Minecraft but If I Die, I WIN

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you know what time it is time to die my developer challenged me to die in Minecraft I'm good at that I figured it'd be easy but no he told me it was gonna be impossible all right challenge let's do some dying shall we okay well first can I take any damage hello sheeper would you like to bite my face off no sheep I want you to hit me uh okay well let's see if we can even take damage oh this is looking good easy challenge what that was like the most obvious thing you could have done boring he gave me a little propeller hat so I don't think fall damage okay creeper kill me creeper yes okay he's gonna make this a little challenging I see uh yes plenty of places to die around here this is a dangerous looking playground hmm can I have those icicles fall out of my head I I guess my goal is to try to die as weirdly as possible because the more creative I get the less chances he actually coded something around it what hey honey you forgot your lunchbox at home did I just get fed okay well oh man well I can't die of starvation hello tree can I borrow some of your body please I need it for tools thank you got an ax the x is sharp throw it on my eyes okay I like this little propeller hat that's cute dude okay spikes let's try this thing shall we if I can break the blocks of those spikes I might be able to have them land on my head I don't know we're gonna try it I took damage wait wait wait okay okay I heal up fast come on how did I do that wait what oh so I get a propeller hat when I would take damage but because I wouldn't take fall damage here I fall on the spike I do heal Health a little too fast though but that's uh but that's good to know it means there's holes in the developer system I will find a way to die do you mind dress guy up yes I can okay I need a bunch of this drip Stone I can make a staircase of damage this is so weird I love this fall on me come on yeah almost died dude heck yeah oh I didn't quite make it though hello lava kill me lava kill me ah nice warm bath ah yes my favorite do I have a lava hat on fire helmet take it off take off my fire helmet nope I just have infinite fire helmets now man this guy thought of everything but now I know what I can do to die don't forget your food so I can't drive I just want to swim with the fishies okay well I can't drown either that's good to know my mom always packs my floaties I fill them up with air by burping into them I don't know let me grab a little more of this drip Stone here I have some ideas hey crafty it's I your sister brought you a little snack enjoy ah great thank you thanks for the food you guys iron and Anvil drips don't damage Me by Falling On Me didn't quite kill me but an anvil might just be powerful enough okay hello zombie boy you want to smack me what the heck difficulty change to peaceful mode a poor zombie hello zombie would you like some brains oh my goodness bouncy bouncy indeed can't touch me look at him man oh no mobs can't get close to me either they just bounce next to me oh and then die well that was violent I'm trying to get like you my boy let's get some Stone upgrades and get ourselves some iron for that Anvil well that was violent I've never been more jealous of a skeleton in my life ah yeah I'm using the glider for my own benefit as well all right let's get some iron to make this Anvil hi oh gosh what was that sound dog no developer why add that sounded man it's not passing gas boys passing a kidney stone goodness iron is done that should be enough right Anvil acquired what are you looking at chicken that's what I thought sorry I'm just cranky because I can't die the problems of the immortal come on Anvil Jump Place it as high as I can and what this isn't Looney Tunes Minecraft but Everything You Touch breaks oh no come on oh man oh not good maybe I have a theory I have no clue if this is gonna work but does it break on slabs oh it does break on slabs Oh I thought he would miss that no I I thought I was a genius hmm how about drip Stone huh yeah oh wait wait wait wait come on drip Stone yes okay fast fast come on go go go oh no I'm rejecting Health too fast gosh dang it and now I have resistance great perfect my drip Stone plans are foiled well I do have one idea it's a little strange but I might be able to force drown myself I know that sounds a little weird but hear me out okay put water there put water there so I can't actually swim anymore but if I can get under this block what oh it breaks blocks no way hold on hold on okay okay so I have water there and if I place a water bucket Source here I won't be able to fly out right ah I position myself in side of the dirt of drowning I could block myself in here and now I put a water bucket oh it breaks the block over my head dude he literally thought of everything man this is gonna be way harder than I thought does the Anvil hurt you oh the and the Anvil breaks on sheep too and now my Anvil's Gone Forever well it was fun while it lasted okay boys we're gonna have to get real creative hmm is that gravel that's gravel it's time for my Mr Beast 50 days underground nope it breaks the ground as if I'm a torch okay cool oh man hmm that's my thinking sound so aggressive mod hurt me right but what happens if passive mobs tries to attack me oh recipes I don't want this I'm trying to die over here chicken not enjoy life