Who Can Get the Most Deaths in 1 Hour?

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dying on minecraft's really easy right anyone can do it anyone anyone can die right but who can be the diarist the diesest that's what we're finding out today ladies and gentlemen we can all be the diesest right and i think you can be the most diest i'm going to be opening up a sub server for subscribers on my twitch uh follow me they can join there's going to be a scoreboard and whoever has the most deaths will win at the end let's see how this goes oh okay here come the people oh no okay so pretty much from the get-go the minute you're in that's the start someone just trying to end it all right now we've got two people just trying to end it all actually right here we got this person just built getting up really high pvp should be on so you should be able to kill each other oh that's our first death dog static good job on the first death dude couple people just just playing minecraft just like getting wood this isn't no no stop stop that's not how you die zoo zoo look at me don't bruh don't drop a bra in the chat we're waiting for another death come on let's get another death okay guys look i don't want to blow your mind right now but minecraft it's got like animals in it do you know what else has an animal on its logo dashlane who sponsored this video if you play minecraft or you go on the internet at all dashlane is the perfect tool for you it's a password manager and a vpn that works on your desktop and your phone it's completely free to try it's a safe and fast way of making sure you never forget important information and make sure you're never forced to make that absolutely horrible social anxiety inducing cool to prove you are who you say or to whatever company so you can get your passwords reset it comes with a vpn and autofill manager password manager and lots more safe and easy ways to allow you to get around the internet smoothly and without being spied on dashlane works across all your devices meaning no matter where you are you can still use its features 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would be getting more intense than this shut up outside mr motorcycle no one likes you hope you didn't hear that i don't want to be beaten up today is anyone looking for lava do you think we got so we just watched someone fall to their death we got any lava boys around here well i mean there's literally just a pocket of lava the minute one of them gets down to that you know that's going to be a game changer dude let's have a look around as well this is quite depressing to watch actually i don't like this at all this is actually like monumentally sad just watching people bury themselves in water and just wait for their death drowning seems to be the main thing we also have like a like a community death pole just got a community dipole here just you just climb up it you want to pad your stats sir sheep is on ten sorry what sir sheep what have you been doing oh my god he's just he's just made a hole really deep at spawn and yep he's he's [ __ ] steering away the competition at 12 deaths right now dude 12 deaths right to make it a little bit even every now and then i'm going to reset the spawn so now the spawn's over here so it's going to take a little bit longer to get to that death tunnel see look at all the people spawning here now it's going to be a completely different thing we keep moving it around so no one can make like a flow point you know 14 deaths dude the community is coming together to die this is what you like to see dude this is what you like to see i'm not going to make it day we're going to keep it night we're going to let the mob spawn but this guy's just making a house sniper assassin i am do you know what's supposed to be happening do you know what do you know what's going oh do you know what's going on today do you know where you are hello is there anyone in there you know what tell you what dude tell you what tell you what sniper assassin look come here sniper assassin sniper assassin look just make of this what you will make of this what you will don't worry about it yeah that's it that's it just yeah you got it you got it now you're you're king sir sheep is still leading the pack at 17. people are fighting over what mob is gonna kill them people are like fighting each other for whose mob is going to kill them i love it oh let's have a look at some death poles shall we death balls there goes my voice so over here at the new spawn we've got a couple interesting things going on a lot of people fighting how's that lava pit i was talking about looking is that has anyone fit yeah we got someone on their way i don't think anyone would find it zack beans is on his way he wants he wants this death bro he's just craving oh he's craving the death me too go on zach beans go on zack beans he's done it your reward my son our whisper of life's head in there you know what you know what actually set world's ball new world spawns here guys everyone on your bike let's see major dude mojoper how are you how have you been oh that's smart that's so smart okay majopa is leading the pack right now he's set himself a bed he's set his new spawn point on top of here so he can like he is efficient death right now this is efficient sepuku look at him go oh my god we have got some iq plays right now the death poles are sprouting almost like tombstones grave markers we've got the community pole still in heavy use right now look they just got a lovely passage down here to the lava pits this will change it up major is really changing up the competition if someone could go and get another bed and set it down there that would just that would just sweep things up sir sheep once the leader of the pack is now trailing behind majopa majopa literally on almost 50 deaths almost 50 dude okay sniper assassin i get it you know it's a scary world out there but maybe you want death dude look maybe you can accept it into your heart look so if we just grab this we get one of these right let's just go to spawn right and just teach everyone how to do it just put one here there you go one here there's another one put one here look at that look at the teamwork look everyone's working together everyone's coming together and just fulfilling their tree oh people are beating each other to death look at this the spectacle of my crystals