Minecraft but the Darkness HURTS you...

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minecraft but the darkness hurts you survive the darkness by crafting different light sources glow sticks craft flashlights even work your way up to crafting an artificial sun but beware in the darkness lies the shadow monsters you better craft a light source fast we shall begin with a lonely tree ah thank you little tree appreciate the gift of the apple even though i just literally killed you we've got flares right and flashlights a lot of these recipes require glowstone dust so i guess that is something we'll get eventually maybe the nether there's an artificial sun a bunch really new stuff so uh let's go caving and see if we can make a couple of these i found myself a cave and a little bit of coal can i mine coal with this oh what the heck was that oh okay all right well uh something is stopping me here this might be what does it say there's something ow stop darkness the darkness hurts me oh my goodness uh well that's cool thanks thanks the sun for spoiling me all these years could i ow wow i see the coal dude chill all right i gotta be quick with this don't die oh my goodness all right well i i got some coal so that'll be nice and the sun is still my friend right now but i gotta get geared up dude because if night falls i i'm in deep trouble it's not much but i did find a little bit of iron so that'll get us sorted a little bit i need more coal though man i guess i can chop down some trees and get some coal that way charcoal at least and the sun is going down all right i gotta be quick i don't have time to grab any of that stuff let me quickly make some torches uh i basically mined out the entire forest and so we should be set on this oh i have 36 torches oh perfect all right place you down there that should keep it plenty of light in here and i just have to worry about spiders coming in but i think i'll be okay there all right we got a furnace down let's put some of these oak logs in here that'll get us some charcoal that'll help us on the torch standpoint now what were some of these items we had photometer i don't know what that does just yet uh we've got campfire could be pretty sweet i don't have any dark oak wood heavy duty flashlight the flashlight would be dope and a flare um i i don't know how to get glowstone yet but i guess that'll that'll come eventually oh man it is pitch black out there couple more torches keep it bright whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa the torch just went out hello yep yep yep okay torches go out torches go out thankfully i had the furnace there i i need something better than torches oh gosh i've got some charcoal torches for the meantime but i need to find something lantern i can craft a lantern i need coal i have charcoal i guess i can why is there a bat here you don't have to make it scarier i guess i could mine down and hopefully hopefully by the wow find a little bit of coal why can't i can't even go down one step this is gonna get dangerous man oh thank goodness all right i've got some coal and that'll give us our lantern perfect let there be light it's very warm on my tootsies no oh also uh yes i guess dude look look look look look we got glowstone dust that's bad uh that means that lanterns also die out which means i have literally no way of getting easy light what that means is we can craft some of these crazy things with the glowstone dust okay so we can craft what is oh oh my what just happened what what was that it was a spider but it was different it just died i didn't even punch i didn't get the achievement for killing it they're like dark versions of themselves look at that look at him he dies in the light what is that i mean we got some free string they're ow ow ow oh shoot oh shoot no no no no no wait give me light where's my torches okay well i died let me in let me let me in let me in let me in let me in come on come on damage boost me damage boost me no come on let me in let me in let me in ninja moves ninja moves uh uh this and then no no i need i guess i will die until it's morning ah so i guess this is gonna be a little bit more hard and dangerous than i'd expected the nice thing is is i got a couple minutes of daylight to figure out what the heck's going on my strategy is to get myself the glowstone dust i need a bunch of those i can make a bunch of lanterns put them out and just basically wait until they burn out to collect their glowstone dust so we'll place these here and kind of farm the glowstone later we can use that to craft things uh put a campfire down ah yes uh ouch ouch light hurts me darkness hurts me everything is on fire ooh but since it's daytime we might be able to get some goodies from uh these mobs dying out here oh nice and i guess they're shadow creepers uh because they died in the light as well so we got ourselves some gunpowder so that's good hey you're not supposed to be living get out of here and there we are that's it look we got all the glowstone so that's four of them we can grab some things and this guy is still chilling so uh honestly campfires might be a good way to do oh well never mind well worse comes worse we can have a nice uh fresh fresh meal how does this oh okay okay uh i just was trying to cook my food but no nope if we toss gunpowder onto the light it makes yes that's so much better than trying