Men's Street Semi Final Live Webcast (Part 2) | 2019 Dew Tour Long Beach

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welcome back everybody this is Long Beach California to do to our mid Street semifinal what a day it has been so far on calls its are back in the food with Andrew cannon we are halfway through this semifinal round taking a look at the format right here we started out with 20 bar and skaters to make it a athletes four heats of six each skater gets two runs in the five best-trick for highest scores count top eight skaters overall advance into that final round let's take a look at the first 12 skaters and how they did so far in this semifinal round there's your current standings Portugal's Gustavo Ribeiro way out on top with a 34 point oh six that score is a final cut Meagan score followed by Japan Soria in the Canadian Matt Berger back on fire and a bunch of Americans down the list the cut is 8 mario mccoy see you next time sorry he missed the cut Andrew that's your boy I blame you you can blame me all you want have at it so I'm Paul zitzer along with Andrew cannon we're about to kick off Heat number two and three so this is where it really gets serious you know so far fun and games to a point now the big guns come out who are you predicting is gonna step into that top eight and bump out Maxim Vincent yukito those guys probably got to go they got it go well I think you know we've got Louie Lopez in here we've got Yuto hora Gomi in this heat that I think DeSean Jordan I mean he's won an SLS event you can't count Ryan descends about Jagger Eaton qualified in him first and Lucas rubello has mind-bending tricks so this entire heat right here is gonna be nuts then you dive into the next one Jocelin Kelvin Nyjah you expect to see all of those skaters in the final oh it's impossible it's too many skaters yeah so what are you gonna do we could expand the final or we could just I'm just saying that all of them are a really difficult spot because I think it's fair to say any of these skaters could make it in that top now let's talk real quick this is an Olympic points qualifying events who among these guys has to make the finals if you're from if you're from Japan if you're from America or Brazil you have to make the finals to get enough points to beat your fellow country 2014 tampa and winter 2018 Tampa Pro winner is on the course this right here is where Jagger in the run section he's gonna put together amazing front acts you talk to him to Phoenix and this year he spoke about runs differently than I've ever talked to him yeah you get six passes never ever he knows how many tricks you can fit in look at this absolute annihilation right here blunt front side look back Smith across and down okay well then let me ask you this so he kills the runs he puts two in the bag does he have it can he back it up in the best-trick section that's what I want to see because he qualified in and run back through down the stairs I mean this is literally one of the best runs we've seen so far today capping it off over the nose but he got more tricks than anybody else in what do you think about the trick that happens a fraction of a second after the buzzer doesn't count I think it's cool I love that it happens but it doesn't count judges act like they didn't see it yep I think it's really important if that's the case you know look at this switch Smith grind down the rail for a second trick I think you set the tone with a big spin front board boom nice scoops back three it's crazy he just attacks the course keeping it classy with the run so Andrew can and claiming that's the run of the day so far the highest run-scorer we've seen is an eight point eight zero stop over there eight point nine you called it yeah I mean working together that was really really well done so we're gonna have to expect to see him do that another time and then we will wait and see what he brings best trick DeSean Jordan on the course he placed eighth here last year on the Dew Tour another speeder out of Arizona to 70 lip nice backside over crook argy and Jagger homies or are they battling for the title of king of AZ I mean I think they're always everyone's always battling for the king of AZ actually no skater of the year here nosegrind right there deshaun putting together a nice run Oh lofty 360 flip condition post a run score that we saw from Gustavo Rivera or Sora sure I can he get up in that range I just don't think he's gonna get the number Crixus and that's key but and also coming up after jagger makes it difficult do you think the judges are counting tricks i don't necessarily think they're counting tricks but i think they're counting you know if you're putting a lot of tricks in and they're all really hard then yeah they absolutely are you know i mean if you only get six tricks in but they're all incredible then it's not gonna count against you there we go front 270 limp down the rail for the shawn cruising out of them back side over crook making his way over to that pub over we saw that when he fills crown backside boardslide up and down so that's right there honestly backboard really good trick but in the context of this run it's not gonna be you know you want to see a little bit more nice 360 flip over the pyramid awaiting on the scores 6.53 is that a fair score I'd say that's a fair score right now for that run Jenny after we saw the red dragon he's a baron 4th place here in the Dew Tour last year he excels runs her best record I would say that it's I think runs he's really good with but the nice thing is especially in the course like this he excels with the pump it's a trip he is higher so this is a great course for the center nice taking you back to switch showing the judges he's got a lot of control all right 10 seconds left coming in at stairs in the run we thought shod do that as a single so that was a big finish and then he squeezed in the last outside three over the hip a run with no Falls big tricks and variety did he leave anything out was there anything on the table I think within that run I think you did a really good job of mixing it all up even even from the get-go starting with that back Smith from the other side is really difficult nice kickflip backboard right there no I think he really kind of crossed it all off the list look at that gap to back blunt I think you nailed it you're right he did it all use the whole course a lot of hard tricks that switch stance lipslide that to me especially taking it to switch really really helps and then capping it off with that kickflip and lift to fakie since it did a great job right there waiting on that score for Canada 8.26 that's big that sets Ryan up nicely it's a 1.26 is a great way to start things off and we've talked about this before you got to put those good run scores in so it takes some of the pressure off those best-trick attempts on deck from Brazil one of many Brazilians here in the semi-finals a lot of competition for any of them who hope to go to the Olympics Lukas Rebelo skating in his first ever do tour I'm excited with Lukas rubella we've seen him skating in Hamm contests for years always great bag of tricks such a clean skater everything is so precise very calculated but yet a cool style sometimes that can work against the person but he's got good flow also what's nice is he's put together a really solid run but his single tricks if he can hang on have the potential to be really difficult nollie front board to fakie I agree and I would add his single tricks for him are very consistent look at that falling over the thing but at the last minute nollie back 180 nosegrind down the hubba that's a great way to put a period on the end of that run I'm gonna actually exclamation cuz it was a really good run it's a great run especially for his first one here at do tour so far in heat number three everybody coming in swinging putting it down doing what their what they came out for look at that back to 70 lips super smooth this noseblunt super smooth also yeah really nicely done this right here nollie back 180 nosegrind so difficult having to pop over the hubba turn those shoulders around and out of bounce that counts that was again absolutely there we go I need I mean just look running into that and avoiding it he just had a little bit of weight on his heels swerved into the into the barricade off you go so Lucas rubella next in this kid he won due to her street in 2013 one tampa amp 2000 Tampa Pro 2017 he's a killer Louie Lopez Louie I feel like it's just is one of skateboarding's favors across the board everybody loves this backs meant to people because he does it all he's skate Street his skates blonde test he's a really good person he's a rare skater that can approach a contest with no strategy and still do great you know and we got to see that really cool piece where current talks about Louie the two of them growing up I think we see that and we've seen him really excel at all of this in the street contests over time because he has you know so maybe he just tricks us into thinking he doesn't well he has such a deep bag of tricks and he comes out let's say falls on one trick in Iran what you see from most skaters is they come back and they try to put that same run down again without the fall he'll just move on and do a completely different run now that to me just says hey you're a great skater you're going for it yes and in we've seen judges like to see that also how much do you think that should matter though the element of surprise versus is it just about what you do in those 45 seconds or is it some of it about what you're not doing no I think it's really important to mix it up because what's going to kill progression is if you go out there and do the same stuff depending do to her champ Utah Jorge Gomez and talking about progression this is a guy who really brought some heat to do tour and has been bringing heat to skateboarding contest over the last couple of years we started as an amateur just recently officially turned pro for Shane O'Neill now if you toe is at his best and makes everything he sets out to do any pp I would I'm gonna say he can be beat but it's it's difficult and it puts more pressure on it now as you can do it but then Nyjah has to be at his best well let me ask you this thing is Nyjah the only one who can beat Utah when you toes that is best it's difficult to say I think it depends on the course because when you look at a guy like Kelvin Hoffler I mean Gustavo Ribeiro there's you know there's a lot of talent right and you saw I mean he came out very casually and did so many difficult tricks and made him look it he makes them look way too easy yeah the big spin front board there that's so so easy for him but really such a difficult trick and that's one of the things that is so awesome about Yuto is he makes skateboarding look easy when it is definitely not the theory I have about that is the easier you make it look the better you are that's it you can't make it look easy unless you are great at what you're doing but I do think that sometimes that might be difficult for the judges you know because if there's a little bit of wildness if you're kind of skating around saucy it can get a little bit more exciting I think they might reward it and the crowd feeds off of that apps excitement generated by the guy who's hanging on fighting it I love seeing this behind the scenes nyjah huston switch heel front nose on the step what are we gonna see all right waiting on you toes score seven point five six I think that's fair because he he went for that nollie 180 to switch feeble to starting things off it got into a nollie flip I think look if he pulls the front he's gonna get a nice score but right now he's gonna need to step it up before we go back to the top of the order let's send it down to Chris pass dress thanks boys and yeah here on the sidelines in the staging area as you can see Nyjah has been skating non-stop just trying his tricks on the stair here super intelligent approach because a lot of waiting has been going on with three heats prior and another report from the sidelines here is the bruises the pros just erupted when that purger made that kickflip back tail big spin that was the trick of the day so far from the crowd here and the pros themselves and right now we are watching Jagger Eaton just destroy