I Survived 100 Days as a JEDI in Minecraft

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the Jedi Knights from Star Wars are probably the strongest Heroes ever created not only can they use their lightsabers to cut through basically anything but they can also use the force which allows them to easily take down their enemies however their evil Jedi that exist called sin and unfortunately three of those Sith have made their way onto my Minecraft server so I'm gonna be turning into a Jedi in Minecraft so I can stop these three Sith before day 100 because on day 100 they're going to activate the Death Star and Destroy This World for good my Jedi Powers be enough to stop my three enemies or will the Death Star vaporize the server on day one I spawned in as a youngling Jedi but as a youngling I only have eight hearts of HP which is a major problem because there are three people from the Empire right up on that ship trying to stop me and they're allowed to start chasing me the second I leave this little spawn Rock okay if I'm gonna survive this I'm gonna have to use my Jedi upgrade menu to try and unlock a lightsaber you know a Jedi's main weapon and luckily there's only a few things we need to actually unlock a lightsaber which starts by getting wood over there in that jungle so let's go we're definitely gonna chase me oh God here we go we have to go away because come on you can't escape us Jedi welcome to the dark side now let's climb these trees okay they're coming in they're coming let's be quick about this let's break this start cutting down this tree oh they're shooting oh they have blasters quick this way he's running away get him we got four logs that'll be enough that'll be enough let's go over here I see a desert village where'd he go he's in the desert oh God they're literally right behind me oh okay down here down here down here in the water in the water I have an idea here I don't think their bullets can get me underwater real quick so let's swim down here quickly turn all of these jungle logs into planks swim back up put this right here and go oh guys up here nice anything in this Village okay the village isn't done there's nothing there okay let's just keep going this way oh they're literally on the hill get him oh a desert Temple's right in front of me oh my goodness go go oh I'm gonna have to break this so fast oh this is gonna stink come on nice we got it oh that hurts okay break this okay quickly we gotta loot in here ironing it's three iron ingots oh my God oh my God making crafting tables all the right above they're right above the right above the right above make sticks I got an idea let's make an iron pickaxe and let's make an iron sword oh wait we can't make an iron sword oh God we have any more iron yes there's lots of iron in here oh my goodness yes okay we're under oh they're putting sitting down to get on us we need to go we need to go let's just start taking through the wall oh God wait what is this isn't that cave stuff we're next to a cave eat a golden apple if you have a pickaxe uh no okay we killed one we killed one oh oh my goodness get back here oh yes okay we got the critical kills we need on the Empire now to get the lightsaber we just need to mine two diamond ore and kill eight zombies and luckily there's a water cave right here and it looks like it goes into a regular cave yes okay we just need to find some deep sleep diamond ore down here so we need to get even lower okay I don't see any diamonds yet let's go I found one we just need to find two please be a second yes there's two we did it we're done now we literally just gotta kill eight zombies and there we go eight zombies are dead which means we can now unlock our lightsabers The Amazing Blue laser sword used by all Jedi Knights I mean literally they all use it [Music] and now that we have a lightsaber let's get out of this cave okay we're back in the desert temple let's just break through the floor right here oh I see one of their names really close above okay so the Sands are still outside I'm just gonna keep eating this rotten flash to get my health up real quick now let's start building up let's get at work to get out of here I don't see any of them they definitely Hear My lightsaber though watch this oh he saw me oh get him he's done yes another routine another one's in here okay I'm blocking I'm blocking his bullets can't hit me now oh he hit me hit me outside this way yes we got him yes we before they get back here from Spawn so let's go this way and just run as far as we can and hopefully we lose the set this time and so I went off and worked on our first Jedi base which I would finish on day nine which was a good thing by the way because we need to focus on upgrading our Jedi or the Death Star will actually Destroy This Server on day 100 and no I'm not kidding we actually built a death star with a reactor core that I have to take out by day 100 and if not well okay so welcome your faces to the brand new Jedi base this base is actually really small but that's for the better because it's gonna help us hide everything anyway with the lightsaber in hand we're obviously basically a Jedi wrong you see anyone that knows anything about Star Wars knows that the Jedi can use the force and luckily for us we can unlock our first Force ability Force jump and with that will officially be a Jedi now getting force jump is actually super duper easy as we just have to make a pair of leather boots which we can get just by murdering all these cows there we go and now we just need to get a rabbit's foot and five pumpkins and since I left the desert let's just go look around for five pumpkins instead luckily pumpkin spawn in Planes biome so this really shouldn't take too long well I wasn't even kidding these pumpkins literally are on top of my pace and there's more over there so let's just start collecting all these that's all the pumpkins we need and now we just need a rabbit's foot but the sun's starting to set so we'll get that tomorrow good night okay it's day 10 let's go get that rabbit's foot but before we continue surviving let me tell you about another amazing survival game and that game is undone the sponsor of today's video an open world survival game that works on mobile devices and PC meaning all of you can play this with me taking on tons of infected though in this game the infected are not your only concern because other players may try and raid your base as well but luckily for you undawn is a massive open world game so there is plenty of resources for everybody but unlucky for you players are gonna have to go through rain snow heat and even thunderstorms all well at the exact same time you have to keep track of your vitals like hunger thirst body type and even your mood so with all these vitals you gotta keep track of you have to learn to play undone your way that might mean you become an endurance expert or it may mean you become a combat fiend but in the end your goals are still the same protect your home base protect your allies and well try and restore Humanity luckily though while surviving in the apocalypse you can look incredible but they're really really robust customization system there is so much you can adjust like look at this I'm literally moving this guy's eyes exactly where I want them I am never gonna get bored of undying well that the fact that undawn's world is huge there are different terrains like planes mines deserts and even full abandoned cities in each of these areas has its own ecosystem with different plants animals and even weather so when you play make sure you travel around the world