Surviving 1,000,000 Days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft

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I'm gonna survive one million days on this glorious dirt block but as days go on I will unlock new islands as well as items to make days go faster and give me nice Puffs and powers and just like any good Adventure Starts let's get some dirt under my nails shall we oh yes great great okay getting some dirt getting some nice trees I'm already getting lonely but now I have this little Oak sampling to keep me company my only friends are trees well I have lots of time to kill so might as well expand my Island out just a little bit here yeah looking much better very Brown come on little tree grow dude what's that Mr sap you're getting a little lonely too don't worry I'll give you a buddy there we are oh why am I like emotionally connected to saplings I don't know man the one block gets weird so I spent the first day smacking my infinite dirt Giver expanded my dirty island a little bit and making a uh a mud hut I guess while I waited for my little saplings to grow hey they grow up so fast don't they oh man now I'm all emotionally connected to him I feel like if I break the tree for wood I'm like destroying a friend hold on little tree you shall live on now get a sapling there we go now our new friend is over here all right I'm not killing a friend of mine thank you for the wood buddy it's a very generous gift oh gosh it just fell well oh I have a bad friend don't ask me why I planted the saplings right next to the void I don't know either just trying to avoid making progress I guess my first beautiful full moon I'll see literally a million of those in this episode good hey hey time to sleep in the mud hut on the first day good morning friends it's the first whoa we got a new island dude check it out we got a little chest we've got grass now that's nice maybe even some seeds we can plant food we'll expand our Island here and what do you have mystery chest oh snap ice lava bucket great I can make cobblestone with that and daylight saving looks like two days pass and it grows blocks whatever that means cool we'll keep that in our back pocket I can make myself a cobblestone generator if I can remember how to do this excuse me flower I'm gonna borrow you thank you buddy okay crafty don't mess this up dog we got lava there that goes over there and then uh ice goes here right yeah we've got infinite Cobblestone buddy let's go we can turn our mud jack into a cobblestone Shack I mean one step of progress at a time I guess and our little sap grew up look at that dude sap I'm not gonna chop down I think he's gonna be with us for the rest of the episode oh friendship forever I got some more wood to make starter tools and then I mined the cobblestone generator for a bit for some handy blocks and Tool upgrades guys I found a glitch you can get yourself infinite Cobblestone I'll tell you the secret but you gotta first purchase a merchandise piece on craftydot store nice okay let's try out our Daylight Saving shall we what does this do two days shall pass whoa holy cow dude that's incredible I've got grass so I guess what I use it days pass and then items will grow saplings become trees dirt becomes grass and I might be able to get a seed and I can make tasty food okay see don't fall in the lava don't fall in the void please I got a seed let's go get boys got food I got one wheat seed dude that is not great but hey I got food if I'm careful wait hold up just a darn second part cobblestone generator part Farm if I plant a wheat here and then I use daylight savings yes it grows our food oh that's so sick I've multiplied my seeds and it only took me two days not too shabby dude yeah we'll have a farm in no time now that's nice oh yes my first hard-earned meal and no I didn't cheat with custom items what are you talking about I spent my ninth day mining the one block with a shovel to make things a little faster oh that was a satisfying sound crafty editors can you play that again a couple times ah yes oh so good yeah what the heck was that the one block also gives me Cobblestone now which I use to make my Hut a little nicer it'll get there a day well spent good morning you awake yet it's day 10 my friends oh I heard a nice little ding sound does that mean we've oh my God my goodness yo yo is an island man looks like there's cocoa beans and most importantly Dude Looks like we've got company did you hear that sap I don't have to talk to trees anymore although you'll still be my best buddy little guy oh goodness they do kind of look like cavemen but uh we'll head over and hopefully they're friendly look at this man little cocoa beans looks like we've got some vines or uh what are these called bamboo well then mustache eyebrow boys do you mind if I borrow some of these things uh is there anything I can do with bamboo can I turn it into something can I eat it wow Bamboo's useless dude got some cocoa beans that's cool uh I can grab some of this jungle as well I'm not sure why we would need it but I guess we could make a little cocoa bean Farm too I don't know make some chocolate or something hmm anything else of use gravel I can get flint from so I'll grab one of those and we have infinite water now which is quite nice there's a cave are there secrets in here sugar cane yeah dude we can make cookies heck yeah oh not just sugarcane man hiding behind in the sugar looks like