the course and as you see he fits so many tricks into his runs super intelligent and just such a competitor so much strategy going on so excited to keep it moving thank you very much Chris masterís now Andrew talked about Jagger came out with a different different trick on the big rail yeah started things off switch nose grind down the rail that is so difficult to do pop and switch pull in on your opposite foot on the nose grind on a round handrail and riding away clean is next-level balance squared Wow unfortunately though we saw him fall on that kick foot back lip almost too perfect runs but that kick foot back lip almost the end of time how much will that hurt a score his first run score was an eight point nine he was looking to even improve on that yeah with one fall there's no there's a look at it is that gonna knock a point two points to get doc for that I don't know how about that dismount it's good I think we have scores coming in I think it's still gonna be a good score look at that back to 70 lip on the gap that in saying that he can pull that every single time every tribe scores in seven point seven six so essentially a two-point deduction for fall at the end yes I think it's fair so Jagger though it's gonna come down to those next five DeSean Jordan in first four six three five three to see if theseand mixes it up now if you were to give DeSean advice or if there's anything he's yeah any weaknesses in this game what would those be anything I mean it's tough to say because after watching a guy like jagger you almost want to be like to show and you need to hustle more I just got hustled I mean it's all relative all right coming in Wow three flip 50:50 at the end of the run nice prompt blunt to cap it off that was a great run he really mixed everything up you know he had the board slide up and down he had the three flip fifty-fifty which he fell on in this first yeah and so his first run score was a six point five three we can expect a much bigger score this time around yeah 360 look 50-50 on that bump to hubba is so difficult I think with him being able to pull that at the end unreal so this is how we saw him started off front 270 there we go another look 360 flip 59 kind of a front truck on back truck let's see here's another look now I think that back truck was on but the front truck was on so strangely like toeside that it just looked a little a little extra funny now and I'll say if you if you get on with not both trucks in a 50/50 in best trick that's liable to count against you if you do that in your run and you got to run like DeSean it's not gonna hurt at all eight point two three huge score yeah that was number two well deserved Brian disenzo 8 to 6 on that first run really put it down see what the strategy's gonna be for him I love the way he's starting it off on the other side of the rail it's like threading the needle that's a really thin area how much do you think it should affect a score or not if a skater does essentially the exact same run two times in a row with maybe one trick if tough I think that I think it's important to you know potentially boost it up as long as the tricks better but at the same time you firm a progression standpoint you do want to see them adding changing things up it's showing how versatile they are as a skater yeah I agree I think um I think that the scores generally aren't affected too much by a repeat run what I would like to see though is is it the mix-up being rewarded more yeah at the points agreed because that was trick for trick the same run and I mean it was a good score eight point two six and from a strategy perspective it's really smart because if he's going to get score high hey hey do it it worked already why missed a success but I do agree with you I think from a judging standpoint I'd love to see you know I'd love to see them knock a full point off it from hey it's not as original Brian disenzo waiting on his score eight point three three in his dead movement yeah interesting very interesting Lucas rubella so Lucas first time here at Dew Tour seven point two three on that person now he's a skater that you could definitely anticipate see like hey you know I got that score but see how he goes nicely done so thus far the runs looking the same falls do they here for at the beginning of the middle run in I think it depends on your run you know I mean psychologically it seems like it hurts a lot more than but the judging I think if you put it if you put down a really solid rod I don't think especially at the end I think that run had enough balls in it it's probably gonna be a write-off so with heat three and four that we're in now III these skaters haven't had to qualify through the open qualifier or even the quarterfinals a lot of these guys at the pre qualified strain in the semis how do you think that affects the skaters when they they haven't had the warm-up of the of the qualifying rounds and here they are straight into the hot seat there's definitely there's definitely something to be said for and it you can see it from contest a contest the ones that are in those top spots and keep going but you feel like we haven't seen anyone qualified all the way through and then take a win it's like it's almost like it's one too many rounds I would agree with that he won due to her straight in 2013 in San Francisco about that just very recently there's only one other skater out here that I think would be so brave is to pull that a bit over running that's nice using big speed backboard just to clarify that half-caf flip is one of those tricks that as a skater it's so easy to miss it doesn't look that difficult but it's risky Wow Louise Lopez is really putting it together right here I love that he can hit we've seen very little action on the quarter pipes it's only Benson front settles over the hip you know what still it was right towards the end and it was a really really good run with a lot of diversity great tricks flip ins that was that was looking really solid how do you think that stacks up versus and versus let's say a run with five absolute hammers in it but none of the flow or the diversity I think that whoa look at that from and it's such a so tough I almost feel like they can be weighed and relatively similar you know kickflip frontside nosegrind down the hubba tapped a little bit of the back truck but it was really solid yeah six point seven three judges not feeling the score does not reflect a lot of what was done in that run but there-there were fall so unfortunately I would say that for the most part Louie does a great job in the runs and he he struggles in comparison in the best-trick so hopefully that's not going to be it for him but we still have five attempts there we go Yuto now only 180 switch feeble nollie 180 blind side to switchback 50/50 down the hubba right the fact that he's doing an ollie or a 180 or grind isn't the thing it's all blind absolutely that's what makes that trick difficult and the timing is so impressive especially after coming off that other one keeping the speed poppin before the before the stairs start and then turning with your back to the ledge it's that's really really oh the switch 180 crook getting away from him we still have 10 seconds left though see what Yuto big spin front board all right that's time for you to wear go meet run number Tudor how much do you think SLS veterans who've been skating under this format for a long time how are they in comparison to the rookies who have to step into this for the first time what do they know that the rookies don't so what's interesting and watching us run is although these tricks are really difficult like okay nollie back 180 5050 that to me was like okay that's a bit of a reach trick right that's not something you're necessarily gonna see in every run but you toe then big spin front board that's easy for you to that is so easy for him we have seen him do nollie 270 switch back lip to switch back tail and I think that's what we're gonna see as we move in so I think you'll see the element of surprise a lot more with the vets all right so two runs down Utah [ __ ] ago me not getting the scores we would have expected from him coming into this but a lot of a lot of movement on the leaderboard about to come any predictions going into best trick for these skaters here in heat three I'm excited to see what happens with Jagger Eaton I'm psyched to see if he's able to put it down on these best tricks because we know he can do it in the runs and I'm really excited to see what you to horror Gomi brings so no predictions just more questions from Andrew cannon what's gonna happen as we move into the best-trick section I like it alright everybody's chasing Gustavo Ribeiro here in Long Beach on the Dew Tour we're two runs down in heat number three of four everybody going for an eighth cut stick around we'll be right back [Music] Deut or is brought to you by boost mobile boost makes it easy to switch switching makes it easy to save Mountain Dew do the dew [Music] that is a beautiful view of downtown Long Beach who even knew Long Beach had it downtown there's the Queen Mary she's about to set sail a couple hundred years so yeah I mean I guess anybody in Southern California knew that about Long Beach but I was definitely the Long Beach citizens I would like to I would like to know how many professional skateboarders live in Long Beach it's got to be a record there's more here than anywhere for sure you go to Cherry park any day of the week to who's who skateboarding royalty taking a look at our current standings there as we work through the semifinal rounds of men's streak Gustavo Rivera for Portugal way up on top followed by Soros arrived from Japan Matt Berger from Canada Jake LRD from the good ol US of A and a shot we're still up in the Cup let's talk about the format it's the to 5/4 format two runs five tricks four scores count the cut is eight it's pretty simple and it's important to note too it's out of 10 points it's not it's not out of 100 it's out of 10 each run and each best-trick attempt is scored on a ten-point scale so the most points you could ever get out here as a 40 that's NBD territory never we've never even seen a 10 we've seen a nine point nine from Shane O'Neill and Nyjah Huston so here we go fast trick attempt number one Jagger going for it yeah that is really awesome to see Jagger golf backside flip nose grind down the hubba and putting it down so maybe maybe he's got it Jagger's got tricks dragged Jagger's definitely got tricks but it's does he have the tricks to make it into the finals because it's that the hole this young killer does 70 switch front blunt down the rail on that gap oh that was awesome I can't wait to see that again that's the first time I think I've ever seen that from the Shawn yeah the last person I remember ever seeing that from is Lutzke I call that though 270 270 back noseblunt either way similar yeah all right there you go all the way around getting into back knows what he came off the rail a split second earlier than I think he was prepared for it but still hung on that's got to be a huge score even with a slight sketch six point six is not in your score no I'm I'm claiming they docked us for being a little sketchy but such a hard trick just ends up in for his first of five really excited to see where just had to go setting up Oh nollie heel board interesting tack to because like I said I think disenzo has the opportunity to skate this course differently than everyone because it's such a good bump to skate retail so bump to rail bump to haba just bump to flat he's really really good at that on deck Lucas rubella my claim is that his tricks that are really hard he's consistent out of their music for him yes and this is where Lucas has an opportunity oh look at that there you go run 270 I'm gonna go switchback lip on that down the rail the hard way everything about that trick is so difficult that's a chris call original yep he invented that trick and it is it's 100% commitment trick once you're over that rail spinning it's like okay look at there in front 270 over just barely getting those wheels over and then hanging on it's like you turn your body like a pretzel and then take it back look at the shoulders right there that is unbelievable and to be able to pull that out first trick is insane what else