2018 SLS World Tour: Huntington Beach, CA | FINAL | Full Broadcast

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] you know Southern California has been the epicenter for the dream and the progression and the innovation in the evolution of skateboarding and it's amazing we went from would wedge ramps and jump ramps and like rail slide curb to perfect terrain the cement is elite we're not in an asphalt parking lot we're actually in a skate park that's made for skateboarding you know that evolution has really pushed the level of skateboarding SLS has been a huge event that really has gone all over the world and for it to come back here to the Vans off-the-wall skate park here in Huntington Beach this being my head Park it's almost like a dream come true cuz I never thought in a million years growing up that it would evolve into what it is today Street League is one of the main categories that has pushed the skill set of what is possible in skateboarding and we're gonna see tricks that have never been done in competition and that's what I love to see I love to see the progression of the sport being done in competition that's how we did it back in the day and that's how I'd like to see it today [Music] hello and welcome everybody we are live from the band's off-the-wall skate park in Huntington Beach California the place where singing came from we're right off the beach the waves deserve skateboarders skate spots and legends are in the building it is going to be an absolutely incredible day of final skateboarding this is the final stop before the world championship in Rio next month thanks for tuning in I'm Paul zitzer up here with a legend in his own right Chris Cole thanks for being here as we are gonna be bringing in Andrew Ken and the third member of our crew later on but first it's the finals and based on what we saw in the prelims earlier Nyjah Huston is in the driver's seat he skated exceptionally well and he's going for his first win this year he's been out with a few injuries he is back his way back and he is looking in fighting form Chris didn't even mess with him I mean we have to talk about Yuto you took just won two in a row and he's going in good position to get a third gold in a row right now but he's gonna have to beat Nyjah and that's gonna be hard so that is still all to come but first let's take a look back from earlier this season just London and Los Angeles tops eighteen season kicked off with the pro open in London where two new pros joined the SLS roster after 30 qualifier battled it out the top seven advanced escape with SLS pros in the prelims four of those seven qualifiers survived the cut to the final along with four SLS pros in one of our most diverse finals yet with France Portugal Japan America and Brazil being represented Felipe Gustavo Kelvin Hoefler and the qualifiers all held their own in the final but Yuto hor egami continued to drop 9 Club scores and when he landed his fourth one he sealed the deal for his first SLS win of the four qualifiers Vinson Malou and Trent McClung were the top two that joined SLS after London we hit Los Angeles for the next stop of the 2018 SLS World Tour with Nyjah Huston back from an injury la was to be the proving ground for Yuto the course had something for everyone which made for an exciting prelims with 30 SLS pros battling it out to make the top eight cut to the final Chris Jocelyn brought the heat qualifying out of the prelims in first and made the cut along with Yuto Nyjah Kelvin Manny Santiago Tommy Finn and Felipe Gustavo the final was intense Kelvin Yuto and Nyjah slayed the run section the best-trick section was full of nine clubs like Jocelyn's cab flip and Manny's varial heel 5050 down the big rail the Hammers kept dropping giving us a new leader after every attempt but Yuto was ahead of the pack by the last attempt Jocelyn and Nyjah couldn't put down the tricks they needed so Yuto took home the back-to-back win as you can see it's been an absolutely incredible season so far and it's gonna continue here tonight Yuto coming off back-to-back wins he's here in the final but he's gotta Nyjah to deal with and they're trying to work their way toward the world championship for the first time ever Chris what do you think what does that leave it skateboarding that's huge for skateboarding I mean skateboarding is all about progression and it keeps it keeps advancing and keeps advancing and this is just part of that it's just going up there we're gonna have our first ever world champion it's gonna be really cool to see now let's send it to Andrew cannon who's gonna break it all down for us hey what's going on you guys I'm Andrew cannon one of the hosts of SLS and I'm here to tell you about our all-new world championship in the past the top eight scanners from the season advance to the super crown now here's where everything's gonna change moving forward only the top floor will be locked into the final leaving four open slots these four open slots will be fought for through an exciting new world championship format that includes a quarter and semi-final as well as an opportunity for qualified skaters around the world now all of your favorite pros will have a shot become a world champion do you guys even realize how much this is gonna change the final so up until this point we've known all the eight skaters going in now we know the top four that have ripped for the whole season and then we have this whole pool of amazing talent who basically are gonna have four wildcards in there completely upsetting the finals it's gonna be insane for more info on the world championship breakdown and details visit street mcduck all right so that's the breakdown of the World Championship and on the corner of your screen those four skaters have already qualified into the Super crown final at the world championship they are here in the final today you're gonna see him putting it down everybody else is fighting for a spot in the semi final in Rio but first for some insight into the vibe on the course let's send it down to Andrew Kennedy thanks Paul down here on this amazing course and unfortunately though we're getting some intermittent wind started blowing in right around that last heat and all the skaters out there said they're really feeling it some of the guys are switching up their strategies Nyjah