Schlatt Makes Minecraft 1000% Funnier

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hey guys how's it going oh it's a thursday yeah we're going to be playing um a mod in minecraft called origin uh origin mod you could probably guess what i'm choosing i'm going to read out chat all of the different origins can you take a guess at what i've potentially chose that was tough so i'm taking the lightroom because obviously i just i just want to fly i just chat i just i just want to fly whatever i want can i have that could i just have can i just have this why the [ __ ] out of all people is is rambu just staring at me dude stop tommy dude jesus christ [ __ ] dude what's your ability feel oh tommy my ability is to fly real high mate watch and it does like double damage apparently well i can run ever so slightly quicker look phil race me race me race to that tree and back you ready three two one what no no no phil no [ __ ] manifold stuck in the nether how is he oh no dude oh you got a weak skin dude what the [ __ ] what okay i am i have to stay up nice to breathe is that the sheep nicky's stuck in the water well you could get a water bucket water at all go around oh yeah rambu can't touch it or else or he dies so you can get iron and then just remember you permanently owe me forever oh my god okay [Music] you seem like you've got the better abilities to me your one true enemy just showed up at the beginning of the whole world wait hand me the meat i think you're a vegetarian oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you god for making me this way like you're a vegetarian my father was a vegan oh god he was married to the wrong type of grind hey you know what we should do oh welcome he's annoying okay um we need we need to plant like a bunch of trees or break a bunch of trees because you need apples like there's just nothing nearby um i've been looking i'll i'll get wheat man wheat a bit isn't it did you know fiber helps you with poo we took we told you about that because you were like you were worried oh no no do not tell me about what you've said but you've told me some terrible terrible things about bummers and i hated it you make it sound really bad when you do it um i'm gonna get you the coordinates in a second i'm just like i'm gonna die i think we'll but we'll wait wilbur's spawning in wait we'll be spawning in okay phil i'll meet you in a minute yeah okay i am actually far away from everyone i'm so glad i took that screenshot by the way holy [ __ ] i'll pull up in the second chat and then i'll actually figure out where the [ __ ] i am is that a village no but i can get loot from it i'm gonna get luke from it hello wait what that's it what that's that's rambu that's that's rambu specific that isn't it oh that's absolutely for rambu yeah how do you find them jack's just like struggling in the nether tommy fell out of the [ __ ] world i don't know how he managed that he picked blaze so he's stuck in the nether and he has to try and get back to the overworld here spawn look everyone's just building like random [ __ ] poor nicki is just stuck in the [ __ ] water okay oh my [ __ ] god this is awesome oh god i love it phil think this way yeah keep going keep going fill it up [Music] with just wait where are you guys wait i can't see you wait let me put it up let me play wait wait give it to phil oh my god this is gonna be so good for pranking oh my god i can't this is terrible i can't see you what are your superpowers tubbo i get hungry really really quick but also so you see how i'm just wearing iron armor yeah this is actually the equivalent of full diamonds how okay i want to see something look okay that's [ __ ] what is that range wait try with the pickaxe how far can you mine oh wait yeah yeah i can [Music] [Laughter] you can only wear like light armor right is gold armor gonna be your i think so your thing oh this is this is a struggle around me i am i am not equipped for this oh i got you with my long arms i can hit from miles away hey yo hey hey yo it's it's a good old ghostbuster it's me i'm not burning right now oh i hope i can wear this gold it's a ravine wait yeah but phil you can just glide down what just glide into the lava fill here i go oh phil yeah bill bill yeah bill yeah phil yeah phil yeah but what the wow what did you do what did you just do i have a panic button yeah no but like nikki has like the ability to like basically have creative mode underwater and stuff and like yeah and like all these people have all these cool abilities and then tommy in it just floats a bit something my chat just said i've never related more than tommy ever do we need more wood you said um no i have i have a lot more wood okay so we're chilling on wood um we're actually not that far away from spawn i can see people making like cute little like uh houses and [ __ ] hey guys hello hey how's it going it's going park champion