I Made Minecraft Mobs Better...

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Minecraft Mobs have been the same for years so today I'm going to be upgrading different Minecraft mobs and adding them to the game there are a ton of mobs in Minecraft so I'm going to be picking eight of my favorite mobs and then adding some new variants of them to the game and we'll start with some Iron Golems first I added the classic diamond golem you can get this guy by placing an iron golem formation except you use diamonds instead and once this guy has spawned you are able to hire him for one Diamond after that you have your own Diamond bodyguard that will follow you around anywhere and keep you safe next we have the netherite Golem and spawning him is the same except it's netherite you can only spawn this guy in the Nether and the difference between him and the diamond golem is you can't tame him instead he just tries to kill you the second he spawns if you do kill the netherite Golem you only get one netherite back so basically he is useless unless you want to start a Golem fighting ring or something the furnace Golem is spawned using furnaces obviously and he is probably one of the most useful Golems I added if you right click the sky with an item that needs to be smelted he will smelt it for you instantly you can also kill him if you're a hater and he drops one coal block but you have to be careful while fighting him because he shoots Fireballs at you well they don't really work like Fireballs but you get the point the last Golem is the blood Golem the blood Golem spawns anywhere around the map at any time and if you couldn't tell already he's a boss this is why he does 10 Hearts no matter what even if you have full protection for netherite armor you're still dead you might try to kill the blood Golem with arrows but you will find that that also doesn't work the only actual way to kill the blood Golem is by using cactuses so basically you're dead if you run into this guy now that we have a bunch of new Golems it's time to add some villagers for them to protect the golden villager is the first on our list if you end up finding this guy in your village you'll notice a golden Trail coming from behind him now usually a golden Trail would be bad but in this case it's actually good because this guy is basically an infinite gold Source you can also right click him for some gold ingots punch him for some gold blocks or kill him for a Notch Apple if you're feeling evil I also added the king villager because I figured the village needed a leader the king villager is also the only villager in the game that will fight you but of course he only fights if you hit him first if you kill the king he drops a king's crown which when you wear it gives you some pretty good effects it also covers half your head but we'll just ignore that part the next villager is the homeless villager and you might be wondering why I added a homeless villager because that's basically what a nitwit is the difference between them is that this villager can beg for emeralds and upon giving him Emerald something happens that you might not expect I guess we now know how this guy became king the last villager is the buff villager who isn't technically a villager the buff villager is very strong and as you can see he also likes to fight everything if you do kill the buff villager you get nothing so honestly I would just stay away from this guy he isn't worth it for the next mob I added some zombies so the villagers and Golems can have an enemy I added four zombies and I started off simple with the Alex zombie the Alex zombie doesn't do anything special it's just a regular zombie with an Alex skin you might also notice that her arms don't go up like an actual zombie for some reason the custom zombies just don't do that but honestly it makes them look more scary so I'm fine with it the next zombie is the nether zombie which is supposed to set you on fire but just doesn't this zombie can be found in all the different biomes in the Nether and upon killing it you get a blaze rod making him actually pretty useful he does a lot more damage than a regular zombie though so I would definitely be careful of this guy another zombie you should be careful of is the demon zombie this guy can spawn anywhere and he wields two netherite swords just to be intimidating he speeds up whenever he attacks you and he does a lot of damage especially with no armor the demon zombie actually has a lot of health and every time you hit it zombies will spawn his backup if you do manage to go through the pain of killing this guy he will drop another I didn't get so I would say it's definitely worth it to take a fight with him the last zombie I added is the snow zombie obviously found in cold biomes this guy creates a trail of snow Underneath Him wherever he walks and when he attacks you he will actually throw snowballs at you totally an original mob design if you kill this zombie you will get some frozen flesh and upon trying to eat this you'll realize it doesn't work you actually have to smelt Frozen flesh into a rotten flesh using a furnace or a furnace Golem if you happen to find one now that we've made all these mobs it's time to add some animals so next I made some cows I decided to make the first cow just a default cow except it's black and white but after that I added everyone's favorite flower cows I added the moolip in the moo Bloom which both can spawn inside of flower forests if you milk the moolip it will give you mullet milk and if you milk a moo Bloom you get Moo Bloom milk the moolip milk is beneficial to drink as it gives you strength and regeneration for 30 seconds but the moo blue milk on the other hand doesn't really do the same thing I mean it's your fault if you drink this anyways this does not look like something you should drink the next cow is the evil cow who likes to hurt you that's really it he also drops Redstone which is supposed to be blood because he's sort of like a blood cow and then I also added the ghost cow the ghost