Minecraft, but it's Raining TNT (ft. jschlatt)

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Kluber how do you play any play this game you think we should make a house my French lattimer's - lattice Meister are gonna be doing a little bit of Minecraft challenge fuel today I hope you're already Jonathan slap are you there you better not scare me I'm ready for you this time it's not gonna work you can't you can't scare me this time out of your ass well Bert's time to play Minecraft you ready I was still ready for you I was ready for you and you still got me you [ __ ] wha-bam oh I'm in creative mode no one no one look at that and we're both in crazy mode I think aren't we actually oh no no no not at all I'm not in creative mode no I'm gonna take away your crazy much fun no don't take away my kelp blocks today slap the sky is falling oh my god you are using mower do that now look at you go they fought me the lawnmower do you know that you know they call me the lawn mowed I'm sure this will help kick off your presidential campaign as well in a way well so yep welcome to our lovely pristine beautiful world there's a pig over there he's eyeing us up slap oh he's trying to look away now he's pretending he can't see her I don't know what you're talking about pick the pig don't do this to me man I know you can see it - I actually don't see anything whatever well it's not important it's not it's like the least important thing that's gonna be happening because the sky is falling the sky is falling and by that I mean TNT will be raining from look just like that I saw that coming and I didn't even say anything I don't know why I just did you want to see me suffer so just like that the TNT will be raining from the heavens not creepers TNT and okay we've just got to survive dude oh I now have this role I have full control over how much TNT will fall how close it will fall to us and at what rate I like this I like this I have two buttons what [Music] where's that plant no how about every three minutes we'll shrink the border and then every six minutes will increase the TMT you're throwing a whole lot of numbers at me just say yeah and at the end of the day at the end of the day Wilber I just stream minecraft so just say yes that's a good idea Wilber sir line it's it's it's flying right over my head you're still a monster of imagery thank you right up set the timer let's begin so let's build a house did you hear that what never mind I thought I thought it's getting a little too it's getting a little scary Wilbur I don't know what ancient tribe did you upset with you I thought you were a zombie oh my god no you [ __ ] cannot chill with me can I chill with you run run Barker II must be in retrograde tonight Wilbur shall we look up what my star sign says what my horoscope is today course yeah what's your horoscope let's find out Virgo your master of your mind and ability to stay disciplined about your goals is impressive Virgo how do you know my name your name is Virgo apparently come to this I may be called upon to assist in some other project well someone else's emotional trauma yeah I actually needed some emotional support earlier will burn you weren't there for me you weren't there for I'm here for you now dude come on there's Wilbury are you feeling better dude no sugar you're mining sugar on the ground what do you think I'm [ __ ] doing Virgo come on I'm not a fake news kind of guy even maybe the reason you're not looking at your horoscope is why this is happening maybe you're the reason mercury is in retrograde huh you think of that yep economic right this is a lot to throw on me Wilbur and it's kind of going against your star sign horoscope today oh I'm sorry dude I'm supposed to be leaning on you for emotional support and you know you're kind of [ __ ] with me right now I'm one block short that's my horoscope said that actually up it's time to shrink the border there's such a culture difference between us well Barry you really have no idea what's going on these days and I am I am on the pulse my fingers on the pulse it is pulsing and I am receiving all of the data and here you it's telling me that you have absolutely no data you're talking about Taba what is ABBA then they make a song that like your your pile of dust and office likes a lot whose my pile of dust in office I don't know you tread misters I'm gonna tread right over your stupid ass country like we did so many centuries ago I would like food I'm gonna kill this he doesn't even care about me you hungry he doesn't even care about me I'm talking about the skeleton oh I'm talking about the skeleton you still don't care about me though I mean it's it's painfully obvious how many times I've tried to open up to you already and you just off I just I do worry about you dude but I worry about you for different reasons you don't you don't have a license day to give emotional support seemingly either I'm here with my go ways to support you well bury my girlfriend broke up with me