Minecraft but the Floor is Lava

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the world's been filled with lava as far as the eye can see and I and I'm stuck on a rest in the middle of it I I'm alive well here we are in a sea of lava let me give you a quick tour of my raft there it is pretty good tour looks like it's made out of obsidian or something I don't think I can break it although I don't think I want to I don't see anything on the horizon here looks like just miles of lava I do have to be careful though this is hardcore mode aha we've made it to our first island here there's a bunch of these only to explore it's the only way to get resources all right what do we have oh thank goodness dude is that carrots all right we got four carrots I got a rash in those bad boys oh we got a bunch of new items we can craft as well I can't craft anything just yet but at least I can grab some of these resources here all right that's all the wood now there are these blocks over here looks like coal of some kind can I mine you beautiful cold it's called a charcoal block oh okay so I can get charcoal out of it but I'm gonna keep that for now just in case always nice to have a fuel source wait is that cobbled uh careful buddy magma although I'll take the magma as well I don't know if I'll need this but we'll ow my toes is this cobbled yes cobbled obsidian dude I can mine it with a wooden pickaxe that's really nice oh gosh oh gosh how'd you get up here dude okay lesson learned I need to make myself a sword oh goodness all right cobbled obsidian Sledgehammer oh now we're talking dupes oars and crystals when it mines that might come in handy later well I'll grab more of this cobbled obsidian in the meantime here is that normal Cobblestone we'll take that as well oh gosh no my Cobble I will love you and miss you forever ah shoot don't mess with me zombie yeah oh that's a skeleton I don't like skeletons what the heck is that no no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you no come on man oh gosh okay it looks like they stay in the lava that's fine that's uh that's a lava serpent yep uh zombies don't look so scary now okay uh we can oh gosh no no come on man I got a cobbled obsidian Club it looks like it's stunned them hold on oh yeah okay so our club stuns enemy mobs that'll be be nice and helpful um I think I want to get the heck off of this island excuse me Serpent boy uh can I stun oh I stunned the serpent I'm out I'm out I'm out see you later dude I do not like this at all okay okay we're gone the Serpent's still here though great awesome how you doing Mr serpent oh man so the nice thing is we got a bunch of resources probably not as much as I needed but I do have a stun weapon now uh I do have this obsidian sledgehammer and I got some food although I don't think I want to eat all the carrots it's the only food I have unless I can uh do you mind if I munch on your tail or something I don't know I like sushi dude don't judge me okay so our lava serpent friend is friendly enough he's not coming after us to eat us so that's good I'm gonna name him it's a pretty good name what it's alien don't judge it my accent's not great we don't have a ton of blocks but I'm gonna expand my Island just a little bit for some breathing room here I do have magma blocks but I wouldn't say it's the best idea you know thankfully I did get a heck ton of wood dude so I can make myself a chest wait ah there it goes okay okay okay well no more crafting table until we expand our raft out a little bit I guess we'll just wait until the next Island arrives the next island has arrived a serpent you might not Munch in my toes that'd be awesome dude oh gosh I got so little health I gotta be so fast run run run he's coming after me come on oh okay we're on the island looks like there's some bone structures here I don't know how useful that's gonna be I guess I can make bone meal right if I get some dirt oh gosh koi there's two of them back up monsters snack today ballerina yeah crushed them the nice thing is I did get myself a little bit of food it is the Flesh of zombies but you know we take what we can get oh that looks like some iron over there and some gold and because of my sledgehammer it multiplies it I got four gold ingots from that I can make myself a nice old fancy pair of boots and we got ourselves some iron wait a minute hold on if I give myself some Cobblestone here I'm a genius I'm a genius I can break up my charcoal block and if I smelt up my rock gold I can actually get myself golden carrots which is so nice dude that's so much better than eating all four of them it's gonna feel so good to have hearts again man 14 iron all right let's go looks like I can get myself iron armor here pretty soon too some more Hello Akash be careful thank you very much hey got it all oh perfect this might actually be just enough to get myself full iron oh is it worth it it's worth it oh gosh that's so scary ah this is so scary dude I don't like this at all please give it to me well that iron's gone 25 iron we'll take that dude we shall make two delicious golden carrots oh I finally have hearts again man and that's my friends is full iron thank you Mr furnace oh I