cow is one of the most interesting mobs I've added so far as it's able to fly well he's kinda able to fly even though this is more like hovering the ghost cow is also aggressive like the evil cow but another interesting thing is you are able to ride him okay I still died while riding him that doesn't make any sense if you have a ton of golden apples you were able to ride him is what I meant to say if you've been playing Minecraft for a while you're probably familiar with the blue creeper skin so I decided to add the blue creeper to the game next you can find a blue creeper and snow biomes only and if you kill this guy he gives you a TNT he blows up like a normal creeper except for some reason he has no animation and is also able to move while exploding I'm honestly not sure how to fix that but it makes the creepers more dangerous so it's honestly a good glitch the cactus creeper is another type of creeper that I added just because it looks funny like imagine walking through a desert biome and then this happens since the creeper was made from a messed up pig originally it only makes sense to be in the game the pig creeper is insanely fast for some reason and if you want some of that speed for yourself you can actually ride the pig creeper just like you can ride a normal Pig just be careful while riding in survival or this might happen the skull creeper can be found in the deep dark and it infects anything it stands on kind of like a Snow Golem but with skull if you kill a skull creeper all you get is some skulk veins but this game is definitely one of the best looking mobs so far so I still added it the last creeper is the noob creeper which is the only creeper that doesn't explode the noob creeper doesn't really do anything and it only has half art so it only takes one punch to kill it he also drops a flower if you kill him that's it the chicken has been in the game for a long time so let's make some chickens next first I had to add the best mob of all time a duck the duck is impossible to kill in order to prevent duck violence and if you give it some bread you can actually hire one of these guys to take out some mobs for you I also added a dodo bird as another type of chicken I'm pretty sure I made it so the dodo bird can't do anything at all because apparently they were stupid so since they do nothing I decided to make them drop a Notch Apple if you're okay with making them extinct again the nether chicken spawns in the Nether and he's mainly found in Soul Sand valleys if you get in a fight with another chicken you'll find he sets you on fire when he hits you and after killing another chicken you get nothing I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen but I'm leaving it that way he'll just be annoying since there is another chicken I also made an Ender chicken which spawns in the end but also in the Overworld just like a normal Enderman Ender chickens make the same sounds as Enderman and when you kill one of them it drops an ender pearl as well the only difference is the Ender chicken doesn't teleport away he doesn't know how to do that next added some spiders to the game and somehow these were some of my favorite mobs this spider is from Minecraft dungeons and it's called a cave spider so I just named it a cavern spider it looks kind of like a skulk spider so I made it spawn in the deep dark and I also made it give you the darkness effect just like the warden when it attacks you the next spider is a toxic spider which is basically just a cave spider but it can spawn anywhere I will say it moves much faster than a cape spider though which I don't know if that's a good thing I'm also pretty sure cave spiders don't give poison to so this guy actually might be a little op the reaper spider is something you don't want to run into which is why I gave it a Boss Bar to let you know if it's in your area the reaper spider is the same as the toxic spider except it does more damage and when it bites you it gives you all of these effects the fact that Steve is able to survive a bite from this guy just proves he's built different because this spider is insane one of my favorite spiders is the Ice Spider which spawns in cold biomes and instead of potion effects he just freezes you upon biting you I also just noticed these spiders do an absurd amount of damage this guy 3 hit me the last spider I added is the skeleton spider and this one is interesting because he acts like a real skeleton he actually shoots arrows at you well it's more like throwing them at me because they look like this but that's fine now that our game is looking like Australia I decided to move on to some wardens first I added the blood Warden if you hit the blood Warden there's a chance of him spawning a warden to fight for him as backup and if he hits you you get teleported to a random area around the warden okay I actually just noticed that his wardens attack him so maybe this isn't the best design anyways he drops a totem when you kill him but you're probably not going to be able to do that at least without the help of the other wardens a warden you will be able to kill though is the new board and the new Warden is similar to the noob creeper except you can tame him using skull catalysts you have to be careful about where you bring your new board in though because one hit from anything and he is dead the last warden in the last Mob of the video is probably the best mob I've ever added it's Shrek I don't know why I added Trek I just saw him and thought it was funny but basically Shrek spawns in a swamp and he is passive until he finds you in his swamp now that we've added all these mobs the question is does this make Minecraft better I don't really know if better is the word but the game is definitely a lot more interesting with all these new mobs in the game so I'm going to have to say yes Minecraft is better
Channel: Eider
Views: 262,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GpaGMFrlvFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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