Minecraft but Dying drops OP items

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minecraft but dying is overpowered by dying in certain ways i'll get op items and weapons i'll be throwing myself into lava getting crushed by anvils and more the crazier the death the crazier the items like the phoenix sword and the anvil wand which i'll let you guess what that does there's also a crazy overpowered item that'll help me take out the dragon like that can i do it i bet you're dying to find out dying is opie well thankfully that's the thing i'm best at uh nothing happened what do we got oh we got some new stuff icarius bow the anvel wand oh i see die by a skeleton die by an anvil i'll have to die in specific ways die by walking into a cactus well i i think i could do that one anybody feeling lonely i got a hug right for you ah very nice how about a foot massage oh thank you whoa something happened so i just saw it and yeah there it is we've got we got four of them we can make it so i think we put it like this that's it we've got the cactus ring whoa i'm wearing it right now do you see that pretty fashionable if you ask me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i just noticed this wait a second uh i can see mobs underground the red ones are bad guys now and then the green ones oh i guess they're passive oh that is so cool oh and also it says keep your items on death oh that's amazing enables mob radar and afflicts damage to attackers holy cow this is op i'm gonna keep this in my off hand this is awesome okay now what other things can i create because i'm ready to die again a lot of these are more challenging the next one i can do easy is die from a creeper explosion near gold ore that gets us the ore bombs or bomb or not to bomb i'm gonna get it but first upgrades ah that that should do it excuse me what's so cool about this cactus ring i can literally see right where the cave is just by where the mobs are never dig straight down except when you have a cactus ring get ready for it get ready for battle take this okay we're safe let me grab a couple of these irons all right that should give us what we need that looks like a spider spawner i think i'm gonna avoid that at all costs but there seems promising armor time i also definitely need a shield for this adventure boom let's find some gold there's a creepy boy there ah no gold yet oh i found diamonds though i can't even mine it yet you want to help me out with this excuse me come over here please no don't explode don't explode no stop don't why why guys i have to do everything myself oh no you barely missed it it was one gold away what are the chances that well let's get one more creeper around here okay come over here die with me next to gold is that gonna work okay i kept all my items and i didn't get the item when i died but this should be the coordinates for what is that look at this beast whoa dude i'll take you glowing boy oh i got five charged gold ore how cool is that man but for the recipe i also need gun powder and we can kill a creeper for the gunpowder but i kind of want to do this the fun way take me to spawn thank you i'm hunting for a desert temple i don't see any in this desert i might uh oh wow that was close oh actually it doesn't matter if i die yeah fella ah there you are i want to get gunpowder i'll take the golden apple and the gold some string for a bow some gun powder yes please and some iron my job here is done ah safe and sound back at my house we should make a house right here yes i know i could have done it with a bed but this is funnier okay so if i put my charge gold door like that i put my gun powder here there we go we got our ore bombs probably shouldn't throw it in my newly created house so let's go ahead and leave here and toss this bad boy boom holy cow it drops all the items in a concise little area this is fantastic what happens if i just do like this boom it doesn't matter if i die either oh i have 64 iron holy cow what am i supposed to do with all this let's go to diamond level boom boom boom no diamonds yet might as well toss some more of these look at this massive hole boom this is by far the coolest weight of mine of all time oh come on man give me some diamonds oh i think i see some yeah 17 diamonds sick shakalaka hey there we go 24 diamonds boom that's our last one any more diamonds to spare wow yep that gave us a full stack i think we are set on diamonds speaking of diamonds just to make you mad i'm rich guys i'm fine i'm basically japhysius oh what am i doing stacking up i can just die home sweet home the next item on my eye is the aquarius bow now to get the feathered bowstring i need to dive by a skeleton while at least 10 blocks in the air i have a plan first find a big hole check next get naked find a skeleton i'm gonna jump over the hole while he shoots me but he's gotta kill me as i'm jumping one two no close we got this i'm gonna jump down here yes yes yes now shoot me a couple times that's it that's it jump no jump no why did he jump off the edge i'm fine oh no oh perfect perfect three two one yes i think i did it it's got to be at the bottom of this cliff this had to have worked i see string is that normal string or not oh ouch i'm