with cake sorry getting a little frustrated over here and Golem oh he's staring at me man okay I am so sorry buddy yeah no oh frowny face oh no get mad at me punch me punch me back oh now I just feel bad dude I'm sorry bunco here's some iron all healed up okay well can't die from an iron golem that's totally cool dude this is gonna be so hard maybe like bees can I find a little beehive around here looking for a beehive to get stung wanna get infected and cough out of lung come on bees hey there's bees okay boys oh no they just died when I ran into them float like a butterfly but don't get stung uh what is this I picked up a B wing that's not normal oh gosh okay B's just evaporate that's great I'll keep this handy inside of my pants oh sorry B hey don't get close to me buddy keeps them for those flowers apparently I stink so bad bees just fall over dead oh that's good did the developer think about TNT I guess we'll find out ah and slowly but surely yes oh I hear the TNT sounds come on ah might need a stronger fire Source great wait a second what happens if I use a different pressure plate come on kill me come on okay fine well the TNT is down here but uh doesn't want a light uh straight up I am running out of ideas here dude okay it does light and then it just uh just goes out okay it's like those trick candles come on do you climactic don't be shy little TNT come on you can do it yeah okay Cactus are you gonna do it no no no it just shrinks like a puffer fish great great can't touch this that's really cute honestly I like how it shrinks up don't be shy little Cactus come on I just want you to stab my toes Cactus come on it's not weird nothing weird nope okay also why is there water in the desert that feels illegal ah yes the tiger there's a little pupper hey guys you guys want to join me on my journey wait a second hold on Mr Wolf are you gonna get mad at me okay he's mad he's mad come on Wolf come on well what the heck where you going dude hello what is going on oh no what is happening am I Darth Vader dude I've got no no gosh dang it no no no no no no no I did not mean to kill the Wolves oh gosh dang it I did not mean to do that I never thought I'd have to work so hard to die dude okay fire just goes out when I walk over it okay awesome yeah I put the Flames out from all of my Tears what the heck trap doors break when I walk over them weird is there some weird way to die from this oh I see maybe I could like suffocate with it if I trap myself inside it ah it doesn't let me do it come on do it smack me in the forehead nope okay there you go child it's a Christmas gift I made it myself I can't give up yet I will not lose the challenge I will not give up the closest I've come so far is the drip Stone I might have some ideas on how I could make the drip stone work what what is the point of this floor what am I supposed to do in here this has nothing to do with the video I'm just complaining about Minecraft's builds uh-huh think crafty how do I die oh maybe those berry three bushes they do damage hello boys oh nope a death in the hand is worth two in the bush whatever that means I don't know either buddy I just instantly killed them walking over them so hard man I've run it out of ideas help me write it in the comments I'll definitely see this while I'm filming oh there is a snowy biome probably couldn't get oh yeah can I get under the ice come on man oh yeah there we go oh drown come on keep going keep keep swimming keep swimming if I can swim fast enough I might be able to keep my head underwater come on no dude no I this is so hard uh maybe some powder duh sugar or whatever it's called Uh packed ice or the snow that makes me die you know what I'm talking about I'm looking for that beautiful powdered sugar come on come on oh nope nope that's not so chill of you crafty great great I'm so hot I just melt powdered snow honestly that is kind of satisfying to watch though Just Let Me Drown in my tears okay well that doesn't work either glad I at least have my floaties to keep me company hmm nope all right half of an idea it was like no don't even think about it it's already a note I thought maybe I could use the door to like place the door and then I could like sit halfway in between it you know what I'm talking about maybe that could stop the water but uh nope the door just breaks wait I'm inside the door never mind it's broken for the first time ever become a member of Club Club crafty get exclusive access to daily perks from your favorite Minecrafter uh that's me right guys you heard right members only perks every single day fan shout outs loyalty Badges and emojis Club crafty activities plus liking and responding to your comments directly hit that join button and become a member of Club crafty today see you in the member section crafty crew if I can find a way to waterlog a block I might be able to drown inside of it it's gonna be weird but I might be able to make this work I took fall damage interesting that's plan number two try out our fall damage idea how did I take fall damage was it because of the snow okay first let's try water log in this bad boy I don't actually know how to walk I'll be honest with you Mr door are you water logged can I get down here come on nah shoot okay squat down just gotta walk slowly in my Contraption here don't break the door uh gosh dang it oh no I can't use powdered Snow either because when