over a bowl of mac and cheese this was just some vague period in the past yep yep oh it's gone out to grab a bite with my girl mm-hmm and I was like you know what I'm gonna treat you to something nice and so I bought her a bowl of mac and cheese like a real man would yeah and then she broke up with me and she wouldn't even pay the bill can you believe that you virtually wouldn't even pay the bill I'm sorry that happened to you dude there's plenty more fish in the sea maybe the love of your life is right under your nose dude just plenty more Max and the cheese it's plenty more max in the cheese dude now get out and get em tiger you all right I no longer feel safe you come in here look look fight off the TNT I'm double bagging they call me blaze write that on a sign so don't don't come near me dude can you can I come forward just a little bit just to allocate you know I just wanna look you commemorating this event now you just gotta stand that dude okay but now for their spit to work I have to always stand here sure I'm in the vicinity that's all you got it's just been destroyed what no it looks fine no no no it's fine oh not really well really you we can patch it up okay oh there we go I'm just double bagging and piece over here all right you don't mind I hope you I hope you're having fun blades cuz I'm miserable having fun okay why are you miserable oh that's my window that's my blade window see the issue is blades I spend all my time giving people emotional support that's just me anymore you know you gave me no support over the mac and cheese story no support I said come on get up out of all time oh it's plenty more fish in the sea what about my mac and cheese Wilbur pay you back for the mac and cheese that was my money back and I want my dignity back in what older well preferably the money first oh it's dog now okay let's go [ __ ] it let's go come women when then dude women and men get the mac and cheese debts back did you know that I just kind of slide around now like a snake here I come you know why why cuz I turned off bobbing and now I just slither I just slide all the time grazie let's take out this [ __ ] call the showing blades dude show them your blades show me blades blades madam please please oh oh [ __ ] it's only a boulder shrink don't worry this is my new thing I'm just gonna sound like a snake it's like I can be all cinematic look hold on wait say something cool sailor in a world of uncertainty in a world of uncertainty one man one man found a way to equip two blades dicey oh it is dicey yeah this is hard mode let me in let Wilbur in there we go Thank You blades no problem Wilbur welcome to my welcome to the blade house it's that kind of like the phase house except I take actually 50% of all your revenue I'm going out to fight well there blades is making his big his big day Oh watch I'll give you room unscathed look at this how it's worked out I've turned them on each other you're like slithering around them dude some crab I moved II whopping uh-oh let's get a little dicey out here you've got the agility of an anaconda exactly you know what you know it really does it Wilbur it's it's my ability to to lull them with music well but let me in where the let me in the [ __ ] house thank you did you stop in your mouth [Music] dude it's working I know the sun's rising I know no if they're not coming down dude they're not they're not coming if I'd say you're making them angrier they're on fire is this your doing did you do this what does it sound like if I put my recorder into auto-tune that was phenomenal thank you you kill the monsters dude and now I did I really did you're you're a modern-day bards dude oh I've lost my tunnel I can't get to my tunnel anymore ha looks like we're looking for a new hole ladies and gents any holes our goal especially especially in Minecraft how did I die the house is completely unscathed oh you died but the house is fine I blow up I blow up at the house is fine I don't understand that is it's because it's made with hard English materials is there a way to clear stuff on the floor is there like a command that cleans up everything was laying on the ground is that it is that a thing guys as a get leg is it getting a little laggy yeah it's supposed to be like oh maybe it's kind of chopping off if you can do slash clear oh my god what you do what you do you stupid-ass Virgo Oh what what happened what happened what do [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did you do Wilbur I don't have any stuff oh my god oh I won is diamonds and gold just something to keep us going that's all I ask guys you guys just want me to fail so as a friend and it's showing well bring you've failed me as a friend I'm digging straight blades I'm big knights and you failed me blades you failed me still hear him in my head he was here well burn the end of the games not a good game Minecrafts not a good video game at all it's a bad one I'm out of good video game now yep that's right it's not a good game slap