we've got enough iron here to make the pickaxe we need now we should be able to make our mining boat dude sick mr c don't worry i'm headed underground but i will kill the trash dragon my friends i found a pretty serious cave here we got a whole mine shaft and everything so if we place our mining boat here there it is and then if i just go straight i should be able to oh just break every block go boom no no no hey you jerk don't blow up my mining boat yeah yeah we might need a bit more armor here i'm just gonna keep doing this until i've got full iron whoa wait a minute i can also use the boat in water yeah now i'm real fast there we are the next boat i want is the obsidian boat so we're hunting for iron to keep us safe with armor and also we're hunting for diamonds oh gosh okay okay well that sucks hey guys i'm trying to save the world from trash can you not that's why i need an obsidian boat yeah we got diamonds boom wow more diamonds yeah how's that water feel nice and non-polluted you're very welcome what's up pikachu this gave us plenty of diamonds so we can make our diamond pickaxe for our obsidian and that should give us our obsidian boat sweet dude look at this guy oh that looks uncomfortable and we smelted up some of this iron here which makes some easy armor and it's made out of recyclable material take that trash dragon this sword's got your name on it now where's the best place to use an obsidian boat probably uh the nether all right well i certainly hope this works yeah oh my goodness oh yeah no problem i'm just casually on fire what i'm looking for is a fortress there's two bastions goodness going across lava in a boat nothing cursed about this whatsoever my eyes are on fire yeah there you are gorgeous pardon me please don't throw fireballs at my face thank you ah shoot i specifically asked you nicely get to land okay stay right there little guy oh i've got some blazes to smash there's the spawner oh you almost made me fall you jerk ah ouch we got our blaze rods now with a couple pieces of soul sand ow i can make a hoverboat [Applause] yeah ow back off there we go now who needs a lava boat when you got a stinkin hoverboat man look at me go now it's time for some pearls pearls acquired see you later nether ah we got the nether out of the way fast and we still have a bunch of more boats to craft well we can craft ourselves our diamond boat yoink and our totem bottom our totem bottom we need a couple more resources here holy cow there's oh my gosh there's like an army of axolotls whoa there's our gold nice oh no our villager left do you see where our villager guy went hopefully out there saving the world i'm on a mission to find a village near all i think we're gonna make a quick old pit stop right here yoink stay sorry do i ruin your day here oh much better yoink there across the horizon hello gentlemen i need one emerald anybody trade trash i got a lot of that there he is i'll take an emerald thanks buddy there's our gold and there's our bottom boom i actually don't know what the bottom does but i assume it just keeps me alive in danger whoa what the heck just happened oh what what just happened dude he just went all the way down to bedrock uh oh past bedrock okay um well let's head down here very safely here ouch wow okay yep this guy went all the way to bedrock what happens if i try to get in it oh nothing okay can i grab you oh well see you later let's try out our diamond boat while we're down here maybe it helps us find diamonds oh i get a bunch of buffs here that's pretty cool honestly this might be pretty useful to sit in the boat and fight the dragon later so we're gonna keep this guy nice and handy to kill the dragon we'll need some upgrades the boat shelf might be what we're after here this hopefully helps us get us some serious enchantments i'm also going to dispose of my plastics not in the ocean but in the void there we are um don't ask where i got the leather there's our bookshelf and there's our boat shelf there it is our okay um do i just get enchantments whoa look at the back oh i see just pops i just fish for enchantment books wow yeah dude look at it it's just popping out enchantment books i'm a library on wheels boys if anybody wants a book i've got it wow all right yeah we got a lot enchantment books let's uh let's get enchanting let's go mining my friends ow ow ow ow what i'm hunting for some iron to get my anvil bow and that should do it anvil acquired yoink i got myself pretty stacked i got full protection armor pretty much and a powerful bow check this out hey piggy i've got no arrows i could uh certainly use an infinity book there dog oh he broke my boat no it didn't okay okay you were supposed to look after me man nope nope nope nope nope ah infinity we got it some experience please there we go one step closer flying ship rocket ship whoa i just need some wool i can make a flying ship you can call me the flying dutchman although we gave a shout out to the dutch already yeah so how about today we give a shout out to india what's up fans from india i love you the flying ship is mine i'm sorry hovercraft you've been upgraded wow okay so this one's better than the hover ship because i can actually move up and down which is really sweet holy cow i feel like peter pan right now well dude i i guess it's time to head to the stronghold let's get to it across the seas we fly we found it it must be close by let's go oh we're here we're here hey stop stop no oh that was fast it's like right here ah heck yeah hello no thank you [Applause] there's so many of you stop now before we go in i have something i want to craft hello thank you yes that should be everything i need so now i can make a mounted flying ship so i assume it shoots arrows and stuff which is real sick and then once i get myself a shattered crystal then i can make a rocket ship so that's how we're gonna kill the dragon let's go whoa oh uh hello bat welcome glad glad to have you join us okay the trash dragon you're going down buddy boy oh he's shooting trash at me let's go look at this okay so it shoots arrows wherever i look which is awesome so this will help us take out the crystals no problem you're going down trashy boy get the crystal come on yeah ow ow ow out all his trash his trash is hurtful come here yes i've got it i've got her shattered crystal oh stay alive stay alive oh gosh his trash his trash is hurting me stop it yes okay that should be pretty much all the crystals oh i got a couple more get your trash out of here i'll use my own hands yeah yes we got it i've got a crazy idea come on yeah keep me alive please yes yes since i get regeneration and resistance this should keep me alive for as long as i need to and heal up whenever i need it thank you diamondboat yeah oh last one yeah yes he shoots trash at me this is the way the turtles feel in the ocean yeah heal me boat ouch okay this will keep me alive i should be able to craft this while i'm in the boat yes the rocket ship yes we've got it okay okay stay alive oh my gosh yeah there it is our rocket ship you're going down now boy yeah get the trash man boom oh my gosh this is awesome that's it that's it shoot him yes yes oh we're doing a lot of damage to him team z's ah okay no please please please please please yeah where's my boats there you are hey why are you in my boat dude let me in there oh gosh okay we can do this i think i lost my rocket ship i got to do this by hand man it's just you and me now no fancy boats i'm taking you trash myself that's it i'm going up to you yeah yeah we got him yes we got him you're done trash dragon you my friend have been recycled wow oh sorry to interrupt your date my friends please donate to team c's learn more at teamses.org use less plastic if you can and let's work together to make this world a better place for everyone sending lots of love and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Craftee
Views: 9,511,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, teamseas, team seas, ocean cleanup, plastic removal, custom boats, boats, cleanup the ocean, remove plastic, plastic cleanup, super boats, mob boats, new boats, new minecraft boats
Id: -KGLxK13ru0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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