Minecraft but you can Combine Any Item

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minecraft but you can combine any items combine arrows and buckets for a bucket of infinite arrows or how about we throw together a shield and a puffer fish let's find out aha the first step to killing a dragon is uh punching a piece of wood okay maybe a little harder than that oh shipwreck let's do it we'll find some spicy booty pirate to combine that sounded weird i was here chillin casually enjoying the view of the coral and this little guy tries to pick a fight with me come here you big old freak take that i don't know what i'm going to combine a puffer fish with but something good for sure we made it to the treasure below any scary ghost pirates around here oh jackpot yes please i gotta get it all before i die oh barely made it holy cow hey back up ah i died from a spider dude this is 20 21. people are beating this game with their feet this is a smithing table but this is a special one because i believe if i put a shield in here and then i put any item uh like a puffer fish that should give me dude look at that it's a puffer fish shield it looks hilarious dude oh my word this is awesome okay i gotta test this bad boy out hit me hit me he he got poisoned yes dude this works oh that's fantastic dude you're going to get killed by a fish a fish shield feel bad dude what else can we combine and x marks the spot i don't have a shovel so i shall use a raw chicken aha what did i get oh my word all right yeah we'll take that i'm happy boy i got a diamond i don't think i need the heart of the sea but just in case we want to combine it with something we're going to take it with us hello friends you want to taste my shield yeah yeah not today this is so cool the diamonds oh yes i'll take them i'll take them thank you sir i mean two diamonds it's something that's an iron pick right there what did i just say all right that should be all the iron i need at least for like full armor and i want to combine another item here i want to do something weird with bows and arrows to kill the dragon and what kind of archer doesn't have a quiver so i'm gonna combine a bucket with an arrow yeah to make an arrow bucket dude look at that i got my own quiver so now we're a serious archer man look at me go yeah shooting arrows like crazy wait a minute i only have two arrows oh are you kidding me yeah dude it's infinite arrows and i pick them up after yes now i just have to upgrade my bow and i am set oh i've got a weird idea grab some copper and if i combine copper with a glass bottle lighting in a bottle oh that's so sick oh my word what does this do uh oh i got a bunch of them i got 16 of them yeah what happened i right-clicked on it oh hold on hold on i gotta go to the surface you know what they say when you're in a lightning strike make sure to wear as much metal as you can i'm ready there we are back to the surface oh dude the lightning it must have struck the the thing did you see that hold on hey cow you wanna make some delicious dinner i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i leave fiery destruction everywhere i go and sometimes i also just make a pufferfish shield i was trying to show off the shield oh my goodness back in the mine because i have a new idea i want to try eh if we combine an enchanted book with a sapling can we straight up grow enchantments no way no way enchanted sapling what does this do uh if it's just pretty logs i'm going to be mad bro little buddy become a big tree um i was just looking at it this this was the sapling oh they're bookshelves oh dude this is cool and this is lapis blocks we've got a bunch of books we've got a lot of lapis and it is forever in no it drops enchanted books thorns too quick charge oh my word okay oh and it drops more enchanted saplings great i've got i've got infinite enchantments but most importantly i have a puffer fish ah that should just about do it look at this insanity on breaking sharpness punch sharpness quick change power power three yes please but alas i am rich with enchantments but i have no levels and bad armor so i gotta get some upgrading man now that is more like it we also got a bunch of iron so that'll give us enough for an anvil for sure let's plant some saplings shall we call me a gardener look at him go oh my goodness that is so awesome it's not a tree house man it's a tree library let's get some enchantments going diamond chest plate like that oh i can't afford it now i'm oh that was a bad idea give me your levels ah that's no use for now i'm gonna hold on to that until i can enchant with it but if i can upgrade my bow i think that'll put us in a better position if i can put in yes i can i can make a diamond bow combine that with my arrows uh and we are at a good place i see a chicken approaching from the side innocent has no idea what's coming dude it shoots like a firework straight on one shot kill sniper boom yeah this is sick cows are too easy i need something more difficult i'm gonna make myself a proper foe supercharged creeper did it die did it actually die are you serious no there it is there it is okay okay okay uh he's sitting at pretty good health right now shoot him with the bow boom yeah one hit kill that's absurd this thing is awesome ooh i have an idea with the gunpowder i have tnt what if i combine like tnt and fireworks aha sugarcane and creeper see yup join now we can make ourselves a firework cool dude now combine the firework with a tnt yes firework tnt what i gotta be careful with this i've learned my lesson from the lightning in a bottle dude so if i just launch this yeah yeah that's epic okay i mean i can't do a whole lot with this unless i s ouch okay wow that uh that can do some damage question can you shoot the tnt fireworks with a crossbow i don't know let's find out come on please work i swear if this works like i see it i see it i see it here we go if i shoot it yeah dude okay i don't want to waste them all but this probably does some serious damage hold on let's try it i see an innocent cow on the horizon and launch he is dead we do have another tnt here and i don't know what i want to use it yet maybe like a totem of undying swipe transition and found a village excuse me gentlemen i'm looking for a carpet autographer to get myself a map of the woodland mansion anybody seen one of those no hello oh hello yes the coptographer i need to buy myself a map so let me get a couple of emeralds real quick and lots of trades later we have ocean explorer no i don't need that all right that should do it we're gonna make a bunch of planes of glass i made way too much glass come here buddy there we go give me all your trades and now we've got ourselves our woodland explorer map and i uh i need a compass there we go all