Shane O'Neill DeSean Jordan said he's gonna power through it and Mark tsutsu said he's gonna he's gonna power through it but he's definitely feeling a little bit nervous about it so that's one of the craziest parts about being outside on the course is you do have these conditions the Sun the wind and it's really going to affect the skaters as we move into our finals right now back to you guys thank you very much Andrew Canada it looks like a light wind but when you're on a skateboard a light wind can feel like a gust and mess you up quick so now let's talk about how Street League works with the basics there are two sections to Street League the run section and best-trick section each skater gets two 45-second runs followed by five best-trick attempts the top four scores from each skater regardless of section then get close to get skaters their final score so now let's get set to meet our eight finalists skater not the one tonight just making it into the top eight cut is the frenchman vincent Malou he's a rookie this year the SLS qualifying in at the London Pro Open and putting the hammer down ever since hey Chris Joslin the big jumper he's coming for nine the best finish ever was the second place in Los Angeles first year so he's going for his first win and then a new face in SLS this year that's all that's bit marsucci what's a skater skater absolutely he's inventive is creative and he's doing really well today yeah turns out you can put a run and then this guy doesn't really need any introduction mr. 9.9 Shane O'Neill he's skating in his first final this year however found his brood here in Huntington Kelvin Hoefler 2015 super crown champ he's been placing third third third ever since going for his first win since that 2015 super crown ant you tell her [ __ ] ago man back-to-back wins so far this year going for three in a row that is almost unheard of that would be crazy he struggled a little bit in Freeland he's here though and I think he's gonna turn up the heat all right DeSean Jordan he won Chicago 2017 so we can make it happen this is its first final of 2018 he's gonna have to hold it together though Rios and Nyjah Huston skating with his night final out of 39 tries he's been on the podium almost every single event who has more XLS wins in 81 he has four super crown wins Nyjah Huston this is gonna be an incredible final no question about it no not at all I mean if the prelims for any indication about what type of show we're about to get its gonna get real on there I mean Nyjah was a was getting exceptional for Nyjah like there was no questions Vincent Balu our monster making the cut skater out of prelims just squeeze it through any bumpkin Tiago Lemos out of the 8th spot to get here then Sigma lose skating in his first final since London where he placed second not only didn't break at the sls of one day he got second place this is his first two months coming out strong little shifty flip [Music] that hub is pretty hard to hit Wow yikes a bunch of a bunch of Falls but pretty heavy kickflip boardslide in the middle of it started out with that nice frontside one so few big tricks but in prelims we saw a lot of low scores there weren't a lot of nines flying around not even a lot of aids probably not gonna be a very good score though no six point eight that's pretty good that is actually a pretty high score with a few Falls that Chris jobs were one of the skaters that you will see in the world championship super crown guaranteed his spot just by making it here to the final he's his year has been great it's a risky move that big spin front nose but he did make it in prelims [Music] that's what he does best in the world yeah in the world not just what he does best but also he's the best Abbot in the world yeah Wow solid that was yeah four down same exact time oh that was a good run good right great start yeah I wonder how they're going to judge this run because I feel like Vincent Malou run with scorn kind of high for me were falling most of the trick this one's got to be higher this one has to be higher and then what if somebody puts down a perfect run score inflation 7.2 don't agree with that what would you say I would say that's fine but the 6.8 should do all right let me give you a breakdown of the pylon on the left ear screen and how it works below the skaters names are the run section of best-trick tabs the top four scores will be shown in white and the drop scores will be shown in gray below that is the leaderboard the current skaters name is highlighted in white and after their attempt their name will be in grey until they skate again the leaderboard updates after every single score and then finally on the bottom tab you see what score the skater needs for the lead if they can't take the lead you'll see the highest placing they can get with a score that's the pylon next in this is such a treat to see mark suit youth not only at SLS as a pick that was a great choice but him coming through beating 24 other SLS today to get here to the final mark suits absolutely and he's doing it the way that he does it he's skating in full mark suits you mode very creative different smart he's just doing it it's it's pretty cool and like things like that like a little backside air on the quarter pipe how cool is that not like his thing but he's he's making it all work [Music] that is a sick one front shove it nosegrind 180 just everything should go wrong but he pulled it and and it usually does for the rest of us yep [Music] switch front feeble in his line he was reeling that thing in like all the way down that was incredible such a cool start yes starting it off creative that's a hard-nosed one to two always straight up dive the nose and then turn now the switch from people that is a switch front feeble rails not short mark suit you what if he won that would be an upset of the ages possible seven point seven he is in first place Shane O'Neill on deck he missed the finals in London in LA so this is his first SLS final since 2017 Wow he belongs here it's just all the time that yeah I mean it's so weird that we watch him and we just go yep that make sense his heart tricks that make sense just ramming tricks in Shane was one trick away from being a world champ last year at the super crown like that is so good this Run has been all just incredible tricks and that