I Cheated in a RAINBOW FRIENDS 2 Mob Battle Competition!

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today we're doing a Minecraft mod battle with my friend but we only use rainbow friends and little does my friend know I'm gonna be using one of my glass to cheat and see whatever he puts down but uh that's done are you ready to get started Ray I'm ready to get started Jay and wait why are you so big because I ate all these golden apples Jay okay whatever Ray we only have five minutes so good luck all right and wait a minute it looks like Rey already has his spawn egg ready I wonder what he's gonna spawn in the fridge mob I'm gonna use to defeat Jay is this chicken wait what is a chicken gonna turn into that can't be anything cool come back your chicken if I Splash you with this super awesome potion it turns into cyan from Rainbow friends what the heck how does he have science from Rainbow friends that's literally super cool all right well we obviously have to do something to counter him so what I'm gonna do is come up here I'm gonna be using this awesome Forest to cheat in this mob battle so I'm gonna go ahead and go into this super scary forest and try to find anything that can help me win this mob battle so let's go over here and be super careful because I heard this force is really hot wanted is there anything over here oh nope it doesn't look like anything anything back here no this is a bunch of grass all right I guess I'll continue down this scary path oh my gosh and wait a minute a chest with a sign what does the sign say use this The Watcher who is The Watcher who does he think he is all right whatever I'll see if I can trust this Watcher guy depending on what's in this chest so let's go ahead and open it a pig spawn egg so far it seems like this Watcher guys no idea what he's doing this is just a normal Pig but I kind of forgot that we have this upgrade potion so let's see what the pick turns into with it so the first thing I'm gonna do is place down this pig and start splashing it with this upgrade potion oh my gosh it turned into yellow from Rainbow friends too oh my gosh this is definitely gonna be raised mob and wait a minute is he already spawning in more oh man how am I gonna do anything and wait a second is he putting a statue for his science to make them stronger okay science you're gonna love this statue I'm building for you oh my gosh why is he being the statue okay we have to hurry let me go ahead and go over to Mr yellow and go ahead and grab his spawning let me just get that and start placing them everywhere oh my gosh look how many I have and one thing that Rey doesn't know is I have a command that will make these guys all super big so let's call it slash slash grow so let me go ahead and do it in three two one and boom just like that all of our yellows are super big oh my gosh Jay why is yellow going through the wall wait how do you you know it's yellow and I mean never mind wait no uh there's nothing going on over here I can see yellow's full head coming through my wall Jay uh don't worry about it I'm just trying to get my Army situated alrighty then all right guys that was pretty close and I just realized our slash I was broken man didn't even get all of our guys and wait I think time's almost up I already are you ready to drop the wall I'm super ready I'm gonna throw on three two one and boom Oh my God sweet you've got cyan go get him science you got this oh my gosh well you guys look really weak use the power of my statue oh my gosh I'm totally crushing your guys Ray how are you gonna feel about this they are gonna win I promise come on Cheyenne come on come on you've got this yellow wait half my yellows aren't even coming over to your side wow your yellows are super lazy but wait all my science are dead are you kidding me and look they're your last ones right there good all right well Ray that means I won round one how do you feel I'm pretty devastated those science were my babies Jay but it's okay Jay because you're going down in round two boys just hit a backflip all right whatever you're not gonna win this next round no I'm winning this easy all right whatever let's go on to round two good luck Ray all right The Watcher came in clutch for that round and I can't believe that we actually won shout out to Yellow he's way better than cyan if you like yellow better than cyan make sure you guys comment down below and tell me which one's your favorite rainbow Prince too but anyways let's go ahead and get rid of all of these previous mobs alright and now that all of the yellows are done we could move on the round two and wait a minute it looks like Rey already has another spawn egg ready oh my gosh this is my best mob yet it's a turtle what the heck is a turtle gonna turn into that literally looks like it's gonna do nothing but wait if I splaja with this awesome potion it turns into Sheriff toaster wait a minute what Sheriff toaster how is that even possible I thought this was supposed to be rainbow friends oh my gosh Rey is really cheating he took a guy from a completely different game whatever it's okay because I think the guy in the woods has my back so let's go over here and see what the Watcher has for me all right let's be super careful oh my gosh all right here we go oh there's a sign no chest this time keep looking around the Watcher wait he's not gonna make it easy this time once it was so nice just having a chest right here uh whatever I guess we just drifting around if you just back here no oh my gosh where could it be is it inside this beehive no I don't I don't think you can store stuff in there okay but wait is that another portal what the heck oh my gosh what is it gonna be in here all right let's just keep going oh man this looks super weird why do you build the portal like this The Watcher is kind of weird all right whatever let's just go ahead and jump in in three two one and boom and oh my gosh we're in the Nether and wait a minute oh my gosh what are these sea lanterns doing here this is so random and why is the nether always so scary all right I guess we should just follow this I've got my mob killer in my hand in case something tries to hurt me and all right what's over here and wait why is there a chest over here did the washer put this here this