okay i'm okay did we get it i picked it up i got yep feathered bowstring we've got it man that was hard let's make this a carious bow dude we've got the aquarius bow my friends or aquarius bow icarus bow i hold it on the tip of my fingers whoa what the heck i just tried to jump to get out of the out of the door what hold on whoa i don't need a door anymore i got myself a jump wait wait wait if i shoot with the bow uh that does normal damage if i jump and then shoot boom one hit kill not only do i get feather falling and jump boost with this bow but apparently when i'm in the air look it turns enchanted when i'm in the air you see that i wonder how powerful this is i guess we won't know until we get to the dragon but we'll get there my friend how about a bunny i can't do it so far we have some insanely op items and the next one i want to find is the anvil wand it says die by an anvil that has fallen greater than 50 blocks that is so hard to do in solo thankfully i got a lot of raw iron from the big ore explosions and so this shouldn't be that difficult that's called foreshadowing well that is all of our iron smelting up here so we should get our anvils in no time i only need one to complete the challenge but i figured making many will make this a lot easier while that's smelting let's get some upgrades oh yeah i literally don't need armor but we'll get a sword we'll get a new pickaxe and shoot we're so rich we'll make a show and a hubble a a show what am i trying to say we should have plenty of iron now one two three anvils three anvils if we need more we can come back to get this iron later but for now i do have a plan on how to get this thing it's not gonna be easy the big trick is the anvil has to kill me not fall damage so i can't just do this because then i die from full damage and not the anvil but if i make a bucket i get some high quality h2o and then i put some water on the very bottom of this thing death for me i'm gonna jump this okay i'm gonna look up like this put the anvil yeah yeah there we go land in the water and then boom i think that should do it i'm looking for the item down here did i get it um i don't i didn't get any anvil fragments i might not have been high enough i'm gonna do it this way so there's no confusion i'm gonna block up until it's 64 blocks that is an entire stack of dirt oh man i forgot to put the water down there all right fine [Music] water goes right there and now our slow climb back to the top now here's the challenge i also have to place down the anvil in a way that will kill me so if i put dirt up like this hop down here what i can do is i can toss the anvil up there while i fall down hopefully landing in the water anvil drops on top of me and we make it out alive well technically make it out dead wish me luck i gotta jump up toss the anvil yep that's it that's it land in the water perfect and then anvil kills me and uh oh oh oh i did get him i did get him anvil fragments yes success to make our crazy anvil all we need is a stick so we definitely got this thing boom we've got the anvil wand look at this it looks awesome it's an inter-dimensional anvil it's an anvil from an alternate universe where you are actually subscribed that universe has free cookies so might as well i don't know if this is a weapon or not but there's a village nearby and i had no reason to go until right now i want to see if i can do some damage with this thing you're marked in green but i hate the color green yeah oh it drops an anvil oh that is so mean [Laughter] oh no it's sunny out today with a chance of metal i love it i've killed enough today now we need some weapon upgrades we got the phoenix sword which looks insane dude die by falling in the nether's lava with diamonds i've got plenty of diamonds but i have zero nether let's fix that i have one more piece of lava to place uh how am i gonna manage this hold on yeah yeah ah there we go boom we've got ourselves a a pretty large nether portal nether time guys we're about to speed run the nether like nobody's business oh man where's the lava i'm mining straight down i don't even care if i fall on lava that's kind of the point of this ooh and there's a fortress here that'll be convenient all right did i get it i did i've got the phoenix diamonds yes now i can make myself the dragon killing phoenix i need blaze rods oh man there are mobs everywhere yeah maybe i should have kept that diamond armor from earlier but uh we got it now hello gentlemen who wants to have a smackdown boom oh i forgot i got to do i'm jumping boom one hit kill oh i missed them i missed them am i out of arrows are you serious yeah no blazes yet give me your arrows dudes ouch all right we got a couple of arrows that'll help got some blazes up top that might be a spawner should we just line up to him watch this ready boom got him and boom oh that's amazing i got a blazer i think i need one or two more easy peasy there might be a spawner over here question is can i make this jump oh yeah yeah i can one more that'll do it need a little more blaze powder and now we've got it the phoenix sword yes oh my goodness this thing is so sick looking holy cow i'm afraid to know what this does it gives me fire resistance