2011 SLS World Tour: Glendale, AZ | FINAL | Full Broadcast

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[Music] a 30-minute drive outside Phoenix it's the desert oasis of Glendale here the Sun shows no mercy at a scorching 120 degrees so residents have decided to take refuge inside the air-conditioned safety of jobing.com arena what promises to be a dramatic stop three of Street League skateboarding CC Pro Tour fuel by Monster Energy everybody Sal Masekela here joined by my friend and professional street skateboarder Felix Arguelles excited here for this top three the 24 best skateboarders on the planet now Felix in Kansas City we had four different skaters who had a chance to win the event on their final trick but in the end it was Nyjah Huston getting the win today he's our number one qualifier on a course that was designed to be an equalizer why is Nyjah still the man to beat it's simple sound Nyjah Huston continues to rise to the occasion although the overall course is taller and much gnarlier he hasn't lost a step and continues to record points indeed and now there's two other skaters that we talked about who this course really favors well Ryan Sheckler and Chris Cole have completely run amok out there in this course that caters to their bigger more powerful style of skating and a now healthy lawn Oliveira and just his second Street League stop is in the finals and shows that he has the ability to also win this event they're just not going to hand it to Nigel indeed you mentioned luan you know we're on the road to our Finals championship in Newark if hewan was to win this event he would punch his ticket in to those finals in Newark and keep an eye on Sean Malto Sean Malto as it right now needs to get a sixth place or better to make it to that final ten cut in Newark New Jersey on August 28th he's very familiar with those top stops he's a previous winner I could see Sean Malto at that final easily all right well like a hockey game has three periods today's course features three sections for the world's best to accumulate points by making 13 tricks first up it's the tech section where three features provide the opportunity to do one scored best trick next up it's the line section now here a skater can collect five separate scores for linking two tricks together on two features and then finally it's the big section seven attempts to lay it all out on to hover style ledges a massive staircase and the rule here simple be risk equals big rewards our judges will reward points from zero to ten per attempt in the tech section only the best trick score counts remember that and then in the big and line sections every attempt counts for your cumulative score while the third member of our team is down right now with the man who has a target on his back Nyjah Huston the man to beat Erica yari all right Nyjah you qualify first yesterday you've been doing so well out here as usual going for your third winner in a row I mean everybody wants to know why did you cut off that long dreadlock hair I pretty much just did it because I had it like since I was a little kid just pretty much forever and I guess I felt like it was time to time for a loan to change you know and also you thought feeling it but just getting in your face and stuff and get a little tiring and I'm happy I did it it's comfortable and it's just new change you know new luck it looks good I like I like both haircuts do you have a different strategy for each section or do you kind of play it as you go it's kind of like both it's a strategy but you have to play as it goes too because you have to watch what the other guys are doing and what their score is and then you have to just like the difficult dude chicks to that well good luck with your three in a row Nyjah thank you Thank You Erica the key point from Nyjah he makes adjustments to the other skaters here are those other skaters Tommy Sandoval Billy marks P right Paul Rodriguez who skated strong yesterday Shane O'Neill Ryan Sheckler another man to watch luan Oliveira the twenty-year-old from Brazil Chaz Ortiz big Chris Cole Sean Malto and of course the man to beat Nyjah Huston for more on this course it's amazing massive course and what it's going to take we go down to the Commissioner rob dyrdek for the route report that's right I mean look at this thing this is probably the biggest obstacle that's ever been put in a professional skateboard competition it's like up to my neck but here's the thing despite Nyjah Huston once again qualifying first I'm telling you Ryan Sheckler and Chris Cole skated this course better than anybody over this whole last couple days they are built for this type of skating this is very big obstacles and I look for both those guys to be shooting it out in the end of this contest and just seeing you stand there puts it in perspective who is it gonna be who's gonna give Nyjah Huston a run for his money the tech section here at stop 3 our final when we return [Music] we are packing them to the rafters this crowd pumped for our final there you taking a look at Eric Koston who was on the outside looking in qualified just outside of the top nine bubble Costin now in the final why well Sean Malto went down while we were on break practicing out on the tech section he is with our medical staff we'll give you updates with him on what goes on with his condition here's our start list Tommy Sandoval Eric Koston as I mentioned Billy marks Paul Rodriguez Shane O'Neill followed by Ryan Sheckler focused Ryan Sheckler luan Oliveira Chaz Ortiz Chris Cole and Nyjah Huston and Felix Arguelles it's a really sad case they're about Malta we'll talk about him later this is the tech section break down what these guys are gonna be able to do on these three obstacles well they're gonna start off with this rail right here that's kind of gnarly because they added a kink to it the Kings kind of smooth but it's still a king now our normal bench section is now kind of a small stage it's almost three feet tall it's gonna make these technical tricks a lot more challenging and unfortunately this is the obstacle that got Sean Malto but the rest of the guys have been doing real good on it it's a kicker to an uphill rail or some of the guys actually jumped the entire manual patch of black all right there you have it now remember folks in our tech section these guys are going to get seven attempts but we're only going to count their best trick score we start off with Tommy Sandoval who qualified in our LCQ with a massive frontside flip right here that was the LCQ move right there that was the move that put him in the final and Tommy Sandoval out of San Diego having another go now Eric Koston yesterday in qualifiers took a slam on the big section injured his right gluteal muscle if you will that was the most appropriate way I've ever heard to say yes hole I thought so Costin is a little sore on his right side if you will but he's gonna make the best of it first switch tre I believe demanding there we talked with him earlier he feels it all the way down the right side of his leg and of course Eric Koston at 36 years old one of the alleged deity skateboarding who's gonna look at real challenging to compress next up Billy marks double-click to manual Billy marks is extremely comfortable with those double flips and I believe that was pretty clean shirts coram well we've seen the double foot party from 6-9 and Billy marks this season and making it work to his advantage one thing to keep in mind folks as we see Paul Rodriguez about to go in Kansas see in our tech section the best trick scores were 7.6 or higher definitely going for it right there that's a eight or greater maneuvers switch backside tailslide a switch heelflip out don't think that's ever happened in competition so the benchmark as we know it you're gonna need to be in that mid seven-point range and above to really find yourself in a good spot skateboard skateboarders out there seven pointer graders shouldn't be too tough especially in a breakfast the best trick - well you know the monster winning formula here in the tech section simple do the hardest single trick and it will get you ahead consistency not a factor it's really banging out that best trick you want to perhaps play it safer on the first several attempts to get a score on the board but really you want to move on and get one of those highest scores that we talked about in that seven point range and above is coming up next Ryan Sheckler who rob dyrdek mentioned it earlier that he was looking focused oh man he's out of the arena that's how rockstars that's how rockstars come out to gate that started out like a backside flip and he's put on the ground like seven times looks like a nine hundred or something I'm sure you're gonna do that one again cuz here in the in the best-trick section you're allowed to go back and do your trick again if you want to improve that now the judges gave him a seven point one he did put his hands down and rerun around a few big do you think he'll keep that score you know what it was sport really well I would just keep that and try something else 20 year-old the one Oliveira from Brazil Rob Dyrdek mentioned that he has the ability to win this event this is a dream section for him this is he's one of the most technical skateboarders that's ever lived and he's nearly 20 years old Chaz Ortiz out of shy town 16 years old and all business oh wow sometimes boardslide the kickflip out it's amazing to see the degree of difficulty that has stepped up in this tech section and what we saw in qualifying yesterday or you're gonna see the guys be a little bit more inconsistent in this section but it's hopefully because we're trying such a difficult race because only one