was after time but we got to enjoy it it's crazy to see a human being do these tricks with fatties in a row that's as sketchy as the whole run got nollie crook yep and watch oh look how much rail he gets on this he just takes so much of it Wow that's awesome he deserves it with Nyjah still the scheme's it's the finals Huntington Beach we'll be back right after this when you're 10 11 years old you don't really know like what's ahead of you and true skateboarding like you pick up a skateboard and it's just about the fun to do the pattern [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome back to the SLS world tour Huntington Beach the final stop before we go to the world championship next month in Rio Brazil things are already heating up here in the final people going to work on this vans off-the-wall course and for more on this course let's go to the streetscape this unique Huntington Beach course has more square footage of skateable terrain than any other SLS course in history skaters that choose to start on the big section it hits a 15 and a half foot rails on either side of the stairs or launched over the van's signature gap and then from there anything goes with every variety of ledges flat bars banks stairs and hubs anyone who excels at firing off trick after trick will have a built-in advantage in the run section but making it from one side of the course and back again might still be a challenge in the best-trick section its choose-your-own-adventure and there will be no end to what's possible on this course so whether a skater is super tech or just wants to fly around they'll be able to make it all happen right here in hunting speech really caters to everybody everybody can find something that they can excel on and if they can't they kind of failed because it's incredible there's stuff everywhere everywhere next catering here in the first runs of the final in late third at last year's World Championship in LA he plays bird at the London press in Los Angeles is right up to its top night it is winning skating but he needs a breakthrough yeah that's tough I mean these are the best in the world I mean coming out heavy with a knowing nose point though that's how you do it that's a good kickflip noseslide well get least on the blows Rock thank you I don't know one attacks their run like Kelvin does he's just like he's really hitting after he's diving in like the speed but the speed dudes do like whether he goes in really fast and furious you know that's true flipping into tricks at high speed whoa sorry to cut you off but whoa hey man that was really just when you see a state of me online like we just saw you have to come with the line like that right because we've said it before many times once you get to the final there's no strategy it's bring all your best stuff it make it happen it works for it done yeah or you're just phoning it in waiting on that score score to be right now the nine point one Kelvin following it up with a seven point six that's good enough for third not just one one or two balls and these scores are falling off and I don't blame the judges for that no I don't either if this is the final six you there has to be of level here you tell him for his first run and earlier this year we saw him get knives and knives and more knives in the Rose happy hit a couple of the Yuto specials right in the beginning of the run [Music] good tray foot [Applause] whoa nice big spin front boards down that rail shouldn't look bad easy but Shane and Yuto just throw them out like yeah there you go so we saw is a prelims Yuto start to struggle a little bit and best trick please picked it back up here in the final in the run section I think his nerves probably settle down quite a bit having put down that run it's only gonna get better from here it is excellent eight point six that's a really really good score yeah very very rarely do we see nines or a bother in the runs DeSean Jordan had an amazing 2017 skating in his first final this year [Music] off to a good start so far from board up [Music] holding on to that fairway oh wow going for that 270 nose one I like that that's an upgrade from his prelim run just barely has lazy good laser - he's skating tough it's a good look and if he makes that 270 nose blunt that's a excellent scored run he made a lot of tricks in that run look at that little pop a wheelie out of that this is how he pushes all right 8.0 that's a good score to crack into the ADA with fall is heavy-duty yeah coming in next this dude Nyjah Huston call ed prelims he looked completely Oh beatable yeah he was exceptional even for him if he keeps that go away now it's gonna be tough for anyone Wow coming out of the gates with a kick foot back left on that massive handrail is shocking it's still shocking just flowing through the hardest tricks I mean a little big look like that too that's just a spot where you could fall that is a heavy heavy move look at that he almost walked out like a 540 out I like that he you know he felt it he put in a great run he's not bummed out he's like I killed it I fell at the end he's gonna come back with more heat next run [Music] look at this coming out of the gates kick foot backflip and also the fact that that sets him up for the rest of this run if you mess up the kickflip back lip right there then you got to pick up your board and start running around to try to figure it out it's risky Wow alright wait now that score trying to get a 9.1 or better for first it's an eight point three which is which is great [Music] happened to the neighborhood the possibility created for those kids by leaving this behind is a huge thing I love their bite - that's that's like I feel like if I wasn't a skateboarder and like for whatever reason I was put on a dirt bike when I was super young like that's what I would be doing ever since I've been a kid I've been so obsessed by anything motorized it's just really fun to be do bikes and cars no honestly like I can't skate every day I used to skate every single day like when I was a kid but I mean I grew up I got started getting sore I mean when you think about it I've been I'm only 22 but I've been jumping down big [ __ ] since I've been it's either skate or physical therapy I'm not skating I'm probably gonna get physical therapy for like an hour into fixing my knees and