Minecraft but I can Craft Mechas

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step aside swords and pickaxes now I can craft Mecha suits the Ender Dragon won't know what hit him when I build the ultimate Mecca excuse me sir I need to borrow your tree real quick yeah okay guys check this out Mecca look at this dude these are all the meccas that I can craft here but we shall start with the wooden Mecca crafting it won't be hard but I need myself a Mecca cockpit now I know the cockpit is hidden somewhere inside the village but I'm not really sure where a secret ladder huh oh my goodness this is a whole laboratory down here alright the item I need should be around here somewhere ah shulker box yeah the mecca cockpit dude I got it oh this is gonna be so cool man just need a couple more items and now we can craft the wooden Becca our first of many I'm excited three two one clam yes dude ah I like how I run pardon me excuse me cow I've got a couple Powers I can use first of all I can damage mobs and break no fuel ah shoot hold on that's the only problem with meccas is they need fuel so I gotta get wood for my wooden Mecca here a couple of stacks should do it boom I'm a Mecca baby it's so cool now in my Mecca I've got three powers first of all I can do a sweeping attack damages mobs oh sorry chicken did not think that was gonna kill you lesson learned giant mechanical suits are very powerful I can also use this attack to break blocks now I'm getting a bunch of wood right now because my wooden Mecca requires wood as fuel and if I run out of wood no more Mecca Powers which could be a problem I also have a jump ability ah yes very tall jump and I've got a leaf platform so I can create these Leaf platforms to jump on top of parkour and nailed it dude I'm not sure when I would need to use this ability but I've got it when I need it now this looks like just the place to try out my Mecca dude hello Mr pillagers now the mecca doesn't do a tremendous amount of damage so I definitely want to make some upgrades to my meccas pretty soon but I at the very least can take out this reinforced Outpost uh jump attack okay the jump attack isn't an attack good to know oh my gosh I might die in this thing man yeah there we go oh man it looks like these pillagers were busy here you go be free little LA's there we go live your life little guys fly now the reason why I wanted to find this Outpost was not just because I wanted to be a good guy I've got some selfish intentions too because yep there it is the Gunner Mech upgrade so I can attach this guy to my Mecca to give it a little more Firepower just need a couple of seeds here oh sorry Mr Chicken did I steal your seeds there you go buddy boy all right now that I can't gosh dang it okay okay here stop following me around I've given it like six seeds already ah stop I don't want to feed you anymore get away from me I need the weed seeds to use as Weapons okay don't judge me it's gonna be cool all right so now I can combine the Gunner to the mecca dude check this out I can use my Gatling gun to shoot out seeds at mobs I'm just using the seeds as literally a weapon oh gosh I might die I might die hey take this where don't kill me don't kill me oh I got him I got him oh my gosh I was gonna say I can't be in this giant Mecca and I get killed by a bow and arrow dude these upgrades are nice but clearly if I almost die from a Pillager we gotta upgrade our Mecca even further now to get my stone Mecca upgrade I need to get an item from an armored zombie and there should be a special cave around here somewhere with an obsidian geode that also has a sick lava upgrade we can get as well and yeah I like jumping on trees with this guy I don't know why he's massive but also just kind of feels cute all right guys I think I found the cave I'm looking for what's up Mr zombie you want to get Smash arenaed I like how I'm just shooting seeds at folks take this guys seeds attack I'm still working on my catchphrases oh dude I just realized I have a whole different Power I have a ground slam heck yeah man take this zombie ground slam great job all right that's my new catchphrase armor zombie okay okay that's the guy that drops my next upgrade item yeah he's not taking any damage dude oh man he does a lot of damage to me I only have him easily weak wooden oh he's already dead okay well never mind there it is let me grab it real quick [Applause] wait wait spider spider hold on Spider-Man chill chill chill chill let me eat my food please oh no don't kill me I'm innocent blue crafty boy stop bro this is terrifying this game is scary relax let me eat my lunch and back in it let's go Alika slam attack you picked on somebody the wrong size or something other catchphrases there it is this right here is our obsidian geode that has our lava upgrade chill out chill out Dodge them Juke him or get shot in the face that's totally cool too fine I don't know how I'm surviving right now oh my gosh I am captain