Minecraft, but Lava Rises Every Minute (ft. Jschlatt)

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For anyone who cares the song is "thunder dreams" by "kevin macleod"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/-monkey_business- 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
the lava's rising quite quickly [Music] oh have you seen how quickly it's coming slot i have in fact you know i think you need to stop building quickly hello how many how many views did the last video we've we did get well it's almost on three million i'm pretty sure how much money did you make from that uh at least four pens you know we gotta do man you gotta do it you do you want somebody with some of those pens dude i need some four pens please please geez all right well we're here the water level is uh rising but accepted it's not water it is deadly deadly hot deadly lava yes the exact opposite of water i would go as far as to say what is the opposite of water actually and why are we on top of a tree i don't know the answer to either of those questions but chat don't tell wilbur this but i spawned myself in six pieces of dried kelp before we started so for the first 20 minutes of gameplay we're playing survival minecraft there is nothing will happen once that 20 minute grace period is up every minute the lava level will rise if push comes to shove wilbur we'll just bust out the kelp blocks and say a little prayer i'd like to thank my friend josh a20 as well he's going to be manually putting in the inputs because i still can't do command plus it's been organizing i've been mobilizing and i'm very happy to announce that i that you guys can support my new presidential campaign right and this is the part this is the part where you put my my merch link in the video wilbur okay yeah well i mean i don't know how i'm supposed to support your presidential campaign schlapp because i'm not from america i'm from one of the other countries that isn't american you're not where are you from from the uk that must suck every time we try and start this stream i have my i have my fan going and you always told me to switch it off because it sounds awful yeah it does sound turn it turn it on turn on the fan turn on the fan this is what happens when you live in a backwards nation that doesn't have air conditioning yeah yeah no this is fine i'm feeling lovely right now i feel really cool where are you man there's not very many landmarks around here it is just forest oh yeah something else i should probably mention when the lava has actually risen we won't be able to respawn that's it that's the end for us you're right are you heading underground by the way i'm kind of doing land things you know land things the kind of stuff people do on land like taxes and slaughtering cattle no mining coal well we have coal we don't need coal you need to do underground things you're so bossy i'm not i'm not i'm just worried i'm scared dude what are you worried about global warming dude but this time instead of the sea levels rising it's it's the it's the lava levels rising i found some iron you found some iron yep oh [ __ ] dude and we still have we still have 11 minutes to go we can definitely go and get diamonds dude how much iron have you got five that's a pick and a pick and a tahoe i do math you are so good at math i'm so good at minecraft man up top no i don't know about that i wouldn't say that look at me look at me i'm the most confident minecraft player on the planet i have not hit the sprint key once because i believe in my legs maybe you should start pressing the spring key why is that well maybe you'd win more minecraft mondays i already won one yeah no i haven't been invited exactly exactly that's kind of stage one in it you're kissing yourself this guy worries so much guys i'm a little bit of a warrior he's such a warrior he's such a warrior he just doesn't ever stop worrying should we should we relax then and start like i think we should we're gonna do let me uh let me light up a dried kelp block i joined the misfits by the way did you know you're nervous for good reason i mean lava's coming very very soon two minutes 37 seconds to be precise in two minutes lava is gonna come yeah we should actually no we're fine because we're way above sea level right now look so wait let's figure out where sea level is am i safe yeah the water the lava is now going to rise every minute i don't know where it is i need iron yeah but we it's too late dude you've missed your irony charms i need i need my my gold we've got you've got you have like 45 seconds until it rises again man i'm getting i'm fine i'm building up dude i'm ignoring you you're building up already yes because we we will die we will okay fine i'll build just a little you're just so paranoid about all this stuff look you guys i don't even know why oh here it's raining we see we're fine we're fine how quickly is one minute by the way generally like is that too fast have i have i grossly misinterpreted the amount of time we should have taken how quick is one minute um it's not ah i see i see the issue here fine i'm seeing an issue slap what come to the beach my dude oh yes the oasis wait you wanna play chicken look just can't do it i think i'll let you play that game we don't know when it's going to rise dude we have a saying we have a saying wilbur play stupid games win stupid prizes oh my god the fire is still it's completely still it's not moving the fire it doesn't move what are you what are you doing have you have you smoked too much of that dried kelp dude how much dried kelp have you had no not too much you get a lovely view of the surrounding area and look it's like we can put all our stuff up here like our crafting table and our furnace and our cannabis ah jesus christ man it's yours well i'm dead back i mean look how many blocks do you have left eventually we're gonna just run out of like building materials and then we won't be able to go up further and then we're going to start improvising in fact i'm going to bring some dirt and some saplings for that see this is why i want like one more this is why i need one more piece of iron wilbur okay fine this is why i need one more piece of iron you gotta find one more piece of no no don't give me anything i work for everything i earn fine we'll go and get this on come with me we're gonna oh oh oh that's unfortunate you hate to see it wilbur spawn me in a piece of no i don't i don't want your handouts i don't want your handouts can i dig down wilbur i need to get iron right now go get it man i'm believing you jesus christ you're gonna need to dig though you're gonna need to dig somewhere i'm gonna start digging it's definitely not safe to go out at 12 wilbur look what i found what iron we'll come up quickly before the lava rises it's going to rise like in seconds no it's going to rise in like seconds dude get up here seconds seconds yes i'm coming you've got seconds my dude no no no my dude might do my buddy listen listen listen there's a way we can get around this box yourself in box yourself in are you boxing right i'm back i'm coming to get you dude i'm coming to get you i'm coming down am i fine yeah dig up dig up dig up dig up okay dig up look come up here just come up here quick i'm okay i saw this i saw this and i knew right we need to get up get up get up oh my goodness we're smelting this in my and you've got the and you've got the one extra iron what do you need the iron for by the way what is this no reason