Minecraft but there are Custom Swords…

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minecraft but there are custom swords yes in today's video we'll be crafting swords out of any block and each sword has unique ability but dangerous sword swines are after us trying to steal our swords if we fend them off and get every sword though we can combine them to make the ultimate sword what's it do let's see seriously any block i don't know if i buy it okay first thing how do we make one of these guys huh what do we have here sword crafter so we need a plane sword first and foremost and then as far as i can tell we just need a crafting table and look at this a sword crafter you must be joking me look at this guy can i really craft swords out of anything hold on i want to see for myself let me try and make a dirt sword hold on a second oh oh it worked soil sword blinds foes for yes i want to try and find some desert buddies to use this oh whoa what are those things some of them are huge that is a massive horde i don't think we're ready especially with a dirt sword okay there's a village over there but hold on a second let me see let's try and make a sand sword and a cactus sword yes that would be hilarious we can use them on the villagers because i know they ain't got no good trades for me okay let's do that right now put you down so really anything let me hahaha yes cactus sword deals damage to the user and the foe okay don't know i like that one as much how about a sand sword blind so much oh even better drags mobs down into sand oh gosh there's more right here they summoned in okay um get in the sand down down down down damage damage damage oh they're messing me up bad get in the ground that is not as effective can we dirt sand them oh goodness gracious oh oh there's another one bunny what are you running towards it before he's not your friend and that horde is getting closer we gotta get to this village oh thank goodness base is covered get some food actually i know we can make swords out of blocks but i'm wondering if we can make them out of items okay i want to try it let me see can we make a bread sword can we make it we're gonna make a bread stick he's close enough right click to restore some hunger oh whoa useful whoa look at homeboy he's already got a diamond badge on whoa wizardly cleric what's good dude ooh magical sword box shulker box huh i want what you got but i gotta find a farmer villager we got some serious wheat to trade what's good honey ah ha ha yeah you can just have a little extra yeah just one more for good measure you know lucky number seven hey what a deal okay magical sword box tell me mord box it's empty rip-off artist how about these actually this is just a regular shulker box i'm gonna buy a couple for storage we can't even get another magical sword box uh okay i will collect you oh i got some idea for another sword could it be gives night vision on attack for a short time okay hold on but i had an even better idea i want to know if we can like just change it up totally we got a regular potato and a baked potato tell me more oh it does potato sword makes mobs sometimes uh drop potatoes okay sure well no one told me it'd make sense oh gosh there he is the horde i keep forgetting about those guys we're gonna have to take them out at some point all right let's try out this potato sword hey piggy piggy pig piggy piggy piggy piggy well it does exactly what it said it would which is to give me potatoes and i waited all the way till night time to try this one out it does in fact work night vision alert hey doesn't last too long but you know these are too useful for combat i'm actually glad i grabbed the shulker boxes let's start yeah some of these he just gots to go you know just for fun though there we go this one should be really good at keeping doctors away not sword makes mobs drop apples okay well that one could be useful hold on let me give it a shot okay um iron golem i heard him nearby i don't want him to see me abusing his favorite animals okay little little biggie man we got one and then it died hey ugly i was just kidding no not a bad haul okay i've got a funny idea will this work sign sword places a sign into the oh well what else do we got saplings can we make a sapling sword we can we can plant's a random sapling okay actually here's the ultimate test if we could really make anything we made a stick sword great for practice it is not that strong well this thing is filling up extraordinarily quickly although i'm curious about the magical sword box what could it be for i'm sure it'll all come together for now i've got a great idea for some swords sand and clay so we can make some smelted glass and brick swords brick house anybody okay let me see yes glass sword does very little damage but causes bleeding more bleeding damage at a lower durability okay and check this out i wanna can we yes yes yes indeed it's time to make this puppy bricksword clock their block with a break stunning them sure we gotta find someone to use these oh my gosh they're right there whoa heard me clock their block with a brick stunning them well we don't even have armor yet so i'm gonna want to slowly oh that one's huge he's a big boy oh he sees me too we got stunned what the heck it's done it's done yes now's my chance oh it's done again oh boy okay the rest of them don't see me uh i want to make another sword i hear a zombie guy coming around maybe we can maybe this is a better idea why don't we try with a clay blocks instead yeah let's see oh place or deals high damage but swings slowly okay okay claymore boom that is a lot of damage i can already yes that's a good one okay what else can we do i got an idea [Laughter] we're gonna make a flower sword hopefully it works it does it does not cease to amaze me traps mobs in a pot for a short time okay yo imma try this one on the homies where those pigs at what oh they turn into regular pigs that doesn't seem accurate oh i think the golem got him well you'll have to do you've been trapped on that's he's like confused oh i got an idea plenty here to do it too i'm gonna make a sword out of coal yes beautiful guys special announcement have to tell you only two weeks available on the log dot zip crave the cave t-shirt and you're not gonna want to miss out on this it's so soft and comfortable and the design is amazing so act now by checking out the link in the description below okay maybe not let me see what do we do oh ooh i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna make a sword out of the copper and out of that chain i saw hanging we joined the change collect and collect and collect yes yes and collect hey i am excited okay let me see let me see let me see yes change so it binds the target and change making it unable to move what i want to try i want i want to try i'm gonna try i'm just short the worst day okay get on it yes oh you fool that's so cool okay and then let's see what this copper sword's all about huh copper sword never bored slowly gets more oxidized causing more poison damage bro you're my little experiment today mr creep he's getting all