of mobs and they shot me right in the tooth hopefully my dentist has availability today what do I need I need to smelt up some Stone and I should be able to craft that no problem all right smelt faster please wait thank you guys let me make my upgrade dog yeah that's what you get oh I can take him out all at once okay this is sick hopefully I have some breathing room here our Stone Mecca upgrade is here Ho Ho Ho Holy heck it's cold that must mean it's crafty Christmas time stay warm while looking cool with the crafty hoodie complete a custom Hearts puzzle with your pet goldfish squish a squishy crafty plushie and store it all in a crafty backpack what more could you ask for this crafty Christmas go to crafty.store today oh heck yeah dude oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I got a nice pep in my step I have new powers now I got oh my gosh An Earthquake power that's rad earthquake attack I also have a Block Breaker attack that apparently uses coal when I do it oh man I'm running out of coal pretty quick here I also have a boulder throw yeah oh this is sick Boulder smash yeah dude this is awesome oh shoot I'm out of fuel okay not good not good guys I need coal to be able to keep using this Mecca I'm really worried about this because the fuel is just gonna get more and more expensive to use oh gosh oh gosh I don't have a whole lot of coal left chill boys uh half hour no fuel oh gosh oh no I gotta do this the old-fashioned way oh okay well the nice thing is we made our upgrade here to get past the subsidian wall I should be able to use my stone Mecca to break the blocks but I need cole to be able to power it so hold on just a quick coal mining session there we go oh that's not ominous okay hopefully that's enough coal for now at least I should be able to use my stone Mecca to break through the obsidian wall yes yes that worked great fantastic how much coal did I use only a couple okay fantastic hello gorgeous this right here my friends is my lava Mech upgrade now this guy's gonna be rad I don't know what it does but it's made of lava and I love a good pun and I lava you for subscribing okay I'm done looks like I need a lava bucket and some Stone to get my lava Mecca let's see uh yes hello beautiful iron I shall take you and I shall melt you you'll become a beautiful bucket and I will love you and I will rescue hey iron I'm complaining better than pants dude cause all this fighting has certainly made me a little sweaty I'm sorry I said that that's not a mental image I was ready to have today I should get myself some lemon in there I make myself to laugh upgrade yeah dude check me out oh gosh I gotta use lava as fuel hold on all right Mr Bucket buddy looks like you're gonna have a couple of friends here just gotta surround you guys in liquid hot lava delightful wait why can you hold lava in a bucket but then if I throw iron in it melts instantly huh Minecraft huh explain yourself sorry guys I had one too many cups of coffee today do I have any volunteers to try out my new powers oh hello some volunteers yeah kablam oh I light mobs on fire now oh heck yeah I think I do a lot more damage as well yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I like how aggressive I walk I am able to use the Block Breaker to mine super effectively now which is kind of awesome although it does use a lot of coal so I don't know if that'll be very worth it oh gosh it's getting very dark yep I used all my coal before we get our next Mech upgrade I'm just gonna grab myself some iron and some coal because I'll need it later there's a new method of mining called sneeze mining check it out let's see ah there we go yeah pretty cool update huh for my next upgrade I gotta go to this scary place and no I don't mean school on a Saturday I'm talking about the nether there we go and if I make another portal inside of the obsidian geode that'll take me right where I need to go kablamo let's do this thing oh gosh oh I'm stuck oh gosh there we go okay if I did this right yes here it is all right so this is like a special Bastion here and I believe I get the iron Mech upgrade while I'm here oh gosh there's bad guys wait wait hold on boys we can be friends right I'm cool I got gold on me see literally my back is made of gold how cool is that are we chill are we chill excuse me gentlemen pardon me don't mind me totally normal Tuesday activities yes yes I am here to give you oh hey chill chill chill dude they figured out my disguise oh gosh I might have to take these boys out earthquake attacks man they do a lot of damage Boulder throw yeah take this yeah oh my gosh this is not easy dude okay okay just got to pretend like I'm here to deliver groceries yes I am just like you guys I am here to deliver groceries anybody ordered pickles I don't know why you order pickles not a fan of pickles huh okay okay guys let's chill out now okay this chest has got what I need on it but I gotta be quick here okay grab what I need there we