Minecraft but Everything I Touch turns to TNT

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minecraft but everything i touch turns into tnt my goal is to turn the whole world into tnt and unlocking new items to help me on my journey like the tnt sword bow and hearts we will work our way up to the most powerful item of all the giant tnt there's only one mob standing in our way the legendary tnt dragon can i transform the world and defeat the new dragon i will try with all my dino might uh what a beautiful world not tnt let's change that i just noticed the tnt underneath my feet down here check it out boom look look look everything's tnt everywhere i run this is gonna get so dangerous dude if i accidentally light these up i think i'm gonna break minecraft and my computer i think it's gonna be the same as before where as soon as i pick up anything yep it's tnt well great okay if i pick up the wood then yeah yeah the wood what what is this bucket of tnt it places infinite tnt okay i've got to get that boss bar to 100 my friends ah wait what the heck just happened tnt crafting table oh it looks beautiful dude and what do we got giant tnt oh a lot of new tnts too locked until 25 oh i guess we got to fill that boss bar up and i know just the way to do it would you like the tnt there you go oh wait here you go ah beautiful thanks for the food buddy and i think it even lights up yeah even the world lights up with tnt a little bit i'm glad the bucket tnt doesn't light the ground too because if those blew up uh world would be done got some more food be careful picking those up does this turn to tnt oh what if i just beat a cow oh he turns into a tnt and decal don't worry buddy you're the bomb give me your tnt leather so i can make tnt armor oh i keep picking it up i keep picking up the tnt dude the boss bar has made almost no progress so what kind of new tnt stuff can we make oh we got the perk chart here this tells us at what percentage we unlock certain things that's cool ah but we should be able to make a tnt sword easily and the tnt boots i need a stick and this should give us our tnt sword hey look at that dude whoa let's find a village for the emeralds we can kill some monsters on the way over yeah yeah gunpowder i need that careful don't put in my hands dude that's so sick whoa i killed multiple mobs hey there's a village i'm looking for some emeralds anybody got something oh what did i just i turned my gun powder into a tape wait what happens if i punch you do you turn oh you're a tnt villager no way you look amazing can i still trade with you yeah uh you're a little more expensive but i mean you're the tnt variant so he's pretty rare ah do i get gunpowder yes i do careful don't touch it we're putting this over here so i don't actually scroll over it hey look at that i made some progress so uh that's good it's a little but uh i'm making my way up oh hi guys uh leather i i could do that what do you trade little guy potatoes harvesting potatoes for my oops i'm gonna go get leather sorry for uh breaking your farm there buddy do you mind giving me your skin please thank you very much and that should do it i love how they fly to space the nice thing it is impossible to get lost because i leave literally a trail of destruction who do i need you yeah there we go two emeralds please thank you very much what a deal it is getting pretty late i haven't eaten in a while so i think i'm gonna find a place and try to rest it off do you mind if i steal your bed too bad ah good morning uh sorry dude i might have broken your bed with my uh body ah everything i touch dude can i eat any food at all ah no okay stop touching the food all right i got my emeralds i can make my boots ah i need one more gunpowder but i also noticed the tnt hearts that's awesome converts your hearts into tnt hearts when you take damage you'll explode alright you need a piece of sand hello piggyboy thank you for your gunpowder oh shoot i gotta turn him into tnt pigs first what does a tnt chicken look like aha very nice yeah make you tnt pigs i turned my thing into i turned my santa to tnt i gotta stop doing that man i gotta be more careful yeah i'm actually making a little progress right now i feel good you know what else we're making progress on is subscribers thank you for subscribing guys it's been insane growth love you all 16 gunpowder i think that should do it i've killed enough pigs for one lifetime sorry i didn't mean to squeal about it yeah one thing i haven't even tried yet can i make tools can i make a pickaxe uh let's see oh tnt pickaxe tnt pickaxe and i've got a tnt sword oh this is sweet dude let's try this out shall we oh i thought it was going to explode never mind it's just a normal pickaxe let's get some cobblestone and we got a furnace to turn this sand into oh gosh dang it how am i supposed to cook this hand wait i have an idea i throw the sand into lava oh alright furnaces there we go let's smelt that up and now we should be able to make our tnt heart yes please hey look at that oh i got tnt hearts i wanted to make tnt boots but i have to make more progress and i found edible tnt it gives me buffs and explodes in a huge area i need a ton of iron and plus i really need some food dude otherwise your boy's gonna die we got our boy over here and i honestly just want to know what a tnt iron golem looks like yeah oh my god oh my gosh oh wow are you still mad at me i'm a new guy i have a mustache look ow come on man why hey hey hey we can be friends we can be friends uh