Minecraft But there is Custom Armor

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minecraft but there is custom armor in this video we will be crafting all sorts of new custom armors to help me beat the game firework leggings to fly into the air a pickaxe helmet for mining even a laser chest plate what does that one do well we'll have to see if it's enough to help us defeat a brand new type of ender dragon the diamond armor dragon hopefully this diamond isn't forever custom armor i want to see what that one's about so we need a crafting table stat boom let's bear witness what do we have here oh my gosh we got some serious stuff this one laser chest plate and we need amethyst diamonds for that how do i get those pickaxe helmet bro whoa well i know how to make that but let's find something we can make right now huh ooh sugar leggings hey that one's easy enough okay i know we're after there we go baby baby baby this armor is gonna be sweet i'm sorry okay sugarcane into sugar and sugar into these sweet leggings yes baby baby baby whoa look how fast i go amazing dude we're going nuts over here huh what now i got slow oh gosh the sugar rush wore off well before we make more armor i need to get my food supply under control no seriously i'm like almost out of hunger i need some food stat oh yes perfect we got a village right here hey like the you know the hay that we're gonna get for food bro this village has no food in it there's no hay bales there's nothing i'm gonna need to figure out an alternative solution ooh and i have a pretty good idea what's gonna be hey there little piggy sacrifices must be made okay food is mostly handled but i want to go ahead and rob the rest of this village of uh everything they have because i'm a nice guy and i also saw that one of the new pieces of custom armor is actually children children no arguing i'm just here for uh-oh they know what i'm up to a bell that's what i need one of the new pieces of armor requires a bell so don't mind if i do school is in session what happened to your eye oh he was offended i didn't have much in that village but i do need clay for another piece of armor too so our hunt continues after this there we go easy oh finally okay i just noticed another easy one we can make is the flower helmet yes we've got the clay we just need rose bushes and i think i saw one in the village nearby so we're gonna head right on back down whoa what are those things bro is that just floating armor dude hey you wanna be friends hi okay does not want to be friends it's all right i'm not a big fan of lingerie myself anyway stay you foul beast i even dropped the armor oh gosh they're all over the place oh my god i need armor faster otherwise we're gonna run into some serious problems look they're tormenting the villagers that one's on a tree for some reason i don't even think he likes trees so he's in some serious trouble dude and that one got up to the top okay all right i'm coming don't worry you're gonna be handled right now sugar legs is coming they used to call me that in school so don't worry villager you're safe with me you got anything to trade yeah here we go perfect no i know you like roses this one's mine i need it cook these up and good to go all right now let's go ahead and make a flower pot just like that lovely and now we can make ourselves our next piece of armor the flower helmet oh wow call me pretty and not crazy do people wear these things what does it do though that's what oh it's lovely i don't know how helpful it is but it's lovely whoa oh my gosh and with the i'm leaving a trail of evidence wherever i go hopefully no one uh follows me with this and if they do it'd be in for a lovely surprise i leave behind me a trail of destruction if by destruction you mean flowers okay let's get serious we're far away from the laser chest plate we're gonna have to get that one a lot later but i noticed have you ever seen an enderman mech that shoots lightning an ender lord that calls minions to his side or an enderman charger that rolls over its enemies well now's your chance to encounter these new endermen and many more in my newest map enderman plus mod grab it right now on the minecraft marketplace linked below it will actually invent some all right we've got ourselves buckets on buckets now we just got to get up that water admire our beauty and then fill these puppies up boom boom boom boom place down go to town on this brand new piece of water bucket boots oh boy yo i'm fully decked out right now we got it all but i gotta figure out what these boots do does it let me feed my flowers no okay well i just found out what it does check it out hey we've got protection from all sides down here love well from one side you know directly you know below me okay well i'm looking around and most of the rest of the armor pieces we need require us to get deeper into the cave system this one looks exciting a pickaxe helmet we're a ways from that but hey we'll get there whoa i thought the mobs might want a present you know hey mr creeper you want a flower i did not want a flower oh there's two get away please actually if you had some gunpowder you could spare i wouldn't be too upset about it give me yes no yes good hold on this might be funny oh nevermind okay drip stone boots those look easiest next to make we need drip stone blocks and drip stones so you know we're gonna get oh pay dirt baby we gots it on my way oh thank you and i thank you oh well yeah i'll save you okay goodness water all right drip stone boots boom boom yes love that all right water bug hey nasty i'm trying to explore a little bit so how does it work exactly do i hit get away i'm trying to drip on you does it what do i oh gosh i'm getting overwhelmed oh somebody help me please i'm literally gonna die worst don't do it get oh we gotta escape okay kind of