fix me one I feel good for Super Crown I think it's a really sick career that's out there is definitely a few different people who normal but yeah we'll see it I think as long as there's some good stuff out there and it'll be a good contest welcome back to the SLS world tour Huntington Beach and you are looking at a skater who is going to the super crown at the world championship and we caught up with them for some of his thoughts on what he got off the board and his thoughts on skating SLS my name is Chris Jocelyn and I'm from Hawaiian Gardens California when I'm not skating on my free time I'm usually hanging out with the fam just trying to get the house clean or make sure the daughter is all good and wife's taken care of yeah if everything is usually chillin I'll take London for a bike ride or we'll play with their toys random little things around the house well I was 20 when I had her so it was like definitely sketchy and scary like thinking like man I'm so young am I ready for this but then like grandma helped me out a lot when I like learned a lot from her from watching her so that helped out for sure skating in SOS event it's definitely nerve-wracking but at the same time so much fun because you're skating with all these people that you're inspired by and look up to and you get to like feed off their energy when it comes down to the last trick and your last try it probably adds like 10 times more pressure but then like 10 times more reward if you do land it it's like I can't believe I just did that under all this pressure the people coming up right now or the next generation will just have fun man don't take anything too seriously and just enjoy it enjoy your time on the skateboard [Music] Chris Joslin sure is mellow in real life compared to his skateboarding that's right it's a it's a good Chuck supposition yeah solid mix yeah he's currently in seventh but he put in a seven point two first run so he's right up in there and coming in for his second run Vincent Malou comes out powering through the front line Zach and look mini hunter go get that board spinal fire [Music] Vincent Mook hood at the front he'll not not a normal trick nice throw nice which crook he's like later that would Vincent blasted his way into accent-less in London with that second place finish just out of nowhere and then he's been stomping tricks ever since here is in his second SLS final in three attempts he doesn't mess around no those are good odds look at that front heel [Music] he doesn't even slow it down I mean it's a it's a quick turn quick quick that front one he knows how to do that considering he front one an El Toro rail yeah what was it like second or third try just like bang yeah well and or die man I guess all right you better you better land it you feel like 2030 tries deep no all right yeah you're evading death Chris John's live on deck second of two runs what a weird move to try good kick trips up getting some speed here nice back the ring clearancing distance on that of course I'm convinced he can big spin anything whenever is that the big big spell yeah he'd never like he just doesn't miss that trick no over that look at the distance he goes on that back three yeah all the way around there it is that's a big spent he big spins things that you would be a won't do I owe it no I guess I'll just big 27.1 that moves Joslin up into the lead with two scores on the board mark suits you coming off a six point seven first run score [Music] [Applause] you have to switch to lip I like that little backside there it's a small quarter pipe to do a proper backside air on - I'm excited every time he makes it is the most East Coast West Coast skater of all time right that's my claim so it's gonna come down to best trick is that the second run score is probably gonna be kind of weak did Stig do some moves did great moves you can see what I was talking about on the class front where yes the ollie up and then turn nosedive nose eyes nose in terms all after getting above the rail six point seven that's a solid score that's up there yeah but is the finals we've seen in LA it took an average of 9.1 to win that's what you toad in and out right so that's right Shane O'Neill oh yeah he's capable of that but like we said he usually depends on both run scores because he's a little inconsistent and best trick because he's trying too hard to stop in the universe yeah he's trying on the stuff that only he can do right now like when we see a Shane O'Neill like this though a performing Shane O'Neill because he's the only one who can deliver to us oops which I mean why not try a switch double tray thing first run was a 9.0 no calls in that one this one is a little different yeah this one's not gonna score the same it's a 5.5 to move into the lead yeah landing primo off of off of a drop that hurts seven scores it so this is the finals Yuto going for the three-peat when we come back super cool super hot really cool to see someone that young without spark about skateboarding [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the Vans off-the-wall skate park here in Huntington Beach in the SLS world tour we're in the run section of finals second runs up to before we move on the best trip to skate crowd out here and Huntington Beach I'll say that there's legends on-hand for days to skate sitting it's good City USA steep Cavalera I spotted him in the crowd earlier night you know the sword's lurking somewhere Kelvin Hoefler on deck now currently in a because that doesn't mean a thing right now firing rate tip of nose Wow relax none if it's stuck a little bit there was is he changes up in second rod he upset me so that it makes it first run it's just it's on for the second one is doing it just that right now without kickbacks textbook Kelvin Hoefler rugs you just put it on down 0:07 thought that's a great run okay so how do I get back up against shades nine that's a really good run yeah this massive snowslide look at that no sick you readjusted it to when he got in I mean you also have the half cab notes like the back is a good that's a good place to be that's right Shane had a nine point run but Tennant good good eight point six on his first run crazy that he can just do that so simply and not swing his shoulders like the rest of us too he seemingly doesn't use that weight to the shoulders to