Beating Minecraft but I'm TNT...

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minecraft but i'm tnt in this video i'll be morphed into a tnt block i can explode but i'll die in the process i'll be crafting various abilities new explosions and useful armors that will be used to aid me in beating okay i'm legit oh my gosh jumping around bouncing around can i break blocks as tnt no i can't break anything oh boy can i attack mobs is tnt it's it's not don't run for me it's embarrassing gosh okay well i just noticed in my hot bar explode maybe i could oh oh well that's uh that's one way to do it we just just keep interesting are we gonna have to collect blocks by oh gosh this is gonna be bad okay well maybe there's some crafting recipes we can get by using wood oh hey keep my items oh finally a benefit from being tnt because i know i'm always t and t right actually i've never done this before uh wood wood wood yes okay let's see what you got for me baby any special yep i figured as much wow ender protector explode silk touch explode large explode yo we got a mess of stuff ah perfect look at this stone armored tnt okay we just need cobble for that well don't mind if i do i have a feeling we're gonna be doing a lot of exploding in this video but okay let's check out this armor look at that stone armor tnt armor upgraded now you have stone armor oh hey look at me does this mean we can uh survive explosions now let me see right yes oh good we did we actually survived amazing and we got some wood trouble yeah look at me right here it's like watching me that's awesome hey well we got some good blocks to work with now let's head into a cave why is this taking oh oh i can't mind anything could i just work like a charm oh boy our first problem yay okay cool we heal pretty fast as tnt that's good i need like some coal oh yeah right here perfect yes loving on hey and i like the explosions because i think tnt you get everything you explode now with the update oh and this goes this goes deep this could be exactly what we needed was a good player yay perfect we got some iron right here don't mind if i do collecting on it yep yup yup yup lovin cause if i'm not mistaken i believe there was like yes iron armored tnt and we only need eight and we got plenty okay let's make this armor boom yes yes i and i'm a tnt yo i'm looking funky fresh right now we got the iron upgrade in fact i wanna let me see explosions ex wow there's a lot oh dragon explode yes okay these look a little bit yeah oh okay i can do that one okay uh tnt gunpowder oh we need to find a desert pyramid or something wow and look we can explode like i think twice in a row now and serve yes oh bro check this out look i can like rocket jump for jump boosts oh desert right here okay hey jackpot okay we're gonna need to be very careful about getting the loot down here i don't want to accidentally blow anything up so let's just um okay so if we're just very careful we can probably just fall right down yes good good okay we're looking for yes gunpowder i don't even know if i can eat golden apples as a tnt but too much we got some iron some sand blast protection oh but that might be useful actually okay i really want this tnt but i can't break anything maybe if we just go up a couple blocks it could be enough to oh no oh no no oh yeah i keep all my stuff okay before we head back into the caves i want to craft that explosion i saw where is it that's the medium we need to make a tnt first yes and then surround that with oh yes the medium explosion okay let's try out this medium one boom oh that is that's a lot bigger actually man okay i want to test that the large one though we has enough large and in charge ah we need a plane explode and four so we need two more gun powder okay hey ain't no problem all right we're on the hunt for some diamond armor okay oh boy here we go you didn't even notice me hey what's good baby what's good let's go ahead and yeah did we get gunpowder for our trouble come on baby come on yeah okay oh we got one for that okay i'm mad about that and this goes down far and there's more creepers ah yes yes boom i think we got it i think oh yeah and we got enough okay let's make that new one check it out oh i am thrilled explosion large i don't know if i want to use it i don't know if i'll survive yeah why not let's give it a shot huh boom yes i did survive and that made the biggest hole oh my gosh and look this just keeps going down and down and oh my gosh we're like at diamond level okay i need to see i think accidentally at my crafting table i need to see exactly what we need in order to make this diamond armor let me see diamond let's see diamond uh so just eight diamonds okay no problem no problem hopefully we can uh you know they'd be nice we can find that guys our brand new marketplace map living lucky blocks just released and i need you to check it