Minecraft but you can Evolve the Sun

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minecraft but i can evolve the sun i will upgrade the sun itself and earn awesome new powers like touching mobs to make them explode or summoning a deadly sun laser guys it's been dark for like days and no i'm not closing my eyes i already checked bunny do you know what that's going on dude okay well let's see what we've got oh my word the sunlight tried in the sunlight pickaxe wait what how do i do that oh i see i can banish the night and i've got all the items for it hold on sorry torch i gotta do this make it daytime any time you want nice man banish the night take this ya dang moon gross did it work whoa nice i feel very bright but i'm not very smart well okay looks like we can make sun upgrades what the heck is that back there the sun is like a heart now well that's pretty nice i love you son like i love a daughter wait what sunlight ingot oh wow the sun laser dude what yes please a lot of these need ores and stuff let's just go ahead and get ourselves some basic upgrades i will sneeze this tree away pretty impressive huh oh no the sun is setting yoink ah perpetual day that's what i'm talking about this sun wolf item here seems real easy bones and raw beef i could use a friend i'm so alone and i'd feel much less alone if you hit the subscribe button it just make you feel real guilty yeah thanks holy cow there's a lot of interim in here there you are hi yeah nice no bones how did i get no bones your body's made of bones do you have bones no are you just made of jelly relax relax i'm fine i've just been very cranky ever since the sun didn't rise for six days straight but don't worry i'll get to the bottom of this problem oh it's a spawner see you later oh fast get it yeah all right please have bones i'm getting lonely oh we got one bone all right and string for a bow later yeah we got plenty of bones and iron dude nice radical oh we're here we'll get a couple of iron real quick here are you excited me too yeah let's jump 17 iron good enough for me how did i get 19 anyways night time no problem i will not have to deal with night time for the entirety of this episode oh i'm a happy man hi chicken oh goodbye okay so i need a torch i need some bones boom all right let's make our sun wolf yeah dude we got a sunlight wolf hi buddy wow your eyes are horrifying don't pet him you'll light on fire i'm gonna call you son i like that all right you're my son today don isn't son and daughter but sun also is in the sun in the sky do you get it i think he gets it hey dude this sun also changed we got like a bone sun up there that's pretty cool huh yo check this out i can make a blessed touch i can light mobs on fire by just punching them and that's an easy recipe too hey check it out our wolf lights up the path for himself he's like a little torch aha hi hey yeah oh come on help me out man but yeah what are you doing in the water be careful i don't want you to get a put out i don't know i don't want to die oh get a boy oh he fights for me be careful be careful get him get him yeah did he kill him with his butt i mean i'm not judging that's awesome i wish i could do that take this my greatest weapon my booty all right i've got one gunpowder i need one more come on gun powder is mine yeah all right let's make this weird fist thing it's called a hot it's called a torch a torch a touch that's it make some torches and now i've got the blessed touch man ah snap oh and i made some sun upgrades too all right dude i'm gonna go punch somebody all right there's something what is it's astronauts they're talking to each other hey guys are they from the moon hey guys you all right over here i oh no no no no no no no no i mean no harm oh gosh they're from the moon man and i just insulted the moon gods or something oh moo men please please no please no oh my goodness son what was that man your arch enemies moomin from the moon oh my gosh all right we'll have to deal with them for a while better get some armor those guys were difficult i didn't even have a chance to use my crazy fire fist i might not be overpowered yet but they're not taking advantage of me dude those stinking moon men are going down oh nice a village right here for food where yeah buddy check this out check this if i punch him hey yeah he explodes oh my goodness i love it i love it i love it does that work with every mob yeah it does it does yeah oh well no no no iron golem help me dude why are you in a hole iron golem protects me oh that's right i can just make it morning that was a close one good boy oh my word i'll take those i'll take those all right six obsidian my goodness thanks buddy he's like i've been saving those up for years ah that should keep me fed for a little while my tummy was a rumbling well it's good to know if i'm in a bad situation i can just punch zombies and skeletons to explode them so that's pretty rad oh and check it out we got a little angel sun now because of my blessed upgrade speaking of upgrades what i want to make now is this right here the healing light i've got the apples from the village all i need is a lantern here how do i make a lantern oh easy and now we've got our healing light dude boom nice kill me sun bask in the beauty of it whoa that was fast my goodness i've got a glowing effect too i'm glowing look at me ah now i'm sunburned that'll be useful for when i'm at the surface but the ore beam looks helpful in the caves i have to get this item to turn normal oars into sunlight ores that's how i get my other upgrades oh so i need some raw iron and some raw gold shouldn't be a problem