trick is all they need so they're gonna try the hardest stuff they can indeed we'll see in the line section that the strategy changes as each attempt is scored but right now we're looking for that one best trick it's a contest with the in the contest best trick contest if you will as you see Nyjah definitely shows you how difficult that rail is and that kink at the end and the difference it makes well friends at home you see these interesting numbers on top of your screen you see how does this scoring work how does the scoring work rob dyrdek will explain for those of you at home this is a live scoring strip now I know can get a little bit confusing so I'm gonna explain everything to you it has six names on it and depending on what place you're in it moves right to left so let's say you're all the way in 10th place and you do a huge trick you're gonna move all the way up that board now another thing is it's completely color-coded when it's green that means that's the guy skating when it's red that means the person's already skated and if it's gray they have yet to skate in this round and to always follow what attempt they're on that number is going to be right here but the biggest thing the bubble the two guys that are gonna be eliminated are always gonna be on this section right here and you just don't want that and if you do get there you got to do a trick to save your life and that's what makes this skateboard contest so incredible one take-home aka the robber port rock taking you town now - Tommy sand of all where's he going now coming in hot that's the frontside flip that we were talking about the one that got him into this final Wow he's happy with that one Sal down was just as good as his LCQ one or better and that's the score it got him earlier a 7.9 for Tommy Sandoval he is stoked now remember he didn't point this out at the start of the event in this section we're going to lose to skateboarders correct yes before we head over to the line section to lowest place finishes in this tech section we'll be heading off to the sidelines so keep that in mind as you can see overhead in the stats [Music] Billy Martin doubleclick party mister double double flip attempt over the entire manual pad - big gap right there for a double flip if anyone could do it it's Billy Paul Rodriguez top-to-toe yesterday there seem to prove to be when the best thing that's ever happened to me amazes deepening day yes qualifying here is coming in switch oh I'm gonna be so happy when he makes that switch backside tailslide so comfortable and it looks regular and then he's trying to a switch heelflip the straight right there again that'll be something that gets him in the eight point range Medusa easily easily another another tech guardian Shane O'Neill another switch backside tail switch flip into that one Shane O'Neill's capable of doing anything out of that as well we talked about the degree of difficulty here in this best trick section we've only seen three makes in all of the attempts so far why are these guys pushing it so hard I think has a competition that's sitting next one Wow amazing perfectionist you were wondering if he was going to do it again he did it again it's definitely in a score better than the last one format was a perfect got a seven point one for putting his hands down and gets an 8.0 that he needs to move in the first place and you can cue the peaceful screams of teenage girls now that Ryan Sheckler is in the lead we were talking about this course catering to their stadium switch tailslide switch 270 beautiful about that's LaVon Oliveira kind of skate what is it about some of these young Brazilian skaters in general and the just bag of tricks they have it just seems in Brazil there's two movements of skating there's like a transitional movement and then a technical jazz going for the kickflip from board I think that kink got him there King plays a factor once you get to the end of that rail big-time well Ryan Sheckler you see that the top of your leaderboard in first place that 8.0 hasn't been a good place pull with switch blunt he's gonna pretend it's a line section you can't stop these guys wants to make a trick he just want to keep skating is that gonna be enough for a pole no a 7.0 but a solid score for him the backside Smith grind I didn't see him do that one that's usually a Chaz Ortiz trick remember seven attempts we're in the third attempts right now we're only taking the best trick score Tommy sand of all hoping things up with a 7.9 that's gonna be a safe spot for him so now you go for broke Tommy gun's just loves that big stuff going for a backside heelflip over the whole manual pad we call him the white lion he's got the face like lion-o of the Thundercats interesting fact from Casey Nigel misses first to fix the event there came back to it indeed no stranger to coming from behind and here comes the master somebody get Eric Koston some wax peas you you can see that Costin is just struggling that gluteal right gluteus maximus injury yeah we could say he has an airbag now back there it comes Billy Mars coming in high stocking the other half of that kickflip got a one and a half out of it he needed to hold two rotations to make it our jig as yesterday showed a real focus that he hasn't had the first two stops what he thinks been the difference for him honestly was shaking off an injury and I think you know I think when you're injured by pressure is different than you know when your toes little stubs and just takes your mind out of the zone that you really hopefully is gonna make that switchback tail he'll flip out Shane O'Neill out of Melbourne Australia may hey perfect switch flip backside tailslide the more difficult tricks technical tricks none out there today and you will never see Shane O'Neill's game face change make a trick miss a trick it's always stone face all business he's stoic for the young man out of Melbourne it takes a lot to get him riled up we've seen in the past with Ryan Sheckler his entire crew here he likes momentum he's got a big mix under his belt oh my goodness backside Smith grind kickflip out I don't even know how the judges could have scored that one such a difficult move on one of the most complicated ops panda skate on the course what makes that go back to that section have you explained what that is and there you see the one with following gives you that real skateboard video perspective of what's going on with these guys technically as they do their chicks really puts you in there exactly how you know when you're watching a skateboard video you're wondering how that's getting done you got good skateboarders like chase followed you around okay [Music] all right rounding up these third attempts Chris Cole coming in here looking for to win amazing Chris Cole the King makes 8.4 amazing that King doesn't even faze Chris and slide right through that thing it's gonna be tough to get that kickflip backside Smith grind through that king you know backside Smith grind normally dip a little bit and the King kind of pulls you down it's gonna be tough our number one qualifier still yet to make a trick but he has no problem coming from behind our 4 through 7 attempts here in the tech section when we return [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yes indeed x-games returning to Los Angeles Thursday night as your favorite action sports athletes compete in 17th annual X Games all the athletes with the same goal they want gold xkm 17 live on ESPN Thursday night at 7:00 Eastern coverage also available online at ESPN 3com and in spectacular ESPN 3d July 28th through the 31st I cannot wait for it myself I can't believe somehow it is X Games 17 where has the time gone we are inside the jobing.com arena Chris Cole is your leader with at 8.4 but up notes look at Nyjah Huston who is still yet to have a score as well as Paul Rodriguez and Billy marks and here is Chris Cole Felix backside 270 lipslides so perfect and just negotiating his way through that kink right there didn't even fade him it's a great crit that's a great Chris cold maneuver right there well you heard Rob Dyrdek say over the course of the last two days it was scheckler and Chris Paul dude has really skated this course of the best three logistics that Fila see would be a great way to put here in this another man fearless is Tommy Sandoval who made his own luck today in the make your own luck LCQ got himself into the final and he is not done she was going for a backside heelflip over the entire manual pad there but he didn't start early enough and caught the beginning of the gap before he's able to get the board up off the ground the white line in comes a costume remember we're in our fourth attempts now of seven best trick is one balance and we welcome all of you that we're watching the exciting Women's World Cup finish over on ESPN congratulations to Japan winning in the shootout and especially from what everything that the Japanese people have been doing this year an exciting win for their country and great game between them and the US so we welcome you guys inside Street League skateboarding and it's it's got the same sort of excitement for skateboarding as a World Cup final for us in comes Paul Rodriguez switch backside tailslide shove it played it a little safer he was looking for a switch heelflip out meet the side of the shelf you can even to get on that board South it's a good move from Paul indeed with only a few temps left put something on the board I know someone who has some perspective on this right now Shane O'Neill is going is rob dyrdek Rob Shane O'Neill looking like last time a little bit of trouble with that switch back side so the least he put in the bank the same way Paul Rodriguez