because there are tons of environmental items strongholds events and side quests everywhere so make sure you travel around a bit because that's how you're going to learn to make all your tools find awesome weapons and perfect your shelter and now this is the point in the video where I need your help you see it's up to you to rebuild your new home and undone and then set up a brand new civilization for Humanity so download the game set up your base of operations and then Squad up with your friends or me because I'm lonely to build the ultimate survival base and with the in-depth free building system you can grow your base over time and battle the infected to keep it safe oh and a quick aside if you plan on making any content in undone they actually have a Creator program that just launched called the undone Creator camp where you can earn things like merch in-game currency and much much more you can apply for Creator Camp simply by clicking the link in the description down below so what are you waiting for undone is an amazing game you can get right now if you're watching this video you love survival games so it's literally perfect for you so make sure you download it right now use the QR code on screen or by simply clicking the link in the description down below and make sure when you start playing that you get to level 10 because then you can use my Creator code ryguy to get free yes free items such as the Firefly cowboy hat or the Blackwell baseball cap and of course this all comes with 1000 silver on top of it which is a lot so come download the game get to level 10 and use code Rye guy because I'm gonna need all the help in this game that I can get okay we're in the desert there's a rabbit behind me you're mine no way he's on the first first kill what I find a miscolored rabbit in this desert who was chased here by that dog that then gave me his rabbit's foot that literally could not have worked out any better wait there's a desert temple behind us and with the rabbit's foot in hand we can unlock Force jump which gives us the ability to jump super high just like this which is honestly gonna be super useful for looting things like desert temples did this just blow up what happened what's happening I'm 99 sure that Enderman in the background tped down there and blew himself up well okay this place is doomed but let's at least go down to the bottom of this desert temple so I can use Force jump to get out so all I do is activate fourth jump and now we're gonna jump up to that pumpkin to this pumpkin and out of the temple and now we simply jump out the top and head on home okay so officially we are almost a Jedi we have a lightsaber meaning we're basically a Jedi but let's make it official by becoming the lowest rank of Jedi Padawan which will also increase my hearts to 18. we definitely have to become a Padawan and luckily it's really not that hard we just have to get 16 Brown die 32 steak and 128 Redstone so let's start by killing a bunch of cows for their meat sorry cows okay just like that we have all the raw beef that we need and a lot of extra and a lot extra for food so now we have to quickly cook it so let's head home and throw it in the smoker and now it's way for him to finish cooking okay cool we have all the cooked steak that we need now let's head down to the mines and let's go get some redstone okay there we go we have literally all the Redstone we're ever gonna need and now that we have that we just need 16 Brown dye to become a Padawan and luckily getting Brown dye is as easy as finding some cocoa beans so let's quickly head up to the surface and let's go get some let's just make our way back to the Jungle that's near spawn as I'm pretty sure that's the closest jungle nearby okay I'm not gonna lie this jungle is way smaller than I thought like if you look at this thing it's literally a tiny strip of jungle but luckily there's some cocoa beans right here right here here and here oh my God and two more on the back giving us all the cocoa beans we need which we can easily turn into Brown dye and now become a Padawan which is a much bigger Jedi I mean look I'm not tiny anymore I've got tons of HP and I also get speed one and strength one so this Padawan is much stronger and I'm not gonna lie I kind of want to test how much stronger I am right now as a Padawan which I can do the second I actually find their base and so I looked everywhere for the sith's base but I couldn't find it which was a massive problem because they become a real Jedi I need the force so finding the Sith right now was key okay I found this in space it's literally in the house behind me right next to this Minecraft village and now it's time to see if we can take on the Sith and luckily we're a Padawan now so if they try and shoot me with their Blaster I can block their bullets and send them flying back let's activate force jump we jump all the way to their base ready let's see if we can get on the roof oh no Force jump went away oh my gosh he doesn't see me okay here we are ready oh hello all right Troopers let's Patrol this base what is that noise whoa oh my God oh it's Padawan oh he's done yes okay let's go over here and let's block bullets let's see let's jump on the roof and look let's block his bullets back at him oh we're getting look we're blocking him back dude what has happened he's just killing me oh Darth Vader is he shooting though he's got a lightsaber oh my God he's done okay reflect it reflect it oh oh zero ah nice we got him that's one oh oh my gosh this oh he got me we got an S2 I put on the jump ready watch this oh they're all down there next we got Vader dude nice we got him reflected it back oh we killed Vader again oh he's getting me oh we're lower lower level oh they're getting close they're getting close quick jump boost jumpers jump boost Shield we just need to kill one more let's go this way there's one over here we got him yes we got him now we need to get out of here oh God they're gonna come jumping after me aren't they but I can jump out later oh there's one next week I don't hear his sword anymore oh I hear it oh I see him oh he's dead nevermind you know what we almost died there so I'm gonna take this chance and get the heck out of here okay as he didn't expect to almost die there but we're alive so who cares and since we got five kills with our lightsabers on the Sith now there's only a few more things left to do like kill Five Witches get the whatever floats your goat advancement and we need to hit a Pillager Raider 10 times with a lightsaber which means I need to find a Pillager Tower but if we do that the raid is actually gonna give us everything we need because a raid will spawn witches and pillagers that we need to kill with our lightsaber so that's definitely what we gotta do but of course it's a pain to find Pillager Towers let's just start looking and see what we can find oh tents I think I just found a pillow draw post yes it is look at it it just generated let's go finally now let's go find a Pillager with a banner and once we kill him that'll give us bad Omen which we need to start a raid and a bad Omen which means which we now we just have to go start a raid and kill a bunch of witches and pillagers wait while I was looking for a village I just ran into this guy who would have given me Pat Omen anyway you know what I'm ignoring you I don't need you wait no way there's a Plains Village right here no way so the banner guy's right there there's a village right here I could have just come straight here whatever either way let's start this raid let the raid begin there they are get him this