Minecraft, But I Leave a Trail of Bedrock

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minecraft but bedrock appears behind me as I walk I've made it so that when I move I can't go back to where I went and I've got to survive for as long as possible hey ho let's go now if I walk forward ah I now cannot go back the way I came so I have no idea if this is gonna be dreadful if this is gonna be brilliant no clue not a clue is there any point in building a house because I won't be at a walk in the house in the same place I was it's being filmed live on Twitch it made me jump the bedroom made me jump dude that's so dumb if there's an issue I could just run in a circle and then I've just made my own little house the only spiders can get into I guess should we test that oh there's a skeleton right okay so what's this let's see if this works he dead no you can't just hide hello oh no no no always trap then okay we good so this is an interesting little place that I've got working here I can just climb should we just see how high up we can get look at this I am a master of this one see what I thought was a hindrance is actually a great help isn't it mr. creeper okay so what's the plan what's the goal I think the goal should be make myself a livable situation thriving thriving is the goal put that on screen thriving is goal let's look for a mineshaft I want to get to work okay so I'm gonna try and reduce the amount of area I cover in bedrock by following my path that's good digging cuz I don't think anything's gonna be a surface mine oh I spoke too soon here's a surface mine right let's grab ourselves some stone and then make a couple pick act and it's not scary if I need to stop doing that I'm a mess I'm an absolute buffoon I'm an idiot I've put sticks all over my inventory I'm uncouth I'm a I'm a rebel a rapscallion stop saying again no no wait I need to get that I think don't lock me in I need the crafting table I'm very worried about like oh thank you thanks for bedrock I'm very worried about just trapping myself in so I'm gonna try and move around as little as possible when doing this if I ruin the mines that's fine you know it's good to ruin the mines while I'm early on in the game so then when I go back to the surface I'll have a completely fresh surface you know with not covered in bedrock this is a messy ICU mr. creeper don't come towards me I'm gonna make a shovel of some kind so I can just dig let's just dig so I think the easiest we're moving as little as possible is just to do a staircase straight down you know I didn't think this one through don't worry we'll just I'll just make a staircase going off alongside it so I can get out like that there we go if I just climb over this video games what I get dog it's fine I don't I wasn't trying to go back anyway I wasn't I had no intention of heading back hey iron finally took me long enough you need to name the bedrock it's a pretty big bit of bedrock it's my entire perambulation that's what it's called that's the name of the bedrock perambulate the perambulator sounds like a wrestling star hold on this let's name him ladies and gentlemen in this corner weighing in at 100,000 tons [Music] John Cena theme John Cena theme what a waste of wood what a weight what a waste of wood what a waste of wood was that bit cringe editor was that cringe but on screen if you think that was cringe LOD please oh I left my crafting table oh good oh that sugar-free Red Bulls hitting like a truck okay so if I can start smelting some iron and then we get some diamonds and then maybe the better guys I know how we thrive I figured out how to thrive than never we can ruin this world we can cover this world in bedrock and we'll always have a second pristine world ready for us and without a world border that's the goal we get to the nether and we thrive in the nether let's do this lads we just can't build a bed ever wait what is that is that what I think it that's a bat that's a bat where are you where are you mr. bar I'm coming for you I and water I'm coming to I'm finding you I'm coming to find you bat and water gather here coal no one wants you squeak-squeak-squeak heck hog cute are you straight down squeak-squeak you're getting louder we stop here dope we'd only go too far I hear lava that's definitely a Sun we don't go too far mr. bar you this way no he's quiet he's quiet now ironically I'm using echolocation to find the bat oh here he is I see him bat mr. bat I'm here I found you hi don't don't go in that lava okay good good boy all the bedrock I forgot I forgot I had bedrock following me bat missed mr. bass oh you're here okay good good good okay I wondered where you'd gone then and you stopped squeaking you're making me nervous I thought we'd lost him I'd say everything I touch dies I can't back up because of the bedroom I can't okay good wait this is a new bat wait where's the old bat where's my last back gone hold on I do need to ironically I need to go back on myself mr. bat oh you're there okay good I thought I'd lost you I think he suffocated in the bedrock you live and learn you live and learn you know live laugh love live love learn not to suffocate bats in your bedrock path that follows you everywhere you go hang that above your sofa in your living room live laugh learn not to suffocate bats in your bedrock trail that's how it goes do that's how it's always gone that's always been the way why does everything I touch die what is everything I love leave me why can't I