went ahead and got a trick in the bank there but you know the reality of it is Ryan Sheckler and Chris Cole like I said skating real comfortable [Applause] and they still got more Brian's really out there swinging back tail flip out on that bar viridis first we saw him go for the backside Smith flip out now backside tail flip out we may see one of those before the weekend's over now remember in these final attempts we are going to be dropping the bottom two skateboarders luan Oliveira decided to make a statement about that switch frontside flip to manual he got stuck on his bench full of a couple tries you needed to put something down put down a good move right there 6.9 was one in fifth place he's on the board the average score again in Kansas City lower score was a 7.6 [Applause] had to make a chest move there when to go to check for Chaz Ortiz kickflip from board goes to Hakeem effortlessly 6.9 moves him into fifth place and back to our leader Chris Cole really going one side flip out yep from book click front blunt boy so in comes not just you stand there you go look at that the amount of consistency that we seen right here in these fourth attempts and we're in the windows Fan Zone where you see our fans using their the is X instant scoring you'll see what their score is compared to the judges seven point eight I think that kid had a seven point nine yeah so our fans they know what's going on right there they got us we got a judge ready and it's really great to have this is X instant scoring system for Street League no waiting for the judges the scanners know where they are they have a leader board up here on the jumbotron similar to what you have at home and they're able to plot watch and do the math of where they need to be if it's amazing for these guys they're skating back when there's a Jumbotron let's see how they were judged now constant switch heelflip manual could have got him a decent score but he dragged his nose a little bit and I let that slide even though we all love her so explain that again he dragged his tail what does that mean ain't a manual you're supposed to say completely balanced on your two wheels when your tail touches a little bit when you're dragging you get penalized really marks once again going to that double flip over the entire manual pad now some of these guys were plated a little bit more conservative they may end up getting burned and then a couple out the plane and really really tech that come back to bite them as well [Music] all going back to that switch backside tailslide switch heel for the bow he wants to up from his or from the switch back tail shove in comes don't say Shane O'Neill backside tailslide come out 270 incredible really put them up there you can tell sometimes when Ryan Sheckler is feeling it it's just like a little thing in his face it's like I'm in the zone [Applause] give them a couple more tries he's definitely gonna do them he's got two left I'd love to see it well as you mentioned at the top of 7.6 or higher got choose to move on in Kansas City and right now we are pretty close to that oh wow switch frontside tailslide he'll flip out man luan is just one of the most technical people on a skateboard of 7.6 that's just what we said that's that's where you need to be coming in switch switch front tail watch him set up his back foot just nollie heel flip side of that thing like nothing and could be the best landing of the day sheesh so crazy again only 20 years old this youngster out of Brazil I actually think it could have scored a little Harley Santos [Applause] [Music] puts his hand down he's gonna have another shot make that trick a little bit better again he's gonna need it you know the judges told us that at the top before we came on the area but the skater chose to want to do a trick better than me they've done it they would allow him to do so make sense the best trick section so if you want to make your best trick as best as it can be yeah speaking of best Chris Paul sitting on that monster best trick right now in that 270 boy slide through the kink on that kickflip back slip he was able to push it through the kink that time one thing we've seen from Nyjah throughout this entire tour this 8.9 is whether he's in the lead from the get-go or he starts off from behind he's dangerous in either perspective as she shows right there now here's a kickflip he locks in the backside Smith grind last times he was leaning a little bit forward now he leaned back you see how his front foot got real light right there that's to make it through that king one thing also about ninety you'll never tell from his demeanor whether he's in first place for last it's always the same Oh Jamie laid it down the front half was so perfect oh it's gonna come come down to this last attempt coming up soon this is just Rodriguez and Eric Koston are on the bubble right now this is what it was like yesterday and then Paul made that switch for pushing Eric college Eric really goes for it right there switch crooked grind half cap flip out you can see him grimacing that right leg really hasn't been pain an injury he suffered yesterday Millie March marks that mm I believe oh my goodness the Billy marks kickflip roast beef house call it the for Monday yesterday as he's grabbing it for Monday amazing he has that whenever he wants it so incredible throw it off any obstacle perfect kickflip grab grabs on the inside I mean wow I'm sure Bucky lassic is at home standing up double overhead cheering bird dudes love to see grab Manny put a hand down but that's where the most difficult tricks ever done in Street League switchback tail to switch him flip out Paul Rodriguez man it's great to see him out there doing it 7.2 what's the chances we see him go for that again in his last attempt and that's interesting to Rodriguez because remember he was on on that outside looking in on the bubble strong score good chance I could turn it against how you know why because he made it and he can only do it better than our just bill against so well he went away he's winning he put himself in that eighth spot and now Chaz Ortiz finds himself on the bubble with Eric Koston as we are going to drop two skaters in come Shepard is so punched him and ready to work today you think this guy wants to win backside tailslide kickflip out and he's smiling be careful of Ryan Sheckler when he's got to smile on oh he was feeling this course now he's having a fun time luan Oliveira needs a nine for the lead switch tre flip up there real comfortably is trying to manual but couldn't keep those wheels up alright Chaz Ortiz needs to land something Ortiz was last to make it in in Kansas City similar similar spot where the end cakes look from FIBA go to trick for Chaz and that kink almost caught him at the end and he's trying to clear it oh he made it in on his last attempt in Kansas City perhaps that will happen again today as back to the leader Chris Cole these guys are really going to spend vicious stuff right here you get to see a lot of creativity in the progression of skateboarding in this section right here because it is the best trick you're going to see some stuff that you may only see this paper or video in person to credible [Music] [Applause] now you just went for a frontside nosegrind a nollie inward heel flip ow I'm probably one of the sketchiest obstacles I've ever seen in my life Nyjah Huston try to make it three in a row Chris Cole though is our leader Chaz Ortiz on the outside looking in can he get in on his last attempt we'll find out last attempt in the tech section coming up welcome back inside jobing.com arena Nyjah Huston your leader but the real story Chaz Ortiz on the outside looking in there with Eric Austin Chaz Ortiz sitting with that score right now was 6.9 the best score the Chaz Ortiz has ever had in the tech section a 7.6 he definitely has what it takes to win but he has to make a real tough decision right now it's either gonna be that frontside boardslide the kickflip out or the kickflip Front feeble that almost grabbed his rib on the kink of that rail right now and you take a look at Tommy Sandoval who's sitting in that bit spot as Tommy sand of all moves along in this event so do his chances to make it with us to Jersey to the final so we'll keep paying attention to that destiny Tommy is about to go here in our seventh and final attempt here in the best trick in the tech section oh did not right now he was going for that backside heelflip again white lion-o doesn't get the rotation but you know what as it goes along Tommy's gonna get stronger and stronger because I have a big section really caters to this day skates with reckless abandon Acosta has nothing to do but go for it right here so it's a switch trigger and a half cab flip out I've seen him do this before doesn't pull it out you better put your hands together for her across a class act right there skating what an injury indeed constant going to the showers and the mere fact that he even was able to skate today with the injury that he suffered yesterday it's just classic Costin with a smile really shows her and champion Luigi heads home but back to the matter at hand Billy Mark's going for that double clip that triple that time no that was double just looking for a little bit more insurance you gotta remember these guys gonna skate in reverse order in the line section so they still want to move up a little bit as much as to breathe in the line section Paul Rodriguez knows that Chaz Ortiz is right behind him and wants to knock him out of the box he needs to do something here switchback Tunnel Hill robot could definitely do it and this is it right there opens a small window for Chaz Ortiz he had an opportunity there to put