I walk over a half block it breaks might be able to do it with slabs though I'm getting full 100 IQ on this bad boy if I fall down two blocks nothing okay that's normal but if I can fall down from a slab no and now ah how did I take fall damage over there hey okay nope I'm using math now we're going full half slabs at no gosh dang it how dude how did I take damage earlier can I not take fall damage on ice I'm icing up my toes can I pick up snow we've made snow blocks don't ask me why I am just trying things I have no clue how it took fall damage earlier I'm just giving up hello icicle boy oh my goodness hi oh no Phantoms oh no how scary I wonder what's gonna happen uh despawns that also works too what is this a mustache the Phantom has dropped his mustache a phantom Wing oh Things Are getting weird okay we've gotten two wings so far A B wing and a phantom Wing I I know Phantom wings are not in Minecraft so this is something special the developer added in here and go Wings do something go and go go huh all right well there is something weird going on here with wings so I'll keep an eye out a polar bear anyways what else has wings chickens chickens have wings hello Mr Chicken may I interest you in giving me one of your wings preferably with some hot sauce or barbecue sauce no okay I'm wondering if this is some kind of like secret code these aren't necessarily hostile but they do become hostile so I'm wondering what other Hostile Mobs have wings on them I guess vexes huh oh gosh do I have to find a woodland Mansion but sorry polar bear I'm so sorry oh gosh he's all right gotta be careful where I'm walking oh found something interesting gentlemen and ladies and everyone in between I haven't found my Mansion yet but this is pretty interesting there are traps in here right with like arrows and stuff shall we try it out hello oh no I didn't realize there was traps in here it'd be such a shame if someone shot me in the face huh ah what whoa is that crafty I'm a huge fan too nervous to look at them don't make eye contact wait wait what what happened Arrow go what does it have no place oh I see watch watch it's shot look at that dude so it'll flip whenever I get close to it it's too shy to look at oh pretty old me don't be shy buddy I just want to get shot in the face that's all nothing weird or anything load the arrow where'd the arrow go did you eat the Arrow come on well that didn't work we'll grab the dropper anyway just in case anything else fun in here ah some bamboo I know what I can use this for hitting the like button yeah got him come on shoot me come on hit me well we tried all right back to my quest for the Woodland mansion and there she is dispenser buddy I don't have Chester in this episode so dispenser Dan will be coming with me he's a fan so you know it's a little fan service let's explore this Mansion shall we if my theory is correct we should get a pair of wings from events it is so weird to be totally safe inside a mansion honestly it's kind of nice I don't have to worry about nothing yeah go ahead shoot me with your arrows buddy yeah what's up man having a good time up there is my forehead a trampoline can he stop shooting me buddy it's clearly not working out for you yeah fifth time's the charm huh I have brought you to the meeting here today vexes yes oh he does he does I got a Vex Wing dude hello sir come on munch on me with your alligator Powers am I wrong just summoning Hungry Hungry Hippos over here okay well I didn't die today but I did get another pair of those wings the plot thickens Sky stop stop can I do one of these numbers what happened uh the reset Wings return to the dragon to repair it I don't know what that means but those wings are way too tiny to be for a dragon it's a little mustache yeah looking handsome as ever my boys my friends I think it's nether time but before we go I have a little bit of a fun idea to try we shall pick up oh I can't steal a bed from a child sorry I broke a door buddy there you go I shall steal this bed instead what was that was aggressive dude he just slam the door on me stop following me you're freaking me out dude he was not happy I was about to steal nap time from him now let's make a pick say hello to Jeffrey and grab a couple diamonds wait you're not diamonds your little blue pickles stop stop go away you're freaking me out spider okay that's Diamonds oh okay there we go that looks like a fake diamond dog all right we got one zombie child stop it go find your parents and two and three wow yeah let's do this nothing like a nice warm lava bath isn't that right Mr skeleton man come on in buddy the water's fine oh gosh she actually did okay he's like he's in lava he's fine I must be too that's a lesson about peer pressure if your friend jumps in lava are you going to too okay let's get ourselves some obsidian here grabbing obsidian the old-fashioned very boring way oh my gosh this takes forever you know while you're waiting you might as well subscribe or I'll drown you okay I give up yeah okay this is getting ridiculous thank you all right moving on it's late don't judge me I think that's everything I need stop doing that nope oh my gosh the farting creepers man they're freaking me out just let me die nice modern art let's head to the Nether and try to die it feels weird going to the nether without armor or anything it feels cursed but literally that's what I'm after