love anyone why am i a disgrace I've got one mother bat so is it don't you where are you don't you be careful in that actually maybe that's the only safe place get in there just get in that get in there they go you're safe there I can't hurt you I can't hurt you anymore stay in there I can't I'm too afraid of what I've become there goes another pick dinner dun-dun-dun another pick bites the dust dodo dun dun dun another pick bites the dust let's make a thing let's make a furnace let's melt some iron da da da dun dun is that cringe - I wish you cannot move I'll lose my furnace and my workbench so I got to stay right here you know what actually I'm just gonna do this I can always I can always make it back here I hear another bat where are you you up is he up nope we're good we're not doing that again though feel that was it for me because I thought the bedrock behind moves gonna stop me getting out here he is right nothing this way let's head up so I saw some redstone back here and even though I don't want redstone or need it in any way I've got an iron pick now and I hunger i hunger for gems and jewels and shiny things so I will be heading for that I like just the grass life life finds away I'm Bear Grylls and I'm here to tell you that life will always find a way in all it's my job hey look up diamonds okay cool so we can get to the nether right away let's do let's do what I intended right from the get-go so let's grab ourselves a diamond pick BAM this is the most progress I've ever made among these challenges girl that's gonna take a while so how's your day have you all been oh maybe I should just oh well there goes the water that I placed thanks bedrock so the plan is I want to get as much stuff as possible and then head back to the surface grab some wood grab some Flynn and then we're going to the nether and that's where we thrive in the nether dude it's fine one of the hardest parts of this challenge is heading back the way you've came oh [ __ ] which way have I come was it this way I think so I am lost I am so lost how do I get out of here how do I escape oh god mother help how do i life finds away let's get out let's just go straight up or I'll torch in one hand if [ __ ] hits the fan I'm ready to place it there we go surface nice it's nighttime so I'm going to make myself a quick house I always want to kill that chicken hold on actually kill the chickens then get in my house nice do it's not filling in the gaps come on there we go house nice and safe let's look at the creatures of the Damned the voices of the Damned oh there they are they can't get in so I'm going to do is we just live in this tiny little house until I can put into effect my grand plan this might give it away but part of my plan I need I need a trapdoor I can start making it how much this just do it now are you ready for this ladies and gents Wilbur splat will this plan lays oh my god okay we're gonna wait on the plan from I may have jumped the gun so are you ready for the plan haha my humble abode in here nothing can stop me no no bedrock no no monsters I am safe as safe can be I can put my chests I can put my furnaces I can put another crafting table down like this so ever put the crafting table here and I grab myself some furnaces maybe let's go for three furnaces oh wait I've got another three we're just swimming in furnaces all right ladies and gents no man should have all these furnaces what a world service dig up one there and then hey presto I can put all my things in here our food I should some food actually in my new humble abode and then I can crawl around and it won't leave the bet why can I have nice things why can't why can't I have nice things do I'm not giving up wait has it done to upright it's unto up perfect perfect this isn't the end here's what we do we're gonna slab it so now if I do this right Bam Bam Bam Bam now it doesn't leave the trail all it does it does leave the trail okay let's just go to the nether this has been a this has just been a crimp in my day where's my chicken I'm going to the nether I want my roast chicken and I'm off to the nether we're getting out of here screw you this is a this is a god-awful mess right we need to if we're gonna make the nether portal we need to make up high so we're gonna we're gonna start building up Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam oh my god I'm I'm a parkour King Bam Bam oh what a world we're getting we're getting scarily high now I'd say to a point where I'm unnerved if I fall nice and tight like so and hey presto write portal we'll go up here cool I can leave bedrock there there is fine I was really worried bedrock would like appear in the middle and I'd lose all my work okay let's go we made it safety and wait is that it's my trail gone my my curse has been lifted zombie pigman my curse is lifted I have no more better up follow okay we good I have no more bedrock following me this is brilliant I can I can just run around I can go back on myself I can I can do whatever I want let's get some glowstone just to spice up the face okay hold on let's just send you down there cuz it's funny I was about to say why would I ever leave but we've all heard the yogscast song screw the never haven't we I would like to bring some stuff that I left though cuz I don't really wanna have to keep making a crafting table we're gonna head back to the portal we're gonna get some wood and then we're coming straight back here because then there's been wonderful where is