raid is gonna be a piece of cake oh my God they spawned on me moving on maybe not a peace kick after all there they are oh there's a witch we just need five witch kills and we're done so I don't care about the rest of you I just want this witch y I lied oh my God the ravager is almost one shot me okay Mr ravager we can talk about this right we got him where'd they spawn oh here they are they all got trapped in the water well I'll simply kill these two witches oh God they're ready to Village but I cannot save you good luck I'll see you next time thank you okay so I can't believe it but I actually almost died in that raid but I only need to get one more witch kill so it's not like the end of the world and I know just the way to get a witch let's simply grab some Copper from our chest and throw it inside of our blast furnace to start smelting now let's use that copper to make a bunch of lightning rods and now let's just bring these things to the spawn Village and if I put down a lightning rod you're gonna see it starts to rain because we love data packs and now we just keep putting these things down near these villagers and when a villager gets struck by lightning like you just heard it turns into a witch which means we've officially killed five of Five Witches and now that the Witch Is Dead let's head on home and get the whatever floats your goat advancement oh storm could run my base he's just fighting mobs outside he went in oh God I think one of them's in my base right now let's just get up there quick we're going in we're going and we're going in oh he's here he didn't set it off he didn't Set It Off oh that's just a lot of damage run run we're gonna die oh are you kidding me we almost died that we were getting blasted oh my goodness oh my goodness oh we're in trouble oh he can't shoot me oh god oh okay they're all dead but oh my God they almost killed me is the base okay no shot my chests are alive no way the one part of my base that needed to live survived wait no they took all my diamonds okay well at least most of it survived anyway let's pack up our stuff and let's go make a new base because I really don't want to deal with the Sith right now there was no way I was going back to that base after almost dying so I'm just gonna cut my losses and build a new base where hopefully the Sith can't find me because it's already past day 30 meaning in under 70 days the Death Star destroys our world okay so welcome to our brand new base Yoda's hunt I put in the middle of this Mangrove biome where it'd be super from any Sith that might be looking for it that is unless they could fly because I guess if you could fly you'd see all this red around but anyway if we simply go in here and through this door we're gonna enter Yoda's Hut which honestly is probably my favorite base I've made in the video in like a year and I'll explain why so obviously we have the essentials like furnaces in chess but we also have an enchanting table another portal and smelting area and if we go down this hidden ladder right here we're gonna enter the super smelter room where we have an infinite lava generator a super furnace area super smoker area and a super blast furnace area but yeah that's Yoda's Hut or my Yoda's Hut I guess it really doesn't look like the real one side by side comparison go yeah mine's better anyway we still have to get the advancement whatever floats your goat and to get that advancement we just have to get a go in a bow so let's simply go make a bow and head to some goats okay I finally found a goat and now you're gonna be my friend and get in this boat oh we did it I'm in a boat with a goat which means now I get whatever floats your goat meaning I can unlock our next Force ability Force push and pull which if you've seen the movies you have seen this Force ability and so if I go up to this go right here this is what it does I said I'm flying away but anyway it's night time now so let's get out of here and head on home okay so now that we can use Force push and pull I'd actually consider myself a Jedi but every Jedi knows the move more sense it's this one right here [Music] yeah it's that ability I want it and I can unlock it right here with an ability called four cents I don't unlock it I just need 32 sugar 32 glowstone dust and 32 spider eyes so let's start with the easiest part which is just getting some sugar because luckily there's a desert right nearby which will make getting sugar cane super easy okay that's all the sugar cane we needs now let's just head back home let's go down into the mine shaft and now let's start killing some spiders okay just like that we got all the spider eyes we need which means now we just need glowstone dust so let's go into The Nether and now let's just break these for their dust and with those in hand and our sugar cane being turned into sugar which means we can now unlock four cents our brand new Force ability which is honestly really cool to use let me show you so you're gonna notice I know of two new four sensibilities this red one called offense where I can literally sense mobs and players through the wall if I switch to defense sense you're gonna notice I could see a bunch of oars around me through the world those are diamonds that's gold and that's lapis so this is basically wall hacks for both ores and players oh and the ability also doubles all ores I mind so that's just gonna make life easier and now we sleep okay so now that we've unlocked four since it's time for us to become a proper Jedi Knight not a youngling not a Padawan I mean an actual Jedi knight in fact we're gonna be turning into one of my favorite Jedis of all time Ahsoka Tano who isn't technically a Jedi Knight but in our video she is so too bad that actually turned into her I'm gonna need 16 blaze rods 32 beetroot and five horse armor all of which is easy so let's start by getting some beetroot seeds at some of the villages we've explored okay do you have beetroot seeds oh he does he does he does did you take him I saw beetroot seeds he took them I had beetroot seeds and he took them are there any more oh wait these are beetroots yes there we go nice because of that villager we only got one beetroot C and this is the only Farm in this Village so uh Yep this is what we got luckily there's an easy solution here let's just quickly go to the Nether and simply break a bunch of these bone blocks as they're gonna give us tons of bone meal and now if we turn these bone block into boat meal we have a boatload of bone meal more than enough to get to 32 beetroots now let's make a quick Farm let's just place out on some dirt like this and now let's till all this dirt and ultimately plant our beetroot seed grow it with some bone meal and now we have a single beetroot now let's plant four more beetroot seeds grow those and rinse and repeat till your farm looks like this and now we can break all of these and we should definitely have enough beet roots oh yeah we got 47. and now with the 32 beetroot in hand we just need to get five horse armor and right now we currently just have one and since they spawn in so many places let's head to another Fortress and see if we can find some gold ones there oh I see another Fortress oh it's right below us oh God I think they're Siff in there oh I see another one look they're right down there Boba Fett's right there hold on a minute let's get our Force push and pull I bet you I can force push them into that lava let's sneak around this way I got a brilliant idea okay let's jump down here oh Darth Vader doesn't even know what's coming Darth Vader doesn't even know what's coming oh he