figured out how to use them but they don't work that well right now i think i saw like firework legs or something so maybe we can use those together and we can start just dropping drips though bombs on people when we're flying around hopefully i mean maybe the firework leggings they just caused us to explode but i wouldn't like that too much leave me alone fresh back from the surface got me something real special turns out we can actually make those firework leggings essentially right now so hold on a second firework leggings we just need six fireworks and hey good thing we ran into those creepers before because check me out we got what we need right now firework leggings so let's see how do i uh oh maybe because let's put on the drip stone boots and then let me oh oh well that's hit by my own boots so sad okay let's give it another shot huh fire away rocket me oh it worked oh cool oh i love this okay so i jumped and i sneaked into the air i think basically at the same time yes yes sir i love it and these boots are going nuts oh more those armors just showed up now's my chance baby baby drip drop dripping drip drop dripping i'm gonna take them all out and i ain't gonna swing my sword to do it come on your time is now get away from me yo we're legit just taking them out with our trip so it's so good we took them out these armors they just keep following me around don't love it oh and i killed myself i well that was highly inconvenient but i'm glad the ravine was nearby and i just saw something amazing right down the corner right here my man my main man diamonds ah i can't wait oh two i love oh more than two i love more four ha ha we gotta be able to make something with these friend before i make diamond anything i wanna see i saw a pickaxe that one looks cool crossbow helmet this is what i'm looking for the pickaxe helmet okay now i got a feeling we can probably find way more diamonds if we collect that thing first so i'm going to save these diamonds my friend anyways we need a wooden pickaxe a stone big axe an iron pickaxe we need gold so that we can make a gold pickaxe and we need to collect four more diamonds yes so that we can get our hands on enough diamonds for a diamond pickaxe and a diamond helmet and so now we have everything we need to make ourselves the pickaxe helmet oh yeah look at this thing it is hideous ladies calm down okay nobody wants to take a pic whoa whoa love love oh my gosh look at this look at how we mine amazing oh dude oh my gosh yo we're gonna be able to find so many diamonds so you'll wear my sugar pants and i'll put those puppies on yes so good bro we are just clearing out this whole air will be able to find diamonds in no time flat oh and the water boots they let me walk oh oh there's diamonds we just got more time it's instantly oh my gosh this is the best day of my life have you subscribed to comments to crafting yet by the way because we're about to hit that lazy chess play and you're gonna want to see it also where am i okay let's see up next the belmont i want to make a belmont okay so we need a little bit more gold in order to get that puppy going should not be a problem i'm a crazy person oh god also this looks incredibly weird i put my fov all the way up it is kind of a painful actually there we go got some well guys i just found out something new you can't craft bells so back to the village we go you know how much trouble you anyways okay take two make the helmet beautiful make the velmet even more beautiful well hopefully we'll see how it fits me okay take you up put you on and wow [Applause] i i i don't know what to say whoa whoa when i move about whoa whoa i think it lights up it can detect nearby mobs wow okay this helmet is really starting to feel like it bell longs on me no okay yeah we can use it to find cave systems did y'all see that i love i love wow okay this is nice not you know a little bit annoying but you know details details okay this is gonna start to get really annoying believe me anyways what can we make other than this i saw a crossbow helmet yes with my name on it diamond helmet and a crossbow we can make the diamond helmet right away thank you how again do i make me a crossbow ooh we need some string okay we get most of these things that we can make the tripwire hook right now now we literally just need strings a little bit what are they what did i say oh yes thank you i will take your string sir really aha burn burn you damn mess with me give me what i came for yes and we got to yes crossbow thank you and diamond helmet thank you what is this one about in fact i saw something really cool another special did that thing just load oh my gosh it legit loads on top of my head you must be joking me okay but i saw something really cool that requires the crossbow helmet you ready for this check it out right here heart chest plate we need a villager to be shot with our crossbow helmet and we already got the redstone we need okay but before we go see the villagers i want to make an amethyst helmet oh boy glitch they don't want me having this armor you can play this game homie you all ready boom yes fire off fire away b hey you got nothing on me son i literally have one of these on my head now conveniently i saw something very useful guys check this oh that is lava that is not that convenient actually i saw a geode right up here so now we can get our amethyst on right away switch out the helmet oh that is a big old hole in fact we're gonna go ahead and do that a little bit more safely stop let let let me in hey yes good really good i'll take all those crystals thank you okay i want to see what this helmet's all about amethyst helmet wow this thing looks very dangerous actually oh what am i like an overlord of hunger games okay so how does it work what can i do with it it looks sharp can i okay i thought maybe