is like so weird of him let's go ahead and open up the chest in three two one and Bam Bam egg what does bam bam have to do with rainbow friends oh my gosh I guess this runs just themed up as Garden of ban ban whatever oh my gosh she looks so all right let's get rid of him and go back to the Overworld before Rey notices alright so let's go over here to Bam Bam and click on him and go over here to this zombie and see who wins why are they going to wait for each other come on fight fight come on oh my gosh Batman's coming to the zombie and oh my gosh he's fighting oh my God have been one let's go these bad bands are super strong this is totally gonna beat the sheriff toadsters a matter of fact let's go over here and see what the sheriff toasters are doing and wait a second why are there so many and why did he build a lake what is this good job Sheriff toadsters here's your swamp as promised now you guys gotta go beat up Jay for me oh my gosh he built them a swamp what's that supposed to do like Empower them or something you know what that means we have to troll him and get rid of the swamp so he loses so let me go ahead and grab this invisibility potion in some of this times 20 dynamite and go over to his side let me go over here and break a little hole in the roof and go over here and now we're on Race side and oh my gosh she doesn't even see me this swamp is so awesome Sheriff toadsters oh my gosh he really likes the swap so let's just go ahead and destroy it wait where'd my swamp go oh my gosh that did way more damage than I expected I didn't realize how strong 20 times Dynamite was share of toadsters you're not mad at me right come on you can still fight oh my gosh okay let's go back to our side before he notices I actually feel kind of bad for Ray I didn't think that it would do that much damage oh I'm so sad that my Lake's gone this is so stupid how did this happen uh yeah I feel kinda kind of bad maybe we'll help him out later but for right now I'm gonna go over here and find my ban ban oh there he is all right so let's go over to Bam Bam and grab the spawn egg and boom just like that we have way more spawnings for band band so let's go ahead and spawn in a bunch of him let's do this oh my gosh look at this there's so many bam bans this is totally gonna be his share of toadsters and I think it's time to drop the wall are you ready Ray oh Jay I'm ready let's go three two one what oh my God why did they fall from the sky oh my gosh wait you have Sheriff toaster that's super cool yeah but your band beds are destroying them I'm like that's exactly what they're supposed to do no we cheer up toasters I'm sorry your swamp got destroyed wait what happened to your swamp I don't know it just exploded you're about to win it looks like I'm winning actually Sheriff toasters are making a comeback well look how many band bands are over here on my side no they're gonna get destroyed come on ban bam pull through please pull through Sheriff toaster doesn't lose this I genuinely have no idea who's gonna win yeah it's like 50 50 right now we each have the same amount of people oh we're gonna win no yes good job Sheriff toasters oh my gosh Ray how did you win you definitely cheated or something I boosted their morale oh my gosh whatever all right good job on round two but you're not beating me in round three yeah okay sure sure buddy I got this I know I do all right we somehow lost with the ban ban and I I completely thought that the Watcher was gonna make us win that time I guess he's just not handing out W's like that well that really sucks all right when I was over on Jay's side I think I saw another portal so I'm gonna go there and see what he's been up to wait there's no way he saw my other portal is hidden behind this hill there's nothing he's gonna find in there though wait he just went into the portal oh my God all right let's go in there and see what he's doing hopefully he doesn't find anything and wait a minute where is he does this even spawn me next to him oh the nether's so big and fast I wonder what Jay was doing in here wait a minute where is he going to see didn't have a mission in here or something like why is he always just like going this way oh there's a bridge maybe up getting close to Something Fishy oh my gosh I have to be super careful what's this oh oh no oh my gosh just go I just got like a ladder that was close what is this bridge oh my gosh wait what is this yeah I'm curious too I didn't do this so Jay's been here the whole time huh oh I haven't been here I don't even know what this is wait is that a person over there oh wait a minute who is that is that a villager hello Mr villager how are you hello I am the Watcher oh that sounds super scary you're the Watcher yes I have been watching you all wow that's so cool Mr Watcher um well I think that my friend Jay's been cheating in our mob battle um you think you could help me I might just have the thing for you just give me a second oh all right well I'll just run around for a bit oh my gosh wait a minute The Watcher has something for him he's working with the Watcher dude I don't even know who oh my gosh and wait we have oh my gosh she's like literally right there why is she just running around in circles why is he dancing oh my gosh bro's literally hitting the gritty right now oh my God this weight is taking so long Mr Watcher are you done yet yes I'm done well what do you have for me Mr Watcher I give you skippity toilet egg wait the scary toilet egg the skinny toilets are way too powerful there's no way they're in Minecraft already oh it's my lucky day Jay has no idea what's coming for him okay thank you Mr Watcher oh my gosh wait a minute The Watcher give a muskimity toilet egg what the heck that's literally not even fair oh my gosh let me follow him back here okay guys I gotta hurry back home so Jay doesn't find out that I've been in that door wait we have to get back before him because he's gonna realize I'm gone all right let me just jump in this lava and see if it brings us back oh we just died yeah bam just like that we spawned back on our side that really worked oh that was so crazy wait he just came back to the portal okay we finally made it before him oh my gosh oh can't let Jay see that I got to the netherite to break this quick