himself in a safer position now Chaz Ortiz could actually seal his fate it's a really tough story right now Chad's gonna have to choose between the rail who shakes Dixon in 270 out but now back to Chester two brothers gonna hit the rail with the kink or hit the bump to the rail flipping into one and flipping out of the other equally both difficult it's gonna be really tough choice for small kid [Applause] [Music] that's it just like flippers so high he was above the rail after he flipped out of it again all weekend long it was this guy Chris Cole really with that showing that they like this course Chaz Ortiz just sitting there watching this right now a lot of stuff above his head 360 flip to manual one olivera's definitely move up a notch with that one 8.3 big score for this the third place foot spin third place and it's his first final here comes Chad Ortiz he needs to land this trick to move on going for the front floor to flip out oh that was normally a signature trick for Chaz in contest as an amateur a little bit more challenging gap to that rail going up hill way to go for it well Paul Rodriguez just breathed the big sigh of relief and the young 16 year old Chaz Ortiz we will see him in Jersey because he finished so strong as type 1 & 2 you know that he is already automat the final these hazards a great season he'll still be at the final just toughness each as our final team is skating Street leads so consistently now look at these scores you know I'm up at the top there we talked about that 7.6 medium and these guys right again in that range now I've never seen this trick done before on this tribe front side nose grind nollie inward heel flip out just shows the level of skateboarding Nyjah Huston skating at well Nyjah once again proving why he is the guy going for a third win in the row followed by Chris Cole luan O'Neill and Sheckler then Tommy Sandoval Billy marks and Paul Rodriguez just squeaking in there Ortiz and Costin they will watch from the sidelines with the audience next up its cumulative scores in the line section Chaz Ortiz see in New Jersey line section coming up next guys [Music] welcome back folks a coverage of Major League Baseball continues on ESPN Monday and Wednesday night first catching a lease rival e on Monday Night Baseball at 7:00 Eastern as mr. 3000 Derek Jeter and the New York Yankees take on Evan Longoria and the Tampa Bay Rays then on Wednesday night baseball at 7:00 Eastern Albert Pujols and the Cardinals facing off against Carlos Beltran and the Mets major league baseball on ESPN Monday and Wednesday night both games also available online at ESPN 3 dot-com from baseball to skateboarding and we just got done with the tech section where we said goodbye to two skaters and Chaz Ortiz not a guy that you would expect Felix to not make it out unfortunately we lost him there but that kickflip front bar was very very perfect textbook Chaz Ortiz and luan Oliveira keeps moving forward that switch frontside tail - he'll flip out incredible Chris Cole's signature 272 lipslide what kink right through it indeed we also said goodbye to Eric Koston and let's take a look at our Monster Energy best trick as of now Nyjah Huston that kickflip to backside Smith grind really leaning back on that such good style watch our lightest footage gets real light at the end there to let it flow right through that King remember the highest scoring trick of the event gets a fifteen thousand dollar bonus and the monster best trick trophy sure knows what it's like to see knows what it smells like to win he knows what it's like to get the $150,000 first prize cheque as well as that Monster Energy best trick again 150 grand at stake today as you see Costin straight from elimination over to the fans that's one of the great things about Street League is the kids really have a chance to meet some of their favorite pros and in skateboarding Eric Koston is literally a living legend a deity if you will I agree 100% and this scheckler I told you be careful of his smile let's get to know young Ryan Sheckler in streets to the league I think I realized that I could I could get paid from skateboarding or possibly make a living at it when I was 14 or 15 after I had been sponsored for you know a couple years and then I won the X Games at 13 somehow miraculously and you know from it all it was kind of like wow that's that's a pretty big prize purse I'm stoked like this is cool like can this really happen it's like these contests are so sick and the Street League really kind of just like came in and shut it all down it was like this is how the contest should be and it's real street and this is the guys that we're gonna have in it and you know the second we get there I'm gonna go see Peter on the street or you know I'm gonna see Chris Cole and we have so much time in between everybody's go that you're actually talking to homie like what's your next trick you know and you're like ah man you start talking about it so it's actually in a sense I think it makes it a little bit easier on everybody because we can all just laugh and have fun and like you can graduate every day when it comes back off this trick so it's like you know give the back that clean vibe it's pretty cool and big thanks to DC for that streets to the leaked presentation their young Ryan Sheckler what he's done since the first time we saw him you know at slam city jam at 8 9 years old I've been Vancouver to now is incredible and as we see a Chaz Ortiz there also with the fans we'll throw it down for a preview of this line section with rob dyrdek Rob well first of all not often you see Chaz Ortiz get eliminated that was a really big deal you know but what happened is Paul Rodriguez Jr finally moving on to the Lexx X line section where I think he's gonna do really well but check this out the thing about this section is it's very evenly matched almost every one of the top guys had a score of 22 points from their 5 tries so this is going to be extremely tough who I'd give the biggest advantage of this line section to would be Ryan Sheckler he's been doing the big long tricks across the bar and if he chooses to break out that frontside bluntslide we might see a nine for the first time in a line section but it's gonna be it's gonna be a shootout it's gonna come down to the last trick I have a feeling a handful of guys are going to be up against elimination on this one I definitely think luan Oliveira is going to be a factor out there as well indeed we'll drop another two skaters the line section coming up things get critical [Music] it gets hot in the desert folks welcome back Street League is a great party for the fans they get to come meet the dime squad as we call them for monster girls but the safety from that hundred and ten plus heat is inside here the wonderful air conditioning of the jobing.com arena escape fans fired up for the line section break it down Felix now here in the line section these guys gonna have to make two tricks if they don't make both tricks they will not be judged we have this gap here we either choose a gap over the entire patch into the bank or just slide across that double-sided wall which then now fires them at this bump two rail bumps a flat bump over the rail onto the deck or just choose the double set path which you really have to land your first trick perfect to be able to maintain enough speed to clear that double set I just love the options it just brings out so much creativity and remember friends as you take a look at our start list you see Paul Rodriguez Billy marks Tommy Sandoval Shane O'Neill followed by Ryan Sheckler luan Oliveira Chris Cole and Nyjah Huston remember now we go cumulative in the tech section it was best trick now skaters can add up five points each attempt critical one of the reasons why these guys went so hard here in the best-trick section because they appear now in reverse order the line section it's a bit of an advantage to see what line the other skaters doing and what you have to do for your grind those big right out the gate with the kickflip over that double set Billy marks not an extremely strong line section ascator and usually the average is about 1/8 it's a pretty decent start off line for him he gets a three point seven and coming in hot [Applause] who you just found out Tommy Sandoval is in the final he will be joining us on August 28th a Jersey by making it through the tech session so congratulations to Tommy and who starts things right off with a nice make continued skating so well congratulations security popped out my shield Neal comes in with the nollie flip into bake pool and it look like what's a backside Smith grind attempt slid out to boardslide and he lost control there jumped off but once again unfaded never see much of an expression from Shane something who's really been expressing so Ryan Sheckler stops off the frontside bluntslide thanks to our DC camp we're riding along with them right there in a backside Smith right afterwards Ryan is looking so strong out here the kid is in focus mode and remember there's only been three skaters who've won this event before Ryan Sheckler not one of them he would like a win as well as young one Halla very dispersed final said he has the ability clearly has the tools yep he's moving along comfortably look at him just playing over that double set quick two pushes in a 360 flip right over it nowand being so young is one of the skateboarders with the most control I've ever seen it's incredible amount of time he spent on his board he gets a six point four for that line [Music] remember we'll be dropping another two skaters as Chris Paul starts things off with a big kickflip hey Chris Cole made that big gap look so small a kickflip there so