Minecraft but there are Custom Pickaxes

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minecraft but there are custom pickaxes i can make new pickaxes and upgrade them with powerful new abilities these pickaxes are pretty op dude so i need to make some progress real fast yoink yes that was fast and behold when i mined a diamond look at that dude i've got essence of diamond we'll grab some of you and now we can make the diamond tipped wow it's beautiful holy cow look at all these pickaxes dude this is nuts whoa i needed the diamond tip pickaxe to make our obsidian pickaxe which is gonna help us a lot on our journey here so let's get some obsidian what the heck why does it make that sound and now when we might obsidian we get ourselves yes the essence of obsidian and now we can craft our obsidian pickaxe which is really what i was after cause check this thing out man and mine's a whole three by three chunk dude oh my gosh i need some serious diamonds for these so i think i'm gonna use my obsidian pickaxe to hunt for some diamonds that's spanish for iron because i want to work my way up to the infinity supreme omega master world eating pickaxe of doom uh of course the classic oh we got some already all right and on the way i'm looking for some copper to upgrade to the mega pickaxe alright let's find some copper because if we're gonna find diamonds dude and that many diamonds we need some help oh hello oh gosh there's a lot of guys here chill bros ah oh my goodness no hey back back your monsters okay hey hey hey don't steal my copper dude zombie miner bro chill yeah yeah come on stop all right well at least the miner didn't take out my copper but man i gotta deal with stinking miners we gotta check em out why why are there a thousand zombies here and with that we can craft the mega pickaxe upgrade acquired we're making our progress look at this dude a croissant with some worms on the end and now oh my did i make that cave or was that already here oh my gosh oh my gosh what oh i like the mega pickaxe dude that it makes entire craters in this thinking wall whoa okay if this is our third pickaxe this is gonna get crazy man the next upgrade is the ring of fire pickaxe it's gonna be weird i gotta get some blaze rods also i need essence of fire by absorbing lava with my mega pickaxe here let's do that look at all this iron wait a second getting diamonds should be no problem now right are you listening minecraft give me some diamonds what the heck oh wait wait wait no don't burn it don't burn it i got the essence of fire ow ow okay perfect all i need is those blaze rods for my upgrade i still love diamonds though hey back off okay ah you see was that so hard oh my gosh that's the void that's the void okay these pickaxes are getting very strong i gotta be more careful before i go i shall take a weapon to slash with all right let's get these plays for odds i want that upgrade all right nether fortress who wants to tussle are you already here oh heck yeah dude i like this spawn oh gosh all right wish me luck i could be like the the pro mlgers hey all right oh gosh i hate that i hate that we're here oh nice i'll take a couple divements ooh even more doomlands i just picked up like five more diamonds just now all right blazes here i come ah yeah come back here all right that should do it what dude there's a bastion right here too eh one thing at a time we can make it the ring of fire pickaxe automatically smelts ores and nearby mobs burn whoa look at our upgrade man oh it looks like each upgrade i do powers up the previous dude this used to be an iron pickaxe my little boy's growing up so fast yeah oh my word wow oh you wanna battle you wanna oh you regretted that one didn't you i regret nothing wow while we're here i'm gonna grab a couple more blaze rods come on place rod please rod yes check this out dude so if i use this guy boom oh my gosh it smelts up all our oars we got the gold we got the iron oh if i just walk near it wait a second wait wait wait wait wait if i toss my iron out it automatically smelts it oh my gosh dude this is a cool upgrade but i've got something even cooler the omega pickaxe it's gonna double my mining capabilities which is nuts and i've got to get the omega essence by burning a pig out dude i'm trying to explain what my goals are i've gotta burn a pig real quick okay so how do i make this work um if i just hold the pickaxe uh it just lights on fire oh no i don't like this but it makes some fresh bacon my pickaxe is crazy we got it the omega essence is mine and we need a couple of emeralds here let's find a village too lazy to climb over mountains just walk through it instead this is gonna eat the whole world hey a village there you go oh that's my bad how are you dying oh my pickaxe i'm sorry i'm sorry needless to say i don't think i'm very welcome here i'm just here for emeralds and then i'm out of your hair sorry guys four emeralds please thank you kindly now we can toss out our gold and then boom smelt it no problem four blocks of gold and now we've upgraded to the omega