Minecraft but there’s Custom Dimensions

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minecraft has so many dimensions that we never get to see including my home i've been adventuring a ton and having a blast but i'm feeling a little homesick if i want to head back to see my family i gotta travel through countless other worlds to get there i found the mushroom island if i'm not mistaken this should be the place to find our first dimension here hello beautiful cows if i want to get back to my home i gotta retrace my steps this looks familiar yeah my signature face and i left myself a little bit of goodie bags here and look at this i got myself a dimensional map oh man that's a lot of scribbles our first dimension the spore dimensions smells funky what's up mooshrooms they're not looking at me i'm sorry i didn't visit you okay i've been in another dimension dude now the last time i was here i met a magical pig wizard he came from the pork lands let's see if i can find my pig buddy ah there it is i am excited to see my old friend hello you're not my wizard friend hey hey hey okay that's not my friend it's a mushroom lynch gross got him quizzy buddy you okay in there buddy oh my gosh he does not look great they trap my wizzy friend in his own home how horrible is that i will rescue you oh man you look terrible i'm gonna be honest man mushroom spore check this out whenever i hold mushroom spores it plants mushrooms behind me everywhere i walk and now ah pigs love themselves some truffles here you go hope you feel better soon my dude these truffles will come in handy i can actually eat these myself as well check this out my mushroom spores to make myself mushrooms and raise off the ground oh and there's my portal to the pork lands later whizzy buddy pork lands guys can you go to the bathroom somewhere else we'll take some of these carrots if we find some pigs along the way hey buddy here you go wow that was rude a little village oh how cool hey how you doing pig folks oh gosh they are not happy with me right now i don't know what i did last time when i was here but they don't like it i'm your friendly neighborhood crafty please please please hold on i think pigs love truffles don't they there we go piglets have accepted your offer of truffles and minnie piglen has decided to follow you is that you little buddy truffles for everybody all right please stop trying to eat me okay everyone's got truffles everybody's happy is that my little guy minnie piglet oh how cute traveling bacon i'm kidding i'm just kidding here's a truffle for you and one for me well the next dimension we're looking for looks like the creeper dimension oh gosh that one gets nuts dude there should be some kind of portal or structure around here somewhere everyone gets stacks okay whoa look at you little guy i think i found it my pets look a little different than before oh hey buddy just grabbing some truffles here to hopefully make some peace offerings with some pillagers i believe this should be where we find the portal truffles for everyone might as well take some gold while we're here on second thought i don't think they would really enjoy me stealing their gold that might be why they're so angry with me this time hopefully truffles make it up for ya there you are there's enough truffles for everyone and there's a chest up here oh is this for me you guys well thank you very kindly my friend dang that's a good sword too now to the creeper dimension but first let's gear up now i'm looking fancy my boy howdy folks looks like the creeper dimensions sneaking into the hogland world i'll get to the bottom of this see you guys later the creeper dimension now be careful because at any moment there could be a creeper behind us what the heck was that okay okay there's some food here oh that's a bombs of course it is creepers no invisible creepers no i don't like this dimension i don't like this dimension at all i gotta get out of here fast where am i going looks like uh the eighth or next i gotta move pretty quick there's even like falling stores too yeah this is for my pig boys to get to the aether dimension i need to make a portal with glowstone and somewhere high off the ground to prevent the creepers from you know blowing it up i can probably get myself some wood here to make a crafting table and then i can use my mushroom spores to build myself up okay okay that'll be how we get up safely i can craft a crafting table here and yeah tnt rocket boots i can craft well we have our blueprint let's get gathering my friends if you don't mind giving me some of your gun powder i'm gonna name you jeremy by the way i don't know why but it feels fitting now we just need some of these fruits over here all right buddy can you help me out defuse it you get it ah snap thanks buddy i got myself some tnt fruit just gotta grab a couple of sand and that should be what we need what are you doing there little buddy it's time this little bit of that and boom i've got tnt boots dude yeah looking good what do these do oh okay okay laid in the water no fall damage well that'll be nice we got a pair of boots we can explore with now oh this will be helpful to get around now i'm just on the hunt for some glowstone hey there's some i can use this glowstone here to make our aether portal 16 that should do it it looks like there's also these massive meteorites all over if it's hollow i might be able to have enough room in here to safely make my aether portal oh yep it's hollow ouch maybe i take my boots off for now my head hurts one two three she's a beauty wow it looks like a ring light what am i a youtuber or something it does make my eyes look beautiful though time to head out of this stinky explody dimension and on to the aether home of the phantoms well i don't remember that part but it is very cool looking my tnt boots might be in handy for walking around this dimension huh i remember this place like it was oh god phantom yep i remember this place hey there's a cloud here oh gosh don't let me die in here i thought that would be fluffy and fun let's see where i gotta go to the shulker dimension those guys are pretty cool all right let's see if we can find ourselves this shulker portal around here somewhere hopefully avoiding the death pigeons as i call them death pigeons oh god i think we've spotted it i think i remember coming through this dungeon or dungeon similar to this when i