Minecraft, But you can grow Structures...

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minecraft but you can grow structures it's never been easier to find in-game structures because now you can just plant them using magical essence items sometimes found in villages that have already spawned in game we'll be working our way through growing villages dungeons mine shafts and so much more all while avoiding explosive block bugs that seem to pop up every time they sense us reaping but we have sown can we grow ourselves an end portal to reach the ender dragon well watch to the end to find out okay a fresh new world and i've only been told one thing that we need to find a village in order for us to begin growing some structures and one of which i assume is growing a village flies check get upgrades check anger local beehive check this was not a good idea okay i see a village on the horizon hopefully we can grow a bakery collecting food is a pain but there's something so satisfying about taking an innocent life i'm not a psychopath okay so growing structures i need some instructions instruction anyways what are they doing you guys mind helping me find what i need i don't know what i'm supposed to do here i mean best practice would imply i should probably loot what are you doing everything no i don't want to get out of my way oh boy there's a golem nearby hopefully you didn't notice okay anyways oh hey ooh village heck cool we got three of whatever that thing is so whoa what happened to you someone's had a bad day okay um let's see any more hey we got another one okay four of those um what can i do what can i do with the portal room seeds ooh whoa hey there's a whole bunch of thick blaze spawner wow well that's just a campfire here we go village seeds hey village essence and wheat seeds perfect so we need what we need four more and we're good and i mean maybe there's more in the chests i guess we can find out first let's catch some z's get out of my bed okay so we got a grand total of six village essence for our trouble we got a handful of other things food some iron nuggets things of that nature and my chicken's almost done we're going to find another village and get our hands on a couple more essence before we can grow any structures with it hurry up hungry hey there oh oh oh no one's doing any spring cleaning here look at the cobwebs oh this is one of those zombie villages hopefully we got something here it doesn't look good i'll steal their bread though don't mind if i do yes got it yes we got just enough and we got seeds already and we got some other goodies too okay village essence to make some village seeds plant you down and oh look at it i love it oh my gosh it's adorable let me see can i see inside i just spit everywhere look oh my gosh you can kind of peek inside the little windows anybody in there love it oh why hey what is that dude oh stop st block parasite how do i get ooh don't no stop stop stop what happened what was that oh i'm so hungry how come no one likes when i grow things hey got bigger okay okay good news guys the sun is down and we are going to town look at the size of this thing i can legit look inside of it okay so it hasn't been growing in a while now so i'm pretty sure we can actually break it yeah hey hey and we got some village seeds only one though okay well i don't want to plant it yet those nasties were showing up so then what can i just place down this village house let me see oh gosh oh look amazing it grew a house i i mean i guess that's the whole point but what do we got in here hey ooh adventure essence and you know and whatever but adventure essence oh what could that be for okay hold on it's scary i gotta go sleep so adventure essence is for dungeon seeds so we can spawn in a dungeon structure next but we're gonna have to grow these guys okay nobody showed up this time hey well at least we keep getting one seed back but now we can plant another village house and get another essence so this might take a little bit okay run bad bad dude they they are like indiscriminate they can't decide when they want us oh i don't think that was a good idea look at him out there but hey on the plus we've got like four houses growing one of them actually ended up growing a bunch now we gotta let him finish growing oh come on maybe it's better to just let him explode maybe okay maybe not i'm almost dead ah look at it my fresh farm of villages okay with this harvesting we should have enough for the next structure so don't mind if i do i'm gonna go ahead and add to my village houses put a couple in the other village over there they were getting a little bit lonely you know okay gotta watch out for that yep place place place oh that sheep is having some problems and would you look here dungeon seeds oh boy you get planted right now love okay most of it's just a waiting game so i'm gonna go to sleep in the meantime get out my way i should have known oh come on guys let's talk about this how about you blow up the creeper instead no hey the creeper helped and this puppy looks completed yes good oh and we got some more dungeons without trouble i don't really need any more village seeds so i guess i'll just i mean look planting houses fun but just get dude popping off for now and see what this thing gets us oh nice oh it comes with the legit looks like what we planted oh well you know oh actually look treasure essence that's the real treasure right there and we get two we get two per okay this is gonna go way faster i got name tag i love all right jeffrey you make sure these keep growing nicely okay good boy my friend okay let's see portal yep ruined portal okay like that portal room yep we're going to be able to grow structures all the way to the end too excited jeffrey these ones are actually pretty useful to grow because you can get like other loots from them we just got two more and [Music] this one's a zombie spawner another golden apple another treasure essence another treasure another golden apple and some iron to boot okay this is the last one ah and we are good to loot all of these african side the spider's out okay this seems to be the prime spot for our last dungeon placement oh you thanks for the ride jeffrey yes we've got enough for two seeds for the next structure check it out to mine shaft seeds look at these cutie pies so good my little babies oh these ones are different looking hey hey oh yeah i'm glad they spawned in water this time okay i don't know if these ones explode or not but i don't care to find out to be perfectly honest with you okay i'm getting a little overwhelmed they could not have appeared in a better place i don't even know if they can blow up in the water to be to be perfectly honest