killing me never take me to the Glorious afterlife ah well can't die in love in the nether either good to know oh gosh now I have to swim around forever the first time in Minecraft history somebody uses lava to swim up in the nether I mean it's not the most painful elevator I've ridden okay playing a bedtime what the more you chase it the more it eludes you what bad it just leaps away from me come here Ben come here I can't I placed it oh I placed it down but it broke gosh dang it get Give me the give me the bed give me the bit give it to me well okay looks like no matter what happens I can't uh pick up a bed oh well it broke oh stage two cast ah shooting Hearts you really thought that gas blowing cases would kill you now you just have cooties cooties my favorite well no gas deck for me huh just kisses I love you too Mr Gast dang Duty thought of everything a Bastion interesting hello buddy You Gonna Fly yeah he's gonna fly this is gonna be the nicest most safest bastions of all time crying obsidian oh I have an idea how to use this guy it's one of the last actual ideas I have I'm running low on ways to die except maybe by boredom that's why my videos are here to fight against boredom hey guys how you doing up there just grabbing another writing it don't mind me a pair of fashionable Diamond pants I mean I can't say no to that it was getting quite drafty in here oh my cousin drafty I would have him in an episode but he got drafted next up blaze rods and ender pearls I'm not sure how I'm gonna kill blazes and Enderman but we'll figure it out hello Enderman hello buddy are you gonna evaporate when I get close to you oh no he just flies okay is that gonna take him out come back his pogo stick is too powerful is this how I'm getting Ender Pearl's dog I'm just making Enderman fly take me out come on okay I look like an annoying kid just being like hey Mom hey Mom hey Mom hey Mom can I play fortnite on your phone oh my goodness that's a lot of betterment and up this is the weirdest way to get into Pearls of all time well we'll get it eventually at one day I'll die come on pearls ah one more oh gosh this is honestly so annoying I'm gonna go for one more Pearl ah he scammed me I'm gonna go for one more Pearl and then I'm gonna get back out of here and just kind of pray for the best yes nine pearls okay I am getting out of here should I try to use a pearl and see if I get damaged oh he definitely thought about that right like there's no way the developer didn't think about it uh all right we're gonna try it yeah okay I love pearls cool wasted one that's fine Fortress I'm coming Fortress I have arrived blazes yeah blazes just die when I walk into them that is so much nicer than getting the pearls dude I can just run around in circles and take them all out there's two play spotters here oh heck yeah I can run a circle over here and then run to the other side and take these guys out oh this is the best pardon me excuse me sir uh what what was it something I said do I stink or something do I smell like a bad batch of pickles yeah okay six blaze rods it's time for the dragon oh hey buddy oh the Wither could maybe take me out but I don't really want to deal with that okay how about this there's of what 0.25 chance yeah okay no skull I'm out I don't like math but I definitely don't like it like that or something it's time to die my friends maybe ah ah Isa Vander well this is gonna be a challenge all right boys we've made it I've got six eyes of enter to my name we're just gonna hope that's enough and look at this I can dig straight down oh except when I reach water and I can't go under any further okay cool just make my life miserable that's fine I have arrived I have a wooden X for a weapon and you might explode while getting close to me so you better back off ah hello little buddy pardon me excuse me come on oh please be enough it's it's already lit gosh dang it I didn't even that's fine all right it's Dragon time baby where are y'all are yeah Mr Dragon I've got uh I've got your reset Wings whatever that means what the heck is going on Mr Dragon I hear him there's one Crystal healing him up there he's not moving though Mr Dragon do you need me to fix your wings buddy all right hold on I'm coming up I'm coming Mr Dragon Ender Dragon is having difficulties there we are hello Hello Dragon oh yeah he's got no wings dog Mr Dragon he doing okay over here buddy ah okay well here goes nothing let's give the dragon the reset Wings yeah there we go to normal now can I die come on Dragon hit me I want you to hit me it's my time Dragon I can't have come this far and lose you're gonna have to kill me can you you'll feel the death tonight come on Dragon Crush my score Can You Feel the death he's coming down Dragon yes yes come on come on a couple yeah we've done it yes dude oh my goodness yes dude I beat your game developer I did it maybe next time you'll make a map that's impossible to live in huh oh oh wait no
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,726,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, emeralds, minecraft funny, minecraft mod, custom hearts, meme, minecraft meme, minecraft marketplace, marketplace, minecraft survival, minecraft armor, minecraft challenge, challenge, can't die, minecraft cheats
Id: kAqKMhmWW58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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