effortlessly then that backside lipslide fakie could get really critical if it sticks on him he sliced it really smooth gets a 5.4 for that good line one of our strongest line skaters average is about a 27 every event and now you see why and the DC cam giving you that nice perspective the monster winning formula for the line section consistency becomes a factor now that we have cumulative scores a combination of two tricks yielding the highest scores not playing it safe on the second obstacle the judges do not want to see you played safe they will penalize you hard for that yeah they really want to see a strong line something that you know you may see in a video mrs. first trick on his first attempt that's just not something but used to be and a go to trick the call nollie trigger grind but sometimes what happens is you don't stop isn't as wide strides a little sticky the skater before you may have taken some of the wax off but Paul's line right there is really smooth good way to start it off after a bail five point six with Paul Rodriguez who like a few other skaters that come from California brought out the whole family his wife and young daughter here with them and Billy marks now on course nice little trip out here to the desert see that's a fact I was talking about sometimes a little less wax that you wanted sometimes a little more wax and you want to be able to negotiate that in the middle of slide is really really the game here second attempt for Tommy's handle wall I wonder if he knows that he's going to the final as he came off a little nose heavy I don't know if Tommy can compute that much information that quick that's a lot of information right now thanks to our instance foreign experience here the is X we have an up-to-date information throughout the entire event someone showed sail Tommy though my change is uh his head space in the event yeah hey buddy you going to Jersey black Shane with a clean line that he missed before perfect backside Smith right over the double set what is it with Shane where you just don't see much expression into when he's out there in business on Twitter he does a bunch of he owes you took video so you have a sense of humor he likes jokes just not in the office frontside feeble grind Batson ad out that's a pretty big drop right there and a gutsy move in an event that is a palace boy six point seven for Ryan Sheckler fuel at the elite members of the nine Club yeah Ryan was very sweetly because he really takes those risks and he gets a big reward some of the highest scores in the history of Street League six out of nine point eight just call me up slide one side to start things off getting that nice bottle camp perspective I get the feeling of like a truck or a train or something just steadily moving forward picking up momentum getting more aggressive looking stronger like Creek chris is skating style is just so powerful well when you stand next to him you like do you see a big dude yeah definitely one of the Spartans skateboard Spartans senior member of the squad of 28 years old compared to Nyjah Huston at 1600 FPS backside lipslide to say you look like you was asleep five five for Houston scheckler is our leader right now things get heated here with our three more attempts accumulating scores who's going to get the hundred and fifty grand they don't want to give it to Nyjah again Felix Arguelles Erica Ari and rob dyrdek as we are going into the third attempts here in the line section Paul Rodriguez looking focused remember will be dropping another two skaters in this section tail side to straight over the rock app takes the more critical approach there Paul knows the double set [Music] Paul averages like a 17 in this section pretty decent he's known for his lines in Kansas City a total score in the line section of around 16 points moved you forward and total cumulative score with tech points was right around see Ryan Sheckler already won up there first place Billy Marx look around in a feeble grind clean line for Billy Rob I know you're doing the math right now what are you thinking well I know what I see more than anything is is my secular Chris Cole and Nyjah Huston right next to each other again you can see how strong Ryan skating both him and Chris I really believe they're gonna they're gonna all rack up points it's going to be a shootout in this big sector Tommy Sanz of all with a secured seat to New Jersey keeps racking up some more points there with another line remember at the top of the show we mentioned that in Kansas City had stopped - we had four different skaters in that upcoming big section each with a chance to win this event on their last trick how exciting would it be to have something similar on the big section today but right now we got to get through the line and see who's coming with us hey Sal you know it's only better than a Street League contest is that the next Street League fine check let's start things off with a nosegrind DC follow cab hey how about I just big kickflip down the double set just to say hello oh I think Ryan can kickflip anything he has speed for he has one of the best kick flips in the game and he gets a 5.7 for that line smart skateboarding from Ryan who earlier in the Street League he didn't know how to dial back his again on his first trick but frankly earlier it really did completely know how to strategize but he's really shown that he can yeah he really stuck to the elements I'm just really going for a year at the street and now he's really Cole is really showing shame two events half captive straight in a frontside feeble grind now Chris Cole has one of the deepest bags of trickling you know he just alleys up the Eurocup another 360 flip into the bank he's still skating off horse forward shepper up focused on him so he does that long 20 foot Smith line right there on the critical side - he's hanging off over the hole drop effortlessly hit like a ramp skater just like that he bumps himself back in the first place Sheckler in second so the shootout starting early I've said it before at 92 either nice to drive or sit in chocolate backside Smith grind I really like how Paul skating this weekend sitting in fourth place we don't count him out we didn't know if Paul would even skate more than one section yesterday but he's dialed back that injury all I know take stubbing your toe to escape this walk stub my toe every day Billy parks he's on the bubble right now in that seven spot is this going to be enough to move them into that final six I think he's kind of hoping lon bales some stuff because he knows the one really goes for it and he's playing the safest school lines could be interesting his board attempts very critical as soon as he does this leader change shift another solid nine pinkies playing the same strategy hit a million marks and teammates they're doing those solid lines cuz no arm takes some risks and but not from the longer nails in line he's gonna jump right up there yeah and Tommy not really historically strong in the lion section doing real well right now Shane O'Neill is in the 8th spot there we go in line with the backside lipslide fakie ender shame definitely that lining it's a 5.6 Muslim in the six [Music] [Applause] that's gonna be big right there Sal look Fievel growing hops it back over to backside Smith grind comes off effortless we have to open it the half cap slip in death will rob was talking about how Scheck was just eating up that rail right there watch this folks feeble grind just lean back he has so much time to think about is like should I do something else yeah I must switch it over to backside Smith grind lean back real light on that foot how hard is that the dude oh gosh you'll end up on your back on that rail 20 times out of 20 times pops is real stoked at their highest previous score for scheckler a seven point one he just got a seven point six for that one sets it off right there over the rock gap and frontside flip I was telling you on both those explosive lines he's in eighth place right now that score is definitely gonna move him up Shane O'Neill's a little concerned right now looking at that jumbotron eight point two pumps up the one in the fifth place shake Shane O'Neill down now Tommy Sandoval has to look over his shoulder he's on that bubble all that fight to move on strong we'll slide 506 all the fifth and final attempts are gonna it's gonna be serious man we look at how many place changes we've seen right now just in this attempt pill shower really liked it that Luann's out there there's just no safety he's just Punk oh oh that knows granite started to droop over a little bit Sal I thought he wasn't gonna make the distance and he's still knowledge it over the three stairs to fakie even I just like Wow 7.5 second place right now just behind scheckler don't forget to walk a free ride encore this isn't enough on facebook.com backslash Street League that's after our final but the fifth and final attempts here in the line section they're gonna be critical stay with us welcome back folks inside our final here at Street League where we have a shootout here in the line section Ryan Sheckler Nyjah Huston and Chris Cole sitting one two and three as you see scheckler just abusing the round rail to get himself in the lead he got a seven point six for that line but on the outside looking in the bubble Shane O'Neill and Billy Martin's we will only take six skaters Billy marks is capable his single highest trick combo in the line section eight point two points he's capable of doing it again here this is the fifth and final attempt who is moving on to the big section to the shot at a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for first place all entry gets has been skating