pickaxe you thought we were op before look at this monstrosity shall we test it out on this innocent mountain hello mountain you're glorious and you're gone oh my goodness oh no if i mine straight down will i just hit void oh my word oh i still have the other abilities too that's pretty nice well not nice for the pig but you know now we get to big boy levels the condensing pickaxe this requires a pretty heavy amount of diamonds i need lapis and i've got a mine and amethyst geode with our current pickaxe and this guy will condense ores that we mine so that'll help us for future pickaxes can i make a staircase down below yep we can okay okay that's not terrifying no problem all right we should make some quick work out of these diamonds here hey there's some diamonds all right i'm afraid to mine that one i'm going to fall to the void yeah oh my gosh got some lapis and diamonds here boom ah there's so many silverfish stop whoa i got it how do i get up there wait i have an idea this might work it might not i don't know three two one boom it worked it worked oh my goodness did i get it the essence hello yep i got it i got it yep no no not not that not that oh no no no you almost broke my essence bro be careful the essence of condensing is mine which means the condensed pickaxe is also mine boom whoa look at this monstrosity it's bigger than me dude now what happens if i mine oh what wait a second the condensing pickaxe oh wait wait wait wait yep yep yep it takes whatever ore it is and then makes it into a block version of it look at that that is cool looking dude whoa i like the condensing pickaxe this is beautiful how did you survive oh that's why this is awesome dude i might not have your drums but at least i've got some gold the next pickaxe is called the orb of destruction and i need blocks of netherrite i don't think that should be too bad though dude with my new pickaxe i think it'll turn ancient debris into blocks of netherrite which is crazy but before we head into the nether i want to get some more diamond blocks get me some diamonds there you are yeah oh that's beautiful oh careful ah yeah so now i've got nine blocks of diamond and it's only gonna get crazier let's make some diamond armor real quick and let's head back into the nether condenser pickaxe do your damage whoa this should not take long at all boom my pickaxe has got some girth and i'm gonna use it to break the earth this is so insane i love this we got it we got it yes okay now i can mine you right oh my gosh this takes forever we got it dude block of netherrite acquired there was another one up here too yeah i don't have any other blocks on blocking up with gold what privilege yeah oh i shouldn't mind down right okay that gold's gonna stay there forever just need two more yes ah yeah what'd i just pick up oh check it out i've got the essence of destruction i get this when i condense netherite with my pickaxe here oh sweet i must need this for my next pickaxe ten years later three down one to go yes nice five blocks of netherrite oh i should probably move uh and now the orb of destruction dude boom we've got the orb look at this craziness and i found a woodland mansion so figure the best place to use the orb of stinking destruction be fun to be on a mansion sneak and right click to shoot an orb uh sneak and oh oh it just keeps going forever oh my gosh look at him go what take this yeah oh man yep i like this a lot it was like my old pickaxe except it actually breaks the the oars oh my goodness you've killed me once before i'll be honest many hundreds of times but not today boys yes yeah take this yo woodland mansion oh my word i love this upgrade look at it go it's glorious oh i can mine with it too check it out boom yeah look at this place man it's what you get jerks next up black hole vacuum i've got to get dense diamond blocks i'm not sure how to get those and also i've got to kill an enderman with an orb of destruction back in the nether well this should be interesting hi buddy oh hello to you too i shall speak in your native tongue sorry my pig is a little rusty hey that was rude oh hello enderman okay okay okay okay yeah ah shoot they run away because they start burning whenever they're close to me i gotta hit an enderman from far away if they get too close yeah oh i got him i got him did i get it uh not yet but i got an ender pearl i need four of those i believe hello yeah get him oh it's a one hit kill my goodness orb attack i got it i got it i got it yes we are becoming more powerful the black hole essence is ours a wild pack of endermen can i get them all at the same time ah almost that got me up to 14 ender pearls but more importantly it got me what i need to get the black hole pickaxe i just gotta get the dense diamond block but it might just be as easy as getting diamonds oh we got something we did get diamonds um they don't look condensed maybe i gotta craft something oh here it is the dense diamond block oh my gosh okay i need some extra diamonds oh i love that it mines the oars too ah this is a good upgrade got some