does he have in his bag set himself up nicely 8.63 that is a huge score and went on we already know making your first two tricks and getting the four scores on the board where you can relax a little bit and have some room to play around is is huge Louie Lopez coming in fakie oh I like that half cat blunt taking it back to fakie I'm curious where the judges are gonna go on that one how hard is a trick like that it's if they're you know it's not a super tech flip trick but it's tech in its own way because it's fakie to fakie coming off the bump it's really difficult you know from a timing perspective you got to pop fakie off the bump turn the body look at that landing in it perfectly and then taking it back to fakie you can see his body's twisted up look at his shoulders as bodies say go forward you had it's saying are we gonna keep going and the answer's no we'll see though Lee Lopez showing his versatility that once more six point three six point three decent score I think that's it I definitely gets a fair score for ago Mir this is where in that if that is one of his trademark moves nollie 270 lipslide you gotta assume it's easy form absolutely he is one of the only people who have whoever messes with that trick it he's the only person we see putting it down consistently in any contest format yes and to come in set things off right there nollie 270 back-to-back lift really impressive and once again that's just starting things for him in our five best tricks and to add a little energy to this event we're about to be joined by the Long Beach Unified School District drum corps scores e 8.4 oh go ahead bang the drum that is a massive score so that set sets you Mutoh up nicely to move on [Music] [Music] so these guys are gonna join us for the rest of this semifinal that's the long beach united drum corps you hear some Warren G up in there too he's playing tonight here at the Dew Tour at 8:30 p.m. I'll be there front row yes you will maybe second row front row for you only Paul I've been to shows with you I know how you operate [Music] Andrew you're a musician you a Howland we use that term loosely how good is this though this is awesome but I have to say I'm curious if it's going to reach track it I'm curious if it's enough final did you give it a 9 by 8 that was awesome alright so we control the drum course so Andrew if you want to hear beat you just shot it out they'll play it alright oh [Music] yeah I'm so psyched you made it I want to see Jagger put it all down backside fluke nose grind so difficult flipping blind side down the hub landing on that front truck and taking it to fakie that's a really difficult trick risky yeah low probability go look at that oh well done there's another look honestly that was done super well [Music] I'm stoked to see where the judges go with this first run score for him eight nine and it's 776 score we were just waiting six guess the judges thought it may have been a little sloppy but that's honestly we can see the roll tape nothing about that was sloppy you're sloppy I think that I think that was dog to Shawn Jordan in for his second of five well done he stopped that everything about that was perfect laser flip that's a frontside 360 heel flip that is a trick that he has done all over the world for big points every time remember it's taking him to Chicago there we go look at that that's the lathe off with the front foot landed bolts as far as that trick is concerned it could not have been done any better right there that was beautiful really was so DeSean Jordan that's gonna be a sports score seven point eight six gives him a total of twenty-nine point two eight good enough for fifth place and he bumps Maxim had the knack out of the final that's really interesting to see that score versus the backside flip all right since of course ethnic nollie whoa that's exactly what happens on nollie boardslide tricks especially the heel flip in the mix it's so hard to pop that over the rail too risky trick but it is a trick that disenzo has relatively locked down but he's out for two on it now if you were a coach I would tell disenzo enough let's go with something off one of these bumps that you're gonna do even kickflip front lip something along those sail all the way I'll get a hot butt with a front side please yeah and we'll see what happens this is where the strategy really comes into play because he definitely needs to get a score on the board up next Lukas rubella stoked to see what he brings we saw that first trick that was super difficult oh so trying to figure his spin flip front blind or was he trying to big flip and it over flip we don't know it kind of looked like his foot went to front blunt we'll see so that's a that's a lower probability than what we saw on his first trick where he's not flipping his board it's all body motion and he's very consistent with those tricks once you start flinging your board onto a rail I mean there are a million things that can go wrong yeah the moment that it leaves your feet it's just like well here we go maybe we'll catch because then you end up with different factors you know you've got the wind which you know thankfully today the weather is perfect but it makes it really difficult all right Lumet lopez starting in a fairly unorthodox way oh that was awesome nobody has skated that yet today the only person I see skate that all weekend was Lacey Baker who knows Maddy this nollie heel doubt that was unbelievable that was smart skating back Smith all the way around the curve 270 out that is playing To Your Strengths once again Louie surprising us with his not I mean we're not surprised by his ability he get he surprises us with every trick look at that perfectly done back Smith where all the weight is on that back foot front foot guiding you and then the scoop out to a backside 360 like slingshot out of the Smith neck long too to be able to hold that that's I mean that's looking at like at least you know 10 feet eight point two three I'm happy to see that tricks get the credit it deserves cuz once again using an obstacle on the course that nobody is touching you got to reward that I'm excited to see if anyone else brings some heat to that now we've got a guy like Felipe Gustavo LaVon Montero in the next heat we'll see those are tech dogs Yuto horrigan me back in that is such a rarely seen trick that's like out that maybe people do that on a curb nollie 274 backboard yeah it's he keeps doing all these tricks that are all blind side it's basically just like I want things to be as hard as you may possible but that's going to get him a scores [Music] after two rounds of best trick here in III of four and the men's semi-final those are your current standings not a lot of movement so far in this round but that's most likely about to change once skaters put their fourth scores on the board that's when things change I love this strumming going on kids name that tune Andrew huh good good I like that one so back to the top of the order it's really curious where he's gonna go now coming in switch Oh switch back 180 nosegrind down the round rail that's really really difficult that is I want to see that and then see how it gets scored both I'm sure would be impressive yeah Jagger down at 11th right now - Sean up in fifth place he met 29 - eight trying to drop a six point five three oh that big spinning front board you'll need to see a replay of that one because he's a guy that's got the bigger spin flip front board we just caught the last bit of that I have a feeling he went bigger spin flip yep there we go dig oh well done it's even that arm away from the ground there's a number of skaters now DeSean Jaeckel Rd Gustavo Ribeiro they all have that trick on lock how many times do we see it before it starts to get docked as a set and should it ever should you get an eight point eight everytime you try that trick from now till eternity because it's so I think it's not always I mean I think that we as we see progression the scores will adapt but as of right now that's you know that's a high sports in a date all right good switching it up there we go took your advice he went off the bump big wide side 360 and that was easy for him yeah it's insanely difficult because he's flying through the air just like Louie Lopez he's playing to his strengths and not anyone else on this course is gonna do that so there you go big frontside 360 I don't necessarily think the judges for that one are gonna go super big but I think even if he ends up with a round you know of a six or so it's better than nothing after two Falls he needed it but a five point one six leaves him with work to do on his last two tries but he's still in the mix because his run scores were so high if he could put down two big best-trick scores and be in there Lucas rubella curious to see where he was going oh he's going 360 flip front feeble that is really difficult we have not seen something like that that's a trick you would assume would be in the nine range yes and that was so difficult we've seen a lot of 360 flipped lips you have a big area to land I mean in the middle of your board you've got you know probably about 14 ish inches wide at least and so three flip people just got that core you know about me there you go that's another Chris Cole trick invented a lot of these best tricks out here today frontside 180 switch feeble grind what do you think that's the grapefruit what's hard about the break so all right 180 all the way over locking and switch what I like is that he took it to switch so he got his shoulders all the way around which is so so important right there nailed it now Chris Cole a lot of other skaters do that they take it all the way back but personally I think taking it to switch is really really difficult really nice looking so Louie trying to drop a 1.43 that's his low score through that you're gonna go I think this one will be probably around that high seven range 7.10 for a grand total of twenty eight point three six with two attempts left to go Louie Lopez moves into into the eighth place pot bumping Vincent milu out of the cup Utah Horrigan me back in approaching trail blindside so close what happened there I I'm gonna need to see a replay of that that was wild looking so he got into it nollie 270 behind him into a boardslide but it looked like maybe his back foot got away towards that roll away and it hurt his feeling I mean here we go very few people have done that trick it looks like you don't get the spider oh there you go take a look at that back foot he got healed in there always different when you go splits like that it's really risky so unfortunately it was that back foot that just got into it a little bit too much as he'll side he was unable to pull it there's our leader board DeSean Jordan moving up into fifth place Louie Lopez up in eighth with a few more best-trick attempts still to come there you see Vincent Malou out of the car maksim have a neck out Yuto has work to do he's outside the top eight trying to make it to the final this is the second ever Olympic point qualifying event stakes are high here this weekend Andrew first one on American soil so a skaters best 2 finishes of this year are gonna count towards their points total as we head towards 2020 Tokyo Olympics every contest counts all right Jagger back in we saw him tried that switchback 180 nosegrind on the last attempt Oh switchback three Oteri's jeez so that's that is two zeros in a row that's three zeros at best trick and Jagger is down in 12 he's gonna have to come back with something big but you gotta assume at this point now he thinks which what should I do stick with the switchback three go back to the switch 180 back five oh he's put himself in a tough spot yeah that's definitely tough deshaun Jordan is in fifth just trying to increase his point to try and go bigger spin flipped down the stairs which is really risky because you see you know some of the skaters Louie Lopez going for the rail 180 switch feeble down a lot less risky than trying to flip it down the stairs there's a lot that can go wrong Ryan disenzo on deck he's in 14th place he's looking for his fourth score he needs here we go coming in dolly nollie heel back fifty-fifty off the bump onto the hubba that's what disenzo does best how hard are not art is that and should it be a huge score or a median