got here in the first place what the heck oh i definitely did not come through this dungeon oh my hello good sir uh are you friendly he's not friendly he's got laser eyes this guy's not gonna stop me from seeing my family yeah i'm gonna hang out here for a quick second i can hide here be careful dude you're blowing our cover come on tell me jeremy yes i got him and there's a staircase that opened up here oh snap whoa a storm caller don't mind if i do look at this axe jeremy is this cool or what hit mobs are blasted with thunderous force and i can call down lightning at will that's cool yeah yeah yeah oh sorry jeremy don't worry i got you i gotcha there you go and a phoenix feather armor i don't know what this is but it does look cool ah i get slow falling when i wear it and fire aspect i like it i'm light as a feather now there's like a skull and crossbones here but based on my notes this purple block looks like the correct dimension definitely looks different than i saw it before so something weird is going on prepare for anything these shulker guys are pretty weird joker space man this place is crazy looking now this is basically the inner dimensional world that all the dimensions combine together these guys are basically space hall monitors every dimension leads here somehow and they make sure everything goes smoothly so i definitely want to make a good impression ah the mother ship let's head on over there oh gosh this will not be easy if i fall oh yeah feather falling ah this makes life easier for me the next dimension we gotta go to looks like candy land i like that dimension hello friends you should talk to our captain oh all right whoa there's a bunch of weird redstone around here too something weird is going on here hello captain oh hello sir i don't mean to disturb you i'm just looking to get to candy land traveler wouldn't you help us our of course i'll help you guys thanks for all the interdimensional travel you let me do don't worry just kissing butt over here no worries my friend i salute you captain all right redstone lead stand back shulker i can probably use my storm collar here is this gonna work redstone no hey that worked all right all right sorry buddy didn't mean to shock you there number two yeah number three just one more left where is it uh looks like it might be below is it around here somewhere is this it what was that is somebody asking for help hello helping them yeah they asked me to help them they're gonna turn on you they want to conquer all other dimensions as soon as that machine's online what do you mean guys i don't know about this that guy's a prisoner in there that feels a bit shady i don't know man there it goes lit right up that should be all four of them and then we can make our way home mr captain i did exactly as requested now can i go home please your obedience is appreciated but i'm afraid we cannot let you join us in our dimensional quest no no no come on oh the prisoner was right i should have trusted him you have betrayed me you have hurt my feelings and that is take not you captain i will stop you yes we got the captain and he dropped some items here whoa we got a laser pistol now and we got a code portal blueprint whoa it's all buggy i don't know exactly what that says yet but for now i got a world to save take this yeah you have betrayed the safety of the interdimensional world i'm not doing great health-wise okay okay and that i gotta save that prisoner there you go buddy i'm so sorry i really should have trusted you take care of the ship my friend i gotta go see my family it does look like a portal opened up here and judging by the colors i think that's our candy portal to the candyland i hope that prisoner takes good care of the ship i'll be back yeah the candyland nice oh this place is awesome it's just as sweet as i remember nope that is not chocolate now our next dimension on the list a slime dimension so keep your eyes peeled for anything looking a little bit less sweet and a little more slimy rocket boots let's explore the cotton candy absorbed the explosion oh man i guess our tnt boots make no difference here been exploring for a while no slime yet although i did find this candy village over here candy villager are your trades pretty sweet they're pretty horrible as usual follow the candy pad to the candy maze it's amazing hey leave the puns to me dude uh well this looks like candy huh looks like the pack goes on this way following the candy pack it's better than doing math ooh this might be the opening he was talking about the candy maze maze made all right well this maze will be nice and easy because our laser pistol actually breaks through blocks as well hello the candy's gunking up the laser ah man everything's broken in this world i can't even cheat and jump over it with my tnt boots oh man i'm gonna get so lost i do hear a portal though that might be what we need to do to get to the slime dimension i'm coming portal whoa that's not slime it's a shulker area ah this may be where the shulkers are ready to conquer there's a shulker chest here we got a candy bean pistol upgrade whoa who laser pistol cartridge acquired oh i can turn blocks into candy now oh that's pretty cool and there is our slime portal but first there's another item here code portal part a bit of lost minecraft code i don't know how that'll come in handy but maybe that's how the shulkers were getting around dimension well it's in safe hands now i'll never let anything happen to them i'll never let anything happen to these code portal parts oh i see looking at the code it's starting to make our code blueprints make a little more sense but i can't make it all the way out without having the other code portal part maybe it's in a slime dimension what i do to see my family let's get slimy my friend ah my whole body's all slimy now yeah the slime void yeah it's looking pretty barren right about now oh there's some candy pieces it looks like there's little portals everywhere you see that that wasn't there before that looks like the mooshroom portal the aether portal what are all these portals doing here dude i don't think this has to do with our pirate boys but usually all of the portals are in the shulker dimension well at least this will act like a hub for me in case i need to get to the other dimensions pretty quick oh wait a minute these aren't normal those are eyes oh my gosh this is a slime monster