to farm it from all the lanterns all right i think we have basically infinite glowstone we should look for more gunpowder i was able to go on a little bit of an adventure it is a little past noon at the moment but i did get some more gun powder put this here beautiful glow ouch thank you and then also we got a little bit of copper i needed that for another recipe so now we can make actually is a flashlight right here so i assume this is gonna be a handheld light source i mean i'll take that that gets us caving and i'm also gonna get this thing over here i don't know what it is but it's inexpensive it's a photometer or a photo meter i don't know but i'm grabbing it anyway so we got two new items and let's see what these do so the flashlight if hm uh nothing i'm holding it does it light look at that it lights up everywhere you go oh that's so perfect yep yep that's excellent so we can finally go caving um oh i gotta hold it in the off hand otherwise i'm gonna die nope i can't hold it in the off hand are you serious that is gonna make mining a little bit challenging but what does this guy do light level 15. oh i see so as it starts to go down less than eight nine is the safe point anything less than that kills me so uh good to know thank you thank you uh photometer ah the nice thing no are you serious it went out it went out no oh man i was so ready we did a little bit of exploring um it's not so bad we got some more torches but man getting any kind of resources is tough here i hear a bad guy i hear a scary boy where are you hey a glow squid i'm happy to see you today look at how horrifying these monsters are excuse me sir please die please stop destroying ouch please stop destroying the lovely habitat of this glow squid hi buddy we're friends today ouch making my way up to to the light for a lovely beautiful day our adventure wasn't pointless we did get plenty of raw copper and plenty of iron to make some new upgrades here what else can we make because clearly the flashlight is big stink okay so we can actually craft glow sticks out of two glowstone dust so that might be helpful and useful for us we also can make a heavy-duty flashlight so that i think hopefully will keep us alive a little longer in the caves for more exploring what i want to get up to is some of these big ones like this the artificial sun i don't think you can even craft luminescent residue i guess we'll find out let's get to work okay deep in the mines it seems that this works pretty well we got our glow stick which doesn't have quite as much of a reach but we have our flashlight which is pretty dang good so that's something is that what i just saw yes it is yes it is put some torches down we've got some diamonds all right i don't even know if armor is that good in this but uh eight diamonds i will take that any day i gotta be super careful i can't even technically eat with a flashlight equipped i gotta place the torch down just to munch oh my goodness hi hi oh no no no no no no you dark freaking creatures yes okay the light hurts them that's very helpful oh flashlight do your business no go go go go kill him kill him i i don't want to take my flashlight i am formally apologizing to your ears i am sorry for that i got my stuff back i've been caving for a good while everything burns out but the torches work okay the thing is i oh i found this right here uh it's a flare which i can actually craft now so i'm not sure what it does but i want to see what it does so if i grab this flare and is it a light source hmm doesn't seem to be one let's see what happens if i used it oh am i bright now ouch ouch ouch i don't know what that did i want to make another one of those bad boys and to do that i'm gonna get myself a campfire going toss some more gunpowder in there because i'm gonna see what this does that should get us to a pretty good point with that let's go find some mobs i see a horde coming in hello friends you want flair okay oh gosh i think that worked um the torches do just about as much damage i think it gives like a bright burst of light that does damage to mobs but i don't think i may craft another one of those bad boys i've got a plan i noticed here that you can make glowstone but it takes refined glowstone which is a whole new item so i'm assuming this is different than usual you need some glowstone dust to make refined glowstone easy-peasy so let's make two of those and in the meantime we can farm some extra glowstone i put down some of these lanterns wait for them to die out while we still have time in the day and then i got all this extra powder for my trip down in the caves so this should get us to a pretty good point two more of these and now we got ourselves a glowstone so i'm assuming this guy glows real bright i don't know maybe it's one of those forever items we'll keep this in the house just for safe keeping we're also gonna keep ourselves prepared with the heavy duty flashlight and we're making as many lanterns as we possibly can well i guess just one but we'll take it here it goes here it goes yeah glowstone close what happened to my doors what the heck it's time for night boys the sunset and it might be the last sunset i ever see just waiting for eternal darkness all right let's get back inside hopefully this glowstone is one of these forever brights because that would be uh very convenient for us and also we're toasting up some