I Build your SILLY Redstone Ideas! #23

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it's time for some silly redstone ideas i can't think of a video that has been more well requested than this one you guys have been flying into my comments you've been flying into my tweets into my emails i even received a carrier pigeon the other day you all seem to really enjoy the silly redstone ideas series and i must admit i've mister in them to be frankly honest it's hilariously good fun you guys come up with some ridiculous ideas and you definitely have not disappointed this episode is totally ridiculous in the best possible way so let's begin this first one comes from youtube member adam silverstone and he has requested a moaning mona lisa so the mouth might open and she would moan now obviously the first challenge with this is that i actually have to accurately recreate the mona lisa in minecraft which i'll be honest i think i've done quite well i mean you know i had google images up i had reference images and things i would say i've absolutely nailed the smile you know that 100 it's is basically it's almost exactly the same thing you know while i was in the process of building this sometimes i would get confused as to whether i was looking at the google image of the mona lisa or if i was looking at the minecraft build so now that we've established that i've absolutely nailed the painting part what about the moaning part well i mean this is exactly the right level of daft when i request silly redstone ideas this is the sort of thing that i hope to build sunrise has requested that i build the most inefficient farm possible now i must admit when i first saw this tweet i knew i wanted to build it but i didn't know how i was going to do it i didn't want to do something boring like just having the items harvested into lava and i must say what i eventually came up with i'm incredibly incredibly proud of this system is kind of genius in an incredibly stupid way so if you just watch right here the sugarcane grows and when it grows to full height all of the pistons in the farm fire apart from the one that is next to the sugarcane you know the only piston that really needs to fire in this situation doesn't fire but there was a problem you know if this piece of sugarcane grows then that means that that other piece of sugarcane actually gets harvested well we've fixed that problem with this little block of lava right here so this truly is the most inefficient farm in minecraft guinness world records my dms are open angel has asked me to build a self-building bridge that then deconstructs itself as it goes along i have my fingers very very crossed at this point in time all right let's update this observer okay our bridge is being constructed so that's good and we are getting tnt coming out of this dispenser we're making use of the carpet mods we have movable tile entities right let's see does the bridge actually destroy itself and does our machine get destroyed in the process okay well it's i mean it just it destroys itself for the most part it seems to leave the occasional piece of battle but now it's doing well but now it's coming into its stride there's no basalt left this is pretty good [Applause] [Music] i don't know why you'd ever want this this is like the most pointless machine i've ever seen but with that being said it is quite satisfying to watch i mean yes you might have left a handful of stepping stones we have to look at the real positive here which is that our flying machine didn't blow up i didn't even need to use my little nether right barrier here another one making use of the carpet mod bdog brig has asked me to build another portal 3x3 piston door this one is genuinely a really cool redstone idea and i tried my best to keep it as compact as possible this thing's only three blocks wide and it mainly makes use of the same circuits as a regular 3x3 piston door so if i close this thing you can see it all closes up and then we get ourselves another portal and then when we open it the nether portal has to be broken and also the 3x3 piston door has to open up and i gotta say it is ridiculously satisfying isn't it like it is it's beyond satisfying this is another reason to have movable tile entities in minecraft it's definitely a niche reason you know it's not the first reason that i would think of but it is a reason i don't know why but i just absolutely love watching this little dispenser right here pop down and then dispense the lava to make the nether portal disappear i mean there's just something ah i could watch this all day i'm gonna stop myself from getting carried away the thieving bard has asked me to build a machine that activates something somewhere but you can never quite be sure where exactly all right let's do this i mean i've got we've got this world right here and i have this lever and if i give it a flick i mean things happened i'm not entirely sure what happened or or where it happened and that is it's kind of the point we'll never know what happened and we'll never be able to understand what happens yeah finley cameron has asked me to build a machine that throws items to another machine which catches them and throws them back you all know that i absolutely adore satisfying redstone contraptions and especially endlessly looping satisfying redstone contraptions and this right here 100 hits the sweet spot for me this is honestly i feel like a cat who's watching tennis on the tv but i'm just i'm constantly going back and forth and i thought i would chuck an extra set of items in just to see if the system can handle it and it can it could