smart and inspired all weekend needs a score there he goes but now he knows where I got a little sticky at the beginning but he was able to push it off and then saves that line with a crooked grind right there you could see him looking up to do the math we mentioned that you would need to have around 24 points to move on total and that's what looking to be the same math Billy marks here leads get over that bubble spot hey I don't know if that's gonna be enough but it's definitely a great shot out of the kickflip over the Rock camp and then a double flip over the double said that was kind of funny 7.5 and just like that Billy Marx moves into earth place the fourth spot bumps his teammate Tommy Sandoval out of the safety so now Tommy sand the ball to the same position the last attempt is in the same spot as his friend what is it going to be and if he doesn't lay something down you want to say start business oh the one is extremely grateful right now Tommy sand the ball has left the building and yesterday in the LCQ it was interesting they those positions were flipped between Billy marks and Tommy Sandoval and sand of all heading home and now Shane O'Neill is going to be really tough here he does have a small shot at luan Oliveira he needs some he needs an amazingly strong line right here Shane's capable of it 360 shuvit see what his ender is [Applause] [Music] solid from people the only point six could catch one four point nine so as it stands right now Shane O'Neill making a case for himself now he is in the hands of luan Oliveira now will the one be calculated and just make a line where's he gonna continue this kid's been skating on them to support [Applause] [Music] crackers the stairs look how happy is he's having such a good day that three stairs don't even matter I'll just trample them be waiting beware of a smiling Ryan Sheckler going into the big section with that energy right there so he's gonna be so dangerous I'm gonna be nuts alright luan Oliveira looking up doing the math and I hope he's good at math she needs to float through this line he's only less than a point behind Shane O'Neill he doesn't need to do much at all I think he knows it's out tailslide fakie stay on your board buddy oh my gosh what a G a switch tray over the double set where was this coach right now at that moment this guy's a champion look at his face are you kidding me he could have probably just Ally that double set it maybe he could have walked down those stairs and got in that little fraction of a point look at Shane good saying thank you for him hey say hey thanks buddy from letting me skate the final oh you know they were laughing but we're talking about 150 grand here why why wouldn't he just do the math hey you know what's out he's got probably 20 years left of shots at that hundred and fifty grand he's just a kid you got to hand it to him for throwing it all out there but not smart from a tactical standpoint no out cold switch from bored effortlessly Chris cold master strategist deepest bag of tricks going into the nasty gnarly big section real comfortable for call 5.2 for him and with Nyjah just about to go here isn't it interesting that the that top three area is this exact same spot we've been talking about all weekend with scheckler Houston and Cole yep feels like an echo but these guys are just that talent that it's hard to push him down from the top south i watch these guys push sound I have no idea what they've got so many slide hey now I speak to a bunch of different people there's different opinions but a big spin boardslide on something flat it's so much harder than something going down neither this pointy one gets the 7.8 and says you're gonna have to take me out in the big section I'm driving the car oh yeah Wow we say goodbye to the one and Tommy Sandoval but there you have it Nigel Ryan Chris Cole Paul Rodriguez Billy marks and Shane O'Neill as we head into the big section Oh hats off to the one amazing showing here and went out like a G a switch tre over the double set indeed and congrats to Tommy sand of all who makes his way into the finals in Jersey he is gonna be watching from the sidelines can they take out Nyjah is Nyjah Huston gonna make it three in a row big section welcome back friends here in Glendale we've had a really really great time the city's hosting us these Raptors of the jobing.com arena Phil hey remember X Games July 28th through the 31st set your t-bo's live on ESPN Thursday night at 7:00 Eastern on the 28th and again it'll be on ESPN 3 calm and es in 3d welcome back friends Sal Masekela here with Felix Arguelles Tech section line section mind-boggling to see the lead changes to see the type of skating going down but just like we said at the outset of the weekend we're talking about Nyjah Huston Chris Cole and Ryan Sheckler Nigel course trying to make it three in a row what do these guys have to do to stop him from domination I mean honestly I feel like Nyjah has to have a bad day or a fluke because he just seems bulletproof we're going into a section that's probably caters to Ryan Sheckler and Chris Cole but Nyjah has seen it so being able to adapt to anything that's been put in front of me yeah consistency has definitely been the key for him but I know sheckler and Cole want this bad this as Rob pointed out is gonna be a shootout again in Kansas City it came down to the last attempt the four different skaters having an opportunity to win and seeing how glide how close they're grouped together we could see this again Chris Cole though I think I think he might be my pick today I mean you know what he's been skating so strong and just progressively picking up the pace going so hard through the line section doing some of the more critical moves on this rail and just honestly just raising the level consistently and now he came into an area that you've really really come with with Chris Cole has done some of the biggest tricks in skateboarding and now we have the biggest obstacle a skateboarding event has ever seen in front of them it's again it's a match made in heaven indeed it's gonna be a shootout to say the least the Monster Energy best trick so far let's take a look at it again $15,000 for the best trick trophy Nyjah Huston sitting in that spot right now that kickflip backside Smith grind was effortlessly bright flow flows right through that kink you don't really see backside Smith brands through a kink let alone a kickflip to backside Smith friends a little kink rail you know we see Nyjah cool and collected what do you think is his ease goes through his mind right now as he knows he's the target here as he's just been dominated I mean I don't even know if he can be faded I'm gonna ask Rob if Rob how's an opinion on this honestly Rob what's your opinion on Nigel I mean we're looking at a guy who hasn't even missed a trick yet you know he bailed a couple off yesterday and the prelims and and I know his nerves are gonna be sitting there real tight but Ryan Sheckler hasn't missed a trick either both of these guys 100% and and you better believe they are gonna be going trick for trick all the way through this but we can't count out Chris Cole nobody skates the big section like him and he's got a frontside 180 switch crooked grind that's worth at least a 9.5 we can expect to see I agree with you 100% oh well said hey let's take a look at the bill my parents big money leaderboard these are the guys heading into the big section and the only ones that have a shot at the hundred and fifty grand thanks again to Bill my parents for the big money leaderboard the big section coming up who is it going to get the big money Ryan Sheckler is never won before that guys trying to make it three in a row welcome back friends taking a look at Mikey Taylor and Sean Malto who was in our final but took a slam in practice to his tailbone went to the hospital was evaluated he said he compressed his lower back but how awesome is it that he didn't go back to the hotel put himself on ice he came right back here because he is a skateboard fan he wants to see what goes down in this final with the rest of these fans here in the jobing.com arena Sal Masekela here joined by Felix Arguelles this is the big section Felix what does it take to get the big money I'm gonna tell you one thing it's gonna take in this big section is big pop that hubba rail is almost a foot taller than any feature we've ever had in the big section the stairs are a little bit longer the set is staged for some big gnarly skateboarding risk equals reward this is Street League skateboarding DC pros who are filled by Monster Energy I hope they all took a sip before the big section and there you see our stylist Shane O'Neill Billy marks Paul Rodriguez Chris Cole Ryan Sheckler and Nyjah Huston again in Kansas City it came down to four different skaters having a chance to win on their final attempt oh this is gonna be some Mouse as Shane O'Neill in bursts trying to set it off switch in Shane O'Neill style stoic switch flip attempt five attempts at a score we continue to cue me to accumulate the scores I'm sorry seven attempts now as we move forward in the big section what's your strategy let it rip that DC cam right there pushing all up in under Billy marks thanks to chase and you really see what it looks like in a skateboarding video didn't have a crooked grind right up in your grill so you said the letter grip in seven attempts you want to put something under your belt bigger was in this big section everything is so critical I don't know if there's a safe move to be done yourself pink these guys all know what they can do and this is just time to do what you can do down the stairs and then step up what you normally do come onto one of