could make boots but then I would only have one iron ingot left and I'm a little afraid to use all of my iron just in case although I am gonna get more of this bone meal here because if at some point I can find dirt I should be able to farm up a bunch of these carrots with the bone meal I don't know for sure if I need water or not but if not I'll just gather a bunch of my Tears in a bucket I have plenty of those I'm gonna go ahead and make myself a bucket just in case I need or find water water is going to be a great tool of survival anyway oh gosh where are you I hate this guy oh I don't want to mess with this oh shoot dude oh the serpent is terrifying man Stop in the Name of crafty okay we made it all the way back to our Island huh can't touch this maybe I shouldn't taunt you know the giant terrifying dragon in the middle of a lava ocean well here we are again Mister it's just me and you I'm sticking with that name I don't care he's a lava dragon what do you want me to name him Gary the lava dragon all right this might be a dumb idea and a little bit morbid but I'm gonna actually expand my eyelid with some of these bone blocks here even on the off chance I do find dirt to build myself a farm I don't really need that much bone meal there we go it's gorgeous so much room for activities what do you think do you like it nah nah nah because you guys have been so supportive of our Marketplace Maps which are so fun to work on by the way we wanted to give a little something special and release a free map just for you that's right free baby it's got a mask of Island to explore loads of unique mini games fly deadly dragons morph into amazing mobs blow up custom TNT dude battle bosses with wild weapons and loads more download for free on the Minecraft Marketplace and celebrate the end of the year with us oh and other Islands here sick dude Island number three looks like a giant volcano or something dude dirt yes oh that's what I want coarse dirt I don't know if I can make a farm out of course dirt well looks like we got some other items here what's this more cobbled obsidian I mean we'll take that at the very least to expand out oh what the heck is that dude looks like a geode or something all right well you're after this okay what else we have we have a little bit more wood here oh that geode is just enticing me one at a time man is that a Magma Cube hello there Mr Q boy I shall get to the bottom of this they're technically the top of this okay gotta be a little careful here I am almost out of hunger I can't Sprint here in just a moment hello Mr magma there's a bunch bunch of them there's a chest he's guarding it he's sitting on it I mean you know harm what I'm not holding a club you are yeah backup monster no thank you I don't have enough health for this dog I'm hoping that's all of them wait no fire don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it I gotta blow out these candles like it's my birthday what is in here ice okay magma creams and a heart of magma that's new ice why would there be ice in the middle of a volcano dude pardon me uh do I craft something with it wait I think what I have to do is break it and then I got myself water dude I've got water I got water from a volcano what you're jealous you're thirsty my boy well too bad now here's the real question can I I can dude oh my gosh you guys I've got a farm it feels weird to put this on top of magma but we're gonna do it oh this is the best day of my life dude I got food thank goodness thank you volcano for giving me carrots that's not a sentence I thought I'd ever say in my life but what is this heart of magma yes I I can make a Volcanion a Volcanion dude take this monster it damages mobs also it makes a little path for me oh gosh it doesn't last very long though get back Beast so I can use our volcano to get over to our Island here it's a little hard to aim but I might be able to take out with it although I kind of like him at this point oh gosh all right well if our pathway goes away I do have to do this pretty quick man oh I'm a little nervous here go go go go go go go I have to make it to this geode before I'm on fire I'm on fire it's fine it's fine okay okay nice looking geode man looks like we got ourselves a bunch of iron heck yeah dude and copper for the first time I don't really know what I'll do with copper but I might need that for a crafting recipe later but I do got myself a bunch of nice iron did you know that iron is high in iron thank you beautiful geode for your sacrifice oh my gosh what the heck is that get out of here is that a fire fairy whoa hey get back dude okay weird I don't think this Geo is used for anything to craft although it wouldn't be kind of nice to have a nice expanded Island I'm kind of tired of standing on Cobble deep slate and Bones all right half a stack of amethyst I think that'll do it proud of me excuse me boy pardon me oh my goodness you're shooting the Fireballs oh I don't like that I don't like that at all that's not cool hey oh no no no no no no no no no no no no oh run run run run run run run run run run are you gonna attack me he still attacks me on the raft yeah I'm sorry buddy but you gotta go I know I'm sad too oh