get him to rotate his upper body time right now really excited when people skate the five yeah 8.0 on his first running how does this run compare she's this is better if I'm not mistaken [Music] yeah it could've been worse right no mix-up you make that save some time so we got you got the now help in the first place with best trick still to come are we gonna see you toe shoes with brainer room we very well my explain remember I just hear John and my job yeah Savage overcooked [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's gone forever slow motions flip yeah he just waits for ya meet that on the ground wake up with that board right explore I like the foul I took about [Music] Don a fan boy how could you not look at that Wow was it because that purpose here has to be because of how he pulled off you know I mean he pulls he pulled out of it like he knew what to do 8.2 even with a couple Falls 8.2 Nyjah Huston needs a nine-point to take the lead he's got that for days he could 9.2 right now how simply he does just the setup tricks in the screamo kickflip some tre flips fake flips those are all opportunity to Paul he never falls on any of that stuff that's which is just hair-raising and he makes the path back with this time even though he's a bonus truck [Music] so he's out he's going for 9.2 of Mac runs is that within the I mean no but I mean yo that that run was buck even the tricks that we're not talking about inside the ROM and the kick foot back with pizza pockets it crazy but right after that it does it back when it snows Christ she's just straight onto the gas heavy that's also very heavy slam when it does for all twisted [Music] to use the 9.0 good enough for second place if you like what you're seeing out here that is get social and bottle one use Instagram app that's your last that's an easy one so Utah horik go man up on top after the run section can you make it three in a row cliff we'll find out I grew up skating skate part I got a whole new group of friends when they put in the Santa knows this gay part we all met from toy far places and all converged on his warrants cry [Music] very very excited about our text here on the course can't wait to see what he's got in store for us dropping in truce game officials middle name of Street League skateboarding [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome back everybody to Huntington Beach California and the fans off-the-wall skate park this is the SLS World Tour final stop before we had to Rio de Janeiro next month in Brazil with a world championship there's a shot of Shane O'Neill getting this leg workout straight to the nine o'clock shadow deal let's take a look at some of the history of development of the Nile the level of skateboarding and Street leagues progressed so much and the 9 Club it wasn't really a thing that it started now it's like all right the 9 Club is some contact teapots bulk it in for that back town [Applause] it ain't every trick you know you have to actually have a specific trick that you know neither no one else could do no one's ever seen before usually if you do an NBD which means never been done that's gonna be a ninth of the nine clubs that slam-dunk that alley-oop shot that three-pointer you know when it happens you know the crowd goes wild the skaters are all stoked everyone's banging it's the coping that's a moment to remember nightclub Chris you had knives yeah where's your best knife I have no idea sounds sick I don't keep that in my back pocket that'd be weird we'll look it up from here it's all about the World Championship and we are gonna see nice birthday is there and somebody else we're gonna see in the World Championship we could stop at he's standing by with a hazard camera right now bleep and fortunately you weren't able to make it in there today but you were just saying you had a hubris right you were kind of nursing going into this I just be fine with this uterus like I'm I just want to like skating it to get some points you know I know how important super crowd so I - I need to make it so I'll have to skate again I dressed up and then happy that I make this super garden view what does it mean to you to have the World Championship in your home country in Brazil it's my first time being my super crowd anyways it's pretty awesome you know I'm gonna have a lot of family support out there you know hey Stifler is gonna be the first one in my country and stuff so I'm like super down to represent you know like what he stoked that I made it over there anything up your sleeve you got anything in mind that you're gonna work on over this next month to get ready for it I just want to save my family for the you know the holiday that's gonna give me a lot of energy good energy and he's trying to in healed up my ankle and then yeah hopefully a good one Brazil so you're gonna be down in Brazil starting for the holidays and then head back are you gonna be in the States I'm actually gonna stay out here maybe here for 12 years it's gonna be the second time that we spend Christmas here so because I want to I want to like you know like take care of my ankle feel like if I go to pursuits gonna be a lot of like stuff that's gonna to get out of my zone so I'm staying in take care of my anklet I'm a fighter Brazil right after New Year's absolutely well congratulations on making your way in it's gonna be exciting next month congratulations Felipe Gustavo going to the World Championship and if you know anything about Brazilian skate fans they are the most passionate skaters in the world is gonna be mental down there I can't wait but first it's all about tonight's final this is the final SLS stop before World Championship now let's give it the breakdown with the bases there are two sections the Street League the run section and best-trick each skater gets two 45-second runs which we've seen and now it's time for five best-trick attacks the top four scores for each skater regardless of sections then get Tony to get standard at their final scores so Vincent balloon sitting in eighth place will be first skater in there's a look at your current standings on the left Vincent balloon you see down there in eighth place that's why he's gone [Music] hammering down a kickflip front lip he heel stomp moves he just did that down Hollywood right the 16 no like you have the