my portal though did anyone get the coordinates is it up is it up get dirt and saplings I will I will we're moving to the nether oh there it is there it is I see it alright let's go through Wow well [ __ ] oh it's fine I can I can collect up the Obsidian I forgot that my curse exists I forgot my curse I forgot my curse I forgot my remember therapist well remember remember your therapy spin-spin the problems away just spin them away spin the problems away spin you spin your issue spin the problems away you're fine you find your spin just spin the problems away think of the happy place your happy place you your happy place ok I'm ready I'm ready we're good we're good ok let's just connect up my stuff hurry probably by this big fuck-off pillar we'll be fine we'll move back to the nether we'll get some dirt get some saplings cool cool spades I had a spade didn't I where's the Spade gun where's my Spade ok no Spade apparently offending bending up laying shuffling there's one okay cool we can now go and get the obsidian oh why did I put it so high up that seems smart in my head I have a better idea I have a better idea I need to make a house I really hope this works Bam Bam Bam right you guys ready for this they say you thought moving to the nether was my smartest move you just get ready get ready for this guys ok ok big Brian big Brian time big Brian time big Brian moves there it's the bedrock Falls me it beats me every time it beaten - did you do on trapdoors - huh do you replace trapdoors D huh you get oh my god it doesn't replace trapdoors wait better plan better plan house number three for three big Brian is coming back and he's even bigger than last time just get enough words to make doors I just need lots of doors and trap doors just anything that blocks impending death you know bub-bub screw you 15:15 s enough that's that's surely enough right okay it's a thin house but it adds up you know it all it all works out let's just quickly get back our crafting table where is our cough oh it's down in the house isn't it no dad please are you kidding oh you're joking oh you're kidding oh look at the mess I've made look at this mess the ruins of a once mighty Empire befallen everyone else have any suggestions jump jump jump so guys miraculously I joined back on to the world and now I've got an Electra and fireworks I just wanna see what happens when I when I move with them you know let's make art that's the purpose in life when you've lived as many tragedies as I you make art and what's the first thing every human being with access to some kind of paint brush gets ladies and gentlemen we're making a giant penis let's go why am I not making my penis where is my penis get me up there bring me to the sky and then let me fall oh look at this let's draw a smiley face and now let's not oh this is fun as hell why don't I just do this all the time this is way better than being one of those ground plebs huh sucks to be you dick edit oh hello I didn't see you down there I was too busy in the sky hope you're having a good day I was busy flying absolute plebeians i hate you all ground plebs ground plebs I say ground plebs oh [ __ ] how do I go there we go ground perps all of us where there we go lovely this how you doing down there ground clubs hey how you doing let's find a ground player by c1c him under the tree he's gonna come out come on ground plug show yourself I'll have to come down there and show you my myself I'm going down I'm gonna show you the ground club see him assume gone all right wait we're actually are you I guess he's gone fair enough he learned his lesson here's here's to ground plebs though can i oh I'm sorry here's a ground pleb here's a kind of ground flip I'm looking for wait what oh I guess the the lead wasn't strong enough that's fair enough you will remain on the ground where you belong well I want to throw one more way of making a house because I didn't get to just dying all right let's quickly try something in making a house I gotta try it okay that doesn't work that doesn't work that doesn't work either why was it working before crazy mental okay try again we'll find something just you wait open trapdoors okay no it's still still still doesn't work okay I need one what boats okay we'll try boats we'll find something life finds a way did you know watch the beginning of the video oh I forgot that stack okay that's too many boats if I just put a boat like here then that's it that's the only one I can have in there yeah it boats do not stop it I know the beginning when we looked at that grass block I said life finds away life finds a way but I just don't I think it's impossible I think it's impossible to thrive you cannot thrive in this environment at all there is no way of thriving at all I feel like this is it you know I felt like this is the beginning and end for me all I can do is just appreciate you know the the the fun I had along the way in the adventures that came with it I'm watching you tend it awful wanna kill a spider in bedrock that's it closer closer that's it this way this way come on that's it eight right are you there okay you know what you know what you can't thrive round of applause for not being able to thrive ladies and gents
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 3,843,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays, minecraft, bedrock, challenge, trail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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