something quite special I want it yeah hey I've got myself a new item the hands of time oh skips 10 days that's a lot and it builds Bridges that's uh gonna be real nice let's try it okay make some room here so I'm gonna use this and it builds a bridge whoa dude nice man it's a little higher than I would have wanted connected to my house here but not too shabby oh uh hi buddy welcome to my home I guess oh he's just going right in all right he just letting himself in there's not a whole lot of room but okay he's like wow this place sucks what is this we sleep outside no we sleep in beds and sometimes we don't sleep and stay up for 10 days straight because I have a special power oh yikes dude honestly a terrible spot for a bridge I might just rebuild my house anyways but nice to know we have that option oh yo dude can you be careful man thank you a very cool item but I think it's time for food my tummies the grumbling so I borrowed some of my new friends dirt because my one block only spits out useful items now oh how terrible and I built out a nice size area for my farm I need food pretty bad so I planted an area for cocoa beans and then I realized I had no bucket so looks like it's gonna be a small farm after all at least for now oh That was supposed to give me water why did that ice not give me water oh my goodness I had a bucket that whole time all right it's Farm time nice that's looking much better okay so now if I use daylight savings oh that grows up my wheat but not my sugar cane hmm oh it doesn't grow cocoa beans either that's a bummer well that's all right we've got nice all infinite food and days are passing much quicker now which is nice we have sustenance but most importantly we've got cookies oh I'm feeling good now I'm surviving 100 off cookies I'm telling you that much it sounds strange but cookies are actually my most efficient food right now because for only two easy payments of 1990 wheat I get eight cookies that heals eight hunger and that's more efficient than bread right now I'll take any excuse to munch on some cookies grow little ones oh shoot oh bummer I I pressed the wrong thing oh no I built a bridge oh I meant to use my daylight savings whoa what was that boys did you light up some fireworks oh my goodness what happened to the island oh no day 50 must have been that I don't know the apocalypse for the cavemen guys I'm so sorry dude I mean I I can make this place a little better I can turn it back to some nice uh Savannah grass it looks like strange okay so the further we go in time the further it's gonna change things as well in my world that's gonna get interesting well it's looking a little better now you guys can move into my place if you want to I mean Jeremy already has we'll have to fix up this place as well what was that whoa that's new I was wondering where the new island was okay looks like we got a cave now and some iron for the first time sick dude welcome to my home Jeremy click it's a caveman name don't judge him that also means Jeremy's a caveman name sorry Jeremy's out there I think you're beautiful okay let's try out this location there might be a useful item down there and I really want that iron but before I go I need some more cookies for my journey every hardcore Mission needs cookies yes let's do this stay back gentlemen I'm going down spider attack oh gosh I have two hearts this was not a good idea cookies are not a great healing Source we've got a ton of string that's good and an egg oh my goodness is that a dragon egg dude it looks different than a dragon egg I'm afraid to touch it I do hear a spider though where are you dude ah spider get back monster aha I have vanquished thee with the power of cookies on my side a spider eye I don't know how helpful that is we have a lot of iron though that's gonna be really useful I'm not gonna mess with that egg yet just in case it spawns something I'm gonna get myself iron first oh no iron come back picking up some iron feeling so great time making me some armor before it's too late this crappy sing-along is brought to you by cookies by the morels that looks like all of it 29 iron pretty good has our egg hatched yet no not yet wait wait wait wait is the egg the item like is that the item that'll help me or is it the dragon that's gonna spawn I don't know man regardless I'm making myself some armor hello boys I'm back from a journey oh the staircase is pretty hideous but it'll do for now would have been nice to have a little bit of coal does one block give me coal now I just got emeralds whoa whoa dude okay not exactly what I expected but that's nice I guess do you guys trade no no okay not sure what the word trade is just yet don't worry Jeremy one day you will learn no cold just yet yeah it's fine all right we'll use wood for now got myself the iron Jeremy why that's my bad dude that's my only band Jeremy I'm glad you're learning what beds do as a caveman it seems that he's progressing but could you not sleep in my bed dog all right got myself a little bit of armor here we'll take it I'm not gonna use all of it though I might need some armor for tools I mean uh iron for tools armor for tools you got like a pair of pants on a stick yo guys be careful here you guys are right on the edge please don't push each other off guys that is not a fun game you're playing you're Holding On by your pinky toe I'll be back Gentlemen please don't die that would be awesome oh my goodness I almost died do