i see you all right actually phil you're being shot at but it's fine hey phil welcome hey look nick nicki look it's phil hi phil look at my golden booty i have rings oh you can wear gold you can wear gold i can wear gold yeah hold on do it take off tell you what it's pretty pog take off like the bird he is he is like bird filzer is like a bird he's like very pretty bird flying around so what's the plan here nicky you're going to make like a underground underwater like yeah oh my god terraform yeah of the stuff above here once it's raining and once i feel more confident oh that's gonna be cool oh wait you could straight up like you could just live in this yeah and i'm gonna make a tunnel into will's house let's make a fish tank for nikki yeah i'm just gonna live in someone's fish tank that'll be amazing phil can you live near us please yeah sure yay we're getting i've seen blue planet mama bird always dies i know they do and then david amber is like the young must not fend for themselves wait where are you it comes you [ __ ] oh my god it's the twist in the documentary that she's not really [Applause] [Laughter] that you have a lot of sand do you have so thank you phil oh my god [Music] [Laughter] hello cool can you enchant stuff hello hello everybody oh my god you should come play some minecraft nah [Laughter] i'm trying to get my name on a billboard what what's gonna be apart from your name what's it gonna say i'm actually worried oh [ __ ] that laugh skeleton spawner yes you skellington sounds like something i'd get at a steakhouse i finally got him in the boat skeleton he's not gonna burn today what the hell he just typed in g and it just sent the letter g nothing happened it's uh it's in the minecraft game schlatt in minecraft discord flat oh it's in minecraft there goes my chat [ __ ] up everyone's type and last person to uh spam g gets a gifted sub no you [ __ ] you you evil [ __ ] the last person i see who spams it i'm gonna gift this up guys tell me so we all have like these funky abilities like phil can literally like fly infinitely and [ __ ] and tommy's tommy's ability is that he's full slower i want to be fragrance man i can summon i can summon any scent what would be your favorite scent to summon wood what do you think the great wall of china smells like we'd be able to summon it if i was fragrance man what a shame i guess i can't be that though how do i be fragrance man i don't want to be fragrant bread i got it i make the smell from my from my body so i have to just with you you just got to you just have to stay within the vicinity of fragrance man you know what i'm talking about though right like like not like obviously you're not crunchy scratchy like well i'm not just saying you're just like hearing it like we're not we're not saying you're just sat there eating it just generally just like you know like when you're a kid you just get maybe i'd be getting in the in the sand like oh my [ __ ] god i'd be in my girl's ear like [Laughter] [Laughter] you guys just have rocks how is that how is your squad and is eu mandated i just learned a new scent [Laughter] you want to know what it is bark phil it stopped raining hey now we can go get your [ __ ] yay hug i've been i've been reading the literature yeah what's your favorite book if you say the ikea catalogue i'm gonna [ __ ] it [Laughter] no mostly scratch and sniff blocks [Laughter] we're having a housewarming party whether you like it or not yeah right now okay right now wait wait wait now well as soon as pill and rambu arrived that's when he started not we are not close we are well uh [Applause] holy [ __ ] we got [ __ ] fragrance man it's me i'm here not too long ago okay we gotta go and meet fragrance man come on go to the spawn you follow the shore and i'll walk come with me fragrance man let's get you out of here all right let's take you to let's take you to take you to nikki can you can you smell it do you know what scent i am i got a ballpoint pen oh my god all right all right all right wise guy which brand fragrance man's hair the parties man on my way on my way oh look the party's getting started i don't know where my bucket is give me the bucket give me the bucket phil give me the buckle you can't see right here in front of him right in front of you oh i see the arrow hello my child hello fragrance it's me fragrance man i actually uh i'm not upset i'm down here i cannot mind that nikki nikki swim swim up our little meeting thing can we get out of there oh sorry i'm just exploring i'm just exploring you're just learning every day learning and growing i'm setting you up so you can visit the party am i is anyone currently bopping hey [Music] don't tap the glass or else you'll get don't tap the aggravated i'm gonna fight i said bark lady wait hold on i'm gonna sort you out yeah thank you oh nice no i'm closer to you guys i can see you now hello [Music] well but can