Minecraft but all Mobs are Dragons

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minecraft but all mobs are dragons they drop powerful new dragon items that i'll use to beat the game look look we've got a dragon pig hi but oh well there he goes ow hey hey dragon chicken back up hey they're shooting eggs at me ow they give me like a weird effect dragon curse wow okay okay we've got oh oh dragon totems dragon tridents the diamond dragon sword whoa well now i'm making a normal sword it seems a real measly we'll get there come here big old piggy freaks yeah no come on give me some bacon yeah yeah i got him yeah oh my goodness he give me five pork chops i guess dragons give a little extra loot there huh thank you oh i got dragon pig core oh i guess i'll use that for something later oh i see i can make a dragon dirt i need a pig core which i got just now she cow and chicken core let's go kill some dragon mobs chicken give me your core yeah ah not yet dragon chicken ah normal eggs get out of here hey got it dragon cow i've been looking everywhere for you uh what do you do do you hurt me or anything ah wow oh my goodness you do okay did you fart at me did you just do that ow stop tooting at me dragon ow the dragon gives you dragons breath thick this guy gives you a different kind of breath i legit almost died from cow toots hello cow ow come here ah a dragon sheep oh my gosh you're you're a hungry boy huh yeah i got the core yeah boom yeah got him all right we got all the cores let's make this thing dragon dirt place it in a two by two cube and wait for the explosion weir dragon dirt oh that's weird okay i guess it's like infinite dirt which is kind of neat and then if i if i place it in a two by two grid it explodes hello maybe it's like this is that gonna work oh gosh yeah oh okay that's not bad i got myself a little bit of pork chop here so i got a little bit of food oh that must be a dragon creeper holy cow you are cool looking man dragon tnt attack get him yeah oh that must be a creeper core i wonder what i could use this for uh before i do that though should probably uh give myself to a little bit of a safer area uh i guess i can use my dragon dirt to stack up as long as i don't accidentally blow myself up but i've got infinite blocks as long as i don't actually make a two by two i should be just fine hey foreshadowing raccoon back off [Applause] ah yes i feel so safe now in my essentially tnt house so my creeper core can be used to make a dragon trident later which is sick but i need some diamonds first but i can make myself some dragon wings pretty easy i need some villager cores and some iron golem cores i see some dragon zombies out there okay oh oh my gosh it spawned a child i don't like this i'm gonna go find a village okay i found a village but i don't like how many mobs are around here oh there's the dragon iron golem and there's the villager dude they look so different they all have unique powers oh some free arrows i'll take that ah there's a zombie child hey back it looks like the dragon zombies spawn like little little baby zombies oh goodness gracious it looks like the iron golem gives me slowness yeah yeah oh gosh though that was a bad idea okay oh no no no no no no no he gives me slowness i don't like this i don't like this dragon dirt time oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh no i don't like his ability at all run run run is that gonna work explode him okay not quite i need another dragon core explosion go fast no before he kills me oh my goodness explode oh i think we got him yes okay we got an iron core oh no we got the zombie core i thought that was the iron golem core but we did get eight iron ingots that'll help us look at these villagers man yeah sorry buddy i gotta do this man i gotta kill you to get wings whoa got myself a villager core hey no stay out hey i'm not a babysitter man this ain't a daycare dude thank you very much you look like thanos's off-brand cousin though so i feel less bad killing you yeah nice dude having a pair of wings this early in the videos i'll be a happy camper oh hello golem boy i would like to make wings please no don't walk away come here come here yeah ah come back what are you doing get him why is he not mad at me yeah are you cool with me smacking you right now it's like a back massage got him i got the core dragon iron golem core acquired let's make some wings man every mob is different so far i'm super curious what the dragon actually does oh yep we can make it we've got ourselves the dragon wings look up and jump for a powerful explosive boost anything good with explosions and my back involved usually ends up with me dead i love it yeah dragon wings let's go oh yes dude getting dragon wings this early is gonna be amazing before i go i'm going to commit theft hello oh i'll need these for later actually did you you just kicked me out of the bed he is not happy with me all right fine i'm just going to steal your bed see you hello cow stop ouch stop tooting no thank you i will sleep in the cold good morning my goal for today is the dragon trident it apparently breaks blocks on impact but i do need a couple extra cores here so i have to get myself underground first let's get myself uh an iron chest plate here i guess i'm gonna take my wings off for now there we go all right friends it's cape time yeah let's light our path a little bit it's gonna get dangerous out here guys i'm not sure what the skeleton nor the spider does keep your eyes peeled ah some iron we'll take that ooh a dragon bat hi do you do anything crazy it seems you make me levitate okay i mean i i don't mind that i feel like that's gonna be very annoying though let's get ourselves a full set of iron armor stop