first two is that like 4.5 is that what seems low plank extremely low what happened they think you didn't do it Johnson that's super super bizarre [Music] curious to see how mark suits you approaches best trick here the final does he try to join those it jumps faster does he go look let ledge heavy tech he's up he's up on the deck I think he's gonna take the escalator down them will see angled Furness loiter yeah smart right man I like use the park zoo to fan motive [Music] Wow that was gonna be sick one two you will have they'll get that next John says us Shane James put down 29.9 that's like hey you need a son that's not landing primo got magic feet he was way high over the rail welcome you know two agents pressure once it hit the rail it is just snap it board I think its core that's a good shot first place came in looking really strong so he's keeping it going now Calvin Hoffler has a 76 at at eight nine so it looks hip into the lead and you know his best trips are all eight and higher yeah he is seasoned for this section seemingly unfazed by it it's going to do what the tricks that he was going to do either way always just to recover and in the end landed it perfect that's right he can't wrangle his trick and my quick adjustments on the fly he's prepared for every type situation it seems because he's trained you know look at that hopper and Jordan one away from each other is getting good did he hit the rail going up into it also is that the dog that I heard [Music] there's something crazy going on right here much good for him being able to pull pull that trick eight point six eight point six yes what side to Houston I believe it's got an eight six and an eight eight you know Paul you mentioned this before once you crank into a spinning trick like that your shoulders keep spinning and so it's like around [Music] best-trick attempts number two coming up one trick in here's your current standings nyjah huston up on top of the 25 nine it's got good lead when Alvin Toffler is Deshawn Jordan are looking see we've got three scores over so these guys are trying to put down this would score starting right now best trick attempt number two so he made that front heel in the prelims and they scored it really well but I don't know if in finals I don't know if they're gonna score him well if he keeps doing frontside 180 tricks on the same section because the kickflip front lip got blasted by the judge sure they got beat down beautiful of a beautiful big spin best to do it he's so good at soaking up the landing and people like carrying his speed there's no like maybe it's just breezing through that landing he just jumps like this all the time the local skatepark is jumping off of whatever they got Chris Joslin imports how does he stay how long any strong mark suits you on deck he needs an eight point one to move into for business run scores with some gotta make some best tricks that's the impression you make I didn't know it suits you could also skate like a stuntman a tech stuntman just by grabbing down that's a good score suit you up in sporty place and that's with three scores only such a bummer because we've seen this before and it's the unraveling of Shane O'Neill and he's gonna keep trying harder tricks instead of tricks he's gonna make right yeah instead of hitting the reset button next to go for a bigger too many dry discharge or needs a 1.6 to move in the first gives you an idea that is a insane foresight but also great mental aim at the shop yes the hallway up to his chest we saw that trick in prelims it got a 9 is it gonna get an ID are you sure Jordan with the backboard everybody showed up for work today Street 9 lead to 9 for first that's like baby games for countless he's just coming to that and boring I don't know also no tries before it no wait it wasn't like you went to commercial break and we just all saw him trying that it just happened right now forget him let's focus off of it and step busts on the landing it's like okay I know what I need to do tonight when I pop out I just need to move that back yeah back over the bolts mommy go I'll just lean on my heel for now yeah versus point nine Nyjah kids needs a 7.6 for first now the question is does you to go may make a trick now it takes some pressure off themselves to be balanced and then just have to hope for the best on these next few tries because we've seen them struggle right here before you Tony's in 8.6 to move into third place and then from there it's gonna get interesting three best-trick attempts till the tunnels his shoulders turning but it still somehow pulled it back you two keeping it going you two three the new chosen third but he's going for his third SLS winning her own for now DeSean Jordan up on top best trick number three when we return [Applause] true skate is the official mobile game of Street League skateboarding download the new 2018 SL SL a course on true skate now expect it to like be goalie and do all these girls stuff skateboarding allows you that freedom to just choose whatever will be whatever do whatever there's so much power and that [Music] hey what's up guys manager Canyon in the past the top eight skaters from the season advanced to the super crown moving forward only the top floor will be locked into the final leaving four open slots these four open slots will be fought for through an exciting new world championship format that includes a quarter and semi-final for more info on the world championship breakdown and details visit Street League calm my name is from Riley I'm from perhaps cuddly is the only girl in that whole village skates regularly totally like and like you know she just does whatever she wants welcome back to the Vans off-the-wall skate park and the SLS World Tour Huntington Beach finals and it has been heavy so far we have three best-trick attempts left before we crown another winner in DeSean Jordan winner of 2017 Chicago is up on top with a 33 point for followed by Calvin Hoffler at Utah Hornaday has won the last two stops three tries left Chris you want to make a quick prediction what do you think laughs oh man quick prediction you toe goes up in the first place and then you some dinner [Applause] let's talk about that front heel from that was like somebody else somebody else did one part of the trick and he just landed on it look at that