sees me oh he sees me come here Vader whoa whoa there's a Jedi he's a Jedi hey Vader hey buddy oh look it's Darth Vader oh wait you're dead oh here comes the rest of them okay let's use our Shield watch this let's Force pull them in ready that's right nice he's done oh and apparently the other one fell when I did that too well that works now let's just search this place for some gold horse armor because there's like a 26 chance of it spawning in chess see what did I tell you the first chest we got gold horse armor well we got even more we got both we got two sets of gold horse armor oh that's lame this literally only has a saddle and a gold chest plate okay well we only got two ow ow okay well we only got two sets of gold horse armor so I guess we'll go look at some abandoned mine shafts back in the Overworld okay here's the abandoned mine shaft below our base now let's see what we can find inside here's a chest and nothing useful in here oh my God this one is a golden apple but this one also has nothing in it please tell me you're gonna have something no oh please no not a single horse armor anywhere in this stronghold I guess we have to go find another one oh no way I found a new nether fortress and a Bastion literally right next to each other so we just turn on our super jump ability and jump down here and get ourselves no we're not we would make that jump let's just build over the old-fashioned way and now we're at the nether fortress let's just jump on up and now we're at the Fortress so let's go find some gold horse armor oh hero he's a chest okay we got two gold ingots a chest plate and bar gold horse armor we just need one more horse armor and we're done oh here's one wait what Diamond horse armor I think you can only get gold horse armor in the nether whatever I'll take it because now that we have five horse armor that's officially our first Quest complete as a Jedi Knight and it's already in another Fortress let's just get all the remaining blaze rods we need and we can become Ashoka the Jedi Knight there we go just like that we have 17 blaze rods which is everything we need to turn into a Jedi Knight we just have to go grab it ow we just have to grab our extra horse armor at home so let's just grab our iron horse armor from this chest and now we can say goodbye to our Padawan simple Jedi body and hello to Ahsoka and now that we're Ahsoka you're gonna notice we have 25 hearts of HP Speed 2 and strength two I also have a way stronger Force so using my force abilities got even easier and now that we are Ahsoka it's time for us to work on the next tier three upgrade one of my literal favorite Star Wars abilities of all the lightsaber throw you've probably seen this in games like Lego Star Wars or even in the movies like this ability is that cool I have to get it and luckily for us it's not too hard we just have to shoot a warden with an enchanted crossbow Flocka Trident with a lightsaber and then use Force push and pull on the Empire so as long as they use Force push on them 10 times and force pull on them 10 times we can get our lightsaber throw power so let's start by actually going out into the world and let's head out to the ocean where we can hopefully find a drowned with a trident okay there's actually a bunch of I'm literally right near the mangrove let's just see if any of these have a trident oh I think he does it he's oh he's Trucking one at me let's pull in our lightsaber let's block it yeah there we go just like that we got the ability now just kill this guy now let's just head home and quickly Enchanted crossbow because we gotta shoot a warden with it I really hope this doesn't kill me so let's just grab this crossbow from our chest and let's enchant our crossbow with a basic enchantment which is piercing one now let's grab our 12 arrows and now we have to go find an ancient city so we can shoot a warden with this crossbow and after only a couple days of looking I found the ancient city I needed oh there's no there's a nice way I didn't even know first we can finally summon award because unfortunately Jedis are not immune to the darkness that wardens spawn there's a warden now luckily using our Force we can see Jordan even in darkness that's one shot three drops oh he missed he missed I just gotta shoot him one more time oh we gotta go see you later ugly Warden take this for a good measure Get Wrecked okay we're going we're leaving bye okay so now that we shot a warden five times then Enchanted crossbow we just have to use Force pull and push on the Sith a bunch of times and then we finally get lightsaber throw I really want to throw my lightsaber so let's go back to the Sith base and let's show them what Ahsoka can do okay we're coming up to the sift base now but I currently have my Jedi Sense on so I'm gonna see exactly where they are as I get close here look the Sith literally can't hide from the force Darth Vader's in the back and there's two up top he's done keep locking keep blocking Force first fight guys this isn't working I'm gonna oh now Force Jump Blue on the roof now let the games begin okay here we go let's Force push him again there we go there we go yes okay we did all the force pushes now it's time for Force pull Ed yes we got him he's dead nice got him oh let's pull you up here ready oh well that didn't work oh dude nice we got the lightsaber throw okay here we go let's try this as they try and get me up here ready was trying to shoot me 10 okay one comes up watch this see you later vedorc ed through this lightsaber throw is sweet okay back to their base real quick where are their beds here they are right here got their beds I got other beds I'm gonna take a bunch of their food they're on me they're on me they're on me oh I'm going in another watch this watch everybody go into another portal okay they're gonna try and come through okay they're coming they're coming they don't know where I am hey zombies on me oh dude get the Jedi I'm dead oh oh no oh we killed him we killed him nice oh through my lightsaber at him their beds are broken so when he dies he's dead oh we got him nice nice yes we got him and now if I go through the nether portal their base is mine for the taking and now that we can use lightsaber throw let's get out of here okay I'm not gonna lie I'm really excited that we unlock lightsaber throw this ability is awesome and now that we have it unlocked there's only one more tier 3 upgrade to go and that is mind trick where Obi-Wan goes these are not the droids you are looking for that's Mind Trick and I really want to get that because I want to control people and more specifically delete their controls because that's what our version of Mind Trick does if I use it on a sieve I delete all their controls so they're gonna be literally stuck like this anyway to unlock my trick is really easy we just need 32 dead coral nine sponges and two name tags so let's start by getting those sponges which we can only get from an underwater monument and if I'm one of those we're gonna need an absolute boatload of sugarcane to make a map so let's grab some more sugar cane okay so the sugar cane we need now just get a bunch of sand and let's turn our sugar cane into paper and throw our sand inside of our furnaces and now we wait okay so now let's grab our glass and turn it into glass panes and now he's gonna bring the stuff to a village where we can then get the map to the underwater Monument okay we're in the village and this guy right here is a nitwit oh he's never gonna have a job but let's put down this cartography table and let's find someone who will get a job oh hey look at