go all right now just casual Tuesday stuff pardon me gentlemen okay okay okay everything's oh wow I'm just sitting here like yeah everything's fine everything's great the lava mech suit now has heated seats okay okay excuse me sir excuse me all right I made it thanks nether got what I needed okay iron Mecca oh my gosh every single iron tool well I got plenty of iron we've got it dude the iron Mecha is acquired holy cow I look awesome oh sick dude now we're talking oh snap looks like I got a leap ability it launches me high in the air I can lock onto abilities and I have an iron blaster oh sick I'm already out of iron well that was fast holy cow how much iron am I gonna use dude I used my iron blast after like three times okay 27 iron I'm hoping that it's gonna cover us for now in the meantime I'm looking for a fallen meteorite have you seen a chicken it should be close by and that's got my next upgrade in it all right well I found the meteor strike I had to literally look up where to find this that's the meteor I'm looking for now can I lock onto these mobs here hello magma cubes insufficient fuel I've ate a turn how much higher does it cost to shoot a stinking iron gun all right well nevertheless I should have my next upgrade here inside this meteor hey there it is a beautiful chest with oh my goodness dude I got a bunch of iron and I got a samurai Mecca upgrade let's go dude well now that I have plenty of iron let's use this bad boy shall we attack oh sick man take this this is actually so awesome shoot the iron let's get this Samurai upgrade I need an anvil and some iron no problem there we go and now we've got our Samurai Mecca dude let's go I got a giant sword man that's what I'm talking about look at me dude uh yeah attack that breaks blocks as well oh this is so sick dude take this evil lava slimes yeah oh this is awesome all right I gotta find some mobs to use this on yeah and now this looks like a good place to test this out what's up Mr Mansion how you go I can't fit in the doorway no problem yeah iron attack yeah now I believe there should be an upgrade around here somewhere and thankfully the mecca actually breaks this Bedrock you thought you could stop me no one can stop me yeah sword Dash attack oh gosh this is so sweet hello my friend take this and take that oh this is so awesome man Samurai for the win Attack yeah I do know my next upgrade is somewhere here in the Woodland Mansion but I'm not sure where I just gotta survive long enough to find out yeah oh gosh I just opened up a can of worms run away I love having a Mecca suit it does a lot of damage but it does not protect me very much from attacks sometimes it's actually more convenient to be small I'm a small innocent boy oh Emerald ah bad guy oh lots of bad guys lots of bad guys lots of bad guys I have a strategy take that ass they walked around it all right they walked around it my MLG Strat did not work jump you guys can't jump over this yeah take that dude now my strategy is working what are you looking at can't touch me yeah so the reason why I'm in the Woodland Mansion is because our next upgrade is the emerald mech suit oh gosh there's a special part I need here in this Woodland mansion and also I need to collect emeralds from these guys as well yeah three emeralds I'll take a couple more there boys oh this is so awesome oh my gosh there's a lot of bad guys in there oh excuse me sir do you mind dying real quick that's a lot of bad guys oh my goodness oh no no no no no no no no attack oh now we're talking totem up and dying that'll certainly help us on our mission here hello yes emeralds perfect that's what I need ah Bedrock wall you don't stand a chance against me you'd be oh no no no no no no ah shoot I used my totem of a dying I needed that to live or whatever yeah hey hey hey hold on hold on I wasn't stealing I just was looking at it all right so to make our Emerald Mecca I need oh gosh quite a few emeralds here yes oh we'll take those I found their Emerald stash let's go dude hopefully this will be enough to get our upgrade Emerald Mecca here we come okay is that enough let's see let's see let's see dude we might have just enough one two three four five ah I'm one short I need one more Emerald gosh dang it hold on I gotta smack some boys until they drop their money that's not a phrase I thought I would say today Mecca attack yeah yeah okay okay okay I think I got it yes thank you very much and that should do it we've got our Emerald upgrade yeah baby let's go I need emeralds for fuel well gosh dang it dude I've got awesome heat-seeking missiles but I can't even use them because I'm too poor I gotta find a decent way to get emeralds hello Village friendos how you doing oh sorry I probably should get out of my Mech here he's like everybody run robots are taking over it's all right dude it's just me crafty I've never done anything bad inside of a village ever before don't scroll back to my old videos all right boys I'm