Minecraft but I SHAPESHIFT to an Enderman

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okay Minecraft but I'm an Enderman that's right in this video I'll be beating the game morphed as an Enderman and I'll be crafting various upgrades and abilities to help me progress through the game all while avoiding avoiding dangerous what okay well howler Enderman dash power and Ender blast help us to defeat the Ender Dragon well stick around to the end signed up sorry dude check me out I am literally an Enderman we gonna beat the game as an Enderman so we gotta get look I'm even taller oh my health I got twice as many hearts yo this is amazing okay hold on we're gonna beat this Dragon I gotta see what abilities I have I know we've got random teleport ability that's obvious enough but what else can we oh wow if we got some stuff oh and there's different types of Ender Pearls oh look at this one Ender blast whoa explosive pearls and lots of diamonds tamed by bombing mobs what and then this one's controlled teleport this one obtained when you teleport randomly whoa so just by using the powers we get more Powers bro okay so let me try this boom I teleported ah no pearl that time well let's go find a village I need some food I cannot wait to get my hands on the controlled teleport because right now random teleport takes me backwards but I need these pearls so we can get more of the recipes baby whoa oh I thought I saw a village hey we got one yes oh yeah warped Pearl ah only a few more of those needed oh wait I did see a village yes sweet what's up tough guy not so tall now are we okay oops still strong uh so we need Redstone in order to make this control teleport but I did see Ender Mining and I guess there's coal pearls as well we can make that mostly right now so to the caves yes I see some coal right there baby give it to me mostly because I can't see anything but yeah what am I think oh goodness big boy not today we're coming in hot wooden yeah well look cool that's what I'm talking about we got our hands on some cold too big cold pearls excited I stop we have to make some armor at some point I'm taking massive damage okay Ender mining so how's this how's this work oh whoa whoa I love I love that is awesome well this should make collecting iron quite Pleasant hey oh the water upstairs I forgot I don't even don't like water oh my gosh we're gonna have to block this off behave yourself okay we got some iron right here thank you very little very much yes good cool check this out just made some iron but also saw this enhanced Ender mining that is with a magical Pearl obtained by undermining gold and we need some diamonds okay yo we had it baby hold on a second and I love Ravines we can get the Redstone for the control teleport as well because we're gonna need all of these Powers I think in stupid in order to get all the other pearls now I know ideal damage in water or take damage but I think it's better than surviving the fall yeah way better choice I don't know if this is a good choice at all you can come to think of it but oh boy run away bad bad bad bad there we go Mama hello hello hello give me what you got yes oh we got the Pearl too this is all I needed I think we only needed one yes obtained by Ender mining gold now we can get another good boy now we need to find is redstone for that teleport feature maybe I can mine away the water does that work oh I think it did did not work oh it didn't work at all oh oh look what here hey stop we got diamonds all right stay away no one likes you stop Brad oh and we got rich though we just got everything we needed a lucky day okay I think this is what the recipe was for just two diamonds that yes good enhanced and demining I don't even need this no more I hope okay so I want to carefully get this Redstone very carefully because I don't want it to fall into the lava let's try this puppy out use use I say you oh oh with that okay yeah right right right wow well it looks very effective I'll tell you that much oh yeah this thing is awesome okay but two things we're gonna make a flint and steel right now for the nether portal right and then more importantly it's time to get our hands uh all news control teleport so if I'm not mistaken then I could just uh yup yup yup yup oh boy this is gonna be so useful I'm happy oh and look at this one hey Ender punch teleporting Pearl gotten from more precise teleportation so we can just use this controlled teleport that we just got our hands on oh we already had it I didn't even notice how about it look at that okay well that means we can literally make it I think right now we gotta cook iron what did I do check it out check it out check it out we have everything we need baby baby a baby look at this the end of punch I ain't even gonna use that sword no more hey and a punch punching teleports mobs is that what it just said hey there's a bat somewhere I heard him okay you are not a bat but you will do hey nice where'd he get