with you doesn't matter all handled in that right spider hungry oh yeah just realize i should probably mine these that would be a good idea definitely don't want mob spawning literally in my new village last one okay and these look done done so oh whoa we just got eight mine shaft seats for that nice yo we'll be able to get enough essence on the next round words okay why don't we place you here hey ha ha a little slice of a mine shaft nice ooh here we go magical essence and fire aspect hey we can apply that to a sword once we've got a better one that would be a good idea and let's play down another hey got some gold up in there too another diamond hey that makes two diamonds now we can get a diamond sword hey we gotta play the gem what about this one oh i thought i got another alrighty once all these babies grow we're ready for whatever that portal enchantment one is first a healthy reminder to subscribe to comments to crafting if you have not yet already so you can see us do some pretty amazing stuff like this not disappear randomly um know this bubble bugs later time for the harvest love this love this oh some diamonds all up in those i how did i get what the heck just happened anyways i think i placed on top of grass yo some of these have diamond thrilled best ha i had no idea that was gonna happen so sick oh wow and a lot of goodies in this one dude redstone wrestling whatever i'm happy well that gave us supplies for a handful of armor but more importantly it gave us what we needed for the next structure runed portal and that's exactly why i just made some golden boots because we're gonna be headed to the nether presumably once this puppy grows this does not get old i imagine like on cue yup yup big boys big boys except now i got some pretty decent armor i'm kind of just cool with them blowing up oh there's a lot buddies hey let's uh oh let's just talk about this a little bit yeah look they take care of themselves it's really not even a problem anymore that i'm all geared up guess we may as well plan a couple more mine shafts while we're at it okay doing the deed don't mind if i do but most importantly the portals ready as well so i want to see what we get our hands on in a second when we mind away at this puppy oh yeah oh and we got three ruined portal seats for that one don't mind if i alert yes grow my pretties okay why don't we put you right here nice stop don't blow up my portal i need that i assume oh get in okay good good good good good good good good good good good good good good hey nether essence okay that's a start a bunch of iron protection for gold helmet i don't know we're even gonna need to go to the nether we might be able to just skip right past it to be perfectly honest these are nice oh you know i'm gonna use a golden hole to get my planting going ooh fortune on that puppy we might be able to get oh we're a bad bad we might be able to get extra structures with the fortune one okay just finished another mine shaft haul let's go check on these babies fortune please um okay it doesn't look like it actually worked but we did get a bunch of seeds that time so maybe it works with the seeds whatever let's check what's going on here puppy puppy puppy hey [Music] more hey those who have some obsidian on hand could use it to actually end up making one of the portals that might in fact be useful portals ahoy all over last one oh hey we got two that hasn't happened before oh we got enough for two seeds at once oh yes good and we have just enough obsidian to make a portal if we want blaze spawner seeds yes please yes please love kind of hard to see but hey they'll grow with time you know growing pains meanwhile these guys are getting remarkably frustrating they're legit everywhere now there's like more and more of them every single structure i bring together oh man i might have to use my enchanted golden apple i'm gonna get overwhelmed right now you can see him moving all the minecarts around okay let's check on the homies yes yes place you right back down and that in theory should be enough to get us well whatever this thing grows let's go ahead and place one hmm this appears to be an acceptable place nice where's the there's no chest oh oh it's underneath uh huh well you can always do another blade spawner hey there we go nice place down another okay get rid of you let's see ooh three hey we're halfway there baby loving that oh the weather it's getting dark it's like thunderstorm season okay okay i get it i get it this is why i got a shield this time yeah yeah oh wow they're everywhere dude oh my gosh we gotta run dude oh get back i need my big boy apple no jeffrey run oh no keep on eating the apples dude they're all over the place oh my gosh they go play me like that oh these grew fast i wonder if it has something to do with the weather okay i'm not worried about it let's do this i think we're about to grow the final structure let me see yeah oh we got six of them right here okay cool i don't even i don't even care where they go okay how many more are hiding oh wow they're burning in the rain yeah that's hilarious actually i don't even have to do any work here goodbye goodbye thank you oh nice we only need one more and i think we can plant the final thing okay yep goodbye good bye okay more explosions coming off yes play these games with these prizes we're gonna plant the final one i think i need seeds okay let me see boom boom boom before i get attacked anymore portal room seeds that's it oh i'm thrilled place you down look at you look at it get away fat fat bad okay well now you just gotta grow and i'm just gonna stay inside while it does just that i'm gonna sleep i'm tired i was monsters near my spider oh never mind okay guys here it is uh moment o truth alert may as well put down two more of these puppies huh check it out portal room portal room yes i'll just place you right here hey hey hey oh nice legit for a room we just screw a portal room snow over there quipped enough and off we go yes one quick ender dragon fight later and we are good to go holy moly guys make sure you subscribe to comments crafting so you can suggest another update next yeah they're pretty cool
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 2,418,349
Rating: 4.822495 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, nether update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, diamonds, farming diamonds, mining diamonds, structures, building, growing structures, auto structures, instant builds, farming structures, structures in minecraft, quickest way to build, building in minecraft, how to build, growing
Id: sxKeIM8xpWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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