gosh oh no come on man how much health do you have stop this is not the time oh we've gotta face our demons yeah Tango bad but also I kind of had no choice we have slain the legendary monster at least I think so well I feel a little bit better about our survival oh that looks good and then we'll use this side oh please grab it I grabbed one of them at least we can make ourselves a little dirt patch here oh and now we have ourselves a farm and the magic ingredient Walter it's beautiful so now that I had my farm situated I built out my raft a little bit my inventory was getting pretty full but I was afraid of my chest you know engulfing into flames as one does so with my leftover amethyst I made room for some storage space she's gorgeous I also found a very useful item called a steel cage this item goes over my head to block projectiles which dude will be so useful in case more lava dragons show up so I smelled it up a few iron and made my favorite Auto smelting buddy Frank okay we're gonna make him out of no chests Love You Frank I formed some more carrots Frank was doing his thing and when he was done I grabbed the iron and made myself a steel cage it did make me feel a lot more confident in this challenge then I found something called a charcoal engine that item would allow me to actually direct my raft rather than kind of float aimlessly here's the issue though I needed a furnace and the only furnace I have is Frank no Frank I'm sorry buddy it is the only way but after a few alligator tears I found out I could craft a furnace with black stone so no sacrifices necessary yet I crafted the engine and I made a few golden carrots to reward myself for my hard work oh my goodness guys we made it to the next Island and I'm not sure if I like the look of that oh gosh hopefully blazes little Fireballs count as projectile so I could use my cage here wow you guys been drawing very nice I gotta hang this on the fridge I've actually never seen this block before it looks kind of cool all right hold on I'm getting distracted there's got to be something cool around here oh gosh here they come all right all right all right if I just book it I'll put on my steel cage here yeah can't touch me now can you although I do have a giant hole where my face is please don't shoot me in the eyes all right that's off limits oh this is gonna be easy peasy dude all right looks like our cage does have a time limit on it oh and a cool down it might be a good time to make myself a shield here oh gosh how do I make a shield there we go I do love having this cage oh yeah parkour baby but the cage only lasts so long so I gotta use it pretty sparingly here oh yeah yeah take that monster ahead not so tough now are we boom baby there are secrets up here I found a chest come on please have something good in it oh my goodness we got some blaze powder we got a portal schematics and a brewing wand weird okay our Brewing wand shoots smoke and sets mobs on fire converts ingredients into potions whoa how does this work dude if I put down blaze powder uh maybe I don't use all of it I just use the brewing stand and it makes potions out of it dude that's radical I just breathe on it it's like ah no worries now you can drink me dang dude I got myself a bunch of strength potions that's nice look at my raft ah it's so beautiful from all the way up here beautiful glorious raft all right now to make it down without you know dying that'd be nice okay okay no thank you I've already had my share of fire today thank you very much volcano attack oh gosh I can't think dude I think I'm doing damage volcano go I'm gonna sit here and farm a little bit of blaze rods oh gosh that's so many come here boys yeah all right that's enough blaze rods oh gosh I'm gonna die okay wait don't kill me hold on hold on oh gosh I'm dying let me get the water let me get the water run run run run run run run okay okay that's why we never leave the raft no thank you hey hey stop trying to burn my place down oh gosh no stop it oh my word I did not like that at all no no thank you Frank you doing all right over there buddy oh catching a breather I almost died dude I am also out of golden apples which is fine but we did just have to take on an entire Fortress which I'm not extremely happy about apparently also magma creams I can turn into potions uh what does this turn into fire resistance potions well that would have been nice huh at least now I can just swim in lava my favorite after dinner activity this would be a very bad time for more Dragon serpents to spawn anybody no okay well not only did we get a brewing stand on a stick we also got ourselves the portal schematics and it points to the various Islands we've been to so maybe this tells us where we have to go I don't know decent opportunity to get ourselves our charcoal engine and test out this bad boy we'll put in some charcoal here and whoa the lava's moving oh I think technically we're moving sick dude all right so we now can control the raft the next stop looks like oh gosh this Skull Island all right well you know what to do Mr engine Ahoy matey we've made it to the island that's kind of horrifying I'm gonna be honest white teeth though dude that guy