here they come here they come that's it that's it children gather round look at this dude look at the people coming far and wide oh we're racking up the points actually major has got something coming on him thanks to my efforts dude right that's all you get that's all you get yeah that's it wait let's just drop like oh mercy me oh let's go and see majora dude how's my joker doing wait is are people climbing up to get rid of his bed this is this is the high iq place they needed dude if lilacs can just take the bed break it and put it back down again or major knows something's going down oh no major is aware mojo but this is costing you valuable points he defended his thing dude let's check out second place king king tinny for second place you are really just hanging out aren't you you are just vibing right now for someone in second place oh my god what is happening here oh oh jokey's on his way joking haven't got enough blocks major is just racking up as many kills okay is he gonna get to a hundred before they get up here dude because this is kind of inevitable now people are willing to sacrifice their own score in fact what if i just you know maybe i just dropped some scaffolding down here you know she dropped like three stacks of scaffolding just do do without what you will the monocle's back [ __ ] off [ __ ] you what's zarin doing dude zarian's got an interesting setup oh they're just doing the lava tattoo they really aren't changing let's move the world spawn now i think the lava is getting op let's go set the new world spawn in this lovely house here we go look lovely sorry sniper assassin but you're gonna be you're gonna have a few unwelcome visitors and i hope you don't mind of course my job is really struggling now oh joker's up joke is up it's broken it's done what's he gonna do he's gone he's on his way the bed is up for grabs i repeat the bed is out in the open oh orwell got the bed what's he gonna do with oh he's he's on his way he's leaving he's leaving dude that's it majorpas majopa's reign is over now we've got some real potential for another person to step up dude we've got some people drowning over here maybe some little salmons that's a [ __ ] ton of salmon dude melody black bars top bottom left right impact font black white outer glow not gonna lie salmon kind of vibing though thank you thank you very much how's the how's the public access death pole looking it's looking okay we also have a sign here free death oh boy that's not is this to slow people down did they make that to slow people down i mean i'm impressed frankly oh we got a lot more people joining now holy crap there's a lot more people okay let's see how this goes are they all spawning in this house as well oh my god there's still a diamond sword kicking about in the group i'm gonna be honest i'm finding this more intense than anything else i've watched although the death count really has sort of stunted a bit we're gonna reset the spawn somewhere new let's draw people right under this mushroom this is the mushroom of life dude here we go here we go mushroom of life dude welcome mushroom of life zayrin's halfway actually to majorpa zarin what's your what's your death action right now what are you doing right now zarin oh hold up they're outside the border oh interesting so some people are setting up boats outside the border rowing the boats out of the border and then waiting for death i'm surprised every time a new thing comes about i keep thinking that's gonna be the smartest thing no one's gonna die quicker than that look here they go i mean this isn't really working there's two see now too many people trying to do it people need to head to like a corner and like try look this like this person lobby lobby123 is on a little bit of a mission what are they doing oh no lobby lobbies is the death pole tactic are you doing a death pole is that what this is lobby hold on don't do it lobby lobby don't do it lobby don't do it no low peace lobby don't do it lobby look at me there are better things that lobby look at me they're look at me they're look no yeah you're fine you're fine see you're fine lobby we saved the life play the fray right now how to save a life look at this look at this gang working together to die it really brings the community together i love it oh my god there's a fire oh we got some lava here now okay interesting what's going on up here what have we got here hey that's gay what have you got to say dude i want to eat drywall drywall shrine my drywall is yum yum yes drywall mmm give me death by drywall mojota has just this phenomenal lead right now it's a bit unfair major's lead i think hello mijopa yes yes majoba has this sort of like crazy large lead actually i'm gonna put the spawn right here there we go new spawn welcome everyone welcome just so the board is a little bit further away oh i didn't think this one through did i i did not think this one this is awful to watch oh no i did not think this through i didn't think let's just walk away walk away from that you know i mean if you're behind this is your chance to rack up your score dude oh it's it's mortifying to look at has anyone got beds what happened to the oh my god you heard of lemmings guys it's just a wild dash to the death wild dash to death as i always say here they come here they come oh that's going to be a okay cool case you guys don't know i also have a uh public server that you can join it's play.mc.com put that on the screen led please and make it spin and grow towards the camera and shrink and then also make a little elf dance on top of it and make him sing and i got a wither skull and for soul sand i think i'm being told what to do right now let's do it right here so people see what's going on right you guys want this what this is what you guys want i got a better idea there we are guys just just you guys work it out you guys work it out amongst yourselves all right there we go look that's not no that's wrong yeah just work out amongst yourselves fellas that's it you'll get it this isn't right tardis girl this isn't correct oh it's just gentlemen oh oh we got a couple they're really they really want heads right now there's just a bunch of heads here but to tell just oh my gosh oh no oh that's a wither we've got a wither in the works where'd it go where'd it come from oh there's that i don't know that's another one or the same one oh