hey back off oh it doesn't work on spiders my bless touch works on undead mobs only it looks like nice oh my word okay okay okay it's it's battle time yeah back off yeah that's it you're going down yeah dude why are there so many zombies we got him there it is all right we got one at least come on b2 don't tease me how dare you one measly piece of gold aha this is weird looking there's a bunch of oars connected ah oh hi i found the gold let's just go ahead and make it here what's the worst that could happen that's it the ore beam has been created nice ah snap only one more upgrade until we have a full bar of the sun upgrades not sure what happens then but we'll find out okay how do i turn you into a sun ore yeah smackadoo i don't know if that did anything are you a sonor now nope i don't know how this works oh hey do you hear that it sounds like those moo men there they are oh man all right all right i don't know if my explosion's gonna work on my blessed explosion but we should try it right where are they hi hello oh they've read the eyes oh my gosh it works it works it works okay we're fine we're fine oh man get back you monster yeah oh they do a lot of damage yeah take that they do serious damage though yeah why oh come on don't kill me now not now keep me safe buddy we've got this wait a minute my blessed punch only works with undead things oh what i was saying before i was rudely interrupted my blessed touch only works with undead creatures where did they go does that mean that the moo men are undead that's not weird at all i'm such a goober the ore beam is an item that i got i thought i just had the power to turn things into light well if i right click on an iron now does that do it it does check it out it glows now that must mean it's made of sun don't pee on it i know it looks glowing and beautiful look at it dude i've got a raw sunlight ore that's so sick man let me do a couple more of these dude i don't know how many i'll need but i'm just gonna grab a couple of them all right i've got 20 raw sunlight ore that should do it can i craft like a sun sword no like this no oh i gotta smelt it two sunlight ingots now we can make ourselves our sun can i do it on the right side of the crafting table like a psychopath i can the sunlight blade light your way through the dark and set mobs on fire well i'll always love doing that who wants to be on fire it's free it's a fire sale yeah boom yeah oh man it does it even lights up their items on fire i like my new sword this should help me against the movement pretty well and also it means i don't even need torches anymore because the sun does all the lighting for me that's pretty awesome i can also craft the sun pickaxe now nice hey hey don't interrupt me check this out it auto-smelts oars no way um okay okay i'm not gonna mind coal anymore what is going on boom yeah auto smelting iron love it dude love it so not only does the pickaxe break a big chunk but also when you mind stuff it auto smelts that is amazing i love my sun items already well our pickaxe will be very useful for our next item the sun trident i've got to get a couple of blocks of copper no problem well it's plenty of copper i think it was like this and then the copper was on either side yep sun trident it calls down the sun hello oh hello it's me crafty it's that time of the year add crafty merchandise to your christmas list we have brand new exclusive christmas products and this weekend is black friday weekend get up to 25 off available now on our website at crafty.store oh wow you're alive how oh my word take that this thing is insane i'm not sure if i should be holding this i feel like this thing is gonna accidentally create a wormhole or something i'm gonna accidentally break the time continuum oh my gosh there's also a sunlight shield that we can make i think i could just do that now right yep now this should give us the protection that we need nearby mobs glow with their alignment and blocked mobs catch fire and explode nice oh i see check it out so i can literally see where all the mobs are from my beautiful sun powers oh my gosh look at all the mobs holy cow let's try out our new shield shall we oh my gosh he died instantly what i love this shield this is by far the best upgrade we've gotten so far well i mean everything's been great but you know wow i don't have to do anything anymore this shield is incredible i've harnessed the power of the sun and i think it's time to battle some more of those moon men yeah you're not moon men you're normal men oh wow there we were okay okay here they are okay oh you didn't even touch me man check this out the power of the sun compels you yeah dude this is a piece of cake now you were tough before but i've got the power of the sun on my side and i think because these items are made from sun powers oh why careful oh wow wow a lot of damage i think the shield is healing me because it's made of the sun's powers is that all of them oh you're trying to run from me not today oh hold on i have to eat an apple real quick you're going down moon man yes dude two moo men almost took me out but i took out like 14 just now oh we are powerful and daytime ah that's nice we only have one more item until the sun laser i need some blaze powder this will do ow all right ah oh hey look the sun is a giant ingot that's kind of fun yep all right that'll do it is this gonna light i made a weird-looking portal yeah it's just a little tall boy is all just like me i'm five foot twelve by the way let's segue right you came with me ah sunlight wolf came with me i'm so glad not today all right fortress time hello ugly boy this