Minecraft but there are Custom Apples...

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minecraft but there are custom apples we will try to beat the game working our way up to some of the craziest apples known to mankind the netherrack apple that lets you shoot fireballs the diamond apple gives you invincibility for a while we even have a herobrine apple and much more just wait and see all right what are we working with ooh diamond apple ender apple uh herobrine apple wooden apple let's start at the basics by eating wood let's see what this delicious apple does what do i got tree feller oh interesting tree you're my fella but now i'm gonna kill you oh my word it just breaks the whole tree and then it drops so much apples oh this is so nice all right well that should oh goodness next up on the list we got a stone apple let's go for that all right that should just about do it now we've got ourselves the stone apple which seems like it's a dennis worst nightmare and uh what is i can see in the dark now ah yes nah i'm not afraid of the dark oh hello buddy uh excuse me oh gosh there's what wait wait wait wait hold on i'm arrow proof that's amazing you can't even touch me dude i'm just gonna mine my iron for my next apple while you frantically try to kill me i found a mine shaft i'm still arrow-proof but not for long i'm gonna make another one of these apples they're amazing all right that should just about do it oh hi skeleton yeah go ahead it's like a massage for me i made three more stone apples and now also i'm gonna make myself the iron apple and let's see what this beast does all right let's munch on this thing shall we delicious ow oh they don't stack okay but now i have iron will too wait a minute how much damage does that prevent hit me oh they didn't barely do any damage at all let's test how resistant this is let's make some armor and fight a creeper and see what happens i can suit up like iron man down barrel dental bent oh nothing no i didn't have a shield or anything i mean i'm half health but that's not bad these apples are coming in handy if they're coming camo they might be coming in candy please don't unsubscribe next up on our list here is the golden apple which might be different than normal i don't know so i'm hoping that the more apples we get the more opie that they are the more they'll help me out to kill the dragon one come on alright that should give us plenty of golden apple time i'm hoping this is different than a normal golden apple but i guess we'll find out right now after these messages subscribe what'd you think i had sponsors already what the it just turned the floor into gold oh that's sick dude are you kidding me what is this i have midas touch dude this is insane i can't see anything i don't have any torches there's so much the walls are gold the ceiling is gold oh my word all right well i've got infinite gold now gold and gold and everything's gold i'm taking a couple of these for the road because i can use them to trade with piglens later to get my ender pearls 25 that should do it next up we've got the diamond apple let's do it it tastes like cotton candy but also breaks your teeth in half looking for diamonds anybody seen them i have never in my life seen are they connected are they two separate veins anybody that knows minecraft really well what are the chances of this we got 12 diamonds in one vein basically that's absurd all right diamond apple let's get it it is beautiful look at oh my gosh i love it diamond apple grants temporary invincibility i think i'm gonna hold this one handy what other apples do we have on here that'd be help obsidian apple that one we can do we still have four diamonds left over yeah let's get that there we are oh i'm gonna pause i'm gonna mine these real quick 10 hours later obsidian apple here we go oh it's purple that looks really cool looks a little like an enderman and we eat it uh nothing happened i've got dimension hopper oh i don't know what that does oh i also have slow falling interesting how do i activate how do i activate the uh oh oh my gosh wha okay i'm in the nether um fantastic great i'm underground in the nether what could go wrong let me find a safe place in the surface i have uh one oh all right my dimension hopper is gone i am officially stuck in the nether while i'm here i might as well get some good items is there anything apple related netherrack apple yeah all right nether right apples and we've got the ender pearl apples i can do all that so let's grab a couple of these netherrack and see what this does netherrack apple acquired let's munch on this bad boy shall we hmm uh i don't know what happened i fire resistance well that's pretty lame oh what on earth i squatted i just summoned a fireball i'm punching fireballs like a ghast fight me yeah how does that feel man these netherrack apples are so cool i'm making a bunch of these all right boys give me some ender pearls oh my goodness oh oh you want to fight you want to fight yeah two can play this game yeah i think we both hit each other's fireballs at the same time beautiful ender pearls and obsidian oh yes more pearls i'm also grabbing these arrows too the spectral arrows will be super helpful in fighting the dragon at the end and that should do it we got ourselves uh man like 20 something pearls here's a tip for you a whole stack of gold you're welcome ender pearl