i'm trying to mine ow ow stupid bat hey stop if i die from a bat in this episode ah i'm gonna be mad stop why let's make ourselves some body armor ouch ouch uh that should be better ugh we should probably make a water bucket too let's do this i'm gonna get this water here oh there's a creeper hi buddy i don't know what their explosions do they haven't exploded yet on me oh my word that's a lot of guys that's a lot of scary guys no bat not right now i can't mess with you right now okay okay they're down here somewhere oh gosh oh there he is the skeleton he gave me some kind of weird effect just now i think it's that dragon effect dude there he is there's the dragon skeleton all right first up i gotta get these creepers yeah yeah nice okay okay i lived i lived now get the skeleton give me the core dude come here come on give me the core no yeah i got it i got it i got it yes ah stop oh my gosh oh no no i just got hit by a was that was that an enderman i wonder if i could find any spiders here on the surface then that might just make things a little easier i think i i think i owe him some money for the taxi service oh oh i just heard oh no oh he's still after me he he came all the way to the surface no this is no no no no uh i can do this i can do this i don't have time i don't have time i'm out i'm out how far is he gonna follow me what is this oh it's night time too guys i'm looking for a spider i'm on half a heart oh gosh come on heal up man let's go oh goodness that enderman will not stop until i am dead i'm gonna go up on this mountain i'm going to sit in water and contemplate my decisions gosh what was that oh hey look at that it must have died in the water though we got some pearls and we got the enderman core dude i didn't think that we would oh shoot what am i getting attacked with now no stop i'm tired of the dragon anime bosses i thought it would be easy let's see if we can find ourself a spider around here somewhere oh hello buddy oh my gosh i don't know what you do oh oh goodness you leap at me look at oh oh they do like a weird butt leap at me where they ah i got it they like shot webb behind them and leapt at me i didn't like that at all the good news is we have a spider core i don't know why i'm carrying these bookshelves around i guess for some light reading only thing left i need some diamonds got em oh is this avena eight oh happy boy i'm a happy diamond boy i'll tell you that much let's make this thing home at last dragon sword hold on there we go dragon sword check i mean iron sword you know what i mean we're getting there now dragon trident it's ours brown look at us ah we look sick man well not literally sick i don't look like i'm coughing at you awesome well let's try this thing out shall we i'm kind of scared to know what this does so here we go yeah whoa okay okay i gotta be more careful dragon trident attack boom so it just breaks everything on impact yeah it drops the blocks and everything too oh this is gonna be so useful for mining take this coal this is sick what are you guys looking at yeah oh enderman no no no no no no no no no never again i'm out i'm out oh my goodness if i'm that scared of an enderman what is the dragon gonna be like man the next item on my list is the dragon totem it looks like i need a bunch of cores from the nether mobs but before we see the dragon nether mobs i need to get myself geared up let's go mining shall we ideally we can actually use the dragon trident to do all our mining for us diamonds whoa oh the i love the particles i love the purple i love everything about this trident dude i'm gonna do some serious damage to mobs as well where do i try to go oh here you are i legit thought i just lost it diamonds yes is it a horrible idea to try to fly over there yeah that was a bad idea bad idea bad idea i made it i made it i'm purple all right i didn't die and we got some diamonds so everybody wins more diamonds are you serious oh man ah two diamonds we take those any over here watch okay well uh i guess i'll make a pair of pants and i'll make a helmet because i don't actually need a chest plate since probably use my dragon wings during the nether we'll grab some of this water here now it's nether portal time yeah we got pretty much what we need one more lava and now excuse me water i am so nervous okay oh oh my gosh what a horrible spawn well that was a nice warm welcome to the nether get it i did mine 10 more obsidian so hopefully that should make things a little easier for us to get out of the nether oh gosh that's an enderman i'm out i'm scared as long as i don't anger an enderman i should be okay that's a fortress heck yeah i'm more excited about oh my goodness ow ow ow this will not be easy but i'm not i'm not scared yeah what the oh oh no why what am i supposed to do now dude wha what's up man why give it get me back to the surface please get me back to the nether that's it if you're not gonna send me to the surface i'm gonna send you wherever endermen go when they die ender heaven that's it get mad that's it no no no no don't teleport me away from this oh no no no oh teleport me underneath oh thank goodness uh oh i've never been excited to be in a fortress before but at least i'm not on top of the stinking bedrock i'm just really hoping the intermittent doesn't come back please get him come on don't set me on fire we got him we got him oh and we got the stuff the blaze blaze core ah yes and i got three blaze rods oh yeah i forgot oh i love how their dragon blaze rods too they're like kind of purple that's so sick yeah give me your core wither skeleton yes we got it uh where did i put this where did i put this oh gosh oh gosh here we go sorry oh yeah oh no oh is that a piglen oh it's a pow ow