I would say that's a decent score poppin nollie is super super difficult it's all about timing going for that heel flip as you can see you see the ramp ending in he flips it with his back foot heel flip landing in the grind and rolling away perfectly he really did that beautiful yeah so from a score perspective I think it should be I think it should be around that 7/8 mark but we'll see where the judges go six point seven almost the seven mark twenty eight point four five overall score so his next score is going to be very important he has moved into eighth place for now Louie Lopez switching it up setting up nollie oh look at that he was like well you toget a good score for his I can do that trick but that right there you know this is this is Lucas's first ever do tour Luke killing that experience needs a huge sports v score Louis Lopez on deck he's in ninth place he's trying to get rid of a 6.3 anything he does better than that is going to improve his score and most likely move him back up into the top eight oh gone for the big spin heelflip really risky but risking it all he's gonna have one try left to try to move into that top eight Yuto hora Goma he's in 14th place he needs one out of his next two because he only has three scores on the board there you go zero right there from Louis twenty-eight point three six low score is that six point three you really really needs to put something difficult down because like we said I mean those bubble scores are twenty eight ish right now and I think that's gonna change Yuto oh so close it was almost and I identical repeat of what he did and he is learning grabbing that me so Yuto remains in 14th it's all gonna come down to the last of five best-trick attempts for Yuto here in the semifinal round trying to make the 8th cut into the final and with eight of the best skaters still waiting in the wings DeSean Jordan is in the cut for now Ryan disenzo is in but he's on the bubble rest of the heat is nipping at their heels we'll be back right after this [Music] there's a look at this du Tour course flanked by the Long Beach United drop chord playing on request Andrews favourite drumming hits all the hits out here today in Long Beach this is men's semifinals in Street it's heat three fifth and final attempts we got a lot of skaters right now that are all trying to make their way in there and it is a tough cut Utah mortgage trying to get in Louise trying to get in Lucas Rebell is trying to get it especially what well especially because this next heat coming up is full of monsters contest and Nile eaters so right now everyone needs to put down the best treatment Jagga 13th he's got to make this unable to put it down that is going to be it for Jagger Eaton so a great showing he's a young bro with a bright future but you're not gonna see him in the final tomorrow [Music] Chris Posterous has an update on Yuto hora go made it fellas yeah after that first slam you took took on the 270 not not only 270 board he was ok I spoke to him he was ready to take his fourth attempt but that fourth attempt slam really stung and medicals currently taking a look at him so we are unsure if he's going to be able to take his final attempt unfortunately thank you Chris Yuto horrid Oh may is in 14th place he only has three scores on the board but if he were able to take that last attempt and put it down you've probably would advance into the top eight - Shawn currently in fifth place he's in he wants to increase the score trying to drop that 6.66 cab back lip has the potential to do it so what do you think cat-back lip versus the nollie 270 lip same trick different rate very very different cabs just so much more comfortable it's a lot more natural everyone grows up skating regular and skating fakie nollie is something you have to learn and it's basically learning to skate all over again there's another look at it popping off the tail 270 over top that was a little kind of karate move sketchy but a great trick caballerial back lip to Shawn Jordan in fifth place trying to get rid of a six point six six and a six point two is that score so not able to do it disenzo on his last one right now on the bubble going for that nollie heel board so ryan disenzo is gonna have to settle for a twenty eight point four five overall score meaning he stays in eighth place for now and like you mentioned monsters waiting in the wings ready to take to this course in heat number four and skaters in eight seven six fifth they could all very easily get pushed out of that top eight cut by the time this event is over on deck lucas Rabello he needs this trick he has three scores on the board it comes down to this oh did he get the truck on though I don't I don't think he did no he didn't talk us through what was he trying though that looked like he was going fakie Ollie to basically hurricane so turning which hauled yep switch hurricane all the way around getting that front truck on that one would have been it a mind bender okay here's another look so popping fakie so like fakie back lit but going a little bit further oh he did get the truck on but just for a brief moment unfortunately it fell off so we'll see where the judges score him for that but I think he'll Brian up at fakie backflip territory which is not gonna be high enough he's going to get a fourth score it will help his case he's in 15th place he needs a seven point six four to move into eighth do the judges think the fakie back lip essentially is good enough for a seven point six four or better schools in 4.83 Rio baby back lib score it's not gonna do it but great to see him out here and I'm excited to see what he brings to contest as we move forward Louis Lopez fifth and final best-trick attempts in ninth place this is huge right here oh the wheel bite gets him on the big spin heelflip that was a risky move to have to make at this point this deep in the best-trick section of the semifinals yeah he needed a six point four for eighth place there was a lot of tricks Louie could have done right there to make that happen and you know what though he knew that a six point four wasn't gonna get him in because we do have these monsters coming up we've got Nyjah Huston Kelvin Hoffler Utah horik Gomes he's in fifth to 15th place it looks like he is gonna take this VIP attempt if he can put this down right here right now this is going to be [Applause] so close and you tell or ago may missing the final eight cut and that is a shock Andrew he leaves the door open for who especially on the Japanese team think about these Olympic points there's skaters like you Kido oh yeah we've got Sora right second place putting him above you toher ago we also saw Sora in the finals in London so you Kido alkie from Japan is in seventh Sora is way up in second place all of a sudden Yuto hora Gomez not having a walk in the park on his way to the Olympics lot can change over the next year absolutely you know what in a scenario like this where you get in try a couple tricks and then you do hurt your damage it can it can really mentally throw you off so let's take a look at our current standings after heat three of four Gustavo Ribeiro from Portugal up on top still followed by source Ryan map from Canada and then the three Americans Jake Deshawn and Ishod another Japanese skater yukito Aoki and Ryan descends a disenzo on the cot right there in eighth place we're gonna send it down to crisp Astra's the Shawn Jordan amazing skateboarding out there I know you're familiar with this format from SLS talk about strategy with this new format here at do tour um so basically I don't know you you want to kind of try to go out of the the run section like with pretty good solid run score so that way you have a little bit of room to like in you have a little bit room to be flexible in the trick area that's always the main goal but sometimes it kind of happens the opposite and I mean for me it's kind of rare that I've like I put five scores in the board I mean I did all the tricks and all sketchy but I mean it was whatever I was just cool to be able to put those five scores up there you know I mean and I mean check on the trick one or you're saying like the trick I was stucked and I mean it's what I always do and everybody knows me for doing his laser flip but for some reason like every time I do them in contest it just never works and like I was happy to be able to like put that one down like on my first try you know that is so I admit that was kind of a highlight for me kind of a little confidence booster human I mean sitting in that fifth spot going to this heat it's kind of its kind of a T totter the seesaw or whatever because it's next even stacked as well and all these dudes have more than enough talent and potential to bump-bump-bump so I mean I'm here to watch all the homies you're gonna kill like always but I mean I'm stoked to be able to keep it semi together you know what I mean and end with being that topic amazing so far you're looking good and you representing the US here how much is that pride working into changing the game here at these contests um I don't know it's it's a lot of pride it's a some motivation thing too as well you know I mean having an opportunity intensity heating up with the Olympics happening now with 2020 yeah I mean like everything everything counts now you know what I mean just that like having that pressure of like being able to represent your you know your country on that that big platform is it all factors in but it's like the the main goal is to like not worry so much about getting there and it's just to worry about skating and as long as you're skating as hard as you can I mean you should be happy with whatever your results are whether you make it or not so amen to that enjoy the ride deshaun jordan sit in fifth place we hope you hang on we have to see you in finals brother thank you so as we move into heat number four of four here in the men's street semifinals on the Dew Tour we have seen so much amazing skateboarding here today look at all this so many amazing tricks but it's all about that top eight and so it's gonna come down to the last eat some of the best contest skateboarders to ever live cruiser goes for you for Christmas college hero I really enjoyed Felipe Gustavo Kelvin Hoefler and Nyjah Huston this one is stacked I'm claiming Nyjah Kelvin in there for sure the rest we shall see current leaders are Matt Berger and third Soros sure I in second and Gustavo Ribeiro from Portugal way up on top with an overall score of 34 0.06 we know that one's gonna hold through to the finals but our Ryan disenzo and Yukito and a shot gonna be able to hang on to those six seventh and eighth spots we will find out when we return right after this you're watching the Dew Tour we're in Long Beach California taking a shot of the dude grounds this is the men's semifinals Street six of the world's best skateboarders about to take to the course Chris Joslin will be the first skater in two Americans three Brazilians and one Frenchman about to try to put it down chasing a top eight spot into the final round and here's a look at who is currently in but Wow the scores up on top in the 30s 34 32 32 31 31 those skaters may have a good chance at advancing but six seventh and eighth down there in the 20s is shot you pedo Ryan disenzo they got targets on them and these six are coming for those guys first and then we'll see how it goes from there but what an international field here this weekend talents deep these days as we go towards the Olympics any part of the country surprising you at this point Andrew I think the biggest surprise Brazil has always been huge in skateboarding especially in the competitive side for years now for decades but it's really exciting to see this Japanese surgeon and then you know countries like Portugal that really have never had a whole lot of representation and here we are with you know guys like Gustavo Ribeiro Abel out there putting it down and really pushing forward for their countries so here we go Heat number four of four this is the semi-finals men's Street on the Dew Tour Chris Joslin is in for his first of two runs is a part barian as far as skateboarding is concerned if the grip tape is there he is trying to put it down and while he obviously excels in the best-trick section he can put runs together like a champion