right on our adventure we go am i supposed to use this thing anybody got a gps man it says i'm here but i don't see any uh oh there it is let's do this dude totem of undying plus tnt let's rock hello hello hello i gotta be careful around here i got my bow ready for for action whoa bad boys bad boys oh my goodness back up oh this doesn't one shot kill him every time oh my gosh get away get away oh god i need some vindicator indicators ouch ouch okay i'm running i'm out of here back up son whoa oh there he is there he is get him yes we got it we got the totem we got the totem oh they're horrifying get out of here okay okay i'm safe in here for right now i'm gonna i'm gonna combine this thing right here right right now okay totem of dying and tnt makes yes tnt totem this is so cool dude i don't know what it does but i will find out i gotta get out of here man all right i'm getting out of here oh my goodness no no no no get back get back get back please i'm out i'm out oh my goodness what just happened i lived i exploded i explode and then i fell and died oh my gosh i gotta go find my stuff okay good news is i made it out alive and also i kept the totem it just stays with me that's so sick i can just infinitely oh watch this watch this go ahead and kill me dude see what happens see what happens yeah i just explode and kill the dude my totem of dying stays this is gonna be very useful for the nether and speaking of the nether let's go ah the fiery and horrifying nether how much i've missed you is that what i think it is it is are you serious i just spawned in here i'm not ready for this yet nope nope nope nope i'm getting blaze rods first yep oh hi buddy already you want to do a fight that was fast delightful all right we got ourselves one blaze rod we need a bunch more oh hi guys hiya i love this bow so much yes oh i'm in trouble oh yeah die you disgusting freaks of nature that then it's gonna skull i'll take that all right we gotta wither skull oh i might combine this with something i still need some more blaze rods though here's what i'm looking for yeah i can farm these guys all day oh i can get some levels for some combining too i look ridiculous dude hold on i've got some ideas if i combine a blaze rod and an arrow does that give us firestorm arrows oh my word can i use that with a normal bow maybe whoa i figured it out okay i gotta use a crossbow check it out firestorm boom that's insane all right i'm keeping the back pocket i have another idea i want to put our wither skull to use here if i combine this with a diamond it does a wither skull chest plate i'm afraid to wear this thing does it look cool i don't know oh yeah it does i'm looking sleek and fancy it gives me it gives me fire resistance oh that makes things so much nicer oh my you can't you guys can't do anything to me oh hi little fire guy you have something to say oh wow that's hurt so much dude oh no okay you actually heard me all right you're dead that should do it for now 14 glow sticks let's pick up our smithing table and get the heck out of here but before we do that i gotta go get some gold all right boys it's action time action music activate so i've got fire resistance i've also got my crazy bow i have an enchanted golden apple from that woodland mansion and i have my eye on some gold down there i think i could just jump down there right draw them all boys yeah i think i technically just died my tnt just activated hello gentlemen you don't mind me oh my goodness they do a lot of damage they do a lot of damage all right all right i gotta be quick with this uh golden apple let's eat this up and quickly get the gold okay one two three four they dude they did a lot more damage than i thought they would oh hello all right fire resistance hook me up buddy uh nether right i'll take that diamonds uh some boots okay okay okay i need to get this so i can trade for the ender pearls oh my gosh one two three four do i get all of the gold i think i can do it i'm gonna be greedy i'm stealing all the gold and then i'm out of here i'm saving the nintendo golden apple and that's the worst case scenario because i want to combine that with something awesome later get it back all right i got some gold i'm gonna go change my pants there we go pants change feeling much better trade-in time time to trade a pig until i get all the pearls i need it's my new mixtape coming out in 2093. i don't know what this is i can't accept a potion from strangers give me some pearls there we go yes six pearls all right we're making progress hey we got a new buddy and new pearls uh sir do you have to be this close to me to look at the gold you were inches away from my thank you thank you all right 16 pearls that should do it thanks guys see ya i'm out let's get some upgrades enchanted chest plate check oh looking beautiful diamond helmet yes please diamond sword and i was gonna make a netherrite sword but i instead why don't we enchant our golden apple oh my goodness enchanted netherrite apple look at this thing oh my gosh all right i'm eating this thing right before we kill the dragon it's end time boys let's do this bravo leader i'm in this place looks pretty abandoned libraries gross oh there seems to be a survivor there's no survivors here nether portal activated that was a close one i didn't think i would have enough oh all right let's get ourselves prepared let's load our bow up with some tnt explosives get our tnt totem ready for us all right dragon you're going down dude gotta be fast with this bow it should be a pretty quick kill but we'll see hello good man should i eat this thing let's do it three two one oh my what happened i got an arrow machine look look at all my effects oh my oh i'm jumping so high wait wait wait wait wait dude i am crazy jumping it spawned me an arrow machine look at it go oh my goodness yep take it all those take out all those this is awesome dude i don't know how long i have the effects i got to be pretty quick man um that's all the healers let's take them out duh you foul monster i will shoot infinite arrows at you yes yes yes oh he's scared now i'm on top of the dragon this feels so weird i'm coming in melee attack you foul beast yeah yes oh my gosh we did it [Music] wow what victory is mine yeah
Channel: Craftee
Views: 6,610,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but creepers, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkerplays, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, tnt, rockets, tnt rocket, combining items, new items in minecraft, minecraft items, crafting items in minecraft, item crafting, diamonds, ender dragon, lightning, enchanting, fastest diamonds, op weapons
Id: _uQwIHlqyxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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