for now though let's let's we're not giving up I'm running this through the completion blades you look you look scary I'm going up if I can get higher than the TNT spawns I'll be safe I was playing look at that instant mining it's like terraria brilliant I'm alive and kicking blades is back blades is I'm looking at blades as Corpse blades is back he's back yet again where are you slaw I want to I want to move I want to move out of the blade Shack do you see me I don't you see me think the blade Shack is being ripped apart every second it is it's gone it's basically gone I'm much gone where am I blades Wilbur your blades on top of this hill oh I just played all the items on the floor I'm gonna make you new blades you [ __ ] better you better stronger blades dude I just made full butt whip oh my god having buddies no you can't be blades no - put those away put those away and call me blades Wilbur you are not oh my god you're asking for now aren't you you know what Wilbur yes close that border in even more let's just go full on blade mode oh my god we're okay this is act - Wilbur how do you play Eddie play this game you think we should make a house make it well house don't die out there it's safer in my dirt hunt I found some wood savoring my dirt hunt Wilbur's safer in here and it makes me how dit been destroyed I am now a nomad once more a man of stone you out of stone wealthiest I write oh it's only a setback you know only half my house minor setback for fillets I've taken so far well have you taken damage no my house dude oh it's fine I'm a-okay what about you two are you okay and I did not I'm not upset at this whole situation that I'm gonna make a I'm honest I'm making a furnace because of how safe is really it's super safe in there I really enjoy how safe it is and that it looks really safe this economic uses look super safe in that any fuel but you know I'm fine because you know well it looks like call me Carson's cousin no no my house dude he's gone and just like that he's gone flat [ __ ] I know I think I think he left already he's gone he's gone he wanted nothing to do with this Wilbur where my knives hey my boy oh Jesus Christ I don't see any wood laying about I've got no [ __ ] saplings well why do you think I have anything I just died god it's getting it's getting a little bad it's getting old is this what the Mayans predicted this is what this is what squad a lot about in his books in retrograde oh my god I'm going this way never strikes in the same place twice it never strikes the same place twice we'll be fine right here we'll be fine right here if I can if I can make this work if I can make this work it might be the best idea I've ever had it might be the best idea I've ever had I'm not going to tell you know I've patented it voices in the world again no you know I've patented it my idea will have impact tell me not telling you my idea whoever wears this TNT falling from I'm finding out I'm going up I'm going up I'm going up I just have to bank on no TNT falling at this specific X + y + Z coordinate I just have to bank on it and if it if I'm lucky I win if I'm lucky I win slot ya know it's never over for me it's never over for me I always win Wilbur you know this is one thing you never realize Bettis Americans we never give up we never give up the close one it's getting a little dicey up here I'm not gonna lie but I'm loving it I can't even hear it anymore it's just peaceful up here now it's just nope I don't want you to join me I want my freedom you've you've you've trapped me in this hell scape and I want out of it what remember in the water one remember what you told me to do and we did it why did I tell you to do oh [ __ ] now you [ __ ] up well very you [ __ ] up I always win how do I always win these challenges Jesus Christ it must suck being you must really suck being you blades has done it once born I wanna 1v1 blades [ __ ] you I'm one be wanting you blades how are you one be wanting me one-on-one super fun Oh William I won already we've got a fun I feel really who you say you are Oh fine sure thing join the server it's a [ __ ] hellhole giving you some two swords first take out this on a good clean fight well were you you underestimate me and my and my name that was given to me by my chieftain you really underestimate me we're gonna make this an even playing field you get two stone swords and I'll get one stone sword okay sure thing right wait no not yet we're not starting okay fine you won't play like this here I come wait oh it's new combat I still won I'm still blades Carlson just joined oh here he is Carlson sorry that's right blades has done blades is done this is it four blades this is blades it's story arc II done now
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 3,819,057
Rating: 4.9679723 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays, jschlatt, tnt, challenge
Id: 3f5CM3OB7KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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