he's reaching into the other portal stop it oh i stopped something that might be what we have to do to stop him turn some of these blocks into candy here stop it's the name of crafty mind your own business you giant goober monster there we go ah that must be where all the slime's coming from in that dimension saving the aether there he's even trying to take over the end dimensions that all of them i think this is the last portal we need yeah take that you big gross slime stay in your own dimension dude uh to be fair that's a little ironic saying that as i'm traveling through dimensions but hey i'm just here to help i'm not taking them over oh look at that it looks like our big slime dropped something here too what is it i'm still wearing my tnt boots okay looks like i got the second half of this weird minecraft code code oh code portal egg what that's not exactly how i remember portals work but okay need myself a piece of slime here and now i got it a code portal egg oh this is weird dude let's throw it it's spawn a rift in the world whoa look at that man oh i guess i'm being teleported i'll see ya on the code base my friends minecraft's code aho of the forbidden knowledge oh my yep i've never been here before this is uh not how i remember we're inside of minecraft's code right now what the heck i feel like i'm living in a simulation or something right now i don't know if i like this very much it looks like we can take a shortcut to my dimension through the joke dimension which honestly is my favorite dimension of all time it's awesome i guess we gotta get down to the bottom of this weird code dimension here there's something scribbled on the bottom of this map here flip over map what okay there's writing on the back of this map here crafty it's me crafty what i didn't write this dude apparently due to legal reasons when you leave this dimension your memory will be wiped oh my goodness well i guess that makes sense minecraft doesn't want to share their code with everyone good thing i'm not filming right now yes don't film here find the quantum computer beware of bugs uh yep i'm seeing bugs kind of all over the place lit furnaces with no fuel open barrels oh gosh half chest that make no sound oh this place is getting funky oh gosh actual bugs i thought they meant bugs in the game oh gosh they're everywhere i don't like this i don't like this i do think i found the quantum computer here that or a laser of some kind the redstone lamp it's not lit it looks like it's short-circuiting or something okay here we go i'm gonna jump up with my tnt boots and yeah can i power it on did that work oh weird guys i can't walk past this anymore there's like invisible blocks here take that nasty bug looks like there's an opening in the floor here yeah oh gosh that's a lot of bugs all right get back computer bug ew gross yeah stay out of minecraft's code man take there you can't hide from me dude i got tnt shoes yeah yeah dude is that it did i get all the bugs what'd you find little guy a computer i got a coding terminal hey you're trying to hide from me little buddy not today right click to open a developer portal oh give stack spawn mob set spawn give stack oh my gosh i gave myself joke dimension oh that might be how i make the joke dimension portal a bunch of chess what else can we do spawn mob oh hi buddy do i gotta go find wood now wait a minute i've got a hacking machine i can hack myself in some chests i got my chest i had to hack in a couple of times but i eventually got my chest here now we can make ourselves our joke portal dimension apparently still wearing my tnt boots that scared me a little bit and there she is looking a little wonky but you know hopefully this works abracadabra uh hello oh wait a minute hold on in the coding terminal there's something called print joke maybe i gotta make a joke make jokes what's a creeper's favorite food i don't know what is it salad ah okay okay i get it and it looks like that activated our joke portal joke dimension here we come get ready guys it might get a little funny here and after this is my dimension dude my dimensions are right next to the joke portal uh i think you can see why here we go i can feel my body flowing with damn jokes and puns hey home of the pranksters what is this dude a punchline oh my goodness of course it is oh dude i get to punch with a punchline that's awesome look at the little laughing emoji particles i love this place dude and look there it is it's my home that's the portal to my dimension i'm coming you guys wait a minute who took my puffer fish for some reason in the joke dimension you gotta tell jokes to mobs and then they give you puffer fish and for some reason that activates the portal don't ask me but hold on real quick i gotta tell some puns what's the best way to get to know a cow a movie date get it yep hey got a puffer fish how can i help this alpaca with this trick i'll pack a bag for him that's two puffer fish what do you call a mischievous egg a practical joker what would happen if pigs could fly the price of pork would skyrocket your pig okay well i don't know if you understood that joke but we'll take it why do pandas have fur coats ah cause they look pretty silly in denim jackets oh gosh the sound i'm sorry that should be all the jokes we need for now and boom yeah my dimension portal is open oh i cannot wait to see my family it's been quite an adventure we basically saved the world or something i don't know i'm coming home can't wait for you to meet the family yeah crafty dimension the home of the diamond folk my home hey guys crafty crafty i was feeling a bit homesick but always love seeing you guys ah crafty oh heck eddie it always a blast when crafty's home dude wanna jump on some tnt later ah for sure slimy high five oh yeah uh ew sorry i'm always bugging you crafty glad to have you i can't stay mad at you greedy i know you're always just playing pranks maybe just play less world ending pranks huh all right all right come on in everybody family photo [Music]
Channel: Craftee
Views: 5,188,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, custom item, custom items, custom dimension, custom dimensions, custom mob, custom mobs, custom power, custom powers, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft animation
Id: h9C78oCEBTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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