nice i mined so hard it looks like a caves and cliffs update in here yeah that's a lot of them you want to mess with me did you not just see what i did go away all right ooh got some free diamonds out of that one oh my gosh oh i see how it is i don't have a whole lot of health here guys they're tunneling up from underneath me i don't have time to eat uh or go attack oh my gosh i almost just burned in lava i got a free diamond i think that killed him yeah which makes sense it does break bedrock wow i gotta be careful about those zombie miners they could mine out from under me anytime diamonds thank you so now i should be able to put these together to make yep condensed diamond blocks i hope that's enough the black hole pickaxe it is enough yeah look at it should we try it i'm scared oh yeah the oh my gosh i don't need this much coal man but thank you it matches my outfit too the next recipe needs a lot of dense diamonds so this guy will come in handy that's for sure and to get the essence of multiplication we have to destroy bedrock with a black hole pickaxe oh man i look like an anime character this is awesome i will destroy you yeah pull towards me i gotta be careful here i am one step away from getting lost in the void but i've gotta break this bedrock here oh i got it i got it give me the essence where did it go where did it go there it is i i broke bedrock and i've got it the multiplication essence yeah now i just need a lot of diamonds but thankfully this really shouldn't take long at all i'm just swinging randomly and that got me to oh my gosh almost two stacks oh yeah that's more than plenty the multiplier pickaxe multiply ores by four oh my word look at it it's magnificent wait does that mean if i put a diamond block here and then break it does it give me four of them it it does what what infinite diamonds oh yeah the markiplier pickaxe is my favorite ah yeah the last pickaxe we can craft is the infinity supremo megamaster world-leading pickaxe of doom and i need dense nether right blocks but this pickaxe will certainly come in handy for that yeah oh my gosh how many stacks of blocks is this oh my word we just got like four stacks of gold i just need one netherite scrap and i think we should be good oh we got it oh my gosh we just got eight blocks of netherrite if i break this will it multiply it is the question multiply yeah oh yep that totally works so if i just make a wall of netherrite and then i break this block here boom 24 yep 64. 36 or whatever number that was now this man is a flex i could make a full beacon out of this pretty soon yeah multiply i've got almost three stacks oh i got the essence here too wait a minute that means i can craft this that's too long of a name i'll call you is we have got it dude look at this thing let's do it hello okay yep yep that's uh that's a destroyer of worlds can i still shoot orbs i can still shoot the black hole orbs nice man yeah we might as well upgrade our armor now that's more like it and nothing else to do but head to the end i think the stronghold is right underneath us i'm afraid i don't have that many eyes of ender i hope i can find some ender pearls in the chest here uh should i risk it let's do it three two one should have seen that coming i'm just too powerful okay please have my stuff still here oh no okay it's still here oh you freaked me out well there's the stronghold just gonna casually block up with blocks of iron hello back up yeah oh they're here they're here they're here oh no no no no no they are very strong i've got netherride armor dude relax relax shoot shoot get up oh my word you're not supposed to be that strong please have an ender pearl yes oh that's nice if i need it i've got it hi go away uh i don't know if this is gonna work i don't wanna break the portal on accident there we go i just will block them off now no one can spawn okay do i have enough three two i've got enough hey i didn't even need this pearl let's do this dragon hey the digging dragon i dig that hey whoa he's got pickaxes for wings that's awesome oh he breaks obsidian and everything i gotta watch out for this guy okay so if i put endstone up top here and then i mine it boom oh yeah go orb attack the orbs go right through it are you serious ow ow ow i've got no string for a bow either what am i supposed to do ow i don't even need to take out the crystals i got the black hole of death oh perch do it do it land land where are you gonna land dude where's your perch i already broke it get it with the black holes now's my chance oh i can do this i can do this no way he's already dead i knew this pickaxe was overpowered but wow all right um i may have broken the whole portal
Channel: Craftee
Views: 3,136,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, custom pickaxe, custom pickaxes, custom picks, custom diamond, obsidian, nether fortress, netherite farm, more diamonds, minecraft but custom pickaxes, diamond farm, minecraft funny
Id: 9pQZh1CxusE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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