Minecraft but there is Custom Armor...

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minecraft but there are custom armor we need to beat the ender dragon with these crazy new items feathered chest plate lets me float off ledges lava boots let me walk on lava like it's nothing the sword helmet the bow hat don't even get me started on the ghost boots you'll just have to see that one for yourself oh hi pig's butt says hi too let's see what all the hype is about this custom armor situation and what do we got oh wow all right we got ender pearl chest plate lava boots bread leggings that one i could do pretty quick let me hit a village is that what i think it is across the way aha village but first well i don't exactly know what the bread leggings do but i do know that i want to get these items just in case they're necessary got some gold ooh diamonds yes a saddle i'm not a speed runner that's for sure but i really want to see how fast i can actually beat the dragon that should give me plenty of wheat and now i can make some bread to make myself bread leggings uh i don't i don't know what they did did they oh look at that my saturation goes up so that'll be super helpful i don't even need to eat anymore i'll just i'll just absorb it through my pants sir do you have to stand that close to me what else do we have we also have gas tier boots can't do that yet uh ooh feather chest plate alright let's try it do you guys do this too or is it just me i forgot i'm trying to speed run excuse me can i borrow your feathers oh i hit you a little too hard there all right that'll do it this is gonna tickle me like no others i got it that looks pretty cool uh can i fly now no oh i kind of levitate hold on hold on maybe i've got some like slow falling oh look at me go oh that'll be helpful on the way to the dragon i think it's time we go caving for some armor there's some iron okay i've learned this armor is very annoying in caves i keep hitting my head on things maybe i'll take this off until i run into some danger hey i got a little ravine here and it's a mineshaft ravine we'll take that oh oh yes i put on the la oh okay okay i don't know how that happened i just got flung into the atmosphere careful now oh we got some serious stuff going on i barely made it out of there alive i put on that feather chest plate just in time leave me alone dude ooh now that we found an abandoned mine shaft next stop bow helmet holy cow look at how much string this is and diamonds yeah and gold dude what a gold mine literally all right let's make this crazy bow helmet 30 that should do it right and let me grab these diamonds here yeah ow back off spiders are you serious oh i'm not going to die here am i are you oh oh all right at least my diamonds are still here i think i'll be all right oh thank goodness i'm up to six already and that should do it we got five bows i think it was it was like this yeah yeah a bow helmet oh my gosh i look ridiculous i see a creeper oh what my helmet is shooting what i'm not doing anything it's just doing it on its own yeah that's awesome go does it shoot where i'm aiming or does it just shoot automatically both are awesome i knew my big forward would come in handy at some point and i got some more diamonds lightning leggings made by a bunch of lightning rods so i might have enough copper to try to make these to be fair the amount of power that comes from lightning is about the same amount of power that comes from hitting the like button so if everyone just did that i wouldn't even have to make these bad boys don't even get me started on the power of subscribing lightning time i think this should be enough that'll give us seven and that gives us lightning pants and boom uh does this do anything uh any mobs around here oh diamonds are here i hear the growl these are so many diamonds i'm getting so lucky i'm up to 19 diamonds i don't even need him yet come here little zombie child how about lightning you with my pants come on pants light them up or something that's the weirdest sentence i've ever said uh oh i figured how to do it you have to sneak and then jump oh it's battle time now who wants to get lightning hello boys yeah who wants the battle oh hi there boom dude look at this yeah oh oh oh no diamonds across the lava but i have no way to get over but don't you have the water bottle no shush introducing the brand new item never before seen lava boots they're as painful as they are handy i have a feeling i know what these do let's get some lava here let's make a pair of boots out of lava yeah dude oh it literally just took the lava that's pretty sweet if i put these bad boys on look at them oh shout out to you preston what happens if yeah oh my gosh that is so satisfying yeah now easy as that get yourself your lava i mean your diamonds for free yes piece of cake one diamond that's it i literally walked on lava and i get one diamond these are amazing though i'll tell you that much the next thing i got my eye on is this insanity the the diamond sword helmet how could you look at that masterpiece and not absolutely need to make it this recipe is ridiculous yep yep uh i would not recommend you putting this on your head so we swap out our bow helmet with