Minecraft but What's This Trident?!

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this is the ultimate Minecraft Trident but to get to the ultimate Trident I'm gonna need to upgrade it first so let's begin from when I found this trident so this right here is the inside an aquarium and so this right here is an unfinished aquarium where step one is to complete aquarium so you already know what I'm gonna do with that tree I got my tools and my very time to Trident time to get some sand that should be good for now now we just Place sand in and that was nowhere near enough let me get a diamond shovel real quick let's go in the cave and we definitely need some coal Gotta Get Down and can't forget about the furnace and now we can get one diving all right let's go oh diving yes okay now we can make a diamond shovel all this for a little bit some sand oh two diamonds I will take the two diamonds can we get four we can get three hold and it's only three I'm not gonna complain about that no let's go get some more sand okay now we make a diamond shovel there we go and we combine all this okay it's a stack enough okay this is definitely enough let's make sure all the pieces come in and now we have the ground level now for the actual glass round which means we gotta cook the sand let's put that in right there and this might be a good time to get a bucket once that well let's grab some of this okay that should be no fine let's add five more fruits this is the next skunk the iron real quick one two one two and one two grab you you this that and now we're good okay so now that we have a lot of glass let's actually go ahead and make the outline for this where we just gotta make the sides of the place all right we're gonna make it three blocks tall because I think that's what it's required for and I'm not sure if we have enough glass this time oh I'm fine okay let's just do that one two one two one two all right that's two sides done we got a little bit left of this one and oh no we are out of glass we just need enough for this wall right here all right that won't be too bad boys in wait cook it's done and now we can finish the fish tank all right let's put all this in and it's finally done okay so now for the hard part we gotta make a lot of buckets that is five water buckets now thankfully the ocean's right here so let me grab all these and if we make a little staircase right here with glass we gotta fill this all in with water so watch this no water and now we have water okay that took way too long but it's all good so now with the water we need seagrass so let me get my shoes and luckily there's all sorts of stuff down here where we can grab some of this let's grab some of this too hold on what do we have right here obsidian flint and some armor that we don't really need all right so how do I do this do I just go down and plant these oh I can oh yo okay so we're gonna put these all over the place let's just uh have them go up there we go can't forget about the sea grass we'll just put these around there oh gosh I just grass everywhere now we just need some fish oh Axolotl yes okay Birds let's grab you real quick and this will be the first guy in the aquarium so let's go inside always the little guy in and give him a name in the comments down below now more fish all right let's grab some of these guys one two three that should be enough and now let's put the salmon in one two and three oh my gosh I forgot that happened oh no oh no this is tragic no no okay so the Quarry and that's salmon that's like fibon and so now we can finally grab the tiny Trident and plant inside this aquarium we want to click this complete button oh gosh oh I guess we're friends okay all right let's get complete in three two one oh and now step 1.5 plant the Trident okay first up to make this trident do whatever it does so I just uh plant it here oh it's planted okay what do I do with this thing do I bone meal it dry bones not bones I don't have the bones let me have an idea we got a beach Village over there so what we need to get first is a lot of seeds you guys will understand this soon then we just crossed some slobs that should beat up right there and so what we're making is a composter just because they don't have any farms over here so with the composter we put in the seeds come on be enough and we get both meal this should be enough hopefully and now that's three bone meal all right I'm not sure if three's gonna be good enough for the Trident but no he took out the salmon all right well let's grow this thing holy grew let's do that again oh it grew again and it's become your proper Trident one more time and can we grab that oh we got it and now what is this Friday oh step two give it to a zombie and drown it no it's Trident Evolution one okay so this is just the beginning let's find a zombie then and the best way to do this is probably with a bow I might be passing away for night time day time and night time oh and where do you have a zombie right there all right here's the plan Mr zombie let's get you in the boat and I don't think mobs can pick up Trident so do I like bike looking with it oh he got it okay nice okay okay and now before I take him to see let's get some armor foreign okay so let's make a full set of iron armor and this should at least be good enough to bring him to the ocean all right so Mr zombie please no attack oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay we're gonna have to do this a little bit of time at a time oh gosh oh gosh okay I gotta do this over and over again wait what if we put water hold on this could work let's put water there and now we can fill this whole thing I'm making an artificial ocean that's the new plan wow that's actually working all right let's real quick make sure it goes all the way to C and this is gonna be a lot faster and we're gonna bring the water as close as possible oh and it's done all right so we're gonna take you all the way over there all right this better work oh here we go gonna be quick oh wait it's good it's good we're gonna make it and oh my gosh okay he's almost there I'm just gonna bring him all the way down underwater once I break the bowl and then he becomes a drown and I kill him I think all right let's just go a little bit further oh gosh oh gosh okay this is it this is it this is it we're good we're good okay this should be a good spot now I just break the bow oh and he's going down yes submerge oh gosh I don't know how DPS to go before he becomes a drowned is it around yet oh it is drowned okay now do I just kill this guy come on buddy sorry about this give me that trident oh and he got bigger I think yo okay now we have the longer Trident and step three is ahead to the monument oh the Trident Monument hold on so what did we get Evolution two now a sharpness one all right hold on let me real quick make all the way over here before anything okay so it looks like a pretty much a normal Monument but without the fish I got those by the way oh I can well I can super throw it oh that's cool all right it's a big old ocean Monument Trident thing all right let's go inside I guess oh wait I just realized when we hold the Trident we get Dolphins grease and water breathing so we can just go inside easily all right let's roll quick head in then and so what exactly do we have in the Trident Monument oh I think we may have found the Gold River oh down goes one and out they are dead nice so two things first I'm gonna go ahead and break this open and while we're doing this let's also make three doors why three doors guys we need an air pocket because I'm gonna go to grab the gold don't mind me we might need this for later probably not but it's always good to have some gold and now with the gold let's head all the way down here to um whatever this is oh gosh okay do I just head all the way down oh what the heck is this it's blocked off I gotta like break through looks like I gotta go this way let's see what's on the other side oh it's a bunch of targets do I have the targets with the Trident like this oh that's one two three four five six let's hit the very center that's nine let's get that guy right there kind of missed there and finally this one oh and it open nice all right next up we got what the heck is that it looks like it's missing some pieces maybe it's in here oh we got the head I think that's gonna be right there there we go let's switch him there oh and it's Steve with the Trident I don't know why it looks so creepy but I'll take it okay let's fix that up there where's other map pieces should be around here I I swear I saw a chest but I'm missing it now oh wait right here oh okay okay so there's sand pieces and then inside the sand pieces we got the actual thing and now it's done and with that door being open let's go through and now we have a big old Target we're gonna hit that button all right let's aim and oh we missed completely what do I know nope barely Miss what about now a little bit higher come on one of these oh wait I think it did oh and it's open and now we have upgrade my Trident okay so do I just like throw the Trident right here oh something's happening oh they got upgraded it what is it now oh even longer the super Enchanted oh my gosh what the heck okay well that's the temple done real quick and now step four is complete seven tasks oh task one hit an enemy over 100 meters away oh with this guy oh that's generally oh okay so Evolution three so then let's find a mob real quick and hit 100 blocks away I have a little bit of a plan Earth we need a boat then we just grab the zombie right here and go in the boat there we go and now we start counting 100 blocks so negative 9 14. all right let's go 100 blocks this way oh this is a lot farther than I thought it's gonna be oh gosh okay now we're a hundred blocks away and can I even see the mob from here let me head all the way up and again it's straight that way though so if I shoot enough I think I'll hit it sooner or later so let's just fire a lot of them go on my tridents hit something I mean sooner or later I should either right oh we did it and now let's start complete okay so that's one out of seven oh my gosh my legs now task two hit a friend oh like ready friend I might know a guy yo Forest welcome hey Nestor what's up all right all right so no questions asked get the bow oh okay um yeah yeah but there we go okay so I'm gonna stand over here and you see this dude tried it tried it so the Trident upgrades every time I do something and uh the task is to shoot a friend uh so bye-bye voice hey let's go oh wait it upgraded even more nice task number three is do a trick shot huh okay so we got a bunch of mobs right there and we also have a bunch of blocks I have a plan so if we're gonna do a trick shot we might as well do it right