cartographer he appeared so now let's treat him all of our paper for some emeralds to level them up now all of our glass panes and now we can trade him for the Ocean Explorer map which if we follow it is going to lead us straight to the underwater Monument we need to find but we're not actually gonna follow the map yet because underwater monuments are kind of brutal so there's a few extra Essentials we're gonna need first let's go in this chest and grab all of our lava buckets and let's just pour all the love out inside of this hole and now let's quickly go find a cow and now we have buckets of milk that'll protect us from bonding fatigue in the underwater temple but there's still one more thing we need to grab and that's a ton of wood because Wood's gonna allow us to get doors indoors are op inside of underwater monuments so with that stuff in hand let's head to the underwater Monument which seems be just south of where my base is let's get going to the underwater temple oh I see it I see it loading it over here behind me there's the underwater Monument I see it wait what's on top no shot the Scissor on top do they know him here he doesn't even see me he doesn't even see me nice we killed him I got an idea here I got an idea here and force push you away I get wrecked okay now let's climb their ladder wait this is their base oh ow this is literally their base hold on break all three beds I can't believe it they're literally were building a base at a water temple I am not letting this stand okay they're in the water they're in the water now let's Force pull them in because now when we force pull them we can crit them let's go after oh God nice he's dead one more to go there we go throw them in the water and let's get up with the lightsaber throw ready and we got him and now this water Monument is mine for the taking oh there's already doors down here yes since this is already rated this place there's already tons of doors down here oh let's go the sponge room I found it let's put a door up here and now let's just start breaking the sponges there we go there's 21 sponges which is all we need and now we just need some dead coral and some name tags and we'll be able to unlock Force mine trick okay so let's finish up mine trick now luckily I already have a name tag in this chest and another one in here meaning we don't need to grab any name tags and we just have to get 32 dead coral which we'll do while our wet sponges are drying out and luckily we don't have to go far because right outside the mangrove is a massive coral reef so let's just start grabbing some and they were going just like that we got our 32 then Coral so let's just grab our dry sponges and our two name tags and now we can unlock mine trick now earlier I told you that if I use this on the synth all of their controls are gonna get deleted and that's true but it also has another ability so you're gonna see that if I use mind trick on this villager behind me that his head gets covered in Smoke and that blinds the Villager and makes it so he's now gonna fight for me but let's say that we're a hostile mob like this Iron Golem if I punch him out if I use mind trick on him he now just wants to leave me alone so yeah Mind Trick is broken and I could not wait to delete the sith's controls but anyway now that we have Mind Trick unlocked all of our tier 3 Jedi abilities are unlocked meaning it's now time to make our force abilities a lot stronger and I'm not kidding we can now work on forced lightning become Yoda or we can get forced teleportation I don't even know if that last one's a real thing so let's start with one that I know is real and super overpowered Force lightning it's really not that hard to get we just have to kill five charged creepers kill a bunch of entities with lightsaber throw find a shipwreck that's beached and then like usual we just gotta kill the Sith a bunch of times so let's start by getting the Charged Creeper kills we need by starting by making some lightning rods let's just grab the raw Copper from our chest and now let's throw in our blast furnace to quickly smell that's just being a bunch of lightning rods and now we just have to wait for it to start storming so while we wait for that to happen let's use our lightsaber throw on eight different mobs at once all we've got to do is take a hole and trap all these animals inside okay and now we just break the block below the cow and boom he's in oh wait this whole trap is definitely gonna work we just have to wait for mobs to get close to win the whole six to go oh he just went in that makes life easy okay cool we have eight and eight animals trapped in this hole now just go ahead and remove the roof another we dug out this giant hole it's time to trap all these animals okay look I guess they are kind of trapped right now but you'll see what I mean okay I have all the animals trapped in a line so now if we simply get in our hole right here and throw our lightsaber in three two one go you'll see that we now killed all eight mobs in a single throw which means Quest complete okay so while we wait for it to start storming let's go find a beach shipwreck which honestly might not sound too hard but that's cause shipwrecks are easy to find Beach chip wrecks are not meaning this could take a little while so let's grab our boat and start looking for a shipwreck on a beach and so I began looking for the beat shipwreck everywhere and I couldn't find one in fact while I was searching it actually started to storm which means never mind about finding the Shipwreck because we can finally kill some lightning creepers for our Quest oh it's raining while we were looking for the Shipwreck it just started raining oh we gotta take advantages we need to find creepers and kill them oh my God there's literally one right there I can see him using four cents let's grab our lightning rods and start putting them down oh my God we got a charge creeper yes we killed one Charged Creeper now let's go find some more creepers quick oh I see one right here I see one right here we get it with that no we didn't we didn't that God Charged Creeper yeah we got another charge creeper oh let's go let's get him ready Scott on the three okay we got the last two Creepers we need stuck in this hole right here surrounded by lightning rods now let's just put a lightning rod in there ow with them okay they're both Explosive Creepers one two and that's five charge creepers dead now I guess we just gotta wait for it to stop raining and then we'll keep after killing tons of electric creepers I went out searching for the beat shipwreck once again and on day 57 I found one is that Shipwrecked yes that's gotta be one I see a log sticking out of the ground wait is it not oh yeah look it is a shipwreck look at this okay well now that we found a beat shipwreck we just literally have to throw our lightsaber seven times at this end and then we'll be able to unlock Force lightning and you know I want to use that because who doesn't want to shoot lightning at their enemies so since we don't know where the Sith base is after we destroyed their last one let's start looking for their brand new base which hopefully this time is not at a water monument and so I went out and searched for the new Sith base and it wasn't long till I found it this is our awful about hiding their bases this video I think I just found their base I see a giant sphere over here oh I just saw one come out did he see me okay here we go let's go for him ready they all went inside Let's Get Closer go now we have to get in with our lightsaber throw oh we missed yes we got with