teleported to I hear him nice sweet sounds of death I'm not a crazy person what are you talking about I know we're trying to get to the dragon but I want to get some more powers and they're all gonna come in handy oh this one looks cool understand oh undermining gold okay okay Ender punching things that can crack and or punching things can crack interesting well we need more gold aha nice check that oh we got something for that what was this guy energetic Pearl obtained from an enhancing diamonds nice nice okay well we need more from getting gold and we may as well make a big old open area for the baddies to spawn in so we can start punching on a couple of them oh speaking of nice oh man yo this is crazy the amount of money going on right now is amazing guys you gotta subscribe to comments to crafting this stuff is just unending bro that's so good oh we got more damage yes so nice so so nice and we got more diamonds this is the best yo I love playing as an Enderman okay we already got 26 diamonds amazing and I'm just gonna let oh yeah yeah where they're coming from I'm gonna let them just keep getting teleported around get my hands on some cracked ender pearls when their bodies inevitably show up somewhere feeling good loving on it but this isn't working as nicely as I wanted it to we haven't gotten any of the okay we're gonna need a bunch of these though I'm gonna head on back to the surface look at this and this is gonna be easily the fastest way up well now I'm suffocating this is that's bad about it here we go yeah back at the Village hey buddy remember me from before yes wow now he should be the perfect candidate because he doesn't actually take any fall damage oh he's gonna just kill me though run check this out set up a little cheat system basically he can't die but we can stack on some pearls just by doing this ah I'm so smart and modest too kind of it's kind of relaxing really notice the wild Eyed Girl in this to fly multiple times he's not having my Smack so sad and well I've killed him he's dead now I got nine of these cracked ender pearls though that should be more than enough to get down what we need hold on just a minute let's make this Ender stare loving on that that thing looks sick where is he hey uh hey hey understand nice staring at mobs freezes them in place really he's been frozen [Music] little piggy little piggy little pig still frozen baby oh I think he pooped out something what do we have here condensed Pearl obtained by staring nice see it's not rude to stare you just do it for long enough you start pooping out pearls never cast Pearls Before Swine either so this is just ironic whoa guys look we practically have everything we need to make an Ender bomb we've got the pearls we've got the diamonds we just need the TNT yo we got our hands on some creepers all right Pig oh thank you rude hey baby how you doing you suck I got it the best thing is we can use all these powers to teleport around so much more quickly and find what we need with the creepers instantly yes more yes don't move more bad okay we're getting a little bit overwhelmed little bit overwhelmed okay I think we got what we need though between all these yeah yeah I'm bitching okay we're almost ready to head to the nether I want to make this Ender bomb before anything else so we just oh right we gotta make the uh I don't think so stay right where you're at homie all right now we'll do it the end above it's back back got a loved one's birthday coming up I'm excited to say hey and whatever else you'd like me to say book me on Cameo at cameo.com log.zip where I will send you a custom video message links in the description it's like a remote bomb yes [Laughter] hold on hook Pig it's nothing personal I just don't happen to like you that much oh wait he gave me a pearl well let me collect that first thank you pig now you go and while we're at it you can go ahead and do that too oh and man should have all of this power it's so true sheep over there is like what did I just witness oh we get there's another one we can make right okay we just need leather I Betsy's bow let the boots done deal condensed pearls done deal Enderman Dash oh yeah look at me what am I nuts ah cool I want can we maybe we can okay let's try this baby out oh yeah oh yeah that's so good so fast so nice okay so we need the crystal Crusher for the ender dragon fight and for that we need Crystal pearls obtained by having a blast and Speedy Pearl gotta go fast so we just did the dash for the Speedy Pearl but in order to get these I think we need Ender blast we need a block of time we got enough diamonds for that and we also need to explode even more mobs so we'll make the block right now and we're gonna head to the nether because to be honest there's a bunch of zombified piglets all up in there and I want to get my hands on exploding them this is gonna be real good I'm gonna go visit my house too in the four forests okay zombified piglets we at oh boy