our diamond sword helmet look at this incident uh does it give me oh gives me speed oh that's fancy i wonder if i can stab people with it hey guy anybody want to get stabbed oh watch this watch it i don't have i don't even care if i fall in lava oh yeah i got speed i got lava boots i'm on a rampage now dragon nobody's stopping me yeah did i get him i can't see anything uh yeah oh that does damage yeah yeah my hat my my head actually did damage to him did you see that can i just run into things come here i got a guy i got him i killed him yeah oh gosh i think it's time i leave the cave ah the sun how i've missed you now the next up i want to go to the opposite of the sun the nether because i got a new pair of boots i got my eye on the gassed tier boots which look pretty dope so let's make ourselves another portal by making the base out of my boots if i put lava down and then i jump on it oh that doesn't work that doesn't work wait wait wait don't let me die oh thank you bread pants you kept me alive all right we'll do this the old fashioned way i guess not the prettiest portal but it's a portal finally flint goodness gracious to the nether we go oh what was that no oh what is my luck straight up i quit dude i quit i'm fine thanks for asking if i wore my dang feather chest plate i would have been fine all right it's been a full day since i last checked in it has been a 24 hour speed run i got all my stuff back i started basically from scratch but this time i'm wearing my stinking feather chest plate so now when i fall into this hole guess what i'm chilling now i can just run on the lava like it's nothing hey guys how's it going over here good to see you are you dying oh i'm so sorry i'm shooting with my helmet my bad guys my bad the nether is a lot more fun when you got lava boots i'll be honest with you guest on the horizon come here boy give me your tears ah that's weird to say helmet shoot him dude i'm coming up you better give me your tears ow come here you big old freak give me your tears there we go gary go shoot him with my forehead yeah yes yeah we got him we got him one tier down three more to go now that should give us what we need to make ourselves a pair of gassed tier boots oh it matches my pants check it out oh these look actually really awesome if i throw a piece of wood check it out it shoots a fireball all the way over here check this out take this boys yeah watch it boom yeah that's insane dude these are gonna be so useful against the healers at the inner dragon so i need to get some blaze rods that's my next goal and then ender pearl chest plate you're gonna be mine hey we got a fortress and we got a blaze spawner yes sir all right 10 blazer rods that should do it i'm out of here it's bastion time are you what gold spotted uh i'm first starting my adventure making a path out of obsidian with my shoes hello gentlemen now that i have a little bit of an obsidian path now i can put these shoes on and uh see you guys later huh yeah this is getting crazy man heal up come on come over here come over here can't touch me not today yes all right gold time i gotta be fast can i do it quick yup yup i think i can do it yes all right wish me luck go go go go go go quick quick yes yes get me out of here dude ah go away uh yes sir i'd like some pearls please all right there's eight pearls so that should give us enough to make our ender pearl chest plate which is pretty dang cool i'll be honest what is this guy why do you have my sword helmet i i can't kill you and take it all your friends will kill me alright well see you later man let's try out this chest plate shall we okay i like the defense on it and what happens if i oh oh that is convenient how far can it go oh drink the potion drink the potion all right well let's just pretend that never happened shall we give me some pearls let's get to the end boys all right 16 pearls that'll do it i'm out of here let's go one two three there we go oh i didn't mean to do that i was standing inside of it okay well we're at the end now let's rock i've got my bow helmet my feather falling and my gas to your boots all right here we go check it out so if i shoot this guy is that going to explode it come on yeah did we get it we got it we got it no problem yeah whoa i got launched up oh i don't know how that happened but i'll take it take out the healers here oh come on wait a minute i've got an idea if i put the chest plate on kind of teleport up there almost almost one more healer yes all right dragon you're going down now come on yes one more oh come down oh you want to fight you want to fight like this oh we did it that was way harder than i thought that my friends is minecraft with custom armor make sure to subscribe
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,580,478
Rating: 4.8591542 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkerplays, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, sword, swords, new swords, new weapons, new armor, custom armor, armor, new minecraft armor, netherite, feather, sword helmet, new helmet, bow, custom, lava boots, boots, diamond, emeralds
Id: E5gs7M7ZYU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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