is what we're looking for hey gentlemen i'm made of the sun i just exploded the whole thing i found another one hi guys all right no using the shield powers good to know yes ten blaze rod should cover us nether bacon alright ford plays powder now i can make our sunlight chariot mount your majestic golden chariot of the sky okay uh what how do i use this i right click look at it oh that is cool man now i uh i get into it oh my gosh it's fast it is very fast i was not ready for this oh my gosh all right we're fine we're fine we're fine oh my goodness okay that chariot is crazy i gotta get up there and hold on tight this thing is like right in the stinking sun oh wait it literally is oh yeah oh oh okay okay i think i've got the hang of this thing it is very fast and i literally can't stop it oh no no no don't die in the lava oh my gosh okay we're fine we're fine i gotta find an open area before i accidentally die ow dude what the heck chariot oh this thing is very hard to drive i am not used to riding the stinking sun now before we get too far i want to look at this laser here already spelled laser perfect lassier lussier i want to make this laser i need some fire charges and ender pearls first we'll start with the ender pearls hello gorgeous oh man i just want to grab the gold and get out hi oh see you later grab the gold perfect hi back up dude i need this gold man now i've got some really amazing power-ups and a lot of really great weapons my armor is not awesome so i do have to be really careful here but i want that gold to barter with piglens for those pearls man oh oh my gosh oh wow we're fine we're live but barely let me get that shield back on okay hopefully our pickaxe can break this pretty fast go go go go go i'm so low in health stop stop stop i just need to get the gold no no no no no no no let me die here i i do gain health from the sun thankfully stay alive yes yes i'm out please i'm healing up from the sun go go i'm out i got my gold i'm done no ugh you doing okay buddy that was intense we got out of there with 13 gold all of my armor broke though so that's nice including my golden shoes uh-oh okay okay are you happy now oh he's fixated on the gold oh hey there's a fire charger in here i forgot they dropped fire chargers i need that for my laser all right do your thing boys give me some pearls no i don't want your grapple give me pearls i want your iron nuggets give me pearls give me okay lots of trading later we got oh 14 pearls if i die now i'm gonna be real mad dude no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh i'm on half a heart i was ready to die wow well i'm out of the nether i'm done never again never again done with the nether no more later oh stop sniffing my butt please stop it now that should be everything i need to craft my sun laser yes it is oh my goodness call down the sun's fury i've done it the sun has been upgraded to its greatest form the sun laser now you have burning aura power to ignite nearby mobs nice the sun it's a creeper now and i've got a burning aura around me does that mean that you just light on fire it does i didn't even do anything i sneezed at him and he erupted into flames my favorite power goodbye okay let's try this sun laser shall we hello pigs laser attack oh my gosh it just instant killed them and it cooked them too laser attack boom yeah die bunny look at this laser fall down from the sky holy cow laser give me powers yeah that feels nice well nothing more to do except taking on this dragon and i have a way to go there in style oh yeah i found the portal oh gosh i broke the coal again oh no thanks no thanks oh goodness look at all of them in there you're on fire can't touch this now what's up guys yeah die yeah oh man this might be the boss guy he looks like he does a lot of damage oh i killed him that was so easy dude i don't even have armor on oh i'm so glad we got our sun upgrades man not too shabby hi what a bunch of lunar ticks like luna luna ticks but it's lunar please cut that out portal portal yeah portal hello [Music] nice i'll be honest i'm a little worried i don't have any iron or diamonds uh i've got four raw iron i can make myself shoes i don't have any armor at all but uh we're gonna do it anyway so let me quickly eat four whole loaves of bread and let's rock and roll oh my goodness all right the strategy is i'm gonna get my chariot fly with the chariot and then use my trident to take out all these oh my gosh the undead zombie dragon oh all right we've got this yeah got him yeah oh this is going to be a piece of cake dude yeah yeah this is awesome yeah yes yeah yeah ouch what happened what happened something broke my boat it looks like there's only one left anyway we got this boom and now let's put our sun laser to work here go sun laser attack boom oh my gosh that does a lot of damage yes keep going keep going keep going boom boom no problem one more hit sun laser attack yes take that you stinky dragon with the power of the sun the undead zombie dragon has spit destroyed my good son thanks for helping me defeat the dragon my friend and thank you guys for watching don't forget to subscribe to see more videos like this and go to the website and pick up your very own crafty products for a very crafty christmas
Channel: Craftee
Views: 8,546,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, sun, sun upgrade, minecraft but you can upgrade, minecraft but upgrade, minecraft but sun, minecraft but sun upgrade, upgrade sun, you can upgrade, the sun, creeper sun
Id: NO54bENCmc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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