Minecraft but XP = Your Age

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whoa what I'm a baby dude I don't know about you this might be the worst baby cage ever invented uh so I'm just gonna run away hello mother I am three weeks old it's time for me to explore the world ow did I just take fall damage weak baby weak body oh my weak little baby arms can't even break blocks oh hello Mr Cow I'll take a fresh glass of milk please oh gosh okay it wasn't exactly what I planned but uh we'll take the milk regardless hey I turned two heck yeah man sorry Mr Cow I'm a growing boy damn three years old oh I got a teddy bear now hug Teddy to heal oh I see so if I take some fall damage here and then I hug Teddy I just regain all my health oh that's kind of cute dude guys I'm in a diaper this is so ridiculous hey I can break blocks now so that's nice let's continue getting bigger shall we what's better for a growing strong bully than you know stones and copper I shall eat you rock I'll eat you rock delightful hey I've turned four years old now wish me happy birthday oh God that's a creeper no thank you no thank you dude I think I just cried and he ran away yeah dude look at that I literally cry and they'd run away that it's hilarious [Music] bucks yeah I'm five oh my gosh what is this creativity heck yeah dude I'm old enough to be creative okay how does this work I clicked on oh my gosh it gave me a TNT block well I guess I am a child of super awesome beam attack there you go piggy oh my God what the heck what five-year-old has this power I assume this is all in my imagination as a child I love flower I give you a present it's fire oh what a pretty tree I shall decorate You Ah that's better merry Christmas wait hold on oh gosh dude I'm flying I got two at one dude double kill whoa what the heck is that nightmares gosh if I have a nightmare to do well at least I have my super awesome beam attack but probably best I head home to sleep I am a child after all these nightmares are everywhere dude all right I gotta go home no no no no okay well I I turned seven nightmares are not going away though okay it's okay just gotta battle the nightmare get out of my house nightmare I turn nine monsters are still here let me sleep I turned 10 double digits baby happy birthday to me get out of here dude it looks like all the bad guys are done and I am 13 levels so I guess I'm a teenager now I got Diamond pimples dude and I got a cell phone as mother says no cell phone before bed what am I supposed to do sleep on a crib that's just embarrassing I'm a teenager man you're in there stand me Mom whatever Mom I'm just gonna sleep on the floor there we go wow that was the worst sleep I have ever had in my entire life but I'm a teenager dude I got a good back my knees aren't having problems I've got existential dread this is awesome all right let's see what this cell phone does shall we I'm late for school oh gosh I overslept thankfully for me I get to fly to school back in my day kids used to crawl on a vat of nails to get to school what the heck the phone's buzzing text messages from my mom happy birthday crafty don't forget you have a big test at school today so don't be late part oh what a test don't keep smash that to me young man sorry sorry block fingers do I have to go it's my birthday if you don't then I'm taking away your new phone I love taking tests tests are good and fun I love you have a good day heart emoji well pig looks like I got a test to do today oh to be a pig all right that's gotta be the school right I'm coming teach I'm coming I did not study for this quiz at all what's up Mr T ready to take the quiz all right sure why not hey we've started question one by placing down blocks show me what one plus one is I'm not great at math one plus one equals seven yeah yeah we got it how do you make the hardest mindable material oh gosh all right I gotta go fast pull water and then you put lava obsidian yeah nailed it correct question three what's the fastest animal in Minecraft you want me to go find an animal and bring it back wait hold on I have a new thing summon Turtle okay I summoned a turtle be fast little buddy come on move those flippers well I tried hey I leveled up I'm 18 now you like my hair oh no know my creativity went away looks like instead I have a wallet now it looks like I can buy a bunch of armor and weapons and stuff just need myself some emeralds getting myself a text here hey I heard you were looking for work how the heck did he hear me come on down to the Village Shops we got some work for you well looks like I got myself a job most unrealistic thing today is I gotta drop right out of high school oh right I think I found it hey you must be the big old boss man all right boy I gotta load of items and I need them delivered up to it and they might tip you yes sir I'm gonna deliver the heck out of this stuff all right just don't drop it Oh please how hard could it be I got this oh I see I got weed coal and leather I could just steal this and run away I'm joking it's like my thing or whatever I do a lot of joking oh hello Mr farmer you must be looking for some weed forever oh gosh hello oh no thank you oh thank you I'm an innocent child well technically not anymore I did get four emeralds here I could buy a stone ax oh gosh come on you're just gonna stay in there farmer get my butt kick you gonna give me a tip or no tip okay let's do the rest of these deliveries for bad guys hold on excuse me I am 18 I'm gonna hug a teddy bear to feel better thank you yeah man I kind of need food but I can't eat my pork chop because I gotta deliver it Mr Smith you must be looking for some coal took you long enough I was lighting demons dude they don't pay me enough for this okay the butcher is here he must be looking for pork chop why are there so many bad guys everywhere I did not sign up for battle I signed up for deliveries okay oh I'm up to 15 emeralds dude I can use that now to at least get myself full iron oh that feels nice my hair sticks out of the top of the helmet what the hell oh my goodness this rain is treacherous hello leather worker here's some leather all right got that one last one remaining gotta deliver some oh this might be the hardest one yet all right that's it that's it I'm just gonna run I'm just gonna run and hug my teddy bear okay what the heck is this man I have to be so careful here dude there's lava right underneath our toes even make that jump man all right that's it I'm making myself a bridge can I make it all the way yeah my good man why is the bridge to your house in 45 pieces all right there you go there's your iron oh my God guys huge announcement we just released a new game mob weapons find and fight with 80 custom weapons and conquer the three dimensional bosses and tons of builds to explore mob weapons available now on the Minecraft Marketplace click the link in the description below not only did I just turn 25 dude I've got the crafties trusty sword heck yeah man did you make this for me it feels good to be powerful if I right click it shoots