oh my gosh almost like I didn't just see you go in the nether oh my gosh he can't even hear me whatever all right well we need to find out what we're gonna do for this battle all right whatever that's so stupid so we should probably go back into this forest and see if there's anything that the Watcher gave us even though he's helping the Ops like what is he doing all right so let's go through here okay the Portal's Still there I don't think there's gonna be anything in there like that guy like that was so weird he gave us the worst things in the nether what is this sorry about last round this should help The Watcher all right and where did this Anvil come from what the heck all right um sorry about that police toilet what the heck is a police toilet oh my gosh all right whatever let's just go over here and spawn it and see what it is let's go ahead and spawn one it well wait these are the police toilets from skimmy toilet oh my gosh these are way stronger than the normal skimmy toilet we're definitely gonna win this okay I just made this awesome toilet statue for my skipping toilet so let's spawn some oh my gosh wait that toilet looks literally so cool and wait he's just putting them in the toilet that's so weird all right let's start spawning a bunch more of our police toilets and let's just like destroy him so let me put a couple more down right here and start splashing them with my upgrade potion and boom boom boom boom boom boom and since we have all of these skimity police toilets let's go ahead and use slash slash grow once again and see what happens oh my gosh look how big they are half of them are big and half of them are small but I think that should be enough Jay why is your mobs always coming through the wall um I don't know I just have better mobs than you that's why but even is that Jay uh I don't know I wouldn't worry about it but are you almost ready yeah I'm ready all right I'm gonna drop the wall in three two one let's see what happens and wait you also have toilets what the heck yeah I I found them like on the side of the street what the heck that's so nice of you and wait mine are destroying yours look at it give any toilets go attack them wait mine looks so cool but yours also look really cool oh my gosh I wonder who will win come on skipping toilets you can fight better than this I know it oh my gosh wait yours are destroying my big one what the heck yeah it's give me toilets let's go mine are afraid to come fight yours my skippity toilets are so powerful and strong oh my gosh wait I think I'm winning Ray how are you winning no wait where did all my Scooby-Doo toilets go oh wait they're over here oh my gosh wait they're coming oh my gosh oh my gosh who will win who will win and uh I think I just killed your last one no not my skippity toilets oh my gosh she literally suck at this how could she be that bad bites could be totally turned gone my children all right well that means I won round three so let's go on to round four right okay let's go and guess what I already know who I'm gonna put down yeah me too Jay let's run it up all right well this round we live one minute good luck what okay okay okay the mob that I'm gonna be spawning against Jay is cyan again but I'm gonna make him super huge he just made himself super huge what an idiot I meant to make science super huge oh my gosh that's a massive cyan I know exactly what to counter this with so let me go over here and spawn in this little yellow but yellow is really tiny so we're gonna make our super big like his so let me go over here and grab this shrink ray and go ahead and click it on yellow and oh my gosh I think mine's way bigger than his and oh my gosh wait he just spawned in three of them so I guess we have to do that as well so we put one here and one here and make this one big and this one also so super big and I think I'm ready alrighty Ray are you ready because I'm ready to fight I'm super duper ready there's no way you beat my huge science let's drop the walls in three two one and boom Oh My Gosh okay are they gonna start fighting each other come on come on oh wait my yellow's going right for your guy mod science what are you doing stop throwing why are mine stuck in the trees go go go oh my gosh wait a minute are they finally gonna start fighting and wait they're fighting they're fighting wait oh my gosh wait I already just killed one of your guys I'm losing so bad no science what are you doing and wait a minute oh oh wait am I gonna take your guy down that's one yellow down come on cyan clutch up oh my gosh well one of my other ones just like literally disappeared so it's only these two left whoever wins this wins everything come on guys you win this why aren't they killing each other all right whatever let's just force them to fight all right we're gonna go ahead and select this guy to fight my guy come on and start fighting each other what if they want to be friends instead of fighting the no no science it looks like I just won okay fine Jay you won but you killed all my friends it doesn't matter because I just won the prize and I have to show you something Ray okay what do you want to show me come over here and let me type slash undo to bring the wall back and boom I was cheating with one weight loss the entire time what you were cheating how could you yeah sorry about that but uh I guess that means you technically won so GG oh wait wait a second I won yep oh god let's go yes I'm happy now yay all right if you guys enjoyed this mob battle and want to see another one make sure you guys click the video on screen right now and subscribe bye subscribe
Channel: JayeMC
Views: 292,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft, minecraft noob vs pro, noob vs pro, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, maizen, jj and mikey, cobey and tobey, mongo, wudo, minecraft troll, minecraft prank, minecraft mod, minecraft build challenge, minecraft noob vs hacker, alphabet lore minecraft, i cheated in a alphabet lore build challenge, alphabet lore, i cheated in a rainbow friends mob battle, kaye, kayemc, jayemc, jaye, kaye and jaye, jaye and kaye, rainbow friends, rainbow friends chapter 2
Id: b6S8N5dpiEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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