stone and copper and it died it died but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what is this what is this we got luminescent residue that's what we needed we couldn't craft it we got to let the glowstone die and that gives us this to craft the artificial sun we need four of those bad boys oh my word nighttime is approaching let's get ready i think we got to go kill some creepers man i've got to get myself so much glowstone dust all right i've got plenty of torches i got myself my heavy duty crazy flashlight and i think it's time to go on a little bit of a killing spree all right let's do this ow ow i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm not ready why is that going out stop stop that's too quick this is horrifying out here man minecraft was scary enough as is all right hey creeper i see you dude shine it with the flashlight shot it with the flashlight it went out come on man give me a break come on these shadow creepers are horrifying oh oh oh oh oh torches get out of here all right we got plenty of torches i gotta basically light myself up as i go creepers shadow boys what what just happened there i just put the torch on the uh anyway back to action die die you foul monsters honestly torture is the best thing i could possibly use stay alive stay alive i gotta make the torch back home oh that is a lot of guys that is a lot of bad boys pardon me got oh that's a lot it's a hoard of zombies i'm out i'm out i don't need your flesh i need i need the gunpowder ah there's another one hey buddy don't explode oh man ew look at his ghost particles gross i'm getting my nose oh man i'm almost out of torches i only got six left come here buddy yes all right a little bit more gunpowder oh no i'm gonna die i'm out of torches i'm gonna torture this get me out of here get me out of here oh okay okay we made it stay alive oh ah windows are bad windows are bad they can shoot stuff okay okay okay all right we're alive we got a little bit of gunpowder but that's not the strategy man that's dangerous i think i'm gonna make just an epic amount of lanterns all right how many lanterns can we make we can make 24 lanterns well that'll help and we'll turn these into our glowstone as well now that's more like it whoa all right we got him uh oh i got some extra lanterns ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch okay so how many do we have we've got 33 glowstone we have a couple extra lanterns we'll put those down here but that might be all that we need actually to craft our artificial sun we shall turn these into i think that might do it no it won't we need so much glowstone dust i'll be i'll be back in a while okay it's sunrise things are dying so i think i'm gonna go out there and get some more gunpowder here and that my friends is a lantern farm and this is a campfire and now we make some more this should give us pretty much all we need plus i went ahead and made a bed just so i can sleep during the night in case i don't want to deal with any mobsters and scary boys and nightmares so this will give us a little bit more of these another refined one we'll need a couple more of these and we should be set oh man i'm so excited for this dude this i don't know what it's gonna happen i feel like i'm gonna meet my maker there they go they're starting to pop yeah i probably should have not stacked them on top of each other because the bottom one breaks and the top ones uh they don't fully get broken but oh well we should have plenty of glowstone dust craft up the refined glowstone we got ourselves another one of the glowstones one more to go aha there it is yes we got two of them luminescence residue accomplished there's number three all right guys i think we've got it oh no way i think it's literally perfect we make two of these we make one of these and once i have this i've got plenty lemon resin dude and we have refined glowstone we got one sneaky guy up here we got one left over sweet man all right guys we did it we've got the stuff ow ow ow ow why why i don't need more torches am i out of torches are you serious all this time surrounded by glowstone alright guys after long last it's deep in the middle of the night out speaking of night gosh dang it so i got the luminescence i think i put it around like this then refined glowstone in the middle then i just have to get the flint and steel around it and we'll have ourself no no there it is we've got ourselves an artificial sun we've made it my friends artificial sun activate what does it do uh oh it worked yes oh my goodness i just i created the sun yes forever i shall be in forever in the warmth of the sun i legit created the sun how cool is that uh is it even moving i think it's it's for it's up in the sky forever oh my word well that my friends was if darkness can hurt you to minecraft leave a like thanks for watching and we'll see you guys in the next episode
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,519,715
Rating: 4.8564911 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkerplays, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, darkness, minecraft but darkness hurts you, darkness hurts, darkness damages you, minecraft but challenge, minecraft but night, nighttime, nighttime hurts you, creepers, spiders
Id: igARGgjM9QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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