grab grab my stuff grab my stuff i need my tnt sword where is it at don't touch anything in my inventory protect me gunk uncle it's like an uncle but gunky oh okay we're safe up here for right now please don't explode got him wow that was fast we got some oh gunpowder i needed iron looks like your boy's going caving also that death means that i have plenty of hunger sick oh an iron golem spawned inside this building right here hello anybody dying in there oh man did he just actually no you survived well put you out of your misery iron yes before i ruin it i'm putting in my inventory down into the darkness we go uh can i collect coal i should be able to turn coal into torches and if it's in my offhand yeah that works all right sweet our boss bar is filling up here pretty quick too so we should get to 10 before we're able to craft our edible tnt awesome iron yes please a little more iron here and that should oh my goodness wow that did some serious explosion damage i gotta be careful of creepers iron ooh double iron that was a bad i exploded it gosh dang it my dang tnt hearts it sounded cooler than it actually is i'll be honest well the bad news is i died good news is new perks i can make the edible tnt now yeah not today you can't stop me i'm the gingerbread man just a little more iron and then we can make this upgrade my dude we are making progress like nobody's business oh no oh no creepy boys attack why are they like lighting up now they're like they're like glowing i don't know what that is yeah all right that should do it ah the sunlight oh no no no oh no oh no what a nice warm welcome to the surface while this is smelting for our upgrade i did notice that since we got 10 we should have a new perk our perk is sneak and look at a mob to make it explode oh yes so that's what the glowing thing was so if i look at a mob i shouldn't do with the villager and then i sneak at him he explodes it doesn't work at a long distance i gotta be pretty close to him but this is an awesome perk all right these are done smelting this should give me everything i need one two three we got it edible tnt this is ridiculous man i guess we just munch on this look it's on a frying pan this is so cool i love it just in case uh because i definitely need this village for later i'm gonna walk away and hope that i don't explode when i munch on this bad boy all right that should be good three two one munch munch munch and whoa yep yep that did it that's exactly what i thought oh it gave me uh speed resistance and haste oh i like edible tnt man and most importantly i can actually eat food now which is nice yeah we're making serious progress too look at that bar we need to get to 25 and then we can make ourselves the tnt boots i know just what to do come on just a little further it also explodes if i take damage too right boom oh that's way faster i think one more jump yeah yeah 25 we got a new perk i know i know i'm back i promise i won't break anything this time all right unless i get hungry and then i will literally break your entire town let's check our perk chart here we got to 25 it says causing explosions regenerates your health yes and we can make our tnt boots let's be walk on air i guess all right well we made them oh we also unlocked the tnt bow it shoots explosive arrows i need string before we get the tea and tebow i want to try out these boots dude i got my tnt boots on looking pretty explo whoa whoa it lights it lights oh gosh oh gosh oh my word all right yeah that'll be used for making some progress look at it go oh my goodness wow wow okay yeah these things are going to be dangerous oh gosh i forgot to put them on oops oh my gosh look at it it's like playing spleef but in midair this is actually horrifying look at it go whoa yeah take this cows uh how do i get down guys uh i have an idea take the boots off jump in the water yeah well can't say i don't deserve that lesson learned can't jump in water oh hello if that's not revenge i don't know what is we've definitely made some progress but i want to make more i should be able to wear armor as long as i don't put it in my hand yeah that's it as long as i don't put in my hot bar haha we got it our next one i want to make is a t and t bow so i need string and the tnt wand which sounds amazing requires diamonds and then one day the giant tnt will be ours we will conquer the world excuse me sir you're breathing on the back of my neck i can feel you i'm literally like on his property turned his whole place into tnt and i'm complaining about him being too close to me if i can fall in water does that mean that if i fall in lava then it turns into tnt2 i can just get into a cave during doing this oh wait a minute if i break bedrock i'll fall into the void i gotta be careful what why are we at why 11. oh gosh oh is that bedrock no okay okay we're fine we're fine we made it we made it oh wow wow wow wow wow what am i doing get me out of here okay stop stop wow i'm not doing that again i'm gonna find a cave the old-fashioned way any diamonds around here oh there's lava though can i walk over this yes i can ouch yes crabs i'm looking for the diamonds i can grab these while i'm here this will give me the bow upgrade ah they got to be around here somewhere this is the longest i've ever spent looking for diamonds well i might as well enjoy the snack while i'm here ouch oh gosh the tnt keeps lighting but i don't think it actually explodes so that's helpful oh yeah i forgot my food gives me haste too that's convenient it's a