brushes doesn't look too dangerous I think I'm gonna go ahead and hop over I am Gonna Keep My Fire Resistance potion on handy just in case I only have those oh okay well glad my resistance is still going hello buddy boy how are you yes I'm just like you I can float in lava as well wow he's looking sad he's probably sad because he's so lonely on this island dude don't worry buddy I'll take you home wait a second Perfect Dude Ward fungus that's just what I need now I need what a fishing rod hello Mr skull you might have to check out your teefers your big white Chompers yes I see some cobwebs dude so it looks like I'm supposed to take this guy with me excuse me hello good sir how are you what do you like to spin around like a ballerina very beautiful all right so I can break these to get string that I can use that to make a fishing rod and I can take our little boy with me the only thing I'm missing is a saddle is there a saddle in here I knew it dude I'm big brain genius ouch nothing else super fancy ooh a bunch of nuggets and a lead okay perfect that is exactly what I needed and uh I might as well grab a couple of these as well gilded Blackstone it says can I smelt that into gold hi buddy boys you want to come home with me let me just grab this fence real quick and we can bring our lovely Gerald with us and poop yeah dude we got a new friend oh The Best Day Ever I certainly could cross the ocean you know with my fire breath but it's so much cooler to bring a buddy along with me there we go welcome to the crew my man engine is a go and let's head on to our next destination have you guys met each other by the way Jerry meet Frank Frank Jerry Frank's a furnace and then uh your whatever the heck Striders are what are writers oh finally got myself a decent amount of gold and carrots too what do you eat Jerry open up Jerry we're here whoa dude look at this next Island it's like a crystal island or something it looks awesome oh I love it dude there's a chest up here it's got a crystal charm in it and some diamonds dude our first diamonds of the episode hey we'll take that man I like this there's no dangers here it's just beautiful look at these crystals I love it we should get double the diamonds as well with our Sledgehammer I don't know how much we'll end up with but I can at least make it like a diamond chest plate oh heck yeah dude we struck gold I got at least half a stack of diamonds here and that's everything at this island I mean we have some obsidian here I guess I might as well grab it wait a minute guys I have an idea it's not a perfect idea but it's an idea if I make a diamond pickaxe here and then spend 10 hours mining obsidian now if I can find myself a flint and steel or even just a flint then I can go to the Nether and maybe use that to escape this uh this lava world oh ouch uh I'm not sure if that's what I'm supposed to do or not but hey at least I got myself a backup plan oh Frank no I saved your life come on Jerry help out a bro when he needs it also the nice thing is we got ourselves at the very least a new chest plate yeah add a new fan see a pair of pants yes all right let's get ourselves out of here oh right didn't I get like a custom item there I got a crystal charm here very cool I like it it shoots a long range beam damages mobs very cool the weird thing is it converts flowing lava into obsidian can I use it here I can't it has to be specifically flowing lava that's super specific dude you know what's going on here no all right well I guess we'll find out whoa we've made it uh to our next Island but it's not really an island looks like a portal is that a nether portal dude I can't tell from here there is Flowing lava so that might be useful let's make our way over oh my oh my gosh what the heck was that dude a meteor just fell from the sky I guess I'm fine I'm fine only died a little bit here oh goodness that's that's some blazes okay oh I need my shield heater take this monsters oh I'm taking damage I'm taking damage oh not good not good hold on fire resistance all right I should be all right to live oh just take out these blazes I love fire resistance potions dude pardon me I'm not here to hurt you well technically I am I'm just trying to survive my boy oh this Crystal's pretty cool dude all right that should be all the blazes here that is legit the nether it's like a giant portal to the nether yo Jerry help me out here buddy looks like you might be going home come on Jerry we got a mission oh wait a second now I get it the crystal charms it turns flowing lava into obsidian so if I could stop the lava flowing then I'll have saved the world right all the lava will stop flowing to the nether into the Overworld and then boom World saved I've figured it out dude oh yeah hey challenge complete let's go I guess we've saved the world everybody oh gosh now what
Channel: Craftee
Views: 2,228,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, only one block, minecraft but one block, minecraft but custom lava, minecraft mods, minecraft hardcore, minecraft mod, custom minecraft, minecraft custom weapons
Id: MRtRD1SR1t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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