it's because Jocelyn is such a skater skater he does not stop if you pay attention to his Instagram it's just runs and lines lines and what's cool is because the same can do so many tricks he can be spontaneous to do like that kickflip from 50 right now so Johnson thrown it away smart move save the legs like he had one fall out there but overall a pretty solid first run but as we work our way through this event and get closer to the end the judges have to be conscious everybody who has come before and so if you give the judges a reason to give you a low score and take some of the heat off what they're doing they will do that so Falls start to hurt more and more there's that back three unfortunately his weight was a little bit off nice kickflip front 50 though down the hubba that was just at the end of time six point one zero not a bad start not a bad start on deck Yvonne Montero he got 6th place in the 2018 World Championships he's locked in those scores before he smashed his face he's recovered since then and he is on fire Yvonne super technical that's what we're gonna be seeing here today with him a lot of flipping his board taking those risks that a lot of skaters won't that's where we saw you know skater like Jagger Eaton really get those points look at that 360 flip flip every trick he does is incredibly technical and he is polished a contest machine he's been around the world many times do we know what we saw Gustavo Romero try that he did not even make it in the best-trick and he just did it in his grunt he is sending a message right now with ten seconds left if on Monty arrow coming out swinging no slide big spin putting together might be one of the best runs we've seen them all day long already call you could say in a negative way about that run is he ran out of time with 5 6 7 seconds left and kind of and left something out there but before that he did some of the most difficult tricks we've seen all day Wow I can't wait to see where they go and I really hope they don't dock him too much for running out of time all right starting off back three lip right there and he comes to the scares with a nice 360 flip caught perfectly with the front foot alright here's another look 360 flip flip off the bump down the rail and then 360 flip noseblunt slide down the handrail in his run let me ask you that from a strategy perspective I'll be honest with you I don't know if that was the best move that's three three flips in his run and he could have pulled that out during the contest he could have done a three flip flip gotten some points pulled out the three flip knows one if he was feeling so confident I just done it and I know he still can three flip knows London and he will probably get a really high score who the hell done is the first run score that has cracked into the nine range that we've seen today all right Philippe brilliant all right sorry I really injure awed from France is in what's so awesome about really is aside from his wild tricks this guy can launch he's got a huge heart flip big backside 360 is a great course form he has done some of the biggest heart flip variations that have ever been done and he can do them consistently back to fakie half-cab nose to 70s Tampa AM winner the most prestigious AM contest in the world and he's taken home victory we know he's got the chops for and that was already way back in 2015 since he has been on a tear all across Europe and around the world winning events he has not won any of the major events yet Ken today well not today but will tomorrow be today he has to get there first today the semi finals all about getting there making the top eight Ryan disenzo still on the bubble in eighth place brilliant Jerrod putting in his first run solid as a rock there's another look gapping over to frontside feeble looked really effortless but super difficult you got the back 270 lip down the handrail so difficult and then to follow it up I like that immediately into a frontside blunt just to show hey I'm that comfortable right now I also like that he went frontside 5o down the rail before he did the back 270 live it's a lot happening 8.0 great score to set himself up going into his next run and then it's gonna happen you see you see that nine and you're like oh man 808 oohs great a great place to start on deck skater who placed third at the 2018 World Championships that was huge one of his best ever finishes another Tampa ham winner by the way back in 2007 that kick-started his career this is Felipe Gustavo Felipe coming in really strong there to trick combo and then it into that nollie flip nose blunt nice frontside flip over the pyramid Felipe always been a street skater but it's great to see him switching it up skating all these contests well don't switch kickflip down the stairs making his way across Felipe is one of those guys that's gonna probably do less tricks but he's gonna do more difficult trick so we'll see how the judges rewarded he went kickflip crook and then crook nollie flip alright good run that was a that was a great run a lot of very difficult tricks now how would you rank let's say a switch flip down the stairs done to that level of perfection versus these tricks like 360 flip lipslide is it in is it on the same level I think it is I absolutely do I think what we're seeing is you know there's not many people taking risks like that flip tricks down stairs are hard look at this nollie flip noseslide as your second trick and your unders that's confidence and and I would agree with you it's a less flashy approach his boards not flying all over the place but the perfection and the difficulty of doing the tricks that he does the way he does them unmatched and then you have that crook nollie flip super well done after the kickflip crook I think we're gonna see a solid score for him on that yep yes we are eight point eight six six that is a big score so let's check in with Chris past hrus what's up guys a lot to be determined here with this intense heat four but I will tell you what Nyjah Huston certainly won heat for practice he's just skating so on fire and just has a next-level confidence I've never seen before one trick I saw him do in practice like it was nothing was a fakie flip fakie nosegrind traveling the hard way backside down the big hubba so Nyjah is on fire but hey lots of skateboarding to happen Kelvin Hoefler is another name and I think it's interesting to note three of the skaters are Brazilian in the six-person heat so this is one for the books gonna be epic cannot wait to see what Nyjah puts down thank you crisp Astra's in the mean time 2015 world champ on the course right now Kelvin Hoffler helping visit and keep the front ship there right there abnormal for him he is usually a skater that's gonna stay on the entire time he's done a great job putting together this run so far but with one fall that's gonna affect the score from people down the realms and ending it with the big spin from Jorge makes it in time there was a lot of tricks right there no stranger to the detour Calvin off Fleur 2017 winner third last year he is he's always almost a guarantee to make final it is just it is a rare day where he struggles in the qualifying rounds and doesn't make it because he can do it both he can put together a run that super super well done and then he has the level of tricks to get the high scores when it comes down to best trick and his consistency is always there I love this kickflip back board it almost looked like he had the potential to fall right there leaning a little too far over to the one side but he held on all right this is where things turned around his back truck just didn't lock in the front one did but with how much wax is on there is really sketchy oh but he needed at hanging on that back foot score of 7.5 for Kelvin Hoffler on his first run we're gonna see we're gonna see more from him we're gonna see higher scores and Nyjah Huston I love this version of Nyjah I love him getting so fired up right now kickflip into that bump 360 flip over he's the defending world champ he's been here a million times he's done it balls nollie front feeble oh nice kickflip front board and cross it down this man is calculated he knows the format better than anyone in the entire world and arguably is the best Street skater in the world look at that back 180 nosegrind and a half cab half-cab crook really interesting in a you know run and then to see both him and Kelvin do it coming in fakie cap comp board well done and in a half cab blunt reverts all right at the buzzer a perfect run flawless did it all talk about that run well I think his approach for starting it off separated him straight out the gate kickflip off the bump into that wave is really difficult it doesn't maybe look that hard but trying to roll away on that bump is incredibly difficult then following it up with a nice 360 flip and that was the easiest trick in his run it truly was you got this nollie front feeble the timing so so good so popping off the front where timing is everything landing in the back truck kickflip front board across and down and it's answering back to Kelvin who went kickflip back board and then cab front board there at the end into the half cap blunt 180 look at that focus right there poppin right before the stairs perfect and I know I don't want to say effortless because I think what's great about Nyjah is you can see the effort look at that score a nine four nyjah's first run only the second skater of the day of the weekend to put in a nine in the run section and I'm gonna say he's just getting started because if there's one thing we know about Nyjah he tends to step it up on that second run if he puts it down he has always always something more to give because he's smart and he's playing the strategy and he has a million tricks yeah unlock that he can turn to whenever he needs him back on deck Chris Joslin in for his second two runs he is in 24th place first run scores a six point one not bad he could do better but take a look we've got high eight this is a really really good heat right now yeah this is when you start to question how many of the skaters that are currently seated in the top eight are gonna get bumped out by the time this round is over oh nice gap to backside lipslide for Chris Jocelyn with a little over 20 seconds left coming in switch oh he makes the switch here we saw TJ Rodgers do that earlier at best trick no one is better in the world at jumping down gaps and flipping the board yeah I wish he would have made that kickflip front 50 he's got five seconds can he pop another trick off before and big spin that is the Kris Jocelyn trick right there and I'm stoked he was able to get that so that he didn't end it on the fall and you know he's gonna make that backside big spin every single time but that is so hard to do it on that spot at the end of a run over the gap down the stairs no problem for so Jocelyn 6.1 on the first run but leaving it up to the judges with the fall gave him something to dock his score with score is what we saw him fall in the back three in the first room so I think I think that could be an improvement trying to work his way up the leaderboard there we go six point seven six good enough for 18th place for now and we know no best trick is safe from Chris Joslin well set off nollie crooked down the hubba this is a small course for him too as a whole he is so used to jumping as big as possible switch heel making it down the big gap basically saying these stairs are not big enough for me not even close and then that big spin right there he didn't even have a ton of speed he just kind of ran up and threw down for it [Music] so Yvonne Montero coming off a nine in his first run and he is a precision machine super consistent so even if he goes and puts the same run down and gets a high eight it's a strategy perspective it's it's definitely not bad you're right now Andrew a lot of variations of the 360 flip it's not there you go 360 flip down the stairs 360 flip lipslide and then does he go back for the 360 flip Oh front feeble no there's no way he was gonna go for that with that little speed what's he got here it looks like setting up forty 360 flips man Yvonne Montero knows what works for him he plays to his strengths he doesn't take a lot of risks outside of what he's known for but he hasn't had