definitely handle more items as well but i just struggled to get the timing right you know it's i had to do it manually and i kept messing it up and they kept falling into the void and i kept getting frustrated and that is not the sort of satisfying experience that i would expect from such a satisfying redstone contraption so i kept it capped at two this might affect my productivity for the rest of the day as i can film myself frequently coming back to this world just to watch it silent halian has asked me to build an endless hallway a hallway that pushes you back as you're trying to get to the end with diamonds at the end so here we are definitely not the best looking corridor i've ever constructed i just want to say that straight off the bat before the comments are filled with it you know i am well aware that this thing is an absolute monstrosity but it is a functional monstrosity as you can see if i try and run get these diamonds these slime blocks they just they won't let it happen what if i try and sneak up on it i haven't actually tried this okay well that's it's slightly less satisfying but it's still it still stops me from accessing the diamonds oh my goodness it's killed me micasgaming2552 has acknowledged the fact that i made an automatic flying machine builder i created a redstone contraption that actually builds flying machines and he's asked me to build an auto destructor and as i'm sure most of you already know it is considerably easier to destroy than it is to create so here is my automatic flying machine construction device if we hit this button up at the top right here you can see all of the components for a flying machine are pushed into place and the flying machine takes off so all of that had to happen and the destruction part is well it's yeah it's quite a lot it's quite a lot more simple to be honest with you i mean there it is the flying machine is no more i must admit i am kind of curious i want to put this into fully automatic mode so we'll start launching flying machines out and there'll just be a bunch of them all immediately getting destroyed i mean it's totally pointless 100 pointless but that's the whole point of this series it's all meant to be entirely did that one go away that one got away it survived how embarrassing oh and that one has as well oh no oh wait i spoke too soon no it totally totally got blown up after doing that speech at the start talking about how it's so much easier to destroy that is to create i'm very good at creating these flying machines i'm absolutely terrible at destroying them this is embarrassing lucas jesus has asked me to build squeaky inflatables that actually make a sound when you walk on them i thought you would never ask and i mean i have a genuine question when will this stop being entertaining for me how old am i you know because i'm now 25 years old i shouldn't find it as entertaining as i do the fact that i have a resource pack that creates squeaky noises when you stand on inflatables you know this should not be as entertaining as it is but yet it is forget all the builds i've done all of the bases that i've made the projects i've worked on i think this resource pack might be the best thing to have ever come out of hermitcraft brian lutz has asked me to build a machine that picks a random colored sheep shears it and delivers the wool to you for those times when you need will but don't care what color it is this is definitely a sheep rights violation right here i mean this this is a nightmare this is this is really i feel actually a little bit guilty but i mean it does seem to work but i just got a little bit of green wool you know if we hit the button again i've got i've got a little bit of grey wool you know and then i've got a yellow wall i mean it's it's doing the job it's doing a wonderfully good job i'm actually impressed that that worked so well it never normally works that well let's try it again all right let's see what we get this time got a little bit of green i mean how many different colors do i have in here oh my goodness this is amazing surely i'm i honestly can't believe that i haven't had a repeat yet this is this is mad what is going on what is that this is it can't it's done another color this is the best machine i've ever made oh thank goodness i thought i'd broken the universe and on that incredibly positive note it's time to end i hope that you enjoyed this episode of i build your silly redstone ideas i've missed doing this i've really really missed doing this you know i it's been it's been too long i want to do these more often so prepare for more of them in the future but anyway hope you enjoyed catching the next video see ya so fun fact about the way that this video is being recorded right now i'm currently in my living room at my dinner table surrounded by cushions and things at half past midnight that is my current recording setup while my house is being renovated my office currently has no roof the roof has fully been taken off so yeah not really habitable right now so this is the best option i've got
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,958,593
Rating: 4.9783649 out of 5
Keywords: I Build your SILLY Redstone Ideas! #23, I Build your SILLY Redstone Ideas, SILLY Redstone Ideas, I Build your SILLY Redstone, redstone video, Mumbo, silly redstone ideas, silly redstone builds, Mona Lisa, redstone bridge builder, minecraft farm, inefficient minecraft farm, automatic redstone bridge builder, automatic redstone, Redstone Ideas
Id: mFa27tpACyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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