here well what we'll do is we'll stack all the way up this should be good right here we even got lava right there and for the trick shot I think we gotta keep using the boat so watch this first we're gonna make a boat there we go we're gonna put down the boat there get on the boat and we're gonna do a 360 and hit a pig if this doesn't work then I don't know what will here we go jump 360. hit a big oh that kind of worked I almost just died nice now the next task is mine one of every ore oh my gosh this thing is getting huge okay let's head on the caves now okay so can we just mine with this thing oh it mines okay so that's iron done and we gotta do the rest of the ore so we got iron let's get copper out of the way there we go easy lapis there we go can't forget about the call and now we gotta do the more rare Awards all right let's go deeper in the tape oh we can finally do redstone there we go we got some gold out of the way and now we just need like diamonds and stuff oh all right diamonds right there watch this trick shot nope I missed Miss again oh and we got it nice all right so it hasn't upgraded yet because we only have one more or left and that time rolls let me grab that there we go and now let's find some emeralds and we finally found an emerald okay so this this should be the last one let's throw this and task complete that's mining for days done so oh now there's a fit task kill a hundred mobs at once huh I'm gonna have to make them pass mobs one sec all right so here's the play guys we got the fences we are gonna real quick make as big of an area as we can because we gotta kill 100 mobs at once so what we'll do is we'll just pretty much set up an area right here I'm already kind of messing it up but it'll work all right this will be the area right here probably need to fence gate we're gonna go to shape inside now let's get all these malts around here I'm gonna need some wheat let's get some of these tables real quick let's eat a few and we need some carrots hopefully they're growing the carrots oh and let's get these carrots all right dusted a few there we go and so now we got the carrots the wheat and the seeds now we get the mobs all right right this way my friends I love you God this way oh my goodness we have so many mobs holy all this just to throw my Trident all right so I'm gonna walk in and then you guys are gonna come inside oh gosh one at a time one at a time let me open the doors there we go I'm gonna go in I guess that's like 15. so 15 moms now and to make things easier we're gonna breed them so real quick let's breed all the mobs and that should make even more all right let's get some more and then we'll do the pigs all right that's all the shaping cows done let's close that up now the Pinks All right all of you go this way get those guys in come on stay inside and that's a lot of them now all right thanks I need you guys to breathe and holy there is a lot we need a bit more and now we have a hundred oh my goodness there's so many so now with the super Enchanted long Trident we shoot and we get the advancement I'm so sorry my friends we're gonna do it for the tridents three two one go on oh my goodness okay almost done and oh wow that's a lot of XP okay well let's test six pull up the Trident with the super creeper oh because we have the lightning oh my gosh it's big my computer's lagging now because of how big it is okay let's get the XP now don't mind me there we go and it might be time we find a creeper okay let me try this oh and it works so for this creeper right here then I gotta first throw this at him oh okay he's been lit let me accept him in water don't don't die don't die don't die come on okay now he's good and now we just gotta make sure he doesn't blow us up stop following me we need Flint seal fun steal fun steal let's be quick there we go okay I'm gonna throw this down right by him and then make him blow it up okay let me throw that down oh here he goes oh oh and that's complete oh and it's still there wait is this a bigger one now task seven is use the multiplier which we unlock the proper on the screen oh my goodness the thing is like five times my size oh wow that was one right click that being said it lies me way too much and let's go ahead and craft this thing where we need Redstone and a dispenser so let me get that Redstone right there shouldn't be too hard let's just do this oh of course it falls oh gosh okay we're gonna fall straight into diamonds it looks like all right hey diamonds as a reward nice one Diamond okay oh wait my job that might be perfect don't we need a bow for this so let's real quick go in here let's grab one of these there we go and that's just the thing I need right there oh gosh okay maybe not that maybe not that okay we are gonna go this way instead there we go let's grab that and now we're good so all we need now is Cobblestone all right let's grab the cobblestone so we need one bow very easy now we put the Redstone there the bow there oh we got it one dispenser oh I don't have enough Redstone now hold on there we are grab this real quick and now we can go ahead and do the thing hey rodstone one dispenser and now we get a multiplier okay it's right there all right let's right click you oh something's happening okay a bunch of tridents oh okay oh now head underground to the Trident Village that might be where we started so let's go there oh and here we