Minecraft But Dying is Overpowered

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minecraft but dying is overpowered i will die in various ways to craft new items like the wither pickaxe or the grim reaper scythe but if i'm dying all the time like that i'll need a way to keep all my items thankfully there's a thing called a frost ring and that i just have to die inside of powdered snow oh it's chilly in here remember me oh my goodness it's so slow kill me faster nice what are you looking at dude and my death should have yep four frost shards and those allow me to craft our new item called a frost ring it freezes my inventory and it got a little polar bear you're supposed to be big and scary but you're cute and fluffy i want to squeeze it and now if i jump off the mountain and die yeah then i keep all my items in my inventory that is nice oh gosh hey hey polar bear what are you doing dude oh such a cute little killing monster and as you can see on top death conquered boss bar as approached and if i die enough times the grim reaper himself will spawn and we're gonna battle but before we do that the next item i want to get is called an ore extractor i need some cobblestone and a scrap metal but to get the scrap metal i've gotta break my neck on an iron ore oh this is gonna be a weird video well here goes nothing [Music] half a heart for real hold on i didn't break my neck fully give me a second all right and yep there it is our scrap metal is acquired and i only had to break all of my bones and now we can craft our ore extractor and i got a nice little hat whoa dude i thought it was a hat no it's like a little mining oh gosh he's what what is what is happening it looks like they're weird mining utensils they're like robots yeah go little mining bug that'll make mining really nice and easy go go go the next item i want is called a poison wand and for this item i gotta head into the caves because i have to die to a cave spider get him boy yeah dude i like this guy he even takes out creepers go little mining bug yeah find the mine shaft we gotta get ourselves our cave spider man frosty's out for war he's attacking everybody diamonds i can't even mine it yeah yeah thanks my dude yeah we got a mine shaft sweet i can even hear my echo echo i don't know who that was but you should probably listen to him yes finally a cave spider spawner come on guys somebody spawn how come whenever i want you to kill me you guys are chilling in there hello oh there it goes there it goes ow ow ow ow okay well i actually i forgot i want to die think it yes all right poisonous string acquired now i can make my poison wand yes i got my poison wand ew it like shoots potatoes you see that and also our death meter is raising up there so i got to be a little careful no frosty hey frosty no no no no don't eat the bunnies no come here give me rusty don't i saw a tie back there no dude frosty this no man do not eat the baby bunnies man but to avoid taking a ton of damage i'm gonna make myself some magma armor i just gotta take a quick trip to the nether damn i said to the nether what there's a transition supposed to happen ah man i guess i have to do this myself just need to smelt up my iron make a bucket and then get some water i'll need a diamond pickaxe so i made that from our diamonds from earlier and i gotta make a quick pit stop to check out this desert temple i couldn't help it ooh find some decent loot nice butt dude and then get the obsidian to make the portal nice now that i've made the portal let's go die hey you coming with me huh he's gotta be sweating in there no dude look at him go he fights anything oh gosh i don't have any gold ouch well yeah i can't find any magma blocks wait a second ah it feels good to die yep there they are and with this i can now craft our magma armor and we're one step closer to fighting the grim reaper that i wear oh look at me man i have fire trails oh nice and now i can't die from fire you've been fired fire you can't touch this and it has one more power i can walk on lava it isn't replaced lava i can literally walk on it it is so cool sup dude how you doing man he's like this is gonna be convenient cause i gotta find a soul sand valley for my next custom item oh i just realized frosty doesn't have this really cool armor hey frosty he's do he's fine he's fine this is gonna be a little bit weird we're about to make like a seance or something so essentially what i have to do i have to be in this soul sand valley i've got a light a soul fire in the middle and i've got a light regular fire on the outside oh man and now i die oh man i forgot i've got my armor on okay there we go out ouch ouch oh yeah and there it is the item i needed i've got here a soul essence from that but to craft it i need a couple more items i need some gold and some bone blocks thankfully i've already got the gold and i've got some bones right up here i can't reach that far four bone blocks got it and we've got our new item it is called a redo soul you see this pretty cool huh this item lets me redo death it's essentially a totem of undying but i can charge it by killing people and uh capturing their souls i don't want to talk about it it looks like it's already charged right now so i'm gonna keep this in my offhand because my friends we're gonna make a blaze blaster we gotta go find ourselves a fortress i found you ow oh no oh no i forgot to put on my armor i just died in the lava like a dingus dude don't look at me like that hi give me your soul yeah yeah yeah boom all right redo soul is now recharged all right there's the play spawner oh man there's a lot of blazes oh thank goodness for my armor makes me fire