Barry Lowe was right about that trick yes the fact that he just wrote out of it but it's gonna be a quick score I would think and over-rotated front heel needs a seven point one to move up into third and he gets an eight point three a little bit of redemption from that four point five pick blip-blip that's right Chris John's live maybe they felt that yeah like maybe we'll give them extra tenth those those really heavy-handed Chris Joslin in seventh right now but he's looking for a sports score it's getting speed Wow yep that's how he does it that backs that flips not easy now going that fast having to having to keep keep the board high enough to go over that whole hubba for that long that's difficult almost almost striking it right on palm so he has these sitting on good scores one 1771 this is gonna be another one and then he's gonna really get a chance to go to work in his last two tries 8.34 Chris Joslin moves him up into third place Vincent Liu moves down to fourth we're gonna see that a loss yeah yes shaking up marks uchu up next he's in seventh needs a 79 for third place trying to post his fourth score very smooth really good nollie cab [Music] the way that you whip into that at the last minute you carve in right before popping your nose on Maui 360 just and it leaves a lot of room for error I was like scared when he wrote up but he nailed it six point eight boots in the fourth good enough for now two tries level four suits you from here Shane O'Neill he's got to make some tricks to falls in a row and best trick okay yeah I mean his feet are just getting beaten up right now DeSean Jordan current leader Wow I mean you it going for the win right there like really trying that's smart now it's the chance that the bigger spin flips that side you saw him drop this board he dropped this board like I'm falling at this let me get them as much of this rail out of the way as possible Calvin needs a seven seven we're better to take the lead not this time that what I think it was backside grapefruit backside grapefruit is that what you would call I call that the hoc way if he makes it here in the final we're gonna we're gonna christen that the heart or the big hall all right Nyjah coming in next leaves a 7.62 take the lead he can do that easy you know not so easy that was a hellish slant and one thing that knife has always had is that he can take a slam you do it free gnarly slam you toe just needs to make a fourth trick I should say needs to get a fourth score [Music] best trick section three tricks in the books to left to go here if the SLS Huntington Beach final there's a look at your current standings the shot George Neace still up on top with a 33 point for followed by Calvin hofler and Chris Joslin what a top three interesting mix Vincent Malou coming in for his fourth best trick attempt here's what's gonna get tricky forums she does a kickflip front lip and he doesn't front that he'll flip and then he goes over here and does a frontside flip the judges are they're gonna start scoring them back like we've seen the same trick essentially three four five times yeah so and I'm a I'm a movie fan I would I would tell them hey dude I've seen you do this other trick throw that pop shuvit back fifteen true Chris Joslin leaves at nine point nine four first like you've gone for speed he's just trying to drop a seven point one which he can do to increase his points great idea if he makes that that's a good scoring move he really needed that one though so he didn't need to get a nine point nine on his next try mark suture he's importantly trying to drop a six point seven [Applause] [Music] Shanno meal I'm back three Falls in a row he's got a hurt but he has to land his next two tricks or he's gonna finish in eight so coming in next your current leader - Shawn Jordan you'll notice he has the same score as Hoffler but it's because he's in the lead because he has a higher single turn that was a bigger spin flip front board down the big round that that was insane I can't believe you just made this especially the way that he made this who didn't hit the second hand Wow yes that he thought that Bale good for him Hey that's a nine trick the landing took took a few tenths away for sure and he just increased his lead over Kelvin so now he's thirty four point two Kelvin needs an eight point five to take the lead back we know he can do it with a big nollie lip going for that nollie 180 feeble just didn't work but it's always nice when it works out into a trick so you don't have to bail you miss but you get to ride the rail I almost caught that wheel accountable score as a seven six the nollie lip is not gonna do better than a seven six especially not when they know it was supposed to be something else right so it's gonna come down to kelvins last try to get that lead back that's exciting that is that's what Street League is all about comes down to those last tries yeah love it Nyjah Huston needs an eight point four dude it's crazy to see this I mean with the way that he put the hammer on her um like if you if you just added that performance right now that was some things Yuto is trying to put his board score off a seven point nine gives him the lead yes as we look at each other and try to figure out wait I mean that's that's heavy-duty that right switch 180 to crooked grind look how good he did it what do you think what do you think that scores here today I don't know what it scores but I know what must have been going through his mind wants that wheel locked in eight point eight that is a huge score you tell her go make moves into the lead it is on pace to get this third win in a row Wow that trophy in the middle there that's got you toes name on it right now we'll be back right after this [Music] don't be afraid of what other people think and don't be afraid to try if I can tell myself like I can do something then I can do it most the time [Music] yeah it was such a crazy thing like I have just got into the scene here in California and right when I got in the Street League is when I got my visa approved to officially become a citizen at the time was traveling so much I'd like lived in my suitcase for a year yeah I ended up going through all that and then also transitioning the living out here and that was one it was like the ultimate shell shocker there someone's going on