Minecraft but you can Shear Blocks

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minecraft but you can sheer blocks i will be using special super sheers to skin blocks and turn them into armor and each of these armors have special powers that relate to the block they came from what will the ice armor do how about the bedrock can we use them to defeat the ender dragon stick around to find out it is sheer madness okay well if we want to start shearing all of these magnificent blocks all over the place we're going to need to get our hands on some shears oh an apple just put that oh whoa whoa super sheers what are these i thought we were gonna have to make shears we already have some i don't even know where these came from but i'm excited look at them beautiful hopefully we can use these to sheer i don't know let's try huh i know you can normally shear we leaves with shears so maybe we got an oh whoa oh is that the leaves skin it's pink underneath it i thought i think i saw something i saw something show up some did you yeah what is that whoa oak oak leaves boots what and it's got regrowth on it come again okay wait so then can i just bro it's got all sorts what dude we got full leave leaf armor let me see i'm gonna put it on whoa look at me you've covered the leaves wow this is we could've done this the whole time whoa and it's got something called lightweight lightweight let me see whoa we float down what oh like leaves i guess that makes sense dude amazing in fact oh i'm like blowing in the wind a little bit actually it's like moving me around like i well here a little bit okay if leaves drop armor that is this cool then i gotta figure out what we can get from obsidian or magma like what would that armor be like okay we got some basic tools but i really want to know can we really share any block it works what bro hold on a second we get some dirt armor what no way oh my gosh look at this dude maybe it does something cool look at that see wow we got all these set effects i want to know what the dirt armor does lovely oh gross i uh i think the dirt armor just uh i think it just i think it just makes me dirty so you know that's uh you know yeah i'm good i'm gonna put my leave back armor on what'd i just say oh i gots an idea hold on a second normally she isn't meant for shearing sheep now let's see hey sheep sheepalicious hey huh it don't work with gifts hey i'm trying to assure you are you broken wait i've got an idea maybe if we oh it works it works so we can't share sheep but we can shear wool oh look and we got just enough of everything for it yes yes yes so this has a set effect of soft fall interesting it looks like it's almost the same as the leaves wow yo somebody grab some dye quick whoa so i don't float but look i don't take like any fall damage awesome okay i gots an idea let's yes it's your stone bro amazing stone armor sounds awesome this has got to be good wow load it up rocky anybody no okay i'm not entirely sure what this armor does hey llama i'm gonna use you spit hey kept me from taking damage hey stupid oh yeah you don't play these games that's right got nothing i mean oh boy it's almost nighttime i have no food well i found out what the rocky armor does it's like we're walking around underwater yeah i don't particularly like that but i did just see a desert yes and i want to get cactus armor yo shout out to that sheep by the way i got a nice new bed all right let's give this a shot yes yes cactus boots regrowth and prickly okay what is this about let's see oh well here's something there let's see what we got yo i look sweet okay so we get regrowth and yo it's got an effect when enemy when we run into enemies yo they're fighting hold on whoa yo just standing by it it takes damage amazing we just have to walk into mobs and they die yes and the armor heals itself guys we're gonna seriously find some awesome armor to use against the ender dragon i cannot wait oh look hey a village finally i'm like almost out of food look at the bunnies bunnies take damage yes yeah but i'm not i'm not i'm not crazy i'm not i'm not a psychopath as much as i'd like to share you i would much rather eat you perfect what oh whoa okay first of all there's a desert pyramid right in the middle of this village second of all you know what's inside of it a path apparently no loot is inside of it and i'm gonna get my hand on it look down we go okay what do we get ooh a bone okay there actually wasn't that much amazing gluten here but hey thinking about it hey we can make bone blocks out of the bone meal oh that would be a good idea yes good bone blocks it's time i will become and skeleton sheared shared shared yes okay let's bone kneeler applies bone meal to nearby blocks uh sure yeah i like growing stuff let's we got some crops nearby i guess we don't need crop you just use bone meal let me see maybe do i have like a bone meal i have a bone meal power whoa would i just walk around what what dude amazing i am literally walking fertilizer and i don't smell like it either thank goodness oh my gosh guys i just realized there's tnt inside of this desert pyramid i'm so used to like just i'm so used to avoiding the tnt that i forgot we can actually get some okay a little brighter in here yes yes yes yes yes indeed cheer you up let's go to town tnt armor oh explosive set effect you must be joking me i'm gonna put it on right now oh my gosh nobody mess with me you're lucky if i'm your friend let's try and use its effect oh sick sick whoa whoa yes oh my gosh guys we're about to go on an adventure [Music] curious what shall this bring us let's see haha brick house what do we got here okay whoa immovable and health boost whoa requires two plus i don't even see that wait they all only require two plus pieces we can combine armors look at me i'm a tnt brick guy i guess and so we get the side effect of both so if i were to nice nice if we get extra help too i think i just killed that cat hey yeah sorry about your house dude yeah