i could oh that's one way to oh i'm so happy i have my water bucket boots on can i ram can i ram i can ram i can ram mobs with it yo oh my gosh i can legit rambles and i'm also about to die so that's not that good actually okay we should probably yeah right away that's a good idea all right back up at the surface and we've got enough for these air walker boots oh and i think our friend just helped us out with a little ender pro action so let's see what it does oh i gotta be very careful with that thing up we go and then oh yo check me out i'm legit walking on air and firing off my laser this is amazing okay well that's we got to be a little bit careful with this thing huh yeah i don't know if i'll be able to get down safely slowly but surely okay well glad we got that figured out that'll be very helpful down the road but for now you gotta go boom oh you got what i need homie i want that villager heart we need to kill a villager with this crossbow to be able to get our hands on his heart i'm dying for your affection actually i suppose you'll be dying for for your affection don't run you're making it difficult i'm sorry dude it has to be this way what sheep you mean to tell me i killed an innocent villager don't look away you mean to tell me i killed an innocent villager yeah he doesn't care about you there we go i like it we didn't actually have to kill him we just had to abuse him for a long enough amount of time and now we have what we need to make a heart chest plate yes please better than this iron one it's just plain old okay so what does it do maybe it heals me real nice and good huh let me get a nice little jump up in the air and confirm that one way or another oh boy this could be bad uh let's go ahead and oh yeah oh yeah it's giving me regen three i'm healing so quickly this is gonna be very useful okay well the last thing we need to make is just the laser chest plate but we need amethyst diamonds and it says ram diamond armor with the amethyst helmet ram diamond armor huh what does that mean not gonna lie i'm not entirely sure what it means however we cannot let it stop us we got a mission still we gotta get to the dragon one way or another so we uh edit do the nether one way or another i should have said that and are you kidding me what we literally teleported into a fortress how does that happen okay well that makes my job a little bit easier doesn't it let's go ahead and get prepared i want some hubba boots and we're gonna just try our best to find what we need right away sneak away baby okay i think i hear him nearby that's not what i wanted one bit oh boy just stop bad bad i forgot bad make a diamond sword i have diamonds too that's the terrible part well i don't want to talk about it but i got chased off of the fortress so we gotta rock it all back up hey there we go that's what i'm talking about baby take them out at a distance oh my gosh i'm falling like everywhere right now i would love some blaze rods mister thank you very much go ahead and handle it from afar yes please and then once we get these we can work on getting some ender pearls now oh boy oh boy almost forgot i was like i need to put on my water boots before i do anything else oh how about it well there we go maybe we can just save some time instead i'm gonna put on these huh and we can just walk on over guys i cannot wait to see what this laser chess play does that sounds so exciting oh that's so satisfying handled well we got what we needed but i don't know exactly how we ram diamond armor so i'm hoping we could find it at the stronghold with any luck we can find it here the end of pearls took us right to this spot and with any luck we have a stronghold waiting for us yeah we sure do hey and hey what a nice spot to start into got some books hey whoa what are you oh wait i could use these guys this might be the armor did i get something good for my trouble i did we got the amethyst diamonds brother man brother man hit them good with that ram oh my gosh we gotta download more of this stuff as soon as possible get it yes good wow they are actually not much of a challenge with this helmet very powerful now we just got 12 amethyst diamonds for our trouble now in theory that means we have what we need to make our laser chest plate oh yeah let's put this thing on right away oh okay that's exactly it is in fact laser yup okay well that is my questions oh we should be careful with this thing cannot wait to use it on the dragon though okay but you could get rammed on oh stay awake i thought i'd get rid of all these guys oh gosh ah here we go love it you step back and with any luck oh boy i hope we have enough let me see do we has enough oh no okay good we do i'm ready for this yes yes yes in we go to check out this diamond armor dragon uh yes please okay hold on we got what we need i'ma just rock it on up oh boy diamond armored dragon you must be joking me where is he oh whoa legit has diamond is it stronger what does it do was that all odd i got a direct hit okay hold on we gotta handle these crystals first and foremost up we go yes please and hit him with that oh yeah here we go crystals nice and handled now we're gonna laser this puppy yeah don't mind defy hey can't even land poor thing not too bright out where did the dragon just huh did we just explode the dragon uh well the portal thing that shows up when you defeat the dragon showed up so i we we did it sure why not hey subscribe
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 386,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, new armor minecraft, new helmet, pickaxe, pickaxe helmet, mining, mining helmet, diamond pickaxe, diamond, diamonds, diamond pickaxe helmet, custom armor, op armor, new items
Id: QPRQ8OHon0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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