the lightsabers real nice okay here we go we're gonna have to make this work here ready watch this nice gun with the lightsaber throw let's kill him quick nice we got him that's two get back here Jedi you're not getting away with this wow he's getting away with it pull him in nice got him same thing lightsaber throw pull them in oh I got the pig nice we got him I'm getting tossed around like salad okay he's gone again when you see two more nice got him nice we got him we got him pull him in nice we got him that's all the kills we needed okay they're far away now let's quickly unlock oh wait let's get down here let's quickly unlock Force lightning and let's try it on him basically Force lightning works like this I shoot it at the ground it smites wherever I'm looking what no no no no no and you know let's scramble the controls a little bit oh what's that your controls don't work and just like that they're all dead and now we just have to get out of here okay so now that we've unlocked Force lightning which first off does not work like I thought it would force Lighting in the movies looks like this Force lightning in this game looks like this a little bit different yes but I'm not gonna lie this forced lightning is way more overpowered in fact it also has another ability where I can just kind of aim it at the ground near this cow and that cow was toast or I guess beef anyway now that we can use Force lightning it's time to become Yoda because Yoda can literally absorb lightning so it just makes sense and luckily becoming Yoda is not too hard we just need a heart of the sea 32 skulk and a turtle egg and to get a turtle egg we need silk touch so let's grab some lapis from our chest and now let's combine it with our pickaxe till we get silk touch and there we go just like that we have a diamond pickaxe with silk touch now let's grab our iron from our chest and let's make some shears because we need shears to get seagrats and with seagrass in our hand we can get some turtles to make some turtle eggs so now let's just run around the coast and look for some turtles as we're only gonna be able to find turtles on Coastal beaches okay we just found a bunch of turtles down here so now I'll just feed them our sea grass we're gonna give you sea grass now we wait for this Turtle to lay some eggs and now we use our silk touch pickaxe to get ourselves a turtle egg okay now that we have the turtle egg we just have to get heart of the sea which is definitely the easiest thing we have to get because we can find one in pretty much any buried treasure we look for and as luck will have it there's actually tons of shipwrecks right near where we live so now let's just swim inside real quick and let's look at his chest grab the buried treasure map and now let's stop drowning and now with this wrap in hand we can easily find the buried treasure which is in this Direction all the maps generating we're actually kind of close to it it's somewhere up here literally in the middle of the ocean the thing is we gotta look for a block that looks weird oh there it is and we get the heart of the sea which means with that in hand there's only one more thing we have to get so we can become Yoda no not that Yoda the adult Yoda though I do agree baby Yoda is cuter so to finish unlocking Yoda we obviously just need 32 skull so let's quickly head out to the ancient city and grab some with our silk touch pickaxe because it's literally one of the only ways to get skull okay we're back in the ancient city we were at before we just need this blue stuff right here and there we go we have 32 skulk which means now we can become Yoda a true Master Jedi like if you've never seen this tiny dude fight he literally does flips and stuff while he battles but because Yoda's an old man he still needs his maps and we can see the sun setting so let's go put this little old man to bed okay so now that we're officially Yoda it's time to get our last tier 4 upgrade which is force teleportation which not only allows me to teleport using the force but also send other people flying away from me that I teleport me but before I could actually show you how it works we need to unlock it and to unlock it Yoda just needs the following 32 crying obsidian 24 bone blocks and an Ender Chest so let's quickly head into The Nether and let's go get some bone blocks there's all the bone blocks we need so now that we're already in the Netherlands let's get some crying obsidian okay we're at a Bastion now let's use Force jump to get up on the bridge now let's mind this gold block and this gold block and now let's get all the gold at the bottom of this part of the Bastion now check the chest for extra gold oh my God and crying obsidian that's what we need right now no way and for ancient debris we had a warrant what about this chest oh my God more crying obsidian and diamonds this has to be the best set of chests I've ever gotten they literally got us half of what we needed in two chests and I'm still not even done searching the place and this just is another age of debris that is seven ancient debris let's just build a hole right here take all of our gold blocks and throw the gold ingots inside of that hole and now let's get some piglets to start trading like that leave 32 crime obsidian we just have to get an ender chest and then we can unlock Force teleportation and to make it in her chest really isn't too hard we just need an Eye of Ender and a bunch of obsidian and since we already have the obsidian let's just kill this that movement real quick let's take out these blazes real quick and now if we turn that Blaze Rod into blaze powder and combine it with our ender pearl we're gonna get an Eye of Ender where we can then put in the crafting table surrounded by obsidian and get ourselves the Ender Chest which means now we can unlock Force teleportation our new Force ability that does this oh that's gonna kill me that's totally gonna kill me good thing I have no fall damage when I use the high jump oh it actually turns out as Yoda I don't take any fall damage so I can teleport straight up into the sky all I want and nothing is Gonna Hurt tiny little Yoda which is honestly perfect because Yoda's got a lot of work to do now Force teleport does more than just teleporting as I'm sure you noticed because if I teleport next to the Sheep here you're gonna see they explode yep so anything I actually teleport near kind of goes the legit teleportation officially done with we're on our final three Master Jedi upgrades which obviously first is the Grand Master of the force followed by the ability to learn Force choke literally the ability Darth Vader uses in the movies and last but not least the X-Wing Fighter which we're gonna need to take down the Death Star and save this server because it's like the only ship that can destroy its Reactor Core okay and yes we coded it in an actual reactor core but before we go and unlock those we just got a bunch of ancient debris and I kind of want to get full netherite armor so I'm gonna work on getting that instead so now that we only have three upgrades left to go I spent the next couple of days just getting some upgraded armor and I was definitely gonna need it videos where I just have to survive until day 100. on this one if I can't destroy the Death Star by day 100 the whole server gets destroyed okay overall Yoda may not look a ton different but we officially have full netherite armors that's Max durability and is going to provide us tons of protection and now that we got the new armor let's get the last three Jedi upgrades starting with Force choke which requires