Minecraft but Toys beat the Game for you

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ah yes a totally normal and average day hey what who said that hey crafty over here it's a talking toy and a handsome one at that oh stop it what the heck is going on dude well long story short I'm you from the future how far into the future I don't know how long is the video listen the dragon turned me into a plushie he's turning everyone into toys the only way to stop it is to collect these puzzle pieces scattered around the world lucky us I snagged the first one for you okay well simple enough I got myself this puzzle piece and I have a crafty plushie now okay guys this is a little weird here I thought it'd be a normal day but no I'm picking up a plushie from the future it looks like to get our completed puzzle we need nine puzzle pieces well we got our first one at least and we got ourselves a crafty plushie which uh which honestly that's awesome wait wait place on TNT to bring to life oh no guys please don't put your actual real life plushies on TNT okay it's not gonna bring him to life but you can get them at crafty Dot's door ouch all right little crafty plush I'll put you on top of TNT oh gosh Pat careful yeah I always hate this part oh my gosh all right we got some free diamonds out of that nice we got a bunch of gold but most importantly we can bring our crafty plushie to life hey what's up little buddy let me break this TNT so you don't explode as both ah I like you dude hi looks like he throws TNT classic crafty he drops diamonds when punching mobs and it looks like everything he touches turns the gold all right man if only the actual crafty plushie turned everything to Gold dude you are awesome some go buddy go get him boy come on little guy yeah drop them dead uh for a cute little plush he's a little more violent than I expected dude when he punches mobs it drops a bunch of Diamonds oh my gosh you are awesome little dude full disclosure the real life crafty plushies Do not drop diamonds all right this is not false advertising you're crafty oh what's up crafty plush I saw some toys around a nearby Village they'll have the puzzle pieces we need you got it little plush I'm on it couch did you just break that all right I like you little guy I mean you are me from the future after all or something all right little buddy this The Village you're talking about oh that looks like not a normal zombie dude that guy's not burned in the daylight I think he's plastic uh crafty plush he's not gonna be dangerous is he I don't know do you consider plastic dangerous uh yeah actually if it's trillions of pounds in the ocean anyways oh goodness he's very fast oh yeah get him buddy plastic zombie you look kind of Awesome Man actually ow get him dude hey we got him all right well looks like we got ourselves another puzzle piece and a Lego minifigure oh sick dude that's awesome looking uh can I just place you down there we go what's up dude well it's a nice little statue figurine place on Lego block to bring to life oh we gotta bring a bunch of toys to life oh dude this video is gonna be sick oh okay I found some Legos where the plastic guy was the blemo hey hey you look you look I break it to you dude look he shoots out like little Lego things that when the mobs stand on it it does damage to him that's sick man he also has a power that requires a flint and steal so I'm hoping that there's a piece of iron in this Village I don't know yellow bed are you just constantly bowing at me yes bow to you sir and to you the hunt for iron continues in the morning hold on Little Buddies I need to find myself some iron where are all the villagers dude iron no just a book what is these book you speak of I only know subscribe button content is King I'm just kidding please read reading is actually awesome especially if you read the new crafty comic book this whole video is just one big merch plug all right fine empty Village let's head into a cave damn boys or not I thought this was toys beat the game for me but I guess not alright Mr gosh dang it dude this time it's on the Ceiling Can't step on it now can you crafty plush don't step on this dude I'm trying to get flint and steel don't do it I know you're looking at him he's like I want to step on it so bad give me a flint dude I really want to test out this Lego Power my goodness Good Times yeah yeah all right buddy how does your power work I just right click oh my gosh he shoots out like fire waves flame on dude oh my goodness I assume that damages mobs and stuff is it infinite can I just go ah oh my goodness this is the coolest power ever dude I can't wait to use this this is sick man whoa look at that it like Burns through the leaves actually interesting we'll keep that in mind for later that might be useful oh I got a new recipe though a crafty backpack a diamond and some wool no problem I can do that yoink hello sheepy boys you mind if I borrow your hair is it kind of weird that we use sheep's hair to make oh gosh and let's just pretend that never happened all right we can now craft yeah our crafty backpack dude unlocks inventory space whoa rad all right so I can store stuff in here I can put my diamonds in here my gold in here and my rotten flesh my most prized possession all right dude I want to unlock more toys where do I go next your mom's house my mom's house okay well she's in another dimension it might be hard to wait you're messing with me oh gosh all right well we're not at my mom's house we're at a toy station it looks like it has certainly seen better days I'll tell you that much all right buddy you ready for your powers I should be able to use this power to slice through all of these leaves ah yes looking much better I say it's like the entire building engulfs into flames all right there we go hello oh this is awesome we got ourselves a little toy store look at this this is where you guys are from North Dakota no one toy store uh heck yeah