looking for emeralds does anybody here have a job dude this guy's house is just full of plants I don't think these guys have jobs okay well I shall give you one there you go uh leather that seems complicated and involves a lot of killing mobs that cow's like well I should leave let's try this again shall we anybody want job hello there we go all right we gotta take her 32 sticks yeah drive a bar again my boy thank you very much thank you very much there we go all right this might not be that many emeralds but at least I can use my Emerald Mech now oh my gosh I look awesome I'm ready for battle dude the nice thing is if I use my Mecca to then take out mobs they'll drop emeralds which is nice okay did that give me profit eight emeralds Emerald Shield okay I kind of missed it's all right hate seeking missiles yeah ten emeralds uh yeah as long as I keep taking out mobs I should be A-Okay on my fuel source so I decided to go to all the local Villages and show off my sick new Emerald Mecca dude to flex on all the villagers when I went to one too many villages and ran into a parade don't worry love you Emerald Mecca crafty here for Duty hate sinking missiles attack oh gosh the only problem with the heat-seeking missiles is that I can't move during it so I could die pretty easy oh my gosh this is actually awesome I'm here to help missile attack sick dude imagine the perspective of these villagers like a dude just shows up with a Mecca of like a hundred dollar bills yeah you cannot stop me I will hide behind this barrier so I don't get shot with your arrows take that silly oh he killed himself I don't know how that works but all right he was intimidated by my glorious outfit and my Captain America shield copyrighted I see you yeah oh watch out watch out buddy I did not mean to hit you inside of the okay there we go we got him sorry villager didn't mean to I got some big arms ah yes you took a bow and arrow to a missile fight yeah bam I love how the missiles are heat seeking too dude this is so awesome oh sorry Farm didn't mean to step on you that wheat might taste a little bit like Emerald toes yeah yeah yes oh my gosh that's a lot of guys hey be careful pick on somebody your own size technically you are cause Villages around the same size zombies but let's not question the logic oh get him get him save that villager ah heck yeah dude this is awesome man oh sorry Mr Cat we're almost through with the raid there's only a couple more guys left ah the zombies playing Ring Around the Rosie he's scared of me I see watch out villagers I got missiles in coming I missed stop it stop it zombie yeah yeah that's it that's it zombie hell I am crafty ready for Duty I also have to use the bathroom so there's double duties going on yeah yeah almost done there's only a couple of zombies Left take my iron well we're all gonna use dude this is so sick I broke that entire house that's my man that's my bad I gotta be a little careful where I use this Mecca though boom boom boom yeah I got him the samurai Mecca is sweet but the sword does break blocks so I gotta be careful not to accidentally uh break a couple of houses in the meantime only a couple of bad guys left where are you you're hiding from me oh all right guys the mecca is gone it's just me innocent crafty oh hi how you doing I can't tell if you got PTSD or if you're taking a nap with your eyes open I don't okay okay he seems fine he seems fine stay in your house please it's just you and me buddy I don't need a Mecca to take out the villagers I mean shoot uh the zombies yeah oh gosh I'm like that like God don't don't ah don't let me die yeah we didn't do the ray defeated oh survived on the skin of my teeth on that one my goodness oh hello good sir he's glowing green over here oh you just happy and grateful are you you want some emeralds here you go dude what's up buddy what's going on he trade something lightning Mecca upgrade oh snap I didn't do this for no reason I got myself a nice Mecca upgrade I totally knew this was gonna happen by the way who would have known this mysterious trade okay now the thing I don't know is uh they need some lightning rods you got any lightning rods around here but it happened to be capturing some of the good old energy from the sky nope okay all right we gotta go get some copper it does feel a little weird walking around as a little dude now I'm so used to being Giant and Powerful I feel so small in the cave by myself my weak little crafty arms I don't have giant Powers alright that should would be enough hell alrighty how do I make this there it is nine lightning rods I ran that two at three there we go way to hold a second that's not how crafting tables work hi mecca yeah there it is the lightning Mecca dude oh this is sick man so the lightning Mecha is awesome because check this out I can zoom in now if I right click I can zoom in on where I want to shoot and then hold on I might need to find a mob for this no I can't kill a sweet little