strength and it prevents true death what is true death i see a lot of blazes over here i need 10 more for the end so i might as well boom boom oh easy peasy yeah yeah they can't even light me on fire now so they can't do anything oh i love fighting blazes without lighting on fire oh careful now you're gonna kill me dawg oh what the it gave me the reward post mortal i guess i i resurrected from the dead and it gave me regeneration oh this sword is so sweet i literally can't die with this thing 10 blaze rods that should do it next up on my list the warp boots i need ender pearl fragments and i need to die via ender pearl overuse i need dinner pearls anyway to get to the dragon so it's bastion time now really i think this should be a piece of cake if i die that's fine i respawn and also i can't take any damage from lava yeah question is if i remove the sword to mine the gold oh no then i'm actually gonna die for real holy cow this is getting crazy i just got ah i just gotta kill everybody first i can't see a thing i do have a golden apple in my inventory i can eat that if i need it oh gosh okay i'm gonna eat the golden apple real quick now i can mine pretty quickly go go go go go go get the gold get the gold get the gold i don't want to die for real it'll take forever to come back here eight nine this should be everything i need and oh i got another i didn't get i'll take that all day looting sword too all right i'm out yeah it's been fun boys please give me some pearls that would be very kind of you also i can make a smithing table no problem and that means i can combine my diamond chest plate with my netherite to make myself a nether right chest plate yeah we're getting op as ever look at me man the boots are next we need some inner pearls for that and then after that the next up is our dragon turret which i can get from dying from dragon's breath so we gotta get that next but first we gotta get our pearls oh i see some pearls yes four pearls this is the worst day ever i gotta waste the ender pearls by dying yeah ah ah that gave it to me though i got the inner pearl fragments i only used one as well we got ourselves the warp boots hey they look fashionable man i look so cool teleports you to an entity you face on sneak i faced on them and i sneaked on them whoa hello gentlemen [Music] that worked out where i teleported to him take that dude can i get back over oh there we go these are cool all right guys give me the pearls all right we're leaving this place with 13 inner pearls now question can i teleport through blocks oh it does haha this is so op all right let's get to the dragon my friends because that dragon turrets calling my name parker parker you can hear him too i need dragon's breath so i gotta make a couple of bottles for that and i need a couple of obsidian obsidian acquired sand acquired and we got glass and from glass to bottles all right let's do this thing guide me to the light uh yes anybody seen a portal how come this is a flame sword and yet it doesn't light up the ground i gotta hold a blaze powder in my hand but a giant fire sword doesn't light up your path nope ah one two three who's ready for the dragon it's a me boom one more eye for good luck all right here's the plan my friends i'm going in there having him spit dragon's breath on me and then i'm crafting or oh i saw the i saw the eye hey there's the eye and then immediately i'm gonna craft the dragon turret hello dragon i would like you to spit on me please don't take that out of context you can kill me that's fine it'll give me plenty of hell thank you very much i'd have to make sure i keep wearing my sword dragon's breath we got dragons breath okay put the glass bottles in my hand grab as many of this yep yep that i can got her dragon essence yes because i died inside of the dragon's breath and i've got the dragon's breath here too oh my gosh this is getting crazy okay place down the cracking table and i think i should be able to make it what do i need what do i need i need one more obsidian please mine faster i can't put the sword in my hand to stop me from dying because i got a pickaxe in it there we go that should do it dragons turret has been crafted my friends it's time to rock and roll dragon turret go dude oh there it goes there it goes it's it's shooting the fire's breath look it's like a heat-seeking missile holy cow all right well i can help him at least to take out these uh these crystals now if i squat at it yeah my boots work these count as entities so now i can teleport and break all these healers go ah take that dumb dragon boom dude we did it we killed the dragon well that was op ways to die if you guys want to be op for yourself subscribe for more of these crazy videos we're on our way to 250 000 subscribers can this video hit 30 000 likes
Channel: Craftee
Views: 15,596,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkerplays, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, dying is op, op, dying, ways to die in minecraft, op items, op weapons, lava, dying by, minecraft death, deaths in minecraft, skeleton, creeper, tnt, falling
Id: Qc815u06imQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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