we have any toys oh I got a mine cart yes ah puzzle piece heck yeah that's what I was looking for anything else fun it's like empty man what is this Black Friday everything's all sold out dude toy car now we're talking oh heck yeah dude looks like that's it for the toy store hold on hold on first I want to try out this Minecart ah yes very fun and vomiting all right and we got ourselves a toy car here place on Rails to bring to life oh there you go all right we got ourselves a toy car dude gives nearby players a speed boost hey we'll take that and leaves a trail of smoke behind that damages mobs my beautiful little Squad come on boys I'm looking for some food whoa hold on whoa whoa whoa whoa that's not a villager oh gosh it's a raid it's a plastic Pillager raid get em boys it's time to use your powers go dude all right well we got some speed boosts oh man I'm gonna die take this pillagers stop polluting the plastic I shall recycle you you guys doing all right everyone's got their batteries still intact anyone needs to be sewed up a little bit no still looking fluffy as ever Mr crafty plush what it's signed Saturday where I sign every single product at crafty dot store hoodies yup shirts uh-huh posters for sure dude today only every single thing is hand signed by me that includes our official comic book yep it's autographed too go now to our website crafty dot store or click the first link in the description we got ourselves a toy soldier I think that big Pillager must have dropped it and a puzzle piece heck yeah dude way way there's more of these bad guys oh that's a lot of damage yes get them oh nice shot dude ouch hey you just died from Legos how do you feel about that toy soldier placed near Iron Golem to bring to life I don't know where you were during the battle but I'm glad you're still alive whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey careful careful oh it's the smoke oh shoot oh shoot hold on toy soldier go and then we gotta run away that poor Golem he was dying inside of the fumes stop is killing everybody with his let me Mr Golem there you go buddy hey hey look at that dude we got ourselves a toy soldier looks like he shoots enemies a and he marks traps for us which is cool are you shooting the flower why are you doing that the most dangerous mob in the world Dandy Lions yeah can you guys do parkour oh no okay I guess not oh apparently I can't either our crafty told me to go in this direction so I'm hoping we're on the right path oh hello little fish oh gross we're in a swamp now whoa hey this looks unique what is this oh wow that's a warning for a trap okay yep that should have been more obvious the guy's like I told you there was a trap there no one ever listens to me oh I'm sorry Mr army man I'll listen to you more buddy all right careful gentlemen there's a trap here we're deep in the vines man there are traps everywhere Dude Looks Like It's leading over here to this house pardon me Mr trap I like I'm kind to the traps I'm like hey excuse me pardon me don't uh don't mind me just walking past here excuse me Mr trap trying to kill me pardon me excuse me didn't mean to set you off all right gentlemen there might be some bad guys in here get your swords ready uh guns or TNT a smoke or whatever you use get ready for action actually before I go in I'm gonna go and make myself a diamond sword here and while I'm at it let me grab a diamond chest plate as well now we're looking good all right boys let's get ready for action oh boy get up yeah yeah yeah am I here alone hello where are my toys boys yo plushie where is everybody dude oh gosh I'm gonna die everybody let's regroup over here okay guys where were you dude we're gonna try this again all right this is a conjoined effort stop hold on we'll use the element of surprise or we'll just start shooting okay that works too short yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh that's a lot of traps no no no no okay okay I'm alive everybody okay everyone doing all right looks like there's some traps up above oh goodness that's an anvil trap all right I'll go ahead and Trigger that so nobody gets smashed oh we got some leather oh careful whoa oh I hear him where are you dude they're hiding somewhere is there a secret behind this bookcase nope okay well there's a secret behind that bookcase it was death apparently all right I like how I can literally see the traps and yet I still fall for them every time the green army man is like why am I here you don't listen to me what is my purpose what were they doing here dude oh I did get a new recipe hold on crafty hoodie oh dude I can get a crafty hoodie who needs this diamond chest plate when you got a crafty hoodie dude it gives me full armor bars as well oh heck yeah man The Crafty hoodies in real life will not protect you against arrows alright I will be honest I haven't tried it out yet though anything exciting what the heck is this silly putty slime nice he's looking pretty cute I like how silly it's all right did not mean to right click with that thing I don't know if I'll need blaze powder but I might as well grab it while we're here I like how he floats around he's cute as heck all right well it says that the Slime putty needs to be placed in a swamp to then come to life and there he is tries to stick nearby enemies in place with putty and I can right click a slime ball to shoot a deadly slime projectile all right hold on let me see if I can find a slime around here I came back in the building to see if I could find a slime and I didn't find a slime but I got one more piece of our puzzle which is great but so far no luck on any slimes I might have to do this the old-fashioned way looking for a slime looking for a slimy boy hello slimies all right got myself some slime balls all right all right let's relax with the Slime shooting okay we get it dude so what do I do with this I just right click oh he shoots out like a slime projectile thing I guess we