kitten I see a husk on the horizon so I can lock on to a mob and fire complimo and it sends like a shock Bolt from the sky lightning attack oh over here we got a bunch of scary mobs but to have no fear because Zeus is on my side and they'll never see it coming lightning attack and lightning attack okay okay it might take a few lightning attacks how have they not noticed this yet they're like yes ah just casual Tuesday getting struck by lightning just a giant guy outside for no reason I like how I'm sniping these guys from So Close how do they not notice me man these are the worst guards I've ever seen look you're looking directly at me how how all right I'm bored we're going in yeah okay okay I still do take damage I can use my shield to block at least some of their attacks hate seeking missiles go this is awesome dude why shoot from far away when you got a Mecca lightning attack oh gosh I'm gonna die I'd be careful here here we go how how how does this guy still not notice me dude lightning I that's half hard all right I gotta be gotta be boom it looks like the electricity also stuns the mobs which is really nice especially when I'm sitting on half a heart right now yeah yeah Samurai attack yeah yeah oh this is so sick dude I do love the emerald Mecca but there's something so awesome and satisfying about the samurai there should be one guy there you are one guy left and this guy should drop my next upgrade a blam kabloom there it is Dude Perfect all right all right now that I have this I should be able to craft my diamond Mecca I just need a bunch of diamonds hold on I'll go mining I am made of diamonds can I just pull off one of my arms why do I need arms if I have a Mecca huh you answered me that question mmm secret diamond oh all right that should be enough Diamonds oh my gosh after like the diamonds okay okay yeah the diamond Mecca dude yeah in my chest oh yeah man oh gosh it uses diamonds as fuel oh that's not good diamond grenade go please be worth it when I break blocks yes okay perfect perfect when I break blocks it gives me diamonds I was really worried I'd have to Cave around for like 10 hours to get enough diamonds to use this bad boy go diamond grenade I'm so sorry bunny that was my bad I should have looked before I threw it I killed another one oh my goodness I'm an evil person I'm sorry buddies I will donate these diamonds to your bunny family Offspring two stacks some diamonds dude let's go that's really nice so I got basically infinite Fuel and infinite diamonds sick man I also have flight thrusters oh I can use diamonds as fuel to literally fly oh yeah look at me go I can run on air and I've got a diamond laser okay so now guys I gotta find like a super hidden secret special Shrine uh I don't know where I'd oh there it is that wasn't so hard to find how convenient okay so the awesome thing about the shrine here is it gives me every single one of my meccas and I get myself a mecha fuser so if I combine all the meccas together I get myself the ultimate Mecca I just combined every Power together and I don't even need any fuel to use dude I can fly I can shoot guns I can shoot lasers out of my eyeballs oh they're cute and pretty oh they break blocks oh all right maybe more destructive than cute I like how they're pink and fluffy and yet literally just demolish entire nations pink beautiful butterflies wait a second the end portal Creator what do I do how do I oh there it goes dude that's awesome can I just jump in it now it's Dragon Battle time oh dude what's up what's up dragon I've got a cool Mech and I'm not afraid to use it oh somebody turned the lights on oh this is so awesome dude come here Mr Dragon yeah oh he launched me okay okay you think you're so cool with your big wings huh mechanical Dragon oh sick dude he's made like Redstone and stuff yeah yeah I take the Dragon Battle to the sky this might be the coolest thing I've ever done yeah it's a close one I assume I assume boom yes to take out the crystals yeah Gatling gun attack yeah I'm just shooting seeds at him all right well maybe the Gatling gun isn't that worth it I'm like shooting lasers giant swords and I'm like yeah how about some seeds huh anybody hungry I don't know chickens like seeds and from what it looks like the dragon is certainly a chicken hanging out all the way over there come fight me like a man yeah laser laser attack oh last attack yeah we got him dude that was sick we've taken out the mechanical dragon and I am now the Ultimate Machine well if you so happen to have your own giant Mech at home make sure to use it to destroy that subscribe button
Channel: Craftee
Views: 9,816,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft funny, minecraft challenge, hardcore minecraft, minecraft mech, minecraft mechs, minecraft robot, minecraft robots, minecraft but robots, minecraft but mech
Id: 8pttGMTV87g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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