down here I felt it was kind of cozy almost you know always people around always something happening it's so crazy down here that welcome back everybody to the band's off-the-wall skate park it's the SLS world to our Huntington Beach final we're in the best-trick section and there is one try left it all comes down to this you Tovar domain is currently your leader with a 35.2 overall score and there are three other skaters on this list right here that can take it away from them in this final tribe DeSean Jordan Kelvin Han flux and a Nyjah Huston Nyjah way down in seventh right now but it's only because he's only posted three scores when he gets that fourth score good move in to the lead here goes vincible ooh try to move into 40 I'm not gonna do it it's not gonna do it but that was it does a good good plan the valiant effort yeah Vincent balloon bestie could do with six here today great showing for the French live second place with the London borough open making it back to the final here in Huntington Beach Chris Joslin on deck he needs he's going for the nine point nine right here trying to move into third so Chris Josue better than four here today mark suits you in fifth up next trying to bump jobs went into fifth a seven point eight will get the job done [Applause] a massive grapefruit grind in done really really well for a guy for a guy that we didn't know could rip big handrails he has ripped these rails but you gotta be impressed with choo-choo absolutely he's just like he's famous for being alleged technician and he's one of the best in the world at it and then for him to come out here and do this school it is really really cool super impressive needs the seven point eight to move in the course he gets the eight point five and he does it he moves up the Chris Joslin bumps down into fifth that's awesome good for him Shane has been hurt he landed hard on his foot earlier and he's been struggling just gonna see if he could pull off one last miracle I mean his feet are hurt but even to try that trick is impressive yeah I don't know anybody doing Chris nollie flip board he's the only guy I've ever seen do it there's our leader stitch Shawn you so hard oh man and DeSean Jordan is coming in next he can take it away from him but he needs a nine point three and that's not gonna do it and there are two other skaters still in the running to take the lead from Utah [ __ ] go man the next two skaters still to come Calvin Hoffler this is nerve-racking this is what it's all about right here I feel nervous but I'm not out there Calvin Hoffler who needs a 9.5 can he get it oh wow that's a huge situation I mean that's a great trick but that's not a 9.5 trick right not not at this stage of the game no does it well does it well it does it very clean 8.4 Calvin Hoffler first place and that leaves Nyjah Huston with the chance to take the lead from Utah hora koumei he needs a nine point for youto hang on or not maybe he's gonna turn around and look the other way or he's gonna cover his face but look through the fingers season that is he saying is God bestow he was just skating around practice so mellow too [Music] that's victory lap forum yeah what do you do during victory well price up my heart of Utah [Music] switch grapefruit switch great sir yes neato hey you guys haven't seen this here you go he mighta should've kept that but the World Championship and unveiled it there oh no that's pretty cool to see right now yeah a big deposit to all of our buff banks [Music] Wow he came through prelims kinda shaky not sure if he was gonna even make it in and then dial 9.2 by the way for the switch grapefruit our winner get the congrats from a very hostile prince the ball thumps greatest of all time go and this is a greatest of all time in training Yuto hora go May 3 3 in a row a day of skateboarding we seed here in Huntington Beach we'll be back with a warrants after this skateboarding gives you that refuge that safe space that you can escape through when you have all this other stuff going on in life oh yes please let go finally - yeah what is this when I score [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] SLS World Tour Huntington Beach has been brought to you by Monster Energy welcome back to the band's off-the-wall skate park where we just saw some insane skateboarding go down once again and there are the final results making it three in a row out of Japan Utah [ __ ] ago mag with a thirty five point eight and another win and then followed by the Shawn Jordan and Calvin hofler rounding out the top three look at that once again Calvin Hoffler third place we are gonna throw it down to the third member of our crew Andrew cannon Utah [ __ ] ago me three in a row how are you feeling right now after that victory oh I can't believe it I'm so happy how are you feeling going into Brazil knowing that you are the champion so far this is the World Championship representing Japan as we go into the Olympics I miss so excited can't wait excellent congratulations Yuto well deserved [Music] three in a row Yuto hora go man and on top of that he skates away with the Monster Energy highest scoring trick of the day nine point two switch stance gracefully Wow just for a victory well yeah they didn't need to do it that's just fun and how incredible with his English is getting so much better so he lives here the us live with the Shawn Jordan and won a great so for skaters going to the World Championship in Rio bleep Vegas tava Yuto [Music] and we are gonna see you next in Rio de Janeiro Brazil for the World Championship [Music] so thanks everybody for tuning in once again from all over the world and congratulations to Utah hora Gomes for taking three in a row so for Chris Cole Andrew cannon and everybody here at SLS I'm Paul zitzer thanks for tuning in and we'll see you in Rio [Music]
Channel: SLS
Views: 1,474,728
Rating: 4.8551393 out of 5
Keywords: SLS, Street League, Street League Skateboarding, skateboarding, 2018, sls world tour, final, huntington beach, sls hb, sls huntington beach, nyjah huston, yuto horigome, kelvin hoefler, chris joslin, dashawn jordan, mark suciu, vincent milou, shane oneill
Id: iE3az5S27Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 13sec (5293 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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