shall slime up the chicken okay you missed let's try that again slime out the chicken oh my gosh you are really bad at aiming my dude I'm just trying to slime up the chicken like it's Nickelodeon from 2002 slime on oh my gosh it is so hard to shoot slime dude okay well I tried 100 times and the chicken just died from the fumes of my car so all right let's just move on shall we crafty plushie where are we going next my dude transition well this is looking a little weird the trees are looking a little more uh concrete than usual I'll be honest with you it's pretty cool looking but it's like I'm in a Lego world or something do we get more Lego boys oh goodness oh my that's not a Lego dude that's literally a dinosaur hello are you friendly or are you murderous those are the only two options okay okay okay oh gosh he might not be friendly guys hold on wait he might be a good guy stop smacking them dude stop stop stop hold on maybe he just wants some bread there you are buddy there he oh my goodness he did one Fred hey we got ourselves a toy Triceratops that's a large toy man it's bigger than me all right stop throwing TNT dude he's our friends sneak and right click while holding a sword yeah whoa our Triceratops is pretty sweet go boy attack oh another puzzle piece all right we are at puzzle piece number seven already only two more to go and go Triceratops oh yeah oh it's so satisfying that's the best way to mine with your face ouch oh gosh never mind not a great way to mine crafty plushie are you sure it's this way dude we're back up at the surface wait a minute we might have found it yeah we found it dude I'm sorry I doubted you buddy I'm sorry I doubted you a cave full of plastic monsters get out of here dude according to our crafty plushie around here somewhere is our blue rainbow friend we can bring back to life which uh I'm not sure if I would want to actually bring blue rainbow friend to life he's cute and Derpy and all but actually like it's kind of a scary monster get him boys yeah yeah it feels so nice to say that you know you have a powerful Squad when crafty goes get em boys get em boys merch now in the crafty store no I'm just kidding wait hold on would you actually buy a shirt that said get him boys because I'll make it yeah get em boys I think that cleared out most of the bad guys let me see if I can find a rainbow friend here is it in this Barrel no is it under this rock no hey there he is Rainbow friends plushie and we got a puzzle piece only one left stop sniffing my shoulder place in an ancient city to bring him back to life oh gosh excuse me sir I like your eyebrows do you know where an ancient oh never mind there is a staircase down here and we got some plastic zombies if there's one thing I know about video games when there's bad guys you're going in the right direction hey yeah oh gosh I almost fell come on gentlemen we got a long way down yep right to the ancient city okay perfect careful get him army guy nice job standing there this is awesome oh hello boys smack Em Off watch out watch out oh gosh oh gosh this is getting a little dangerous here hello weird sounding ancient blocks I shall speak your language what's that oh you like my hoodie oh thanks man I think it looks pretty okay well you killed him you killed the block I was talking to before I go any crazier let's try to activate is that gonna work no uh maybe I have to go all the way down to the ancient city itself and now we're gonna play the game does this fall damage kill me yep Mr Blue friend is there a reason why you gotta be summoned inside of an ancient terrifying Temple couldn't we assembling to you and you know a giant field of flowers or something oh goodness it's fine it's fine everything's fine nobody making a noise all right I place you down and there he is what's up buddy shoots powerful lasers at enemies and can create End Portals out of thin air well now we're talking dude that's useful as ever okay let's get out of here dude I don't like this place oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh very bad guys we're leaving all right Mr rain go friend I hear you can make end portals I think we got a squad strong enough it's time to take on the dragon if you don't mind summoning a portal I actually don't know how your power Works do you want TNT you know for chaos no can I bribe you with diamonds there you are buddy or maybe friendship I don't know if it's diamonds or friendship but we take that dude oh yes you can just do that in thin air that's awesome literally thin air I like how he spawned it on a tree it looks like somebody planted an End Portal tree all right boys let's do this thing we spawned in underground no problem Triceratops go come on boys let's get this Dragon my squad of toys pulling up let's go Gentlemen let's get them they're all lined up come on use your powers I don't know who you're aiming at green army man but you're doing a great job there is a giant flying dragon up there but yes the ground is a great place to shoot at oh gosh careful boys get him honestly the blue friend is doing all the damage look at his power he's like shooting at Laser it's already dead heck yeah man we've done its toys and beat the game for me wait hold on I only have eight puzzle pieces did I miss one or did the dragon drop one yes yes yes yes yes yes yes we got it okay the dragon dropped a puzzle piece so that means my good old crafty fellow I can complete my puzzle throw it towards crafty plushie to convert it to a regular crafty there you are buddy boy yeah regular crafty uh oh gosh are there just two of us now
Channel: Craftee
Views: 4,985,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft funny, minecraft challenge, hardcore minecraft, minecraft toy, minecraft but toys, minecraft toys, minecraft but toy, minecraft custom item, minecraft custom items
Id: Zd5rWI_8J30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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