what I say and now what I do oh my gosh you guys I'll build a landing pad just in case oh my goodness I am so glad I built that platform that legit scared me well welcome to the island buddy hopefully you're ready for an adventure we might have to fight a dragon right now okay let time go forward he's hatching he's hatching get ready and stop oh my gosh for the first time in crafty history you can get your very own personal crafty video made by me just for you special celebrations birthday shout outs or you just want me to say hi to your dog Ernesto it's a weird name for a dog but I'll do it we have a limited number available so head on over to craftydot store and get your very own personalized video today is spider Chester oh my goodness wow dude you are yes no Chester you look great and not creepy at all what do you think Jeremy handsome as ever oh no well I am glad I'm not fighting a dragon although that is a terrifying Chester today man I'm glad to have a buddy though what's up Chester how are you dude you like having six legs eight legs welcome to the world my Chester buddy oh he has power see oh Chester dude oh how cool when I right click Chester he does a backflip and like upgrades the oars I guess yeah there's iron over here the Cobblestone becomes chiseled stone and a lot of days pass when he does that too I'm already at Day 200. come on up Chester I got a lot of cool things to show you Jeremy might have to stay down here though I'm not sure how to get you up spider Chester welcome to my home here's my farm it's growing up pretty nice check that out spider Chester hides in the bushes waiting to prounce on his prey the only thing I'm missing right now is decent food so I think it might be time to give up the cookies save me some calories and eat some uh carby-filled bread thank you thank you and there is some decent food I'll share there you go buddy enjoy oh he looked at it he's like what's this I do want to build up my house a little better but I think I'm going to spend the next little bit of days just getting better food I want to be set for life I've got a lot of medals to feed after all grow little buddies grow oh 250 days ah look at this I got a house oh my goodness Jeremy you look so good you still got the eyebrow and everything I forgot the villagers just always have unibrows ah my cavemen are also grown up and extinguished no distinguished yes we were once cavemen but now we wear red do you guys trade anything oh you do one Emerald for a spring forward oh my goodness that thing looks powerful uh do I still have an emerald from earlier did I put it in here oh no I have one where are you I shall take one please thank you very much ah zombies oh my goodness what happened oh no back up zombie monsters yeah barely even a scratch Chester was no help at all but that's okay oh sick it looks like I can use the item to jump I hold it down it charges up and boom oh and then it skips a lot of days in the process time flies when you're jumping highs yeah oh and I hit the ground maybe I damage mobs too very cool I like it and now we should have plenty of food as well for our journey and by Journey I mean uh staying exactly here because it's one block after all I was gonna upgrade my house although it looks pretty nice as is I do want to build a bunker though Chester you want to help me out I mined the cobblestone generator for what felt like three years and I used that Cobblestone to build a large platform next to my base then I was able to use Chester's powers to upgrade the stone although before I could build anything awesome this happened whoa okay we've reached 500 days and I guess that means a new area is unlocked Mr Chester you've done a good job buddy look at it man I like my little platform this right here one day will be a sick house Mr Chester we'll have our house and then the villagers will have their house uh all six of them in the same house sure man it's 2023 you can't judge having five roommates oh sick man all right we've got sand now so I could make actual glass that'll be cool and it looks like we got an entire desert temple man and Cactus we've got Cactus I don't know how I'm gonna use Cactus do you eat cactus Chester there you go nah a perfect place to use our hands of time oh gosh monsters get ready Chester it's battle time yeah oh that's cool man it's gonna use that power right jump up and like knock them back and then they take fall damage yeah not too shabby although I like the classical sword nice and convenient take that helmet covered man I like your shoes though got some fresh old kicks dude I want that sword drop that sword nope okay fine please have iron in here that would be awesome I've been saving my iron so far just in case come on desert temple what you got there's no pressure plate down here uh no TNT oh there is TNT all right might be able to have some fun with that later let's see what we got knock back pretty useless some sand a saddle Chester can I ride you yes iron perfect and oh a new item infinite hourglass very nice and last but not least we got a diamond very nice I should probably eat I'm about to die oh that's cool so when I use it it lifts me in the air it says let's try it yeah wow that was the worst pillar thousands of days pass and the best I got is like seven pieces pardon me Chester if you could not sit on my face that would be awesome yeah yeah yeah okay I have an item that I now can just keep using to pillar up that's