that's one okay so we have a wither just roman just he just vibing right now dude we've got one here that everyone's just like please please angel of death please pixel pixelman572 you've come out of nowhere dude you're on 70. what are you doing man oh we got a competitor pixelman 572's just quietly set himself up here oh pixelman you know what's coming you know what's coming now that you've been shown to the world we have a new front runner i think coming up unless people want to oh i think that's a few people coming to stop him though i'm going to change the world spawn now to just just here on the word um ma that creeper really wants to kill that guy but he's got he's got bigger plans he wants to take down pixel man dude what was that noise did we just take down the wither no he's the weather's just the weather's just humping the tree right now he wants that chicken i think weirdly we've got a couple of valiant defenders heading up the tower currently working together to take down pixel man who i reckon will be taking the lead soon if he oh pixelman's had a change of plan change of pixel plan dude he's heading on up we have our lemmings over here just heading to the death zone the wither's coming over too how is mijopa doing by the way major isn't online he keeps joining and leaving rip major dude i think i think this is the end of the joker i think he's lost his i think his internet's [ __ ] or something interesting so uh back on pixel man joker is currently on his way up i'm gonna help out pixel man just real quick just make it night pixel man have your sleep quick because he joker is on his way up there we go good good lad it's getting interesting because people are now just heading towards this lava to just end themselves we've got the communal the communal death rod is still in work i do like how the communal death rod is still being used by people it really warms your heart uh spoods has just taken third place i have not seen your name yet spoons spoons is running the same tactic oh but it's being challenged who's this zuzu a is just a conqueror oh my god spoons is fair enough pixel man's just broken 100 dude [ __ ] zuzu dude how's how's pixelman going with his oh zach's on his way oh the pixel pixelman just take down the scaffolding as he fell that's how you get first place dude i think i think pixelman's about to storm into first four oh my god he's just taking down the scaffolding three and he took someone down as well two one we got ourselves a new champion in one more jump one more jump and pixelman's done it we have a new first place major i'm very sorry but you've just been overtaken holy cow this is immense certainly well spawn right here right everyone on the game i'm just gonna put a chest just full of beds in this old house just over here this nice old house we have look at this wilbur let us vibe in the flower shack you will all get to vibe in the flower shack ladies and gents because we're gonna slap down a nice little chest there we go and in the chest who's gonna put red beds just take all the beds you need fellas you guys want beds come get your beds dude there we go but that's all you're getting so once those are gone that's it you're set pixel man is is 139 now just as spoons is about to take second place for his spoons spruce is down there wait spurs lost his bed he's won by he's stuck in third place dude all because someone got up there and got his bed i wish i could see who got his bed dude this is phenomenal we've got mine by the looks of things here what's this the vibe we've got a new vibe shack i'm not allowed in the vibe shack fair enough we have some new towers in effect the sun is is going to be rising soon though so they're going to be quick on that bed setting these two are these two are synchronized oh that's one that's two oh oh that's how we start new competitors i think guys i genuinely think the lava lava underground would be a really good method that people need to start doing let's have a look at the vibe shack good vibes there are good vibes in here you know nothing in the chests though hold up hold the phone who got to the who got to the nether where have they gone in the nether i'm so confused who went to the nether and why no way who went to the nether okay fair enough i mean we'll just i'll just take that dude let's see how pixel man's doing dude our first place zach beans is a challenger right now he really wants to start making his way up zach stop looking at me zach stop playing signs no i'm gonna stop looking at you you need to go and take him down do zep and no one cares mate with like the two people that set our beds here and it's really looking good for them what's beef stew doing beef stew what are you up to man oh beef stew's the one in the nether okay we found our nether boy what is he doing though steve can you make me a sign i want to see what you're doing dude what is beef 2 doing i want win no complaints no complaints dude we'll i'll i'll just leave you to it you know be fun if we gave everyone like levitation just for a second you know it won't be too much just one second ignore the second number oh good good when's this been here who put the lava here pixel man is it's broken 200 now do zep actually i've been neglecting the scoreboard do zepp has grabbed himself second place which manner as well where's which mana oh this is potentially dangerous which man has got themselves this super fast death oh my god this is like the fastest one i think for every death that with which man is getting though it's it's like taking the rest of them like a couple deaths to catch up dude this is just a mess an absolute [ __ ] mess what's going on up here what is it just poison potatoes falling who's this sniper assassin it's not for sesame making another house sniper can you can you say something to us please are you just making another house sniper assassin what are you doing floxy please just jump right let's just what's this cube who's this who's made the cube can i come in hi um you die you've retired oh wait zarin you're about to go off the leaderboard as well is this how you is this how you say goodbye is this how you're going to end your death streak yeah oh okay all right zayrin well it's been a pleasure you've been working really hard dude uh i'll leave you too hold on i'm gonna give you a retirement gift dude they are here's your retirement gift