that poison game what's good i'm trying to think what else i want to oh wow look at that the copper sword huh whoa where did y'all get here you stay put and you get poisoned on yes good wow surprise surprise huh i guess oh boy stop stop get chained on clay more clay more and one more for you dude brother's got a lot of health on him actually hey they're playing juggle with me fine okay yo we gotta bounce oh my gosh i uh bad stop oh my gosh now we go bro that horde is like after me i'm not liking do not enjoy in fact i don't even know if i should be coming back here right now to be honest but you know unfinished business and such okay where is he where's he at okay big boy big boy play with me play with me get on a poison game poison game poison game you try me like that uh uh and i'm coming for the horde too just you wait okay now i'm gonna run wait i need to get my things well hello nurse yes please i'ma get me some of these shards in charge yeah now we're gonna make an amethyst sword oh no i think these are just a little tinies i need one of the big boys there it is yes yes yes okay let's do it where's my man hey go play me like that i think i accidentally left the crafter way back in the wherever bill it's okay we can just make another one perfect okay it's time guys and it's time by the way for you to subscribe to comments to crafting if you have not already because what's not to like about amethyst swords they make amethyst grow below the mob there we go a target what's good baby it legit just whoa and it like made it blow up too is that whoa i like i like i love oh this is a good one stay back yes yes yes cause the explosions that's so good seriously we're gonna have to go deeper i want some better swords than this and we're gonna need them against these horde stealing whatever they are pigs yeah baby this is what i've been waiting for finally hit some deep slate game and we also got our hands on some pointed drips oh do it all hold on we got some big boy options right here okay let me try deep slate deals more damage when low in the world oh how cool is that let me try with the tough yes very tough sword has high durability we got that redstone turned into blocks strikes lightning went on powered redstone what okay i got even mo uh oh oh gosh i was gonna say i got a bunch more things we could make with swords but we got like company waiting for us on the other side here oh gosh oh gosh oh boy okay let's see tough story tough sword duff saw a tough sword deep slate sword probably doesn't work too well because we're not low anymore how about stop you stay put get him yes this works with me he is he like he's gonna take out the golem okay they're fighting oh yeah best friend i'm sorry about before dude we are not out of trouble yet though because those guys are still hanging out oh there's a big one i don't like at all stop stop stop stop i forgot i got a shield that's helpful how do they get so big that's what i want to know okay okay this is actually way easier with a shield all right well not when they team up like this come on one more should do it yes whoa okay so i just made the drip stone sword drops pointed drip stone went on mob's heads okay and then this is the lapis sword enchanted randomly when crafted so then this one oh that one sucks let me see this though oh wow if only it didn't dodge betsy you're so good wow she's magic okay well we're getting pretty loaded up on these swords to be perfectly honest in fact i wonder if i should be putting them in the sword box and that horde is still rolling around in the desert somewhere we need to get better equipped i gotta i gotta go get diamonds oh yeah baby i don't even know i missed it yo we were legit right here when we were making the swords before there's diamonds over here yeah oh that means i could mine obsidian i bet you would make an obsidian sword i mean it's not like i need diamonds for a diamond sword yo we got a lot oh yes dude i think we got seven right there perfect all right we about to find out homie what do we get for an obsidian sword am i about to get accidentally into the oh oh it was take me to the lava let's see what we got here obsidian sword gets weaker the more damaged it is oh so we should probably make yeah in fact hold on okay well i don't like the sign of that a boss bar just appeared right when we okay hold on i got some updates for you guys i got enough iron to try something insane y'all ready we're gonna try and make ourselves an anvil sword it's the only thing i could think of that like actually might be stronger than the diamond sword maybe the claymore sword let me see place you in with any luck drops an anvil on yes that's good one yep and interestingly enough guys we have enough swords to completely fill this box the emerald sword yeah that was just you know details details it's not useful i mean unless these guys count as raiders we could try i guess we're gonna find out where is this nasty guy where is oh boy they're hanging out oh my word there's the big one there's the big one the biggest thing i've ever seen bro i'm like i don't do oh they see me they see me they see me they see me okay anvil him and fill him and fill him i think it's hitting him dude oh gosh oh my gosh bad bad hit him what a good ee grow grow on them grow use the em of this come on bro i gotta dip we're gonna have to do this intelligently up up up up up oh hi nice to meet you please stay away oh gosh okay he's got a decent amount of you know it's actually not that bad yeah yeah get anviled on sucka good hand hold on sucka yo yo you stupid okay this ain't as bad as i thought it'd be guys okay wow the horde's not gonna have a problem if this is all we have to deal with come again what did you just drop that thing is enormous magical stone combined with a magical sword box that is full of unique oh oh oh do you tell me i've been putting them in the wrong box all right this is legit all 27 of the swords that we've been putting together today with any luck what i just do how do i does it how does it can it uh huh wait i got an idea let me throw them together like this listen oh boy oh my gosh what is happening oh whoa look at this thing what even are you ultimate sword yes i've been waiting for this moment and so is the horde you think y'all stand a chance against me i hope not that would not be a good thing all right what's good baby whoa yes yes dude so good bro one hit wondering them practically my woodness dude another mega sword yeah thank you don't mind if i do these guys don't send us chants against me i'm just gonna track them all at once what's good little piggies oh quick work hey subscribe to comments to crafting
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 1,439,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, new tools, mining zombies, mining, new swords, rainbow sword, crafting new weapons, op weapons, piglins, tnt, diamond, diamonds, diamond sword, pigs, rainbow, custom swords, 1000 dollar, crafting swords
Id: R6-Um15HxJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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