me to spawn an Ender Dragon using end crystals in the end meaning we're going to the end which means we need blaze rods which we can only get from the nether well that was super easy there's all our blaze rods we need which means now that we have those we just need some more ender pearls to actually get ourselves to the end so let's go find a Bastion where we can quickly trade for cemented pearls and more specifically a Bastion that we haven't looted yet because I'll be real I've looted a lot of bastions okay we're at another Bastion let's just jump down to the bottom and start taking on some of these guys hey we just need to get some gold blocks from this Bastion and now let's trade these piglens for the render pearls and just like that they're done trading okay so in total we got 21 ender pearls which is more than enough and luckily we need some extra because we're gonna have to make some end crystals later on to revive the Ender Dragon that actually make those we're gonna gas tears so let's quickly kill some guests and then I could leave the nether for good because I am sick of this place and there we go now we have all the gas tears we need to make some end crystals okay so now let's go to the end in battle the dragon well let's first grab some Supply first things first let's take four eyes a vendor and surround them completely in glass to get our four end crystals now let's combine the rest of our blaze rods with our Ender Pros to get ourselves eyes a vendor and now we have everything we need to actually go to the end okay let's throw an Eye of Ender this way okay perfect okay we're getting really close to where this thing's gotta be yeah see it's literally going back this way again so let's just go down into these caves I guess no we're in we found a stronghold but we dug straight into prison okay it's now a prison escape video oh well we escaped the prison that was easy okay but for real let's go find the Portal so we can get to the dragon now let's put all of our eyes in and now let's go take on the big ugly Ender Dragon and welcome to the end let's go battle this dragon by first taking out all of his little Healy things on top of these towers which normally would be hard but we have forced teleport so we can just click it and oh okay we gotta be careful with that it said let's just get next to the tower teleport straight up and land on it perfect and there we go just like that we've taken out all his Towers meaning now it's just time to take on the dragon with a lightsaber and luckily we can use Force pulls to start pulling the dragon towards us never mind it doesn't seem to affect him okay our lightsaber's not too strong let's try Force lightning on them it literally doesn't even hurt him okay he's perching here we go let's get him in our lightning Circle and hit him ready watch this okay that did a lot more damage this time one more round to that and he's toast oh here he comes he's perching we can get him here come on one more yes and Yoda's defeated the Ender Dragon now he's gonna get his dragon egg so let's quickly take a torch first things first we gotta get that dragon egg that is the key perfect we got the dragon egg and now we just have to go through the outer end through that portal over there so let's simply toss an ender pearl and now let's just explore the outer end until we find what we're looking for on day 73 and 74 I went through the outer end looting tons of end City chests and trying to get them all but of course that didn't happen because while I was looking Darth Vader showed up in a bomber wait there's no chest in this one I think it's a dud well at least we can check the top of this Tower what is that hold up can I force pull that in no I can't always bombing oh that's definitely shooting lasers hold on get inside oh God it's above me is it gonna drop a bomb yeah he's here somewhere dropping some Vader bombs oh yeah it is I got an idea I got an idea ready we got it oh oh take that Vader who's you pull them back here push him off the edge hold on scram trolls now he can't move and let the Enderman do the rest get him into Renee kid to use his controls right now get him oh he got his controls back no oh we use the force on me you know what here we go let's fight him oh no and just like that Darth Vader is dead but we still gonna keep finding n city chess so let's just keep looking on day 76 to 78 I finished up getting all the chests I needed for men cities and now I just have to find an elytra ship so I could finally leave the end behind oh there's another end City please have the ship it does it isn't a chip oh can we TP to that oh we can let's go Force teleportation is broken let's go down here kill this guy off and get that Elijah and now with a lighter in hand Yoda can literally fly or Glide I mean it's pretty much the same thing okay so let's throw the sender Pro through that portal in just one second you see before we go we gotta take these four end crystals and respond the dragon in the end and then we just gotta kill him to quickly leave so let's throw around their crawl through and let's teleport in this guy to sit there here to sit there literally right there let's see if I can nailed this perfectly ready I threw this that's gonna land perfectly I guarantee it or not now let's put all the crystal pieces in place let's put one Crystal right here in the middle two three oh do I need to go blue and please we got it we got it we got it nice he's dead he's dead he's dead oh he got me what's so important this guy oh yeah look it's making all the crystals again let's go we're responding the Ender Dragon so I'll just take out all of his crystals real quick and there we go just like that on the crystals are dead again and now it's time for the Ender Dragon to die come on Dragon I need you to perch yes there we go now the dragon's dead a second time which means after collecting a little XP we can head on home and welcome back to the base let's see if it's night time oh it definitely is we're going to sleep it's currently day 80 which means there's only a few things left that we have to do to unlock our X-Wing we just have to get some wither rose and a bucket of Axolotl to unlock Force choke we just have to kill the Sith 10 times in the Nether and then to get the Grand Master of the force we just need five nether ending gets in a single Beacon like all this is really easy so we'll be a master in no time and let's start with the easiest bit of this which has got to be battling the wither skeletons in the nether so we can eventually take on a Wither so even though I said I wouldn't go back to the nether I'm going back because I have to now let's just kill a bunch of wither skeletons and hope they drop their wither skulls okay just like that I got all three with their skeletons skulls we need meaning now it's time to battle a Wither okay so let's go and let's put down our soul sand right here and now let's put our three Wither Skeleton skulls on top and now let's let Yoda battle this wither but first we need this wither to actually kill some cows so we can get some wither roses so first things first this cow's gotta go come on get the cow yep there we go that should be one with a rose Now kill these cows okay there's two with the Roses now we should let one more mom die I got a brilliant idea look at this come on yeah we got him this we got the three wither roses now we can just focus on killing this guy and just like that the weather's dead and we have his nether star to show for it and we're gonna need this nether star because we also have to make a beacon so let's quickly go make