are multiply Trident required so I'm gonna put this right here for now just because it's blocking me so much but I think when we go down here do we use the Trident oh wait maybe we shoot the entrance with the Trident all right here we go uh does it open oh gosh that's so much lighting maybe that worked let's check this out oh I opened oh my gosh what is going on here oh it's more lightning let me clean this up real quick okay now we're good and oh my goodness that's Olivia try to Little Village try to villagers hello oh wait we have a former tried and villager here uh Mr Barber what do you want task one make lightning carrots oh do I just like shoot this with the how do I harvest the carrots oh I gotta right click them okay let me grab those lightning carrots doesn't give me as many as I thought here we go oh he took one and we got the key can I eat the lighting carrot I probably shouldn't so let's just keep going next up we are gonna go to the blacksmith tried into villager he doesn't look happy do I talk to him task two bring the ultimate iron sword where is that what the heck do I do here oh amazed um maybe I'm supposed to find something in here well let's just go as fast as we can don't see anything on here come on oh Jess oh wait in its enchanted sword book oh maybe I gotta find all the enchantments in Old cake there's a Gun there's a Golem all right we are gonna go this way oh and here's another one now looting three okay that's good okay I hear the goal nearby another book sweeping Edge three oh gosh it's gonna take a lot of levels oh and that was literally an easy book holy sharp is five yes very good book so I think maybe there's like six enchantments in total we can do and a combination oh gosh where is he let me just grab this one I'm breaking three okay nice little of a boring one but it's all good okay we have all the books but Buddy needs to just pass by oh gosh oh okay nope nope nope AI do not look at me I think we're good okay we're gonna just go up real quick never go down there again I don't think after the staircase but now with all these let's get these bottles enchanting and most importantly make one good old iron sword which I guess we're giving him the ultimate one so I guess we add to shortness five winning three knockback two and we need more levels let's do this real quick hopefully this should be enough all right here we go sweeping Edge three oh gosh that cost so much and now finally we need 18. is there anything else we can grab um maybe at the blacksmith spot let me look around I'll wake chest right here nice okay good plan B let me real quick grab all these then oh please be enough please be enough we need to avoid team we need level 18 I think oh and we got it yeah the Ultimate Sword paradise and now with this let's go back and Miss Trident villager here you go Odie zombie now we got the key so let's open up the lock and what is the next one the merchant Trident villager hello oh he wants a lot of stuff all right so we need 32 diamonds which we don't have that for the key and we can also trade for this stuff you know what I knew the gold was gonna come in handy because now with the gold we can get another right chest plate beautiful let me put that on it and so where do I get diamonds oh wait what the heck is that hold on is there a way I can go oh they got dropped over here hold on okay wait so if we go down here oh wait it's a full-on water drop where is this take me oh we gotta go caving okay so we need some diamonds now which shouldn't be too hard so real quick let me get down here and let's begin trying to find some diamonds oh wait there's literally diamonds right there all right first diamond let's grab that and in total we have five we need a lot more all right let's find some good veins oh another one right here thank you oh and it's tubing come on please B4 nope just two other one and last one and we got it all right let's go back he wanted 32. oh no do I gotta go back mining oh wait hold on there's another one here is there something here okay oh and secret storage he's in here oh okay yes literally all the diamonds will ever need and I get my gold back that is a win-win all right that's gonna be 46 times then let's act like that never happened and I don't think he saw me so Mr villager let's grab that key and now we'll head on to the next room unlock and so what's this one cart for Trident villager pass for all the map oh wait we gotta go straight into the X all right I'll be right back then okay we gotta go straight this way over here oh wait is that gonna be it right there oh that might be the X oh it is okay so if the x is right here I think we're at the right spot let me just break this then and so is this where the key is oh it is one key and from it we also get some potion of water breathing which we don't really need some more gold some more diamonds all right with that being done let's head all the way back where's my boat all right Mr cartographer thank you very much let's open up that lock and oh what the heck is this okay let's uh get rid of these guys Mike be a good haven't tried it there goes those guys and that's better all right library is that good oh um I kind of already did that wait is there more oh there is more all right let's get these guys out of the way what a doubt get to try the note and we're good all right yeah Abby oh he is nice let's grab that real