apple i don't know how i feel about it oh it is such a gorgeous color man let me eat this shall we watch my oh oh uh i have teleportation how do i use this thing i see little glowing things over there um maybe i just i squat oh ow yeah i can move around how far can i go look at that uh oh it's battle time gotta get away gotta get make my escape pretty quick here dude this is amazing look i can just teleport anywhere dude this is so cool lava here no problem yeah oh i can get around so fast now i found a bastion but i've already got all my gold what i need is as ender pearl nether what am i trying to find place rod found a fortress give me one more and ten blaze rods i'm out of here guys i've got an idea i want to get my hands on the nether right apple and i could mine forever but who wants to do that why don't we go back to the bastion and steal it from those pigs now if this works like i think it does all i've got to do is eat my diamond apple drop to the bottom and steal it and run since i should be invincible um i don't know for how long though oh it gave me a reusable totem oh sick okay let's do this dude i'm trusting an apple with my life oh okay oh i died but but the reusable totem just keeps coming okay okay okay um now the right steal that diamond legs i'll take those um this is amazing that should be everything i'm out i see you boys dude this is so terrifying i'm out i got the nether right see you guys i am ready to kill the inner dragon if i ever get out of the nether i am a little bit trapped in the nether i'll be honest with you i need to find a broken portal hey found one now how do i get over there i have an idea we had some extra ender pearls might as well and teleport over here think yup teleport over here splash myself with some fire resistance just in case and i made it i made it now i don't have a flint and steel but i can just break these all right that should do it i got two more in this chest here and i'm out of here i think i still have fire resistance right yes i do this feels so wrong to do oh gosh go go go go go no another one oh come on no no no no no not like this i can't die like this no no no no i'm out i'm out i'm out oh come on come on come on come on come on go to safety go to safety yes take that oh my gosh that was horrifying oh all right let's get out of this place obsidian obsidian apple eat it we are getting out of here oh my goodness i just wait wait wait no get back oh no oh no no no no no no no no i still have i still had the teleporting i still had the teleporting thing i squatted trying to kiss the ground don't let me die here no no no why why ah okay do i still have dimension hopper don't squat or i'm going back to the nether i gotta be so careful dude found some diamonds here we needed three more diamonds we got four here we needed three diamonds to make ourselves the nether right apple so let's see oh i can already make it yes oh my goodness this is so cool does it tell me what it does it doesn't well i guess i can munch on it and see what happens uh oh my hearts look at my hearts i also have top tier 10. uh i don't know what that is does that oh look look wait a minute i have it for 10 minutes look it drops wait a minute look look look look whenever i mind something it drops the block version that i'm getting blocks of coal if i want to get myself the herobrine apple which is blocks of diamond then i i gotta find more diamonds i gotta be quick i only have nine minutes left okay okay okay okay i gotta find some diamonds is this a dead end oh my word no no no no no ah come on i need to find diamonds man before the time runs out yes with uh six minutes to spare is this gonna work it does it works that is so cool how many is this is this eight that's perfect all right we've got ourselves our hero brine apple whatever that does and the herobrine apple i've got it i probably am not going to eat that until i'm at the dragon just in case it's actually awesome so let's head to the end man and boom all right let's do this all right i'm hopping in there i'm getting to a safe place and then i'm eating the hero brian apple here we go if you're watching this far by the way thanks for watching hopefully you're enjoying it make sure to subscribe if you want to see more content like this i have an idea first the healers are going down with my netherrack apple oh okay i think yes healers are dead and now uh i'm eating the golden apple i mean i'm eating the hero bro what is happening what what what is happening dude look at all these things i just break blocks too all right bo acquired and now you can run but you can't hide what come here buddy yeah yeah yeah yeah a couple more hits they should do it come at me dude yes yes oh one more hit yes you know what's core to killing the dragon apples get it like an apple core if you want to see more puns like this and more videos like this hit subscribe and i'll see you guys next time crafty out
Channel: Craftee
Views: 12,465,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkerplays, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, bow, custom, lava boots, diamond, emeralds, apple, apples, op apples, new apples in minecraft, apple update, food update, minecraft apples, custom apples, custom food items, op, op items
Id: Z_jwhnkzpG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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