to it because his tricks are so hard we're just which is funny to say because he's not taking a lot of risks outside of his sort of you know kind of his grouping of tricks but all of those are so risks themselves back 270 lip all right spinning around I would say that one one of the least risky in his run but so difficult nice 360 flip right there then you got that front blunt really well done just showing that he is that comfortable in landing making his way across the course going to that 360 flip lipslide that we saw so his first run score was a 9.0 second run had a fall in it but still a whole slew of hard tricks only good enough for a 4.3 3 well he had two Falls because he fell on the front feeble and he fell on the 360 flip nose wash bear score that's what happened all right brilliant score of an eight-oh on the first run that was backside Smith grind back 180 nosegrind down the hubba company with a lot of speed gap to front feeble that was a great 360 but no the hardflip are the the nose blunt getting away from him so far in this heat we've seen so many great runs only one or two Falls max per run it's like we said this this has some of the best skateboarders 270 hanging on and that's time I'm gonna say that's strategy right there saying you know what I could go do something big for the crowd but I'm gonna hold off I'm gonna wait I'm gonna conserve the legs because now for him it's all about those next five first runs score was an 8.0 Marillion Jerrod is in 23rd place before his second run score comes in on the noseblunt getting away from him after that perfect 360 cliff but such a short amount of time he leaves himself to set up high-speed 360 flips straight in the nose one that's tough yeah there's another look at it it just looked like he didn't get up enough like maybe if he would have had a little bit more speed he would have landed further down the hubba and he would been fine six point three three is the score for a really injure awed on his second of two runs Felipe Gustavo coming in in the 23rd spot but coming off an eight point eight six first run score if he can get even closer I can't run score he's gonna be looking good pulling the nollie flip noseslide again two for two nice frontside kickflip over the pyramid coming in switch switch kickflip down the stairs again so such a small amount of movement in the feet and hands it barely takes any effort apparently we know it takes a ton it's just so he's so good at what he does technique is fine so Philippe gone for that same exact run [Applause] so he'll get a little bit of a lower score I think the switch look wasn't as good and he wasn't able to make the crooked grind nollie flip in time everything else about that run though was perfect a nollie flip noseslide kept keep just the way that he pops in his board is perfectly level here's the switch flip it's funny that that one wasn't as good I know and I looked score is good though seven point seven zero even with that fault judges rewarding him for what he did which was a lot and coming in next Kelvin Hoefler 2017 do Tour winner Kelvin Hoefler 7.50 didn't have the run he wanted on the first one but we know he can do it this guy is a runner fakie there wouldn't be a huge deduction for that if he can keep this run going and not fall off his board oh and then kick the back port so we saw him almost do that on the last one and he just got his weight a little too far over to the right side to be able to hang on oh man so this is gonna put a ton of pressure on Kelvin right now he is super good in the best-trick section but there is a comfort in having those two scores on the board back tale big spin Kelvin almost always comes out of the run section with at least one huge score syrup feeble the fact that that's not gonna happen for him here in Long Beach is gonna be a test in his best trick section so we'll see what happens with Kelvin but this is abnormal for him not being able to make a full run it's almost unheard of sir but probably gonna make nice you feel pretty good because Kelvin is certainly a competitor when nyjah's at his best in a way he was beat yeah he came off a nine on his first run and I'm gonna call that a safe nice 260 flip dolly from people getting that back truck in locking in perfectly easy coming across the course nice kickflip frontside boardslide taking it to straight there's so much control with that one back 180 nosegrind coming at the hub of locking into the crooked grind on the half step crook he still has 15 seconds left all right nose grind so right now we're seeing the same run from Nyjah perfectly see if he switches things up cab front board hey do what works he instead of doing the half cap blanc 180 out yet for the fakie nose one nollie heel in didn't make it so instead of getting a 9 he'll get an 8 point something yep but right now he is being strategic he knows that he got a great score on the last one for him he's probably like I can do that run again I'm gonna get a high eight I need to get my way in there you know what people have to worry about what Nyjah is when he's laughing after a run yeah a good time you know it's serious that's when he can't be stopped yes when he starts to stress out then you think ah you know maybe he might fall him like when he's having a good time watch out yeah back 180 nosegrind so balanced there was like no wasted movement in any of that run everything was done to perfection it's almost like he's optimized his skating you know we talk about optimization all the time and he's doing it on his skateboard wild that cab front board if he would have made that switch the switch blunt switch heelflip in could have been lights out eight point seven zero just what we expected seventeen point seven zero total score for Nyjah Huston you know it and I I didn't mention this this is I hate to say just the semi-finals but this is just the semifinals for Nyjah - he's very confident that he can probably make it into the finals and we will see him step it up once we get in there before we go into the best-trick section let's check in with Chris past wrists for an update on this course what's up fellas yeah the general feedback on this year's due course it's the best two course yet the skaters are digging that it's got great flow it's super diverse yet there's a lot of legit Street obstacles which the guys are loving it's also basically symmetrical which everyone feels is a fair game and I think it's interesting to take note these smaller obstacles like the small flap bars or the or those smaller ledge obstacles are pretty much irrelevant points rot wise unless you've got something super difficult and super unique like a Louie Lopez back Smith back 360 that's course used points but for the most part the bigger obstacles are scoring bigger points thank you very much Chris pastures you're watching the Dew Tour this is the men's Street finals heat number four of four Nyjah Huston is in the hunt for the final we have best-trick attempts coming up when we return [Music] million team is a force to be reckoned with and they are on the course here in the semifinals but none of them are in the top eight yet Gustavo Romero up on top from Portugal followed by source storage arrived from Japan and Matt Berger now Ryan disenzo is in the cut for now in eighth place but expect those scores to start dropping soon Ishod Wair yukito Aoki Ryan disenzo all with those 28 scores it's a big gap between the Shawn Jordan with that 31 point five five and then those those three with those 28 if if a skater does not have a 30 posted from heat one through three they are in a highly vulnerable position and even if you're in the third spot as Matt Berger is he knows you could get bumped out only the top two are safe because there are six skaters here in this heat for oh man Jocelin huge big speed to start things off yes oh man that is why he is here and that's why he's the best in the world love about joseline jumping yeah he's gonna find a way to go huge on this course backside big spenders curious to see where the judge is he'll look at that all the way to flat Chris Joslin trying to make up ground after two runs that didn't go all the way together as planned and this is a great start the first of five best-trick attempts and that is as good as you can do a backside big spin that is as big as you could do it excite big spinning on this course there we go rewarded nicely with an eight point zero six what I'm excited about is he can do that he can backside flip it three flip it arts of it so we'll see where it goes I want to see him doing mash and doing tricks that work for him yes that's kind of been our theme today is play to your strengths right do what you do best all right B by Montero he's in 22nd place coming off of a one of our most technical guys out there Oh first try 360 flip noseslide bigs been on the bump to ledge flipping in shoveling out he's gonna get a good score is there any number of 360 flip variations that he would have to do before it started to count against him now I know again that trick is incredibly technical but 360 flip to something you're 60 flip to something else I think because it's still do I mean I think it for two years from now and he's still running that game mm-hmm maybe even next year but at this moment I still think 360 flip noseslide big spin is good and get the points copy that but every single one of his five tricks was 360 flips will see this seven point six six I think the judges band have said okay we've had enough of the three slipper cuz 360 flip noseslide big spit is difficult on paper that trick could be mid eight are really injure ah coming in after yes dr source right did that tricky 9.0 that was about as well done and you can do it that is the aurelion trick i would expect the same score alright phase look at that we did it he has to pop it so high to get that nose of the board over he catches it way above the rail look at how lofty that was he's got to be a foot over that thanks catch him probably that last foot or so of the rail take me know what I'm gonna add this I'm not I'm not sure that Sora went to fakie so I really and did it's good for another point one three nine point one three highest score off the weekend I'm really moving up the leaderboard right now with at twenty three point four six he is closing in on those bubble positions Felipe Gustavo this first of five coming off with two great runs all right Philippe is coming in switch right now Oh switch kickflip frontside tailslide down the hub saw him doing those in practice he was nailing it hopefully we'll see it here today Kelvin Hoefler his first run was a 7.5 second run was a complete write-off so he needs at least three of five best tricks here this is an interesting moment because this is where we will find out if Kelvin is as prolific as we keep talking about he's got five attempts he has to put four amazing ones down if he has a shot I like that laughing I mean cuz he's so good that was just too perfect he truly is so good he knows that Berger got a higher score on that one I think it was in the eights if I recall look at that big spin front line even almost didn't get it with those wheels so after putting down that first of five looking at scores Andrew he's really gonna need two big scores after this yeah he could be okay with just two out of four he won't need three eight point seven three that's huge that's good he's on his way but he still has work to do you're right I was kind of discounting that 7.5 because it's not what we normally see from Calvin but it was still a solid score to get on the board Nyjah Huston in for his first attempt coming off two really good run scores nollie backside lipslide ah you can see he's stoked all right popping off the nose of your board he'll flip going blind side down the rail to fakie look at this I love seeing Nyjah so fired up he's the defending world champ he just he just came from a win at hex Games in Shanghai and he's he did it just like he's doing it here just having a good time and doing his has to work with those oh man here's another look all right so pop it before the stairs man now I just used it on fire right did we mention his win at London I mean he's won everything lately he's been he's been looking exceptionally Nyjah asked yes it's weird so all he needs to do is one