you have some wood fragrance man come in fragrance man it's me fragrance man what's going on i want her to be is she some kind of fish well i'm not gonna perform unless i'm not going to perform unless like you put a song on please all right hold on hold on this is this is the only track we have oh oh appropriately i guess i can make this work i'm about to give my homily hello it's me father fragrance welcome [Applause] welcome to our lady of uh [ __ ] all i don't know i don't know what this church is called anyways uh it's me mr fragrance uh fragrance man [ __ ] i should have been mr fragrance okay so i i did some i did some research i write some of the literature and i i come to you with a bunch of cool scents all right first one i got very cool one one of my favorites actually what [Music] get away from this oh that's a good one that's a good one i can't smell i'm behind the glass that's good wood all right wait where'd my word go give me it give me the one thank you the next one i got this one reminds me a home [Music] brick tell me what tell me what you think this one smells like smells like brick like like smoking [Music] the only one i have guys you keep taking my you keep taking my sense i'm not i'm not gonna remember what they smell like this is a fan favorite i'll see we're having a house fan favorite of mine sand get in real close to that phil why are you sniffing bro don't take a phil get him on phil take a shower smell the sand phil come on smell my glasses i smell my [ __ ] glass get back inside and smell my [ __ ] glass all right phil give that a whiff let it waft into your nostrils um and and you know what i'm gonna you know who i am phil i'll be honest say my name is doing all right man say my name fake fragrance man say my name fragrance man who am i that's right tommy what's the problem i seem to have developed a bit of a twitch slap sorry sorry fragrance i know it'll calm you down let me get that back oh [ __ ] where's my glass going what do you think of this scent can we not pick it up please please can you just let me please what the [ __ ] give us some sunshine can we not stop did you just wait he's a spider i've been discovered he's going to climb the trees leave me alone i'm going up leave me alone he is ascending fragrance man [ __ ] oh i have one more smell it's it's brass fragrance man out he was so young he's dead so soon he was so young and just so smelly so he was so i could smell him into my fish tongue and that means something [Music] a membrane of my people oh yes perfect there you go that's a [ __ ] grave you haven't you have a stone's brick stair tell me you've spot fragrance wrong oh my god i'm taking over when you committed suicide five seconds ago [ __ ] i've forgotten all my sense we built a review fragrance man where is it right here oh man what what kind of grape star is that doesn't even say fragrance man on it oh sorry sorry we're working on it fragrance huh fragrance man huh don't oh no i'm still here i was just about to show you some sense uh do you like smelling stuff fragrance man bring a flower fragrance man bring a fire oh don't worry i've got one oh okay good good good you're coming to come in you're gonna love this one why doesn't this work anymore why is fragrance man in iraq i've lost my ability to climb what the hell ever since you committed suicide i knew there was a bit of impotence in there how did i lose my powers your scent of smell was your was your power wait i can't even smell anything maybe the power was this fragrance i can't smell anything wait you've lost your fragrance come on man it doesn't even smell like wood fragrance man are you okay i'm impotent i'm gonna start drinking again you lose your fragrances even more let's see if he gets a cobweb oh oh yep thank god what i'm back i'm back my fragrances let's say he's erect again but now paulie's getting started again tubber you need to come over here upstairs this time [Laughter] i'm gonna go make a moscow mule [Music] [ __ ] it looks like her neck has just snapped against the top of the oh jesus christ oh my god can i can i give you guys some stuff from thomas stop opening the [ __ ] lady don't make me glide my way my fist into your face oh my god i'm gonna i'm gonna punch you slightly faster than the average man um there's a there's a phil there's a man at the door that's why i'm famous oh fragrance man sniff him [Laughter] give him a smell [Music] i can replicate the smell now awesome i need a catchphrase that i say right before killing people [Laughter] [Music] oh i don't know what the [ __ ] happened i just it was like a fever dream near the end there i'll see you all there i'm gonna go be an adult all right bye guys bye
Channel: Ph1LzA
Views: 6,725,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gt3QV8uTfl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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