that's uh yep we can handle this actually hey stupid yeah right in the go yeah this is my domain actually this is not my domain hey my cousin hey oh he's mad at me didn't like bad this is amazing there's our portal and right behind me is a stronghold love plus with the dash it is so easy to just get around this place like remarkably quickly that and teleporting too yes for that though I've got some business to we're gonna stack a handful of these puppies up yes go ahead make my day yes okay there's a whole bunch of them all right next to each other and now that we've set the Trap yes yes wait where did I set the Trap I forgot um oh okay okay I think we got a couple I'm gonna die this is not good oh somebody saved me Tom Cruise please we should have come with way more food yes yes indeed bomb up there we go I was like how come I didn't work no we're good ah but I am in danger still okay we're gonna get the rest right bam well there's one we got oh there's two in there okay um well I just need you two to oh man do they just keep coming I think they just keep coming you guys just don't move okay I'm staring at you you don't get to touch me oh do we get enough I think we got enough there might there's there's got to be one more hanging out we already have three the explosive pearls I'm so nervous I have no food oh no they're mad bad set one set one set one now die yes we got it okay we're back we got food and we're near but we gotta make this new power what's it called love it sounds amazing Ender blast what what so what does it do I like I don't know if I want to like [Music] whoa whoa it shoots out oh oh I love I love let's yeah okay so now it's just this cat and mouse game of getting all the way over to where we need to in order to reach this is [Music] eat please uh if I die I'll be quite upset in fact yes I would not enjoy oh my gosh am I gonna die I'm gonna die oh I lived I'm so happy that was miserable okay but we made it we're here you stop moving and I'm gonna kill you and get the blaze rods and that's gonna not take two lines we'll be back okay well it's actually taking way longer than originally anticipated because I forgot that this thing blows up blocks so now we killed the spotter we've got some rods so yeah now listen the last thing I'm gonna do is disrespect the homies and kill my own kind so we got plenty of gold ingots right here from Mining and you guys are gonna give me some ender pearls thank you very much love on that for a second hopefully I uh yeah I think we just got one we got well we ain't got leather oh I see pearls already Baby Baby Baby Baby Come to Papa well we got a whole mess of stuff in here a couple more rounds of this and with any luck yeah perfect back out of here keep the change you filthy animal well I was about to head to the stronghold and then I forgot we got one more thing to make what was it the end Crystal Crusher yes Speedy Pearl and having a blast well there's still some of this Village left for now oh wow we could literally fire this off like nuts yeah yeah I never liked the military so awesome there's one who's sad guys oh and there's two well now Crystal Crusher this destroy nearby end crystals they don't mind if I do well this appears to be the spot so down we go oh gosh the water's coming well that was in fact accurate here we are now we're gonna find the string oh boy I'm in big trouble and water I'm nervous and here you are hello pretty nice ridiculous hello pretty do we have what we need we do nice so good all right Ender Dragon versus Enderman get it yes indeed mine up please here we go where's this dagran there you are oh it's so nice to have a family reunion now let me see how this works exactly okay well that's one way to do it I think we just have to get close to it and yeah oh it doesn't even damage us when we do that either hey beautiful okay we could probably also just you know nine well that would also works do love me some Ender blast but I'm about to take some super stickers so there we go if you don't want to send a trap for the dragon right here yes in the meantime crystals essentially are handled didn't even need that Crystal power big fan oh get ready here comes the dragon boom blow them up baby that is massive damage that is a massive damage where'd the dragon go whoa how'd you get a pair well long story short the dragon is dead hey subscribe the comments the crafter I'm gonna blow you up
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 547,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, play minecraft as a villager, minecraft but, emeralds, diamonds, farming diamonds, the end, ender dragon, beating minecraft, playing minecraft as a enderman, play minecraft as a enderman, enderman morph, enderman, ender, enderman update, new enderman update, minecraft but enderman beat the game, minecraft but enderman
Id: 80MThKcKttw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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