nothing i don't need it why have you gone on quite schlep what are you what is your nefarious plan i can tell i can tell something's a foot [Music] what is it dude i just wanted the peace of mind wilbur if you know anything about the accumulation of wealth having what you have is never enough i just need more i just need more so it was greed you wanted an extra piece of mine for greed i am motivated by greed and nothing else wilbur i think it's time we go our separate ways wait what do you mean i think it's time we go our separate ways i'm claiming this area of the of the base in fact i'm cutting you off but that's that's the high part that's the part furthest away from the long live the king i will survive and you will not oh [ __ ] okay hold on no this is my this is my game mode this is my game mode wilbur said i can play this game no i'm not i'm not i'm not coming to you man you have your way what are you doing i will what are you doing my way no you can't you small oh my [ __ ] oh my god oh okay it's getting a little bit hot is it getting hot in here be very careful look up look up it's time to look up i must accumulate well it's what i do it's what i do best [Music] big shot [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm enjoying watching this i'm really enjoying watching this hope you don't die i won't don't worry i've got yes pvp god pvp god yeah pvp god the pvp gods up here yourself you took everything that i worked for everything that i worked us towards it's because you wanted 50 of the company and that i could not allow when did i 150 150 what company i'm no monster you're such a child i always knew from the second i met you i knew that you were going to try and screw me over when it comes to business this is what you think of me this is what you've been this is what you've been thinking this whole time this is what i think of you you're set for life dude i am you've got you've got cobble for days i'm i'm running out of materials honestly they call me mr cobblestone look at you look at you making your own lousy little phone you're gonna run out of materials yeah i know you know what schlatt i am gonna run out of materials you you profited way better than me you came up with a better idea you know what this is survival of the fittest but you know what you know what i'm gonna go with the with the hippie mentality the hippie mentality i mean i may not have the wealth i may not have the land but you know what i have enough to make myself comfortable that's what i'm going to do i'm going to have the comfiest little end of the world base you will have ever laid your eyes on watch this roy are you watching me are you watching me slap sure right are you looking are you looking right right i'm looking you take a fence yeah right i lost interest you take a pressure plate look at me nope look at me no jonathan schlatt turn and look at me [Music] you put a pressure plate on top of the on top of the fence look what you have schlatt look what i've made you're gonna run out of materials i've made a table snacking look at this i can put my pork chop it doesn't really rest on the table very well i can throw my pork chop hazardly against the edge of the table and the table clicks just like real life slap i'm not actually watching what you're doing i'm gonna block you from looking at what i'm doing dude you're not allowed to see what i'm doing i've done it i've done it you're not allowed to see i'm gonna make my little cafe i'm gonna have celebrity guests i don't care about your stupid cafe who's coming to your cafe everyone my first guest is oprah ah so i'm gonna be honest with you there's not much like land left we've we're left with we're left with a topography of the tallest points on this world but the land's almost gone it is do you remember when we used to be friends remember when we smoked that dank misfits kush down there sure do and you are you're looking you're looking over there over there with your cafe with a bow and arrow trained at me because you got nothing left because this is your last resort you said you've resorted to the hippie lifestyle but you've really resorted to nothing you're in survival mode wilbur and here i what are you typing what are you typing why are you typing no reason nothing so what are you doing drop drop my mouse if you read this you are a loser okay oh we are fully submerged now we are in oh no we've still got land we're an end of days look at what i've got you don't have enough to get to me i can i i hold the upper ground in this uh i have the higher ground in this interaction wilbur you don't you don't have that much wood oh that didn't work what'd you just try to do oh he's made it i'm willing to talk yes you're building with wood you understand you understand the fate that will meet you now yep you're i feel like when i'm gone what are you gonna do like what is there left i'm gonna just chill here with my lava and my butt in my water bucket but then when i'm dead you'll have no one you'll just have those two skeletons oh one skeleton living on the jut i'll have everything i need even they'll be gone soon dude are you just slowly making your away to me how much wood do you okay that's kind of concerning why do you have that much wood that's just that's just rude it's you're just being rude to me be very i got the last laugh the love is rising quite quickly schleich [Music] oh have you seen how quickly it's coming slot i have in fact you know see i'm a man with a plan that's what they call me yeah if you let me live in this tower i'll slow down the lava rising i don't care i don't want you to live with me you're gonna you're gonna ask for what are you gonna want 50 of my tower 50 i want life dude i wanna i just wanna be fine i wanna be alive dude i know you do but you threw it all away wilbur you know what they call me wilbur what do they do you know what they call me what do they call you [ __ ] they call me ladder man do it that's what they call me yeah raise it up as much as you want do it do it [Laughter] i'm giving you one more chance slap one more chance i don't need another chance i am so confident in my ability so confident in my ability wilbur you don't understand i'll press the i'll i'll i'll tell him i'll make him do it you don't understand why they call me ladder man [Laughter] raise it one more [ __ ] raise it one more put it to 138 put it to 138. the face of a ladder man um look up if you can what's what's going on up here oh [Music] um i think you're fine though i think you're okay dude i don't even need i don't even need that i don't even need it i don't even need the help congratulations man i hope you're happy with yourself i hope you're happy that you [ __ ] over everyone in order to win that's what i do did you know in the water challenge did you know in the water challenge everyone was telling us why don't you just you know put doors down and breathe in the doors yeah and i said no i'll be cheating i said no that'll be cheating but look where cheating got you dude cheating is the only way forward ladder man hey wilbur do you think we should um do you think we should do the other one it will be yeah ladder man david letterman [ __ ] david david ladder man is that you yep ow
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 7,273,853
Rating: 4.9609752 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays, jschlatt, lava, challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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