beautiful day found some diamonds yeah anymore would you like to spoil me i wouldn't tell well we got seven diamonds so that should give us what we need and before i forget i can actually make the tnt bow now which shoots explosive arrows and when i got my upgrade i got some free arrows so this might help us make some progress here yeah to get to whoa to get to 50 pretty dang quick yeah wow yeah that's moving the bar a lot faster boom who needs diamonds when you got a tnt bow man this thing is sweet we got some friends whoa careful oh all right all right all right we're making some progress on there ow ow ow hey hey hey don't explode me dude that's my job i think with just a couple more shots we should get our yeah 50 reached summon a local tnt doggo wait what oh my gosh tnt dogs oh i love it so much hi guys oh we got tnt wolfies dude and i guess they just hang out with me and fight mobs oh yes please we're getting real op now dude this is sick get him boys yeah dude nice job little guy and we unlocked our tnt wand all right that should do it come on boys back to the surface at last you guys want some meat get em boys yeah we're back and i got some friends can we keep them can we keep them oh did you just blow them up guys why well i mean literally their dogs made a tnt what should i expect let's make our tnt wand stop killing them stop don't stop killing the neighbors ah for your sake i gotta move out of town now we can make our tnt wand shoots an explosion projectile that bounces between multiple targets now now i wanna make the giant tnt and i don't know how to get these crazy ones yet i'm assumed the wand has something to do with it but we need end of pearls anyway so that's our next goal whoa it's a whole pack enderman over there hi buds how do i do this right click whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm right-clicking i think i got him oh come on it just gave me gunpowder i like shooting the tnt though i got him i got him i got a pearl hey yeah get him get him oh it's heat seeking too sick yeah this will get the progress bar up pretty quick here whoa back up dude oh my gosh we unlocked 75 this must be the perk for unlocking 75 this is crazy i need one more pearl for my giant tnt there's a whole army of endermen here we got to get it we got to get it come on yes yes yes yes we've got it oh we got a bunch of them at 75 this should have unlocked our giant tnt oh it also unlocked the super compressed compressed and ultra compressed tnt so i made a compressed tnt uh oh i see i see wait a minute so we need nine super compressed to make them compressed and then let me guess yep yep all right this uh this might take a while i should have enough tnt to blow up a whole mountain how much can i make i can make 33 oh that's not bad turn those into super compressed tnt three of them three of them man this is gonna take a while all right let's make this thing blow up speaking of blow up you wanna help the channel blow up you can hit subscribe all right we can make super compressed uh make the super compressed and we've got enough wait a minute all that to make one ultra compressed how many of those do i need two of them oh my gosh somebody do the math for me on how many tnt this explosion is check the comments somebody did it it's got to be like 20 000. hey check it out we got a tea and treat okay i have stacks upon stacks will this be enough we got it we got it the giant tnt spews out the tnt absolutely everywhere yes yes yes we have to drop it on the floor to activate it let's find a good place to blow this guy up if it's big enough it might even blow the sky up all right boys you ready let's do this thing yeah i tossed it i tossed it oh my goodness that was a bad idea this was a bad idea run run run is this far enough whoa look at it go oh my gosh yeah oh my word yes dude holy cow that was insane dude oh my look at everything is tnt everything i'm not fully sure what just happened i have five more of these dude what was that is this where the giant tnt was uh 100 reached the weight of the end has opened dude we have tnt end portal oh that's amazing but before we go i want to try this one more time oh that's so amazing oh my gosh yes wow oh i love it oh wow that ah there's a goat up here oh hi all right let's do this thing yeah i'm here and my boys are here with me ah heck yeah whoa the end is made of tnt what the the tnt dragon no no oh oh my gosh i'm exploding i'm exploding what the heck dude look at this he's a tnt dragon oh my okay this will be interesting whoa he shoots giant tnts at me ah the crystals are easy to explode thankfully yeah yeah yeah come on we all come on are you serious yes yes giant tnt attack yes oh my goodness it's not doing any damage [Music] oh oh that did that did giant tnt go two giant tnts come on come on this is insanity shoot him with the tnt one get him yes the dragon has been destroyed and you know what you should do drag on your finger over to the like and the subscribe button to watch more of these kind of videos all right that was cheesy i'm sorry see you guys
Channel: Craftee
Views: 11,865,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkergames, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, gold, midas touch, everything turns to gold, tnt, TNT, tnt touch, everything turns to tnt, minecraft but tnt, worlds largest tnt, worlds biggest tnt, so much tnt, best way to get tnt
Id: BURCNI0_u58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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