more trick eight 700 he might not even need to do one for this right now 26.4 he needs another trick he has to do another I don't care if he doesn't he should be in the cot with those it goes two runs Jocelyn Josh coming back back three that's what we want to see from Chris Joslin and I love that he was able to make that first trick because this sets him up to get in there potentially of course if the judges at some point go hey Chris no more no more launching still changes Corsa 8.06 on that big spit that he did see where they go on the back three I think they're gonna maybe get balloon a little bit of a lower score look at how well he did that that's gotta be 16 foot backside 360 and he's landing so much further than the ramp back three big spit seven point eight zero that's a good solid score based on looking at scores from skaters well hey Chris Joslin just moved into the top eight he's in seventh place ryan disenzo pack your bags you're going back to Canada could you be a little nicer Paul I love you Louise all right Yvonne Montero we'll see where he goes with this one right here he also only needs to put down a halfway decent trick in yukito how he is gonna be out of the tux he's going three foot nose one he does set up for it see in the finals well he's gonna be moving into the top eight most likely and then it's a matter of does he hang on to that spot or does or does not fully pay in Kelvin and all these others bump him back out it's not over until it's over that's three flip knows once could not have been any better down the handrail again three flip trick yeah look at that come on locked in perfectly [Music] that used to be a video part ender trick on much smaller rails than this one eight point eight zero scale at twenty nine point seven nine D has moved into sixth place and Yuki Doe is going back to Japan are you gonna tell him to pack his bags the bags things are changing alright a really injure art started things off with that hard flip frontside boardslide got a nine point one three needs a five point two seven to move into the top eight look at 360 flips nose grind on the bump to hubba that'll be a big ones Orillia Jerrod will have three best-trick attempts left to put that down he doesn't need a trick that hard to get the score he needs to advance into the top eight part of me hopes that he just goes for a huge hard flip just to put it down and get the score like right where Jocelyn's going because he knows it'll get a good score we'll see back in coming in switch there we go wish kickflip frontside tailslide down the hubba a perfectly done if the skaters here in heat for continued as they're doing they will all be in the final and let me clarify when I say perfectly done just because it's perfectly done does not mean that it's gonna get a tenth it means that as far as that trick is concerned and the score for that trick it could not be done any better thank you and that was perfect so look at this flipping it catching it sliding half of the hubba right there landing bolts it's even it is art we're just relaxing by his eyes so so smooth the way he rolled away from that that is Felipe's first score in the best-trick section 8.0 good enough for twenty four point five six and he is moving on now Ishod Wair is highly vulnerable in seventh place as Chris Joslin is in the cut in eighth but Chris Joslin has more attempt still to come and he has a six point one to drop Kelvin Hoefler he's like intelligence to be more fits you're good scores yeah this would be if he puts down something big this would be his third high score there we go kicks the front blunt that score will be huge thinking smart that's the trick that he knows he's got which is funny because that trick I know kickflip front blunt fake it's all relative though you know it's like if Nyjah we're gonna do the nollie heel back live and be like that was smart skating for nice right right cuz he knows he's got it and you're gonna do it so kickflip front blunt right there for Kelvin it was a really good call in this moment these are the best skateboarders in the world so the the standard is so high look at that flick he caught it so high above the rail placing just the tail beautifully done and taking it to fakie so that's gonna be kelvins fourth score but he's he's got a two point nine six still on the board and that's gonna have to go away but that'll move the leaderboard excited to see where it ends up eight point eight six good enough for a twenty eight point oh five overall and Kelvin hofler finds himself in 12th place very close to the top eight in points with three attempts left though it is on all right Nyjah Huston back on course coming in fakie he did not need to try something that crazy right there fakie kickflip it looked like he was maybe gonna go fakie flip switch back 50/50 that is wild that's how good Nyjah Huston is and we gotta assume that's how good he's feeling on his board almost invincible well and he's still got two attempts left our three attempts left right so if he still got three attempts left that was basically him saying hey I'm gonna throw this out there we'll see what kind of a score we end up with and if it doesn't work it's okay because I will adapt because as Nyjah Huston he is that good so here's where we are after four scores in heat number four four here in the men's semifinals of streak at the Dew Tour Gustavo Ribeiro for Portugal still up on top Chris Joslin from heat for just coming on in Yvan Montero coming on in you pedo disenzo louis they're all out of the final but we have poorer we have digested knocking on the door ready to just take over felipe Orillia both skaters looking to make their way in all right let's go any attempts three attempts left here in the final heat of the semi-finals 24 skaters being cut down to eight all these skaters in heat 4 in the hunt for a spot in the final tomorrow all right Chris Jocelyn is gonna start things off for us dropping in for his third attempt where is he going it looks like he landed his third attempt I heard the crowd cheer I'm gonna take a guess I'm gonna go nollie inward heel flip 180 that's my guess but we will see nollie inward heel flip 180 saw him doing that in practice nobody help maybe Nyjah but nobody else is doing that trick so Joslin trying to drop a 6.1 he's already in the top eight but he wouldn't be safe unless he's moving on up that leaderboard which he will now do with the score that's gotta be I think that's higher he is actually one for sure oh not zitzer is coming to the judges booth 6.80 barely better good enough to move Joslin up 1 placing seventh is Schad where is now in 8th place you know what the judge has just told him they were like we'd like when you go really far but when you jump off this it's not as impressive jostle we know you can go big fair enough Yvan Montero he's in sixth place his most score is a four point three three all right back to 70 left to 70 out did a lot of sliding on the ground I think the judges are gonna dock him for that we know he can do that down the handrail you know on the bump terrific metric is very basic for Yvan Montero it's not a groundbreaking trick it's good but there was the slide factor yes hopefully we get to see a replay just trying to drop a four point three three here's another look all right so the backside 270 live relatively standard for him but he basically spun the whole thing on the ground full one-acre yeah now that doesn't mean it's easy it's definitely not easy but the judges take note and give him that six point seven moving Yvan Montero though up in the fourth place so he's on the he's in a very good spot I really enjoyed coming home trying to put whoa fourth score down brilliant needs to make another trick yes he is outside the cut Felipe Gustavo it's kind of crazy he went hard flip back 180 vs. just a regular hard player I think it may be just as easy for him not just as easy it may be the same to him that he isn't the master of that trick every time a shoe flies off it always looks so much worse than it is you're like huh Felipe Gustavo trying to put his fourth score on the board and when he does if it's anything at the level were used to seeing from him and he will be losing way way up he needs a four point to to get himself into eighth place coming in nollie flip front side nose slide he's such a difficult trick we saw nollie flip back side nose slide down the hubba in his run but going frontside on that he's a completely different animal and once again as perfect as it could it be done there we go so pop it off the nose we're timing is everything flicking it but then you have to turn the line side and that's not the way that naturally it happens when you nollie flip it's gonna pull you behind you and so when you do a nollie flip to front side nose slide you have to be really really careful to make sure your angle is right to get into that hubba Ishod Wair on the bubble in eighth place no it's on the shot is out we're out of the bubble in ninth place and Felipe Gustavo moves into third oh right I'm sad about that because I love to watch a shot but that one that one right there was undeniable all right count hablar he's in 13th place he's dropped trying to drop the two point nine six four point three for better routes him into the cut that was genius he is a very smart competitor just like you're saying he knows the format he knows the scoring and he knows where that's gonna have him land he just wants to get in that topic and then move up the leaderboard with two more attempts absolutely waiting to scores cat-back lift this one relatively standard for Kelvin Hoefler [Music] going to 70 get in the middle of his board on the rail taking it to fakie a cab backflip for Kelvin Hoefler shout out to be demerit crew easy bring us those angles yeah contra crew cab backflips an easier trick for him relative to the rest of his ability level but it's gonna get him a good score 6.90 thirty-one point nine nine Kelvin now it's sixth place overall Chris Jocelyn now outside the bubble and to Shawn Jordan on the bubble Nyjah he's not in the cut I like the way this is going right now we've seen killer eyes you kind of be like oh you're a dog kick foot front ported oh you do that same trick I got it no big I like that you know how like if you're at the spot with the Bros that's bad form right if like oh right but but in this setting that I love it yeah he needs a five point one six to get in there he saw the score the Kelvin Gandhi is like oh that's what it's gonna take okay later to Shawn is he gonna pack his bags as well I wouldn't say I wouldn't say that to DeSean [Music] yeah because Deshawn is ripped you don't even want to go there six point nine thirty three point three Nyjah Huston now in second place overall with two attempts left well played Nyjah back to the top of the order two tries left Chris Joslin he's in 10th place trying to drop a six point seven six and make it into this top eight that you're looking at right there J Gilardi suddenly on the bubble Gustavo Rivera up on top Kelvin Hoefler in the cut Yvan Montero in the cut Felipe Gustavo this heat has been unbelievable Chris Joslin trying to get in there the Brazilians have shown up an arranged quick of really injure are not in our top but we know he can do it he knows he can do it but will he pull it off when it matters the most with two attempts left I can't wait to find them all right you're watching the Dew Tour this is men's Street semifinals when we come back best trick [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the men's street semifinal here in Long Beach California the Sun is setting over this beautiful Duke course and the competition is heating up it is hot down there two skaters out of this semifinal heat for are not in this top eight cup top eight advance they can make it they absolutely can and what we've seen here in this last heat is some of the smartest skating we've ever seen in competition in Asia Huston Kelvin Hoffler all of them playing it so smart it's been a pleasure to watch putting on his favorite tunes just he's putting down two tackles you know I got it United drum corps soundtrack he's going for his fourth of five best-trick attempts he needs to drop a six point seven six whatever he does it's got to be better than that oh the cab flip it's almost too much