out three swords holy cow this is awesome let's try this bad boy out shall we oh wow okay I like this sword being a toddler was kind of nice but I'm a big fan of being 25 I'll tell you that much well let's go on a shopping spree shall we get ourselves a shield a couple golden apples pickaxe fire resistant swiftness heck yeah and some money left over although I don't really want to be making deliveries my whole life I think it's time I figure out what I want to do and I think I have just the idea I want to be an adventure okay back up dude this place is terrifying dude get out of here the village folk told me there's someone down here that needs rescuing gosh there's a lot of guys here hey buddy oh I turned 26. can you wish me a happy birthday please thank you don't worry site is it Silas don't worry Silas I'm coming I'm just your friendly neighborhood crafty oh you're very welcome Silas let's get you out of these chains don't mind me buddy I just like helping folks come on buddy let's get you back to your home I bet your friends and family are moving things were simple back then I was young and carefree with no knowledge of how harshly the world can treat you for playing the hero I traveled the whole world fighting off bad guys season saving villagers but for as many villagers as I saved could I save myself from the ever approaching excuse me got something stuck in my throat there look I'm level 40 now dude I got a beard looks like I've seen some stuff my dude and check it out I have something called the Daredevil spirit I had to kick some serious boss booty for that loot like a daredevil I am I could explode into the air and then do tricks Oh yeah and when I do tricks I gain experience to level up Daredevil go I've already aged four years what's another one yeah New Tricks I call this the jumbo 5000 yeah awesome oh what's up guys check out my new tricks uh yeah parkour nailed it hey level 65. oh my god I'm an old man whoa what the heck I just had emeralds pop out I've got a beard now generates diamonds and emeralds whoa hey look at this too I got challenges over here defeat enemies with a single heart survive TNT explosions oh my goodness I was a dared ouch I need I was a dare devil back in my day all right well here goes nothing I guess you fire monster hey challenge defeated my next challenge I gotta survive a TNT explosion launch up for the sky yeah challenge smash I'm an old man but I'm agile next challenge stay airborne then survive the landing don't mind if I do yeah okay I gotta stay in the air as long as possible go all the way up to the height limit dude can I leave the water put in the water yeah hey challenge completed oh my gosh are you my grandchildren oh my goodness look I got a big beard too I am 80 years old now you will do just like grandpa I will teach you how to make puns how to fight monsters and of course how to sell the coolest merchandise at crafty dot store crafty dot store nailed it all right let's see what we got here that's not normal XP Factory I can have my grandchildren work there now that my friends is passive income I've got the emeralds and diamonds we'll need to get a little bit of gold looks like Grandpa's going on an adventure careful where you step grandchild hey got myself some gold here no children I'll teach you how to battle all right I got 11 raw gold I just need a couple more here what happens if I get too old man so far I've only gotten stronger but I feel like I'm just gonna start getting decrepit I'm not even sure what the average lifespan at the diamond folk are alright boys I think that's enough you like emeralds boys Emerald here's your allowance my friend looks like it gives them Buffs or something clones can be upgraded with Emerald yeah dude hopefully they're stronger now they certainly look faster all right let's craft this XP farm shall we XP Factory oh wow holy cow I see so the XP is like generated in here come on Factory show me what you got hey I turned 81. yeah that totally is working your grandpa's growing up 82. heck yeah man what the heck wait a minute the nightmares are back get out of here nightmare boy help me battle the nightmare thought I was only supposed to have nightmares as a kid what are my nightmares Wheel of Fortune is canceled yeah they keep coming don't worry boys we can battle them together yeah more nightmares that's not a nightmare technically yes it is that's death I'm 82 man oh technically 83. wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait get them boy we shall tackle death together oh gosh he gave me Withers not good not good I've got two beautiful a beard to die helps to have a family he protecting me except that guy over there he's chilling I didn't like Grandpa anyway I'm just here for his inheritance oh I'm very low-hearted very low heart teddy bear help me out here man hey you got him and I just turned 100 years old what the heck I'm a wizard now I'm a wise old Wizard and I got a new item it's staff of Wizardry whoa dude this guy is red what the heck is going on here man I'll be honest I did not go to Wizard school oh wait a second I think it's a compass it's leading me to the end if I can conquer death I can conquer anything come on boys before I wither away let's take out that Ender Dragon the stronghold is close I can feel it you shall not unsubscribe go away what did I just do I did not know the staff could do that I can just summon a meteor anytime we'll get it dude oh wow oh and it damage his mom sorry piggy I shall bury you there you go what Grandpa's vegan okay my 102 year old ever just can't take it anymore oh I'm going in a circle it must be under this diamond tree come on boys help out your grand wizard dig all right dig okay guess Grandpa's gonna have to do it all himself hey we've made it all right let's take out this dragon and my grandchildren didn't even wish me happy birthday oh my God no thank you no thank you why are there blazes down here man that's a play spawner everything's fine my staff gets me to the portal but uh I don't have any ender pearls here but I use this to fill the portal oh my goodness if I right click with this stab fills in all the eyeballs ah heck yeah it does feel good to be a wizard all right wait wait wait wait wait before I go I can go back into my wallet here I can buy a heck ton of golden apples and I do have my swiftness and strength potion I can drink now we're talking crabs just drank a couple energy drinks and uh let's go take on a dragon all right Dragon Boy great kids be careful dude you don't belong here level up a little bit all right I need you to carry on my crafty name what's up dragon boy I'd like to see what a meteor looks like a 108 years
Channel: Craftee
Views: 3,876,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, custom xp, minecraft but xp, minecraft custom xp, custom age, baby craftee, custom craftee, custom skin, custom skins, custom item, custom items, custom weapon, custom trades
Id: TwfYtZoMLlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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