that so let's throw the nether star in the crafting table surround it with a bunch of glass and then put three obsidian on the bottom to get ourselves a beacon and with the beacon in hand we just have to get three buckets of Axolotl and we'll be able to unlock our X-Wing Fighter and take down the Death Star now you're gonna see if I go outside and look into the sky you're gonna see a death star floating up there now which is obviously a massive problem because it's probably setting up to blow up our server so we gotta hurry up so let's just head to the nether for right now and finish up getting some netherraining it's there which will allow me to stop eating Yoda and become the Grand Master of the force take a guess in the comments down below if you can guess who the Grand Master of the force is gonna be okay there we go that's all the netherite we're ever gonna need now just go back to the base and combine it with some gold to get ourselves five into the right ingots which is all we need to unlock the Grand Master of the force now you might be asking yourself fry guy who the heck is this guy and this is my own Custom Creation this is literally a mix of General Grievous and C3PO because we all know C-3PO is the strongest in the entire Star Wars universe and of course now we have 50 HP speed 4 strength 4 and my favorite ability I can now fly that's right C3PO is a robot so of course he can fly but even with this guy unlocked we are still not full strings we still have to unlock Force choke Darth Vader's favorite Force move and then we still have to get our X-Wing otherwise this server is doomed to a death star and it's all we need to get the X-Wing is three buckets of Axolotl let's grab some iron let's make three buckets and now let's go get some new aquatic friends oh there's a bunch down here look at him there's four there and one there which means we've officially found the axolotls we need so I'll just pick them up in this bucket let's add you to the bucket and let's add you to a bucket and now that we have a bunch of axolotls and buckets in our hand let's quickly fly home grab our three wither Rose and let's unlock our X-Wing Fighter my brand new ship that I can fly around and shoot anything I want with it this thing is incredible we're gonna be able to take down everyone with this ship speaking of the devil oh it starts Vader in his ship oh he's here he's above me oh bring it on Darth Vader oh we got him with that we got him with that hold on I see one in the jungle below are they trying to get inside my base oh I can't see they're digging got into the base Darth Vader's bombing the base oh God I try to ship out nice oh take off oh there goes the base we're gonna hop out of the vehicle oh the base is gone oh my gosh I got an instant break okay I killed this what did he absolutely destroyed my Hut like this whole Hut is gone and uh so is all my stuff now so I guess it's time to go off and build a third Jedi base because we only have a few days remaining well losing that base was both Lucky and unlucky because obviously it's super late into this video so losing that base is a massive massive setback however it's also lucky because I had one more base design for this video and to use it I only have to sacrifice 10 days to get it spawned in so welcome your faces to the Millennium Falcon literally this is the main ship used in Star Wars by Han Solo and if you don't know the Millennium Falcon then you don't know Star Wars well let me show you my Minecraft version of it basically just walk over here and climb down this ladder and now we're inside the ship where we have our engine room our escape hatch my bed my furnace and lava room and of course our chest room and so yeah now that we do have a Millennium Falcon we can finally finish Force joke Darth Vader's main ability and to finish unlocking it we just have to get 10 kills on the Sith inside of the Nether and luckily for me I know where their new base is it's literally a death star so it's kind of hard to miss and it's not far from spun so let me just quickly show you oh yeah the Death Star should be somewhere up here oh yeah yeah look how big this thing is I told you they literally have a full Death Star this is wild okay where are they at it's flying slowly look it even has a reactor core hold on let's break into the wall we are now inside the walls of their building okay let's break this one and we're in hello Darth oh he's over here how do you get inside wait we have to kill him in the nether hold on let's fly this way quickly go in this nether portal and now let's battle them as they come through watch this okay let's mind control them you're done dude what I can't move oh what's that your controls aren't working that's another one dead nice if he's done too surprise oh my goodness I died instantly oh I destroyed their portal though that's not good all the Stormtroopers down here oh it's a new portal they have a new nether portal hold on hold on hold on oh that he's gonna feel that I'm totally using that to kill him nice we got him that's five but we gotta get him okay next we got him darth's trying to get us let's light darts on fire now let's push stars back oh we can get him here nice we got him we just need three more kills as they all three come through we're gonna delete their controls ready boom all their controls are gone one two oh my goodness oh he's already fighting back but it's too late they're all dead force my control is Opie and now I can unlock Force Joe Perfect come here he's being choked Darth Vader you get choked I can only choke one at a time okay let's keep choking this guy what's happening to me Darth Vader please oh my goodness he can't do anything let's go get this one let's go get Vader oh we got Vader we got Vader pull him this way and now let's kill him and let's pull you with me as well now let's go through the portal and now that we're a full strength Jedi let's get the heck out of here and we'll worry about the Reactor Core later I spent the next couple of days just Gathering up all the ammo and fuel I was gonna need for my X-Wing and with everything I needed to actually take down the Death Star it was time to see what a full-strength Jedi could do okay the Death Star is straight ahead I officially have my Torpedoes set if you've seen Star Wars you know we need those Torpedoes to take out the Death Star which should be loading right in front of us now oh my God it is okay we just gotta find the right entrance into the Death Star I think it's around this side this is it here we go let's go in there's the Reactor Core if we just shoot it with a bunch of missiles we should be able to take down this whole ship ready no it's gone get out of here go go go go go why out of the Death Star and now let's watch it as it blows up oh look at it oh it's all being blown up on the inside look at it it's all dying the Death Star is dying which means the Jedi win thanks for watching oh and one more thing because Darth Vader lost he has to serve me and the boys drinks at the Cantina for the rest of Eternity right Darth here's your diet Dr sludge okay that's actually the end of the video bye
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,098,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as Jedi in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Day Jedi, Minecraft Jedi, Minecraft 100 Day Jedi, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: fs9k8aGA7lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 43sec (2983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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