kind of nice wow I can see my house from here thousands of days are passing too wow that is a pretty powerful item keep stacking up keep going keep going oh I have an idea how to get infinite sand if I stack up forever I can place one torch underneath it'll break all of the sand that's kind of awesome keep going keep going whoa 5 000 days whoa it's fun the whole village over over there oh no my my Cobblestone platform I work so hard on there that's all right oh gosh how am I gonna get down well didn't think this one through I guess I gotta break the sand I have no other way of getting down without dying hey it's all right gotta go check out my villager see how Jeremy's doing hello villager friends oh goodness not villager friends whoa chill chill oh my goodness they're fast too ah what have you done with Jeremy take this monsters yeah oh no the villagers have turned evil dude Jeremy how could you you betrayed me I gave them a home and this is oh my goodness that guy's massive oh no that must be Jeremy hold on hold on excuse me gentlemen I'll be right back you guys can have that house for a second Chester you gotta help me out here buddy bite their booties help me out here man I don't even have super cookies to help me out or anything oh man this one block situation is getting dangerous what was once a peaceful one block is now a battle to survive oh gosh hello okay let me grab what I was looking for here earlier I saw no I thought I saw golden apples ah shoot uh no golden apples dude I've got emeralds but no villagers to trade with looks like I'm going in hand to hand combat or hand to foot combat yeah take that this is what you get boom yeah take that foul ball home run other sports references oh hello sir ah you're so fast oh my goodness take down this Banner we have conquered the pillagers wait wait where's that big guy we gotta get prepared Chester this place might get worse and worse as time goes on there he is we can do a sneak attack charge this up and smack em boom I'm so sorry giant Jeremy all right we got something here we got A Clockwork armor hey very cool I like it I also have no pants but that's fine sneak and right click the heel and pass 5 000 days wow all right that'll make things nice and quick now hey we made an upgrade at 10 000 days oh my gosh oh dude we've got a whole nether expansion oh heck yeah man it's only been like 11 000 days but you know better late than never to do some nether exploring oh my goodness what happened man ah dude oh no tree no no no no it's my only tree left dude I can't ah stop blazes stop well Chester let's avenge our fallen villager friends and let's see what this island has to offer I can Bridge right across very nice hello boys any good loot here a cryostasis wow I don't know what it does skips 50 000 days and freezes nearby mobs oh very nice hello boys freeze oh now they're nice little zombie piglin what's up boys I have no villager friends but I've got you guys now and the blazes are all burnt out nice all right well we turned them into passive mobs that's good oh my island has certainly seen better days let's take care of this a little bit shall we so I spent the next few days putting out the fires and turning the dirt into nice looking grass the island was looking so much better I also built little houses for my new piglet friends to live in uh don't tell them I eat bacon for breakfast they don't need to know that well it's not the prettiest homes but you know a home's a home I have very few blocks to work with here come on frindles welcome to your new home Mr piglin and you too Mr Blaze oh you kind of fit perfectly in here nice now we got a little neighborhood what do you think Chester you like it oh how time flies man we're almost at a hundred thousand days already yeah a hundred thousand days there it is my friends uh hello I don't see anything different uh there's no new platforms hello uh oh I do have something new the time bending eye well we have no new structures but honestly so far all the structures have been uh full of bad guys so I don't mind so much look at this buddy look what I just got very cool huh used to fill the end portal frame oh is there oh I see it I see it boys it might be time check this out dude we got a portal inside of a nether fortress that feels cursed we shall use the time bending eye to create the portal oh my goodness oh my goodness everything is in stone you guys still okay in here yeah they're chilling all right and look what's on top of the one block dude it's another Chester it felt like just yesterday Chester you were an egg just like that are we gonna get a dragon Chester come on Hatch little dragon Chester hatch a million days my friends we've done it Dragon hello little baby dragon are you friendly hey I can ride that little dragon and we shall spend the rest of our days riding on this delightful little dragon Chester you're right back there Chester's having some trouble I mean we did kind of Bend time for 900 000 days but but that's a million my friends oh goodness buddy you feeling all right he got a little seasick over there flying around thanks for watching Everybody I'll see you in the next one for a billion days oh gosh can you not break all the blocks that'd be awesome
Channel: Craftee
Views: 301,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds
Id: OE9C2dXOT18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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