I'm gonna say that is too much right there we know he can do that trick in we've seen in the past it has scored as 9.5 he doesn't need a 9.5 but he can do that trip he can do it consistently he's Chris Joslin he has one attempt left to try to crouch in the back Yvan Montero on deck he's already up in top he's in sixth place his lowest score is a six point seven come out with I think I know where he's going with this I saw cooking something up and practice yeah it looks like I know where he's going here we go big three flip nose like bigger spin there's a lot going on there there's a lot going on there and I gotta be straight up with you from an from a perspective of you know bringing something fresh and into the course I think we're just seeing a lot of 3-foot I love that trick overkill yeah but it's too much a really injure awed two tries left he is still looking for his fourth score okay new tactic Baker spin flip front board took forward I gotta say the way he does that not necessarily that one right there in particular because he landed a little you know like whoa but I like the way he does that better than anybody else he catches a 360 kickflip and then he turns whereas everyone else is kind of like we just Biggers Mayday and then yeah and I just think the way he does it is really controlled in comparison I understand so he let's take a look alright so catch it then he puts a damn hot his back truck on the rail for one brief moment all right there you go catch in it turn in it he pretty much got into a front feeble and then he was full Twinkletoes mode that that's such a heavy trick even though was a little sloppy then at an eight point four point eight six that's good enough bring in eight point three seven if he got an eight point four place really injure awed Jay Dardenne our to pack your bags Florida here you bet that's the new Paul zitzer saying oh man Jake lrd he's out there really injure our now in look at this heat we bigger stop up in fourth place so Chris joslyn's is the only skater here in heat number four in the semifinals to not be in the top now he's got four for joseline because he needs I think it's a nine point two one yeah that's gonna be really difficult so the bubble score right now a really injure aaj 31.8 six tough look at that between Orillia Tim cheek so Matt Berger and Sora sure I know and Gustavo repair the only ones managing to fend off this onslaught from the heat number four Kelvin Hoefler please kickflip back tail he's playing with us he's just he's just being smart he's trying to just improve his positioning at this point he's in seven kickflip back tail fakie it's gonna do better than that six point nine we saw that earlier for perjury and that may have been crucial because if Orillia n-- makes when he's out there trying to Joslin does too he was he was still vulnerable but if he moves up another spot or two here's another look at that kick with back tail trying to improve his placement because we're gonna run things in reverse order of how you qualify tomorrow once we get into the finals so from a mental standpoint that's really important [Music] Kelvin Hoefler moving on up third place overall score of thirty three point one nine he has guaranteed his spot in tomorrow's final round all right here's where we're sitting with the top eight they're on the left ear screen a really injure OTT down in aid look at this he needs to drop us 6.9 nice she Houston the one of the most insane skateboarders of all time he'd drop a 69 to keep moving up the leaderboard I think we're gonna see flip juice thank you back side nose grind on the bump to hubba that was incredible that's how good he is Nyjah Huston proving why he is the defending world champion coming off of wins in London and in Shanghai and he's on his way to the final and he still has one more look at this okay popping fakie landing on that back truck [Music] fakie kickflip I would call it switch back 500 on believable so fakie flip nose grind we won't we won't argue about naming conventions well no because realistically if it's a switch trick you have to pop switch yeah oh man waiting on the score just for fun just to see how high that score goes eight point eight zero good enough the overall score of thirty five point two zero Nyjah Huston takes the lead and if the finals look like this current standing sheet Nyjah Huston will be skating last tomorrow look at all those flags that is incredible good-looking batch of countries right there so here's where we are before we head into the final attempts here in the men's Street semifinals heat four of for [Music] Chris Joslin needs a nine point two one to move into the eighth play spot and that would bump a really injure awed back out and he's gonna be our first skater in so we will find out very quickly what's gonna happen and then at that point if he makes it we'll see a shuffle if he doesn't make it then it's a matter of moving up and down the leaderboard so here we go the pressure is on it all comes down to this right now for Chris Jocelyn we saw him try the cab flip on that last attempt is he gonna go for it again it looks like he might and if he does oh he flicked it it went sour that is the end of Chris joslyn's 2019 to tour and you can see how disappointed he is because he didn't have a prayer making it once he popped the tail it was already done I'm brilliant Gerrard wiping some sweat from the brow right now look at this the Americans are in 9th 10th 11th and 12th place Jaeckel Rd DeSean jordan Chris Joslin and Ishod Wair all outside that top eight and tomorrow's field of skaters is set the only thing still left to chance is the start order davon Montero in seventh place right now overall he's gonna stay in 7th place for now but Orillia could potentially move up the leaderboard bumping it down it might be for the facet that Yvonne didn't make that trick right now he doesn't need it save it for tomorrow at least it'll be the first crab he makes it in the competition you know what to follow means it's really that difficult all right Elliot right here can you move up the leaderboard with this last one hardly think he's gonna do it he's trying to drop a six point three three you've got a shoe that size hard flip back 180 aka the ghetto bird aka The Chedi Thomas Patrick is incredible he's the best in the world at it we saw so he will most likely move from e bumping Yvan Montero from seventh into ADEs but no one is vulnerable everybody is moving on to tomorrow who is in the top eight here's another look going all the way over that landing ramp hard flip catching it midair right through those legs and then backside 180 turning it blind side it's called a hard flip and then a back 180 let's make it harder all right really in 88.7 [Applause] [Music] so we're really in now bumping up into second place to play Sawa Rivero third what semi-final this is a crowed this is as good as any final you would hope to see yeah I mean this this could be easily a final with the caliber of christmasing Felipe Gustavo in for his last attempt is popping off of a ramp which is a completely different world so popping off ramps which opposite foot in front flicking it and then landing on the nose side of your board super super Felipe Gustavo's lowest score that he's trying to get rid of seven point seven zero I hope that gets him we'll see cuz the judges gave him eight I want to say it was on the fakie flip five O or fakie flip nose grind for Nyjah look at that switch flip back side nose grind just keep playing it yeah she got that 8.0 where's that gonna where's that gonna put him waiting on Felipe Gustavo score for the switch flip back nose grind 9.0 34 point one six overall score good enough for third place pushing Gustavo Rivera of a Rivera was in the lead for the last ten hours suddenly he's in fourth place that's it we're gonna have a lot of fun saying the the leaderboard tomorrow Felipe Gustavo Gustavo Ribeiro alright if Carlos Ribeiro was in there things would really get tricky all right Calvin Hoffler one more attempt lowest score 7.5 I'm sure Kelvin right now saying hey you know what I'm in I'm feeling comfortable we'll see where he goes coming in fakie at the hubba he did like a staple a staple Calvin which is the half cab nose the back tail and then surprise surprise it's not over yet yeah I mean he was like also there's a surprise and then he was gonna land in a fakie manual yeah what a display of skateboarding here in the semis especially for Kelvin you know we saw him come out here today not have the best runs he's ever had and then he really was able to put it down when it came down to it the best trick it's showing he was so close to that it was that one foot was just a little off Kelvin Hoefler it's gonna finish in fifth place Nyjah Huston up on top with one this is probably what incredible semifinals here we've seen tonight in Long Beach out of heat for Chris Joslin the only skater not advancing into the final round there is no safety with skaters like this line up in the mix let's send it down to crisp Astra's who's standing by with Nyjah Huston so Nyjah you've got a renewed focus here at Dew Tour this year you are on fire tell us what's going on man I'm stoked I'm stuck this here's going good so far and I'm sorry you're trying to keep it going see you constantly having fun staying on your board tell us how important it is to have to stay roost and have fun out here yeah it really is I told one of my buddies that recently just like can't think too much you know that's why I like throw my headphones on and get a getting a little groove and just try to try to act like you're serious normally skating with your homies or whatever you know and you are representing the USA the Olympics takes how much is that changing the game here at these competitions it does change a lot I mean I feel like I feel like everyone's definitely taking everything a lot more seriously like I mean everyone's trying hard to get out there in the finals and stuff you know it's gonna be I mean especially the US and Brazil I would say I mean very competitive countries you know I mean you're there's so many good skaters from each one so uh yeah I mean it's it's gonna be crazy but it's going good so far and I'm the only u.s. in the finals so USA let's go amazing job Congrats will see in our finals Nyjah great job today yeah brother congratulations nyjah huston the USA up on top followed by France and Brazil and Portugal more Brazil Japan Canada so many countries represented here today those are your top eight moving on to the final Yvan Montero snatch in that last spot and look at his overall score Andrew a 32.16 just to make the cut that was a very tough cut and that was some of the best contest skating we have ever seen from the perspective of strategy here today and going back to the Olympic qualifying point structure these results count skaters best two results on the year down towards their standing going into 2020 so Nyjah Huston looking good for America Jake deshaun Chris Joslin and Ishod Wair are gonna have to duke it out the rest of the year and heading into 2020 [Music] this was an amazing semifinal the finals are set don't go anywhere we're gonna wrap up the entire day what do you think Andrew I'm honestly blown away by what we saw tonight I think and watching throughout the day we saw salt like look at that kickflip back tail big spin when it mattered the most I think that's kind of the theme is you know for the ones that squeaked in there from you know the strategy perspective it was all about putting it down in that moment but everybody else are really really big our contest vets they came in and they handle this [Music] so thank you so much we're gonna wrap up today's action we've got more to come and a special performance tonight with Warren G here at the Dew Tour from Long Beach [Music]
Channel: Dew Tour
Views: 102,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2019 Long Beach, Action Sports, Board Sports, Chris Joslin, Extreme Sports, Ishod Wair, Matt Berger, Nyjah Huston, Olympic Qualifier, Olympics, Ryan Decenzo, Ryan Sheckler, Skate, Skateboarding, Sora Shirai, Sports, Yuto Horigome, Dew Tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 9sec (7869 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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