a hunt for almond needed for the ender dragon has brought us to a peculiar place what's good baby yo this looks nice what what what what what what what what i didn't even i didn't even touch your baby yeah right guy hates shears or something okay let's see what we can get from this though baby we got plenty of options frosty and slippery okay okay provides frost walker and conserves velocity more while moving around whoa hey okay i've had my fun we need to get to the caves that's where the good blocks are iron's nice but i ain't going to worry about making armor for it i just want the tools did we get any iron for blowing that up there we go now i know i want lava armor but i also want to get my hands on some lapis armor i bet you get some sick enchantments with that and we'll find lava soon enough anyways aight oh lapis hey we're in danger die nice hopefully we got enough okay let's see oh yeah we got plenty oh yes yes 12 12 of them it's time to share can i handle some goodies all right super share make it happen what's happening baby give me this awesome oh guys if you haven't subscribed to comments and crafting yet what are you doing about to see some craziness hopefully a creeper doesn't i thought i heard a creeper okay this is awesome it gives us experience over time look at that yo i just leveled up amazing i'm legit just leveling up by wearing this stuff yeah it's all right oh there's the creeper i hear lava where is it yes perfect can i shear ooh interesting i think it like burned it let me see shear shear we might need to find surface lava aha this is what i was looking for okay okay cheers how come i don't get it it ain't working does it does it work i guess lava's not technically a block back bow beat heathen well we'll do the next best thing huh let's share ourselves some obsidian armor this is going to be useful i can feel it i hope whoa i just put it on look my health just doubled my health just doubled whoa look at this look at this flame resistant max hearts by 10 and knockback resistance this is the best armor i've seen yet look at this oh okay well i can still take damage with it oh that was fire immune well now on a new hunt we need diamonds to make a nether portal oh gosh yeah bad stop it stop it ah yes ah yes oh yes yes okay we're good we set baby alrighty it is never fortress time yes good oh ooh hey i'm just kidding it's magma i'm a time yeah oh wow look we're right by what how you must be joking okay we'll mess with it in a second first things first we're going full obsidian armor up in this okay cuz i gotta mess with some blazes and i'm trying to get as much fire resistance as i can because we don't need those rods oh i hear them to get to the dagger on oh gosh oh boy and homie's already ready he's trying to play oh yikes i think the spotter's right there in fact i'm a little nervous where where where where is he hey bad yes stop stop stay away stop stay away oh my gosh wow we're like hardly taking any damage yo this armor is amazing this arm is legit amazing yes good good come to me okay 13 blaze rods that should be more than enough and how about a warped force right here for our pearls i got another idea come here pretty baby hey what's good i'm trying to get on some glow action right now yeah that looks amazing ooh it produces a light level of 15. yes so i'll be real hot i mean uh lit it's lit baby sure oh legit so literally wherever i walk around it just starts to light up that's cool oh bro i totally forgot about the magma leggings too yeah i mean this armor's whatever let's try out the magma yes okay so let me see it says ignites enemies after attacking or being attacked and we get fire resistance yes oh and it gives us light okay all right homie hey yo i'ma set this guy ablaze yay does that work okay well i don't think i guess they can't catch fire i probably shouldn't have attacked him oh here we go this makes way more sense what's good baby get lit get little yeah even the little child too okay they're messing me up i'm out now we just gotta take care of homie boom boom i can play this game all day boom boom that's dangerous okay and i believe oh that's the wrong button that will about do it i think we should have enough at this point guys i just realized we can shear the bedrock on the ender dragon's nest i am i i i gotta get my hands on some bedrock armor and you have been located yes indeed down we go looking good here we go oh hey there it is hey oh gotta get rid of this nasty asap oh i should have tried sharing it first i just uh well that's how it goes sometimes all right ladies and gentlemen that's to make it happen we got plenty of armor looking good explosives on this sucka we're gonna put it on now but we're also gonna just straight book it to that nest because i want me some bedrock armor please don't get somewhere bad oh perfect yes there it is there's the nest let's get it going baby give me this sweet sweet yeah bedrock army you must be joking me let's collect oh gosh oh i'm getting walloped just need the chest plate okay let's see whoa yo this looks incredible 115 armor boost dude this is only eight armor boost what am i like invincible when i put this on or something hold on a second well i got triple hearts okay guys check this out look i don't even take damage then i can just use my tnt armor to just blow it up all right mommy boom oh that's wrong but get it look at that wow two explosions and he's almost dead and now i actually did hey subscribe to comments to crafting oh my helmet broke
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 692,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, tnt, new tnt, blocks, new blocks, shearing sheep, shearing blocks, block shearing, shearing, new minecraft blocks, block update, new armor in minecraft, tnt armor, minecraft but, minecraft but blocks, minecraft but shearing, caves and cliffs
Id: fpqULHx418E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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