serene just have a nice day or i'll see you around oh it's mental i love it okay let's check on pixel man pixelman's been in first for ages people are literally just not able to get up to pixel man he is like checking who's getting close and then as he falls he like just punches them off we'll see it with this probably oh they missed but another miss okay a challenger approaches we have quite an interesting uh uh arrangement oh if if she can get up here before pixelman stops her or even better if pixelman falls and doesn't die and misses hitting her off that's how you know dude that's how you know that she's about to do this oh my gosh she's really making it this is [ __ ] jukes dude technoblade are you watching this man you need to take [ __ ] notes from oh no they were so close boys what is beef stew doing beef stew's here what's beef beef stew what are you doing what do you what do you want beef stew what are you doing if you want to win don't take just swim away from my [ __ ] sign dude what are you doing explain yourself please i died and cannot find my hole i'll help you beef dying's the point of the game beef you gotta die enjoy this is your hole go go beef go which man has just broken 200. she's rocking up those numbers real quick pink glazed terracotta everyone gets everyone gets six oh okay we've already got something being made is anyone make it this is getting higher smojo is like is like tactically timing himself with digging up he might be at a stop pixel man actually pixelman isn't actually like like that further ahead of doozep and no one cares mate's actually taking third now we've got a little bit of lag i think oh no wait i'm on the scoreboard lads get off babaru is a new name i haven't seen yet babaru what are you up to dude barbara's got himself a defender almost is i think turquoise knows defending babaru as babaru like is working his way into it just keep going dude keep going stop paying attention to me what is this wilbur iq is like wilbur iq i don't know man vibes so let's go check on uh pixel man oh my god it's her again have this have this take that take that from me on me use it itch go itchgo got hit but didn't fall oh i'm so excited i'm very excited to see how this goes dude i might reset the world spawn again just like over here maybe just so we can maybe get some border border glitch deaths again look at this tower dude it's like this is like a work of art look at this mayopus back myopa if this is your moment miopa josh i want you to give me opa up mayopa i'm gonna i want you to have op and i want to see what they can do if they have op status me oprah i trust you with this give them opt good good good i want to see what myopic does with this new this new tactic he can have i'm going to come back to him in a minute let's see what pixelman's doing i died okay uh i think we did slash kill all there everyone's back here the reason i gave uh meopa up in case you're wondering is because he was unfairly kicked when the server went down oh no who was the who's the person up here someone give me the name of the person that was up here before josh killed everyone josh why did you do that dude it itchy go that's it there you go go carry on ichigo carry on carry on oh is meopa was it meow for the disslash kill oh no i should have thought of that myopa don't kill everyone do you just give you meowpa what are you what are you doing with that meopah josh let him josh let him let him [Music] yeah you can do it mate i'm not gonna stop he just slash killed me [ __ ] slash killed me what are you doing where is he he's done it what's this leopard look maybe you can do this man [Music] okay we're just gonna leave it at that how's pixelman doing pixelman is is is just still managing it itch itch is really making it i think she's gonna do it dude oh my god the chat the oprah how's your contraption doing oh my god he's just is this lagging out the server can i like just slow it down a little oh i broke it i'm sorry meow pearl i'm gonna leave you what's going up here oh itch is stuck hold on itch i'm gonna give you gonna give you this don't tell anyone shh super super sneaky about this all right yeah you got this how is doozep doing doozep has just been quietly rising this whole time he's not even doing it anymore what's happening to dusap did do zep get thwarted duzep got taken down dude no one cares mate's still going in third though oh my god this is getting close now oh what is she in there oh she is get that raw cod out of here dude was that miopa that gave me the raw card you milo hating prick you please censor that led it just happens pixelman really wants her gone she's getting so close though how's mid yopa doing with his new op powers is he gonna take the lead oh my god it's getting so intense now if she can keep going pixels man's here with her this is slowing him down a ton is she okay she's still going so the thing is if itch dies she can't get up here quickly pixelman's in real danger right now and i think he knows it this is this is bad she's defending it well but she really is whittling down her health oh my god wait wait i want to give her something just six six cooked beef i should do just eat it eat it eat it oh she died okay well there you go that's the end of that one i think pixelman's going to continue reigning in terror awesome zarin doing oh look at this the retirement home is just oh they really are getting to work hi hi zayrin oh look at this dude i'm gonna leave them to it that's just gorgeous i'm so happy this community is coming together in this way what's this say what's this say let's carry on oh my god this tower is just a [ __ ] monster now there is no stopping pixel man joshie what the [ __ ] is that at the top of the screen who's who's that at the top of the top of the leaderboard why can't i tp to them oh is miyopa mayopa's just set me up has just used op to set one of the one of the scores to one thing oh it's gone okay well it's everywhere at the top of the thing now thank you for coming down i'm glad you all enjoyed your time here pixelman wins thank you all for coming unbelievable unbelievable
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 7,802,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays, minecraft, challenge, 1 hour
Id: d1D_A2VRGi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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