resistant ah but not skeleton resistant yeah come here blaze monsters ouch yeah yeah oh thank goodness for my armor dude yeah take my poison crushing it oh gosh that's not good that's not good oh i don't want to die now no don't let me die here oh parkour mode activated oh gosh lana lava oh i made it i made it i made it all right i'm out of there i got plenty of blaze rods time to farm some souls thank you there we go fully charged oh dude and check this out i accidentally got my powerful ashes go up in a blaze while in midair i wonder if i got that from dying in lava on accident regardless only one more item needed and then i can craft my blaze blaster which will be rad ooh shiny make our glowstone and that gives us our blaze blaster i am stoked it looks like an axe or something i can shoot fire as one does no problem and i can fly now like a blaze look at this yeah dude all right i'm fine i gotta be more careful i see this being very useful for our grim reaper battle hey buddies ouch ouch yes yes did it work did it work did i get the item i did yes the withering gem oh my goodness dude oh man the roof of the nether i don't like spending much time up here all right frosty we gotta find a way to die up here somehow dying up here gives me the essence of confusion which makes a plenty of sense how do i die i don't have enough blocks to stack up uh i guess i can just burn myself yep this is totally a normal day oh wait wait wait hold on oh i've got to put in my redo oh thank goodness that was close okay where did it go did i get it yeah i've got it it's the essence of confusion i have no idea where i am right now so i would have never found this spot our essence of confusion was only the first step to craft what is known as the puzzling device it's got some really cool and really weird powers but first i need to get myself two netherite scrap but netherride scrap really shouldn't be hard to get especially with my awesome new pickaxe have you guys checked out the new crafty skin pack on the minecraft marketplace oh look at this one oh and that one how cool click the link in the description wear your crafty skin and be a part of the crafty world takeover yes yes yes yes yes yes oh that took forever we got it just need to smelt my ancient debris and get some crimson planks you have to kill every pig in the vicinity all right and with that we can now craft our puzzling device look at that boss part is almost filled all the way up this is an awesome power we can use it to teleport around i want to go over there please yeah nice but i can also squat and then teleport to the overworld and the nether like it's nothing am i gonna drown okay no i'm all right oh what a beautiful day hey look it's your dad we can have a nice family reunion okay that was not his dad that was not his dad here's another funny thing we can do with our puzzling device oh okay well somebody's hungry it's not very useful but it is pretty funny to watch doing okay over there buddy oh yeah he's chilling the grim reaper sight to craft our scythe i've gotta die in the overworld void i'm pretty good at dying so this shouldn't be a problem i forgot how deep the caves are now i've been mining for what feels like five minutes there's bedrock all right wish me luck oh no ouch ouch i got it death's emblem that's what i needed we also need to get some drip stone head back into the nether what am i supposed to do here mine for some ancient debris smelt that right down and craft our netherite ingots well frosty here goes nothing huh grim reaper's scythe now as soon as i craft this grim reaper will spawn but i don't know what's gonna happen next i crafted it prepare yourself it says the grim reaper speaking whoa look at the scythe dude it's raining that's a little ominous prepare myself for oh my goodness there he is you have evaded my embrace for too long crafty dying in so many different ways and yet always escaping my grasp well no more today you meet your final end ah that sounds bad face the souls of those who fell before you ow okay oh man take this scrim reaper yeah your own scythe will do damage yeah it's not doing anything oh dude those might be the crystals yeah those are crystals okay so that must be what's making him invulnerable right now frosty hold on tight dude we'll be all right easy dude this scythe is amazing man yeah die grim reaper yeah they've got net the right hose in their hand they've got their own little grim reaper sight oh this is getting nasty at least i can one hit him take this oh he's doing a lot of damage ow yeah oh i'm almost dead the crystals respawn ah shoot the blaze blaster will keep me high up in the air oh no yeah yeah oh they heal him so much man he's at full health still okay okay do as much damage as we can go frosty go frosty he's a half health oh man here comes his minions oh he's coming after me now dude he's at a quarter health oh gosh here he comes back up man hey go go go the dang crystals man lips come back come back please thank you ah yeah and grim reaper's sight he's almost dead no hey back up back up come on come on uh shoot dude this is hard i'm on like one heart dude come on get him frosty shoot these crystals get him go frosty go frosty go frosty go yes yes yes we got him yeah the grim reaper is dead does that mean i can't die now let's try it never mind
Channel: Craftee
Views: 3,741,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, dying is op, minecraft but dying is op, custom weapon, custom weapons, custom item, custom items, custom pet, custom companion, minecraft mod
Id: XvXWby-LcH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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