out right now the lucky blocks they come alive and if you collect enough of them you can take on the ultimate lucky block boss and find a link in the description below i am i am being i am being completely surrounded by lava though so we should probably you know be careful oh oh diamonds diamonds right right where we were too oh my gosh i hope there's enough okay please please explode yes good we got three oh five okay okay there might be eight there might be eight there might be eight that wouldn't that be great okay we get six six oh what a tease wait bro how does that happen you must be joking me okay we gotta be very careful i don't want any of this to fall in the lava oh yeah did we get it wait where'd they go oh i think they they got belated you got it yeah that one what i wanted at all i just lost everything i spent 10 seconds finding maybe if we just mine a little bit higher up then we can yeah yeah i like that because we're still at diamond level right here we just mine a little bit higher okay that was not that's bad let me up get up oh my gosh the the tnt's healing power is actually like better than lava which is a relief to be honest uh but you know i rest my case we need to be careful payday baby we're gonna use the tiny explosion for this one yes yes we can do it we can do it we're gonna do it we did it yeah hey i'm upgraded now we are a diamond tnt oh boy i can't wait look at that yo we heal practically instantly bro oh my gosh oh my gosh this is the best that's amazing look at what we just did wow and guys if you haven't subscribed to comments i mean that was the most amazing thing i legit just jumped up and look look at the launch you guys got to subscribe this is madness to be honest okay so hold on a second i think that there were more recipes that needed actual tnt yeah look huge explosion needs tnt okay so we need to find another desert temple get out my way okay i'm pretty sure yeah this is the one we were by but you know i wanted to pay my respects sweet mercy there's one right there right is the desert yes i'm so happy okay we need to be like extraordinarily careful i do not want to blow that i cuz you know it's like hey i like emeralds because it's like hey i like emeralds well we got more gunpowder there that's good at least more of that i like golden apples so hmm i went up two blocks last time i uh three oh gosh oh gosh did we do it hey didn't oh that if they blow it up i'll be so upset get i can't even attack it i can't get away okay good the skeleton hit the spider oh okay maybe from here let me er that ain't it either i'm like so nervous doing this oh gosh no you know we were actually fortunate enough to have just enough gunpowder to make for tnt anyway so check this out we can still make our explosion huge oh my gosh okay i'm bad i'm gonna use it on the temple okay let's build back up i'm a little nervous yeah just kidding i can't die boom dude what temple you must be joking me just hit him with that real quick like right bam bro this dragon has no chance oh we can make a fire explosion we we literally just need a piece of flint we already have the iron for it bingo i see some right here i'm just use the big boy that's so good is that sheep that is a sheep okay i think we just accidentally the gravel okay sweet let's try again bam okay please any sort of well hey on the plus we can just keep i think placing it down and then exploding it and then i don't know eventually we should get gravel or flint i think we just there it is yes oh did i already have i think i already had one okay let's check this one out oh my gosh fire fire explosion i mean i i can only imagine let's see nice nice ain't mad about that one it drops like a fire bomb i ain't i'm on fire what am i gonna explode oh wait we can use the fire to light a portal for the nether yes perfect guys aren't you so happy for me oh yeah this is exactly what i was looking for okay we're gonna make a portal just by collecting yes it might take a second but it's gonna be well worth it oh we're off to the nether guys leave a comment if you've ever made a nether portal by using buckets uh pretty ml gps okay last one love it nope that's not what i oh okay cool now if this works i'm gonna be thrilled it did yes all right with another all right let's do it baby and the dragon you are on your way okay okay okay okay okay so we need to find a fortress hopefully there's one nearby i suppose we can legit just kind of travel around like this just [Music] we should be able to find one relatively quickly with this kind of movement oh boy the gas will come into play too okay we really need to keep track of where our nether portal is because i cannot get more obsidian while i'm here and i can't mine it so we have to remember where this is at if we ever ever want to escape this is amazing though i'm practically flying wherever i need to go we're