these Hummers has definitely taller than anything you've ever skated Chris Cole in the back section lands 69% of his tricks and he just showed you right there that consistency I mean that holds zero pool is what they live for was big gnarly hovers and stuff somebody else who lives for that big stuff is Ryan Sheckler and a big score 7.3 look at that looking so comfortable up there with a backside Smith grind well the story last season the champion Nyjah Huston first two events Nyjah Huston with the wind can scheckler or Chris Cole finally say stop it for a minute it's our turn Nigel's gonna see right now about that starts off in classic nyjah form the perfect art flip now in the past Ryan's consistency has been a little bit low but he's totally shaped those vibes now and he's on point today all right well this winning formula today in the big section monsters winning formula fearless approach for the big tricks you cannot play it safe you have to have the ability to skate an oversized obstacle a landing tricks when it matters most when these guys showed up Wednesday and Thursday into the arena they were visibly intimidated by this sections the biggest hover that Rob says has ever been skated in competition these guys have stepped up to the plate and progressed you know what's how half the guys that walked in here were a bit disheartened and then half the guys I walked in here were really excited and for the guys up there are the guys who were really excited when they saw that Hummer isn't that interesting shows [Applause] the man from Melbourne Australia you would never know what he's thinking Shane yeah this does not give you a clue oh if Shane O'Neill was a professional poker player you'd be bummed he definitely wouldn't need the sunglasses sure no sunglasses needed just stone face you know watching Shane O'Neill and this is switch flip is so strange it's almost like watching fall mr. switch them just doesn't really happen or Billy months finish at a blur when shows you how big this section actually is [Applause] [Music] I was looking really focus [Music] [Applause] there's that Paul Rodriguez whistle if I told you about that thing hits his feet and you can just let him go off of anything he's just gonna drop land compress perfect perfect P rod style again he was six point seven was injured yesterday showing no signs of it today Chris Cole got one make oh that hub is just not big enough for Chris Paul sparking out there maybe he actually was in 300 I could I don't know I'm not insane take your shirt off but seven point four two big scores you see Paul Rodriguez the charge for that top spot too big makes become shekels 360 flip this is an incredible final all these guys are also going to be in the final in New Jersey six point three now he's in first place not too pumped in the second let's start that first place shuffle oh my gosh once questionable whether nyjah huston was going to be able to skate these hovers that myth has been shattered with the fearless backside tailslide turning your back to that huh gasps ow I mean I call it a death sentence you can see look at that flying for a second perfect backside tailslide and this consequence is to be paid if you don't come out of that correct oh man you don't want to leave a leg up there Sal you don't want to think the grounds a lot closer than it is and land early you Jama need shane o'neill still unable to get a make here in the big section but as you can see in the top with you on the top of your screen it is a three-man race now we got to keep an eye on Nige in check there's gonna be the first person to fail Billy Mark's stuffing it right there saying don't forget about me oh yeah he's always comfortable in the big section 6.5 we got three guys up there top three spots flawless in the big section Paul just lost that switch heelflip right there stayed a little vertical on him he needed it to level out to get his back foot on there again so Justin it happened it's all about these big three right now Chris Cole can he consistently stay in the seven point range and above Chris Cole's like Nyjah I got a back tail too buddy [Applause] such a scary move for such a high obstacle and they give him a six point six for that one let's check their God backside lipslide he some compressed when he came up that hubba there's like a 4-foot drop at the end of that hub of three and a half foot he had to compress you so much pressure six point nine amazing checkers in rare form he was to hold on to that top spot south that's the ollie so high to get over that locks and then backside lipslide now you know what that hub is so wide is taking up a lot of space between both those trucks you really had to lift that to get off of there oh man Sheckler in first at the eight point Nyjah Huston needs a 4.2 I just watched an AI jet exhale is almost like a motion oh oh I take that back oh my god ice cold ice cold backside 180 nosegrind and just like that Nyjah back in the lead look at the smirk and forth back and forth it's it's really just a tennis match I have no idea King Cole come from behind scheckler knocking on the door with that big backside lipslide but this is the man Nyjah Huston going for three just got to listen in to Paul Felix in myself just doing the math trying to do the math and where things are gonna be here in our fourth and fifth attempts Shane O'Neill set to go Rob dude if we welcome you into the fall with us here things are about to get credible Shane monito grannie sound nollie heelflip yes you don't he'll definitely struggling but who's not struggling and Isaac Houston Ryan Sheckler happy missed a trick yet and my stomach I'm about to throw up I'm so nervous please don't hey you know whatever fails could be the deciding factor right there every trick count right now yeah those guys both at a hundred percent Chris Cole at 88% and Paul Rodriguez what a great performance from him his first time making it to the big section this season Oh looking for that switch frontside flip over the big stack but didn't get a good snap off the take-off alright Chris Cole right now comboed needs to put up a big big score to have a chance oh really going for right there 360 flip 50/50 how does he get up that high onto the hubba well you saw 11.1 points behind needed a big score scheckler man we've been wondering we've been wondering when it was going to happen the frontside half cab flip little pressure on Nyjah right now did you see the intensity on his face as he gets the 7.8 gets the high five from Chris Cole they want to take Nyjah out look at this perfect flicks how frontside half cab flip just caught perfect landing nothing is too big for Ryan skaters are up there giving them love Brian totally focused all the pressures on young nine just face you can see him breathe in exhaling he's used to this pressure though South indeed he could never tell from the looks of it the pressure that's actually on this kid what is going on all over again Bravo you okay you okay out there up it I can't even breathe oh there's a respirator - Rob please and just like that Houston now back in the lead look at the flick on that flick yeah I can get up here - this kid seven-point-six falling proof [Music] perfect kickflip five O'Brien and little he was gonna fall off he's so good that he held it on there compressed and made it look above their face how happy they are it's a car you want to drive again okay you take the wheel I'll be sitting here - shotgun looking over your shoulders if you get lost I got my phone it's great to see the mutual respect they have for each other and Shane O'Neill its Rob said add a little bit of a tough go but still putting it down here at the end don't cut him out he's in fourth place right now it's gonna take some big big moves to catch these guys I don't think he can do it they could definitely improve his standing Billy Mark's huge kids with no slide man these guys are skating the hubba like it's just a little legend apart makes you really wonder what's it gonna take to challenge these guys will there ever be the obstacle that's unscalable I know this was supposed to be the Intimidator these deals are not looking intimidated quran published in the flick on that switch frontside flip he frustrated with himself but no doubt he's got to be happy that he made it through here is Chris Koch going back to that three foot fifty-fifty yes he is [Applause] what do you what do you what do you score that you know is awesome mathematically his place could not change if he wanted to 8.9 deal puts it down and gets the big score that soothe Chris Cole is look at the 360 flip 360 degree rotation 50/50 grind the board flips once he's so tucked up and compressed look at his face trying to make that oh my goodness dude is a monster alright scheckler just over three points behind Nyjah has to make this going big right there Ryan's going big or he's going home he's going out gunning and I just really happy about that relieved a little bit of pressure it's gonna be interesting to see what trick he chooses to do right now it's a victory lap it's a victory lap for Nyjah Huston I'm sorry wait a minute we use the seven attempts we were in 5-7 attempts I take it back seven attempts 5.6 we're still in this [Music] [Applause] we're still in this right now this is what happens when you can get too excited man seen skateboarding like it's in front of your face at frazzle anybody Oh Shane O'Neill looking for a backside nollie flip right there all right man you resettle seven stars you're so over yet you're so out of breath you feel like you're on your board out there Oh Billy marks had done that yesterday for the Mercer best trick the kickflip crooked grind I think he's trying to get back