ow ow it's a pickling i need a ow i need a core where'd he go he's so fast come here there you are yeah get him yeah oh gosh he's fast oh he's fast yeah oh oh man did they drop gold yes please we'll take that we need that for our golden apple later anyways how oh my gosh this is so hard there's a blaze give me your rods he's dead he's dead all right six place rods oh man oh man give me the rods perfect we got it i'm out it's now time for the piglen core this is gonna get messy oh yeah come on i gotta get your core buddy i would love to trade with you but i gotta get your core instead did i get it i got a bunch of gold holy cow attack boom oh i got one i got one did he drop it uh is he trading the gold ouch his friend daddy's like ooh gold oh gosh a dragon gasp oh give me your core please please i got it i got the core don't explode it don't explode it don't explode it yes oh gosh we've got two guests i need the gas core anyway where'd he go no they teleported are you serious what does everybody teleport man grab this back come on guests it's time to take the battle to the skies yeah i'm not afraid of you anymore yeah did i get it yes the core i've got it i'm out of here i'm gonna find a nice safe place for me to set up my portal and we're back to the overworld come on man get out of here see you never never oh oh man i'm still in a cave can i find an enderman to send me to the surface with our golden apple yoink we should be able to make yeah we've got it the dragon totem as long as you have this item your health will increase okay so if i just have this totem it gives me health i guess this will be helpful to get my pearls let's put this guy in our offhand just in case dragon totem keep me alive whoa you see that i got a heart if i take it off my offhand does it go away no i guess as long as i have it i just get extra hearts alright to make our dragon diamonds there's another heart we need to get enderman cores and we have to get our dragon diamonds to make our dragon sword thankfully i have a plan there's an enderman i can't hit him with my trident but i can explode him with my trident and that way oh oh he teleported he might be mad at me okay i gotta be careful now come on one more hit this is working yes yes we got him dude we got it yeah dude we have seven pearls and two enderman core it's time to go enderman slayin also i have so many hearts right now i've got double the hearts this is great yeah yeah boom oh oh he's mad he's mad oh oh no oh he's mad okay okay yes we got him thankfully the hearts came in handy there we need one more oh yeah oh uh sorry buddy oh he's on an island right there poor guy boom did we get the core yes we've got the core and we got the pearls that should be what we need oh my gosh the hearts just keep coming too dude this dragon totem is amazing i'm gonna have as much health as the dragon that should be what we need to make the uh i needed time and some strip mining later and i got myself some diamonds thank you now we can make our dragon diamonds yes dude wow they're amazing and now we can make our dragon diamond sword yeah holy cow it's awesome i can right click with this thing to shoot fireballs holy cow yeah dragon fire oh gosh attack oh my word that looks so cool man dragon fire it apparently does massive damage too yeah whoa the knock back yeah i am powerful if i squat and then right click i become invulnerable the only thing is is that it uses one level every second which is uh kind of expensive guys i think it's time that we get ourselves to the end this world's only big enough for one dragon let's do this we're flying to the end my friends ah ouch well i'm gonna find the stronghold the awesome way through explosions yeah oh is that it yep we've got it we're at the stronghold oh pardon me sir yeah whoa we made it we made it oh my gosh no no no no no ah dragon silverfish i do not like this oh man they get me like stuck stop stop stop they like lock me in place this is so annoying they like trap me get out silverfish thank you i'm trying to move right now that can't there we go oh what a nightmare okay we're here my friends we're at the dragon oops everyone light your candles did you know it's the dragon's birthday she had a great birthday blow out your cake let's do this hello dragon you want to battle time to battle you dragon oh my goodness he's huge oh my word he's got to be like four times bigger than he was before okay yeah oh no i died are you serious oh shoot i'll heal up as much as i can i could use the hearts oh that was so dumb yeah yeah oh man my hearts are back to normal oh no yeah i don't like this yeah one left yes now it's your turn dragon yeah oh oh shoot oh no i threw it off the ledge oh no i don't think i'm ever getting that triton back all right use the fire breath oh that's working that's working that taste of your own medicine there dude ah come on fire breath yeah do i have any food i have apples [Music] get him get him that's it that's it look at how big the dragon is man that's it that's it get as much damage as i can while he's while he's right here yes yes yes yes yes oh my gosh get him he's flying he's flying he's almost gone come on yes yeah holy cow that was intense man that was way harder than i thought thanks for watching we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Craftee
Views: 10,398,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkerplays, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, dragons, dragon, mobs are dragons, dragon mobs, mob dragons, creeper dragon, enderman, enderman dragon, new dragons, how to train your dragon, new craftee
Id: eFyMO9ro9mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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