gonna find this thing no time yes yes yes yes yes away we go fortress oh oh there it is yes perfect okay all righty we're about to get all these blaze rod goodness spawn on in puppy give me those rods oh no i blew up this i hope there's another i think that's one right there actually wait i remember yes oh wow i'm so glad i said hey to those sheep earlier it's a silk touch a silk touch explosion i me bad boy okay please is that a spawner over there that i think i see let me see let me oh yeah it looks like it yes indeed okay well i'll tell you what i hope it works please it does oh thrilling thrilling and i don't even have items to pick these things up with okay you know what though we in a real good spot right now yes there we go that's good boys bam okay that should be enough now we just got to hit that warped forest that we went by on the way over and then we got everything we need baby boom boom boom this is the best okay well here we are lovely now we just need to find some friend men hey dude hey dude i'm looking for your pearls what they all keep teleporting like right well huh why are they teleporting when they what huh okay something's afoot i gotta see maybe there's like a can we like do what am i missing what is huh dirt disguise dirt dirt disguise oh gosh oh my dirt now do i still have the same okay cool i still have armor maybe that will help with the enderman hey guys can you it works it works you hate them there it is oh yes get away this is exactly what i needed huh how come it's not oh cause i got yes hey boys how y'all doing oh see look now that now they'll even uh i'm just gonna bring them all right next to me and then okay well it took a little longer than i wanted it to and we pretty much absolutely decimated this entire forest area oh my gosh but we should have enough pearls now cool and there's our portal once again oh yeah i'm gonna take out this gather real quick hey what's the honey how you doing how you doing you know i was gonna use the fire charge but honestly it's just so much more satisfying setting it off by doing this awesome okay so now we have as far as i can tell everything we need baby hey hey and we'll just make that many for now i think i saw a recipe that used these but let's we'll worry about it in a second let's just let's find the stronghold don't mind if i do i got to be very not broke here we go here we go here it is here it is yes yes and i want that pearl back i might need it oh no actually we still have plenty so we're looking we're looking real good okay so i guess the best way to get in would probably just be slowly but surely don't mind if i do here we go we made it in i spy indeed now we need to find the entrance actually we're gonna make a quick detour i mean heaven forbid i died of the dragon you know what i mean we it took a long time to get to this area and i still haven't even oh hi okay spawn point set eyes actively being placed yes thank you very much and in week long zip was blown up by being too unstable what what does that mean it hey why i understand oh wait i forgot there's like one other thing for us to make i think let me yeah we saw this right at the start ender protector do we have enough i hope we have enough i think we have i think we have just enough let me see yes good good good good good good good good ender protector okay and then i think even hold on a second there was another if we dragon dragon exploder okay oh yeah i don't mind if i do on that one i will take that all day okay well with that yes we're in now it should be a very simple case of hey where'd all those come from anyways we just gotta blow up homie and if i'm being honest it shouldn't take too much time to get to all the different crystals i mean this is just a dream come true this is just simple oh man i wish all the industries fight for this easy okay that was the last one let's try this explode dragon does it ooh ooh it gives me i'm bad back all right here it comes and a dragon so sorry to break it to you you don't stand a chance it's i'm not even letting it purge down you go hit it again yep yo we just blew it sky high it keeps getting blown up with us bro bruh and there we go it did oh is it it's got one hit let's see if we can intercept it there it is oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen we have done it make sure you subscribe to comments oh i died
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 988,834
Rating: 4.8581605 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, tnt, new tnt, minecraft but tnt, minecraft but im tnt, playing minecraft as tnt, mob morph, tnt update, minecraft tnt, tnt morph, tnt beats minecraft, beating minecraft, diamonds, fastest diamonds, largest tnt, worlds largest tnt, big tnt, caves and cliffs
Id: 1cmq2YZqw5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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