on there again [Applause] let's get her up Paul Rodriguez Paul Rodriguez had a big switch trade on this stack I thought I was gonna see that a little earlier he's still looking for that switch frontside flip switch tre Wow so perfect he's so much more difficult than the switch frontside flip getting nails at first try and he gets rewarded with a big 8.4 man big risk big reward where he was cold going now oh my gosh blizzard flip 360 ollie with the kickflip and he almost made it first try that's the trick ease he's won best trick contest but always always what does Shaq we need here these nine points behind Shaq was gonna have to flip out of that huh magic remember he's a member of the nine-point Club oh yeah no stranger to a big score 360 ollie who doesn't get it opens up a little bit more space Driscoll come rise scheckler gave Nyjah a lot of reach you see Nigel smiling because he now sees he's done the man he can put it totally without question out of reach of Ryan check his hands with a make here he's done the math and that's why you just saw rookie grind right now that's called insurance right there are we watching the three-peat manifests right in front of our eyes the most dominant skateboarder in competitive history could be this little boy right here 16 years old by the way as we are heading into our final attempts Nyjah putting Ryan Sheckler in double digits early Chris Cole Paul Rodriguez Billy mark Shane O'Neill and Nyjah Huston will be taking the victory lap on his next attempt unbelievable they stay wondered if cutting off his dreadlocks was going to do something to his power the Hercules myth was not a factor here comes Shane O'Neill this one's for the audience switch backside flip give it to him that's what a G you gotta love about these guys like competition is essentially over but they do it for the fans still does the most critical one of the most critical course of the day an eight point five props to Shane O'Neill shows why he's one of the most technical skateboarders ever stable Billy is still trying to put it down for people big risk there kickflip the boardslide on that pig humma give it up to Billy marks amazing showing here Blue Gene Billy Paul Rodriguez just bursted that switch tre what does he have left right now I got the regular ones as well kids symmetrical you don't even know which way skates front back perfect reef lifts Driscoll wants ended with the bang and he moved himself in the fourth place with that he never holds back this guy I'd love to see that Blizzard flip to end this event let's see it Chris you and everybody else in this whole arena oh my goodness amazing performance by Chris Cole just not enough to catch Nyjah can't anybody catch him and you see Sheckler congratulating night these guys competitors but also great friends and you know what they put a lot of pressure on the kids oh man the scheckler cab flip that's got him nine point eight in the past and there is your winner three in a row Nyjah Huston is going to have to purchase a Brinks truck and a security guard Oh what no need kid flip backside tailslide big spit out just let him go back up there try that again just for the people hey Sal he needs to hire a security guard he needs to get himself a Brinks truck for all his Street League earnings this kid is incredible what a force in skateboard and the folks here at the jobing.com arena got a real treat as Nyjah Huston does it again he's gonna cash another 150,000 dollar check and just look at the stats their best trick he gets the monster best trick the success rate 92% consistency is what we talked about at the top of the show is consistency making the difference of fine effort from scheckler and coal to catch him but Nyjah is the most dominant man in street skateboarding right now and I just just living that diamond life right there getting some love oh it smells amazing whole family came out to support we're gonna present Nyjah Huston with his check 150,000 bucks when we come back Street League skateboarding has been brought to you by monster Street League skateboarding is Chris Cole and Shane O'Neill are fueled by Monster Energy by dc-dc skateboarding since 1994 by Bill my parents spent smartcard designed for teens young adults and their parents and by Windows 7 all you really need for college at windows.com slash free xbox hey don't forget friends baseball Monday night baseball continuing Jeter and the Yankees taking on the Tampa Bay Rays in Evan Longoria at 7:00 Eastern then on Wednesday night baseball at 7:00 Eastern it's going to be Albert Pujols and the Cardinals facing Carlos Beltran and the Mets major league baseball on ESPN Monday and Wednesday night both games available online at ESPN 3 dot-com and we are welcoming you back here inside the jobing.com arena fans sticking around they want to see the presentation of the big check-in felix what can we say that we haven't already said about Nyjah Huston in this era of skateboarding that we're witnessing it just honestly seems like to me that he has to have a bad day for somebody else to win that is perfectly perfectly perfectly put and right now I know rob dyrdek is down there excited to present the check again tonight a Houston I think the kid's gonna have to buy himself a Brinks truck for all this money as one ladies and gentlemen once again for the third time in a row this young man right here Nyjah Huston bring it on in young man this guy is well on his way to being the first professional skateboarder to win a million dollars in contest prize money how'd you feel out there my man it felt great man all I gotta say is just I love XI League and think thank you for inventing it okay let me ask you this Ryan Sheckler was on your heels the entire way through I know you had to be thinking like is he gonna fall or is he gonna stop yeah for sure he definitely gave me some great competition Ryan such a awesome skater he does like such hard chicks it's amazing I will check this out we were really afraid that he was gonna lose all the super powers when he took off his dreads but he didn't he was stronger than ever he did not miss a single trick he did a he did he try to give you a kickflip backside big spin kickflip backside tailslide big spin out just to do that but look congratulations once again let's bring in the check let him raise it for the third time this year all right so you have won three in a row what can we expect August 28th to the championship I'll just keep trying to do what I've been doing that's the main one I want to win because I comes with those extra prizes so I'm looking forward to it guys he's trying to put a second ring on his finger congratulations Nyjah Huston and the man who scored the highest trick the one and only Chris Cole bringing in Chris Cole [Applause] Chris Cole looked incredibly strong this weekend he won the monster best trick with a 360 flip 500 or 50/50 grind down the massive hub out here never even seen you practice that man did you think you could even get it up there you know I have faith in myself I didn't know if I was gonna make it well I'll tell you what he wins all these Wonka free rides so as soon as he's done we're done here he's gonna he's gonna send this thing out start destroying this course so get ready for that but again congratulations Chris : amazing skating today well thank you very much Rob and you you heard it Felix you know Rob Rob said this kid Nyjah Huston has won over a million dollars in prize money over the course of the last year and a half he's 16 years old you wanna make a bet sell on that last event in New Jersey no that's that's easy money III think I think then we're gonna see Nyjah with the crown here are the 10 guys that you will see at our finals on August 28th in New Jersey Nyjah Huston Chris Cole Ryan Sheckler Chaz Ortiz Shane O'Neill Billy marks Paul Rodriguez Mike Taylor Mike Mo and Torey Pudwill those are the 10 250,000 dollars up for grabs in the finals that extra prizes JJ was talking about this guy's gonna need a security guard he's like a young Michael Jackson a skateboarding how frustrating is it for the rest of the field at this point when you know you come in not just to compete against the course and yourself but this dude it has to be kind of tough psychologically to know that you're kind of shooting for second it has to be kind of tough but then you always I mean these guys all like each other but you gotta kind of hope that someone's gonna bail and you gotta kind of hope that Nige is gonna have a bad day cuz he's just flowing through his tricks and his tricks are such a high level of difficulty that it's gonna be almost impossible to beat this guy yeah well you talk about young phenom you know there Tiger Woods you're Kelly Slater's he's of that deal the championship again that 250,000 up for grabs at the presenta Prudential Center in Newark New Jersey August 28th live on espn2 at 5:00 Eastern we will be there and don't forget when we go off the air log on to facebook.com/thebalancingactfans SPN crew I'm Sal Masekela again our next live ellicott telecast will be August 28th at 5:00 Eastern on espn2 from Newark New Jersey for the Street League Tour Championship and we will say good five friends from Arizona and we see ya in Jersey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sorry I see extra
Channel: SLS
Views: 107,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SLS, Street League, Street League Skateboarding, skateboarding, Tommy Sandoval, Billy Marks, Paul Rodriguez, Shane O'Neill, Ryan Sheckler, Luan Oliveira, Chaz Ortiz, Chris Cole, Sean Malto, Nyjah Huston
Id: Eaw3PiXdE9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 56sec (5576 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.