quick and now we got the geek and now finally what the heck this room is huge uh what is going on in here oh task six drawn opponent oh with the Trident do I just like draw like this oh that makes sense literally I can't drop much with this but maybe we can make like a snake oh wait it's actually a lot easier than I thought okay we're just gonna make a full-on today thingy yo try that snake thing oh and it's fun try oh my gosh okay how do I take this guy down do I just shoot it oh wait I'm doing damage I think let's go oh my gosh that's insane okay that's some damage I'm doing damage again all right new playing guys we're gonna fall all the way down and we'll do water bucket and I'm gonna guess it's gonna come down okay it's coming oh my gosh this feels like a video game Boss come on oh wait we got it yeah and I'll tame it wait how do I tame it is it right there I gotta free the cheap don't I uh real quick let me do your lightning carrot oh my gosh wait actually does something gives you speed let me grab some blocks to go all the way up there oh wait hold on what if I shoot this let me actually get right under it put down some water so it lands in the water and then kind of break it oh you can and the Sheep died oh maybe it takes let's try wool okay let me go up to this guy real quick then and then do I just like oh and that works I give it wool and now we got the Trident snake Chef right click to summon and unsummon all right let's go try to stick then oh yo eat different structures the Trident snake is hungry wait so can I ride this all the way out good oh my gosh this is amazing okay so today the Trident has evolved to this thing and we need to eat structures so I guess let's begin to hunt for some structures all right my dragons we're eating the village okay and let's take that out oh my gosh wait can I go in water oh my gosh I can go in water okay now let's eat the monument and oh my gosh okay this is actually insane and with that money been done let's get out of there and we've literally made a tunnel system right under us let's get some more structures then all right we found a temple let's go eat up oh and that's enough that's complete now plant it again wait what I guess we can try again let's real quick plant that oh and it planted it maybe we need some more bone meal I'll be right back let me find another Temple to leave all right we're not gonna eat this one but we need the bones and all the way down to MLG water bucket make sure not to explode it and we got some bones anything cool oh my goodness that's a lot of Bones actually oh it's diamonds all right now let's go back all right we got the bones let's real quick just get to bone meal and how much does it need it did I just call it oh wait oh it's already drawing oh oh my what do I do with this thing oh break with the multiply trident oh that makes sense okay so do I just launch it at the fork do I just keep shooting it oh what the heck is this gigantic Trident try throw away plenty of space required oh well I mean we have a lot of space over there holy this is evolution five and I guess we can throw it from here down there here it goes nothing oh oh gosh where'd it go oh my extraordinate that's gonna probably be the last ride and then I guess we gotta climb to the top then all right let's go inside and oh is this a chicken thing oh it is can come straight this way I'm just saying chicken you haven't subscribed like the 80 people watching right now so I'm just saying that you still have a chance just just do that right now all right chicken get right there there we go and let's go in oh what you shot at me hello oh there's trying to get it okay so we got a parkour all the way up while dodging those guys okay let's make sure not to get hit okay oh gosh okay it's four more levels almost up one more level to go and I think we're good okay that's done with the candidates what's the next puzzle gonna be oh not a maze it's like a little tumble thing oh wait it is a base okay where the heck is the way out maybe over here what is yes all right that maze is done now let's just make sure not to fall and I think we're getting close to the actual pointy part of the Trident okay almost up and there's more cannons oh gosh oh gosh okay let's just make it to the top oh and we have something up here wait what is this the dragon Trident oh yo is this like the last one I think we might use this against the dragon then holy that's big I'm not gonna throw it but I think this might be then guys all right here goes nothing oh and we're so apparently what the dragon tried it we're also tried it nice okay okay this is actually Overkill oh my goodness oh we're gonna kill the dragon very quickly with this thing let me break down all those shouldn't be too hard and now it's just a matter of this guy to perch and now we just shoot it oh gosh oh gosh oh my gosh that was insane instance okay won't that be done guys I became Detroit pretty much so hope you guys don't enjoyed our great one in this video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 3,954,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but What's This Trident, minecraft trident, minecraft what's this trident, minecraft trident snake, minecraft trident grows, trident, tridents, trident minecraft
Id: wCTnQkfVamM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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